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Sun Reflected In Ice On Trees

I looked up from the computer and noticed the Sun had broken through today finally. As I glanced out the window, I could see the sparkling ice on the tress reflecting the sun. This image does not do justice to how pretty the sparkles were. If someone has a suggestion on how to capture the sparkles better let me know.

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Glenn D.07-Mar-2008 03:07
Sometimes the brain-eye combination works at a higher level than the lens-computer so I can totally empathize with your question. I think the shimmer we see is the movement, however small, of the branches and the light refracting at the slightly differing angles.
Failing different angles, shutter speeds, and f-stops I snap the picture and remember the moment in mind’s eye.
I do like what you did get here and you managed a fair bit of shimmer. It’s a nice composition and as Marni stated – Christmas-y
Marni J. Bradford06-Mar-2008 03:06
Very pretty capture, it almost looks like there are white Christmas lights on the trees...I bet it was spectacular to see, and as Mike said, ice is so difficult to shoot.
Mike Stobbs06-Mar-2008 00:27
Nice one Patti...Ice is hard to shoot at the best of times...different angles may have helped...and maybe F/5.6 or 8 @ 400th sec.
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