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Susan Leigh | all galleries >> Galleries >> Challenge > I can 'be square' too...
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13-SEP-2006 ©SusanP

I can 'be square' too...

music is my passion..sometimes it's hip to be square ;-))

back to my challenge:

Canon Powershot SD600
1/60s f/5.6 at 5.8mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Dan Chusid04-Oct-2006 00:58
I can honestly say that that one isn't in my music collection!
: )
Probably sounds pretty good anyway.
Jen Bixler15-Sep-2006 02:37
Hip to be square...I had the same idea!
Guest 14-Sep-2006 22:53
Wow! A real antique ;-)
I thought of this idea for the challenge. You did it very well.
Ray :)14-Sep-2006 17:38
What a treasure!