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Ralph | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Astrophotography tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


My latest attempts at astrophotography. The pictures on the first page are from my early begginings. The pictures on the last pages are my latest.
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sun 06-07-2003.jpg
sun 06-07-2003.jpg
sun 06-10-2003.jpg
sun 06-10-2003.jpg
mars TV-85 webcam 5X powermate
mars TV-85 webcam 5X powermate
mars with 8 SCT webcam and 2.5X Powermate
mars with 8" SCT webcam and 2.5X Powermate
mars with 8 SCT webcam and 2.5X Powermate
mars with 8" SCT webcam and 2.5X Powermate
mars with 8 SCT webcam with new infared blocking filter and 2.5X Powermate
mars with 8" SCT webcam with new infared blocking filter and 2.5X Powermate
M13 The Hercules Cluster
M13 The Hercules Cluster
Mars with the Olympus C-2100UZ
Mars with the Olympus C-2100UZ
Mars comparison.jpg
Mars comparison.jpg
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