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Sam Rua | all galleries >> Galleries >> Monochrome > Ship Rock
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03 April 2014 Sam Rua

Ship Rock

Navajo Nation, San Juan County, New Mexico view map

*** Best view at original size ***

A b&w treatment to bring out some detail in this striking formation
dressed in shadow and light from partially cloudy skies overhead.
This is a merge of three exposures for HDR.

Canon EOS 5D Mark II ,Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM
1/640s f/8.0 at 160.0mm, crop for pano comp full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Neil Marcus30-Jun-2015 12:53
I visit this image again. There is a purity about it. It is a wall hangar that wouldn't tire. "V"
Julie Oldfield22-May-2014 00:59
This is wonderful in black and white. Almost looks alien. V
Lillian Rodriguez16-May-2014 04:55
Amazing B&W work! Really fine! BV
Dan Greenberg14-May-2014 14:31
Absolutely stunning, Sam! The processing is just right with a nice ethereal feeling. ~BV~
Jean D14-May-2014 02:19
A very captivating image, superbly presented in mono. ~V
Kevin Warren14-May-2014 01:54
This is beautifully done, Sam, superb!
globalgadabout13-May-2014 23:12
such a bold take on this potent outcrop...emblematic and enthralling...V
Apostolos Tikopoulos13-May-2014 21:53
Very nice monochrome. V.
Barbara Read and Fred Schaad13-May-2014 21:15
Well done. Voted
Karen Stuebing13-May-2014 20:42
Very dramatic jutting above the flat land all alone. Beautiful composition and image. V.
Guest 13-May-2014 18:41
Great in B&W. I like the glimpse of snowy peaks in the background too.
Margot W13-May-2014 14:57
A very powerful image!
Walter Otto Koenig13-May-2014 14:41
Imposing and striking Sam. Your b&w was a great choice for this image. "V"
Char13-May-2014 13:32
A magnificent shot of this scene, Sam! Great in black and white. \/
Carol How13-May-2014 06:28
Beautifully captured..and as Marcia noted, the snow capped mountains really make this one special! V
Bryan Murahashi13-May-2014 04:51
Great treatment, Sam. Really brings out the details and snowy background. V
woody3413-May-2014 01:58
Well presented in black and white to bring out the features of this excellent capture.V
Jeff Real13-May-2014 00:34
A monumental monochrome achievement! ~V~
Hank Vander Velde12-May-2014 22:46
Excellent mone image Sam.
Guest 12-May-2014 20:30
A very nice image of this iconic rock formation, Sam...
regi olbrechts12-May-2014 20:23
Nice surreal touch here Sam, great feel
Marcia Rules12-May-2014 19:22
striking, especially with the snow covered range at left! Gorgeous work! V
Martin Lamoon12-May-2014 19:08
It looks amazing in B&W, excellent processing.
Ken Chambers ARPS12-May-2014 19:08
Excellent Sam
Gary A. Rich (GRainelev)12-May-2014 17:12
What, I like more than anything, this treatment really brings out the snow capped mountains in the back ground. Excellent image. V.
Helen Betts12-May-2014 16:53
The B&W treatment is really perfect for this excellent capture. Detail is remarkable, and I love the shadows as well. V.
LynnH12-May-2014 16:51
Wonderful B&W treatment! V
Neil Marcus12-May-2014 16:47
This worked out very well. Mono and detail is striking. "V"
Jim Coffman12-May-2014 16:38
Simply put,EXCELLENT!!!
Tom LeRoy12-May-2014 16:29
The Ship Rock looks even more striking in your fine B&W treatment, Sam. V
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