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08042007 Happy Easter!

Dad: sorry to say I am still under the weather with this cold, so here is another archive shot
from last week of Pooch enjoying a ride on a vintage steam train and looking as though he
owns the first-class carriage. Either that or perhaps he was looking for the Easter Bunny. ;-)
Wishing all Poochfriends a very happy Eastertide! :-)

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Pic Chick09-Apr-2007 22:28
I love the look on his little mug! Cute!
Guest 09-Apr-2007 16:27
quote emmii!!!! >
Guest 09-Apr-2007 16:26
Happy easter to you to Pooch and to dad too
Victoria09-Apr-2007 15:11
Pooch, Happy Easter !!!!!
Renee Lockett09-Apr-2007 11:15
You DO belong in first class, Pooch. :) Sending lots of get well wishes to poochdad. :)
laine8209-Apr-2007 04:06
I thought being ill on public holidays had been outlawed...guess not :>((
Take care, stay warm & you know the rest of my remedy ;>)
Pooch, you do look very cool in blue !!
Guest 09-Apr-2007 02:22
Beautiful fabric and pretty cute pooch as well!
Yvonne09-Apr-2007 00:23
Happy Easter Pooch, Mum & Dad! You would have enjoyed joining in the
egg hunt with all our grandchildren, rellies and friends yesterday Pooch!
Soak up some sunshine Dad and get better fast!!!
northstar3708-Apr-2007 20:46
He's spotted the drinks trolley
Guest 08-Apr-2007 19:36
Pooch you look great on this sofa! BTW bunnys are not cats pooch but they are fun to chace.
Zak08-Apr-2007 18:13
Tickets please! Happy Easter!
Bryan Murahashi08-Apr-2007 16:17
Great First Class pose.
Hope you feel better soon and the family has a Happy Easter.
Coleen Perilloux Landry08-Apr-2007 15:07
Feel better, Dad. Pooch is first class, no two ways about it.
Johnny JAG08-Apr-2007 14:43
Get well soon dad, pooch needs walkies.
joanteno08-Apr-2007 14:24
Happy Easter! Pooch first class is yours!
Michael Todd Thorpe08-Apr-2007 14:22
Happy Easter, Pooch, Mum and Dad!
Al Chesworth08-Apr-2007 13:54
Get well soon Ev, happy easter to you poochmum and that posing canine.
Dr. Michael G. Mathews08-Apr-2007 13:44
Happy easter guys! Get well soon!
Sheila08-Apr-2007 13:25
Happy Easter Pooch.
Hope dad recovers soon!
Tom Tom08-Apr-2007 13:06
Happy Easter Pooch!
Gary Blanchette08-Apr-2007 12:51
Happy Easter!
Guest 08-Apr-2007 12:42
Pooch you look so cool! :)
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