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Phil Douglis | all galleries >> Galleries >> Gallery Six: Vantage Point makes the difference > Caribou Antlers, Paxon, Alaska, 2002
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Caribou Antlers, Paxon, Alaska, 2002

I used another low angle upward vantage point to make these antlers seem to grasp the clouds floating overhead. I kept changing my position ever so slightly until the antlers and clouds came together in my viewfinder.

Canon PowerShot G2
1/200s f/4.0 at 9.3mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Phil Douglis06-Feb-2008 17:07
Glad this image stirs your imagination, Vera -- "steaming mad," indeed! As for positioning that cloud, that was the point of my idea from the beginning. I always try to create a relationship between subject and context that expresses meaning.
Guest 06-Feb-2008 02:43
I didn't look at this as a cloud but rather a big puff of smoke coming from the caribou. I imagine this caribou being steaming mad; after all someone has shot him/her then had the nerve to hang the skull. Ha little story about this caribou. To think to position this cloud in such a way tells me no detail goes unnoticed with you.
Phil Douglis07-Feb-2004 00:41
Hi, Clayton,

Glad you stopped by my galleries. And thanks for the comment on this photo. I made it so long ago, with my G2, that I really can't recall if I had the Polarizer on the camera when I shot this or not. (I no longer use Polarizers at all -- I find that I can saturate the skies just as easily in Photoshop.) I am delighted that you love this shot as much as I loved chasing those clouds with those antlers.
Clayton 07-Feb-2004 00:16
Hello Phil
We spoke the other day on dpreview. I am mayt444 over there. I really love this shot. Were you using a polarizer? That is a very nice blue sky. It has been very grey and dreary here in the Northwest but we should have some sun this weekend. I will get out and give the G5 a workout.
Take care
jacques Vic 15-Dec-2003 23:24
ciel étonnament beau qui fait revivre l'esprit de l'animal,combinaison des nuages qui encadrent les bois et la pente de la montagne, parfaites. Cela donne à l'espace encore plus de pureté.Photo où tout est en élévation.Compliments. Jacques.
Phil Douglis22-Oct-2003 02:28
Carol -- two excellent comments. Thank you. I aways looking at the interplay of negative and positive space as I shift my vantage points to express ideas. And you are right -- the antlers not only reach for the clouds, but the angle definitely transforms ordinary antlers into extraordinary claws that reach for the sky.
Carol E Sandgren21-Oct-2003 22:24
would also make a great poster!
Carol E Sandgren21-Oct-2003 22:24
And there's that sense of wonderfully compelling positive and negative space that my eye is always drawn to. The antlers seem otherworldly with this angle looking heavenward.
Guest 13-Oct-2003 16:47
very interesting angle
Phil Douglis12-Oct-2003 00:11
You are very perceptive, Ray. A simple idea -- antlers as arms. But it took a lot small moves to get those antlers to hug those clouds. Not to mention a stiff neck.
Guest 11-Oct-2003 04:47
As if those antlers are reaching out to hug the clouds. Very clever indeed.
Phil Douglis30-Sep-2003 21:56
Etienne, it's one of mine as well. Thank you for sharing your comment with us.
Etienne Pixa30-Sep-2003 00:59
This is my favorite !
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