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2005-01-16 ¹ ² ³ oochappan ©®

Policemen, your friends


Some members of the policeforce to secure the safety on this Jallikattu or 'Taming the bull' festival.
They were standing behind me, so I turned and with my back on the ground took them like they like most, looking upwards to them.

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Guest 28-Jul-2007 22:51
Great angle..
Adds to thje feeling of authority..
Guest 18-Feb-2006 00:33
the real criminals:-)), but a very nice shot,from the look on their faces ,they too are having a nice time , nice perspective
Dan Chusid28-Oct-2005 19:21
Fun angle!
...but not if you're a lawbreaker!
Guest 24-Oct-2005 01:44
I like the amusing looks ....THe way postioned around you around as if you are a "Sandiyar" or "Virumaandi"....
On second thought you could be, right...catching people in your camera.. :)
agonus 09-Sep-2005 11:13
I like this picture great angle - there is a suggestion of friendliness but also of hidden menace in their appearance