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Sam Rua | all galleries >> Galleries >> Monochrome > Valley of the Gods
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01 April 2014 Sam Rua

Valley of the Gods

San Juan County, New Mexico

*** Best view at original size ***

Capturing some sunrise light kissing the valley on a cold and blustery morning.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Dan Greenberg14-Jul-2014 01:29
This really has a nice old time western movie quality, except for the fact that the quality is a little too good for that. Excellent! ~BV~
Gary A. Rich (GRainelev)27-Jun-2014 22:41
I saw this image a few days, ago. It is an image that really, moves me. Everything comes together so nicely I like the sun hitting the two formations and how it hits lower depression. You should really be proud of it. You should enter it in a photo contest. Fantastic work, V. Updated comment.
woody3425-Jun-2014 10:04
A truly amazing image, the tones and the mood are perfect...V
Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal25-Jun-2014 08:23
Fantastic B&W image, beautiful light too. V
Gill Kopy25-Jun-2014 00:51
A stunning shot of this spectacular landscape V
bill friedlander24-Jun-2014 17:21
Mono really brings out the shadow and light! The formations are spectacular! V
Hank Vander Velde24-Jun-2014 15:29
Excellent mono image Sam.
Walter Otto Koenig24-Jun-2014 13:49
Superb in b&w. Really shows the textures well. Very nice lighting and shadows. "V"
globalgadabout24-Jun-2014 13:31
a fine pano at this scenic location...the light throws the spires into sharp relief..V
Jim Coffman24-Jun-2014 12:26
What a great image of this beautiful place!!
Jeff Real24-Jun-2014 12:08
What a fantastic monochrome...I love the wide view and the way you have used the light ~V~
Guest 24-Jun-2014 11:58
Bring to mind some work by Robert Adams, no pretense, simplicity, range of tones. V
Neil Marcus24-Jun-2014 11:09
Very nice, Sam
Helen Betts24-Jun-2014 09:11
Superb shadow and light in this beautiful capture. V.
SLC_Images24-Jun-2014 04:46
Great spot, lighting! VT!
Bryan Murahashi24-Jun-2014 04:40
Great light and tones in this beautiful landscape. V
Lillian Rodriguez24-Jun-2014 04:14
Beautiful early light! Love it in B&W! BV
joseantonio24-Jun-2014 04:04
Amazing scenery.V
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