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Peter Ericsson | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Birders tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map


I have been able to bird with a lot of birding friends.

Going strait to the birding site is a blessing, especially when pressed for time.
Short or long trips doesn't matter, it is all very rewarding. A special day indeed is to look for Spoon-billed Sandpiper and other rare waders during the dry season. An unforgetable experience.

But birding in Thailand is mostly about forest birding with families such as Trogons, Pittas, Broadbills, Hornbills, Pheasents, Babblers, Bulbuls and Kingfishers.
Only a few hours in this magical environment and one walk away with memories for life!

High end twitching, casual birding or photography. It can all be done!

My apologies for not remembering all the names. Please feel free to add names if you so wish.
Boatride through the mangroves
Boatride through the mangroves
way up there!
way up there!
Morten Kersbergen
Morten Kersbergen
Hallgeir Fisketjøn
Hallgeir Fisketjøn
Per Nielsen
Per Nielsen
Derek och Carol
Derek och Carol
Hans Bucht
Hans Bucht
Kenneth Pedersen
Kenneth Pedersen
Eva och Harry
Eva och Harry
Harry and Eva
Harry and Eva
Thomas och Lars Laessoe
Thomas och Lars Laessoe
Greg Anderson
Greg Anderson
Rick Waldrop
Rick Waldrop
Peter Stahl
Peter Stahl
Tom Munson
Tom Munson
Aaron Lang
Aaron Lang
David and Sandra Porter
David and Sandra Porter
Tom and MR. T
Tom and MR. T
Asian couple
Asian couple
Gary and Marleene Babic
Gary and Marleene Babic
Steve Goodbred
Steve Goodbred
Hanno Stamm
Hanno Stamm
Roger and wife
Roger and wife
Roger and Alice
Roger and Alice
Review of the day's list
Review of the day's list
Max Berlijn
Max Berlijn
Josh and Mom
Josh and Mom
a trio
a trio
Franz from Austria
Franz from Austria
Dutch duo!
Dutch duo!
Larry Gardella
Larry Gardella
Dick Martin
Dick Martin
Peter and Berto
Peter and Berto
Bob Sothman
Bob Sothman
Carlton Collier
Carlton Collier
Pete Dove and Chris Straw
Pete Dove and Chris Straw
Chris Straw
Chris Straw
William Price
William Price
Pau Calero i Figueras, Spanish
Pau Calero i Figueras, Spanish
Andy Roadhouse
Andy Roadhouse
Rob Holmes, William and John Price
Rob Holmes, William and John Price
Mark Easterbrook
Mark Easterbrook
Josh Sager
Josh Sager
William Tucker
William Tucker
Tony and Pat
Tony and Pat
Roland and Desi
Roland and Desi
Paul and Cheryl
Paul and Cheryl
Paul and Cheryl
Paul and Cheryl
Kenneth Christensen
Kenneth Christensen
Richard Heil
Richard Heil
Martin Daniel
Martin Daniel
Gregory Dean
Gregory Dean
When will it be my turn to have a look at those Painted Storks?
When will it be my turn to have a look at those Painted Storks?
There they are!
There they are!
Christian, Friedrich, Falk and Johannes
Christian, Friedrich, Falk and Johannes
Ian Reid
Ian Reid
Hans and Ilona
Hans and Ilona
Richard and Liz King
Richard and Liz King
Liz King
Liz King
Roland Graf
Roland Graf
Chris Chafer
Chris Chafer
Jeroen de Bruijn
Jeroen de Bruijn
Masa and Vivian
Masa and Vivian
Chris Galvin
Chris Galvin
Edward Smith Roly Lloyd
Edward Smith Roly Lloyd
Markus Lagerqvist
Markus Lagerqvist
Martin Lindop
Martin Lindop
Anthony Stones
Anthony Stones
David S. Wilcove
David S. Wilcove
Jon Holt
Jon Holt
Isaac Grant and Peter Shen
Isaac Grant and Peter Shen
Isaac Grant
Isaac Grant
In the North somewhere
In the North somewhere
Americanised Singaporean
Americanised Singaporean
David Edwards and David S. Wilcove
David Edwards and David S. Wilcove
Chris Chafer
Chris Chafer
Stefan Schlick and Michael Fleming
Stefan Schlick and Michael Fleming
Richard Carden and Brian Jones
Richard Carden and Brian Jones
Helge Sorensen
Helge Sorensen
Danish Greenlander
Danish Greenlander
The Sikkens
The Sikkens
Lyle Babber
Lyle Babber
T.J van den Berg
T.J van den Berg
Annabel and Sander from Scotland
Annabel and Sander from Scotland
Barry & Barbara Whittington
Barry & Barbara Whittington
Roy Taylor and wife
Roy Taylor and wife
Faansie and Ronel Peacock
Faansie and Ronel Peacock
3 musketeers!
3 musketeers!
Paul Bamford
Paul Bamford
Bob Walton
Bob Walton
Ann Walton
Ann Walton
Trevor Hardaker
Trevor Hardaker
Margaret Hardaker and friends
Margaret Hardaker and friends
Annette Cunniffe
Annette Cunniffe
Graham Ekins
Graham Ekins
Nick Bray from Zoothera birding
Nick Bray from Zoothera birding
Geoff Dobbs
Geoff Dobbs
Dave Irving
Dave Irving
Lars and Inger Olofsson
Lars and Inger Olofsson
Richard Carden, Brian Jones and myself on a very cold day in China.
Richard Carden, Brian Jones and myself on a very cold day in China.
Elis and Rick Simpson
Elis and Rick Simpson
Brian Fletcher
Brian Fletcher
Michal Jonczyk
Michal Jonczyk
Tommy Pedersen and Vincent Everts
Tommy Pedersen and Vincent Everts
Jeff Zupan
Jeff Zupan
Harry and Amy  from Ireland
Harry and Amy from Ireland
Richard Bonser
Richard Bonser
Gordon and Ian Ellis
Gordon and Ian Ellis
Iain and Janet
Iain and Janet
Martin Painter and Angel
Martin Painter and Angel
5 Liverpoolians
5 Liverpoolians
From America
From America
Jans and Trudi Sikkens
Jans and Trudi Sikkens
Barbara Dulski
Barbara Dulski
Francesco Veronesi
Francesco Veronesi
Stefan Schlik and Michael Flemming
Stefan Schlik and Michael Flemming
Finnish group with Tero Linjama
Finnish group with Tero Linjama
Dunchan Wright
Dunchan Wright
Alan Conlin
Alan Conlin
Dave Starrett and wife
Dave Starrett and wife
Peter and Jenny Sharland
Peter and Jenny Sharland
Helge Sorensen and Hans Christian Nielsen
Helge Sorensen and Hans Christian Nielsen
Happy Swede!
Happy Swede!
Happy lunch
Happy lunch
Mark Taylor and James Phillips
Mark Taylor and James Phillips
Jenny and Christine
Jenny and Christine
from near and far they come
from near and far they come
Roger Truscott and Greg Buzza
Roger Truscott and Greg Buzza
Chris Chafer
Chris Chafer
Anne, Shaun, Sally
Anne, Shaun, Sally
Jeff Bauer
Jeff Bauer
Joseph and Oliver Gilmour
Joseph and Oliver Gilmour
Richard Garnett
Richard Garnett
Birding Sulawesi - Halmahera
Birding Sulawesi - Halmahera
Mark Sullivan
Mark Sullivan
Fran Sullivan
Fran Sullivan
Carlos Sanchez from Miamai, Fl
Carlos Sanchez from Miamai, Fl
Göran and Jenny Norden
Göran and Jenny Norden
From Spain
From Spain
Manfred and wife
Manfred and wife
Manfred and Anne
Manfred and Anne
Mike and Jenny
Mike and Jenny
Karen Sherman and George Dmytriw
Karen Sherman and George Dmytriw
Cool dude!
Cool dude!
In the jungle!
In the jungle!
3 Americans in the bush!
3 Americans in the bush!
Bird bonding
Bird bonding
James Huntington
James Huntington
Jay Jaeger and son
Jay Jaeger and son
Steve Young
Steve Young
Robbie and Ian Hampton
Robbie and Ian Hampton
Birders in Bala
Birders in Bala
Small scope
Small scope
Fun trip!
Fun trip!
Smart birder!
Smart birder!
Pär and Camilla
Pär and Camilla
Steinar Sannes
Steinar Sannes
Klas Rådberg and spouse
Klas Rådberg and spouse
Spanish 'armada'!
Spanish 'armada'!
Sierra and Peter
Sierra and Peter
Kevin Bartlett
Kevin Bartlett
James Huntington and Keith Camburn
James Huntington and Keith Camburn
Gary Douglas from Zimbabwe
Gary Douglas from Zimbabwe
Father and son
Father and son
Jim George and Loki Loki
Jim George and Loki Loki
Per Forsberg
Per Forsberg
Kirsten Tucker
Kirsten Tucker
Fred and Lisa from Norway
Fred and Lisa from Norway
The Winter couple
The Winter couple
Dining with joy!
Dining with joy!
Dennis and Paul Farrell
Dennis and Paul Farrell
Friends from Britain, Anne, Shaun and Sally
Friends from Britain, Anne, Shaun and Sally
Happy days at West Papua!
Happy days at West Papua!
Happy birders dining!
Happy birders dining!
Back in the day!
Back in the day!
Per Holmen and Peter Ericsson
Per Holmen and Peter Ericsson
Jenny Stueber
Jenny Stueber
Looking good!
Looking good!
Happy faces!
Happy faces!
Walter Bachmann
Walter Bachmann
Happy group!
Happy group!
Happy Swede!
Happy Swede!
American university lecturer!
American university lecturer!
Kerry from California
Kerry from California
Three sisters!
Three sisters!
Spanish couple!
Spanish couple!
Joy over Spoonie!
Joy over Spoonie!
The lonely birder
The lonely birder
Swedish group
Swedish group
Birder in the bush
Birder in the bush
Gustav Petterson
Gustav Petterson
Walter and Roger
Walter and Roger
Petri and Nina
Petri and Nina
Sporting a great shirt and gear!
Sporting a great shirt and gear!
Edward Smith and buddy on day 1 of a week long trip...
Edward Smith and buddy on day 1 of a week long trip...
Chris Galvin
Chris Galvin
Dave Sargeant
Dave Sargeant
Peter Christiaen
Peter Christiaen
Derek Roe
Derek Roe
Sevin Dee
Sevin Dee
Sevin Dee
Sevin Dee
Timothy Gotsick
Timothy Gotsick
Arthur Massana and partner
Arthur Massana and partner
Richard Orzcek
Richard Orzcek
Moon and Jeff Bauer
Moon and Jeff Bauer
Andrew Knight
Andrew Knight
John Kennedy
John Kennedy
David Karr
David Karr
Marta and Sean Agrodnia
Marta and Sean Agrodnia
Ron, Joe, Terry, Stijn and Martin at the beginning of a long trip.
Ron, Joe, Terry, Stijn and Martin at the beginning of a long trip.
Lunch at Doi Lang
Lunch at Doi Lang
Wilfried Mahu
Wilfried Mahu
Laurie Gee
Laurie Gee
K. Pratt
K. Pratt
Happy Frenchmen!
Happy Frenchmen!
Terry and Roksana
Terry and Roksana
Rogerio Rodrigues
Rogerio Rodrigues
Beung Borapet
Beung Borapet
Maurice and Lynsey MaCann
Maurice and Lynsey MaCann
Gigi Sahlstrand
Gigi Sahlstrand
Different styles!
Different styles!
Bjorn Albinsson and Peter Ericsson
Bjorn Albinsson and Peter Ericsson
Happy Swedes from AB Fagelguidning!
Happy Swedes from AB Fagelguidning!
Laurie Gee and Stijn de Win at the sand spit..
Laurie Gee and Stijn de Win at the sand spit..
Jeff Thomas
Jeff Thomas
Father and daughter
Father and daughter
Luke and Harvey from California
Luke and Harvey from California
Grigory Ivannikov
Grigory Ivannikov
Keith Allen
Keith Allen
Peter and Iain
Peter and Iain