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Piotr Stankiewicz | profile | all galleries >> The world of my photography >> Vehicles >> Flying motorbikes (2006) tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Flying motorbikes (2006)

Latajace motocykle / Motos qui volent

The demonstration of jumps on enduro motorbikes was a part of the motorbikers rally called "Powerstation 2006". You can also see the reportage of the motorbikes presentation in my gallery Motorbikers meeting in Trojmiasto.

Pokaz skokow na motocyklach enduro byl czescia zlotu motocyklistow "Powerstation 2006". Reportaz z prezentacji motocykli mozna zobaczyc w galerii Spotkanie motocyklistow w Trojmiescie.

La demonstration des sauts sur les motos enduro a ete la partie du ralliement des motards a Sopot appele "Powerstation 2006". On peut voir aussi le reportage de la presentation des motos dans la galerie Rencontre des motards a Trojmiasto.

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