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Steve, Katherine, and Norah | profile | all galleries >> Northeast Photographs >> White Mountains Hut Traverse tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

White Mountains Hut Traverse

On Friday, August 20, 2010 at exactly 11:40 PM I touched the side of Carter Notch Hut, and began a 54 mile (~ 17,000’ elevation gain) traverse of the White Mountains that passed all 8 AMC mountains huts. At 8:09 PM on Saturday, August 21, 2010 I stumbled up the stairs of the Lonesome Lake Hut, completing a personal goal of mine in a time of 20 hours, 29 minutes.

Before I explain the details, I would like to thank a few people. A hike of this magnitude is very much a team sport, and I owe a lot of people a thanks. To Pam Bales, THANK YOU, for your shuttle support and assistance in transporting gear, and for joining in the initial part of the hike from Carter Notch. To Erica Khan, THANK YOU, for shuttle support, and leadership of the ascent up Mount Madison…I would not have been able to navigate the Osgood Trail above tree line in darkness without your knowledge of the terrain. To Rob Powers, supporter of a July attempt of this hike that was canceled due to weather…I was thinking about you on the hike. To my hiking and training partner Bob Terwiliger, a great friend and strong hiker…I missed you out there this weekend. And finally, to my wife Kathy (pudgy_groundhog on VFTT) and daughter Norah…you were unwavering in your support and understanding of my admittedly selfish and self indulgent goal to successfully complete this hike, which took me away from home many weekends for training, THANK YOU!
Madison Hut - 4:36 AM, August 20, 2010
Madison Hut - 4:36 AM, August 20, 2010
Madison Hut - 4:36 AM, August 20, 2010
Madison Hut - 4:36 AM, August 20, 2010
6:10 AM - August 20, 2010
6:10 AM - August 20, 2010
Mount Washington - 6:33 AM, August 20, 2010
Mount Washington - 6:33 AM, August 20, 2010
Mount Washington - 6:33 AM, August 20, 2010
Mount Washington - 6:33 AM, August 20, 2010
Near Mount Washington - 6:36 AM
Near Mount Washington - 6:36 AM
First Sight of Lake of the Clouds Hut - 6:55 AM
First Sight of Lake of the Clouds Hut - 6:55 AM
Lake of the Clouds Hut - 7:09 AM
Lake of the Clouds Hut - 7:09 AM
Mount Monroe View - 7:09 AM
Mount Monroe View - 7:09 AM
Mount Monroe Summit - 7:22 AM
Mount Monroe Summit - 7:22 AM
Mount Eisenhower - 8:03 AM
Mount Eisenhower - 8:03 AM
Mount Pierce - 8:31 AM
Mount Pierce - 8:31 AM
Mizpah Hut - 8:46 AM
Mizpah Hut - 8:46 AM
Crawford Notch - 9:28 AM
Crawford Notch - 9:28 AM
Mt Tom Spur - 10:47 AM
Mt Tom Spur - 10:47 AM
Zealand Falls Hut - 11:55 AM
Zealand Falls Hut - 11:55 AM
Zealand Falls Hut - 11:56 AM
Zealand Falls Hut - 11:56 AM
Near Mount Guyot - 1:38 PM
Near Mount Guyot - 1:38 PM
North Twin Summit - 2:24 PM
North Twin Summit - 2:24 PM
North Twin - 2:24 PM
North Twin - 2:24 PM
Galehead Hut - 2:50 PM
Galehead Hut - 2:50 PM
Galehead Hut - 2:50 PM
Galehead Hut - 2:50 PM
Near Garfield - 4:28 PM
Near Garfield - 4:28 PM
Near Lafayette - 5:57 PM
Near Lafayette - 5:57 PM
Lafayette Summit - 5:58 PM
Lafayette Summit - 5:58 PM
Greenleaf Hut - 6:22 PM
Greenleaf Hut - 6:22 PM
Greenleaf Hut - 6:22 PM
Greenleaf Hut - 6:22 PM
I93 Tunnel - 7:22 PM
I93 Tunnel - 7:22 PM
Lonesome Lake Hut - 8:09 PM
Lonesome Lake Hut - 8:09 PM