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Sam Rua | all galleries >> Galleries >> Sky and Beyond > 1.5 Day-old Moon, Venus and Mercury
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18 March 2018 Sam Rua

1.5 Day-old Moon, Venus and Mercury

Tucson, Arizona

*** Best view at original size ***

Catching the thin crescent of a 1.5 day-old Moon and Earthshine, along with Venus and Mercury (far right).
I was outside getting some stuff ready for a business trip when the thin crescent caught my eye, so I scrambled
to find my gear, dust it off (literally) and set up on my deck for a few shots before the clouds wiped out the scene.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Jay Levin24-Mar-2018 16:59
This is astounding, Sam. Fantastic work. BV
Julie Oldfield23-Mar-2018 03:12
Outstanding photography. V
Stephanie22-Mar-2018 13:24
Magical! V
SLC_Images22-Mar-2018 01:26
Well taken,Sam- you have so much patience! VT!
pkocinski20-Mar-2018 11:12
Well done Sam.
Tom Munson19-Mar-2018 23:41
Nice work, Sam.
Martin Lamoon19-Mar-2018 20:53
Well captured.
Nirvan Hope19-Mar-2018 18:29
A fantastic astronomical image.
danad19-Mar-2018 15:14
Very beautiful with the Earthshine and the pale lights in the sky. V.
Walter Otto Koenig19-Mar-2018 14:08
Very cool image Sam. So well executed. You excel at these. "V"
Neil Marcus19-Mar-2018 13:09
This is an exceptional image and also beautiful. Magazine material, Sam. Bid Vote
Hank Vander Velde19-Mar-2018 13:05
Terrific night sky image Sam.
davidksmith19-Mar-2018 12:02
Sam, what and excellent image. Love the composition and subtle details.
Blandine Mangin19-Mar-2018 12:02
wonderful ! v
peterjay4519-Mar-2018 11:32
Absolutely superb!
globalgadabout19-Mar-2018 05:11
a delicate exposure perfectly realized...waxing crescent and Venus are easily recognizable, but did not realize that was Mercury too...applaud your awareness and skill...
joseantonio19-Mar-2018 05:05
amazing view, more when seen in the orifinal size.V
Gill Kopy19-Mar-2018 04:02
Fabulous ! Great to catch the moon looking spectacular along with the stars V
John Vass19-Mar-2018 03:55
The hustle was worth it! Beautiful capture! v
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