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Phil Douglis | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Gallery Twenty Six : Using reflections to transform reality tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Gallery Twenty Six : Using reflections to transform reality

Reflections are ubiquitous. They can appear as images seen in mirrors, on glass, water, or any shiny, reflective surface. Reflections often alter reality, transforming it into the stuff of fantasy. Another form of reflection is when light is thrown back or bounced off its source to illuminate something else in an indirect, subtle way. We can use both forms of reflection to express ideas, and even transform reality into entirely new forms of expression. Reflected light and images often go unseen, taken for granted. We must train our eyes to notice them, recognizing their potential meaning, and then use them as another way of seeing. In this gallery, you’ll find an array of photographs based on reflected images and light, mostly selected from my archive of digital travel articles posted at:

This gallery is presented in "blog" style. A large thumbnail is displayed for each image, along with a detailed caption explaining how I intended to express my ideas. If you click on the large thumbnail, you can see it in its full size, as well as leave comments and read the comments of others. I hope you will be able to participate in the dialogue. I welcome your comments, suggestions, ideas, and questions, and will be delighted to respond.