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Paco López | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> "In domus Bacchi" tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

"In domus Bacchi"

"In domus Bacchi" -in the house of Bacchus in latin- is a little tribute to my friend Esteban, and his dedication for the culture and the knowledge of the wine. He is the owner of an excellent wine and spirit shop. Moreover he is a great collector of old wine bottles and all kind of objects related to wine. Nowadays his private collection is made up of more 47.000 bottles with an aproximate value of 12.000.000 Euros. It´s the best collection of Europe. His label collection is made up of more than 500.000 units. He also has hundreds of objects like barrels, machines, pots, etc.
In his shop we can find more than 6.500 different references to wine on sale. His customers come from all over the world (mostly from Europe) in order to find the vintage and wine they want.
He competes at the best wine cellar in Spain, and won the first price in the year 2003.
Here we can find wines from 0´36 Euros to 9.990 Euros (each bottle).
The whiskies, snaps, champagnes and liquors in this wine cellar are excellents. There are also on sale all kind of extracts such as wine cups, corkscrews, capcorks, decanting jars, etc...
The best thing of this place is the chance to talk to him, hear his explanations or ask for advice. He answers with enthusiasm to any doubt his clients have, so that we became good wine testers. It´s a great pleasure to call him a friend!!!

His web page is:

Some of the wines you can get are in the following page of my friend Fernando:
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Yes!!! This is the price for each bottle!!!
Yes!!! This is the price for each bottle!!!
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g1/56/725356/3/92677630.55iwcUK5.jpg Private collecction
Private collecction
Private collection
Private collection
Private collection
Private collection
Private collection
Private collection
Private collection
Private collection
Private collection
Private collection
Private collection
Private collection
Private collection
Private collection
Private collection
Private collection
Private collection
Private collection
Private collection
Private collection
Private collection
Private collection
Private collection
Private collection
Private collection
Private collection
Private collection
Private collection
...and this is my friend Esteban !
...and this is my friend Esteban !