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Paul Lantz | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Trains - mostly Ontario Northland. Taken at Moosonee unless otherwise noted. tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

Trains - mostly Ontario Northland. Taken at Moosonee unless otherwise noted.

I like trains but have relatively limited scope for taking pictures of them so the pictures may get a little monotonous. Some of these pictures are definitely not great shots but are included because they illustrate rail operations at the "end of rail" in Ontario. The Ontario Northland is owned by the Ontario (Provincial) Government. It runs a five (six in summer) times a week passenger train between Cochrane and Moosonee. This train has replaced the former three times a week mixed train and the summer only Polar Bear Express. There are also freight trains twice a week. There is no road access to Moosonee so the train and air service are the only public carriers (you can get here by canoe or snowmobile as well).

I have additional train pictures at , a series of shots of the assembly of mixed train 622, at and at

If you are interested in systemwide coverage of the Ontario Northland check out .
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GP38-2 1801
GP38-2 1801
Special train for the Little NHL hockey tournament
Special train for the Little NHL hockey tournament
GP40-2 2201 as second unit
GP40-2 2201 as second unit
Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) 202
Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) 202
Special train for the Little NHL hockey tournament
Special train for the Little NHL hockey tournament
Interior of newly refurbished coach 651
Interior of newly refurbished coach 651
Unloading baggage after arrival of the Polar Bear Express
Unloading baggage after arrival of the Polar Bear Express
Passenger consist of the Polar Bear Express
Passenger consist of the Polar Bear Express
Polar Bear Express arriving in Moosonee 2017 August 6th
Polar Bear Express arriving in Moosonee 2017 August 6th
Station platform in Moosonee after arrival of the Polar Bear Express train.
Station platform in Moosonee after arrival of the Polar Bear Express train.
Polar Bear Express heading into Moosonee 2017 July 16
Polar Bear Express heading into Moosonee 2017 July 16
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