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Photo Renovate | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Retouching tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


Retouching is done to improve a photograph, it's not as extensive as a restoration, but the photo is considerably improved. We will retouch your photo when it isn't actually damaged but needs a few adjustments such as color balancing, red-eye or other minor repairs to improve it. If you would like us to retouch or enhance your photo vist our website at
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Retouching - Remove colourcast
Retouching - Remove colourcast
Retouching - Add more light
Retouching - Add more light
Retouching - Red-Eye
Retouching - Red-Eye
Retouching - Tone
Retouching - Tone
Retouching - More Light.
Retouching - More Light.
Retouching - Colour Cast
Retouching - Colour Cast
Retouching - Remove Marks
Retouching - Remove Marks
Retouching - More Sun
Retouching - More Sun
Retouching - Colour Cast
Retouching - Colour Cast
Retouching - Adjustments
Retouching - Adjustments
Retouching - More Light
Retouching - More Light
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