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Pete Ganzel | profile | all galleries >> Tinkering >> 58mm f/1.2 Rokkor on Maxxum 7D Digital --- The Neo Ermanox >> A classic f/1.2 Rokkor from 1970 is modified to fit directly on the Maxxum 7D tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

A classic f/1.2 Rokkor from 1970 is modified to fit directly on the Maxxum 7D

A classic f/1.2 Rokkor from 1970 is modified to fit directly on the Maxxum 7D.
The MC lens mount, aperture link ring, link bearings and mount spacer are removed.
A standard Maxxum T mount is turned to the same thickness as the removed mount spacer.
Holes are drilled in the turned T mount, using the old spacer as a template.
The new mount is substituted for the old mount and spacer using the existing
screws and holes in the lens body.


Since starting this gallery there I have reluctantly converted a dozen or so of the Rokkors to the EOS mount because of the demand. All are non destructive and can be returned to the Minolta mount as they were originally made. I cringe at the numerous hacks to this fine lens that involve "sanding" of the spacer ring and other destructive modifications.

No aperture lever is used in the modification. Lens is simply used in the "stop down" mode.
I usually just set the camera in the "A" mode and let the camera pick the shutter speed.
This arrangement works surprisingly well.

Depth of focus is very shallow at f/1.2 and lens must be focused carefully by eye (manually).

All the parts removed can be put back for continued use as an MC lens.

The restyled 58mm f/1.2 MC lens with the rubber focus ring has identical construction in the mount area, so this modification will work with that lens too.

A few other MC/MD lenses can be similarily modified, though almost all have equivalents available in the AF mount.
Lens Mount Screws 1258.jpg
Lens Mount Screws 1258.jpg
Aperture Link 1250b.jpg
Aperture Link 1250b.jpg
58mm Mount Screws 3248.jpg
58mm Mount Screws 3248.jpg
Removing aperture Link 1252.jpg
Removing aperture Link 1252.jpg
Mount Spacer 1253.jpg
Mount Spacer 1253.jpg
Removing Spacer1254a.jpg
Removing Spacer1254a.jpg
Aperture ring 1255.jpg
Aperture ring 1255.jpg
Turning T Mount 1233.jpg
Turning T Mount 1233.jpg
T Mount.JPG
T Mount.JPG
Measuring 1296.jpg
Measuring 1296.jpg
Marking Holes 1235.jpg
Marking Holes 1235.jpg
Drillling holes 1237.jpg
Drillling holes 1237.jpg
Completed Mount back 1295.jpg
Completed Mount back 1295.jpg
Paper Shims 1302.jpg
Paper Shims 1302.jpg
Lens Back 4685.jpg
Lens Back 4685.jpg
Lens Side 4686.jpg
Lens Side 4686.jpg
on Camera 1270.jpg
on Camera 1270.jpg
On Camera1265.jpg
On Camera1265.jpg
On Camera1268.jpg
On Camera1268.jpg
 58 f/1.2 Rokkor X for Minolta Maxxum Dynax Sony Alpha  $400
58 f/1.2 Rokkor X for Minolta Maxxum Dynax Sony Alpha $400
Dot Tape 1426.jpg
Dot Tape 1426.jpg
50f1.2 Rokkor X Back.JPG
50f1.2 Rokkor X Back.JPG
50mm 12 Rokkor Front.JPG
50mm 12 Rokkor Front.JPG
50mm 12 Rokkor Side.JPG
50mm 12 Rokkor Side.JPG
T Mount EOS.JPG  58mm f/1.2 Rokkor on Canon
T Mount EOS.JPG 58mm f/1.2 Rokkor on Canon
EOS Mount Rear 0009.jpg
EOS Mount Rear 0009.jpg
EOS Mount Rear 0011.jpg
EOS Mount Rear 0011.jpg
EOS Mount side 0005.jpg
EOS Mount side 0005.jpg
EOS on Camera 0018.jpg f1.2 Rokkor on Canon EOS
EOS on Camera 0018.jpg f1.2 Rokkor on Canon EOS
Rear retainer trim for Caonon EOS
Rear retainer trim for Caonon EOS
MC Rokkors.jpg
MC Rokkors.jpg
Minolta MC To AF Mount ConvIV_Page_1r.jpg
Minolta MC To AF Mount ConvIV_Page_1r.jpg
Minolta MC To AF Mount ConvIV_Page_2r.jpg
Minolta MC To AF Mount ConvIV_Page_2r.jpg
Minolta MC To AF Mount ConvIV_Page_3r.jpg
Minolta MC To AF Mount ConvIV_Page_3r.jpg
58mmf1-2 Depth_01.jpg
58mmf1-2 Depth_01.jpg
T Mount MD 50.jpg
T Mount MD 50.jpg
T Mount.JPG
T Mount.JPG
EOS Mount Rear 0011.jpg
EOS Mount Rear 0011.jpg
Shade with EOS 5D 9584.jpg
Shade with EOS 5D 9584.jpg
Rokkor AF Chip.jpg
Rokkor AF Chip.jpg
Rokkor Chip Support.jpg
Rokkor Chip Support.jpg
Rokkor Chip.jpg
Rokkor Chip.jpg