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Oliver Knott | profile | all galleries >> Large Tank's: 200 - 400 Liter >> 280 Liter tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

280 Liter

Location: Kölle-Zoo Karlsruhe
Size: 90cm (l) x 60cm (w)x 60cm (h) (including filtersystem, in the background)
Volume: about 280 Liter
New lightning: 1 x 150 Watt (Osram HQI 150 Watt D-TS 5.600 Kelvin)

This aquarium I set up in the "Kölle-Zoo" aquarium store at Karlsruhe, on the occasion of a workshop for the customers.

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11th month after set up
11th month after set up
1 hour after set up - Workshop - Kölle-Zoo Karlsruhe
1 hour after set up - Workshop - Kölle-Zoo Karlsruhe
Workshop - Kölle-Zoo Karlsruhe
Workshop - Kölle-Zoo Karlsruhe
Workshop - Kölle-Zoo Karlsruhe
Workshop - Kölle-Zoo Karlsruhe
1 hour after set up - Workshop - Kölle-Zoo Karlsruhe
1 hour after set up - Workshop - Kölle-Zoo Karlsruhe
Workshop - Kölle-Zoo Karlsruhe
Workshop - Kölle-Zoo Karlsruhe
Workshop - Kölle-Zoo Karlsruhe
Workshop - Kölle-Zoo Karlsruhe
1 hour after set up - Workshop - Kölle-Zoo Karlsruhe
1 hour after set up - Workshop - Kölle-Zoo Karlsruhe
Workshop - Kölle-Zoo Karlsruhe
Workshop - Kölle-Zoo Karlsruhe
Workshop - Kölle-Zoo Karlsruhe
Workshop - Kölle-Zoo Karlsruhe
1 hour after set up - Workshop - Kölle-Zoo Karlsruhe
1 hour after set up - Workshop - Kölle-Zoo Karlsruhe
Workshop - Kölle-Zoo Karlsruhe
Workshop - Kölle-Zoo Karlsruhe
Workshop - Kölle-Zoo Karlsruhe
Workshop - Kölle-Zoo Karlsruhe
1 hour after set up - Workshop - Kölle-Zoo Karlsruhe
1 hour after set up - Workshop - Kölle-Zoo Karlsruhe
Workshop - Kölle-Zoo Karlsruhe
Workshop - Kölle-Zoo Karlsruhe
1 hour after set up - Workshop - Kölle-Zoo Karlsruhe
1 hour after set up - Workshop - Kölle-Zoo Karlsruhe
Workshop - Kölle-Zoo Karlsruhe
Workshop - Kölle-Zoo Karlsruhe
1 hour after set up - Workshop - Kölle-Zoo Karlsruhe
1 hour after set up - Workshop - Kölle-Zoo Karlsruhe
Workshop - Kölle-Zoo Karlsruhe
Workshop - Kölle-Zoo Karlsruhe
1 hour after set up - Workshop - Kölle-Zoo Karlsruhe
1 hour after set up - Workshop - Kölle-Zoo Karlsruhe
Workshop - Kölle-Zoo Karlsruhe
Workshop - Kölle-Zoo Karlsruhe
1 hour after set up - Workshop - Kölle-Zoo Karlsruhe
1 hour after set up - Workshop - Kölle-Zoo Karlsruhe
Workshop - Kölle-Zoo Karlsruhe
Workshop - Kölle-Zoo Karlsruhe
1st day after set up
1st day after set up
1st day after set up
1st day after set up
1st day after set up
1st day after set up
1st day after set up
1st day after set up
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36th day after set up
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