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Nature Photographers

A few images for inclusion in Nature Photographers website.
Grey Kangaroo Crossing Water
Grey Kangaroo Crossing Water
Cape York Sunset
Cape York Sunset
Goose Neck Island - Lake Benmore
Goose Neck Island - Lake Benmore
Bee on Manuka 1
Bee on Manuka 1
Fiordland Dolphin
Fiordland Dolphin
Moon with Sigma 300-800 and Canon 2X TC
Moon with Sigma 300-800 and Canon 2X TC
Cicada Hatching
Cicada Hatching
Australian Ringneck Parrot
Australian Ringneck Parrot
Gouldian Finch in the Wild
Gouldian Finch in the Wild
Old and New
Old and New
Northern Leaf Tailed Gecko Eye up Close
Northern Leaf Tailed Gecko Eye up Close
Black Kite
Black Kite
Grebes Courting
Grebes Courting
Frog On A Reed
Frog On A Reed
Purple Crowned Fairy Wren
Purple Crowned Fairy Wren
Wedgetail Eagle
Wedgetail Eagle
Female Fig Bird
Female Fig Bird
Bull Ant Head
Bull Ant Head
Variegated Fairy Wren - Male
Variegated Fairy Wren - Male
Water Beetle - Natural Monotone
Water Beetle - Natural Monotone
Dragonfly Flight
Dragonfly Flight
Water Dragon
Water Dragon
Huntsman Spider
Huntsman Spider
Spotted Pardalote - Male
Spotted Pardalote - Male
Backlit Wave
Backlit Wave
Scarlet Robin
Scarlet Robin
Green Rosella
Green Rosella
Mantis Head
Mantis Head