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Phillip Normanton | all galleries >> Galleries >> Smee! > 20080111 - If it's good enough for Johnny...
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20080111 - If it's good enough for Johnny...

It's good enough for me :)

Saw the Johnnyouette and so thought I'd try a Philhouette! :))

And now there's a Bevhouette too :))

And a Scotthouette!

...And a Danahouette!
...And a Scottalsohouette!

Also a Bhouette!

Here's what I was going to go for originally...

Canon EOS 5D ,Canon EF 50mm f/1.4 USM
1/200s f/5.6 at 50.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Jose Canovas12-Jan-2008 21:57
excellent! Bravo!
Antonio Ruggiero12-Jan-2008 11:29
Ottima Photo..Bravo....GMV
Dave Hein12-Jan-2008 07:03
beautifully done
Dana12-Jan-2008 05:25
Love the bright color of the flames in contrast with the silhouette.
Barbara Heide12-Jan-2008 00:37
very the way you treat colours here...a shame that there is not a little more light on your face in order to see!
Sheila11-Jan-2008 23:42
Very good.
J. Scott Coile11-Jan-2008 22:50
Brilliant with that warm glowing fire Phillip!
Cindi Smith11-Jan-2008 21:53
Excellent! Love that fireplace behind you and the selective colors!
JW11-Jan-2008 20:45
Why doesn't this surprise me?! LOL! You have super props and backgrounds for this sort of shot! Excellent. Have a good weekend!
Guest 11-Jan-2008 19:53
very nice silho... well done
Nicki Thurgar11-Jan-2008 19:44
Oh I so envy you that lovely fire in the background... ;o)
Great Philouette!!
Scott Browne11-Jan-2008 19:37
I love the hard contrasts between light and dark here. And just the hint of light on your face. Well done, sir.
Johnny JAG11-Jan-2008 19:29
I wish I was called Phil, it's so much better!
beverley harrison11-Jan-2008 19:12
excellent idea...may have to try that myself!! ;)
Lee Rudd11-Jan-2008 19:11
Its a bit cold, can you move away from the fire?!
Máire Uí Mhaicín11-Jan-2008 19:08
LOL! A Phillouette!
Ann...11-Jan-2008 19:08
Oh! come on, be brave and come out of the shadows!!!! Very good photo though!!! :)