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Paul Kalich | profile | all galleries >> Various Art Museum Collections around the country >> Outdoor Sculpture Garden of the Dallas Museum of Art in Dallas Texas tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Outdoor Sculpture Garden of the Dallas Museum of Art in Dallas Texas

Untitled by Ellsworth Kelly   1983
Untitled by Ellsworth Kelly 1983
Flora by Aristide Maillol 1911
Flora by Aristide Maillol 1911
 Upper portion detail of Flora by Aristide Maillol 1911
Upper portion detail of Flora by Aristide Maillol 1911
Part of the Sculpture Garden
Part of the Sculpture Garden
Untitlted Martin Puryear  1990-1997
Untitlted Martin Puryear 1990-1997
Rotante Masimmo III  Arnaldo Pomodoro 1968
Rotante Masimmo III Arnaldo Pomodoro 1968
Rotante Masimmo III  Arnaldo Pomodoro 1968
Rotante Masimmo III Arnaldo Pomodoro 1968
Bather Jacques Lipchitz  1923-1925
Bather Jacques Lipchitz 1923-1925
Bather Jacques Lipchitz  1923-1925
Bather Jacques Lipchitz 1923-1925
Figure for Landscape Barbara Hepworth 1960
Figure for Landscape Barbara Hepworth 1960
Granite Settee Scott Burton 1982-1983
Granite Settee Scott Burton 1982-1983
Cubi XVIII David Smith 1963
Cubi XVIII David Smith 1963
Cubi XVIII David Smith 1963
Cubi XVIII David Smith 1963
Two-Part Bench: A Pair Scott Burton 1988
Two-Part Bench: A Pair Scott Burton 1988