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Cinderella 2006

Cinderella 2006 Dublin, CA
Cinderella 2006 Dublin, CA
Fern and Maddie at pre-ride dinner
Fern and Maddie at pre-ride dinner
Sandra, Joan, Susan and Sylvia at pre-ride dinner
Sandra, Joan, Susan and Sylvia at pre-ride dinner
Breakfast - before we knew what was out there!
Breakfast - before we knew what was out there!
MaryAnn - ready to ride!
MaryAnn - ready to ride!
Some of the Princesses
Some of the Princesses
More Princesses
More Princesses
A cold and wet start!
A cold and wet start!
Susan - check out the wind!
Susan - check out the wind!
Tish and Jen
Tish and Jen
Between the rain drops we did see pretty scenery!
Between the rain drops we did see pretty scenery!
Jen and Susie
Jen and Susie
Susie, Tish and Jen
Susie, Tish and Jen
Flags as wind gauge!
Flags as wind gauge!
The end!
The end!