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Pacific Pearl Airways Boeing 737-232/Adv RP-C8777 ( N816DL)

May 4, 2010. NOTE: All posts prior to March this year have been archived to allow for faster loading of this page. Thanks for visiting.

A Brunei daily has just announced Pacific Pearl Airways will have an inaugural DVO-BWN-DVO chartered flt on April 3, 2009. BWN is in Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam.

June 6, 2007. PPM is a start-up Philippine low-cost carrier. It's 737 is currently being delivered from San Bernardino Int'l Airport, CA to Subic Airport, Philippines.

The following are photos taken this evening at Salinas Municipal Airport, California as the plane made its first refuelling stop. Next leg is an overnighter in Honolulu, Hawaii then a flight to Majaro in the Marshall Islands, Guam and finally Subic, Philippines. The plane is estimated to arrive Subic/RPLB at 5:19PM, July 8 Philippine time.

Note: Acknowledgement and thanks is given to Capt. Steve for sending the onboard images duly noted.
Refuellers awaiting PPM's 737 while the pilots . . .
Refuellers awaiting PPM's 737 while the pilots . . .
Circle to land, 900' AGL fog and contrails.
Circle to land, 900' AGL fog and contrails.
Short final and about to land on runway 26
Short final and about to land on runway 26
Touchdown on  runway 26.
Touchdown on runway 26.
Reverse thrust blasts dusty municipal runway!
Reverse thrust blasts dusty municipal runway!
'Follow me'
'Follow me'
RP-C8777 with Capt. Steve on the left seat.
RP-C8777 with Capt. Steve on the left seat.
Spreading out the carpet
Spreading out the carpet
Thanks for the carpet.   Where's the stairs? ;)
Thanks for the carpet. Where's the stairs? ;)
We couldn't find the stairs but, errr, brought you this ladder . . . ;)
We couldn't find the stairs but, errr, brought you this ladder . . . ;)
windshield and portside door
windshield and portside door
Shiny & flies very nicely.
Shiny & flies very nicely.
refuelling truck
refuelling truck
Ferry mechanics making sure fuel valve inside fueling panel is ok.
Ferry mechanics making sure fuel valve inside fueling panel is ok.
Hmm, this ladder isn't too bad.  :)
Hmm, this ladder isn't too bad. :)
Let's order some pizza before heading for Honolulu.
Let's order some pizza before heading for Honolulu.
Quick!   Make sure this case of  drinks make it to the blessing ;)
Quick! Make sure this case of drinks make it to the blessing ;)
Here come a couple boxes of pizza!  :)
Here come a couple boxes of pizza! :)
In the meanwhile, US Marine Cobra helicopters arrive.
In the meanwhile, US Marine Cobra helicopters arrive.
Taxiing towards the direction of PPM
Taxiing towards the direction of PPM
Did they think PPM was Air Force One? ;)
Did they think PPM was Air Force One? ;)
Was it the box of champagne being loaded?
Was it the box of champagne being loaded?
Is this one of the choppers Uncle Sam promised the PAF?
Is this one of the choppers Uncle Sam promised the PAF?
I guess not.   But they're here for refuelling beside PPM.
I guess not. But they're here for refuelling beside PPM.
Cockpit view while the Cobra's refuel.
Cockpit view while the Cobra's refuel.
316 Delta Lima taxies out.
"316 Delta Lima" taxies out.
Heading towards the runway.
Heading towards the runway.
Tail shot N316DL
Tail shot N316DL
Rear view
Rear view
Flaps 5 runway 26 take-off roll!
Flaps 5 runway 26 take-off roll!
Engines scream & roar as PPM is about to rotate!
Engines scream & roar as PPM is about to rotate!
Lift off for Honolulu, Hawaii.  Godspeed PPM!
Lift off for Honolulu, Hawaii. Godspeed PPM!
All is quiet now.
All is quiet now.
Refuelling at Honolulu, Hawaii
Refuelling at Honolulu, Hawaii
Pacific Ocean from FL360
Pacific Ocean from FL360
Approaching Majaro Airport( KMAJ) at the Majaro (Majuro) Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands.
Approaching Majaro Airport( KMAJ) at the Majaro (Majuro) Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands.
PPM's Ferry Pilots:  Captains Bob & Steve
PPM's Ferry Pilots: Captains Bob & Steve
Mabuhay and welcome to the Philippines!  PPM arrival on July 8, 2007
Mabuhay and welcome to the Philippines! PPM arrival on July 8, 2007