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C/ Evans

Going Home

Van Nuys, CA

* 6-13-06 *

Is this not one of the most beautiful creatures you've ever seen?
The Budweiser coach was on hand at the AirFest too & altho we did
not get to touch them, the Clydesdales were just stunning. This
was the next to last horse to get to be unhitched & then led to a
big rig that served as a horse trailer. Very cool animals ~

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Guest 15-Jun-2006 18:16
Ooooh, I love the Clydesdale horeses!! This is a fantastic picture!
Buz Kiefer15-Jun-2006 14:14
Huge things. I remember standing next to one during a Mardi Gras parade years ago and felt very insignificant.
Do they keep a cold tap in there for them you think?
CJ Burianek15-Jun-2006 00:28
I love the clydesdales ;) Great shot!
Gary Winters14-Jun-2006 20:12
Great shot -- yes, they are beautiful!
J. Scott Coile14-Jun-2006 18:16
Now I'm humming that theme ;) Majestic aren't they :)
laine8214-Jun-2006 16:19
They are magestic animals & nice to see they travel in style.
Bob White14-Jun-2006 11:27
Very colorful and I love those horses --- the beers not bad either
Sheila14-Jun-2006 11:06
Great shot! Wonderful colours.
love those shire horses.