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Oliver Knott | profile | all galleries >> XXLarge Tank's: 800 Liter and more >> 5.400 Liter - ADA Contest Entry 2005 - tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

5.400 Liter - ADA Contest Entry 2005 -

Location: Kölle-Zoo Karlsruhe

My contest tank for the International Aquatic Plant Layout Contest 2005.

Place: 10th

The complete result you can find at the ADA Japan Website

Size: 450cm (L) x 100cm (H) x 120cm (W)
(14,85 feet (L) x 3,30 feet (H) x 3,96 feet (W))

Volume: 5.400 Liter (1.427 gallons)
Decoration: Bueb Painting

Plants and more coming soon....

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1year and 11month old
1year and 11month old
1year and 11month old
1year and 11month old
1year and 11month old
1st anniversary
1st anniversary
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IAPLC 2005 empty entry tank
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IAPLC 2005 empty entry tank
IAPLC 2005 empty entry tank
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IAPLC 2005 empty entry tank
Preperation of the inside and outside decoration made by a specialist Frensh company.
Preperation of the inside and outside decoration made by a specialist Frensh company.
Preperation of the inside and outside decoration made by a specialist Frensh company.
Preperation of the inside and outside decoration made by a specialist Frensh company.
Preperation of the inside and outside decoration made by a specialist Frensh company.
Preperation of the inside and outside decoration made by a specialist Frensh company.
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