Panorama stitched together from photos taken with a Digital Rebel XT mounted to a Celestron 130mm telescope (2000mm focal length). This is a 50% reduction of the original panorama. The full size image doesn't add any more detail so the half size is fine. Some of the buildings associated with the base that are on the far left and right periphery are not in this panorama. I was only interested in photographing the main portion of the base.
The panorama was built using image stacking through Registax (10-30 image stacks). Vignetting was also controlled through Registax through the use of a flatfield image. The panorama software PTgui was used to pano stitch the completed images together. Brightness consistency and basic photo manipulation was done through Photoshop CS3.
Whenever I go to Tikaboo Peak I only do it at the last moment when I think the weather will be cooperative. I use the following site to determine if the weather in the area might be good for photography:
Clear Sky Clock for Rachel
When transparency, seeing, and wind are excellent two days in advance I immediately start driving the next day. All weather predictions are dodgy of course and there are no guarantees that things will be as good as I hope but using this site helps to place the odds in my favor that at least conditions will be better than average.