Young Welcome Swallow sitting on our back fence |
 Variable Oyster Catcher on a rock near the Waipu estuary |
 Oranges gives you wings! - zosterops lateralis aka silvereye |
 Spotted Dove - Streptopelia Chinensis - originally a cage bird from Asia now breeding wild |
 the kingfisher eyes up our goldfish - in the rain |
 The Acrobatic Waxeyes dispute food ownership |
 Tui |
 New Zealand Scaup - aka Black Teal - Aythya Novaeseelandiae |
 Little Pied Shag on a post |
 North Island Kaka - Nestor Meridionalis |
 Pukeko |
gallery: New Zealand Backyard Birds
gallery: Herons in New Zealand
gallery: Birds photographed in Europe
 A tower of seagulls |
 seagull posing in the style taught by Jerry Ghonis |
 5 black swans aflying |
 Swallow time again |
 Pied stilt as a narcissist |
 These swallows are sure difficult to photograph |
 Gandalf rides one of our big eagles - Wellington Airport terminal |
 Seagull plus fake sky |
 Pied Stilt - Waitohu Stream |
 The Seagulls would stand in shallow stream water as it met the sea, then quickly duck their heads and grab some tiny crustaceans |
 Pheasant at Pekapeka |
 Hummingbird on Pohutukawa II |
 Hummingbird on Pohutukawa |
 Revenge of KFC - AI image |
 One White Fronted Terns (Sterna striata) in Wellington Harbour |
 White Fronted Terns (Sterna striata) in Wellington Harbour |
 I am thinking of taking up seagull training - will it pay well? |
 Banded dotterel near the mouth of the Otaki River |
 The kingfisher pays us a visit |
 More Slivereye action on the feeder. For a tiny bird they can get quite agressive |
 Another Tui |
 Brown Teal, Female, aka Pateke, at Waimanu Lagoon, Waikanae Beach |
 2 Waxeyes on a disused bluetooth speaker eating an orange slice |
 Oyster catchers in flight |
 Karearea - near Waikanae Railway Station |
 Australian Bell Magpie - white backed version - sings a song from the light post |
 Little pied shag on a post |
 29 Gulls |
 Just a seagull enjoying the late afternoon rays |
 Fantail, aka Piwakawaka at Chrystalls Bend, Otaki |
 Fantail aka Piwakawaka |
 Black Swan with spread wings |
 Kingfisher |
 2 Pied Shags |
 Pied Shag - Waikawa River |
 not a factory hen |
 32 Cormorants, 13 Pelicans and 1 Gull |
 Waxeye in the Totara |
 some of this season's Black Swan chicks |
 New Zealand shoveler - Waimanu Lagooon |
 Waikawa Beach Scenes - terns gather in a large group |
 Terns at Otaki |
 Godwit, Waipu River Estuary |
 Juvenile Dabchick |
 These little doteril's sure run fast |
 Donald and Daisy bring Huey, Duey, Luey, Phuey, Guey, Buey, Zuey, Xuey, Wuey and Vuey to visit |
 Why did the Pukeko cross the road |
 The wood pigeon lets me get close enough for a close up |
 The Pukeko wants to chat to the two Rabbits |
 The Pukeko balances on one leg while raising one wing |
 Piss off Dude, not welcome here, so says the oyster catcher to the duck |
 Swan chicks |
 Black Swans and Chicks |
 Fun and Games in Birdland, the Pukekho's are at it again - and not for long |
 Morning Light in the Camargue |
 Protecting the young - help needed with identification |
 Spotted Shag - Wainui-o-mata Beach |
 Whirly Bird - RNZAF Iriquois |