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Photo Renovate | all galleries >> Galleries >> Restorations > Restorations - Severe Damage - Black and White Version.
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Restorations - Severe Damage - Black and White Version.

Severe Damage - This photo has major damage to the face and most of the photo. It has been in an oval frame without glass for many years and shows signs of fading, dirt and scratches particularly in the unprotected areas. After extensive restoration we have converted it to black and white.

This photo is copyrited and cannot be used without permission. full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Photo Renovate30-Jan-2009 22:08
thank you
joby 30-Jan-2009 07:25
This restoration is amazing as well as several others. I do restorations for myself and friends, but this girl as well as one of the "two boys" are missing such important facial features! I don't think I could ever do those. I'm really impressed. Great job.
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