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Phillip Normanton | all galleries >> Galleries >> All the Colour Has Gone Out of My Life > 20070808 - Too Cloudy
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20070808 - Too Cloudy

I blame Hazel for keeping me nattering at work; it was a lovely day until I set off for home!
This is the Wensleydale Railway at Preston Under Scar looking towards the start (or end) of the line at Redmire. As it was a bit dull and cloudy, went for black'n'white with a touch of the infrareds (must get an R72 filter one day).
An attempt at the "Ambient Achromatic August" theme.

Canon EOS 5D ,Canon EF 17-40mm f/4L USM
1/4s f/16.0 at 17.0mm iso100, tripod. full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Guest 09-Aug-2008 17:10
This was, I think, the start of us for me....One year and one day....
arjibarji22-Sep-2007 10:51
great vanishing point.
Guest 31-Aug-2007 02:13
Antonio Ruggiero16-Aug-2007 12:43
Great B&W! Excellent composition .........Bravo/a....
Carolyn Rasmussen09-Aug-2007 17:00
Incredible depth. Composition and lighting are max. V
Maaike Huizer09-Aug-2007 05:22
Why wouldn't it count? It absolutely gorgeous. V
Cindi Smith08-Aug-2007 23:52
Okay, this seems to go on forever and ever! Not only does it count, it is a superb image.....I just want to walk down those tracks forever and ever!
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography08-Aug-2007 23:37
Excellent, great perspective and processing, very well seen, Vote.
Guest 08-Aug-2007 22:45
Yes, love the depth and all that detail and contrasting objects. Well thought out. V
J. Scott Coile08-Aug-2007 21:59
Does it ever count!!! Awesome. What a brooding sky. Visually very deep.
Azlin Ahmad08-Aug-2007 21:21
I love the use of the wide angle lens. Very effective composition and b&w. Voted!
Jola Dziubinska08-Aug-2007 21:19
Linda Matta08-Aug-2007 19:57
Very striking image. ~v
Cory Easter08-Aug-2007 19:47