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Marlin Markle | all galleries >> rails >> NS Power on 510/511 > Long black train -Leaving Spring Grove
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04-DEC-2005 MEM

Long black train -Leaving Spring Grove

Spring Grove PA

LONG BLACK TRAIN -Written and sung by Josh Turner

There's a long black train
Coming down the line
Feeding off the souls that are lost and crying
Tails of sin only evil remains
Watch out brother for that Long Black Train

Look to the heavens
You can look to the skies
You can find redemption
staring back into your eyes
There is protection and there is
peace the same burn in your ticket for that
Long Black Train

cause theres victory in the lord i say
Victory in the lord
Cling to the father and his holy name
and don't go riding on that long black train

Theres an engineer on that long black train
making you wonder if the ride is worth the pain
hes just a waiting on your heart to say
let me ride on that long black train

but you know theres a victory in the lord i say
victory in the lord
Cling to the father and his holy name
and don't go riding on that long black train

Well i can hear the whistle from a mile away
it sounds so good
but i must stay away
the train is a beauty making everybody stare
but its only destination is the middle of nowhere
but you know theres a victory in the lord i say
victory in the lord
Cling to the father and his holy name
and don't go riding on that long black train

i said cling to the father and his holy name
and don't go riding on that long black train
yes watch out brother for that long black train
the devils a drivin that long black train

P.S. the train in the picture is over 1 mile long

Ping:for the May 17th 2008 running

Ping:for a look at the July 30th 2007 version

Ping here for the July 17th 2004 running

Toshiba PDR-3330
1/240s f/4.8 iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Guest 25-Nov-2008 08:46
I really love this one eye catching...very captivating...a true masterpiece.
joshua wilson 22-May-2008 02:11
My dad said those things are like big cadolacs, hi tech, and state of the art.
michelle 07-Apr-2008 02:08
just such a beautiful shot. v
Dave Beedon03-Nov-2007 22:48
I hear those units rumbling---what a wonderful sound.
Dave Wixx20-Jul-2007 16:17
A lovely mood. I can hear the train whistle through the cold air.
Guest 20-Jul-2007 15:55
Love those long trains across the pond!!Nice entry!
Guest 20-Jul-2007 14:15
o..the train is complementary to the song...nice.
Dave Hein20-Jul-2007 09:26
Great connection! Love the song. Grew up next (like RIGHT NEXT) to train tracks. Love trains! The sound of one will put me to sleep in a heartbeat.
Dan Chusid20-Jul-2007 06:30
Another song I haven't heard.
Love the train pic though Marlin.
Linda Willets20-Jul-2007 04:34
great entry
Johnny Rasmussen20-Jul-2007 04:24
A long train that is....good composition.
Deborah Lewis20-Jul-2007 01:19
Great capture and love the song! well done.....
Ann...20-Jul-2007 00:19
WOW WOW WOW Just brilliant!!
Cindi Smith19-Jul-2007 23:46
Love it! Love that song! Wonderful entry!
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