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Phillip Normanton | all galleries >> Photo a Day >> Jan 2008 Macro > 20080114 - Home Made
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20080114 - Home Made

Part of the January Macro challenge :) Others are in the forum

This one should go quick... but then again - it's maybe one of those either you know or you don't type things... I've had this probably 6 years and only tonight noticed what it said!!!

Yesterday's pikky...

...I can't believe no-one got this!!! Maybe it was a bit abstract and the circular bit could have been vertical I suppose, but wasn't ;-)
It was the shutter release (ie 'liberate') button from my old film camera - a Canon T90. Broken now :((.
The shape is basically the same as an EOS though, so I thought it'd go quick. Ho hum. The little white catchlight at the top is the spot-metering button. I liked that button :)

Canon EOS 5D ,Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 Macro USM
1/15s f/5.6 at 100.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Guest 15-Jan-2008 21:57
great composition, nice definition in the writing. spicy number
Nick Powell15-Jan-2008 20:32
I didn't guess this was a peppermill, great shot!
Johnny JAG15-Jan-2008 19:18
Not on my planet then?
Guest 15-Jan-2008 19:17
Stunning macro!
Barbara Heide15-Jan-2008 09:49
well done!!!
Heidi Jonker15-Jan-2008 09:26
beverley harrison15-Jan-2008 08:32
a wine press?'re a beer drinker right?
Sheila15-Jan-2008 08:19
Ok, I'll go for the base of a beer bottle today as I was wrong with the top of a bottle yesterday :-)
Malcolm Smith15-Jan-2008 07:32
Great macro, v. I am thinking it is related to The Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy in some, as the pharse 'third planet from the sun' is often used in said work.
Michael Shpuntov15-Jan-2008 00:13
Well. I confess I don't know. But again beautiful shot. Vote. I guess this is the best part of macro shots. Present something very familiar as something absolutely unknown. You got me with yesterday shot and got me again today. :-)
Máire Uí Mhaicín14-Jan-2008 21:55
Another go: earthenware coffee/tea jar??
Máire Uí Mhaicín14-Jan-2008 21:47
It's definitely one of those things you either know or don't know. And I don't!! Great macro though.
Maaike Huizer14-Jan-2008 21:38
It is hot on the 3rd planet and becoming warmer!
Russ Rose14-Jan-2008 21:00
YES, we are on the third planet from the sun.....but some times I wonder.