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Oliver Knott | profile | all galleries >> Small Tank's: 30 - 100 Liter >> 96 Liter layout by Oliver Knott (Year 2005) tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

96 Liter layout by Oliver Knott (Year 2005)

location: Kölle-Zoo Ludwigshafen
size: 60cm x 40cm x 40cm
volume: 96 Liter
lightning: 2 x 15Watt tube (7.500 Kelvin)

Special comment: First time use of Utricularia graminifolia

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194th day after set up - The final picture -
194th day after set up - The final picture -
5th day after set up
5th day after set up
5th day
5th day
5th day
5th day
5th day
5th day
5th day
5th day
5th day
5th day
5th day
5th day
5th day
5th day
5th day
5th day
5th day
5th day
5th day - Utricularia sp.
5th day - Utricularia sp.
5th day - Utricularia sp. - nettle cells
5th day - Utricularia sp. - nettle cells
Micro Reactor Dennerle
Micro Reactor Dennerle
18th day after set up
18th day after set up
18th day
18th day
18th day
18th day
28th day
28th day
28th day
28th day
28th day - Utricularia sp.
28th day - Utricularia sp.
38th day after set up
38th day after set up
38th day
38th day
38th day
38th day
94th day
94th day
94th day
94th day
94th day
94th day
94th day
94th day
94th day - Utricularia sp.
94th day - Utricularia sp.
94th day - Utricularia sp.
94th day - Utricularia sp.
94th day - Utricularia sp.
94th day - Utricularia sp.
138th day after set up
138th day after set up
Day: 138
Day: 138
155th day after set up
155th day after set up
155th day
155th day
155th day
155th day
194th day - final pictures -
194th day - final pictures -
194th day - final pictures -
194th day - final pictures -
194th day - final pictures - Eriocaulon sp. (?!)
194th day - final pictures - Eriocaulon sp. (?!)
194th day - final pictures - Eriocaulon sp. (?!)
194th day - final pictures - Eriocaulon sp. (?!)
194th day - final pictures - Pogostemon helferi
194th day - final pictures - Pogostemon helferi
194th day - final pictures - Utricularia sp. near surface
194th day - final pictures - Utricularia sp. near surface
194th day - final pictures - Utricularia sp.
194th day - final pictures - Utricularia sp.
194th day - final pictures - Utricularia sp. close up
194th day - final pictures - Utricularia sp. close up
194th day - final pictures - Utricularia sp. close up
194th day - final pictures - Utricularia sp. close up
194th day - final pictures - Utricularia sp. close up
194th day - final pictures - Utricularia sp. close up
194th day - final pictures - Utricularia sp. closer
194th day - final pictures - Utricularia sp. closer
194th day - final pictures - Utricularia sp. and closer
194th day - final pictures - Utricularia sp. and closer
194th day - final pictures - Utricularia sp. Macro
194th day - final pictures - Utricularia sp. "Macro"