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oochappan | profile | all galleries >> INDIA Tamil Nadu >> INDIA Madurai >> Munnar tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


Munnar is a small town in Kerala at the confluence of the mountain streams Muthirappuzha, Chanduvarai and Kundala,
like the name itself says - three rivers, surrounded by wild jungles, wet and cool for most of the season.
Most of the working people are labourers in tea estates plucking the tea leaves.

Road to nowhere. The harvest of your daily tea. Munnar city
Munnar Kovil Christian Church Mosque
On the edge of clouds. Clouds closing in. A minute before
A minute later ... Sunspot to the mist Getting near the valley
Awakening nature Morning dew Valley of Tea
Finally full sun Sunny valley T(h)ree  poor fellows ...
Publicity painter Bridge to the center Kurkuma Mill
Tea Harvest Early morning Intens work.