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Wildflowers - Close Encounters of the Floral Kind

From the moist mountain coves and floodplains of the piedmont to the coastal longleaf pine savannas, North Carolina has a rich diversity of plant life. Here are just a few of the more than 3000 species of flowering plants known to grow in the state. For more on my great home state of North Carolina check out my website Please email me if you wish to use any of these images for commerical projects. © 2008 Kelvin Taylor.
Wildflowers of North Carolina: Spring Bloomers (March - May)
Wildflowers of North Carolina: Spring Bloomers (March - May)
Wildflowers of North Carolina: Summer Bloomers (June - August)
Wildflowers of North Carolina: Summer Bloomers (June - August)
Wildflowers of North Carolina: Autumn Bloomers (September - November)
Wildflowers of North Carolina: Autumn Bloomers (September - November)