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The Birds of New Zealand (and a few from Europe)

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Show casing some of the birds in New Zealand.
Locations have been:
1. Mt Bruce reserve, about 30km north of Masterton has bush
walks, nature reserve, and is dedicated to the preservation of some
of New Zealands endangered species - Kakariki, Kokahu, Woodpigeon, Rifleman. Scaup, Takahe
2. Karori Reservoir in Wellington City - Tui, Kingfisher, Gulls, Woodpigeon, Brown Teal
3. Westland - Bittern, Weka, White Heron
4. Nelson's Golden Bay - Spoonbill, White faced heron
5. Kapiti Coast - oyster catchers, pied stilt, pukeko, spoonbill, little egret
6. Pauatahanui Inlet, Shags, Spoonbills, white faced herons
7. Wellingtons South Coast, Shags, Gannets, Kingfisher, Curl Bunting, Blue heron
8. Waipu River, dotterel, oyster catcher, shags, spoonbill
9. My own back yard, goldfinch, silvereye
10. 5 years ago we moved from Wellington to Otaki, so more recent shots have been taken around our local region
including Foxton, Waikawa, Otaki, Waikanae
11. Some photos have also been taken in the USA including Galveston in Texas and California

The birds from the Netherlands were mainly found in the polder areas around Lelystad. The flamingos were found in the Camargue region in Southern France

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Young Welcome Swallow sitting on our back fence
Young Welcome Swallow sitting on our back fence
Variable Oyster Catcher on a rock near the Waipu estuary
Variable Oyster Catcher on a rock near the Waipu estuary
Oranges gives you wings! - zosterops lateralis aka silvereye
Oranges gives you wings! - zosterops lateralis aka silvereye
Spotted Dove - Streptopelia Chinensis - originally a cage bird from Asia now breeding wild
Spotted Dove - Streptopelia Chinensis - originally a cage bird from Asia now breeding wild
the kingfisher eyes up our goldfish - in the rain
the kingfisher eyes up our goldfish - in the rain
The Acrobatic Waxeyes dispute food ownership
The Acrobatic Waxeyes dispute food ownership
New Zealand Scaup - aka Black Teal - Aythya Novaeseelandiae
New Zealand Scaup - aka Black Teal - Aythya Novaeseelandiae
Little Pied Shag on a post
Little Pied Shag on a post
North Island Kaka - Nestor Meridionalis
North Island Kaka - Nestor Meridionalis
New Zealand Backyard Birds
gallery: New Zealand Backyard Birds
Herons in New Zealand
gallery: Herons in New Zealand
Birds photographed in Europe
gallery: Birds photographed in Europe
A tower of seagulls
A tower of seagulls
seagull posing in the style taught by Jerry Ghonis
seagull posing in the style taught by Jerry Ghonis
5 black swans aflying
5 black swans aflying
Swallow time again
Swallow time again
Pied stilt as a narcissist
Pied stilt as a narcissist
These swallows are sure difficult to photograph
These swallows are sure difficult to photograph
Gandalf rides one of our big eagles - Wellington Airport terminal
Gandalf rides one of our big eagles - Wellington Airport terminal
Seagull plus fake sky
Seagull plus fake sky
Pied Stilt - Waitohu Stream
Pied Stilt - Waitohu Stream
The Seagulls would stand in shallow stream water as it met the sea, then quickly duck their heads and grab some tiny crustaceans
The Seagulls would stand in shallow stream water as it met the sea, then quickly duck their heads and grab some tiny crustaceans
Pheasant at Pekapeka
Pheasant at Pekapeka
Hummingbird on Pohutukawa II
Hummingbird on Pohutukawa II
Hummingbird on Pohutukawa
Hummingbird on Pohutukawa
Revenge of KFC - AI image
Revenge of KFC - AI image
One White Fronted Terns (Sterna striata) in Wellington Harbour
One White Fronted Terns (Sterna striata) in Wellington Harbour
White Fronted Terns (Sterna striata)  in Wellington Harbour
White Fronted Terns (Sterna striata) in Wellington Harbour
I am thinking of taking up seagull training - will it pay well?
I am thinking of taking up seagull training - will it pay well?
Banded dotterel near the mouth of the Otaki River
Banded dotterel near the mouth of the Otaki River
The kingfisher pays us a visit
The kingfisher pays us a visit
More Slivereye action on the feeder. For a tiny bird they can get quite agressive
More Slivereye action on the feeder. For a tiny bird they can get quite agressive
Another Tui
Another Tui
Brown Teal, Female, aka Pateke, at Waimanu Lagoon, Waikanae Beach
Brown Teal, Female, aka Pateke, at Waimanu Lagoon, Waikanae Beach
2 Waxeyes on a disused bluetooth speaker eating an orange slice
2 Waxeyes on a disused bluetooth speaker eating an orange slice
Oyster catchers in flight
Oyster catchers in flight
Karearea - near Waikanae Railway Station
Karearea - near Waikanae Railway Station
Australian Bell Magpie - white backed version - sings a song from the light post
Australian Bell Magpie - white backed version - sings a song from the light post
Little pied shag on a post
Little pied shag on a post
29 Gulls
29 Gulls
Just a seagull enjoying the late afternoon rays
Just a seagull enjoying the late afternoon rays
Fantail, aka Piwakawaka at Chrystalls Bend, Otaki
Fantail, aka Piwakawaka at Chrystalls Bend, Otaki
Fantail aka Piwakawaka
Fantail aka Piwakawaka
Black Swan with spread wings
Black Swan with spread wings
2 Pied Shags
2 Pied Shags
Pied Shag - Waikawa River
Pied Shag - Waikawa River
not a factory hen
not a factory hen
32 Cormorants, 13 Pelicans and 1 Gull
32 Cormorants, 13 Pelicans and 1 Gull
Waxeye in the Totara
Waxeye in the Totara
some of this season's Black Swan chicks
some of this season's Black Swan chicks
New Zealand shoveler - Waimanu Lagooon
New Zealand shoveler - Waimanu Lagooon
Waikawa Beach Scenes - terns gather in a large group
Waikawa Beach Scenes - terns gather in a large group
Terns at Otaki
Terns at Otaki
Godwit, Waipu River Estuary
Godwit, Waipu River Estuary
Juvenile Dabchick
Juvenile Dabchick
These little doteril's sure run fast
These little doteril's sure run fast
Donald and Daisy bring Huey, Duey, Luey, Phuey, Guey, Buey, Zuey, Xuey, Wuey and Vuey to visit
Donald and Daisy bring Huey, Duey, Luey, Phuey, Guey, Buey, Zuey, Xuey, Wuey and Vuey to visit
Why did the Pukeko cross the road
Why did the Pukeko cross the road
The wood pigeon lets me get close enough for a close up
The wood pigeon lets me get close enough for a close up
The Pukeko wants to chat to the two Rabbits
The Pukeko wants to chat to the two Rabbits
The Pukeko balances on one leg while raising one wing
The Pukeko balances on one leg while raising one wing
Piss off Dude, not welcome here, so says the oyster catcher to the duck
Piss off Dude, not welcome here, so says the oyster catcher to the duck
Swan chicks
Swan chicks
Black Swans and Chicks
Black Swans and Chicks
Fun and Games in Birdland, the Pukekho's are at it again - and not for long
Fun and Games in Birdland, the Pukekho's are at it again - and not for long
Morning Light in the Camargue
Morning Light in the Camargue
Protecting the young - help needed with identification
Protecting the young - help needed with identification
Spotted Shag - Wainui-o-mata Beach
Spotted Shag - Wainui-o-mata Beach
Whirly Bird - RNZAF Iriquois
Whirly Bird - RNZAF Iriquois
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