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Arnie Peterschmidt | all galleries >> Galleries >> Photo-per-Day > September 10
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10-Sep-2022 Arnie Peterschmidt

September 10

This pod of orcas spent a couple of hours at a local park this afternoon providing the opportunity to watch and take a few photos from shore. There were spy hops, tail lobs, lots of rolling about and dragging kelp around. Given the interest of the gulls, my thought it that they recently finished a good meal and were enjoying the moment. I shifted the photo to black and white because wildfire smoke turned our world orange and hazy today.

Nikon Z 6
1/750s f/5.6 at 200.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Bryan Murahashi12-Sep-2022 03:33
A very neat sight and nicely captured. Sad your getting a lot of smoke up there. It been another nasty season of wildfires.
Helen Betts11-Sep-2022 15:15
Great shot, and how exciting to see!
Carl Carbone11-Sep-2022 14:20
What a cool sight!
globalgadabout11-Sep-2022 05:06
a lively moment that clearly interested the gulls...smokey air up here too, and at the moment the moon is red..
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