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Arnie Peterschmidt | all galleries >> Galleries >> Photo-per-Day > September 28
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28-Sep-2022 Arnie Peterschmidt

September 28

The fawns are getting bigger, spots are gone and their dame isn't always with them.

Nikon Z 6
1/250s f/3.3 at 170.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Bryan Murahashi02-Oct-2022 03:21
A cute capture.
Gill Kopy01-Oct-2022 02:48
Looks like they're posing just for you - and waiting for something to munch on !! V
globalgadabout30-Sep-2022 01:21
just the bookend moment to press the shutter release...they do appear big enough to forage for shooting Arnie..
Helen Betts29-Sep-2022 16:57
Perfect positioning in this charming capture.
Carl Carbone29-Sep-2022 13:56
Nice capture. I like their positioning.
joseantonio29-Sep-2022 04:56
such a lovely capture.V.
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