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Paul Walters | all galleries >> Galleries >> My Personal Favorites > 06-26-2004
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This is Hau, one of the pretty young ladies I photographed today.

FujiFilm FinePix S2 Pro
1/10s f/13.0 at 37.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 28-Jun-2004 18:39
LOL They're soft and make me feel sexy! LOL Good one Dad...Good one! I say to you now, DUDE...NICE!
Jvan Photography28-Jun-2004 04:37
Steve Maldonado Sr <---LOL :-) she has beautiful shoulders....and skin :-) nice shot Paul
Steve Maldonado Sr 27-Jun-2004 19:41
Steven, I read your comment. Does that mean that you like to wear that kind of underwear ? I hope not.
Gary Blanchette27-Jun-2004 14:28
Ok Paul, I have had about enough of this...............................................NOT! :-)
Guest 27-Jun-2004 12:20
Very pretty!
Eric Hewis27-Jun-2004 10:07
It's a tough job, but somebody's got do do it.
Guest 27-Jun-2004 07:22
Very sexy!!
Rick Lewis27-Jun-2004 06:37
I envy you your models. Excellent light in this photo.
Guest 27-Jun-2004 06:15
DUDE...NICE! What-a-Hottie! Very cool shot too. I also am a fan of that kinda underwear. They are very sexy! NICE!