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10-FEB-2011 oochappan ©®

Rooster's Home

Varanasi - life in the town

Sitting at the window of a bakery
in a dark alley ...
smoked meat preserves well,
as long it's warm ... it's home.

a fun edition

other sizes: small medium original auto
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anuschka01-Apr-2011 09:44
Fantastic! V.
Barbara Heide29-Mar-2011 07:27
brilliant! v
Cornelis Heijkant 28-Mar-2011 22:12
Incredible! V.
regi olbrechts28-Mar-2011 20:54
Superb, colour- and powerful composition. Great POV!!
Alain Boussac28-Mar-2011 16:15
A splendor, no words... VBV.
Georges Noblet28-Mar-2011 15:50