Semi-permanent modification of a Mamiya 645 for dedicated IR photography.
A thin Infrared filter is placed between the focal plane shutter and the film insert.
There are several advantages to this approach.
1)Camera can be viewed and focused normally
2)Any lens can be used, including the Arsat Zodiak fisheye
which cannot be easily fitted with an IR filter.
3)Fogging and "hot spots" are reduced.
The Mamiya 645 is readily available used. The one shown here was purchased for $15
from KEH "AS-IS section and repaired. Repair involved replacement of all foam light seals.
It is recommended that the film door light seals be checked or replaced since IR film
is readily fogged by even a small light leak.
Removing Rollers 0545.jpg
Foam Strip 0547.jpg
Foam Stops 0552.jpg
Cut Filter 0554.jpg
FilterBrush 0555.jpg
Replacing Rollers 0559.jpg
Filter In Place 0564.jpg
Filter In IR 0560.jpg
Cam 0576.jpg
Cam 0575.jpg
Meter IR Filter 0565.jpg
Stone Arch IR Maco IR820c Infrared Arsat Zodiac
Stone Arch-Cottonwood Maco IR820c Infrared Arsat Zodiac Fisheye