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Nancy Landry | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent tree view | thumbnails
Welcome to my galleries.

I have always had a love of nature and the desire to capture moments in time. Watching my father take pictures when I was young may have awakened that desire to catch moments of time on film.

In the fall of 2004, I was introduced to bird watching. From the moment I saw bald eagles, snowy owls and a short-eared owl, I was hooked. It wasn't long before I turned to photography with renewed enthusiasm to help me identify the birds I was seeing.

With encouragement from friends, family and co-workers, I continue to photograph birds, wild animals and nature scenes, but I am also seeking new things to photograph. I hope some day to truly call myself a "Nature and Wildlife Photographer".

I have an account with Fine Art America and you can visit my website there at

I hope that you enjoy the photos!
New Photo Gallery
:: New Photo Gallery ::
:: 2015_photographs ::
:: 2014_photographs ::
:: 2013_photographs ::
Birds of Plum Island Calendar 2015
:: Birds of Plum Island Calendar 2015 ::
Birds of Plum Island
:: Birds of Plum Island ::
Peregrine Falcon vs Snowy Egret
:: Peregrine Falcon vs Snowy Egret ::
Texas trip 2014
:: Texas trip 2014 ::
Raptors at York Center ME
:: Raptors at York Center ME ::
2012 Photographs
:: 2012 Photographs ::
2011 Photographs
:: 2011 Photographs ::
Birds for 2010
:: Birds for 2010 ::
Barred Owl on Plum Island
:: Barred Owl on Plum Island ::
Az trip 2011
:: Az trip 2011 ::
:: trip_2010 ::
:: birds_2009 ::
:: new_mexico_2009 ::
Birds 2008
:: Birds 2008 ::
:: least_terns ::
Arizona trip 2007
:: Arizona trip 2007 ::
Birds 2007
:: Birds 2007 ::
Birds 2006
:: Birds 2006 ::
Birds 2005
:: Birds 2005 ::
Washington State trip 2007
:: Washington State trip 2007 ::
New Mexico trip 2006
:: New Mexico trip 2006 ::
Florida Trip 2006
:: Florida Trip 2006 ::
:: NH ::
:: Boston ::
:: Landscapes ::
:: Wildlife ::
Sunrise and Sunset
:: Sunrise and Sunset ::
Black and White
:: Black and White ::
Images in the sand
:: Images in the sand ::
World War 2 Pictures
:: World War 2 Pictures ::
Flood pictures of the Merrimack Valley MA area May 2006
:: Flood pictures of the Merrimack Valley MA area May 2006 ::
:: Dragonfly ::
Photos from 1990's
:: Photos from 1990's ::
Doorway's too......
:: Doorway's too...... ::
:: yellowthroated_warbler ::
:: Tanagers ::
:: chickadee ::
:: ovenbird ::
Woodcock Strut
:: Woodcock Strut ::
Black-tailed Godwit 2006
:: Black-tailed Godwit 2006 ::
Piping Plovers
:: Piping Plovers ::
King rail
:: King rail ::
Drying out
:: Drying out ::
Building a home is not easy
:: Building a home is not easy ::
:: prairie_falcon ::