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Peter Stubley | all galleries >> Galleries >> Black and white > January 28
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January 28

Lighthouse in Lachine. Yet another cold gray day....

Leica M8
1/125s f/2.0 at 35.0mm iso160 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 24-Feb-2008 13:28
Nice composition and strong silluette. V
Sonja Foos08-Feb-2008 15:33
Is it seriously that windy there? Guess the wind isn't so bad where I live. I really like how everything works here. Even the light pole works.
Karen Stuebing29-Jan-2008 19:48
Lovely winterscape that lends itself well to b/w. Beautifully composed and framed.
Katie Chew29-Jan-2008 17:18
This is a beautiful b/w image!
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