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Jeffrey Lewis Knapp | all galleries >> Arizona Custom Car Shows >> Collection of 2000 car show photos > beautiful flames bigrig
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27-APR-2003 photo by Jeff Knapp

beautiful flames bigrig

Wiley Sanders Truck-Lines Inc.

Sony Mavica FD-100 ,Sony Optical 3x / Digital Zoom 6x
1/500s f/8.0 at 11.6mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Eugene Dean02-Dec-2014 00:19
I love the unique style of your flames. I drove a semi-trailer for 20 years, but I never had a rig that was this flashy. I would have, but the company I worked for prohibited most customizations. When I retire, I am going to start driving again, and I am definitely getting a truck with character.