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Zin and Nekarot - road of the desert
:: Zin and Nekarot - road of the desert ::
Vardit and Ashush (shir ha'ma'alot)
:: Vardit and Ashush (shir ha'ma'alot) ::
Meteorite Shower
:: Meteorite Shower ::
Yehuda Desert
:: Yehuda Desert ::
Mud at Zin Wadi
:: Mud at Zin Wadi ::
Yehuda desert, Zin Wadi and Noach Climb
:: Yehuda desert, Zin Wadi and Noach Climb ::
Gilboa Mt., Winter time
:: Gilboa Mt., Winter time ::
Family trip - Ein Akev to Ein Yorkeam
:: Family trip - Ein Akev to Ein Yorkeam ::
Rimon Climb and Karkom Mt.
:: Rimon Climb and Karkom Mt. ::
Govrin and Lachish area, Tom Hill
:: Govrin and Lachish area, Tom Hill ::
Ramat Ha'Negev
:: Ramat Ha'Negev ::