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Peter Stubley | all galleries >> Black and white >> B&W February 2008 > February 23 -- dead soldier
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February 23 -- dead soldier

This is the flash tube from one of my studio strobes, having given its life for many photos. It seems only fitting that its last effort is to be a subject for me practicing my lighting ;) Ok, when you are doing the photo-a-day thing, sometimes you'll take a picture of anything!

Nikon D200
1/250s f/22.0 at 60.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Enrico Martinuzzi04-Mar-2008 13:35
i like it a lot. Very good.
Denise J. Johnson26-Feb-2008 16:07
How did I miss this one? I like it! I had no idea what it was, but I still like it.
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