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Clayton Esterson | all galleries >> Galleries >> Afghanistan > Paghman Gardens - Then & Now
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1967 & 2007 Bill Podlich & Jon Nyswonger

Paghman Gardens - Then & Now

Paghman Gardens

A before and after picture of Paghman Gardens taken 40 years apart, reflecting the results of 20 years of war.

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KB 10-Mar-2013 08:15
I just feel the need to say that I actually put a lot of effort into researching this issue. I have reason to believe that the picture is simply not taken in Paghman Gardens, but both pictures are taken in the same location. I wrote this up clearly, and included a hyperlink to support my thesis. The instructions for posting simply say that I may post as a guest. That is what I did. Unfortunately, I missed the extra instruction, added below the other about the hyperlink. Poor layout... Too bad. I'm not going to repeat what I said before. Have a nice day.
Humans and Resources 12-Feb-2013 10:58
Sorry, but the US entered Afghanistan by proxy in 1979 to fund the terrorists known as the Mujahadeen / Taliban against the secular government, whose policies are reflected in the image on the left. The Soviets responded to the US aggression 6 months later; this timeline, long denied by the USA, is now declassified. The USA backed these Terrorists as they tore the nation to bits, continuously, until June of 2001. US Aid ended in response to failure to secure a Unocal pipeline route (Karzai worked for Unocal), and for cutting off the CIA's Heroin supply by classifying Opium like Alcohol and prohibiting its production. Immediately after the US invasion under the excuse of 911 (of which not a single Afghani is even alleged to be involved) opium production quickly rebounded and is now at record levels.
Guest 30-Jan-2013 08:19
Paghman Gardens and the town of Paghman are located on the edge of the mountains outside of Kabul - these pictures seem to be taken on a flat plain - not really sure if it is a picture of Paghman - and the area known by Afghans as "Paghman Gardens" is certainly not on a plain and still has many trees, walls and buildings (some wrecked by war and some being rebuilt or new).
Guest 08-Oct-2012 02:57
I visted Paghman Gardens several times since I lived in in Afghanistan from 1964 to 1968. I was 9 when I first arrived in Afghanistan. Places like this were a place of great adventure and exploration for a young boy. It was open to tourists and was a very beautiful place to visit. Sad to see what war did to the place. Being
01 21-Sep-2010 10:20
Democracy kicks ass!
Joe Lasker31-Dec-2009 16:07
Guest, US and NATO didn't enter Afghanistan until 2001, after the attack on US soil by Al-Qaeda based in Afghanistan and protected by the Taliban, who took over most of the country at the end of the civil war.
Yogi 27-Dec-2009 12:35
"So you mean to say there were blondes and brunettes in Afghanistan, and Afghanis invaded took away the land from the blondes and brunettes, drank all their water? ate all the grass and broke the bridge. Damn those Afghanis."

They look like tourists to me.
Guest 27-Dec-2009 09:03
Clayton Esterson, did you mean:
Afghanistan civil war 1978-1989 = 11 years
US invasion 1992-2001 = 9 years
Guest 27-Dec-2009 03:27
So you mean to say there were blondes and brunettes in Afghanistan, and Afghanis invaded took away the land from the blondes and brunettes, drank all their water? ate all the grass and broke the bridge. Damn those Afghanis.
Guest 27-Dec-2009 02:38
The trees are the most intense part of the change in my opinion.
Oriakhil 06-Mar-2009 22:13
Thank you very much for posting these pictures, which are actually considered as treasures. Paghman, that I saw it, is very different than it is in these beautiful and amazing classic photos. I am glad that at least my birth-place had a living and breathing era.
Clayton Esterson25-Jul-2008 05:22
Soviet invasion 1978-1989 = 11 years
Afghanistan civil war 1992-2001 = 9 years
albert 24-Jul-2008 10:17
2007-1967=40 not 20...