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Clayton Esterson | profile | all galleries >> Natural Wonders >> Roadrunners tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Lightning Strikes | Roadrunners | Coyotes | Hawks | Baby Gambels Quail


It's rather unusual to see roadrunners in Arizona, especially up close. She seemed like a velociraptor in our back yard and the other birds fled upon her arrival. I couldn't risk going outside and took these pictures through our windows.

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Hopping Down
u40/qleap/medium/36515174.230_3078R.jpg u42/qleap/medium/34187938.230_3098R2.jpg Hunting Butterflies
Hunting Butterflies
Spike Hairdo
Spike Hairdo
u42/qleap/medium/34301795.231_3124R2.jpg v3/54/14154/3/34129180.230_3005R.jpg u29/qleap/medium/34499455.231_3127R.jpg
u42/qleap/medium/34274745.230_3094R.jpg v3/54/14154/3/33954894.228_2878R.jpg Tai Chi Roadrunner
Tai Chi Roadrunner
Hops to our upper deck.
Hops to our upper deck.
u43/qleap/medium/34321385.230_3082R2.jpg u44/qleap/medium/34383944.231_3136R2.jpg Coming in for a landing
Coming in for a landing
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g5/54/14154/3/99567529.ElIpHDQd.jpg g5/54/14154/3/99942632.29IgFYa2.jpg Roadrunner
g9/54/14154/3/156572472.fKXjkoRW.jpg Pair of Roadrunners
Pair of Roadrunners