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Digital Sketch - Colour

Original Photo by Sanjay Pindiyath full exif

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leanne knaggs 11-Nov-2011 06:45
i particulary like the photo of the gentleman with umbrella i only have a 6x4 photo. half is a 44gallon drum with i wouldn't want in the picture. what is the largest size you could manage as you state small or med please send demensions possible and price range i would very much appreciate this thanks leanne
leanne knaggs 11-Nov-2011 06:44
i particulary like the photo of the gentleman with umbrella i only have a 6x4 photo. half is a 44gallon drum with i wouldn't want in the picture. what is the largest size you could manage as you state small or med please send demensions possible and price range i would very much appreciate this thanks leanne
Guest 02-Sep-2008 04:21
Excellent artistic work!
Guest 10-Jan-2007 10:26
Nicely done!!
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