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Omar Brännström | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Wild Birds tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Wild Birds

This is a small collection of wild birds from all over the world. No ZOO pictures.
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Chaffinch with larvae in beak
Chaffinch with larvae in beak
Yellow Wagtail with stuff to the nest
Yellow Wagtail with stuff to the nest
European Pied Flycatcher, singing
European Pied Flycatcher, singing
European Pied Flycatcher, singing
European Pied Flycatcher, singing
Whinchat, singing
Whinchat, singing
Greylag Goose
Greylag Goose
White Wagtail with nesting material
White Wagtail with nesting material
Carrion Crow
Carrion Crow
Great Crested Grebe with fish, winter plumage
Great Crested Grebe with fish, winter plumage
Carrion Crow
Carrion Crow
Common Bullfinch, Female
Common Bullfinch, Female
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