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Paul Verizzo | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent tree view | thumbnails
Kerouac Gas Station in Longmont, CO
Kerouac Gas Station in Longmont, CO
Old Dean Moriarty Found, Gravesite
"Old Dean Moriarty" Found, Gravesite
Jack Kerouac's Last House; St. Petersburg, Florida
Jack Kerouac's Last House; St. Petersburg, Florida
San Francisco or Bust
San Francisco or Bust
The Return from San Francisco
The Return from San Francisco
The Scroll in Denver, 2
The Scroll in Denver, 2
 40' Motor Sailer
40' Motor Sailer
Presidio, Texas & Ojinaga, Mexico
Presidio, Texas & Ojinaga, Mexico
Creel, Mexico
Creel, Mexico
El Chepe Train & Bahuichivo, Mexico
El Chepe Train & Bahuichivo, Mexico
Urique, Mexico
Urique, Mexico
Temeris, Jose, & Train to Los Mochis
Temeris, Jose, & Train to Los Mochis
Los Mochis & Topolobampo, Mexico
Los Mochis & Topolobampo, Mexico
Returning Home, Part 1
Returning Home, Part 1
Returning Home, Part 2
Returning Home, Part 2
Mexico 12.04
Mexico 12.04
Best of JSP to Mexico 2005
"Best of" JSP to Mexico 2005
Irwin D. Hoffman
Irwin D. Hoffman
Route 66, the California Desert
Route 66, the California Desert
Sarasota High School Ghosts and Memories
Sarasota High School Ghosts and Memories
Aerial photos of Whitaker Bayou, Sarasota, 1948 and later
Aerial photos of Whitaker Bayou, Sarasota, 1948 and later
IBSSA Changes over the years
IBSSA Changes over the years
Color and B&W Test Image
Color and B&W Test Image
Archer City, TX, Larry McMurtry's Thalia  Last Picture Show
Archer City, TX, Larry McMurtry's "Thalia" Last Picture Show
Mexican Bars
Mexican Bars
Cd's Acuna y Pietras Negras
Cd's Acuna y Pietras Negras
Big Bend, April 2019
Big Bend, April 2019