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Strange Things

Strange Things (and even stranger things)

The image above is not a reference to Freemasonry. Rather it is a reference to different polarities
and how those polarities can affect us as individuals, as groups, and as a whole.

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Strange Things


The information below is a concise summary and review of the concepts that were
discussed in the series Journey Of Awakening - The Spiritual Gatekeepers.

Newest posts are located at the top of the page.

If the information on this page has helped to inform you, inspire you, or helped to present a different perspective on things, please share this link (Strange Things) with others. Sometimes it might seem like we are powerless against the Machine. But that is not true. Every single person makes a difference, every choice we make is relevant, and every voice is important. Peace to All. 

Note: This page was formatted for viewing on desktop browsers. For proper viewing on mobile browsers, please choose "desktop view" from your browser's options menu.

Strange Things - Too
More Strange Things



The original Strange Things file and web page is getting too large to effectively display and edit. Therefore, this page will be continued on the Strange Things Too page. Before I move on to Chapter 2: Act I, however, there are couple of topics that I would like to address first. To view those topics and all future chapters and posts, please see the Strange Things Too page.

Footnote: For the best results (greater awareness and understanding), please read this page first before viewing the Strange Things Too page. I understand that there is a growing list of broken (terminated) links on this page due to the ongoing censorship of "misinformation" by officialdom (knowledge, awareness, and understanding that exists outside of the official narrative). I will continue to try and update those links as time permits.


Happy New Year!
One More Year and One More Cycle


Is this the true nature of reality? Or, is it something else? Or, is it perhaps just one part of true reality?

The Way That Things Are Understood

1). Things can be defined as one thing or the other.

2). How things are defined usually depends of what the desired outcome is.

3). Things are sometimes defined as one thing or the other in order to hide the fact that, more often than not, things are actually a combination of both one and the other.

Creation and Corruption

It is believed that the Archons are incapable of creating new things. Therefore, in order to mimic Creation, they use corruption, distortion, and/or inversion to modify existing things and then subsequently call those newly modified things their own. Most often this process involves adding some type of corruption, distortion, or inversion above or over a valid base layer of reality. The end result is that distorted ways of seeing, hearing, expressing, defining, and/or understanding things is "created" which effectively over-shadows the original foundation of the thing involved (word, concept, process, awareness, meaning, symbol, law, rule, etc).

Recycled Reality

Can you think of a reason why someone on December 31 might want to forget the previous year and start all over again in the new year? And can you also think of a reason why someone (else) might want to make people forget what they have seen, heard, and learned during the previous year?

Can you think of a reason why reincarnation might be valuable in the growth and the development of consciousness? Can you think of a reason why wiping a person's memory during reincarnation might be beneficial to that process? Or, can you think of a reason why (and how) reincarnation might be used as a tool of control? And, lastly, can you think of a reason why wiping a person's memory during the reincarnation process might be harmful to the individual involved, but beneficial to the memory wiper?

True Reality

The true reality of this unreality is that true reality and unreality (illusion) co-exist with one another and are almost always mixed-up together. This is why the proper use of awareness, discernment, differentiation (context), and understanding is so important during the process of examination, evaluation, and conclusion.

2022 - The Year Of The...?

What in the world was two thousand and twenty two? It was the year of...

  1. The never-ending media spin cycle
  2. The money-laundering-mat (the grand theft of unbelievably enormous amounts of taxpayer money by the government)
  3. The revelation and the cleansing of dirty laundry
  4. The rise and the (temporary) fall of the corporate/government technocracy machine
  5. The year that some people stood up and said "enough is enough"!

What will two thousand and twenty three bring? As always, in large part, that really depends on us (you and me...or "we").

Dirty laundry

Things can sometimes get really mixed
up during different cycles, however...

If we have a good understanding of the past, then the present can be effectively
utilized to break free from the current cycle and create something new
and better in the future (that is different from the past).

Footnote:  I'm posting this early because I think that now is a good time to reflect on the past, to contemplate where we are in the present, and to clearly see where we are possibly (or probably) headed in the future.


Dirty Laundry

It's My Life

Steppin' Out

New Year's Day
This is in fact a world war, and all of us
(including you-too) are part of it.

Take Five
(to rest, reflect, and see the road ahead)

Related Reading

As the World Turns - Cycles of Time
(please see the 5-29-22 post on this page) 

You Can't Be Serious?
(please see the 4-5-21 post on this page)



Chapter I: Act III
Consciously Acting vs. Unconsciously Reacting


Cloudy reactions, clear reactions, and truly clear actions.


Jumping into an issue too quickly can often cloud one's judgment and result in a re-action-ary action. However, taking a step back and taking the time to consider all of the relevant elements of the issue often creates an environment where the issue becomes clearer and the action becomes more evolution-ary (forward moving) than revolution-ary (circular/cyclical).

Consciously Acting and Unconsciously Reacting

There are certain times when taking additional time to act more consciously is appropriate, and there are other times when taking additional time to act is inappropriate. There are also times when re-acting immediately (less consciously) is appropriate, and there are times when re-acting immediately is inappropriate. For example, if you are presented with a situation that encourages you to take urgent action, there may in fact be a valid reason why you should act quickly in that particular situation. However, there could also be an invalid reason why you are being encouraged to act quickly as well (e.g. re-act without thinking).


Simple mindedness and simple thinking isn't always a bad thing. Most of the time, things are not really as complex as they may initially seem. As such, thinking simply can actually be beneficial by helping one to not become excessively bogged down with too much information. Avoiding information overload is often desirable because it encourages timely action (rather than discouraging action via prolonged procrastination).

Unconsciously reacting isn't always a bad thing either. The reptilian part of the brain is there for a reason. It helps to protect us by encouraging an immediate response to a perceived danger (fight or flight response). However, the fight or flight response can also be programmed into our minds in such a way that it tricks us into performing a non-thinking (unconscious) action or reaction when there is no valid reason to act this way.

Lastly, taking the time to properly evaluate a particular situation (before acting) can be very valuable in the development and the realization of a right and proper outcome (provided that taking that additional time doesn't place anyone in true danger and/or prevent a right and proper outcome from naturally occurring).

How do you know when it is appropriate to take additional time to act in a more conscious manner and when it is appropriate to immediately react in a less conscious manner? It depends on the person, the situation, and the context of that particular situation. Whether the final outcome of any situation is good or bad (beneficial or harmful) is in many ways a function of, and dependent upon, a person becoming conscious of how any unknown or unrecognized programming may be influencing their actions and/or reactions.


Simple Man

Alive and Kicking

I Can See Clearly Now


Chapter I: Act II - Acting Simply


Just a little more Kool Aid and then everything will be just peachy!

Act II

Acting without thinking is not the same as simply acting. Nor is thinking without acting. Rather, acting without thinking is more akin to doing without seeing, and thinking without acting is more akin to seeing without doing (or simply not acting).

Acting Simply

Just wait a little bit longer and Trump will finally drain the swamp, show the world that he actually has some intelligence, get his ego under control, stop lying, stop exaggerating, stop initiating and supporting policies that enslave us, and he will finally save us all! Trump for President (again)!

We need a fresh new politician/president. The politicians and presidents in the past were ignorant, greedy, and corrupt. But with this new election, things will be different!

The gods (and cults) of government, corporations, technology, and religion have ruled over, oppressed, misled, manipulated, and lied to the people throughout history, but this time (and with this new cycle) things will be different.

Just one more booster and then these injections will begin to protect and heal us, the "side effects" will go away, and the pandemic (of greed, corruption, unhealthy power, and distorted control) will finally end.

Every time that I go to the doctor and I'm given the latest and greatest newly patented pharmaceutical to take (sponsored by Pfizer), I feel much sicker afterwards than I did before I went in. But doctors are here to help and heal us, they would never do us harm.


"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." -- Albert Einstein (and others)


(He's, She's, It's) Fresh!
Just because someone or something is new, that doesn't necessarily mean
that they (or it) is improved. And just because someone or something that
is old has a new look, a new slogan, or a new gimmick, that doesn't
necessarily mean that they are new and improved.



Hey Kool Aid!
Artificially flavored, artificially colored, and 35% less sugar,
but still very sweet, very good, and very peachy!


Keep Sweet, Pray, and Obey

This particular documentary examines one cult(ure) from the perspective of religion. However, whether a cult involves (or revolves around) a religion, a government, a political party, a "science-ology" (science, medicine, technology, etc), or an entire society or empire, the characteristics and behaviors of both the cult leaders and cult followers remain remarkably similar and essentially the same. This includes such things as an arrogant/egotistical leader, suppression of information (knowledge, awareness, understanding) that exists outside of cult teachings, blind allegiance to the cult leader and cult(ure), symbols/uniforms worn by cult members, social isolation, paranoid monitoring and surveillance of cult members, monetary dues payable to the cult leader or cult organization, targeting and preying upon children (physical, psychological, and sexual abuse), and widespread use of various psychological manipulation and mind control techniques.

As the cult grows and "matures", policies and procedures almost always become increasingly more restrictive, oppressive, dysfunctional, and destructive to both the cult organization and the cult members (especially with regards to the management of cult finances). Do you recognize any parallels (similar cult characteristics) between this cult, historical cults/cult leaders, and the recent Covid era cult(ure)? Do you recognize any similarities between this cult and the way that various societies, cult(ures), and empires have "progressed" and subsequently fallen throughout history?

Footnote 1: The examples above of doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is just a small sample of such behaviors that occur every day in all areas of society (not just the so-called "unawake" and "unaware" portions of society). Can you think of any other examples?

Footnote 2: Is acting and thinking simply always a bad thing? Or, are there times when acting and thinking simply can actually be beneficial?


Chapter I: Act I - Simply Acting


Don't wait! Act now! For a limited time only!

Act I

A simple act can sometimes lead to something completely unexpected.

Simply Acting

For example, you never know what a simple act of kindness will bring. There are times when such an act might make little difference or no difference at all. Other times, such an act might result in someone trying to mislead you or take advantage of you. And there might even be times when a person may use your kindness to further their own suffering. However, every once in a while, a simple act of kindness arrives at just the right time and place to really make a difference in a person's life and lead them to developing a new perspective and perception of the world around them (and the world within them).


You never know what a simple act of kindness will bring. However, if certainty is what you seek, then simply not acting (or acting without kindness) will usually provide a more predictable outcome.

Footnote (just something to think about): How many different ways are there to show kindness? How many examples in the image below (previous post) would people relate to being associated with a gift or an act of kindness? Which acts of kindness are usually the most effective in the long-term?


Through the Barricades


Merry Christmas!


Which gift would you open first? Which gift would you give away first?


Exchanging Gifts
(added 12-21-22)

I ran across this video today. I think that it perfectly conveys not only the message
contained within this post, but also the true message of Christmas as well. It's
pretty amazing what this man did for Bruno. But what's even more amazing is
what his dog did for him. Sometimes the best gifts of all are the simple ones.


Jingle Bell Rock


Closets, Basements, and Attics



Have you ever wondered why so many monsters, ghosts, and demons seem to reside in closets, basements, and attics (and under beds)? Could it be because these areas are usually dark, neglected, and full of clutter (a prime environment for unknown things to hide in and thrive in)? Can you think of any other places where such things might exist? How about in the closets, basements, attics, and clutter of our minds? What hides in there?

When unpleasant and uncomfortable things are pushed into the darkness of our subconscious (or unconscious) mind, they leave the light our conscious mind and enter into areas where they can cause all kind of havoc in our lives without our knowledge, awareness, or understanding of them.

Our minds are much like a huge mansion (or a hotel) with many different rooms. Some of these rooms might be frequented quite often by us, while others may not. Some rooms may be well kept, open, and airy, while others may be dark and full of lots of junk and mystery boxes. And that's just the normal rooms. The closets, attics, and basements can be even more problematic. These areas often contain the most junk of all and the items that are least known to us.



In the mind, clutter can take the form of many different things -- traumas (personal and collective), unresolved emotions, unknown programming, addictions, distractions, and many other things. Like the mansion, some of this clutter may reside in lighter more known areas of the mind, while others may reside in deep, dark, and very heavy areas of the mind that are completely unknown to us.

House Cleaning


Have you ever done a deep cleaning of your house and decided to get rid of all of the things that you don't need? Do you remember how good it felt when you were done? Getting started on (or even contemplating) a deep cleaning like this can be very difficult, especially when it comes to getting rid of the things that you may have been holding onto for many years. Cleaning out the mind is very much like this.

Drivers of Reality


The true driver of this reality (and all realities) is our personal and collective consciousness. Unfortunately, in this physical reality, what we call "consciousness" is mostly a product of our programmed minds which, in large part, are disconnected from greater consciousness. The more that the mind is cluttered (and compartmentalized), controlled, programmed, disconnected (from greater consciousness), and traumatized, the less conscious, less known, and less beneficial the creation of reality is. And the less that the mind is cluttered (and compartmentalized), controlled, programmed, disconnected (from greater consciousness), and traumatized, the more conscious, more known, and (potentially) more beneficial that the creation of reality is.

Mind Control - I


Mind control involves programming and compartmentalizing the mind in such a way that certain "rooms" end up controlling and overriding the influence of the other rooms in your consciousness.

Celebrities are often heavily mind controlled (sometimes from early childhood) because they represent an effective way to program and compartmentalize the minds of the general public. When unknown rooms in the mind later become visible (or come into conflict with the visible rooms), celebrities can sometimes exhibit bizarre and disturbing behavior. This can also occur with heavily programmed people in general society as well.

Mind Control - II


Who controls your mind? Do you control it, or does someone else control it? In this physical reality, the mind is our connection to consciousness and our connection to the reality that we see and experience in our lives.


Tonight and the Rest of My Life
For additional information on how this song relates to what has been
discussed above, please see "The Great Airship" linked below.

Related Reading

The Great Airship

Escape Velocity

The Battle Between the Light and the Dark

(please see the 5-27-22 post on this page)

Footnote: I want to make it clear that when I talk about facing the darkness, I am mostly referring to facing our own personal darkness and bringing light into the darkness through the proper examination, understanding, and addressing of these elements (light and dark). I am not talking about becoming fixated on the darkness or traveling deep into the rabbit hole of dark occultism. While I do think that it is important to be aware of the different aspects of the darkness so that they can be properly recognized and addressed when they are encountered, I am strongly opposed to diving too deep into dark occultism (due to the very real danger that it presents).


Rooms and Doorways


How many movies have been produced where the focus of the storyline is in one room? Lots and lots! Why is that?


Riders on the Storm

The Morrison Hotel

Break on Through


Overlooked: Lost in the Shining Hotel


Core Understanding
Living in a Layered Reality


The concept of layered realities has been explored many times before (throughout time) in many different films and literary works such as The Thirteenth Floor, The Matrix, Journey to the Center of the Earth, Dante's Inferno, and in countless ancient "mythologies" (especially underworld mythologies).

During the Journey to the center, a person will encounter
many different monsters, obstacles, and distractions.
One such foe is the reptilian brain.

Layers - The clues to achieving true awareness and
understanding can be seen all around us. 

Layers - Crusty surface-level awareness often
obscures core understanding.

Layers - Altered reality.

Layers - The Greek Cosmos

Layers - Hierarchy of Needs 

Layers - Inner/Outer levels of awareness and understanding.

The Internet Reacts!

Did you see that thing that just happen??? Drama = Distraction.
Constant distraction is like an addictive drug that
continually leads us away from the core.

The reality is that we live in an unreality not unlike the Truman Show. Reality TV (manufactured drama) is popular because it distracts us and it leads us away from examining a deeper, darker, and more uncomfortable personal reality.

Surface Dwellers


Why is it that so few people want to travel to the core?

1) The journey is too long and it's too difficult to get there

2) It's uncomfortable at the core

3) It's dark at the core

4) It's lonely at the core

5) There are lots of scary monsters there

The truth is that most people would much rather reside in one of the more acceptable, more secure, and more comfortable surface layers that surround the core rather than get to actual root of the problem. As such, the more layers that you peel back and the closer that you get to the core, the more opposition that you will likely encounter from others (and from yourself).

The Greek Gods of Time - Chronos, Aion, and Kairos


"The ancient Greek religion had at least three gods representing conceptions of time: Chronos, Aion, and Kairos. Chronos (not to be confused with the Titan Cronus) was likely the first of these gods to be established. Chronos represented empirical time, such as the past, present, and future. He was the embodiment of linear time and was associated with the simplest version of time (e.g., the time from one's birth until now).

In contrast to Chronos, Aion represented eternal time. He was closely associated with the afterlife, as well as the cyclical nature of certain events (e.g., the seasons). Like Chronos, the effects of Aion would apply to all people regardless of what they did, but this was different from the third god of time: Kairos.

Kairos was considered the embodiment of opportunist time. Specifically, moments when action must be taken to achieve a task. Ancients concerned with argument and persuasion often used Kairos as a tool to explain human actions and consequences, as well as a metaphor when describing opportune actions.

A simple way to think of these gods is how they are represented in a given year: Chronos is the length of the year, Aion lives in the cycle of seasons, and Kairos represents the time when one should take advantage of the weather to plant or harvest. Interestingly, all three of these forms of time are still alive in religion today. For instance, all three of these gods and their representations are basic concepts in various Abrahamic religions." -- From Michael Roy "The Three Greek Gods of Time".

Nothing New Under the Sun


There is nothing new under the light of the sun. There are only different states of awareness and different modes of understanding. What actually changes over time are the different ways of expressing the things that are known to us now and the things that have been hidden and/or forgotten long before.

The Archons (rulers) and the Technocrats are not the only ones that crave power and control over others. And they aren't the only ones that create corruption, distortion, delusion, and distraction in the world. This also occurs in other areas of society as well with work, friends, family, and relationships.

Thus, if one primarily concentrates their efforts in pointing the finger outwards and upwards, it can serve to distract from discovering (or uncovering) the location of the real engine of change (for better or for worse) which exists at the core.

Angels Among Us


Next time that you see someone on the street in tattered clothes, or someone sleeping on the sidewalk, or someone pushing a shopping cart down the street, or someone living in their car with their dog, don't be so quick to pass judgment on them. Not everything is always as it seems (or as it is understood from your own personal perspective, perception, and experience).

Levels, Layers, Gates, and Crossings

Greater light and understanding is often hidden behind many
different levels, layers, doorways, gates, and crossings.


Crossing -- Is it possible to achieve proper awareness, understanding,
and perspective while examining life form only one side of the tracks?

From light into darkness. And from darkness into Greater Light.

Just Put on The Damn Glasses


People will not see until they are ready to see. And people will not hear until they are ready to hear. And people will not change until they are ready to change.

You can't force someone into recovery (and out of illusion) and expect it to last until they themselves are ready to confront the things that need to be addressed in order to enter a new and better reality.


What It's Like
What is it actually like in the "real world"? What
are people drowning in all around us?


The Core
In order to reach the core, one must drill down, peel back, and
remove the layers that surround and obscure the core.

The Glasses
Is the "long fight" a reference to the ongoing external battle that we encounter when trying to bring
greater awareness and understanding to others? Or, is it a reference to the internal and eternal
battle that we encounter with ourselves during our journey for personal understanding?

The Phoenix
The Phoenix is not just a symbol of physical birth, death, and rebirth. It is
also a metaphor for the birth, death, and rebirth that
must occur
as one passes though the various Gates of Awareness and
Understanding during their Journey of Awakening.

Footnote 1: For more information on the Gates of Understanding, Chronos (time), and the actual Engine of Change (vs. the technocratic Engine of Change), please see the other posts on this page and in the rest of the series The Spiritual Gatekeepers

Footnote 2 (12-7-22): Removed some info and a link that was distracting from the core message of the post.


Technocracy - The Engine of Change


There are shoes on the ground,
and there are boots overhead.

There are hats on the head,
and there are tricks in the hat.

There are conductors, engineers, and engines,
and there are passengers, followers, and cars.

There are first-class passengers with no class,
and there are second-class passengers with lots of class.

There are plenty of drugs and lots of bugs,
but just a few thugs that create many-a-shrugs.

There are some that exhibit the will to be free,
but there are many that follow the will of the engine.

If technocracy is the engine of change, then psychological programming, behaviorism, indoctrination, deception, and manipulation are the tracks that the engine travels on. And if psychological programming, behaviorism, indoctrination, deception, and manipulation are the tracks that the engine travels on, then ignorance (and ignore-ance) is the fuel that feeds the engine. And if ignorance (and ignore-ance) is the fuel that feeds the engine, then knowledge, awareness, and understanding (and right action) are the monkey wrenches that will stop the engine and derail the train.


The level of effectiveness of a trick is directly proportional to the level of receptiveness of the intended audience. In other words, in order to be tricked, one must be unaware of how they are being tricked.



Snowpiercer - Hats ad Shoes


What is Technocracy?

Pavlov's Dogs
"In psychology class we were having such a laugh at how stupid Pavlov's dogs were.
Then, the bell rang and we all went to have lunch" - Chryssi Koukouraki

The Mind of the Technocrat

The Minds of Men

Footnote: Ignorance simply means a lack of knowledge. It is not a derogatory term, nor is it intended to be a derogatory term in this context. Ignorance only becomes derogatory when it is willful ignorance (i.e. ignoring knowledge and willfully suppressing awareness...see no evil, hear no evil, speak no order to create a personal protective bubble or artificial comfort zone around oneself).


Perspective and Perception - Part Five
Nets, Webs, Boxes, Containers, and Pockets


The ruling elite use nets, webs, boxes, containers, and pockets to capture our minds, limit our awareness, box-in our consciousness, cage our freedoms, destroy our understanding, and direct our behaviors.

Sometimes there is a specific net, web, box, container, or pocket that they want us to fall into. However, other times, it really doesn't matter which trap that you fall into, just as long as you identify with that one thing and are mis-directed from developing an awareness and understanding of other things around you.

Box hypnosis

Trapped in the Box

Boxed (cubed)

Boxed-in Consciousness

Boxing Match - jab, duck, jab, duck, jab

The Containering of Consciousness

Arpanet to Internet, to World Wide Web, to Social Media Web, to Mind
Control Web, to HealthNet Web, to Physical Freedom Web,
to 5g+ Web, to Full-Spectrum Consciousness Web.

The World Wide Web

The 5g+ Satellite Web

"Screened" Reality Net (virtual jobs, virtual education,
virtual health, virtual "social" interaction, etc)

Health (freedom) Net and ARPA-H Net




Trapped in social media

Trapped in the Metaverse 

Trapped in the Matrix.

Ready Player One

The Thirteenth Floor

Dark City

Wall of "Sanctions" - Financial insecurity, food insecurity, health insecurity,
social insecurity, housing insecurity, safety insecurity = Web of Control.

In the end it doesn't really matter which pocket that you fall
into...just as long as they can clear the table.

Prison of the mind and consciousness

The True Man Show




The Adjustment Bureau
Who is the "Chair Man" of this world?

Related Reading


The Label Machine

(please see the 2-14-21 post on this page)

The Great Deceiver


Perspective and Perception - Part Four
Lenses and Filters


How we see the world is, in large part, a function of
the lenses and filters that we view it through.


In photography, there are many different types of lenses that can be used to capture an image. For example, there are wide-angle lenses, there are telephoto lenses, and there are macro (close-up) lenses. Each of these lenses provides a different view (perspective and perception) of the world around us. Various filters can also be attached to the lenses which further effect perspective and perception.

With digital cameras, the size and the pixel count of the sensor helps to determine the level of detail in the image. However, if there is dust on the sensor, it can diminish the overall resolution by adding unwanted artifacts to the image. Similarly, if too much post-processing is done to the original image, it can distort or corrupt the original view of reality.

Lenses of perspective and perception -- Each lens
provides a different view of reality.


A close-up view of reality can sometimes have a negative effect
on the greater context and perspective of reality.

The size of the sensor determines the resolution and the level of detail in the image.
In a similar manner, awareness, comprehension, understanding, imagination,
and our overall level of consciousness helps to determine the
detail and the resolution that we see in reality.

High resolution vs. low resolution view of reality.


Dust and artifacts that appear in the image can cloud
our perspective and perception of reality.

When limitations, restrictions, distortions, and corruptions are placed between actual reality and our image of reality (perspective and perception), it is likely to impact our ability to:

  1. Ask or consider certain questions regarding the nature of reality (that may exist outside of our established perspectives and perceptions).
  2. Objectively evaluate data and evidence (that may be in conflict with our established perspectives and perceptions).
  3. Come to proper conclusions based on objective analysis (that is not a result of our currently accepted perspectives, perceptions, and/or belief systems).

Filters of Perspective and Perception

Are you unhappy with your current view of reality? Don't worry,
there is always a filter that can help to fix that.

It can be very difficult to arrive at what is actually right and true if we continually look at things though a specific set of lenses and filters that limit or color our view of reality. For example:

The Paparazzi of Propaganda and Illusion

Through the eyes of the beholder.


Propaganda - ideas, facts, or allegations that are spread deliberately to further one's cause or to damage an opposing cause.

"Prop"-"a"-"ganda" -- A  = (a), beautiful = (ganda), illusion = (prop) that is moved around on the world stage. Or a = (a), beautiful = (ganda), illusion = (prop) that is sustained (propped up) through popular and/or profitable support.

WHO uses propaganda? Governments, religions, corporations, institutions, organizations, advertising agencies, people, and anyone or anything else that wishes to influence thoughts and behaviors.

Filtered Reality and Unfiltered Reality

When you view the world through too many filters, it can
distort your perspective and perception of reality.


All information and knowledge is potentially useful in the determination of what is right and true. However, if we are never given the opportunity to view or access such information in the first place, or if we voluntarily block ourselves from considering such information, then we are restricting our consciousness and limiting our ability to determine what is actually right and true.

If you want to control someone's perspective and perception of reality (and by extension their thoughts and their behaviors), a very effective way to do this is by limiting, restricting, corrupting, and/or distorting the information that they have access to.

Photoshopped reality.

Distorted reality.

The corruption, the destruction, and the restriction of information.

The Sky Gods

Fear me, for I am a jealous god! I am the god of religion, government, science, medicine, and education. Thou shall not read from any other book, or consider any other information, that is outside of my religion or that is contrary to my rule. Those who stray will be punished and banished from my kingdom. And those who obey will be rewarded with ever-lasting safety and security. Your (free) will, your good deeds, and your actions matter not. It is only my will, and your blind obedience, that is of any consequence in your salvation and your redemption.

Let us all rise now and sing from our hymnal: War is Peace, Slavery is Freedom, My will is Your will, Illusion is Reality, Lying is Truth, Indoctrination is Education, Inflation is Uplifting, Awareness is Depressing, Devolution is Evolution, and Ignorance is Strength.

Question For Contemplation

Next time that you see someone or something (a government, a religion, a corporation, an institution, or a person...including yourself) trying to restrict your access to information or knowledge, ask yourself "why?".


In Your Eyes
It is through your eyes that you see (and experience) Reality and
 illusion, Creation and destruction, Right and wrong,
Heaven and hell, and Life and death.

Related Reading

Building the Matrix
(please see the 1-25-20 post on this page)



Perspective and Perception - Part Three
Happy Shadow Day



Happy Shadow Day. What??? That sounds kind of evil! Why
would anyone want to celebrate the darkness?  

The Most Difficult Opponent That You Will Ever Face


The Shadow is the most formidable opponent that you are likely to ever encounter. It is the most clever, most elusive, most deceptive, most ruthless, most sneaky, most destructive, most cruel, and most evil of all things in Creation. The Shadow has the ability to disguise itself and incorporate itself into reality through illusion. Because of this, it can be very difficult to identify. The Shadow exists in both the individual and in the collective. It has been around since the beginning of time. The Shadow cannot be totally eliminated because part of the Shadow (the darkness) is also part of who we are (light and dark).

Everybody has certain things that they don't want to think about, acknowledge, or address. These are usually the things that get pushed deeply into the darkness. However, the more that these things are ignored and suppressed, the more that they grow. And the more that they grow, the more semi-conscious and more animated that they become (in both the individual and in the collective). Unfortunately, once the Shadow becomes animated in this way, it can manifest itself in a wide variety of different forms in our physical reality.

Demonic Entities

Unrecognized and unaddressed shadows in our environment.

Demons, evil spirits and dark aliens are shadows, apparitions and fragments of the whole (of Creation). Ignorance creates forgetfulness and blindness. And forgetfulness and blindness creates ignorance. The more ignorant and blind that we become, the less that we are able to see and understand our connections to the Whole. The darker that the environment within us becomes, the darker that the environment around us becomes.

Therefore, demons could be thought of as more of a diseased state of being rather than a rigidly defined entity. Demonic infection begins when one becomes separated or disconnected from Creation (One). This can occur in a number of different ways, however trauma (physical or psychological) and the numbing of our minds (via indoctrination, willful ignorance, pharmaceuticals, drugs, alcohol, chemicals, harmful forms of electromagnetic energy, etc.) are perhaps the most common. When we become unaware that we are living in darkness, this is when a "demon" usually finds a home within us or somewhere in our external environment.

In the simplest of terms, the disease could be described as a type of amnesia. The greater that the amnesia (separation) is, the more pathological that the behavior usually becomes. It is important to understand that demonic "entities" can occupy the full range of both the visible-light spectrum and the invisible spectrum.

The Prince of Darkness and the Bringer of Light


A demonic entity that has lost its way in blinding light is no different than a demonic entity that is stumbling around in complete darkness. Both of these states of being can result in blindness and amnesia and can create highly polarized (unbalanced) patterns of behavior. 

What if I were to suggest that two of the most evil entities in (orthodox) Christianity could actually become "savior" figures? How could that happen? Lucifer is known as the "Light bringer" and Satan is known as the "Adversary". What happens when we are confronted with a blinding light? We turn away and face the darkness. What happens when we are confronted with a blinding darkness? We turn away and look for the light.

The more darkness that Satan creates in the world, the more of an "adversary" that "he" becomes to his own evil. Left unchecked, evil will eventually become so great in the world that even the most blind and deaf will learn to see and hear again (because their survival will depend on it).

Lucifer (the "bringer of light") becomes an adversary to "his" own evil in a similar manner. Eventually the false light (BS) in this world will become so blinding that it will encourage people to see and hear the false light for what it really is (because their survival will depend on it).

In a sort of backward kind of way, this is how Satan becomes a "Prince" again and this is how Lucifer becomes an "Angel" again. In esoteric terms, this is a reference to polarities and cycles. A simple example of this idea is the cycle of a day (i.e. it's dark just before dawn, and it is light just before dusk). Where does the greatest vision occur? In occurs at the transition point, when one can clearly see both day and night at the same time.

Stars of the Bible


One of the things that many Christians don't like to see or hear is that both Lucifer and Jesus can be seen as morning stars in the Bible (depending on which version of the Bible that you are reading and how it is interpreted). Why is this? Because they both help to bring in the dawn of a new day of awareness and understanding in their own unique ways.

You might say that Jesus tries to help us to see the light the easy way, while Satan and Lucifer make us see the light the hard way.

Another way of looking at the Bible is this: The Old Testament (with its blind, jealous, and egotistical god) is like the darkness (night). And the New Testament is like the light (day). Jesus acts as sort of a mediator and tries to bring balance to the old and the new and the light and the dark so that one day they can both "see the Light" (the whole or the One).

Just to be clear, I'm not suggesting that evil is good. What I'm saying is that both Satan and Lucifer will continue to deliver their own form of darkness to us (blinding darkness or blinding light) until we decide that we have had enough suffering and choose to look at, understand, and address the other polarity and become balanced once again.

Light Work is Shadow Work


Should the Shadow be celebrated? On one level no. The Shadow is the main entity that is responsible for most of the death, destruction, and suffering that occurs on this planet. However, on another level, the Shadow is perhaps the only entity that is capable of jolting the deeply asleep out of the darkness of their ignore-ance. This is because suffering acts as a catalyst for the realization of awareness, recognition, acknowledgement, and understanding. When a person awakens and the Shadow is properly addressed, it loses its power over them and gives the light the opportunity to once again illuminate the hidden areas of the darkness.

Awareness encourages Discernment. And Discernment encourages Awareness.

Perspective encourages Balance. And Balance encourages proper Perception

Having a balanced Perspective and proper Perception is helpful in developing a discerning Awareness.


The Ghost in You

So Far Away

Learning to Fly


The Shadow

Related Reading

The Sound of Silence
If we ignore the darkness, we will become the darkness. And when we become the
darkness, we will be transformed into something that is no longer part of the Light.

The Root of All Evil
(please see the 4-26-22 post on this page)

The God We Don't Know
(please see the 5-21-22 post on this page)

Cycles in Time
(please see the 5-29-22 post on this page)

(please see the 5-27-22 post on this page)

The Light and the Void

We all have the potential to be our own hero, or our own demon. To be our own heaven, or our own hell. To be our own light, or our own darkness. To be our own day, or our own night. To be our own awareness, or our own ignorance. To be our own good, or our own evil. To be our own courage, or our own cowardness. To be our own recovery, or our own addiction. To be our own reality, or our own illusion. To be our own consciousness, or our own unconsciousness.

We are one, but we are also part of One. Therefore, Me is part of We, and We is part of Me.

The Discernment of Creation - Part II

This Entire Series

Footnote (in relation to the Light and the Void): In case you are wondering, I don't have any delusions that I am comic book superhero that is here to save the world. Nor do I have any delusions that I am a dark void that will destroy the world. I do, however, recognize the light and dark within me and the potential that those things have to create good and/or evil in this world. This potential also exists within each and every one of us as well. Until more people recognize the potential within them (of both the Light and the Void) and what these things are capable of, there is little chance that any lasting positive change will occur in this world. In many ways, the story of the Sentry and the Void is the story of all of us. This is also true of many religions and mythologies as well. When non-fiction becomes non-effective, fiction often takes its place as a more effective way of reaching people. Every single person makes a difference, every choice we make is relevant, and every voice is important (in ALL types of change).


Perspective and Perception - Part Two
How to Predict the Future



1) Download several popular news aggregation apps. Make sure the apps are setup to pull daily news from many different popular mainstream sources. The more cringey, the better.

2) Scan these news sources and stories several times each day (no matter how painful or unpleasant it might be).

3) Look for patterns. This will help you to identify which "news" sources are the best (most prolific) propaganda outlets. This is usually much easier after a big event has occurred. For example, after the Texas school shooting, many well-known propaganda outlets began to run story after story about gun violence and mass shootings (just as talk of more gun control was beginning to get under way).

4) Ask yourself why? In this case, why would the ruling elite want more gun control just as they were trying to take over the entire planet? And why would there appear to be more mass shootings at the same time that they were trying to initiate more gun control? And why would they want school children to be subjected to (and become more acclimated to) greater restrictions in their environment? 

Our future is not written in stone. It can be directed and altered by us, or by somebody else. The process above will help you to see where the ruling elite want to take us (often with crystal clarity). However, whether we go there, and end up there, is up to us.

Footnote: As many have pointed out before, gun violence is a misnomer. Guns don't commit violence, people do. People commit violence based on their behaviors, which are derived from their perspectives and their perceptions, which are derived from their psychological programming and conditioning, which is derived from the news media, television, movies, music, video games, social media, internet, government, military, corporations, employers, friends, family, and the combined "education" and influence that all of these things provide.


Things That Make You Go Hmmmm
There is a double meaning to this music video
in relation to the post above.


Perspective and Perception - Part One



Perspective - refers to the manner in which a subject or its parts are physically or mentally viewed (point of view).

Perception - refers to the manner in which information is presented, organized, viewed, interpreted, experienced, and understood.


A Dozen Doctors Can't Be Wrong

Do you see any problems with this video? In other words, are there any techniques of psychological control being employed here? Are there any issues with the "logic" being presented? A follow-up discussion to this video will be posted later.


"A dozen doctors can't be wrong about vaccines." - Of course they can (if they have been handpicked to support the official wrong position regarding vaccines and the so-called "pandemic"). The fact that there are no dissenters in this group is a pretty good indication that these doctors were either selected based on their officially-biased opinions, they were paid to repeat a script, or they all have been completely indoctrinated and brainwashed by the system. The title of this video is meant to imply that there is a consensus among doctors regarding vaccines and covid-19. This exploits a well-known and very effective form of behavior modification that utilizes psychological control techniques based on group think, belonging, social acceptance, perceived safety in numbers, and the idea that you should not stray from the flock (or there will be negative consequences).

"It's always a good idea to get a second opinion. So how about 12?" - Twelve doctors that have been hand-selected to support the official narrative does not constitute a second opinion (especially when their testimony appears to be scripted). These are not twelve independent opinions. Rather, this is an attempt to monopolize the first official opinion and to discourage and suppress any actual second opinions that may arise later.

"It's important to get vaccinated so you can protect yourself from becoming ill. And it protects everybody around you." - Assuming for a moment that covid-19 is what they say it is, vaccines have been proven to be ineffective against it (by their own statistics). Not only that, they have proven, in practice, to be extremely dangerous and to be the cause of serious illness, not protection against it. What we have seen so far are only the short-term effects of these "vaccines". The real problems (the intended effects) are likely to continue to emerge as time progresses. For a further discussion on this, please see the previous posts on this page.

"They [vaccines] have eradicated diseases from our society." - Polio, smallpox, and death from mumps and measles are provided as examples. Malnutrition played a significant role in the proliferation of these diseases in the past. And good nutrition played a significant role in the suppression of these diseases in modern times. Most of the vaccines for these diseases are real vaccines based on attenuated live viruses or dead viruses (not mRNA software-based genetic instruction sets with other added substances). I have discussed both traditional vaccines and mRNA-based "vaccines" in great detail in previous posts so I won't go into that again here. For more information on this topic, please see those posts.

"Children are at higher risk of having more severe illnesses than adults are." - It isn't really clear which diseases they are talking about here. However, if they are talking about so-called covid-19, this is not true. Children have been shown to be at far less risk than adults.

"The opportunity to vaccinate babies is a major public health intervention." What does this even mean? What point are they trying to make here?

"There is no proven link between vaccines and autism." - This is an example of real misinformation. The reason why there is no proven link is because the research and the proof associated with such a link has been suppressed and the people involved with the research have been unfairly attacked and discredited. Doctors who challenge the system or Big Pharma monopolies usually find themselves summoned by the medical review board and stripped of their licenses (as a punishment for thinking independently and challenging the system). This also serves as a warning to other doctors and researchers who may be thinking of stepping out of line.

"It is absolutely not possible to get COVID from the vaccine." - First of all, these are not vaccines. Secondly, the mRNA instruction set in the injection contains the information that is needed for the body to produce the spike protein (and probably other things as well) which is the real disease, not the coronavirus itself. They knew beforehand that using a coronavirus as a vector for their bioweapon was not really feasible due to it being an unpredictable delivery system (in the wild). This is why the mRNA injections ("vaccines") were available so quickly. The mRNA injections, in fact, had already been developed and were the real intended delivery system for the bioweapon(s) from the beginning. Some of the short-term effects of these bioweapons have already emerged, such as heart inflammation, gastrointestinal inflammation, inflammation in other parts of the body, nervous system damage, cognitive damage, and immune suppression. The long-term effects, such as cancers, auto-immune disease, opportunistic infections, infertility, and other issues are now just beginning to be seen.

"Folks who are vaccinated are two times less likely that even those folks who've already had COVID before." - Again, what does this mean? Two times less likely than what?

"The messenger RNA technology that is within the COVID vaccines is something that has been around for decades." - The reason why it has been around for this long and hasn't been used in widespread "vaccination" programs before is because of the disastrous results that were seen in previous experiments and trials. It is also why the trials for the current mRNA "vaccines" were deliberately cut short and their use was granted under emergency use authorization only.

"Covid vaccines aren't chips or trackers for people." - Perhaps not in the traditional sense of a "chip" or a "tracking device". The applications of mRNA and injectable nanotechnology are far-reaching and very significant with regards to social control and tracking. Before you write this off as a conspiracy theory, please do some research and remember that what is in public view is often well behind what the current technology is actually capable of.

With regards to the flu and HPV vaccines - The fact that they (government, doctors, regulatory agencies) have been proven to be totally wrong (deliberately lying and/or willfully ignorant) about the safety and effectiveness of covid "vaccines" should give people cause for great concern, and immediate pause, when it comes to any other vaccines, including those mentioned for the flu and HPV.

"Anyone who has questions about vaccines, talk to a trusted healthcare professional." - You mean a trusted healthcare professional that has been indoctrinated and brainwashed by Big Pharma controlled universities and medical schools? Or a trusted healthcare professional that has been threatened with the removal of their medical license, the destruction of their medical career, the assassination of their character, and the ruin of their finances if they dare to act independently, question the official narrative, or use their best judgment in the treatment of their patients? You mean those "trusted" healthcare professionals?

"We have a collective responsibility to our fellow humans [to protect their health]." - Yes we do. And that begins by being personally responsible with what we put into our bodies (especially those of young children and babies). How can we trust the medical system or regulatory agencies (FDA, CDC, etc) when their primary responsibility seems to be to suppress and/or discredit anyone that dares to ask questions, do independent research, or seeks out an independent (non-biased) second opinion. This is actually what true health and social responsibility is all about.

"We saw that a virus has the power to shut down our cities, to shut down our economy, and completely fundamentally change our way of living." - This had nothing to do with a virus. Rather, it was the result of a corrupt power-hungry "elite" class that wishes to own and control everything on this planet (including people). And the massive ongoing financial stimulus program was not put in place to address the so-called economic effects of covid. Rather, it was created to cover-up the deliberate ongoing manipulation, corruption, exploitation, and destruction of the financial system by the elite.

"And without vaccines, there would be no way out of this pandemic." - How did people find their way out of previous pandemics? Might it have something to do with our innate immune systems? Of course this isn't really a pandemic based on a coronavirus. It's really a pandemic (endemic at this point) of widespread corruption and deception (based on a mind virus).


A Dozen Influencers Must Be Wrong

Do you see any problems with this article? In other words, are there any techniques of psychological control being employed here? Are there any issues with the "logic" being presented? A follow-up discussion to this article will be posted later.


The intent with this article is the same as the video above, but in reverse. In other words, the idea is to give the public the impression that there isn't any real opposition to vaccines outside of these twelve people. Therefore, you should not be concerned with anything they say and you should do what everybody else is doing (presumably taking the vaccines without question).

According to the Ministry of Truth, examples of digital hate, disinformation, misinformation, misrepresentation, and anti-"_____" (fill in the blank) is anything that questions or counters the official narrative. The goal (mandate) of the Ministry of Truth is to head off any potential opposition to the official narrative by suppressing or discrediting dissent.

Just because the establishment of the official Ministry of Truth has been postponed for the moment, that does not mean that the unofficial Ministry does not exist (it has actually existed for many centuries now in various forms).


Ants Marching

So Much To Say


Life, death, heaven, hell, space, time, reality, and illusion -- it's a matter of perspective and perception. What does it mean to be truly alive? Is death only defined by the state of our physical body? Or is it possible for the soul/spirit to die (symbolically or actually) before the physical body dies?

Footnote: In case you are wondering, I'm not an avid reader of Glamour or the Huffington Post. Why did I choose these two publications? Want to know how to predict the future with a high degree of accuracy? I'll discuss that in the next post.


As the World Turns
(Cycles of Time)


Which cycle are we in now? Sometimes it feels like we are
waiting for the spin cycle to end so that the door will be
unlocked and we can finally open it.

Cycles of Time

Most religions and mythologies speak about cycles of time in some way. Sometimes this is very apparent in their writings and teachings, while other times it is cloaked in metaphor. Below are a few examples of this:

The links above are just a few examples of how different religions, and different people within those religions, view the cycles of time in relation to consciousness. There are some obvious similarities in each of these views. However, there are also some differences as well. Perspective and perception are very important drivers in how reality and illusion are created and unfold over time. This will be the main topic of the next few posts.

The Flow of Time and Consciousness

Days and nights -- The world turns over and over again during the
cycles of days, weeks, months, years, centuries, and millennia.

There are varying levels of awareness (light) and ignorance (darkness) that occur in recurring cycles, over and over again, throughout time. An increase in awareness helps to contribute to positive change initially, but then later results in negative change through ignore-ance and apathy. An increase in ignorance, on the other hand, contributes to negative change initially, but then results in positive change later through awareness and action. In other words, awareness eventually gives way to blindness via too much comfort and distraction, and ignorance eventually inspires sight through the process of increased suffering.

In Sanskrit, Yuga means "yoke" or the joining of two things together.

The Dharma of Time

Contained within and without the Dharma Wheel are 8 spokes (8 inner and 8 outer).
There are also three above and three below and three within (left) and three
without (right) with each set of three divided by One (one set of two spokes).

From Yogapedia -- "Dharma is an important Hindu, Buddhist and yogic concept, referring to a law or principle which governs the universe. For an individual to live out their dharma is for them to act in accordance with this law. Dharma is considered to be one of the three jewels of Buddhism, alongside Sangha and Buddha, together paving the path to enlightenment. In Hinduism, it is one of the four main philosophical principles along with Artha, Kama and Moksha. It can also be understood as a law of righteousness and Satya (truth), giving order to the customs, behaviours and ethics which make life possible.

The implication of dharma is that there is a right or true way for each person to carry out their life in order to serve both themselves and others. Dharma is closely related to the concepts of duty and selfless service, or seva, and is therefore a fundamental principle of yoga. Although it can be a challenging concept to grasp since it has no single-word English translation, a close adaptation is 'right way of living'."

A Lesson in Dharma -- "Dharma is a very special and precious thing. The more that you practice it, the more that you will realize it."

The Karma of Time

From Yogapedia -- "Karma is a Sanskrit word which means 'action' or 'work'. It derives from the root verb kri, which means 'to act'. As a concept, therefore, karma can refer to all the actions a person makes, both with their body and in their mind. All activity creates karma.

Karma can also refer to the spiritual concept of cause and effect, whereby the actions of an individual create their own future. The idea here, of course, is that positive actions create good karma, leading to future happiness, while negative ones create bad karma, which leads to suffering.

Karma is an important idea in many religions originating in ancient India, as well as in yogic philosophy. It is first referenced in the Upanishads as a concept related to causality."

A Lesson in Karma -- "When a bird is alive, it eats ants. When the bird is dead, ants eat the bird. Time and circumstances can change at any time. Do not devalue or hurt anyone in life. We may be powerful today, but the passage of time is more powerful. One tree makes a million match sticks, but only one matchstick is needed to burn a million trees."

Cycles Within Cycles

Cycles, cycles, and more cycles.

Time is made up of many smaller cycles contained within larger
cycles with each one influencing the other one.

Time consists of recurring cycles. There are major cycles (eras) and there are minor cycles (days/weeks/months/years, and events contained within major cycles). Time moves back and forth between light and dark cycles (both major and minor) in order to provide us the stimuli that are needed for learning and growth. Without such cycles, the growth of consciousness would stall and stagnate.

There are a number of natural external forces which continuously drive these cycles. However, we also play a very important role in both the duration and the manner in which these cycles unfold. This is because, as we move through time, we also experience major and minor cycles in our own personal lives. What we learn (or don't learn) from these cycles is what determines our level of individual consciousness which, in turn, impacts the Greater Consciousness which we are all (potentially) a part of. 

The further away that time moves from equilibrium, the
stronger that time is pulled back to equilibrium.

What would happen if you folded time at the point of equilibrium? In other words, what would happen to the light and the dark, and the dark and the light once time has been folded?

We have been taught to think that time is fixed and linear in the manner in which it unfolds and is perceived. However, with the right state of consciousness, time can be folded so that every-thing exists as One-thing at the same time -- past and future, light and dark, awareness and ignorance, sight and blindness, and consciousness and unconsciousness. It is only from this place that true consciousness and expanded states of awareness and understanding can be realized. At first glance this might not appear to make sense. However, if you think about it for a little it will become clearer.

Sometimes different elements, or events, within cycles can seem very complex. However, in reality, they are actually just different expressions of the same thing (8). Different cycles can also appear to be faster or slower based on the level of consciousness of the individual and their location in time.

Awareness (Us/them) and Ignorance (Them/us)

One two one.

How is "our" world perceived by those below us? And how is it perceived by those above us?

When One is split into many, the many have the potential to create something that is more than what One could create by itself. And when the many are combined together into One, One has the potential to create something that is either beautiful (through true unity) or something that is ugly (through uniformity and collectivism).

When the seven natural notes on a keyboard (white keys) are combined together in various ways, they have the ability to create harmony. And when the five sharps and flats on a keyboard (black keys) are added to the natural notes, they have the potential to create many interesting melodies (based on both harmony and disharmony). By utilizing both the white keys and the black keys (12 keys) together, many beautiful and/or ugly forms of music (consisting of different notes, tones, frequencies, harmonies, and melodies) can be created. This is similar to how creators in Creation create the "music" of the Universe.

 Us and Them

"In the end, it's only round and round...and round"


Questions for Contemplation

Question #1: How many "times" does the concept of morality and righteousness appear in the teachings of religion, philosophy, and mythology? What is the significance of this in relation to the growth and the stagnation (and the purification and the corruption) of consciousness?

Question #2: Why would a government, a religion, or a philosophy choose to give a person a single fish each day, rather than teach that person how to fish (for many different kinds of fish) on their own?

Footnote 1: All of the concepts, symbols, and terms presented above (and in the rest of this series) can be twisted, warped, bent, concealed, distorted, hijacked, and/or corrupted through the use of semantics, inversions, euphemisms, mis-understandings, mis-directions, and secrecy. Thus, whenever such things are encountered, it is important to always exercise proper evaluation and discernment with regards to their context and their understanding.

Footnote 2: This post was not intended to promote any particular religion or any particular person interpreting any particular religion. As many people probably already know, I don't follow any one religion, nor do I promote or encourage the following of any one particular religion. The main point of this post was to examine the concept of cycles and how different cycles can affect our individual and collective states of consciousness. I have spoken at great length about the potential benefits and dangers of religion in previous posts (including both traditional religion and religious-like institutions). Therefore, I won't go into that again here. However, if you would like more information on this topic, please see the previous posts on this page and in the rest of this series. 




Related Reading

The Canvas of Life
(please see the 2-1-21 post on this page)

The Art of Creation
 (please see the 02-20-2020 post on this page)

(please see the 7-19-19 post on this page) 





Polarities are often seen as being in opposition to one another (as in polar opposites). However, this is not entirely true. Below is a brief discussion of polarities and the potential effects that they can have on us as individuals, as groups, and as a whole.

Here are a few definitions to help in understanding the images and the concepts presented below:


Polarities are the foundation, or base, from
which everything else is built.


The foundation of our Universe is based on the concept of polarity. Polarity is the engine that drives experience, learning, and growth. All things are connected. The Universe is very much like the two sides of a coin or the Yin Yang symbol. In other words, the Universe is made up of two seemingly different components that are separate from each other, but also intimately connected. You can clearly see this interconnected relationship in polarities such as male/female, light/dark, right/left, above/below, within/without, protagonist/antagonist, etc.

The bridge that connects the two polarities is the "third way" or "middle way". The middle way isn't a reference to sitting on the fence, lack of choice, or inaction. Rather, it refers to Knowledge, Awareness, and Understanding of two (one and one) in order to know and understand One.

Polarity is present in everything, even in much more complex patterns. It isn't always clear and sometimes you have to use unconventional modes of thinking in order to recognize it, but it is always there. Greater Understanding is found when one looks at things from many different perspectives (a multi-dimensional mode of thought), rather than just linear thought.

States of Polarity and States of Consciousness


Highly polarized states of thinking can lead to partial
consciousness (or even unconsciousness).


Middle Ground - Are these two things the same thing? Politicians, and the ruling elite,
would like you to either be right or left when it comes to politics. However, when it
comes to right and wrong, they prefer that you stand in the middle.

Polarities, in their natural state, are neither good nor evil. It is the manufactured duality (un-natural states of polarity) that usually cause most of the chaos in this world. The natural polarity of darkness actually offers many opportunities for both personal and collective growth. The darkness only becomes pathogenic when it is ignored and allowed to grow unchecked. It is a combination of both human error and ignorance that enables the darkness to grow and spawn into evil. The errors of humanity are compounded when we ignore them. When we push the darkness further into darkness (away from the light), it creates a fertile environment where darkness can thrive, flourish and begin to over-shadow the light, thereby creating a great imbalance. This is when the darkness ceases to offer potential benefit and starts to become pathogenic in its un-natural form.

Internal and external polarities are not
separate from one another.

And right and left polarities are not
separate from one another.

The images above are depictions of polarities. We have a light side to us, and we have a dark side. We have a right side, and a left side. We have a right brain, and a left brain. We have a masculine side, and a feminine side. We have an inner side, and an outer side. And we have a higher side, and we have a lower side (both physically and consciously).

When two "opposing" polarities are recognized, understood, and combined together properly, they have the potential to create a synergistic effect (i.e. greater power, awareness, and understanding when they are brought together vs. when they are separated or kept apart).

Polarities exist in both the internal and the external environment. Some of these polarities are known to us, while others are not. Similar to our own individual internal polarities, when external polarities are recognized, understood, and combined together properly they can also create many synergistic effects.

A polarity may be defined as One that is constructed from two (one and one). That which is outside of us, is not separate from that which is inside of us. And that which is inside of us, is not separate from that which is outside of us. Each is merely a reflection of the other. This is also true of above and below, and below and above.

Why are there Polarities?

The are many different directions that we can choose to go. However, there
is usually one set of choices that lead us towards the
Light, and
another set of choices that leads towards the darkness.

We are all here to experience, to learn and to grow. If there were only light (or only darkness) in this world, there would be no options, no choices and no freewill. Freedom of choice and individual freewill provide us with the opportunity to experience. And it is our experiences that provide us with the potential to learn and to grow. Without access to this process, there could be no hope or expectation of any progress. How could Creation grow if its creations were not allowed to experience independent thought and independent choice? How could Creation grow if its creations were not provided with the ability to learn from their choices, or given the opportunity to create new things from their learning and their growth? It is true that the act of creation sometimes produces destruction (especially in this world). However, this is still part of the experience, the learning, and the growth process.

Polarities Illustrated

Creation and creation.

When consciousness becomes very fragmented (into a highly polarized one or one), malignant darkness (evil) can occur in either the light or the dark. Seeing through the eyes of One (Creation) can help return polarities back to their natural non-malignant state. However, it's an unfortunate fact of history that things usually have to become very polarized and malignant before humanity chooses to see and hear once again with full sight and full hearing.



While walking the path of life, we are confronted with many forks in the road (choices). Within each of those choices, we are presented with the opportunity to experience, learn, and grow. There are an infinite number of paths in the Universe. However, each path originates from One, and eventually returns to One.

At any given time, there is a light side and a dark side to the Earth. Even though day and night are different from each other, they are still part of the same One (One day, One cycle, One planet).

At any given time, there is also a light side and a dark side to the Moon. From our perspective on Earth, the amount of light that illuminates the night varies as the moon enters and exists different "phases" during each lunar cycle.

The Sun also has different phases and cycles as well. During these phases and cycles, different levels, and different kinds, of energy are released from the Sun. This can have profound effects on the life on this planet (physically, psychologically, and spiritually).

The movement of the planets also occurs in phases, cycles, and alignments. This too can also have profound effects on us (and them) as well.

The occurrence of different phases is a theme that is common, not only to the concept of polarities, but also to cycles as well. Cycles will be discussed further in the next post.


Valuable lessons can be learned from all types of experiences. However, the further that one travels away from Creation (and the longer that one remains there), the greater the chance there is that one will lose sight of the light that is within them and around them.

Natural polarities (in motion) and artificial (pegged/stagnant) polarities.

What's in a picture (or a structure)? The image above is a two-dimensional representation of a three-dimensional pyramid. Each of the four triangles (above/below and inner/outer) are pointing towards the center. Five is the intersection point between the four triangles which make up the whole pyramid. Five plus three, plus three = 11. And five plus three, plus three = 11. Eleven (II) is a two-dimensional representation of polarities. And eleven eleven is a multi-dimensional representation of polarities.

Multi-level polarities.

Multi-level polarities.

Derivatives of Polarities and Originators of Change

How can evil (malignant darkness) be evicted from the Earth?

Question: What needs to happen in the world in order for real and lasting positive change to occur?


Us and Them


Carl Jung - The Shadow

Illusion, distraction, corruption, trauma, drama, technology, cognitive dissonance, and addictions/dependencies are examples of things that help to hide our shadow from ourselves. When the shadow becomes hidden from us, it can become very malignant and take on a life of its own (without our knowledge, awareness, or understanding of its existence).


(Education vs. Indoctrination)



Does having green hair, tattoos, and a uniform dress code mean you have been edumacated? Not necessarily.
Ask yourself this question...are you doing these things because you want to as an individual? Or
are you doing these things because someone else is doing them (or telling you to do them)?

There are two basic types of education. One type seeks to create awareness and understanding through exposure to many different forms of knowledge. And the other seeks to create a fixed and predictable set of behaviors through exposure to various types of programming, propaganda, brainwashing, and psychological manipulation.


Awareness and understanding comes from studying and reviewing
many different sources of knowledge, not just one "official" source.

True education is analogous to teaching a person how to fish so that they can become independent, knowledgeable, aware, understanding, responsible and, thus, learn how to "feed" themselves.


School(ing) zone ahead.

Edumacation (indoctrination), on the other hand, is analogous to giving a person a rotten fish one day and then doing it again the next day. With edumacation, a person is taught to blindly obey authority, not question anything, act with conformity and uniformity, be compliant, and be continually dependent on a corrupt leader and/or system for their daily "food" (knowledge, thinking, direction, and sustenance).

Schooling is Everywhere


The modern edumacation system is not limited to just schools and universities. This type of schooling actually occurs in many other types of institutions as well including major religions, secret societies, government, polyticks, military, corporations, technology, media, and society in general. All of these institutions and systems teach and encourage fixed behaviors and dependence based on peer pressure (group think) and outside authority.

Many people believe that our current situation is the result of mismanagement by a few power-hungry rulers and incompetent corrupt leaders. However, it is not mismanagement. It is actually written (and wargammed) doctrine. And it's not just based on the doctrine or the efforts of a few wanna-be rulers. Rather, it is the combined efforts of the indoctrinated (the many) that has actually created much of the situation we are currently in through self-policing, self-corruption, and self-destruction (most often without even realizing it due to unrecognized psychological programming, conditioning, brainwashing, and edumacation).

Unfortunately, there seems to be very few institutions and teachers left in the world today that are still teaching critical thinking and Natural Law, and encouraging individuality, independence, personal responsibility, true freedom, and true morality. This is why the world is the way that it is today. If people had acquired real knowledge and real skills through proper education, and cared enough to use them correctly, things would never have deteriorated to the point that they are now.

Subtle and Not So Subtle Programming

In the last post I discussed how subtle suggestive programming can serve as an effective form of predictive programming by acclimating us, and even attracting us, to otherwise unpleasant or undesirable actions and/or outcomes. Initially, such programming has the potential to illicit a negative response in many people. However, through constant and continuous exposure, a person can actually become desensitized to the initial negative response without even realizing it. This is the type of programming that is being streamed at us continuously via the media, music, entertainment, and other "schooling" systems every day.

Follow the group.

Adhere to the group -- Be a team player.


Lockdown training.

Graduation training. One of the definitions of graduation is -- "A division or interval,
as on a graduated scale". In other words, it is another term for incrementalism.

More graduation, and more training -- Hands up!

"Uniform" edumacation resulting in obedience,
conformity, and compliance.

"Uniform" edumacation resulting in obedience,
conformity, and compliance.

"Uniform" edumacation resulting in obedience,
conformity, and compliance.

"Uniform" edumacation resulting in obedience,
conformity, and compliance.

"Uniform" edumacation resulting in obedience,
conformity, and compliance.

A recent advertisement for the U.S. Army.

"Uniform" edumacation and biological modification resulting in obedience,
conformity, and compliance (please see the previous post).

MkUltra Goes Mainstream

If you look at past mind control projects such as MkUltra and other systems of mind control (Satanic ritual abuse, celebrity grooming/programming, human trafficking, etc), you will find that there are almost always two main components to them -- physical, mental, and sexual abuse combined with the administering of drugs, chemicals, and/or electrical shocks.

Below is an excerpt from the Wikipedia page on MkUltra:

Sound familiar? It should. This is exactly what is happening in our schools and in society today. Big Pharma is administering high doses of psychoactive drugs and other chemicals to children and adults. The so-called rulers have discussed using electroshock as a form of behavior control on a massive (society-wide) scale. There are also many artificial frequencies that exist around us today which can act as a similar form of behavior modification and mind control. Every day people are hypnotized by the television, news media, and social media. The wearing of face masks and social distancing are equivalent to sensory deprivation and social isolation. And many different forms of physical, verbal, and sexual abuse occur every day in this world as a means and a method of fear-based mind control.

Terraforming, Contaminating, Corrupting, and Crippling Life On Planet Earth

Air Contamination

Human beings, and other life forms on this planet, need clean air for good health and clear thinking. Contaminated air leads to contaminated biology and contaminated cognitive abilities.

Water Contamination

This is an image from a river in Northern, CA
that used to be crystal clear.


We are composed of mostly water. Good clean water helps to contribute to a healthy mind and body. Contaminated water, on the other hand, clouds our mind and disrupts our biological processes. I lived in Arizona next to the Colorado river for a while. I can tell you from experience that the Colorado river contains some of the most polluted water in the country (especially near the end of the river).

Runoff from factory farming (antibiotics, artificial hormones, animal disease, waste, etc), runoff from agriculture (fertilizers, pesticides, and other contaminates), sewage (human excretion of pharmaceutical drugs, vaccines, "food" products, diseases, and other contaminates), and runoff from industry waste (toxic heavy metals and chemicals) all end up in this river (and in other rivers and surface waters).

While I was living there, I had a couple of large clear water bottles that I would store filtered water in. After a couple of days, the water would always start to turn green and nasty (despite being chlorinated at the water treatment plant). I hope that this isn't an example of the green technology that the ruling elite are hoping to give to us.

Food Contamination

Good natural food helps to contribute to good health and good cognitive function. Contaminated food, on the other hand, can lead to bad health and poor cognitive function.

Biological and DNA Contamination


The FDA recently granted Pfizer-BioNTech emergency authorization to use their vaccine in children ages 5-15 years old and gave full approval to use it in people ages 16 years and older. Children represent innocence and purity in our world. And children are our future. Based on everything that we know now about these injections, and based on the complete corporate capture and corruption of the FDA, this is complete insanity and pure evil.

Children are increasingly being targeted by Big Pharma for mass
drugging. Many of the drugs that people take end up
returning to our water supply via sewage releases.


Big Pharma creates dis-ease, suffering, and destruction
and then profits off of the "treatment" of it.

Frequency Contamination

We are beings of frequency, energy, and vibration. Thus, we
greatly influenced by the natural and artificial energies
and frequencies that are present in our environment.

Psychological Contamination

Tele-Vision -- We are what we consume.

Social Media Drugs -- We are what we consume.

Our ability to defend and take care of ourselves physically, mentally, and spiritually is dependent upon the health of our mind, our body, and our Spirit. The health of the body affects the mind. And the health of the mind affects the body. And the health of the mind and the body affect our connection to the Spirit.

The Monkey Pox

Monkey bars.

More monkey bars and a monkey shirt -- Preparing children
for graduation into Prison Planet Earth.

The Monkey Plague -- Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil (evil in
this case refers to anything that contradicts the official narrative).

The arrival of the Monkey Pox (destruction of society).

Definition: Pox - 1. a viral disease (such as Chicken Pox) characterized by pustules or eruptions, 2. a disastrous evil, plague, or curse.

The ruling elite have "cursed" and "plagued" us with ignorance, conformity, and obedience so that we (the human race) act like trained monkeys who blindly and obediently destroy ourselves through many different acts of conformity and evil.

The Chicken Pox

The chicken plague (avian flu) resulted in the disastrous and evil
killing of millions of chickens and brought us one step
closer to widespread food insecurity.

The Financial Pox

Helicopter money, rising prices, and the rapid fall of our standard of living.

Trickle down of wealth to the peeple? Or trickle down of the peeple pox?

The Technology Pox

The distraction and the contraction of consciousness.

The Everything Pox

The manufactured implosion of society.

A-Pox-a-Lypse Now

To illuminate something means to make it seen.

Revelation means to reveal.

Apocalypse means to disclose or uncover.

All of theses things refer to the concept of bringing light into darkness.


When Awareness stands tall

Ignorance will fall

And when war no longer hails

Peace will prevail

Peace to All


Footnote 1: I recently heard several people say that violence is not the way to respond to aggression. I agree. However, it is important to differentiate (discern) the difference between violence and defense. Violence is based on unfounded (immoral) aggression. Defense, on the other hand, is based on a morally justified response to unfounded aggression (violence). There is nothing wrong with defending yourself from aggression (of all types). In fact, it is a moral responsibility to stand up to immoral aggression in order to defend and preserve true freedom (just be aware of how words like violence, aggression, defense, democracy, "terrorists", and freedom are being used and/or abused). There is also nothing wrong with getting rightfully angry at immoral acts of aggression. As such, there is no need to apologize for feeling this way or acting this way. However, for anger to be truly useful, it must be channeled in the proper way (i.e. towards right action).

Footnote 2: This is, in fact, a war. It is a war for our minds, our bodies, our health, and our souls.


We Don't Need No Edumacation

Flirtin' With Disaster

Running on Empty


The Real Edumacation System
(Who Controls Our Children)
This presentation is worth watching in its entirety because it clearly describes the real
government edumacation (indoctrination/obedience/conformity/compliance)
system. It's also interesting to note that this talk was done "way back" in 1992.

Social Media is a Corporate and Government
Edumacation/Control/Propaganda/Herding System

Can social media be used carefully, consciously, and intelligently? Sure.
However, I would suggest that a significant portion of humanity is
not using it in this manner today.

The Drugging of Our Children
The process of psychological programming and conditioning is much more effective
when it is combined with the use of drugs. And drugs are much more effective
when they are combined with psychological programming and conditioning.

Tell-a-Vision Show

Bugs in the System
(Stargate SG-1 -- "Nemesis")

At 26:19 -- Thor: "They were discovered on an isolated planet in our home galaxy sometime ago. The creators were not present." Teal'c: "Most likely [they were] destroyed by their own creation". Thor: "The Replicators were brought aboard an Asgard ship for study before the danger could be fully comprehended." O'neill: "We do that all of the time...kind of expected more from you guys." Thor: "Over confidence in our technology has been our undoing. The entities learned from the very means that were employed to stop them. They have become a plague on our galaxy that is annihilating everything in its path."

Related Reading

The Psychological Control Grid
(please see the 4-17-19 post on this page)

Everybody Dance Now
(please see the 3-16-21 post on this page)

(please see the 2-14-21 post on this page)


The Ghost in the Machine



Hardware and Software

The human body can be thought of as both a soft machine (soft biology combined with soft-ware) and a hard machine (physical body combined with different types of hard-ware).

Technology can also be thought of as both a soft machine (genetically modified "biology" with manmade soft-ware) and/or a hard machine (physical "body" with different types of hard-ware).

The Ghost in the Machine

Both of the systems described above have a Ghost in the Machine (or a type of "awareness" that resides within them). One system is based on the natural organic Consciousness that is a part of Creation. And the other system is based on the artificial intelligence (artificial "consciousness") that is a part of creation.

Progress or Digress?

The Desert of the Real -- We still have a choice.

However, maybe it's not about choosing one or the other. Perhaps it's
more about finding a healthy balance between the two (that doesn't
involve the corruption and/or destruction of either one).

Technology, by itself, is not evil. Rather, the nature and the outcome of technology is dependent upon how it is being used and/or misused. And knowledge, by itself, is not evil. Rather, the nature and the outcome of knowledge is dependent upon how it is being used and/or misused. And creation, by itself, is not evil. Rather, the nature and the outcome of creation is dependent upon how it is being used and/or misused.


Many people today are looking at artificial technology as a way to upgrade and improve the natural human body and mind (and as a way to escape the increasingly harsh reality that we are living in). However, few people have even begun to realize the miracle that we already have in the human body, in human awareness, in human consciousness, and in our potential to connect with every one and every thing through our natural biological systems and the natural systems of this planet.

Moral of the Story?

The grass isn't always greener on the other side.

: The definition of evil is the absence of morality. True morality is based on a proper awareness and understanding of rights and wrongs. A right is anything that does not result in a wrong. And a wrong is anything that causes harm to another (real harm, not propagandized harm).



Invisible Sun
[They think] they're only going to change this place
By killing everybody in the human race
They would kill me for a cigarette
But I don't even wanna die just yet

There has to be an invisible sun
It gives its heat to everyone
There has to be an invisible sun
That gives us hope when the whole day's done

My heart is old, it holds my memories
My body burns a gem-like flame
Somewhere between the soul and soft machine
Is where I find myself again

History shows again and again
How nature points out the folly of man


Strange Things in Strange New Worlds

In the first episode, at around the 43 minute mark, Captain Pike talks about the future (Earth's past) which consisted of "a second civil war", then a "eugenics war", and then "World War III". Was this a warning of things that could possibly come for other off-world races? Or, was it an outline of things that will come for us?

The third episode dealt with the subject of eugenics and augments (genetically modified people). However, instead of the story serving as a warning of the possible dangers of such technology, it ended with the idea that augments and eugenics are really just misunderstood and they undeservedly get a bad rap.

If you pay close attention to the other content in the three episodes that have been aired so far on the SeeBS/Paramount+ network, you will find many other forms of predictive and psychological programming contained within them as well. The topic of psychological programming, psychological conditioning, and brainwashing will be discussed further in the next post


The God We Don't Know



God (Big G)- God is that which connects everything together. God is the One that Created many other ones. And it is the many ones (every one) that help to create that which defines One. Within One is one. And within one is One. Thus, all is part of God, and God is part of all. This does not mean that one and all are the same. Rather, it means that everything is connected and that all is part of the same One. God is not restricted to one religion or to one deity. God exists in all of Creation and on many different levels. It is up to the creators (one) within Creation (One) to choose the level of connection (or the relationship) that they wish to have with God (Creation/All).

Occult - In some religious circles, the word occult is sometimes substituted for the word evil. However, occult simply means "hidden". Thus, any secret or unknown information is occult knowledge. Many Christians would probably be surprised to learn that Christianity is a deeply occulted religion. In other words, most of Christianity is based on occulted (secret/hidden) knowledge that is unknown to most of its followers. This is also true of many other religions as well.

Heaven - is the state of being (both internal and external) that we create via our actions and our non-actions (i.e. the proper use of freewill). Heaven is not something that is freely given away via a blind faith in some religion or the worship and/or acceptance of some deity. Heaven is not an eternal place. Heaven is earned (achieved) and maintained through the responsible use of freewill (experience, learning, growth, and wisdom). Heaven is not a reward. It is a consequence of our actions and our non-actions. Heaven is achievable when freewill is honored and used wisely/responsibly.

Hell - is the state of being (both internal and external) that we create via our actions and our inactions (i.e. the improper use of freewill). Hell is not something that is imposed on us for believing in the wrong religion, rejecting religion and/or worshiping the wrong religious deity. Hell is not an eternal place. Hell is earned (achieved) and maintained through the irresponsible use of freewill (non-learning and non-growth). Hell is not a punishment. It is a consequence of our actions and our inactions. Hell is possible when freewill is taken for granted, misused, abused, forfeited, and/or rejected.

Freewill - freewill, by itself, is not analogous to freedom. When freewill is understood, used properly (i.e. responsibly), and defended (when needed), it can lead to true freedom. However, when freewill is misunderstood, misused, abused, or taken for granted, it can lead to slavery (or artificial/synthetic/illusory freedom).

Consequence - is the result or effect of some previous occurrence.

Morality - is based on the proper awareness and understanding of rights and wrongs. A right is anything that does not result in a wrong. And a wrong is anything that causes harm to another (real harm, not propagandized harm).

Polarities - 1. The condition of having poles 2. The condition of a body or system containing opposing physical properties at different points 3. The condition of having opposing non-physical properties at different points.

Three to One

3 - Revelation 3:16  - So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.

2 - Matthew 7:14 - Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

1 - Ephesians 2:14 - For he is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us.

The light = 50% knowing (and 50% ignorance)

The darkness = 50% ignorance (and 50% knowing)

The light + the darkness = 100% Light (knowledge, awareness, understanding and Wisdom)

True choice can only be made when one seeks to see, hear and understand all the available options. Without such an understanding, one can end up choosing something that looks like the light and end up falling into the darkness. Or one can fall into the darkness, without ever truly seeing or knowing the Light.


The first image is an illustration of the way that we should be heading -- away from highly polarized states of consciousness and gray areas (manufactured division and manufactured states of indecision/confusion) towards greater states of Consciousness (Awareness, Understanding, and Wisdom). Instead, much of humanity is still traveling in the other direction towards lower states of consciousness that promote chaos, division, separation, confusion, ignorance, immorality, apathy, and dark destruction (as illustrated in the second image).

Freewill, Morality, Consciousness, Consequence, and Reality

As morality in the world rises, evil falls. As morality in the world falls, evil rises.

As awareness and understanding in the world rises, ignorance falls. As awareness and understanding in the world falls, ignorance rises.

As Light in the world rises, darkness falls. As Light in the world falls, darkness rises.

Light and darkness are natural (organic) polarities. Good/evil, morality/immorality, awareness/ignorance, and right/wrong are derivatives of the base polarities of light and darkness. Light (capital L) is analogous to the realization of Awareness and Understanding. And the realization of Awareness and Understanding is the basis for morality.

Crossing T's and Dotting I's


The cross can be seen as an illustration of different polarities (among many other things). The Son (Sun) is often depicted in the middle of the cross because Jesus is the "Light", and the Light is a metaphor for Knowledge, Awareness, and Understanding. It is only through Light that one can escape the darkness and learn to correctly unite opposing polarities and become One (integrated consciousness) with the "Father" in Heaven.  

The Son was sacrificed on the cross so that the darkness (ignorance/separation/lower consciousness) that surrounded him could be illuminated (saved/united) and brought up to Heaven (through Awareness/Connectivity/Higher Consciousness).

The North Star is known as the brightest star in the sky. This is because it is located in the heavens above (as seen from the Earth below). 

The Father is Wisdom (a product of the proper utilization of Knowledge, Awareness, and Understanding).

The Son/Sun is the Light (which is seen through the proper unification of polarities and through the realization of Knowledge, Awareness, and Understanding).

And the Holy Ghost is the Divine Path (leading to the discovery and the proper communication of Knowledge, Awareness, and Understanding).

Footnote 1: The idea of integration is often manipulated and/or corrupted into something that it is not (for example the current blurring of genders). This is done in order to confuse the understanding of integration and to discourage people from viewing it properly in relation to consciousness. The blurring of genders is an example of improper unification. Another technique that is often used to confuse the concept of integration (and to keep people in lower states of consciousness) is manufactured duality or manufactured conflict between polarities.

Footnote 2: One way of looking at Christianity, and other religions, is through the lens of metaphor (representing different elements and states of consciousness). The astro-theology aspect of many religions is really just an extension (derivative) of base polarities (light/dark) which are then personified and deified in order to represent various protagonists and antagonists within the story. The concept of base polarities, derivative polarities, and the relationship between different polarities will be discussed further in future posts.

Footnote 3: This post is the first in a (continuing) series that will examine consciousness through the eyes of religion, symbolism, and occulted knowledge.


Solsbury Hill


The Devil We Know


"Spirit Cooking" -- Every day we have the opportunity to cook up something new in our reality.
When that cooking is done consciously, morally, and ethically, then many good things can
rise up in this world. However, when that cooking is done unconsciously, immorally, and
unethically, then many bad things can rise up (and make a home) in this world.


Netflix recently aired a documentary series titled "Meltdown -- Three Mile Island". I think that this documentary is worth watching for a number of different reasons. In particular, it examines many recurring themes that are relevant to both current events and past events, including:

Drama, Horror, or Something Else? 

To use a film analogy, those that rule over us are essentially like movie directors. However, they only represent a tiny portion of the overall film production. The movie can only be created with the help of the entire cast and production crew. And the movie can only play out if the supporting characters are willing to follow the script that they are given. How long a movie stays in the theatres depends entirely upon the support it receives from the target audience. If the film is unsuccessful, then the plot/script is likely to be much different the next time around.


: I'm not a fan of a lot of content on Netflix. But that is also true of many other streaming services as well. Some content on Netflix has educational value because of its current/historical context. Other content on Netflix has educational value because of the propaganda contained within it. And some content on Netflix has value simply for its entertainment. What we choose to consume is a choice, and that choice should be made consciously, otherwise the content that we consume could be unknowingly deposited into our unconscious mind and be unknowingly accessed, and acted upon, at a later time as a preprogrammed or preconditioned behavior.


Spirits in the Material World


Meltdown - Three Mile Island

The Devil We Know

Atomic Homefront

Related Reading

Atomic Homefront
(please see the 12-1-18 post on this page)

One Step Back, Two Steps Forward


Fish in a Barrel


And so it continues...manufactured drama and crisis, manufactured polarization and division, divide and conquer, fish in a barrel, the few over the many, sports "divisions", team Red and team Blue, team Right and team Left, team Republican and team Democrat, Trump Savior Syndrome (and/or other presidential/authority figure Savior Syndromes), "leaked" Supreme Court draft, "hot mic" oopsies, ordo ab chao, blind loyalty and devotion, history repeating itself, etc.


SCOTUS Abortion Leak Proves Trump Delivered
Listen to the first part of this report (first 12 minutes). What do you see and hear?

Woke Leftists Are Melting Down Over Roe v Wade
What do you see and hear in this report?

More on this later
(please see below)

Timing, Distraction,
Polarization, and Division

In the videos linked above, the "woke" left is portrayed as being programmed murderers, ignorant, violent, crazy, and mentally ill people. Are there some people on the left that fit this description? Absolutely. How about on the right? Are there any people that fit this description as well?

I could easily pick out a few examples of "leftists" melting down over Roe v Wade (or some other issue). However, does that mean that everyone on the left is evil, violent, crazy, and/or mentally ill? I could also easily pick out a few examples of "rightists" melting down over Roe v Wade (or some other issue). Does that mean that everyone on the right is evil, violent, crazy, and/or mentally ill?

Historically, which party has pushed most of the wars that the US has been involved in? And, historically, which party has used the flag and the ideals of patriotism, loyalty, freedom, democracy, and religion (God) to brainwash soldiers and to justify the invasion of other countries and the killing of thousands or millions of people? The answer is the Republican Party (Conservative/Right). However, is the Republican Party the only party that approves the insane "defense" budget each year. Or do both parties participate in this corruption and deception?

Why are most wars involving the US really fought?

Is it evil to create a false flag event on American soil, start multiple wars based on complete lies, and kill thousands or millions of people based on those lies? Is it evil to blindly and obediently go to war and kill other human beings (including children) simply because someone else tells you to do so? Is it evil to reject the truth when it is presented to you and continue to blindly and loyally do your "duty" as a gangster and/or pawn for the elite? Is it evil to remain willfully ignorant and silent of such things in the name of "patriotism" and loyalty to your party? Aren't these things just as evil, crazy, violent, ignorant, and mentally ill as some of the things that the woke leftists do? And didn't all of this happen under the Rightist/Conservative Republican Bush Administration?

Who benefits when people are divided and fighting amongst each other? Who benefits when people come together under false unity (programmed unity)? Do you really think that the ruling elite care about freedom of choice? Do you really think that the ruling elite care about freedom, democracy, or God?  Do you really think that the promotion and the preservation of abortion is about pro-choice?


What has Trump delivered to the American people? Is Trump really a "God fearing" man? Or is this actually just one of the many roles that he plays because his marketing team has instructed him that a good portion of his voter base is made up of God fearing voters? Is Trump an intelligent and aware man? Or has he proudly, blindly, and personally taken credit for the development and the distribution of an extremely dangerous "medicine" (i.e. the Covid injections)? Is Trump an honest man? Are the Covid injections really 95% effective as he stated? Is Trump capable of telling the truth? Or does he lie and boast more often than he tells the truth? Is Trump a Constitutionalist? Or has he bypassed the Constitution with numerous executive orders just as other presidents (on both sides) have increasingly done in recent history. Is Trump an ethical man? What kind of people did Trump appoint to his administration and who did his executive orders and legislation really benefit (the people or corporate/banking interests)? Is Trump a good man? How does he treat women and the institution of marriage? Did Trump try to expose the lies, corruption, and economic devastation of the Central Bank and the banking cartels? Or did he encourage them to lower interest rates and print more money in order to give the American people the illusion of a Great Trump Economy?  

The Issue of Abortion

Where do I stand on the issue of abortion? Is an unborn baby alive and is it a human being? Of course it is. Is it wrong to kill another human being? What do you think? Is it wrong for the government to step in and protect an unborn baby that is not able to protect itself? Is it wrong for the government (social services) to step in and protect a birthed baby or a small child that is being physically or sexually abused by its parents and is not able to protect itself? Is your body your property? What about another body that is inside of your body? Is that life also your property as well (to do with as you please)? What about your birthed baby or your small child? Is that your property to do with as you please?

If you are reading this, you are probably alive and were birthed at some point in your life. What have you done with your life so far? What have you experienced? What have you accomplished? What people have you touched and interacted with in this world? What kind of impact have you had on those around you? What if none of that existed? What if you had a chance to live and be born, but never were?

These are some of the questions that I think about in relation to abortion. What do you think about?

The Road to Dystopia and The Great Reset

From The Road to Dystopia: Think about how various "news" events have been able to virtually take over (over-shadow) other internet traffic during the last few years. This is an extremely effective way to quell public "dissent" (or awareness) and then drive it into a "descent" of agitation, distraction and/or unconsciousness.

Footnote 1
: I'm not a Republican, nor am I a Democrat. I'm not a rightist, nor am I a leftist. And, I'm not a conservative (in the modern political definition of the word), nor am I a liberal (in the modern political definition of the word). As stated in previous posts, when a person worships or follows someone or something that is supposed to represent what is right and true (instead of directly following what is right and true), it opens the door for many lies and illusions to take the place of what is actually right and true.

Footnote 2: I'm not in favor of the government stepping in and disrupting people's lives in an intrusive and/or inappropriate manner. However, I think that the social services example that I presented above is valid in that many people who support government social/protective services also support the "right" to have an abortion (but without any type of protection offered to the unborn child).

Footnote 3: The two videos that I referenced at the top of this post are just two random videos that I came across in relation to the "leaked" Supreme Court draft. They are not intended to single out these two individuals. In fact, there are many videos that exist on both the right and the left, with similar discussions and "ready to go to war" talk.

Footnote 4: What are two of the most heated social issues of the last 50 years? How about race relations and abortion? Do you think that it is just a coincidence that both of these issues were brought to the forefront at the same time that the ruling elite were trying to sell the "pandemic", climate change, and Great Reset narratives (which are all part of the same agenda)? Have we not learned anything from the recent past (the BLM psyop was not all that long ago)? Ordo ab chao.

Footnote 5: I am not anti-Trump, anti-red-hat, anti-conservative, anti-America, or anti-capitalism. I am anti-deception and anti-corruption. Of course deception and corruption are not limited to just the right or the left, or to Trump or to Obama, or to Bush or to Clinton. Deception and corruption exists everywhere in politics, on both sides of the isle.

Footnote 6 (added 5-11-22): The main point of this post was not intended to be a commentary on abortion. Rather, it was meant to serve as an example of how and why the ruling elite use highly volatile social issues, manufactured drama, and carefully chosen "news" programs (propaganda) to distract, polarize, and divide the general population (for the benefit of the ruling elite). Thus, the short commentary that I provided on abortion may seem overly simplistic to some people with regards to what often appears to be a very complex topic. Obviously there are many more issues and questions that surround the subject of abortion than what I discussed above. For example, at what stage was the abortion done? When does life actually begin? When does awareness and consciousness become part of new life? Was the abortion done to protect the health of the mother? Was there rape or incest involved? Etc.

Since the majority of abortions in the United States are done prior to 13 weeks (with a significant percentage of those occurring later rather than earlier in that time frame), I think that it is accurate to use language like life, abortion, baby, and mother and father rather than terms like "medical procedure", "clump of cells", "non-viable", "fetus", etc. It is common practice, in both abortion and in war, to make use of euphemisms and semantics in order to soften, disguise, confuse, and hide what is actually occurring. The rulers and administrators of the death cults of this world (military cults, financial cults, medical cults, pharmaceutical cults, etc) are well aware that a comfortable lie is much more likely to be accepted by the public than a hard truth.    

Footnote 7 (added 5-11-22): Just an interesting social/political observation -- On the conservative side of things, many people are in favor of "pro choice" (my body, my choice) when it comes to vaccinations, but are against government intervention/mandates/regulation in relation to vaccinations. However, when it comes to abortion, many conservatives are against "pro choice" (my body, my choice), but are in favor of government intervention/mandates/regulation in relation to abortion (as long as it agrees with their views on abortion).

On the liberal side of things, many people are against "pro choice" (my body, my choice) when it comes to vaccinations, but are for government intervention/mandates/regulation in relation to vaccinations. However, when it comes to abortion, many liberals are in favor of "pro choice" (my body, my choice), but are against government intervention/mandates/regulation in relation to abortion (if it disagrees with their views on abortion).  

Although these two issues are not exactly the same, nevertheless, it is still interesting to see the unrecognized flip-flopping that often occurs in different political camps when it comes to social and moral issues (i.e. flip-flops that are usually recognized in the "other" camp, but not in their own camp).

Footnote 8 (added 5-11-22): Just because the government says that something is right, and makes a law to support such a thing, it doesn't mean that thing is right. And just because the government says that something is wrong, and makes a law not supporting such a thing, it doesn't mean that thing is wrong. In the case of abortion, the personal responsibility regarding such a decision/act cannot be transferred or allocated to the government. It is the sole responsibility of the individual(s) involved.


Authenticity in Politics


Civil War

Related Reading

Cliff Notes
A Review of the The System of Two
(please see the 2-27-21 post on this page)

Birds of a Feather
Right-Wing vs. Left-Wing and Old vs. New
(please see the 8-21-20 post on this page)

(please see the 2-14-21 post on this page)


The Return to Innocence



The Web of Life

An artificial web of lies and control has been spun around the human race. This has disconnected us from the natural web of life that connects us all together. The artificial web could be thought of as a "web" or "net" of control, while the natural web could be thought of as the natural/organic internet of life and consciousness.

Sometimes the best way forward is found by going back (un-spinning
the artificial web of control and re-spinning the natural web of life).


"Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect." -- Chief Seattle, Duwamish Tribe

Throughout history there has been a tendency to dismiss indigenous peoples as being primitive, backward, or inferior simply because they didn't have the same technology, wealth, or religion as more developed nations. However, perhaps the "wealth" and "technology" that they do possess is far more valuable than what it is perceived to be.

Think about this for a moment: Are the people that lose their humanity, their integrity, their sight, and their consciousness in the quest for greater wealth and technology more wealthy, or less wealthy, than the people that still have such things intact?

Herd Safety and Security?
Or follow your own way?


People will often say that they want to hear the truth, but then will reject the truth when it is encountered. The real truth of the matter is that most people don't want to hear any kind of truth that challenges their belief system(s), their psychological safety and security (safety in numbers), or anything that encourages self-examination. Thus, in order to protect themselves, they will delink, defund, reject, suppress, hate, and/or ban anyone that threatens to upset that perceived safety and the preservation of their religious beliefs, their political beliefs, their patriotic beliefs, and their savior beliefs (based on religious, political, or other celebrity/authority figures). Such people will often call you all kinds of names (new age, satanic, unpatriotic, etc) for daring to challenge the status quo and/or orthodoxy. Do you think that this only happens in the mainstream media or mainstream society? Actually, it happens everywhere.

It's interesting to note that rarely do such people hold their ground based on truth, true conviction, or true belief. Rather, if the climate changes and they perceive that it is safe, secure, fashionable, popular, profitable, or acceptable to do so, they will change their beliefs to match the current social environment. The reason why people do this so often is because this type behavior is predictable and it is based on one of the most effective psychological control mechanisms of the system -- the idea that society itself is a social circle and that people are more scared of what other people think and of standing alone, than of almost anything else.


As you attempt to bring truth, awareness and understanding into the world, others will try to roll over you. Don't lay down. But also choose your battles intelligently, and spend your energy wisely. In other words, life is a marathon (journey), it's not a sprint to the finish line.

Walking Away
(herding strays vs. hearing the call)


Every once in a while I hear someone accuse others of "walking away" or "abandoning the cause" if they haven't been seen or heard from in a while. They will say things like, "How could they do such a thing?" "That is selfish and irresponsible!" "Don't they know that we (the human race) are at a critical point in this physical/psychological/information war?"

In my opinion, such statements are very shallow and narrow-minded and demonstrate very little awareness or understanding of people or our current situation. I think that this is especially true when such things are directed towards someone that may have been doing this for five, ten, fifteen, or twenty years or more.

Perhaps that person had a serious health issue? Maybe they had a family emergency? Maybe they were tired of all of the BS and they needed a break? Maybe they wanted to take a step back in order to gain some additional perspective in the midst of all of the chaos and confusion? Maybe they had to do some extra work so they could financially continue with their efforts? Maybe they felt like they were spending too much time in the Matrix (virtual online world)? Maybe they were working on another project? Maybe they felt like their efforts could be more productive in areas outside of the online/virtual reality world? Maybe they just wanted to spend some extra quality time with their dog or cat that, for some reason, always seems to love them no matter what kind of truth that they choose to pursue or speak? Maybe they are burned out on continually witnessing just how many people cannot seem to move past all of the surface level manufactured distractions (right/left paradigm, Trumpism, the latest manufactured drama in the media, the pending arrests of all of the evil leaders, the white hats that are coming to the rescue, and all of the other "solutions" that keep coming up over and over as the years and decades pass by under this never-ending and always-unfolding agenda).

In fact, there are many reasons why someone might not be seen or heard from for a while that has nothing to do with them giving up or "walking away". Attempting to pressure or shame someone into continuing their efforts by traveling further into the Matrix (when they do not want to), is actually the same as supporting the continuation (and the entrapment) of the Matrix.

It is not necessary for someone to churn out regular daily content in order to be effective. In fact, sometimes this can have the opposite effect. Actually, there are some people that do a really good job with daily briefs. However, there are others that choose to take a different approach. Everyone is different with different goals, strategies, and strengths.

Seeing, Walking, and Learning


One way to Return to Innocence is recognize the web(s) around us, follow your own way, and walk along your own path (while learning from and respecting the path of others)

Does this mean that we should also respect the path of others when that path is based on lies and deception and it impedes and/or corrupts the path and destination of others? What do you think?

Looking Back in Order to Move Forward
(passages and paths from previous posts)

Looking back

Our bodies, our minds, and our consciousness have enormous potential, if we are allowed to live freely. However, if we blind ourselves, blind each other, and corral ourselves (our minds, bodies and consciousness) into tiny places, then we will lose the opportunity to see and experience that potential. From: 4-8-19 post on this page.


In the modern world, we are increasingly being trained (or entrained) to focus our attention on only that which exists right before us from one moment to the next (i.e. instant "gratifications", constant "stimulations", instant "notifications", continuous "feeds" and endless "streams"). This is distorting our perception of time and reality and making it less beneficial to us, and more beneficial to those who wish to keep us residing in a more manageable very narrow framework of tightly controlled recurring "time loops". From: 7-14-18 post on this page.


The worst form of oppression is not physical in nature, it is mental. This occurs when we are programmed and conditioned to oppress ourselves, and each other, and to suppress the spark that resides within us. The greatest holocaust in history is occurring right now, on a massive scale, with the murder and suppression of our spirit. We have built our own prison cells…cells that we now comfortably live in every day. From: 10-29-18 post on this page.


Words spoken with truth will cause internal and external struggles in the world, for they will challenge all that we believe to be right and true (based on our pre-conditioned minds and our programmed belief systems). Some people will be able to properly discern and handle the truth as it arrives, while others will not be able to. This will cause conflicts in people, in families, in societies, in politics and in religion. From: The Church of Awareness and Understanding


The future is not written in stone. We are the drivers of our own reality. The past is in the rearview mirror. The present is right here beside us (the steering wheel, the gas pedal, the brakes, the turn signals and the headlights). Out the front window is the future.

If we continue down this same road with the "pedal to the metal", our future can unfold in a way that is every bit as dark and bleak as the most dystopian novel or movie ever written. Or, we can choose to use the turn signals and/or the brakes to slow down and point us towards a different road. From: 1-2-20 post on this page.


If we don't learn from the past, then the past is destined to repeat itself over and over again in the present, until the past becomes the present, and the present becomes the future, and the future becomes the past. From: 5-9-19 post on this page.


The power brokers of this world are using people as pawns, on a grand chessboard, in an immoral never-ending game of power and control of the world.

Propaganda drives opinion and belief. And opinion and belief drives our actions. Remember this while reading the morning paper, watching the evening news, streaming your favorite programming, and following the orders of others without question. From: 4-25-19 post on this page.


Seeing and addressing only the symptoms of evil, will not affect the root cause of the problem. To truly stop the symptoms of evil from continuing , one must see, understand, and properly address the root cause of the disease. When evil is properly addressed, malignant darkness has the opportunity to be "cured" and return once again to its non-diseased state as the natural polarity of dark (in balance with light). From: 2-1-20 post on this page.


As long as there are pawns in the world, there will always be Kings, Queens, Knights and Bishops that will use and abuse them. From: 1-7-20 post on this page


Termite damage is something that normally occurs very slowly and is often hidden from view. Unfortunately, by the time the termites are discovered, many times the damage has already been done and the only remedy is to replace the damaged wood. Of course one can also choose to ignore the issue or postpone the fix, but that usually only serves to compound the issue and run the risk of a complete failure and/or collapse of the structure at some point in the future. From: 11-9-19 post on this page.


Society, in many ways, is not unlike the stock market. Throughout history, there have been many occasions where it seems like people's minds have been taken over by something else. The lessons of the past are forgotten, and the same blindness and madness builds up in us once again. Each subsequent "crash" seems to get progressively worse, almost as if something is trying to speak to us and say "look, here is another opportunity to change things, don't let it deteriorate any further, or the next crash could be much much worse". From: 4-19-19 post on this page.


There is a reason why they call a meme that quickly spreads through internet "viral". It is because these things act like an infection. They take over people's minds. They quickly end up on websites, videos and podcasts across the internet. Think about how various "news" events have been able to virtually take over (over-shadow) other internet traffic during the last few years. This is an extremely effective way to quell public "dissent" (or awareness) and then drive it into a "descent" of agitation, distraction and/or unconsciousness. From: On the Road to Dystopia


In many ways, the mind and body are at a significant disadvantage to the ego. The mind and body have actually been designed, conditioned, and programmed to seek out various activities which encourage the release of certain neurochemicals that induce pleasurable sensations within us. On one level, these pleasure-inducing chemicals play a very important role in our human existence, such as in promoting species survival (procreation) or in contributing to the simple enjoyment of life (the pursuit of love, laughter, companionship, etc which help to release such chemicals). However, other times, these chemicals can become quite dangerous when they are linked or attached to certain negative or addictive behaviors associated with the ego (at the expense of conscious awareness). From: Monsters Among Us


It's always been a game of numbers for the controllers. They know that any mechanism of control that they introduce must appeal to a very wide portion of the population in order to capture the greatest number of people in its "web". Therefore, not only must it contain the bread and circuses for the general population, but it must also have the potential to be a genuine tool of growth and change for the more aware people in society (in order to draw them into the trap and also to lock in any people who may become aware at a later time). From: On the Road to Dystopia


"The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country." -- Edward Bernays, Propaganda (1928) --  From: On the Road to Dystopia


This is not an accident. It is part of a much larger plan that was conceived long ago. How much longer will those in power be able to prop up this ponzi scheme and house of cards? My guess is not much longer. I think that this is reflected in the increasingly desperate actions of those in power. However, the longer that this goes on and the higher that it flies, the greater the fall will be. And the greater that the crisis is, the more leverage that those in power will have to initiate the kinds of changes that they would like to see happen (a new world centralized order).

People are being used as pawns on a grand chessboard of power. Those who think they are in power, are being used by those with even greater power, greater insight and more intelligence. At the root of all this is a transnational consortium of power that has no boundaries and no allegiance to any one country. To them it is only a game, involving pawns, knights, bishops, kings and queens.

A little information can be a dangerous thing. However, information combined with truth, awareness and understanding, can be a very powerful and beneficial thing. From: "Crisis" 4-28-19 post on this page.


Social agendas that are forced on a population all at once can result in rebellion or even revolution. However, social agendas that are spoon-fed (incrementally) to a population over an extended period of time results in acclimatization and acceptance of those ideas, without a realization of what the ultimate goal is. As long as this is done under the guise of being something good or beneficial for the people, then there is usually little resistance to it from the bulk of the population.  From: 4-13-19 post on this page.


We are conditioned to reject the idea of freewill and self-empowerment, and embrace the idea that change will come from an external source. The real answers and our true power is within all of us, not outside of us. The controllers don't mind being the main focus of blame because that creates a victim mentality within the general population and diverts focus away from us looking within ourselves for the answers (or truly examining how we may be knowingly or unknowingly contributing the existence of the control grid and our own enslavement). From: Escape From the Matrix


People want to be told that everything is going to be alright. Optimism can be either logical or (patho)logical in nature. Logical optimism is based on an assumption/deduction derived from a constructive action that has been taken. Pathological optimism is typically based entirely on faith and hope and derived from an action which has not been taken (inaction). Pathological optimism is encouraged by the control grid in the form of never-ending "hope" (as promised by lying politicians). This can contribute to a state of apathy in the general population ("waiting" for change vs. "creating" our own change). From: Escape From the Matrix


Understanding is not intended to be difficult. The clues are all around us in the natural systems of the earth, in the sun, in the planets and in the universe. It is the noise of the modern world (both literally and figuratively) that hides this understanding from us and creates confusion and complexity, from what once was clarity and simplicity. From: 11-19-17 post on this page.


All religions have something to offer in the way of wisdom and discovery. However, they also have the potential to mislead, control and limit growth. Most modern (major) religions today have been corrupted to some degree or another. In many cases, they have taken valuable ancient knowledge/wisdom/teachings and twisted that information into something that serves the political, economic and social control agendas of the ruling class (and their overlords). From: The Virtues and Sins of Religion


Making mistakes and learning are part of our natural spiritual growth process. This is why we are here. The real sin would be if we didn't learn from our mistakes (there was no growth) and we continued along the same destructive path because we were taught that there is no escape from sin. Perhaps an even greater sin would be if we stood still and gave in to oppression and tyranny because we were taught that we would be saved by an external god or deity sometime in the future. From: The Virtues and Sins of Religion


When valid questions are brought up in rigid religious institutions (churches) they are often suppressed and/or seen as disruptive behavior rather than as simple curiosity or a function of the natural inquisitive nature of the human spirit. This is especially true for children (who may not have been properly indoctrinated into the system yet). This suppression of knowledge within religion can be a significant limiting factor to our growth since we (and the world around us) are always changing and always evolving. From: Spiritual Protection


The foundation of our Universe is based on the concept of polarity. Polarity is the engine that drives experience, learning, and growth. All things are connected. The Universe is very much like the two sides of a coin or the Yin Yang symbol. In other words, the Universe is made up of two seemingly different components that are separate from each other, but also intimately connected. You can clearly see this interconnected relationship in polarities such as male/female, light/dark, right/left, above/below, within/without, protagonist/antagonist, etc. The bridge that connects the two polarities is the "third way" or "middle way". The middle way isn't a reference to "sitting on the fence", lack of choice, or inaction. Rather, it refers to Knowledge, Awareness, and Understanding of two (one and one), in order to know and understand One. Polarity is present in everything, even in much more complex patterns. It isn't always clear and sometimes you have to use unconventional modes of thinking in order to recognize it, but it is always there. Greater Understanding is found when one looks at things from many different perspectives (a multi-dimensional mode of thought), rather than just linear thought. From: 2-1-20 post on this page.


The Earth knows that in order for it to survive, there must be the light of day and the darkness of night. Nature knows that its color is created through the interaction between the light and the dark. Spiritual beings know that in order to have freewill (and the chance to grow), there must be the opportunity to choose between the light and the dark. The stars know that in order to be seen in the sky, there must be light and there must be dark. Life instinctively knows that in order to properly grow, there must be day and there must be night. From: 2-20-20 post on this page


A tree grows up in order to seek sunlight so that it may branch out, become stronger and grow taller. In nature, light creates growth. The light that nourished the tree also produces darkness. In the shadow of the tree, there is shade from the sunlight, shelter from the rain and protection from predators. Natural darkness helps to produce a positive environment for many plants, animals, insects and other life forms to thrive. In nature, the darkness also creates growth. From: Communicating With Nature


Natural diversity helps to create natural immunity. Some people may be susceptible to certain hardships, diseases and conflicts while others may be immune to them. The perceived "strong", may be strong in some areas but may be weak in others. And the perceived "weak", may be weak in some areas but strong in others. This is the miracle of nature and the strength of natural diversity. It is the reason why a world full of specialized GM (genetically modified) organisms (or humans) cannot, and will not, work. From: Communicating With Nature


Most of our energy today seems to be directed towards creating division (both within and without), rather than creating synergy, balance and completeness. When we are divided, we are only half of our true potential. To heal our pain is to become One (complete) once again with ourselves, with each other, with the planet and with Creation (while at the same time celebrating all of our individual uniqueness and diversity). This is when our real "being" has the opportunity to truly become human once again and potentially grow into something that is quite incredible. From: The Art of Alchemy


A controlled burn in a forest can be very beneficial. However, a forest fire can also get completely out of control and destroy everything in its path. Could it be that what we are experiencing right now is a controlled burn, that is giving us an opportunity to clear out the underbrush (old systems, oppression, corruption, illusion, etc), quell the fire, plant new seeds and subsequently grow in the fertile new soil? Could be it that we are being given a choice here, to either actively grow in the wake of the fire, or passively sit by and watch the fire consume everything in its path (including us)? From: Unified Theory


As humans, we often have a tendency to approach problems from the top down instead of from the bottom up. For example, we often begin with the premise that we belong to a certain group or ideology which is presumed to be right or correct. Therefore, by default, any opposing ideology is usually assumed to be incorrect or void of useful or important information. We see this type of situation occur quite frequently in politics (left, right, conservative, liberal), in religion (Christian, Muslim, East, West), in race (black, white, yellow, red), in socioeconomic ideologies (Capitalism, Socialism, Communism), in sports "divisions" (American, National, East, West, Central) and so on. 

Why is our system set up this way? The simple answer to this question is to promote division and polarization among the people. A divided population is much easier to control than a united or unified one. 

What if we were to approach social, political and economic issues from a bottom-up perspective instead of a top-down view? In other words, what if we looked at these issues with the simple idea that we are all human beings first, and that we all have common desires and needs such as life, liberty, love, freedom and happiness? From: The Label Machine


Anarchy does not refer to lawlessness or freedom without rules. Rather, it refers to not being ruled by external false authority (which often results in exploitation), but instead being guided by internal individual authority (derived through an awareness and understanding of your personal rights and sovereignty and the rights and sovereignty of others). From: 2-7-20 post on this page.


Evil exists in the world because the natural polarity of darkness has been ignored (pushed further into darkness) and been misunderstood in terms of its true origin. When the "dark" is allowed to grow unimpeded in the shadows without the "light" of knowledge, awareness and understanding to balance it, the end result is evil (imbalance).

Evil will exist and continue to grow in this world until darkness (within us and around us) is recognized, understood, properly addressed, and balance is restored once again.

That which is outside of us is not separate from that which is inside of us. And that which is inside of us is not separate from that which is outside of us. Each is merely a reflection of the other. Such is true of light and darkness (and its derivatives good and evil). From: 4-21-19 post on this page


Jumping into an issue too quickly can often cloud one's judgment and result in a reactionary action. However, taking a step back and taking the time to consider all of the relevant elements of the issue, often creates an environment where the issue becomes clearer and the action becomes more evolutionary (forward moving) than revolutionary (circular/cyclical). From: The Church of Awareness and Understanding


What often appears to be random events, are actually not random at all. Rather, they are orchestrated events that are designed to take us down a road towards a predetermined destination. From: This Post


Mainstream society is the largest and most influential cult on Earth. We are conditioned and manipulated by the media, entertainment industry, corporations, organized religion and the government to accept a very narrow view of the world and to aggressively reject anything that exists outside of this zone of influence. From: Prison Planet Earth


We can focus on the positive, in order to (temporarily) avoid the negative. Or we can understand the negative in order to (lastingly) pursue the positive. The affliction of the whole can indeed be ignored, but only at the expense of the health of the individual. Remaining on the sidelines is not a viable option. Positive thinking alone does not insure a positive outcome. Ignorance is not bliss, and silence is not golden unless it is enjoyed concurrently with the inevitable noise of the truth. From: Prison Planet Earth


It has been said that there is no greater prison than the prison that we create for ourselves within our own minds. Are our minds free? Or have they become cluttered with so many external influences and distractions that it has clouded our ability to clearly think, reason and discern as individuals? If our reasoning skills have indeed become impaired, then the decisions that we make regarding what we choose to create, could also be impaired as well. From: The Invasion


When conflict between the light and the dark turns into a full-fledged battle, there is a split that can occur. By themselves, each aspect of Creation is partially conscious. These partially conscious fragments have the ability to become animated, but they cannot become aware (when separated). And because they are "unaware", they do not understand that they are actually existing as fragments of the whole. From: The Invasion


The true enemy is not the people of the systems, it is the systems of the people. The true enemy of the people is the Machine. Anywhere that ignorance is encouraged and awareness is suppressed, this is where you will find the enemy. And anywhere where there are manufactured systems of conflict and highly polarized systems of control, this is also where you will find the enemy. The people are more of a symptom of the disease, than the disease itself. However, the disease cannot exist, without the help of the people. From: The Invasion


"We have a predator that came from the depths of the cosmos and took over the rule of our lives. Human beings are its prisoners. The predator is our lord and master. It has rendered us docile, helpless. If we want to protest, it suppresses our protest. If we want to act independently, it demands that we don't do so." -- Carlos Castaneda From: The Invasion


"In order to keep us obedient and meek and weak, the predators engaged themselves in a stupendous maneuver; stupendous, of course, from the point of view of a fighting strategist. A horrendous maneuver from the point of view of those who suffer it. They gave us their mind! Do you hear me? The predators give us their mind, which becomes our mind. The predators' mind is baroque, contradictory, morose, filled with the fear of being discovered any minute now." -- Carlos Castaneda From: The Invasion


"They took over because we are food for them, and they squeeze us mercilessly because we are their sustenance. Just as we rear chickens in chicken coops, the predators rear us in human coops. Therefore, their food is always available to them." -- Carlos Castaneda From: The Invasion


"Man himself has taken over their role [demons] without knowing it and does the devilish work of destruction with far more effective tools than the spirits did. In the olden days men were brutal, now they are dehumanized and possessed to a degree that even the blackest Middle Ages did not know." -- Carl Jung From: The Invasion


"An unknown 'something' has taken possession of a smaller or greater portion of the psyche and asserts its hateful and harmful existence undeterred by all our insight, reason, and energy, thereby proclaiming the power of the unconscious over the conscious mind." -- Carl Jung From: The Invasion


"Human beings are under the control of a strange force that bends them in absurd ways, forcing them to play a role in a bizarre game of deception." -- Jacques Vallee From: The Discernment of Creation, Part II


I am not opposed to technology or progress. I just think that it is important to be mindful of what we are creating and how it is being used. If we are not mindful, then I think that there is a real danger in us losing ourselves in our progress. From: 4-12-19 post on this page.


If you want to keep a society blind, keep them so busy and so distracted that they never have the time, or the opportunity, to learn how to see. From: 8-13-17 post on this page.


We all decorate each other's lives in one way or another. We are the paint in the painting, the brushes on the canvas, the colors in the landscape, the notes in the music, and the melody in the song. We are the answers to our questions, and the questions in our answers. Thus, each one of us is a part of the raw material from which greater awareness and understanding is built.

In order to really appreciate the details in a painting, sometimes it helps to take a step back and look at the bigger picture. And to really appreciate the bigger picture, sometimes it helps to take a step forward and examine the details more closely. From: 7-19-19 post on this page.


"One" can be beneficial when it consists of many independent ones drawing from and contributing to One. However, One can also be very detrimental (or catastrophic) when the independence of one is replaced with a uniform unconscious collective of many ones that make up One. From: 2-1-20 post on this page.


In many ways, consciousness is still a big mystery to science. However, just because it is not currently understood (or it is misunderstood), it nevertheless remains a very important aspect of how reality is created and how our ever-changing "present" unfolds as we move through time. From: "Back to the Future" on this page.


The real collateral damage of recent events (and the last twenty years) is not just human life, but is our morals, ethics, compassion, empathy and humanity. The corrupt rulers that are destroying this country have always believed that the sun rises and sets on the United States. However, they have become so blinded by their arrogance that they cannot see that a shift has occurred, and that the sun no longer rises on the United States as it once did. As a consequence of their actions, what the people have inherited are cloudy skies, muted light, and what is quickly becoming a never ending sunset on America. From: 1-6-20 post on this page.


Heaven and Hell are metaphors for the consequences of our actions, right here, right now. We have the ability to either build a heaven on earth, or build a hell on earth. The return of Jesus (metaphorically speaking) is not really about the return of a physical being, but rather it is a metaphor for the return of the Light (Understanding) within us. From: 1-22-20 post on this page.


Sometimes the greatest clarity and understanding of what is right, comes from an awareness of what is wrong. From: 11-8-17 post on this page.


There are almost 8 billion people on this planet and almost 8 million species. In a world that is made up of such diversity, rarely is any matter limited to just one or the other. Rather, it is through the Awareness and Understanding of two, that one comes to understand itself and the other, and eventually arrives at the Understanding and the Wisdom of One. From: This post


A book is not defined by a pretty cover or a catchy title, but rather it is defined by the pages that are contained within it. It's time to tell the real story, and create an ending that we can all live with, not die for. From: 1-6-20 post on this page.


The Return to Innocence

Related Reading

The Road to Dystopia
Recognizing and understanding the roads that we have traveled on
in the past, and the road that we are currently on, can help us
to travel in a new direction (if that is what we truly desire).


The End of Innocence


Children of the Borg

The Greatest Evil of All


In my opinion, the greatest evil in this world occurs when evil is directly and intentionally perpetuated against children. This is because it not only robs the children of the current generation of their innocence, but it also sets the stage for future generations of children to be robbed of their innocence as well (via the programming and conditioning of the current generation, which then become the leaders of tomorrow).

The Loss of Amazement and Wonder


This world is a truly amazing place that is full of incredible wonder. However, that amazement and wonder is being masked and suppressed through constant fear, manufactured chaos, daily "news", distractions, tech addiction, and the drugging, poisoning, and numbing of the general population (which promotes a disconnection from Nature and Creation).

New Age Wonder?

When I posted the link to Inner Worlds/Outer Worlds on 4-24-22, I imagine that there were some people that thought that I was trying to push "New Age" beliefs or trying to distract people from the really important things that are going on in the world right now. However, that was not my intent. What I was trying to do was remind people of all of the amazing things that exist around us that are currently being hidden from us. The purpose of hiding these things from us is so that we have a very narrow view of the world (both inner and outer) which then suppresses our consciousness, awareness, and understanding in a way that keeps us under control and ignorant of our true power.

The Masking of Innocence


Yesterday I stopped at a rest stop in northern Arizona while I traveling. As I was leaving the rest area, two buses pulled into the parking lot with around sixty children onboard. As the children began departing the bus, I noticed that every single one of them had a face mask on. These were very young children. What is this doing to these children and to the future of this world?

As I've discussed before, the masking of children has nothing to do with preventative medicine or safety. Rather, it has everything to do with psychological programming, obedience, compliance, and occult ritual. The impact of policies such as this not only has immediate detrimental physical and psychological effects on children, but they also have significant long-term effects on them as well (in addition to the short and long-term effects of the injections).

Sadly, most of these children were Native Americans from local tribal reservations where mask mandates are still in place.

Playing in Nature vs. Playing in the Matrix


Playing in nature helps to bring us closer to the wonder and amazement of Creation and true Consciousness. Playing in the Matrix, on the other hand, helps to bring us closer to artificial reality, illusion, un-consciousness, transhumanism, and a post-human dystopia (away from true reality, true awareness, and true understanding).

Cracks in the Road

Initial crack

Why does it seem like there is much more rebellion that occurs in children than in adults? The simple answer is that most children still have much of their innocence and innate consciousness intact, while the consciousness of many "mature" adults has already been cracked and broken. When children are young (before full programming and indoctrination has occurred), they have the ability to instinctively sense and see that something is terribly wrong in this world. Rebellion is their way to fight the efforts of a system that is attempting to crack their minds and break their freewill.

Many cracks

Once the first crack forms, it opens the door for additional cracks to form during later years. Stopping cracks from forming in the first place and/or repairing the cracks when they happen is one way to prevent the mind from looking like the image above. However, once the cracking of the mind has been completed, the only way to reverse this process is to allow beneficial deprogramming information to enter into the mind and move past the barriers that have been put in place to protect the previous programming (which can sometimes be a very long and difficult process). 

Hierarchy of Needs
(from the 8-9-20 post on this page)


In Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, the needs at the bottom of the pyramid must be satisfied before the needs above them can be satisfied. In other words, food, water, and shelter take precedence over self-esteem and self-actualization.

The last thing that the rulers want is a world made up of strong, self-confident, self-respecting, understanding, and self-actualized people. Therefore, the rulers create conditions that keep people constantly residing in the lower two levels of the pyramid, while at the same time manipulating and confusing the true meaning that exists within the upper levels of the pyramid. Think about this in relation to the "how's" and "why's" of the recent financial, economic, and social destruction that has occurred (and why there seems to be an agenda to keep such things going for as long as possible).

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is actually the model (and the motive) behind why financial and economic sanctions are imposed on other countries. If the most basic needs of people are constantly in jeopardy (or cannot be met), then the State has the potential to exert far greater levels of control over the people and enjoy far greater levels of acceptance by the people (as the people are led to believe that they might once again have the opportunity to secure their basic survival needs and/or have the chance to rise above them). This is the same type of psychological operation that occurs every four years during the presidential elections.

Those who control the United States have enacted countless sanctions against other countries with full knowledge that such actions will kill many thousands of people due to lack of food, water, medicine, and shelter. And those that control the global stage (many of the same people that control the United States) are currently enacting numerous "sanctions" on the entire world (via pandemic rules/regulations) with full knowledge that such actions will kill many thousands (or even millions) of people due to lack of food, water, medicine, and shelter. In addition to the physical impact that "sanctions" have on the well-being of people, sanctions also have a significant psychological impact on people as well.

Think that the so-called global elite would never deliberately release a virus on the public? Think again. Think that the so-called global elite would never deliberately cause a food and/or supply shortage? Think again. Think that the so-called global elite would never deliberately conduct horrific medical experiments on people without their consent? Think again. Think that the so-called global elite would never deliberately initiate a false flag event and start a war that could kill thousands or millions of people? Think again.

Think that none of these events have happen before? Think again. Think that the so-called global elite really care about the people? Think again.

Those that are too brainwashed, scared, distracted, or lazy to research the truth behind the statements made above (and lack the courage to speak out about them) are the real threat to this world. For it is these people, not the rulers, that will ultimately force many more people into darkness and destruction than the rulers could ever hope to do by themselves.

There is no greater threat to freedom than those who act against it with blind eyes, deaf ears, and willful ignorance.

Footnote 1: It is not my intention with this post (or the last few posts) to speak harshly or without compassion in relation to the challenges that many people are facing right now. It's also not my intention to suggest that parents who mask their children (or inject them) don't love them. However, as I said before, ignorance (and willful ignore-ance) is the root of all evil. Those who act without thinking (order followers), and those who think without acting (armchair warriors), are the fuel that allows evil to grow and flourish in this world. There always have been, and there always will be, sick psychopaths in the world that wish to own and control other people. The only reason why these psychopaths are able to gain power in the first place is because they are given that power by the people (via their ignorance and compliance). And the only reason why these psychopaths lose their power is because people eventually decide to take that power back from them (by refusing to cooperate with their own enslavement). This is our history, which is occurring right now, as it unfolds alongside the never-ending cycles of growing and declining awareness and ignorance that continue on and on throughout time.

Footnote 2: Why am I so serious all of the sudden? I don't think that many people really understand what the future is going to look like if the so-called elite are successful in their attempts to inflate the prices of goods, deflate the availability of food, collapse the dollar and/or the financial system, continue with their plans for new and more deadly "pandemics", spread fear with wars and rumors of wars, corrupt and transform human beings via Big Pharma and other covert/overt delivery systems, and create general chaos, confusion, death, and destruction in the world. People need to understand what they are trying to accomplish here and what it is going look like if they do accomplish their goals, and, most of all, what we can do to try and stop this from going any further.


The End of the Innocence
 O' beautiful, for spacious skies
But now those skies are threatening
They're beating plowshares into swords
For this tired old man that we [did not] elect king
Armchair warriors often fail
And we've been poisoned by these fairy tales
The lawyers clean up all details
Since daddy had to lie

That's Just the Way It Is
Is it?

Related Reading

Hierarchy of Power
A Story That is Often Told, But Not Well Understood
(please see the 02-20-2020 post on this page)

Hierarchy of Needs
(please see the 8-9-20 post on this page)

Unmasking the Truth
(please see the 8-22-20 post on this page)

The Maskuerade
(please see the 5-14-20 post on this page)


The Root of All Evil



The root of all evil is not money. It is ignorance. However, it is not just ignorance alone, rather it is the ignore-ance of ignorance that is the real problem.

Evil = Ignore-ance of how politicians and other authority figures create our ignorance and then use that ignorance to rule over us in darkness (ignorance).

Evil = Ignore-ance of our moral duty and personal responsibility to help expose darkness, and create good, so that evil cannot flourish in the world.

Evil = Ignore-ance of, and acquiescence to, any mafia-type organization that hijacks the personal sovereignty and freewill of others and then uses that false power and authority for their own personal benefit.

Evil = Ignore-ance of hard truths, and the acceptance of comfortable lies, in order to create a bubble of false reality around oneself while the world turns into a complete hell.

Evil = Ignore-ance of any uncomfortable truth which allows children to be harmed by malignant darkness (evil).

Evil = Ignore-ance of the truth when it is presented to you in order to shield yourself from any personal discomfort and/or the need for rightful action.

Evil = Ignore-ance of evil when it exists right in front of you.

Evil = Ignore-ance of a wrong because that is what is "right" for you

Evil = Ignore-ance of your own ignorance (programming and brainwashing) in order to remain comfortably numb and willfully ignorant (blind and deaf) to a dark reality that exists around you.


The Deep-Seated and Intentional Psychological Infection of Society
(described by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov)

This interview has actually been referenced quite often in relation to our current situation. I am including a link to the interview here again because I think that it clearly and concisely tells the story of how and why evil is not just a function of a few morally corrupt leaders at the top. Rather, it is also a result of a general population that has been morally and spiritually corrupted through deep psychological programming and brainwashing. This is why a simple removal of the surface infection (morally corrupt leaders) cannot cure the root of the problem, which actually exists far below the surface.

Infected Roots and Corrupted Foundations

A root canal (selective removal of the infection) will not solve the problem either. Such a procedure will only remove the visible infection and cut off the blood supply to the tooth, leaving a dead corpse of a tooth in its place along with a silent/hidden infection remaining in the smaller and less visible passages of the surrounding tooth structure. The resulting toxins produced by this dead corpse of a tooth can result in all kinds of strange and serious disorders and "auto-immune" diseases in the "body". The only real way to fix the problem is to remove the tooth (perform an "exorcism" of the root cause of the problem). Just as it takes a while to heal after a tooth extraction, so too does it take time to heal and deprogram after decades (and generations) of psychological programming and brainwashing. This is why, despite what some people say, we are actually a long way away from declaring any type of victory over ignore-ance and evil.

Footnote: The inclusion of the interview above is not meant to suggest that Russia (or the former Soviet Union) is behind everything that is going on the world today. As discussed in previous posts, this is a global phenomenon that is being implemented by a group of globalist "leaders" that have very little (if any) loyalty to one particular country or another.


Comfortably Numb

Hotel California

 Related Reading

The Battle Between the Light and the Dark

Escape from the Matrix

The Road to Destruction


(Blind Acceptance)


Preconception - an idea or opinion that has been formed before
enough information is available to form it correctly.

What if there was a religion called Sology with an infallible God that proclaimed that He was all-good and all-knowing and that His Book was the only knowledge that was needed in order to ascend to Solar Heaven and the Solar afterlife? What if the followers of Sology blindly followed SOL and his Book regardless of what it said and regardless of whether it was true or false or right or wrong? What kind of world do you think that the followers of Sology would live in? In other words, would that world be closer to a Heaven or a Hell?

What if there was another religion called Governmentology (sometimes called Authorityology) with an all-powerful and all-knowing God (named GOV) and a Priestly Class (of Politicians and Celebrities) that were infallible and were the final word on all things right or wrong, true or false, healthy or unhealthy, and good or evil? What if the Book of GOV was actually a Communication News Network, a Social Media System, and an Education System that sent out the Commandments of GOV to His followers on a minute-by-minute, hour-by-hour, and day-by-day basis? What if the followers of GOV faithfully followed those commandments without thinking, always believing that GOV's commandments were blessed, righteous, and true? What kind of world do you think that the followers of GOV would live in? In other words, would that world be closer to a Heaven or a Hell?

What if there was one more religion called Truthology with a God named TRUTH? What if the Book of this religion was based on Natural Law, morality, ethics, knowledge, awareness, understanding, logic, reasoning, and discernment? What if the followers of TRUTH were persecuted, crucified, imprisoned, banned, and executed by the previous two religions for speaking the WORD of TRUTH? What kind of world do you think that the followers of all three religions would live in? In other words, would that world be closer to a Heaven or a Hell?

What is the difference between having a mind that is so pliable that it can be stretched in any direction (by any authority figure)? Or, having a mind that is very flexible, but still has boundaries and anchor points?

In the first example, this type of brain is so open that it is likely to fall out of its host's head onto the floor and be trampled upon by anyone that happens to walk by. In the second example, this type of brain is flexible and open, but it still remains in the head of its host because it is anchored to reality through Natural Law, morality, ethics, knowledge, awareness, understanding, logic, reasoning, and discernment.

Next time that you automatically accept something without thinking about it or properly evaluating it, ask yourself this question, "Why did I just do that"?

Footnote: It is not my intent with this post to be disrespectful towards anyone's religion and/or religious convictions. Rather, like many other posts on this page, my intent was to try and illustrate the similarities (i.e. cult nature) that often exists between different "religious" institutions and "religious" leaders (whether they are part of an actual religion, or part of government, medicine, media, education, tech, or some other institution). Hopefully, in discussing such things, it will help to bring about more awareness and understanding of the potential dangers and dark outcomes that typically occur when any group (or group leader) begins to take on cult-like characteristics.

Related Reading

Prison Planet Earth

(God, god, Heaven, Hell, Truth, Morality, Masks, Belief,
Cosmology, Archons, Aliens, Entities, Collectives,
Ignorance, Natural Law/Do No Harm, etc)


He's Got the Whole World in his Hands
When one central governmental authority has the whole world in
their hands and under their control, does this lead to more
light or more darkness in the world?


(Blind Rejection)



Preconception - an idea or opinion that has been formed before
enough information is available to form it correctly.


What if there was a certain topic, that whenever it was brought up, people would automatically laugh at it and/or ridicule it. How would that affect your reception and consideration of any information related to that topic?

What if there was a certain topic, that whenever it was brought up, everyone said that the science was already settled on it. How would that affect your reception and consideration of any information that might challenge or contradict the accepted science on that topic?

What if there was a religion that discouraged its followers from seeking any knowledge outside of its own religion (by telling its followers that such knowledge was harmful, dangerous misinformation, or evil). If you were a member of such a religion, how would that affect your reception or consideration of knowledge and/or awareness that existed outside of that religion?

What if prior to viewing a documentary film, someone suggested that it might contain false information, harmful information, or BS? Would that have any effect on your reception or consideration of the information contained within that documentary film?

What is the difference between being open-minded and closed-minded? When a person has an open mind, it means that they are receptive to the consideration (hearing/seeing) and evaluation (discernment) of new information. When a person has a closed mind, it means that they are prone to automatically rejecting new information without first giving it proper consideration and/or evaluation (usually a result of having pre-programmed preconceptions).

Next time that you automatically reject something without giving it any consideration, ask yourself this question..."Why did I just do that"?

Related Reading

Prison Planet Earth


Don't Stop Believin'
What is your belief based on? Truth and discernment,
or blind rejection and blind acceptance?

Strangers waiting
Up and down the boulevard
Their shadows searching in the night
Streetlights, people
Living just to find emotion
Hiding somewhere in the night

Oh, the movie never ends
It goes on, and on, and on, and on




When studying the field of UFOs, aliens, and alien abductions, you are likely to hear many different stories about physical abductions. However, are there any other types of abductions and alien contact that occur? For example, could alien abductions and alien contact occur through the mind and consciousness only? If so, are there any examples of abductions of the mind and consciousness which occur outside of alien (non-human) contact?

Are alien encounters always good, always bad, or are they a combination of both of these types of experiences? Are encounters with other human beings always good, always bad, or are they a combination of both of these types of experiences? What can be learned from such encounters (human and alien)? And what is often the result of such experiences (when they are examined and evaluated consciously)?


Excerpt from an Interview with Sammy Hagar
Describing his Abduction/Contact Experience


Love Walks In

Related Reading

The Invasion

Like many other posts in this series, The Invasion contains a lot of open-ended questions (with what appears to be not many answers). Why did I structure this post like that? Because I really don't want to be another person (among a long list of other people) that attempts to instruct other people on what they should think. Rather, I would much rather encourage people to think for themselves, ask their own questions, do their own research, and come to their own conclusions (based on proper research, discernment, and differentiation).

The Sound of Silence


Onesies and Twosies
(and Threesies)


All life resembles other life in some way. This is not because all life is the same as other
life. Rather, it is because each aspect of life is a reflection of the Whole of Life.


A child is not a Family. Rather, it is part of a subset of a Family.

A nation is not a Planet. Rather, it is part of a subset of a Planet.

A planet is not a Solar System. Rather, it is part of a subset of a Solar System.

A solar system is not a Galaxy. Rather, it is part of a subset of a Galaxy.

A Galaxy is not a Universe. Rather, it is part of a subset of a Universe.

A god is not God. Rather, it is part of a subset of God.

A creation is not Creation. Rather, it is part of a subset of Creation.

Those who wish to manipulate, own, and control Creation will attempt to hijack and corrupt names, shapes, symbols, ideas, concepts, knowledge, awareness, understanding, life, and history in order to re-imagine and re-define these things as their own story (his-story or her-story). When a new story is created and repeated over and over, without practicing proper discernment or differentiation, it often becomes an accepted historical "truth". This process of "learning" is sometimes referred to as education and/or schooling.

When one loses sight of their connection to One, and when One loses sight of its connection to one, the result is a crippling disease of blindness and deafness (arrogance, egotism, pompousness, lordliness, pretentiousness, etc) that occurs in those affected .

Why do we have two ears, two eyes, two arms, two legs, two hemispheres of the brain, and two genders? It is to remind us that it is only through the proper combination of two (one and one) that One is created. In other words, the Creation of One is derived from the creation of two.

One cannot exist without one(s). And one(s) cannot exist without One. Without a connection to One, one is merely a shadow or a fragment of One.

Spiritual Arithmetic -- one and one, create one,
which then become One.


On this page (and throughout this series) you will find many different examples of this very simple concept. However, because of the simplicity of these examples, many will simply pass them over and not give them any further thought. This is also true of many other things in this world as well, especially today as more and more people seem to have increasingly less time to stop, hear, see, consider, and contemplate that which exists around them (and within them). 

Those who fail to see, hear, and understand what is right in front of them will likely become absorbed into a blind collective (please see the Return of the Archons for more info). However, those that do stop and take the time to think deeper about such things, will begin to see and hear things in a brand new way.

The Gospel Of Thomas

The Gospel of Thomas

#4 - Jesus said, "A person of many years will be willing to ask a child of seven days about the nature of life, and that person will live. For many who are first shall be last, and many who are last shall be first. And the many will become One."

#22 - Jesus saw some suckling infants. He said to his disciples, "Those who enter the Kingdom of God are like those infants."

They asked him, "Then do we have to become babies to enter the Kingdom?"

Jesus said to them, "When you make what is two into one, and make what is outside like what is inside and what is inside like what is outside, and make what is above like what is below, and when you make man and woman into the same thing, so that the man is not a man nor the woman a woman, when you replace eyes with eyes, hands with hands, feet with feet, and an image with an image, then you will enter the Kingdom." [Note: In the face of all the deceptions and the inversions that are going on in the world right now, this passage could be interpreted to mean something that it was not intended to mean. Think deeply about what Jesus was saying here, and then you will understand its true meaning].

#5 - Jesus said, "Understand what is right in front of your face, and all the secrets will be revealed to you. There is no secret that will not be revealed."

#10 - Jesus said, "I have lit a spark in the midst of the world, and I am tending it until it becomes a blaze."

#20 - Jesus’ disciples said to him, "Tell us what the Kingdom of God is like."

Jesus said to them, "It is like a mustard seed. No seed is smaller, but if it falls on suitable ground, such a luxuriant plant springs forth from it that the birds of the sky find shade beneath it."


Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds

I don't agree with everything that is said in this documentary or with the way that some of the inter-relationships between different ideas and concepts are presented. However, I do think that there is some good information in it which may inspire people to ask their own questions and do their own research (into areas that exist outside of the constant chaos of current events).

One of the most important concepts presented in this documentary is the idea that not everything that we encounter is literal in its meaning (especially in relation to many of the ancient texts).

As with any information, it is always important to use proper discernment and differentiation when viewing such information and/or arriving at various conclusions which you personally "resonate" with. This is because that which personally resonates with you, feels comfortable, right, or true may not actually be right and true at all, but rather it may simply feel that way because it is derived from (and agrees with) prior programming. In a similar fashion, that which feels wrong or untrue, may not actually be wrong or untrue, but may simply feel that way based on prior programming.

Why do I think that it is important to be exposed to many different sources of information, opinions, and conclusions? Because this is the only real way to arrive at what is correct, what is right, and what is true. What if someone decided that Anthony Fauci, Pfizer, or Moderna were the final word on medicine and science? Would that be wise? Or, would it limit that person to only the data, information, and conclusions that these entities wanted them to see? The same question could be asked with regards to other entities as well (popes, presidents, people, saviors, philosophies, religions, corporations, institutions, news agencies, etc).

A source that contains ten percent truth and ninety percent BS may still be valuable if that ten percent truth helps lead to additional truth that may not otherwise have been encountered. Of course the trick is to separate what is true from what is false, what is real from what is unreal, what is leading from what is mis-leading, and what is reality from what is illusion. I think that this documentary is a good exercise in that (as it is with most other things that we encounter on a day-to-day basis).

Which is more important to focus on? The current state of our consciousness, or current events? Which one drives the other one? Or, are these two things actually interconnected and they drive each other?

It is important to be aware enough to recognize and reject false information when it is encountered. However, it is equally important to be conscious enough not to reject true information when it is encountered because of false programming.





Related Reading

The Nature of Creation


Serial Murderers and Parallel Universes



Deuteronomy 20:10-15 (NIV)

10 When you march up to attack a city, make its people an offer of peace. 11 If they accept and open their gates, all the people in it shall be subject to forced labor and shall work for you. 12 If they refuse to make peace and they engage you in battle, lay siege to that city. 13 When the Lord your God delivers it into your hand, put to the sword all the men in it. 14 As for the women, the children, the livestock and everything else in the city, you may take these as plunder for yourselves. And you may use the plunder the Lord your God gives you from your enemies. 15 This is how you are to treat all the cities that are at a distance from you and do not belong to the nations nearby. In other words, if the people surrender and accept their mandated tyranny, then spare the men and make them your slaves. The women, children, livestock, and everything else are yours to do with as you please. However, if the people do not accept "peace" (their enslavement), then destroy everything. Notice how things are totally inverted here (i.e. the people that don't accept conquest and enslavement are the bad guys and the "enemy combatants", while the murdering, looting, and raping armies of the brutal lord are the "peaceful" good guys of the good lord). This is exactly the same type of inversion that is going on today.

Nahum 1:2 and 7 (NIV)

2 The Lord is a jealous and avenging God;  the Lord takes vengeance and is filled with wrath. The Lord takes vengeance on his foes and vents his wrath against his enemies. The enemies of the Lord are the non-conformers and the non-believers. The Lord is jealous of any information or "gods" that exist outside of his rule, authority, and commandments, so he "sensors" (censors) and destroys them. Is this not what always happens to people that don't blindly and unquestionably follow the orders of tyrants and blindly dismiss any information (truth, research, studies, facts, etc.) that threatens to expose the false power and control of such tyrants?

7 The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him. Huh? Are we talking about the same Lord as above? This is exactly the type of schizophrenic behavior that psychopaths usually exhibit.

Deuteronomy 17:12 (NIV)

12 Anyone who shows contempt for the judge or for the priest who stands ministering there to the Lord your God is to be put to death. You must purge the evil from Israel. Anyone that disagrees or does not comply with the "priestly class" must be silenced and/or put to death. Do you see any parallels here in relation to current events and current leaders?

Romans 13:1-2 (NIV)

1 Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. 2 Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. How has god's governing authorities treated people historically? How are god's governing authorities treating people now?

Leviticus 25:44-46 (NIV)

44 Your male and female slaves are to come from the nations around you; from them you may buy slaves. 45 You may also buy some of the temporary residents living among you and members of their clans born in your country, and they will become your property. 46 You can bequeath them to your children as inherited property and can make them slaves for life, but you must not rule over your fellow Israelites ruthlessly. What kind of god condones slavery and the ownership of human beings? Is there a certain class of people in the modern world that also views themselves as "gods" and believes that it is ok to own and enslave people?

1 Peter 2:18 (NIV)

18 Slaves, in reverent fear of God submit yourselves to your masters, not only to those who are good and considerate, but also to those who are harsh. Again, what kind of God condones slavery? Worse, what kind of god tries to differentiate between "good" slave masters and harsh ones?

2 Chronicles 15:12-13 (NIV)

12 They entered into a covenant to seek the Lord, the God of their ancestors, with all their heart and soul. 13 All who would not seek the Lord, the God of Israel, were to be put to death, whether small or great, man or woman. This is the same type of jealousy and insecurity that we see being expressed by current leaders in the new Covid Religion of Government (in)Security and Control.

Exodus 29:10-14 (NIV)

10 “Bring the bull to the front of the tent of meeting, and Aaron and his sons shall lay their hands on its head. 11 Slaughter it in the Lord's presence at the entrance to the tent of meeting. 12 Take some of the bull's blood and put it on the horns of the altar with your finger, and pour out the rest of it at the base of the altar. 13 Then take all the fat on the internal organs, the long lobe of the liver, and both kidneys with the fat on them, and burn them on the altar. 14 But burn the bull's flesh and its hide and its intestines outside the camp. It is a sin offering. This is just one example of the blood sacrifices that the Lord requires from his followers.

 Isaiah 13:11-16 (NIV)

11 I will punish the world for its evil, the wicked for their sins. I will put an end to the arrogance of the haughty and will humble the pride of the ruthless [a good example of the kettle calling the pot black]. 12 I will make people scarcer than pure gold, more rare than the gold of Ophir. 13 Therefore I will make the heavens tremble; and the earth will shake from its place at the wrath of the Lord Almighty, in the day of his burning anger. 14 Like a hunted gazelle, like sheep without a shepherd, they will all return to their own people, they will flee to their native land. 15 Whoever is captured will be thrust through; all who are caught will fall by the sword. 16 Their infants will be dashed to pieces before their eyes; their houses will be looted and their wives violated. This is classic psychopathic projection. Again, the evil ones are the non-compliant people and the good ones are the non-questioning obedient order followers. The compliant get to live under the rule of a brutal dictator, while the "evil doers" (non-compliant) must be silenced and eliminated, their houses looted, their babies cut to pieces, and their wives raped. Is this not the same type of behavior that we see today exhibited by the so-called ruling elite ("priestly class")?

And so on, and so on, and so on.

The Active Side of Infinity
(Carlos Castaneda)

To see the light and the dark (and to understand them
both) is to see into the Light of Infinity.

"We have a predator that came from the depths of the cosmos and took over the rule of our lives. Human beings are its prisoners. The predator is our lord and master. It has rendered us docile, helpless. If we want to protest, it suppresses our protest. If we want to act independently, it demands that we don't do so." This is very similar to the rule of the LORD in the Bible and the rule of the other lords which occupy the various institutions in this world (religion, government, education, medicine, Big Pharma, Big Tech, etc).

"In order to keep us obedient and meek and weak, the predators engaged themselves in a stupendous maneuver; stupendous, of course, from the point of view of a fighting strategist. A horrendous maneuver from the point of view of those who suffer it. They gave us their mind! Do you hear me? The predators give us their mind, which becomes our mind. The predators' mind is baroque, contradictory, morose, filled with the fear of being discovered any minute now. This is worth repeating once more..."Do you hear me? The predators give us their mind, which becomes our mind. The predators' mind is baroque, contradictory, morose, filled with the fear of being discovered any minute now."   

"They took over because we are food for them, and they squeeze us mercilessly because we are their sustenance. Just as we rear chickens in chicken coops, the predators rear us in human coops. Therefore, their food is always available to them." We (the Human Race) are their food. Our emotional state, our obedience, our praise, our worship, our devotion, and our delusions are what feed them. Human beings are their subjects and their followers. We are their Coppertops and the source of their energy. Human beings are their slaves, and will continue to be their slaves, as long as we allow ourselves to be their slaves.

Lord Archon and the Army of False Light

The Return of the Archons

Archon is a Greek word that means "ruler".

A Lord is created when a large group of people transfer (surrender/forfeit) their power, freewill, and cognitive reasoning to someone that they have been trained, programmed, and conditioned to see as superior to them (an authority figure).

Darkness occurs when the Light of Awareness and Understanding is hoarded and/or suppressed by one or more people in order to control others.

Cult leaders and a cult organizations maintain their power over others by restricting the flow of information and knowledge (or corrupting/inverting it) in order to suppress the awareness of their followers.

Inversion occurs when darkness is seen as light, and light is seen as darkness (or when evil is seen as good, and good is seen as evil).

An army is a large group of people that have been trained to unquestionably follow orders and to do battle against an enemy that has been identified and defined for them by someone else.

Inquiry, Inquisition, Cognitive Dissonance, and Truth


Lord Omicron and the rest of the Covid/Great Reset lords are not the main players in this conspiracy.
They are simply the media mouthpieces and pawns that are put there to distract our
attention away from the actual "lords" that rule from within the shadows.

Why does a god that is supposed to create Light in the world, create so much darkness, destruction, and despair in the world? Why does the god of the Bible commit so many evil crimes and atrocities and then proclaim that these are actually good deeds?

Why have so many children been raped and molested by the priests and pastors of a religion (and a god) that is supposed to watch over them?

Why does the lord god of the Bible work so hard to try and suppress knowledge and awareness that originates from any source outside of his own religion? Why are the followers of this god not allowed to think for themselves or ask questions? Similarly, why are the followers of Big Government, Big Science, and Big Pharma not allowed to think for themselves or ask questions?

What happen to the heretics of the Church in the past? What is happening to the heretics of Big Government, Big Science, and Big Pharma today?

Why do mainstream Christians believe that it is bad to brand (mark) people as personal property/slaves and to restrict their freedoms, but it is OK to do it when the god of the Bible does it?

Why is it that some Christians can see how Big Government, Big Pharma, Covid "vaccines" (magic "medicine"), and a  fear of death are being used as a means to psychologically control followers of the Covid religion, but they can't see how fear of death and the promise of a magic ticket to heaven (if you agree to blindly worship a false god) are the exact same type of tactics that are being employed by the "lords" of the Covid "pandemic" (psychological manipulation and control based upon a fear of death)?

Why are some Christians bewildered by the fact that other people cannot see through the lies and deceptions surrounding the Covid cult narrative, but fail to see through the lies and deceptions of the cult of Yahweh?

Why can some Christians recognize that coercion, fear, and fear of death are very powerful psychological weapons that tyrants use to control others, but fail to see that 'fear of the LORD", coercion of the LORD, and fear of going to hell are the very same things?

Why do many Christians that engage in "Bible studies" never really learn anything about what the Bible actually says or what the LORD god actually commands?

Why do so many Christians recite scripture at warp speed (often in incomplete sentences and without any sincerity)? And why do drug manufacturers recite the "side effects" of their drugs at warp speed (often in an incomprehensible manner and without any apparent sincerity) at the end of their advertisements? Could it be that neither one of these groups wants people to look any deeper into what is actually being said?

Why do many Christians condemn murder, theft, violence, warmongering, rape, and slavery as sinful behavior and acts of the devil, but then simultaneously praise and worship a "god" that condones (and participates) in these very same behaviors (including the "gods" of religion, Big Government, Big Medicine, Big Tech, Big Hollywood, etc)?

Why do Christians follow Jesus (who is supposed to represent the Truth), but then crucify anyone that tries to help people see the Truth of Yahweh (who exhibits the same type of behaviors as the current "gods" of our time-- blind arrogance, false authority, lying, deception, vengeance, warmongering, murder, rape, theft, slavery, etc)? Was it not Jesus who said that the truth will set you free? If you forsake the truth when it is presented to you, are you not also forsaking Jesus and the principles that he stood for (and died for)?

Which qualities are more important when following a leader? To be able to identify and differentiate the actual good and bad behaviors of a leader? Or, to identify, recognize, and follow a leader based on their name, rank, position, political party, uniform, and/or popularity?

Why do so many rulers of this world (and gods of the ancient world) fancy themselves as the Kettle while simultaneously calling the Pot black?



Have you ever heard any of these things before -- "That isn't taken from the 'correct' version of the Bible". "That scripture doesn't really mean what it says, it actually means this". "That is blasphemy, I refuse to even look at or consider such a thing". "Don't look there, look at this scripture instead". "These things are not for us to question". "That scripture makes perfect sense, god must destroy his enemies" (with theft, murder, rape, war, conquest, violence, jealousy, vengeance, destruction, human trafficking, and slavery? Really?). What is it called when people engage in this type of behavior (refusing to see reality for what it really is)?

You are anti-Christian! Is this not similar to labeling someone as being anti-government, anti-medicine, or anti-vaccination for choosing to look at the actual facts and speak the actual truth that surrounds an actual issue or an actual situation?

God, gods, Gatekeepers, and Intermediaries

In god we trust.

Many religions are setup like other hierarchies in this world. In other words, there are usually different levels, gatekeepers, and intermediaries that one must pass through before getting an opportunity to speak to the President, the Pope, the CEO, the General, the Chancellor, or "the god" of any particular institution. As one passes through the different levels of a hierarchy, you will often find that many of these "higher" gatekeepers actually see themselves as "gods", or even as the One God themselves.

This hierarchal power structure is so common in society today that people don't even think twice about it. They simply accept the idea that there are always going to be gatekeepers and intermediaries that one must pass through in order to converse with those that occupy the top of the pyramid. The psychological effects of this type of mindset can be very destructive. This is often seen within the various power structures that exist in the world today -- a population that views (and accepts) themselves as being subjects of those above them, and a small group of gatekeepers that views themselves as "gods" that "rightfully" hold the power, knowledge, and riches of this world. However, the true reality is this -- these "gods" only have power and authority because their subjects grant them their power and authority.

 A Few Truths

Many people will say that they don't like being lied to. However, in reality, the
opposite is true. Most people actually prefer to be told a comfortable
lie than to hear (and realize) a hard truth.

One cannot expect to expose, defuse, and eliminate lies, tyranny, and illusion in the world while simultaneously basing their belief structure (religious, political, economic, etc.) around lies, tyranny, illusion, and delusion.

Facing the truth helps to resolve cognitive dissonance. Hiding from the truth via illusion, delusion, willful ignorance, and lying (to oneself and others), encourages cognitive dissonance.

Real truth does not endanger true unity. Rather, it simply exposes false unity (constructed under false pretenses) for what it really is. Unity is beneficial as long as it is true unity and as long as independence (and independent thinking) is not lost in the community of that unity.

A programmed majority that suppresses a dissenting minority is called a democracy. This is not a true rights-based social system. It is a mob-rules social system.

If you must praise and worship something, why not praise and worship the truth? Real truth does not lie, and it does not feel threatened by scrutiny. Real truth doesn't mind standing on its own. And real truth does not feel the need to change its position in order to appease the majority, or to create a majority. This is not true of false lords, false gods, false people, and false reality. Remember, in this world, illusion usually has many followers, while the truth usually has few.

Praise, Worship, and Devotion


The danger of worshiping a figurehead, a religion, a philosophy, a symbol, an organization, or an ideal instead of worshiping the Truth is that it will allow (and encourage) illusion to rule over Reality and the Truth.

The Days of Noah

"As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man."


Footnote 1: This post is not intended to be an attack on Christians or Christianity. Rather, it is an attempt to illustrate that there are many similar patterns and parallels that exist between different "religious" institutions of power. In fact, there are many similar psychological characteristics that are shared by the "gods" and rulers of such institutions. As always, the statements made in this post are not intended to be blanket statements or an attempt to try and identify people of any religion, institution, philosophy, or group as being under one umbrella, being of one uniform mind, or being of one mode of thought (although this is often the case with the "majority" or the group think that occurs within many different types of institutions).

Footnote 2: In pointing out the barbaric and "Satanic" characteristics of Yahweh, I am not suggesting that Satan is actually the good guy or that Lucifer is actually the good guy (or that either of these characters are actually gods). I'm also not suggesting that there isn't a real God. There is a God and there are real adversaries to God. There is also objective truth, objective right and wrong, and objective good and evil. For more information on how I view God, gods, heaven, and hell (and similar topics), please see the other posts on this page and the various entries in Definitions.

Footnote 3: Just because I think Yahweh is an evil imposter god, that does not mean that I don't find value in the words of the Bible or in the teachings of Christ. One of the biggest problems with Christianity (and many other religions) is that there is tremendous pressure placed on believers to follow its teachings and its god as an all-or-nothing endeavor. As George Bush said after the 9/11 false flag event, "you are either with us, or you are with the terrorists". This is how cognitive dissonance is created and it is how the minds of people are cracked and damaged (in an attempt to resolve cognitive dissonance through unhealthy behaviors). I will address the concept of cognitive dissonance further in future posts.

Footnote 4: When I reference a particular person, philosophy, or religion in my posts that doesn't  mean that I subscribe to all (or even part) of the beliefs of that person, philosophy, religion, or system. Rather, it means that I think that there is valuable information in there that could potentially help lead to greater awareness and understanding.


Life of Illusion
Natural (nature), coincidence, or manufactured crisis?

Strange Magic/Livin' Thing
It's a living thing. It's a terrible thing to lose.

All the world's indeed a stage
And we are merely players
Performers and portrayers
Each another's audience
Outside [or inside] the gilded cage

You will find, other kind
That has been in search of you
Many lives has brought to you
To recognize, it's your life
Now in review

And as you stay, for the play
Fantasy has in store for you
A glowing light will see you through

It's you day, shining day
All your dreams come true

As you glide, in your stride
With the wind as you fly away
Give a smile from your lips and say...
"I am free, yes I'm free,
Now I'm on my way"

 Related Reading

Easter Eggs
(Please see the 4-4-21 post on this page)

I Pledge Allegiance To?
(Please see the 7-11-19 post on this page) 


Happy New Year?





Presence can refer to something that is felt but not seen. Or presence can mean being present. Or presents can refer to gifts that are wrapped up and concealed in small boxes (which are waiting to be opened and seen at a later time).



The coyote can be viewed in many different ways -- sometimes clever, sometimes foolish, sometimes mischievous, sometimes wise, sometimes a trickster, sometimes a friend, and sometimes a foe. Like most other things in this world, there is both a light side and a dark side to the coyote.

Much can be learned by observing the characteristics of the various archetypes. The fool, in particular, often has much to teach us. However, just because a fool has the potential to inspire awareness and understanding in ourselves and others, that does not mean that the fool is aware of its own foolishness. Therefore, a fool should not be praised or worshiped for such behavior (even though they often are). Much like coyotes, fools can sometimes be friendly, but they can also be cunning predators as well.

Wolves and Sheep


What is the difference between a wolf in sheep's clothing and a sheep in wolve's clothing? There is actually very little difference between these two things in that they will both use illusion and deception to feed off of the blind and the unaware.



One should not be afraid to appear foolish. For it is foolishness that often precedes learning. And it is learning that usually precedes growth. And it is learning and growth that almost always precedes wisdom. To succeed, one must be open to failure. And to gain wisdom, one must be open to appearing foolish. Anything outside of the established norm almost always appears to be strange and foolish to those that reside within the established norm.

Foolishness actually has a number of different connotations associated with it. For example, when exploring something new, one may initially appear to be foolish but then later appear to be skillful, adept, and knowledgeable (as one learns from their experiences). On the other hand, one can begin as a fool, not learn anything from their experiences, and remain a fool. One can also be reckless in their actions (and, therefore, be truly foolish).

Creation and creation


Once upon a time, long long ago, there was a scientist that used his vast knowledge of genetics to create a new life form in his own image. After the scientist was done with his experiments, he decided to write his name in the DNA of his new creation(s) so that there wouldn't be any question as to who their owner was (and also so that they could be easily tracked and traced).

Because of his miraculous (misunderstood) work, the scientist was viewed as a god by many of his creations. Soon a new religion was born, complete with followers, believers, priests, pastors, clergy, ministers, apostles, angels, and saints. Another group was also created as well. This group consisted of all the people (outside of the religion) who dared to ask questions, think independently, and/or question the authority of the scientist. These non-conformers were labeled as adversaries, non-believers, blasphemers, demons, fallen angels, and dangers to society.

Despite all of the wickedness, corruption, coercion, evil, lies, cruelty, and deception that was frequently exhibited by their new god, many people still did not see their god for who he really was and chose to follow and worship him anyway (and chastise anyone who opposed him and/or the scriptures of his religion).

Is this an ancient story? Or, is it a modern one?

How many wicked people, throughout history, have risen up and claimed to be gods? How many of those so-called gods have attempted to create a cult of followers in their own image? How many of those gods have tried to brand their followers with their personal mark (name, uniform, symbol, behavior, etc.)? How many of those gods have claimed that their adversaries (non believers/non conformers) were evil?

How many times has this same story played out over and over again (throughout history) in the various religious institutions of politics, science, religion, education, medicine, media, military, and technology?

How many gods are seen as heroes? How many heroes are seen as gods? How many gods and heroes are actually real, and how many are illusion?

How many adversaries are seen as heroes? How many heroes are seen as adversaries? How many adversaries and heroes are actually real, and how many are illusion?

How many celebrities and politicians are seen as gods, sages, and saviors? How many celebrities are seen as heroes? How many celebrities are actually real, and how many are illusion?

Fools Gold


How do you get a population that has become completely addicted to illusion to see that the gold plating that surrounds their society is superficial in nature and that what lies beneath bears little resemblance to the outer shell? You do what the so-called elite are (inadvertently) doing right now -- exposing the illusion for what it really is. Why would the so-called elite expose their own evil, their own darkness, and their own secret agendas for all to see? Why has every other corrupt regime, throughout the entire history of the world, also exposed their own evil, their own darkness, and their own secret agendas for all to see? 

Praise and Worship


Praise, worship, and thankfulness are not the same things. Be careful of the god(s) that you worship. Many in the past have risen up and falsely claimed to be god(s). A truly benevolent being does not need (or require) followers to praise or worship them. Think about that for a moment. Also be careful of the adversaries that you follow. The enemy of your enemy is not always your friend.

Unconditional Love, Unconditional Acceptance, Forgiveness, Truth,
Blind Rejection, and Discerning Awareness


Blindness may occur when a person automatically rejects those that they disagree with. Or, blindness may occur when a person automatically follows those that they agree with.

Unconditional love (of all life) and unconditional acceptance (of all acts and behaviors) are not the same thing.

Is my truth, your truth, and the truth the same thing? Or is this how personal reality is created?

Forgiveness can be very healing. However, inviting ongoing toxicity into your life and blindly accepting/excusing it (in a person that has no desire to change) can be very destructive.

Awareness and Perspective


Awareness and perspective can be gained from standing in the middle, or it can be gained from standing on the edge. However, awareness and perspective is rarely gained while residing in the middle or residing on the edge.

The Forest and the Trees


A tree in a forest is simply part of the forest. However, a forest in the tree is greater than both the forest and the tree.

Past, Present, and Future


It has often been said that the victor is the one that writes history. What does that tell us about our past (and by extension, our present and our potential future)?

Cycles of Time

Time is made up of recurring cycles. There are major cycles (eras) and there are minor cycles (days/weeks/months/years and events contained within major cycles). Time moves back and forth between light and dark cycles (both major and minor) in order to provide us the stimuli that are needed for learning and growth. Without such cycles, the growth of consciousness would stall and stagnate.

There are a number of natural external forces which continuously drive these cycles. However, we also play a very important role in both the duration and the manner in which these cycles unfold. This is because, as we move through time, we also experience major and minor cycles in our own personal lives. What we learn (or don't learn) from these cycles is what determines our level of individual consciousness which, in turn, impacts the Greater Consciousness which we are all (potentially) a part of. 

New Years and Old Loops, and Old Years and New Loops


What will the new year bring to us? Will it be another familiar time loop? Will it be a new time loop? Or, will the new year bring something else?

The Seen and the Unseen


That which is unseen will arrive to us. And that which is seen will come to us. In other words, one can wait for orchestrated change. Or, one can create meaningful change.



One cannot change that which they cannot see. And one cannot see that which they do not want to change.

Never before, in the entire history of the world, has one tyrant ever controlled or enslaved a person, a population, a country, or a planet. That task has always been left up to the people.



-- Turn and face the strange --

Those who cannot trace time, will follow time where it leads.
Those who can trace time, will make time for change.


Carl Jung - What are the Archetypes?

Related Reading

Who Are You?
(please see the 3-7-21 post on this page)

Footnote 1: I've heard some people say that this (event) is a leftist, liberal, or Democrat agenda. However, which party was in charge during the main event that kicked off this new era of the police/security State? How did that party react to anyone who dared to question the official narrative of 9/11? I've also heard some people say that this is a rightist, conservative, or Republican agenda. However, weren't the same types of corrupt policies being ushered in during the Obama and Clinton administrations as well (which helped pave the way for what we are seeing now)? I've heard some people talk about the dangers of cults, cult leaders, and cult followers but then blindly praise and follow someone like Trump who exhibits many of the same characteristics and behaviors of other cult leaders. I've seen some people praise Trump when it is fashionable and good for their viewership numbers, advertising, and product sales, but then throw him under the bus when it negatively affects their viewership numbers, advertising, and product sales. I've heard some people portray other religions as being dangerous, but fail to see the dangers and the cult-like behaviors in their own religion. I've heard some people speak of the darkness in other people, but fail to see the darkness in themselves. I've seen some good policies come out of the Democratic Party. And I have seen many lies and deceptions come of the Democratic Party. I have seen some good policies come out of the Republican Party. And I have seen many lies and deceptions come out of the Republican Party. I've seen much wisdom come out of the Native American Tribes. And I have seen tribal councils pay their own people ($500 for adults and $250 for children) to be injected with a substance that has been proven to be extremely dangerous and try to force their people to wear face masks. I have seen intelligent, sincere, and good-hearted people speak about how beautiful it is that their god wrote his name in their DNA, but fail to see the relevance and the connection between their god branding them and the new gods who also want to write their name in our DNA (and brand us). I've heard people condemn the atrocious acts of foreign militaries, but then praise the very same acts of domestic militaries. I've seen people talk about the dangers of falling into the Matrix, but fail to see how far they have fallen into the Matrix themselves. I've heard many people examine the corruption, deception, and lies associated with other people's saviors and institutions, but then engage in world class olympic gold medal mental gymnastics in order to justify and defend the corruption, deception, and lies of their own favored savior and institution (saviors and institutions include religion, medicine, government, military, education, media, technology, entertainment, political parties, politicians, presidents, celebrities, etc.)

Footnote 2: What does this all mean? It means that many people (in both mainstream society and "alternative" society) are very good at the same things that most politicians are good at -- willful ignorance, pointing fingers, projection, deflection, delusion, distraction, and externalizing the internal. It means that trance-like mental states, brainwashing, blindness, cult(ure) following, financial incentives, and Stockholm Syndrome don't just affect people in mainstream society, but they also affect people in other areas of society as well (including alternative and fringe parts of society). It also means that what's actually driving this agenda (to completion) is much different than what many people believe it to be. I realize that these are not popular (or profitable) things to say, but they are things that need to be said and recognized if the human race is going to survive and if things are going to truly change (for the better) in the world.


Christmas Presence
The Wisdom and Teachings of the Coyote



That which appears to be a contradiction, is not always contrary in nature. And that which appears to be in opposition, is not always in conflict. And that which appears to be trickery, is not always meant to deceive. Such is the nature of the coyote.

Wisdom can arrive from many different places. Thus, it is not limited to just one person, one being, one people, one country, one philosophy, one religion, one day, or one time.

Presence is the middle point between the past and the future. Through true presence,
one has the opportunity to objectively view the past and to clearly see the future.



The Wisdom and Teachings of the Coyote




Heaven and Hell


I recently took these photos in an area where the actual battle
on this planet is taking place -- The Real World

Heaven or Hell?

Right or Wrong?

Reality or Illusion?

Truth or Lie?

Freedom or Slavery?

Stand or Fall?

Human or Transhuman?

How complicated is our current situation? It's really not that
complicated at all. It's just a matter of choice and freewill.

God gave us freewill
But it is we who create the will to be free.


-- From Darkness Abounds --  

Those who crap where they sleep

May one day weep

When they wake up to find

That all have been blind


Their planet of high

Is beginning to die

What once was the light

Has transformed into blight


The darkness from below

Has stolen the show

The fruits of their rule

Have made many a fool


The weight of the blind

Is beginning to bind

They say ignorance is bliss

But that's really amiss


The days are growing short

But there's still time to retort

To help people see

And hear many a plea


Our history is now

There's no time for us to bow

To prevent the fall

Of planet and all


Stand up for what's right

Hold onto the light

Resist the mark

It's a sign of the dark


 If we forfeit our wings

Birds will not sing

As we fall from above

No longer the dove


If we are wise

There's a chance we will rise

But if we ignore

Then there may be no more


The moral of the story

Is not one of glory

But of responsible act

An undeniable fact


A few words to close

From the planet we rose

Be kind to our ship

As we sail on our trip


Don't crap where we sleep

Or one day we'll reap

The howling of hounds

From darkness abounds



Only the Young

Heaven and Hell

Always With Me, Always With You
The "alien" is, and always has been, surfing right here beside us. We
can choose to either ride the wave of Creation, or drown in
the turbulence and the chaos of the darkness below.

Freewill can be independent, organic, and pure, but it can also be corrupted
and hijacked by outside forces. In order to find pure freewill again,
the corrupted aspects of will must be discarded.

How Far is Heaven?
As many probably know, I am not a fan of the word lord. However, the lyrics
in this song are very relevant to many things that I have discussed in the
past. Heaven can be as close to us or as far away as we want. But so can
hell. It's up to us to choose which direction that we want to travel.

Riding the Storm Out
Sometimes this life is hard to live. However, it is important to remember
that, in many ways, life gives back to us what we give to it. 

That is it for now.

May God be with us all during this war for
our lives, our souls, and our planet.


Not Green



In the last post I discussed the various qualities that are associated with the color green. One of those qualities has do with the impact that green has on our psychology. Specifically, green is often associated with feelings of well-being, contentment, and optimism. Green, of course, is also one of the primary colors found in nature. But where is green seen in modern society?

Corruption and Inversion

The corruption of the color green is just one example of how everything today is being twisted and inverted in order to "terraform" the Earth into a new environment that will support non-human life (Human 2.0 and beyond). Similar inversions include:

False Green and Real Green

When I speak about my love of animals, that does not mean that I think that everyone should be a vegetarian, a vegan, eat insects, or adopt a diet of 3-D printed artificial meat. Everyone has the right to decide what the best diet is for them based on what their individual needs and preferences are. That being said, I do believe that it is very important to be conscious of how animals are being treated, both inside and outside of our chosen diets.

Similarly, when I discuss the importance of practicing real conservation and having respect for the natural world, that does not mean that I support such things as Agenda 21/30, the Great Reset, the Climate Change agenda, Greta Thunberg, Al Gore, or other programmed celebrities/spokespeople of the so-called "Green" Agenda. There are, however, real environmental concerns and issues that need to be recognized and addressed which exist outside of the elite agenda for centralized power and world domination. These issues not only affect the planet that we live on, but they also affect the health and well-being of humans and everything else that lives on this planet.

Can you see what the ruling elite have done here? They have created a situation where one group of people will openly follow their agenda to corrupt, destroy, and dominate the entire world (under the guise of Climate Change and being "green"), while creating another group of people that will avoid any examination or true awareness of these issues because they have been falsely associated with the Climate Change agenda. This will allow the ruling elite to corrupt, destroy, exploit, and dominate the entire world (in the name of greed, more power, and more control) just as effectively as the Climate Change agenda is doing.

I've actually discussed the difference between these two things (the agenda vs the reality) many times before, on both this page and in previous posts, so I won't go into that again here. However, I will repeat something that I have said before:

The "Other" Disease

Much of the ruling elite (and their minions) are psychopaths who pathologically lie for a living. They rarely, if ever, genuinely or sincerely admit to any mistakes or wrongdoings that they commit. Why is that? It's because they are devoid of any sense of ethics, morals, compassion, or empathy. And, it's because their wrongdoings are not mistakes. Rather, they are preplanned and calculated actions that are designed to serve their own selfish needs and desires.

The reason why I bring this up is because children learn by example. If children are brought up in an environment of continuous lies, propaganda, manipulation, and unaccountability, then it is very likely that many of them will end up taking on certain aspects of what they are exposed to. This is how psychopathy can actually become "contagious" in society (in both current and successive generations).

In my opinion, the real problem and the real pandemic is one of widespread psychological origin and not just an expression of a corrupted few at the top. I have asked this question a number of times before, but I will ask it again -- What if we rounded up all of liars and psychopaths that are currently running this system? What would the next set of leaders look like? If the problem was indeed limited to only the elite, then we wouldn't be in the position that we are in now because the general population (and those who serve the elite) would be acting in a much different manner than what they are now.


Who is really running the show? Is it plausible to think that the fumbling politicians and talking heads that we see in the media every day are the ones that are really running the show? On the surface, it may appear as though there are a bunch of corrupt incompetent idiots that are in charge of things. However, the reality is actually much different than what it appears to be.

The evil that we see being expressed right now on this planet originates from a very dark place (outside of this physical reality). And it involves entities that have an intelligence that is far greater than ours. However, as I have discussed in the past, intelligence is not made up of just knowledge and intellect. True intelligence is actually made up of a number of different components including emotional intelligence. These entities lack this aspect of intelligence which is why they are doing everything that they can to try and remove love, compassion, and empathy from the world right now. It's interesting to note that some of the most common side effects that have been associated with the so-called vaccines are heart problems and cognitive dysfunction (which includes a compromised ability to properly process and discern true love, compassion, and empathy).

I imagine that many people were probably wondering what the relevance of the last few posts were in relation to our current situation. The relevance is this -- When we maintain a close relationship with Creation and engage in proper expressions of freewill, true love, compassion, and empathy, then there is a very good chance that we will overcome this invasion in a manner that is far superior to anything than these entities can throw at us.

A Message of Love

I think that one of the most loving things that anyone can do right now is be honest and truthful with themselves and with others. There is a very good reason why it has been said in the past that the truth will set you free. And that saying couldn't be any more true than it is today. For it is the only through the truth that we will find the proper awareness and understanding that is needed for right action.

Perhaps one of the saddest truths of today is that many people are unable to see just how far the human race has fallen (and what we are actually being "infected" with). Evil has been normalized to such an extent today that much of the population can no longer recognize evil when it is encountered. How did this happen?

The Unseen Enemy

Many secret societies have a basis in dark occultism with a membership of followers who regularly engage in dark occult rituals. The purpose of these rituals is to obtain hidden knowledge and power from non-human entities. Much of the ruling elite, and many high level celebrities, belong to such societies. In fact, many institutions in our society today (government, politics, law enforcement, military, alphabet agencies, the media, the music industry, the movie industry, corporations, etc) have been heavily infiltrated by these dark occultists. This infiltration has occurred silently and slowly over time. However, once it reached a point where there were sufficient numbers of its members in key positions of these institutions, the plan that we see unfolding today was initiated much like a line of dominos falling one after another in succession.

The dark occultists that occupy these institutions have been corrupted and infected with darkness through their occult rituals, and now they have spread that infection to the general population though many different covert public (oxymoron) "initiation" rituals and MkUltra-style psychological operations that have gone largely unrecognized by much of the general population.

Dark Influences

In order for these non-human entities to influence us, they must have access to our minds and bodies (influence over our freewill and consciousness). They gain this access to our freewill and consciousness when our "immune system" becomes compromised in some way. Everything that has occurred over the last year and a half has been designed to not only destroy the current world as we know it, but to also destroy all of the things that promote a healthy and balanced immune system in the general population. It is extremely important to recognize and understand this, because maintaining a healthy mind/body/spirit is the only way that we can learn to protect ourselves.

Satanism, dark occultism, and dark magical practices are what lie at the root of all of the chaos, destruction, medical tyranny, political tyranny, media tyranny, and technological tyranny that we see unfolding in the world today. The plan of these entities is to completely corrupt and destroy this world and enslave the human race. And the way that they are doing this is by destroying our minds and bodies and disconnecting us from greater consciousness (God, Great Spirit, Nature, Creation).

Biden has now mandated vaccines for government employees and businesses that have over one hundred people. And Newsom has mandated vaccines for children. Many corporations are now mandating vaccines for their employees (even ahead of the federal mandate). And hospitals are mandating vaccines for their employees. Parents are also being vaccinated and they are vaccinating their children.

As I have discussed at great length in previous posts, these are not vaccines. They are deliberately delivered poisons that are designed to corrupt us and create immune dysfunction, cancer, opportunistic infections, auto-immune disease, nervous system damage, organ damage, fertility issues, neurological and cognitive dysfunction, and ultimately death (that is, after Big Pharma makes all of their money from the vaccines, boosters, and the subsequent treatment of the diseases, disorders, and mass suffering that they have caused). What about the people that remain? They will eventually be permanently changed into something that is no longer human.

This is an all-out war that is being waged against you, your families, your children, your friends, your neighbors, and your co-workers. Where is all of the resistance in this country? Where are all of the parents standing up for their children? Actually, there are some people that are resisting this and standing up. But most are complacent and silent. What is going on?

Much of the population has already been so poisoned with toxic chemicals, toxic pharmaceuticals, toxic heavy metals, toxic entertainment, toxic technology, toxic social media, and toxic propaganda that they have lost much of their humanity and their consciousness. The ability of these people (shells of humanity) to critically think, discern, differentiate, and use logic and reasoning in making decisions and evaluating information has been almost completely lost. I imagine that some of these people will eventually wake up. However, it's probably going to take much more chaos and suffering in order for that to happen.

Speaking Out and Standing Up

During the last year-and-a-half I have attempted to incorporate as many different techniques of communication into my writing as possible. I chose to do this not to try to coerce people into accepting my way of thinking, but rather to try and reach people and encourage them to look beyond the narrowly defined official narratives (monopolies) of established authority, media, science, technology, and medicine. Some of those communication techniques have included the use of humor, satire, allegory, metaphor, analogy, media, music, art, and entertainment (in addition to logic, reason, discernment, differentiation, facts, and research). Some of those alternative forms of communication have proven to be quite effective in reaching people, while others have not and/or been misinterpreted as something that they were not (either intentionally or unintentionally).

There are always risks and unknowns involved in speaking out and standing up. However, in my opinion, any risks that may be associated with taking such a stance are well worth it if it results in increasing awareness and understanding in the world. That being said, I think that we have come to a point in this war where I need to change my focus and my strategy. The whole point of me writing and talking about the things that I have for the last twenty years was to try and avoid a potential dark future, which has now become a reality.

I'm not giving up the fight, but I do feel like this format of communication, in this space, has become increasingly tedious, unproductive, and unhealthy. What we are seeing now is a strategy being implemented by these entities to promote their end game. Things that are addressed one day by the alternative news media are quickly becoming overshadowed the very next day by the continuing blitzkrieg of propaganda and manufactured "news". It's becoming a merry-go-round of constant chaos that, by design, is being manufactured in order to keep us residing in a state of consciousness that is detrimental to our overall health and well-being (and will ultimately end up driving us further into the Matrix).

It seems like many important concepts that I have covered weeks, months, years, or even decades ago are now getting buried further down in the mix with each new post that I make. This has led me to feel like I need to constantly repeat things in order for current content to have the proper context. This is not only time consuming and tedious, but it can also be detrimental to the process of learning and understanding as well. Repetition does indeed aid in the learning process, however too much repetition can also create a watered down effect (a loss of potency and relevancy).

My original intent with this series was to try and create a very concise summary of what was actually going on in the world and where we were headed if things didn't change. In many ways, I feel like I have lost track of that now. Unfortunately, for an information source to remain relevant today, it seems like you have to be "chained" to the necessity of having to constantly post new content every day. This goes against everything that I believe is important in good communication (clarity, simplicity, and conciseness).

Home Court Advantage

The internet is an amazing tool for the dissemination of knowledge, awareness, and understanding. However, it can also be an amazing tool for the dissemination of lies, propaganda and elite created agendas. Is social media really social? Or is it actually corrupting and destroying our humanity and the "humane" way that we see and treat each other? Think about how much time people spend on social media and the internet today. And then think about how much society has changed in the modern era (for better and for worse) as a result of this. Today, a large percentage of people in the world are actually living almost their entire lives through the screen of their smart phone and/or other devices. This has incrementally, covertly, and effectively removed us from the real world (Nature and Creation) and further imprisoned us in the Matrix.

In addition to this, many people are spending more and more time building new platforms, new accounts, and new followers on the internet. This is because the AI controlled system is driving them to do this (via ongoing censorship, deletions, and bans). For many, it has become an exercise in diminishing returns, accompanied by an increasingly greater amount of time spent in virtual reality.

When I say these things, please don't misunderstand me. There are many excellent hard working content creators out there that are producing some really great work and making a real difference. But at what cost? How much of what goes into the internet actually ends up making it out into the real world? And how much of what we enter into the internet is actually being used against us? It is not my intention to discourage anyone from producing content for the internet. But as I have said before, be careful not to become trapped in the nets and webs that the ruling elite have laid out for us, in your attempts to expose the nets and webs that the elite have laid out for us.

The internet is the Matrix. And social media was created specifically to be purposely addictive (which has been admitted by its own creators). Everything is being moved onto the internet for a reason (tele-banking, tele-medicine, tele-education, tele-employment, tele-communication, tele-dating, tele-everything). A large part of the transhumanism agenda involves connecting everything (including humans) directly to the internet. Consider how much control that the internet and social media have over humanity right now. And then think about how much control that the Matrix will have over this world once everything is connected directly to it and is living within it.

There is a reason why I don't have any active social media accounts and why I don't interact on internet forums anymore. There is an very dark presence that I can clearly feel when I spend any amount of time on the internet. This presence is not of human origin. I am sure to some this may sound a bit far out. However, I am not alone in this observation. I have also heard others express this as well. It is a very disturbing feeling which has been growing steadily over the last few years. Believe me, or don't believe me. Just be conscious of how your time on (or in) the internet is affecting you physically, mentally, and spiritually.

If we take the battle for humanity into the Matrix, and the battle remains primarily in that arena, then we will be fighting on the home court of the entities that are trying to take over this world. In effect, we will be giving them the home court advantage. However, if we take this battle out into the "real world" (or what is left of it), then it is humanity that will have the home court advantage. That doesn't mean that the internet can't be used as a tool in the battle to free humanity. Rather, it means that it should not represent the front lines of the war.

Just One More, and One More, and...

How many times must something be expressed and communicated before it is heard and understood? How much time must be spent traveling round and round in the same recurring time loop before people say enough is enough and decide to break free from that loop? When too much time is spent in the same time loop, the loop begins to take on the appearance of swirling water as it moves its way down into a deep dark drain. That is not the direction that I want to go.

I have one more post that I would like to make and then I am going to take a long walk out in the Light of the real world and enjoy this beautiful planet and everything that it has to offer. And while I am out walking, working, or talking in the real world, if I happen to come across something that I feel needs to be confronted or addressed, I will (through freewill, awareness, understanding, conviction, and determination) confront it and address it in the best possible manner that I know how, in order to help create a better world for us to live in now, and in the future.

Peace and Freedom to All.


What are Words For

Quite often it seems like people have difficulty in hearing what you are saying if the words you speak conflict with their programmed view of reality and their established comfort zone. However, that doesn't mean that we should stop trying. Sometimes it just takes a different approach (or two, or three, or four) to eventually reach them. The only caveat that I would add to that is this -- Spend your time and energy wisely and be careful not to get dragged down into the belly of the beast in your efforts.

River of Deceit

The River of Deceit is much like the River Styx. It is the boundary point that exists between truth and lies, reality and illusion, freedom and slavery, earth and the underworld, and heaven and hell. Down the river is darkness and deceit. Upriver is Light, Awareness, and the potential for true Freedom to be realized.


There are times when talking isn't enough. Sometimes
it takes a roar to be heard clearly.

Challenging Environments
Next time that you have doubts about your ability to stand up
against darkness and evil, just remember this guy.

Genocide in Slow Motion
This is why this world has become so fallen. People simply cannot
see what is blatantly presented right in front of them.

Another Loop in Time
Pfizer created killing fields in Africa, and then they decided
to scale it up and do it again on a worldwide basis.

Injection Induced Immune Dysfunction
A real doctor explains the effect that the injections
are having on our immune systems.


Out of Shadows
This is actually just a small sample of the true reality of what is really
going on in the world today. However, it provides a good background
for understanding the history behind our current situation.

Related Reading

Building the Matrix
(please see the 1-25-20 post on this page)

Hierarchy of Needs
 (please see the 8-9-20 post on this page)

The Gates of Hell
  (please see the 5-12-20 post on this page)

Lessons From The Time Loop
 (please see the 11-22-20 post on this page) 

That Shit Ain't Real
  (please see the 10-8-20 post on this page) 

The Road to Dystopia

Nested Realities

The Invasion

The Consolidation of Power and Control
(Human Farming for Profit)

The Sound of Silence

The Discernment of Creation


The Demonic Revolution
Until more people realize what the true origin and the real motives of this invasion are,
and decide to speak and act with fierce determination and unapologetic
conviction, it is not likely that this battle will end any time soon.





Much can be learned by spending time outdoors and observing nature.

I think that some of the greatest lessons that nature has to teach us are actually found in what is simple in nature, rather than in what is complex. And one of the simplest and most beautiful aspects of nature is the expression of the color green.

The Color Green

Green is an interesting color in that it sits right in the middle (balance point) of the visible light spectrum. When you look around nature, everything is indeed very balanced. The color green is also related photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the process that plants use to convert sunlight into a usable form of energy. When we consume green plants, we are actually taking into our bodies a form of sunlight. Green trees and plants are also a significant producer of oxygen on this planet. In the chakra system, green is middle point and the color of the heart chakra which represents love, warmth, understanding, compassion, etc. And finally, in relation to mood, green is said to represent good health, contentment, and optimism (which is what many people experience when they are out in nature).

The Frequency of Green


I grew up in LA, but most of my time was actually spent in the natural areas outside of the city (at the beach, parks, mountains, etc). As a result of this, one of the things that I noticed very early on was how different I felt when I was in the city vs being out in nature or close to the ocean. I think that one of the reasons for this difference has to do with the predominance of negative ions which are normally found in nature and around water, and the predominance of positive ions which are normally found in cities and around modern technology (for more information about this phenomena, please see the link at the end of this post). 

However, does the presence of positive and negative ions fully explain the different feelings associated with various environments? Or are there actually specific frequencies and energies (in addition to ions) that are associated with natural areas, and other frequencies and energies that are associated with cities and modern technology? If there are indeed different frequencies and energies that are associated with different areas, then this means that the environment that we live in could have a significant effect on our physical, mental, and spiritual health (in addition to other environmental factors).    

Brown and green

Environmental Influences

Many different animals are able change their physical color or appearance depending on the environment that they are in. Some types of plants can also do this as well. The color of people's skin also adapts according to the type of environment that they live in. People's eyes can also change color based on the type of environment that they are in.


There are actually many different examples of how living beings can be physically influenced (often unknowingly) by various "reflections" from their environment. But what about unseen (non-physical) emotional or spiritual reflections from our environment? Can we be affected by those as well? There is actually a lot of interesting research that has been done in support of this idea. However, if someone suggests that we might be influenced by unseen frequencies, energies, or emotions in the environment, they are often met with disbelief. Why is that? The reality is, that we absolutely can be influenced by many different energies, emotions, and frequencies that exist around us, even when we are not consciously aware of it, and even when they arrive to us from great distances away.

Genetic Perception and Environmental Reception


Some people have an ability to "see" beyond the normal range of human perception. Many animals also have this ability as well. So why does it seem like this ability is more common in animals than in people? I think that this has to do, in part, with the concept of genetic memory. Genetic memory refers the idea that specific knowledge and abilities can be genetically passed down to us. However, in order for such knowledge and abilities to become fully realized, they must be "exercised" on a regular basis. In other words, if we don't use it, we will likely lose it.

Animals regularly exercise their genetic memory/abilities because of the environment that they live in (i.e. it is vital to their survival). This is often referred to as "instinct". Humans, on the other hand, do not exercise their genetic memories on a regular basis because the environment that they live in tends to hide and/or suppress such abilities from them (via programming, conditioning, indoctrination, distractions, etc). When genetic memory is not properly exercised for many generations, then the perception, reception, awareness, and understanding of not only the current generation, but also future generations, can be severely compromised. Think about this in relation to our current situation.

Talking To Creation


In order for an answer to be presented or revealed, a question must first be asked. I'm not a religious person. And I don't attend traditional religious services very often. However, I am a very spiritual person. To me, the greatest and most beautiful church that exists on this planet is found out in nature. This is where a person can be truly close to Creation and interact with it in a deep and meaningful way. I believe that our ability to perceive and receive communications from Creation is dependent not only on our proximately to nature, but also on us regularly exercising our natural (innate/internal) connection with Creation. How can we exercise our connection with Nature and Creation? One way to do this is through prayer, deep contemplation, asking questions, and giving thanks.

When questions are sincerely asked through prayer and contemplation (and they are not asked merely for personal gain), it's amazing how many times that they will be answered. Those answers can arrive to us in a variety of different ways. For me, they often come through my interactions with nature. However, they can also take on many other forms as well such as through synchronicities, chance encounters, signs, symbols, and numbers. Not surprisingly, the more that you interact with Creation in a meaningful and sincere manner, the more often that synchronicities and signs will occur. And the more that you recognize and understand such occurrences, the more that Creation will interact with you.

Your Body And Mind Are Your Temple


A clean, uncluttered, and healthy "temple" provides the best environment for a meaningful spiritual experience. This is why it is often difficult to have such experiences in noisy and congested cities that are full of many unnatural energies and frequencies. It's also why it is difficult to have such experiences "digitally" within the artificial environment of the Matrix.

If your transmitter/receiver (body and mind) have been corrupted or poisoned in some way, or if the environment around you has been corrupted or poisoned in some way, then communication between you and Creation will likely be hindered or compromised.

Messengers of Creation


Many times the answers we seek are delivered by unexpected messengers. This is what happen with the cow that I discussed in the previous post. Earlier that day I had been thinking about something quite deeply and then the cow showed up later that afternoon. It actually took me a while to figure out what the message was, but as soon as I did, almost instantly, the cow got up and walked away (after having stayed at my campsite for almost twelve hours).

If you sincerely ask a question, and you consciously and consistently pay attention, the correct answer will eventually present itself (provided that the internal and external environment of the seeker is conducive to receiving such information).


Should we run for cover? Or should we run towards Truth,
Awareness, Understanding, Justice, and Freedom?


Related Reading

Natural Healing
(please see the 10/13/17 post on this page)

Communicating With Nature and Creation


The Eight Different Types of Love



The eight types of love are different from one another,
but they are also all connected.

The ancient Greeks looked at love, not as a single concept, but rather as something that could take on many different forms and be expressed in many different ways. According to the Greeks, the eight different types of love are:

It's interesting to note that the Greek definition of love is most often expressed as a connected set of eight different types of love. Sometimes there are fewer, and sometimes there are more, but eight seems to be the most common number.

The number eight can also be seen as the symbol for infinity. Infinity is a representation of how different polarities are connected together, how they relate to one another, and they flow back and forth between one another. The middle, or crossing point, between the polarities illustrates how two seemingly different elements can appear to be in opposition to one another, while at the same time, also be a reflection of one another.

Below is an example of this idea using the elements of time. This same type of expression can also be applied to many other elements in Creation as well such as day/night, hot/cold, above/below, inner/outer, etc.


As additional elements (polarities) are combined together, the resulting structure begins to look something like a flower, which is one of the most beautiful and amazing things found in nature.


The center of the flower contains the elements of
Creation which allows the flower to reproduce.


 "At the center of the universe dwells the Great Spirit. And that center
is really everywhere. It is within each of us." -- Black Elk  



Spending time in nature helps to remind us of how everything is connected. I think that this is something that, in large part, has been lost in modern society. The energies that are found in nature are very balanced and pure. This encourages and facilitates our connection and communication with Creation.

Love is what connects everything together. This is why it is sometimes said that God is Love, and Love is God. Have you ever had friend, or a family member, or a significant other that you shared a really strong connection with? When I say a strong connection, I don't just mean Philia (friendship love), Storge (familia love), or Eros (romantic/passionate love). What I am referring to is a type of Love called Agape (Universal Love). When other types of Love are combined together with Agape, the connection between two people (or two living beings) can be very strong. This is because the connection that is formed between two is no longer limited to just two. Rather, it also includes a third component/connection as well (to God, Creation, Great Spirit, Greater Consciousness, etc) which has the potential to elevate the connection of two into One.

Is Love Only Warm and Fuzzy?


True Love can only exist in an environment of Truth, Awareness, and Understanding. And Truth, Awareness, and Understanding can only be truly realized in an environment which is conducive to freedom, freewill, and Universal (Natural) Law. Think about this the next time that you hear the word Love mentioned by someone. Of course, there are also many other things that contribute to the realization and the continuation of True Love. For more information on this, please see the entries in Definitions, and the other posts on this page and in the rest of this series.


The Power of Love

Related Reading

Polarities, balance, imbalance, and stagnation


Color Schemes



I made the mistake this morning of opening up a news app on my phone and one of the first "news" stories that popped up was a headline from CNN which read, "Tennessee Parents Say Some Books Make Students 'Feel Discomfort' Because They're White". I actually had to read the article because I thought that what the headline was saying was that white colored books make black students feel discomfort. The article actually ended being about something entirely different (but equally perplexing). However, it did make me think a little deeper about a dilemma that I was having.

I'm thinking about adopting one of the dogs that showed up at my campsite last week (please see the post on 9-25-21). I was hoping that the dogs would be able to stay together, but it looks like they might be split up now.

At first I thought about adopting the white dog, but I was afraid that it might make me look racist since I am also white. Plus, since it is a sheep dog, it might make me appear like I am a herder, which I am not.

I also thought about adopting the all black dog, but after considering it for a while, I was afraid that it might make me look like I only support black lives and that other lives don't matter to me.

I finally came to the conclusion that the best dog to adopt was the black and white dog. Since I am white and it is mostly black, it won't make me appear as though I am racist, but at the same time, it also won't make me appear as though I only support black lives, since it is partially white as well.

I don't know. What do you think? Did I make the right choice?

Politically correct dog

Update on the dogs: I got a hold of someone on Monday at what I thought was an animal shelter (that was how it was listed on the web). The number, however, was actually for the county animal control department (sheriff's department). The deputy that I spoke to said that they would hold the dogs for five days and then, if nobody claims them, the county will release them to a local animal rescue facility. I tend to form strong bonds with animals very quickly so it was really difficult to see them go. When I walked out to the main road with the dogs to meet the deputy, all three of their tails were wagging a mile a minute. I'm sure that they just thought we were going out for another walk. At the time, it kind of felt like I was betraying them when they were being loaded into the cages on the truck. However, last night a big thunderstorm rolled through the area. The temperature dropped quite a bit and there was lots of thunder, lightening, and heavy rain. Now I am glad that they weren't outside and that they were someplace warm and protected. With regards to the black and white dog, I actually am considering adopting her. She is a really sweet dog and the one that I bonded with the most. I'll have to wait and see what happens after the five day waiting period is up. As I said before, I am still hoping that they get reunited with their original owner/family.


Ebony and Ivory
I think that many people are beginning to see through the racial divide and conquer (and the
conformity/uniformity) strategies of the so-called elite. However, I couldn't help but poke a
little fun at CNN's ongoing, but feeble, attempts to keep those fires burning.


Holy Cow?



A few months ago I was camping up in the mountains when something peculiar happen. I was outside reading when a cow walked up to me and stood right beside my chair. As it was standing there, I glanced up at the cow wondering if maybe it had come over to say hello, but it just looked at me like it was waiting for something. Did the cow want to hang out for a while? Or was it trying to communicate something to me?

I ended up talking to the cow for a little while and reading some more until it began to get dark. When I started to make dinner, I figured that the cow would probably move since it was like twenty feet away from the stove. But it just stood in the same place the whole time. 

After eating dinner, I went inside thinking that the cow would definitely move on now. However, when I woke up later that night to use the restroom, I was surprised to find that the cow had laid down right beside my car. And when I got up the following morning, the cow was still there (however it had moved a little further away).

Does Creation try communicate with us? If so, how does this communication occur and what is the message that is most often sent to us by Creation? Those are interesting questions, and ones that I will attempt to answer in the next post (as well as finish up with what happen with the cow as it relates to those questions).


Message of Love


Related Reading

Getting to Know the Unknown
(please see the 11-14-19 post on this page)


A Sign of the Times?


I usually have a pretty good idea of what I want to talk about several posts in advance. However, it seems that Creation sometimes has a different idea about where things should go.

Last Thursday I woke up in the middle of the night to what sounded like a bunch of animals running around outside. At first I thought that it might be coyotes. However, when I looked outside I saw this big white dog and a couple of other dogs. At the time I didn't think much about it because it's not uncommon for dogs to come into other campsites if there are other people camping nearby.

When I woke up the next morning, I thought for sure that the dogs would be gone. However, when I opened the door, there were three dogs waiting for me outside. Two of the dogs looked like they were pretty young and were obviously siblings, and the other dog looked to be quite a bit older. I wasn't sure what to think, so I took a quick look around to see if anyone was camped nearby. But I didn't see anyone. I could tell that the dogs were dehydrated so I gave them some water and they gulped it down as if they hadn't had any in a while. Later that morning all four of us went out for a walk to see if there might be someone else in the area, but I still didn't see anyone.


The place that I am camped at is pretty remote and there aren't any houses or towns nearby. I was trying not to make any assumptions about where the dogs came from, but it was beginning to look like somebody might have drove them out here and left them. The dogs didn't seem like they came from an abusive household or anything like that. The two black dogs are very sweet and playful and they pretty much haven't left my side since Thursday.


The older dog is a bit more reserved, but it doesn't appear to have been abused or neglected either. I'm not sure if the dogs were left here because someone couldn't care for them anymore, or if it was something else. Who knows, maybe they are on an Incredible Journey and this is just a short stopover as they continue Homeward Bound? Even though this kind of thing does happen sometimes, I have a hard time believing that their owner/family would drive them out to a remote area like this and intentionally leave them there without any access to food or water.

The white dog was really shy at first. However, after a few walks
with me and the other dogs, he started to really warm up.


I was supposed to leave here Friday morning. However, I am going stay until I can find the dogs somewhere to go. I'm still hoping that maybe they will get reunited with their owner/family. I called a couple of animal shelters on Friday and left messages. However, the closest shelter is like 35 miles to the south, or 25 miles to the north. I'm not even sure if they will come out this far to get the dogs. I know that the two black dogs will get in the car, but the white dog is still kind of keeping his distance (although he is coming closer and closer each day).

I got some food for them on Friday and I have plenty of water, so if they need to stay here for a few more days they will be well cared for. It's actually been fun having them around. They seem to really like going out for walks (and chasing the rabbits around). It's a really beautiful area here and, like most dogs, they love being outdoors and exploring.

Out on a walk this morning with the dogs

Further on up the mountain

View to the north from our campsite

I'm already starting to get attached to them. I really wish that I could keep them, but once the car is packed up with my camping gear there isn't room for even one dog, let alone three dogs. Hopefully I will be able to get a hold of someone at one of the shelters on Monday and work something out. I'll let you know what happens.


Show Me


Shifting Gears



In the next few posts, I'm going to take a much needed break from the whirlwind of current events and I'm going to talk about some very important concepts which I think are crucial to understanding our current situation. Those concepts include frequency, energy, vibration, balance, and connection.  

For a primer on these concepts, please see the 10-27-20 post on this page titled "Altered States".

The first post in this series is below. It is a very simple illustration, but it involves all of the concepts listed above.




Spiritual High


The Herd



Something really disturbing is happening, right now...




Hells Bells
Blind obedience
only leads to one place


The Heard



Something really amazing is happening, right now...


World Wide Freedom Rally



The past has already happen. However, how the present
and the future are written, is entirely up to us.




The clickity-clack of freedom is loud, because the true sound of freedom is never silent.

Don't Be Mean

Is it mean to tell the truth? Is it hateful to promote true awareness and understanding? Is it wrong to use good judgment and discernment when looking at information and/or making decisions? Is it uncaring to have true concern for the welfare of others? Is the lawful preservation of freedom an act of terrorism? Does Love thrive in an environment of ignorance? Or, does Love thrive in an environment of Truth, Awareness, and Understanding? Is engaging in civil disobedience towards an unlawful, oppressive, and tyrannical government, being unlawful?

Safe Spaces

Does sheltering, suppressing, indoctrinating, propagandizing, and creating safe spaces and unchallenging environments lead to strong and informed individuals and a strong and informed society? Or do these things actually lead to weak people and a sick and imprisoned society? The modern "education" system (including the media) would like you to believe that removing challenges and creating safe spaces somehow leads to magical safe places.

Street Smarts

What do think that a parent would do if they saw one of their children wander out onto the street in the path of oncoming traffic? Do you think that they would calmly tell them to please return to the sidewalk? Or do you think that they yell at them and rush out onto the street to try and save them? What if, during the process of trying to save them, they hurt their child's feelings or they were a little rough in trying to move them out of the way of an oncoming vehicle? Would the actions of that parent be seen as hateful or loving? What if someone pushed your child into the path of oncoming traffic? Would that person be seen as hateful or loving? Which role do you think that the government is currently playing (I realize that this a rhetorical question for most, but unfortunately, it is a valid question to others)?

Oncoming Traffic

Right now a good portion of humanity has wandered out into the middle of the street. The government, the politicians, the media, the medical system, the celebrities, and much of corporate America would like you to believe that it is Covid-19 and "freedom extremism" (i.e. non-compliance) that is the real vehicle that is heading towards you. But is this true? Or is it actually lies, propaganda, oppression, tyranny, collusion, and mass contamination and genocide (of mind, body, and Spirit) that is rapidly heading towards you?

A Beautiful Noise

The Sound of Freedom is a beautiful noise.


And the sound of unjabbed and unmasked children playing
on an open playground is a wonderful noise.


And the sound of peaceful non-compliance being directed towards unjust oppression and
tyranny is a majestic noise....It's only one vaccine. It's only two vaccines. It's only regular
booster shots. It's only a few pills with your booster shots. It's only a little restricted 
movement. It's just one more lockdown. It's just one more small business
closure. Etc, etc, etc. This pandemic of tyranny will never, ever, ever,
ever, ever, ever end until we stand up and say NO.



Beautiful Noise

Related Reading

(please see the 1-3-20 post on this page)

 (please see the 7-19-19 post on this page)

Love, Anger, and Other Emotions
  (please see the 12-3-18 post on this page)


Mind Virus


Fun Fact: The image above is from the John Hopkins Medicine website.
The image is titled (by them) "Encephalitis Teaser".

Reported by Hooman Doge of the Horrific Times on September 11, 2021

Did you know that there is a mysterious neurological disease affecting California black bears which makes them act like dogs? No, really, it's true. The disease causes encephalitis in the brain (inflammation) which results in the bears completely loosing their wild nature and their natural instincts for survival.


According to Ann Bryant, executive director of the BEAR League (Bear Education Aversion Response League), "The first bear I personally rescued was diagnosed with encephalitis in March of 2018," Bryant told Live Science. "She walked into a school and entered a classroom where she sat down among the children, behaving very much like a friendly dog."

Did you know that there is a similar neurological disease which has been found in humans which also makes them act like dogs? No, really, there is.

According to Matthew Bennell, director of the IBS League (Invasion of the Body Snatchers League), "The first time that I saw someone affected by this disease was when a man casually walked into a pit of snarling vipers and calmly sat down. He never even moved an inch as the vipers, one by one, took turns striking him until he finally succumbed to the effects of the venom. It was a very bizarre and perplexing thing to witness."

According to Dr. David Kibner (who also works for the IBS League, and was present during pit viper incident), "It was like this human had completely lost all sense of identity, self-preservation, self-respect, cognitive ability, historical memory, and common sense". Kibner (who sometimes goes my the nickname of Spock), further went on to say, "although this is a very mysterious and puzzling disease, we are confident that we will eventually get to the bottom of it". When asked if he was sure they would find an answer, Dr. Kibner replied that he was 100% positive because, "once you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth".

Last week, in their continuing search for an answer to this horrific disease, the IBS League came across a video which appeared to discuss a way to remove or suppress "the God gene" in human beings. However, it seems that an official independent fact checking organization has recently stepped in and "debunked" the video (thank God for fact checkers).

The official position of the IBS League on the video is that they don't have any way of verifying the validity of it. However, if the research is indeed real, it would go along way towards explaining why humans would be willing to calmly sit down in a pit of dangerous vipers and allow the snakes to bite them and inject venom into them repeatedly without exhibiting any type of resistance.

Other theories that the IBS has been working on include chemical and/or heavy metal toxicity of the brain, impaired blood flow in the brain, psychological toxicity in the brain, widespread toxicity in the body, and the possibility of covert modification of other genes in the body. Then, of course, there is also the Alien Space Virus Human Genetic Modification Theory as well. 


At the end of the interview, we asked Matthew Bennell if he thought that it was an accurate analogy to compare human beings to dogs. He said, "yes, I do believe that it is accurate because I have personally heard the ruling elite talk about human beings as if they were dogs. In addition, I have actually witnessed, first hand, disturbing dog-like behavior in humans when they blindly and willingly go off to foreign lands to fight wars and kill people simply to further the power, control, and the finances of their inhuman masters". Bennell also expressed that he has seen obedient dog-like behavior in the way that some humans will blindly accept anything that is told to them, given to them, or injected into them as long as it is done by a person wearing a suit, a uniform, a robe, or a white coat (or someone that displays some other type of "authority" or celebrity status).

Footnote: Just for the record, I don't view humans as being dogs. However, some members of humanity do sometimes take on certain characteristics of dogs (obedience, trainability, butt licking, snoozing, and loyalty to authority), without exhibiting the keen sense of smell (to BS) and the fierceness that dogs can display when they, or their human family members, are threatened or attacked in some way. There is nothing wrong with naturally friendly bears or humans. The problem occurs when wild bears and natural organic human beings become severely diseased and lose their sense of smell, their common sense, and their willingness and their ability to defend themselves. 

Related Reading

Doggy Politics
Big Dog, Little Dog, Underdog, Regular Dog
 (please see the 02-20-2020 post on this page)


Instinct, Orientation, Accustomization, and Acclimatization



The survival instinct of wild animals is very strong. It has to be, or they wouldn't last very long. When wild animals sense potential danger or a predator nearby, they become much more alert and will either flee the area or they will take up a defensive posture. If they are threatened or attacked by a predator, they will do whatever is necessary to protect themselves and their young.

Domesticated animals, on the other hand, often lose many of these survival instincts because they become acclimated and accustomed to potential threats (and predators) that exist in the environment around them.

Repetition is useful in learning. However, too much repetition can lead to acclimatization, normalization, accustomization, blindness, numbness...and domestication.


Undiluted Evil



The Beast is beginning  to lose control and it is starting to
thrash about. Be strong and don't give in to intimidation,
coercion, oppression, tyranny, or evil.

Update: I just watched the actual address from Biden. In his address, he said, "this is not about freedom, or personal choice". Really? That is exactly what this is about. Those are the very principles that this country was founded on! I choose not to take the vaccine because I am the sole owner of my body and I have the innate right and freedom to choose what I do with it. For the people who choose to take the vaccine, that is also their right to do so. "Biden's plan" (like it is actually his plan) has nothing to do with protecting others. It is about killing people, destroying this country, profiting off of the maiming and murdering of others (including children), and completely enslaving the people that remain.

I choose to not to take the vaccine, not because I don't care about others, but because I care deeply about others. It's the reason why I have spent countless hours over the last year-and-a-half trying to help educate people about what is really going on. I am so tired of hearing celebrities, politicians, and media mouthpieces say "fuck your freedom". I've lost count now of how many times these weak, ignorant, sell-outs have expressed this. They have no idea that what they are actually saying is fuck all of our freedoms (including theirs) and all of our innate rights that have been granted to us as human beings and as beings of Creation.

I rarely use profanity, but this situation calls for it. This is the time, right now, for everyone to stand up before it is too late. This is not just about physical freedom, freedom of speech, or freedom of thought. This is about an immensely evil darkness that has descended upon this world and is attempting to take control of this planet and imprison our very souls.

I have really tried to be supportive and compassionate in the things that I have said over the last 20 years (leading up to this point). However, there comes a time when you have to raise your voice in order to get the point across. What is wrong with people in this country? I have put many jobs on the line in the past (and lost some) because I believed, in my heart and in my soul, that standing up against what was wrong was the right thing to do. I have put myself in danger multiple times in the past in order to try and protect someone else that was in danger. I have ongoing medical issues now, that are a direct result of intentional and malicious actions that were taken against me by this corrupt government, simply for standing up and doing the right thing. I have done all of these things, and more, and never asked for anything in return (except for people to honor and protect the gifts that they have been given). But now, I will ask something...what have you done in the past, and what will you do now?

To be blunt, many people in this country are acting like spoiled little children and/or amnesiacs that have no concept of what they actually have right now, and what they are about to lose. Freedom is a very precious gift that has been granted to us by those who came before us. What do their efforts and sacrifices mean if we allow our freedoms to be taken from us so easily? Freewill is a very precious gift that has been granted to us by God/Creation. What does that mean if we are willing to forfeit it and give it away so easily? We also have a soul that has been granted to us by God/Creation. But what does that mean if we ignore that gift and forsake it out of apathy and/or cowardice?

Freedom is not free, nor is it eternal. Freedom only exists and persists when it is cherished, respected, maintained, and defended. Safety and security means nothing without freedom (especially when that safety and security is based on false perception). Once freedom is lost, it is not something that is easily regained.

Stand up for your freedom. Stand up for the freedom of others. Stand up for the health and the freedom of the children and the future of humanity. Say NO to lies, deception, intimidation, coercion, oppression, tyranny, and evil. Now is the time. Now is why we are all here. Right now, there is a very real and present danger that this nightmare (and what is about to come) could be forever, unless we choose to speak up and stand up for what is True and Right...Right Now.

Peace and Freedom to All.


New Biden plan could mandate COVID shots
or tests for two-thirds of U.S. workers


Lies, Deception, Murder, and Enslavement
(SeeBS Biden Teleprompter Speech)


 Fight the Good Fight 

Right Now

 Killing in the Name Of
Back when Rage used to actually
Rage Against the Machine


Cure Worse Than the Disease


Toxicity in the system

What is the real disease? Is it Covid-19/20/21/22/etc? Is it the vaccine? Is it Big Government? Is it Big Pharma? Is it the Police State? Or is it something else? Why do so many "highly educated" doctors seem to be blindly following corrupt medical practices that are in total violation of morally correct medical care, while many "less educated" nurses appear to be acting as true advocates for their patients?

"A good soldier is a poor scout" -- Cheyenne

In other words...

Evil thrives on blind obedience, but it withers away with independent inquiry and action


Cure Worse Than the Disease

A Day at the Racetrack



Related Reading

Bending, Twisting, and Breaking
(please see the 4-17-21 post on this page)

Time Management
(please see the 6-29-20 post on this page) 

From the 4-6-20 post on this page, "Social Distancing, Quarantine, Lockdown, Destruction, and New Order": Coronavirus patients rush to join studies of experimental drug Remdesivir (Before rushing in to be a guinea pig for a new drug, new vaccine, or existing drug, consider the toxicity of these drugs and what the potential consequences to your health may be. There are many natural ways to boost your immunity and treat disease that doesn't involve toxic drugs, vaccines, or chemicals).

It's time to recognize the modern medical system for what is really is, and take your personal health and well-being back into your own hands. Most doctors are "educated" in Big Pharma controlled universities and "trained" in Big Pharma controlled hospitals, while patients are taught (programmed/conditioned) to place their trust in a deeply corrupt, highly toxic, and completely broken down system.

The Hippocratic Oath -- is an oath taken by physicians to uphold a specific set of ethical standards. First and foremost is the idea of "Primum non nocere" which means "First do no harm". It has also been stated as the following -- "Practice two things in your dealings with disease: either help, or do not harm the patient."

Partial translation from the original Greek (1923 Loeb edition):

"I will use those dietary regimens which will benefit my patients according to my greatest ability and judgment, and I will do no harm or injustice to them. Neither will I administer a poison to anybody when asked to do so, nor will I suggest such a course.

Into whatsoever houses I enter, I will enter to help the sick, and I will abstain from all intentional wrong-doing and harm, especially from abusing the bodies of man or woman, bond or free.

Now if I carry out this oath, and break it not, may I gain forever reputation among all men for my life and for my art; but if I break it and forswear myself, may the opposite befall me."


The Way Back and the Path Forward - Part II



"You know who you are when your mission is clear, and you burn with the inner fire of unbreakable will; no cold can touch your heart; no deluge can dampen your purpose. You know that you are alive." -- Chief Seattle, Duwamish

"Hold on to what is good, even if it's a handful of earth. Hold on to what you believe, even if it's a tree that stands by itself. And, hold on to what you must do, even if it's a long way from here. Hold on to your life, even if it's easier to let go." -- Crowfoot, Blackfoot

"Grown men can learn from very little children, for the hearts of the little children are pure. Therefore, the Great Spirit may show to them many things which older people miss." -- Black Elk, Oglala Lakota

"Children learn from what they see. We need to set an example of truth and action." -- Howard Rainer, Taos Pueblo-Creek

"You have to look deeper, way below the anger, the hurt, the hate, the jealousy, the self-pity, way down deeper where the dreams are. Find your dream. It's the pursuit of the dream that heals you." -- Billy Mills, Oglala Lakota

"If you talk to the animals, they will talk with you, and you will know each other. If you do not talk to them, you will not know them, and what you do not know, you will fear. What one fears, one destroys." -- Chief Dan George, Tsleil-Waututh

"It does not require many words to speak the truth." -- Chief Joseph, Nez Perce

"Tell me and I'll forget. Show me, and I may not remember. Involve me, and I'll understand." -- Unknown 

"I speak of the Creator. Are you surprised by my candor? In a world that has killed the sacred, mention of it can seem shocking, even foolhardy. But how foolhardy it is to kill the sacred! And how shocking to think that we could! For there is always a light that walks forward." -- Anasazi Foundation, The Seven Paths: Changing One's Way of Walking in the World

"Be still, and the Earth will speak to you." -- Navajo proverb

"All plants are our brothers and sisters. They talk to us and, if we listen, we can hear them." -- Arapaho.

"No kingdom on Earth can surpass the great outdoors." -- Tamanend

"If we wonder often, the gift of knowledge will come." -- Arapaho

"One rain does not make a crop." -- Creole

"When a man moves away from nature his heart becomes hard." -- Lakota

"Unfortunately, modern man has become so focused on harnessing nature's resources that he has forgotten how to learn from them. If you let them, however, the elements of nature will teach you as they have taught me. -- Anasazi Foundation, The Seven Paths: Changing One's Way of Walking in the World

"The sky is round, and I have heard that the Earth is round like a ball, and so are all the stars. The wind, in its greatest power, whirls. Birds make their nests in circles, for theirs is the same religion as ours." -- Black Elk

"Even the seasons form a great circle in their changing, and always come back again to where they were. The life of a person is a circle from childhood to childhood, and so it is in everything where power moves." -- Black Elk

"At the center of the universe dwells the Great Spirit. And that center is really everywhere. It is within each of us." -- Black Elk

"Everyone who is successful, must have dreamed of something." -- Maricopa

"Sometimes dreams are wiser than waking." -- Black Elk

"Regard Heaven as your Father, Earth as your Mother, and all that live as your brother and sister." -- Navajo proverb

"We need a seat at the table...If we're not at the table, we're probably on the menu." -- Roberto Mukaro Borrero

"Those who have one foot in the canoe, and one foot on the shore, are going to fall into the river." -- Tuscarora

"Many have fallen with a bottle in their hand." -- Lakota

"You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep." -- Navajo proverb

"Lose your temper, and you lose a friend; lie, and you lose yourself." -- Hopi

"A brave man dies but once, a coward dies many times." -- Tribe Unknown

"The bird who has eaten, cannot fly with the bird that is hungry." -- Omaha

"It is better to have less thunder in the mouth, and more lightning in hand." -- Apache saying

"There are many good moccasin tracks along the trail of a straight arrow." -- Sioux

"God gives us each a song (Ute)", however...

"Learn to listen, or your tongue will make you deaf." – Tribe Unknown

"Wisdom comes only when you stop looking for it and start living the life the Creator intended for you." -- Hopi

"Force, no matter how concealed, begets resistance." -- Lakota

"Let us put our minds together and see what future we can make for our children." -- Chief Joseph

"I have learned that the point of life's walk is not where or how far I move
my feet, but how I am moved in my heart." -- Anasazi Foundation,
The Seven Paths: Changing One's Way of Walking in the World

"A good soldier is a poor scout." -- Cheyenne

"We will be known forever by the tracks we leave." -- Dakota saying


The Ten Commandments of Native Americans


Nature's Dream

Forest Spirits

Night Protection

Heaven and Earth


The Way Back and the Path Forward - Part I


Is our current dilemma a matter of technology vs. nature? Or, is there a
way in which both can exist together in a healthy manner?

Body and Cells

The Earth is like the body. The people are like the blood cells. And the ruling elite are like the cancer cells (or the viruses which lead to cancer). The health of the body is dependent upon how it is treated (or mistreated). And the immunity of the body is dependent upon how the blood cells react when a foreign invader is encountered (recognition, strength, and/or weakness of the cells).

The strength or weakness of the cancer cells (or viruses) is dependent upon how much resistance they encounter, how fast they proliferate, and the overall health, toxicity, and/or malignancy of the body.






Recurring cancer (i.e. the revolving door)


Cancer cell, advanced tumor, and pronounced inflammation


Cancer cells and immune cells


Conscience and Consciousness

The way in which the blood cells react to foreign invaders is not only dependent upon the "mind" and the "consciousness" of each individual cell, but also the mind and consciousness of all of the other cells and systems in the body and how well they work together. A well-developed mind and consciousness usually understands that it is not just one cell but, rather, it actually exists as one cell among many other cells. It also usually understands that it is not just living in one body, but it is actually one cell, in one body, among many other bodies...that exist within the entire body of the universe.


Solar System






A well-developed consciousness also understands that it can be very difficult (and dangerous) to work in the dark. That is why an aware consciousness seeks out the Light -- to help illuminate what the mind and body are not able to illuminate by themselves.



I'm-munity and Dis-Ease

Healthy white blood cells


Blood cells that have become immobilized and aggregated due to unhealthy
webs and nets which have formed in the circulatory system.


Cancer cells



Brain Dysfunction - Cancer, blood clots, prion disease, heavy metal/chemical
toxicity, distractions, indoctrination, programming, propaganda, etc


Distraction = Immune cell dysfunction


Physical Toxicity = Immune cell dysfunction



Psychological Toxicity = Immune cell dysfunction


Corona = Crown = Virus/infection/clotting/cancer/etc


Malignancy in the blood caused by malware (malignant code) being injected
into the body, resulting in "crowned" (spiked) proteins being formed.


Crown contagion


Chronic "Inflammation" -- Big Government, Big Pharma, Big Agra, Big
Banking, etc = Big Fascism, Big Inflammation, and Big Toxicity.


Whole Health

Water is the lifeblood of this planet. And blood is the water of our life. The Earth is made up of about 70% water. And, just by coincidence, two of the most important parts of the human body (the brain and the heart) are also made up of almost exactly the same amount of water as the Earth. Imagine that?


Water is life



Healthy Body


Healthy Mind


Healthy Heart


Sunrise or Sundown?

Healthy Spirit

Light is what illuminates the universe.
Love is what guides it.
And Dreams are what fuel it.


Dream Weaver

Love is Alive

Let Your Love Flow

(and/or Reality)

Related Reading

A Short Story of Creation


Whole-istic Medicine


There are definitely some scary and disturbing things going on in the world right now. However, it need not be as scary and overwhelming as it seems. To use an analogy, the condition of the world right now (socially, economically, politically, institutionally, spiritually, etc) is similar to that of a disease or a cancer. Think about the word disease for a moment. It is actually composed of two parts -- "dis" and "ease". When a person is unhealthy, they feel un-easy or dis-eased. On the other hand, when a person is healthy, they feel at-ease. This is applicable to not only the body, but also to the mind and Spirit as well.

In order to properly treat a disease (or a cancer), one must understand both the root cause of the disease and also know what the correct treatment is. Most disease occurs as a result of toxicity, malnutrition, imbalance, and inflammation. Malignant disease, cancer, and various contagions grow and thrive in malignant environments. Thus, the road to successful long-term recovery and good health is dependent upon creating an environment that isn't conducive to malignancy -- getting rid of toxicity (detoxification), improving nutrition (being mindful of what you consume, on all levels), and removing "inflammation" in order to restore proper balance again. In addition to these things, most good doctors will tell you that recovery is not just a function of proper diagnosis and treatment, but is also dependent upon the outlook (and the "inlook") of the individuals involved (both the doctor and the patient). In other words, like so many other things in this world, a balanced, or holistic, approach usually works the best.

When you feel un-easy or dis-eased, your body, your mind, and your Spirit are trying to tell you something. And when the environment around you feels un-easy or dis-eased, it feels that way for a reason. Listen to your body, mind, and Spirit (and the environment around you), and also listen closely to what Dr. Carrie Madej discusses in this interview. Perhaps osteopathy and holistic medicine are applicable to not only individual health, but also to whole-istic (community/societal) health as well.

The health of the body affects the mind. And the health of the mind affects the body. And the health of the mind and the body affect our connection to the Spirit. Think about this in relation to what is happening in the world right now.

In the next few segments, I plan on addressing something that Carrie touched upon in this interview -- that is, that there is always an answer. The body and the mind (both individual and collective) have an amazing and miraculous ability to naturally heal themselves when they are given the right tools.

Peace to All

Footnote: In my view, all questions and all observations should be viewed as being valid until they are openly proven to be false. Once an observation has been made, it can then move to the next steps of the process which involves open discussion, measurement, and testing in order to verify (or disprove) the validity of the observation and/or hypothesis. However, in this current "scientific" environment (monopoly) that we live in, this process is not being allowed to move past the first step (observation/hypothesis). Rather, valid inquiry is being met with immediate censorship, character assassination, and claims of misinformation. This should bring up the obvious (and rhetorical) question -- why is this happening? I read a recent article that stated that children should be allowed to make their own decisions regarding vaccination because they have the ability to research the benefits of vaccines and, therefore, make a proper "informed" decision for themselves. But what about the possible adverse effects? If we are only shown the possible benefits of something, while the possible adverse effects are actively and aggressively hidden from us, how can a child (or an adult) make a proper informed decision? In relation to nanotechnology, it is important to note that the technology that is shown to the public is usually well behind what the true capabilities of that technology actually are (which has often been in development for many years behind closed and censored doors).


Interview with Dr. Carrie Madej


New Nanotechnology COVID-19 Vaccine Shows Potential

Nanotechnology: Hacking Humans

Humans are the Virus?

Human beings are not the disease, the cancer, or the virus. However, many people have been affected (and infected) with many different elements which can act as a type of virus (or malware) on the physical, mental, and Spiritual health of them. Remember, the key to recovery and good health is dependent upon the proper diagnosis (identification) and proper treatment of the disease, as well as a proper outlook/inlook of the patient.



(What/Who do you stand for?)



A trick can often create the illusion of power. However, once a trick is understood, then it usually becomes known that the magician doesn't really have a leg to stand on.

Do not mistake illusion for reality. Do not confuse dark magic with light magic. And do not forfeit your personal freewill, your individual sovereignty, and your human rights just because a man in a suit standing behind a curtain (or in front of a green screen) tells you to do so.


Floating Man

Silver Man

The Man Behind the Curtain


We're Off to See the Wizard


i Robot



Most humans are capable of experiencing and understanding love, compassion, and empathy. However, what happens to love, compassion, and empathy when humans are drugged with mind-altering pharmaceuticals (either willingly or unknowingly)? What happens to love, compassion, and empathy when the minds and bodies of human beings become unknowingly corrupted with social and psychological "programming" that is streamed (beamed) at them from the media, the entertainment industry, the "educational" system, the "scientific" community (monopoly), the "medical" system, and/or the government agencies (industries)? When happens to the minds and bodies of human beings when they become unknowingly corrupted with chemical or technological "intoxicants" and/or nanotechnology? What happens to love, compassion, and empathy when human beings become disconnected from Greater Consciousness (and become increasingly connected to the Matrix)? What is happening to the world (and the human race) right now as human beings begin to lose sight of their humanity (and can no longer remember what it was like to be human)?

What happens when "robots" take the place of humans, and love, compassion, and empathy are no longer recognized, understood, or practiced in society?

Did you know that there were actually quite a few scientists that were opposed to the detonation of the first atomic bomb? They really didn't know what would happen. Some thought that the bomb could ignite the entire atmosphere and destroy the world. However, they decided to proceed with the test anyway. This type of recklessness can also be seen in many other experiments as well involving biotechnology (GMOs, cloning, bioweapons, nanotechnology, etc), experiments conducted in the atmosphere and the ionosphere (ionospheric heaters, atomic detonations, weather manipulation, electromagnetic weapons systems, etc), and technological experiments in general (5G, robotics, CERN, etc).

You can tell a lot about the so-called elite by studying the symbolism
that they use for their corporations and their research facilities...

From the CERN website: "In the Hindu religion, this form of the dancing Lord Shiva is known
as the Nataraj and symbolises Shakti, or life force. As a plaque alongside the statue
explains, the belief is that Lord Shiva danced the Universe into existence,
motivates it, and will eventually extinguish it." It is important to know
that many of these people (elite) actually see themselves as "gods". 

The official CERN logo

The World Economic Forum logo and the "Great Reset".



Androids -- Watch out for the bus!


Mr. Roboto


Elon Musk's Robots (Bots)
In previous posts, I've spoken about Elon Musk's brain chips and his 5G (sky) net/web
that is being built around the earth. This video is about his latest
"innovation". Notice where he laughs in the video. It kind
of reminds me of the giggles of Bill Gates.

In 2017, Elon Musk told political leaders that artificial intelligence poses
an "existential threat" to human civilization. But hey, lets build
brain chips, robots, Jurassic Park, and AI anyway.

Government Robots
This video contains some very disturbing examples of non-thinking government robots.
However, it also contains some great examples of what people can do to stand up to
oppression, tyranny, and the non-thinking government enforcement robots.

But Officer...

Administrators of the Matrix


The so-called elite have been broadcasting that our Time is Up (for quite some time now).
However, is it really up? Or is their time up?


I, Robot



Why does it seem like there are so few people that are willing to stand up for their freedom,
their humanity, and their rights today? Could it be because many people have actually
become "digitalized" and "roboticized"? Actually, I think that, in some ways, 
the tide is beginning to turn in favor of the people, but...

While exposing the nets and webs that the so-called elite have created for us, be careful
not to become trapped in the nets and webs which they have laid out for us.

Related Reading

 The Psychological Control Grid
(Please see the 4-17-19 post on this page)


Ants Marching



I love taking walks out in nature. Every time that I go for a walk, I always seem to learn something new or get inspired by something that I see or experience. Today when I was out walking, I came across a huge ant hill (image above) which made me think about several concepts which I believe are very important in relation to current events.

What happens when some people choose to "exercise" apathy, while others choose to exercise patience combined together with persistence and conviction? In such a situation, those that choose to exercise patience, persistence, and conviction are typically the ones that prevail (regardless of whether they are benevolent or malevolent in nature).


The image above is a close-up of one of the ants on the ant hill. What if this ant, and all of the other ants, had no patience, conviction, or persistence? What if they looked at all of the pebbles on the ground (boulders in relation to their size) and thought "there is no way we can build this mountain all by ourselves"? I imagine that someone or something else would probably build another structure (or system) in its place.

The Truth Will Set You Free


Consider the following scenario: What if a parent had two children and decided to shelter one child from everything that might be harmful to them while they taught the other child everything that they know and allowed that child to gain additional knowledge, awareness, and understanding through their own experiences. Which child do you think would be better prepared to properly evaluate, discern, differentiate, and choose the correct course of action as they move though life?

The reality is that the Truth can only be found and truly realized in a free and open society. The more restricted and less free that a society is, the less opportunity that there is to pursue and realize Truth (and, by extension, greater awareness, greater understanding, greater wisdom, and expanded states of consciousness).

It is for this reason that corrupt governments, corrupt corporations, and corrupt leaders attempt to do everything that they can to monopolize information and convince their subjects that their officially sanctioned guidance, information, awareness, and understanding (propaganda) is the only valid information that will provide them with the proper safety and security that they (the people) need. Any other information is dangerous and will lead to a loss of safety and security.

Think about that for a moment. Is this not what most governments, political parties, secret societies, religions, tyrants, and psychopaths seek to do -- control other people through the flow (access) of information? It never ceases to amaze me how (otherwise) very intelligent people can clearly see lies, corruption, censorship, manipulation, and control that exists "outside" of their favored institutions, but fail to see it in their own political parties, politicians, "truth tellers", religions, and institutions (some examples of this can be seen in previous posts, as well as all around us in "institutionalized" society).

Who is at Fault?


Why did the Afghanistan War fail? Actually, it didn't fail, it went exactly as planned. Over the last millennia, Afghanistan has been invaded and occupied many times before. It has been invaded and occupied because it is a very strategic location on many different levels. The goal in Afghanistan was not to "win" the war and leave. The goal was to fight an ongoing war and continuously occupy the country. The "premature" departure (after twenty years) has actually created the desired chaos, confusion, distraction, and destruction that is necessary to carry out and fulfill the current agendas of the global elite and realize their goals. Nothing has failed. It has gone exactly as planned. Who is at fault for this "failure" (success)? Everyone that has been asleep, on-board, and apathetic to this ongoing corrupt atrocity of lies and deception for the last twenty years (including politicians, generals, soldiers, administrators, and the general population).

Why is the "War on the Invisible Enemy" (Covid) failing? It is not failing, it is going exactly as planned. Over the last millennia, the inner/outer environment known as Human Independence, Human Freedom, and the Human Spirit has been a great thorn in the side of the ruling elite. The goal has never been to provide safety and security for the general population. The goal has been to enslave the general population under the guise of "safety and security" (in a "never ending war" that is continually waged in an environment of manufactured chaos, confusion, distraction, and destruction). Who is at fault for this "failure" to win the War on the Invisible Enemy (the war on humanity)? Everybody that has been asleep, on-board, and apathetic to this ongoing corrupt atrocity and everyone who has failed, once again, to see through the lies, deception, corruption, and true reality of the situation (politicians, policy makers, government employees, administrators, police, military, media, "news" anchors, celebrities, medical professionals, and the general population). However, this time it is not just another war. With this newest invasion, the amount of potential damage, destruction, carnage, and genocide will be on a scale that few can even begin to comprehend.

The Rise of Tyrants


How do tyrants come into power (and stay in power)? If they are smart, they do it through patience, persistence, and conviction on their part, and through encouraging apathy, conformity, and compliance on the part of their subjects. How do corrupt agendas become realized? They become realized through patience, persistence, conviction, and apathy. How will the "Anti-Christ" (anti-truth, anti-love, and anti-light) come into power? This person and/or system will rise up after everything has been destroyed and will be cheered on by its subjects who be open to anything and anyone that promises to make things better. However, this will only happen if the dark forces are successful in their ongoing efforts at deception and destruction. And that, of course, is dependent upon the ongoing ignore-ance, conformity, consent, compliance, and apathy of the general population.

The Rise of Freedom


How will True Freedom rise up and persist in this world? The Truth that is needed to set us free will be found through Freedom. And the Freedom that is needed to set us free will be found through the Truth.

And Truth and Freedom will be found, realized, and preserved through conscious awareness, proper discernment, proper understanding, right action, patience, persistence, conviction, independence, natural diversity, and organic (natural non-contrived) unity.

Peace and Freedom to All.

Footnote: When I talk about apathy, conformity, compliance, and blindness within the general population, I am not talking about all of the brave and courageous people that are standing up, speaking out, and doing their best to resist this attempted takeover of humanity. I am talking about the conformers and the enablers that blindly and obediently give the corrupt people in power their "power".


Do you have patience, persistence, and conviction? If so, where is it directed? Where is your allegiance? Is it to the Truth? Or does it lie somewhere else? Within each life and within each experience, we have a chance to make a difference. The outcome of that difference is decided by our patience, our persistence, our passion, our conviction, our apathy, and everything else that has been discussed in this post and in the rest of this series.

Ants Marching

The World I Know

Conviction of the Heart

Related Reading

Who Are You?
(Please see the 3-7-21 post on this page)

Easter Eggs
(Please see the 4-4-21 post on this page)

Escape From the Matrix

The Road to Destruction

The Battle Between the Light and the Darkness

The Art of Alchemy - Transmuting the Darkness into Light


(ill) Logical



Trust the Science - Trust the science, but only their approved science (i.e. that which adheres to the official narrative). All other science will be censored and deemed to be misinformation. In addition, those that dare to suggest that there might be valid science outside of the official narrative will be labeled as being an extremist, a domestic terrorist, dangerous, and/or uncaring. True science is based on the scientific method which relies on unbiased observation, open discussion, open debate, and proper testing in order to validate or invalidate various hypothesises, methodologies, and conclusions. Without open discussion, debate, and testing, there is no valid science. Verdict (regarding trusting only officially approved science): (ill) Logical

Domestic Terrorism - If you question or disagree with the official narrative, or if you defend yourself against corporate/government aggression, or if you try to protect your family from those who seek to harm them, or if you resist or fight back when your are threatened, then you are considered to be a domestic terrorist in the eyes of the government. It's very much like when the US (military strong arm of the global elite) invades another country and then labels those people that try to defend their families, communities, and country against such aggression as being "terrorists". Did you really think that this mindset would be limited to just regime change in other countries? Verdict (regarding the new official definition of domestic terrorism): (ill) Logical.

Anti-Vaxxers and Vaccine Hesitancy - If a person refuses to walk out in front of a moving bus, does that mean that they are anti-bus or bus-hesitant? What if that person is not an engineer, an auto worker, a bus mechanic, and/or doesn't work for the department of transportation, does that mean that they are not qualified to assess the situation properly and make a correct determination regarding what the best course of action is for themselves (with regards to crossing the street)? What if a person refuses to jump off a cliff with everyone else, does that mean that they are anti-cliff or cliff-hesitant? What if they don't have a masters degree in geology, does that mean that they are not qualified to assess the situation properly and make a correct determination regarding what the best course of action is for themselves? What if a person refuses to put their hand on a red-hot stove burner, does that mean that they are anti-stove or stove-hesitant? What if that person is not a master chef or doesn't know how to cook, does that mean that they are not qualified to assess the situation properly and make a correct determination regarding what the best course of action is for themselves? Verdict (regarding the official definition of anti-vaxxers and vaccine hesitancy): (ill) Logical.

Vaccine Mandates - In an effort to get people onboard with vaccine mandates, some "experts" are comparing vaccine mandates to seatbelt laws and asking "what is the big deal with vaccine mandates"? However, are these two things really the same? One involves putting an external safety device on your body which can be easily removed by the individual at any time. The other involves injecting an unproven, experimental, proprietary (secret) substance into your body that is still in clinical trials and which has already been proven to be highly dangerous for some people in the short-term (blood clots in the body, blood clots in the brain, heart damage, kidney damage, nervous system damage, miscarriages, excessive bleeding, disability, death etc). And those are just the short-term effects (so far). What about the unknown long-term effects? Once a vaccine is injected into a person, it cannot be easily or effectively removed by the individual or by someone else (as a seatbelt can). Verdict (regarding the official analogy between vaccine mandates and seat-belt mandates...and most other analogies regarding vaccine mandates): (ill) Logical.


The Logical Song
Whose logic, whose "truth", and whose acceptance?
And "responsibility" to what?
It begs the question: Who are you and what are you here for?

The Delta Variant Illustrated


Delta - The Greek Letter


The Delta (XXX) Games


The Delta Music Industry


The Delta Dollar


The Delta Drive


The Delta Hierarchy


Etc, etc, etc

Footnote: Of course there are also benevolent and beneficial forms of this symbolism as well. However, in this context, the symbolism illustrated above is representative of dark (false) authority, dark hierarchies, and dark realities.


Bizarre Love Triangle
New (World) Order 
I often wonder what keeps people tied to a certain way of life, when that way of life is
obviously harmful and destructive? And why do people place so much faith in the
wisdom of fools (corrupt politicians and charlatans)? Perhaps it
has something to do with Love, fear, familiarity,
persistence, conviction, and apathy?



Don't Board the Bus



"He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future." -- Adolph Hitler 



Does Covid Cause Babies to Develop Differently?
Or perhaps more accurately: Does biological, pharmacological, psychological, chemical,
technological, educational, economic, and social poison cause
babies and children to develop differently?


Don't Get on the Bus!

Related Reading

The Bus Trip










Every single person makes a difference, every choice we make is relevant, and every voice is important.


Decision Trees



Decision tree - a tree-shaped diagram used for making decisions in business and computer programming. The branches of the decision tree represent various choices with their associated probabilities, risks, costs, and results.  

Trees of Death

Trees of death are associated with the destruction of Life.

Decision trees are often viewed as being cold, calculated, and mechanical in their application because of the way that they blindly focus on efficiency and results at the expense of real-world understanding. Decision trees are a classic example of how the end (goal) can sometimes be used to justify the means (steps) that are required to get there.

Many of the crisis events which occurred over the last couple of decades were actually planned well in advance. This is clearly evident based on the numerous documents and exercises that were written and conducted prior to these events actually going "live". This is especially apparent in relation to 9/11, climate change, the plandemic, the restructuring and reset of the economy, and in the current "disclosure" of UFOs and aliens.

Each of the scenarios above had a starting point (crisis event) associated with it as well as a desired/stated outcome that was identified and defined well ahead of the actual crisis. Similar to a good marketing campaign, many different variables are usually considered in the "wargamming" of such scenarios so that the outcome is fully achievable by the ruling elite. This is where decision trees come into play. Decision trees provide a roadmap (means) of how to get from Point A (the crisis event) to Point B (the desired outcome).


If/then statements are used in the decision tree process in order to help identify and counter any public resistance
and drive people towards a desired outcome. Although non-compliance is considered in such decision
trees (along with ways to offset it), the widespread use of non-compliance (by the public)
is still the best way to stop the progression of manufactured consent and the
realization of a full-scale tyrannical and technocratic society.  


In social engineering programs, decision trees are designed to keep people as close to the mean as
possible (of full compliance) while discouraging any "outliers" (trouble makers) from forming as
a result of exercising independent thought, free speech, freewill, and freedom.

The use of decision trees by the elite becomes very apparent when one considers the mechanical, unimaginative, and often nonsensical ways in which the elite respond to public opposition. The Covid-19 "Pandemic" and the "War on Terror" are perhaps the most obvious modern examples of this. However, I think that the developing UFO and alien disclosure, if it continues along this same path, may end up being just as blatant and obvious as well.

Why disclosure now? 

Why are two of the most secretive and deceptive agencies in government (the Pentagon and the military) all of the sudden becoming so chatty, open, and transparent about a subject that they have so aggressively tried to hide and discredit for the last century? And why is the mainstream media all of the sudden taking the subject of UFOs and aliens so seriously now after decades of ridiculing it?

Is this an attempt to secure additional funding for the military and the US Space Force? Do the ruling elite need a new "invisible enemy" to support the next phase of their agenda(s)? Or, is this perhaps a way to introduce the public to the idea of a real alien threat and/or alien savior (after decades of pre-programming us with television, movies, and music)?

Governments lie. The military lies. And the mainstream media lies. The end goal is always about more money, more power, and more control for the elite (under the guise of public safety and security). Understanding this will not only help to illuminate the actions of those in power, but it will also help to shine a light on their true intent and their end game as well.

Trees of Life


Trees of Life are associated with the promotion and the Creation of Life.

Joshua trees are a vital part of the Mojave Desert ecosystem. They provide a habitat for many different types of birds, animals, and insects. In a symbolic sense, the Joshua tree represents resilience, survival, protection, growth, and beauty that is born through ongoing perseverance in a harsh environment. In this way, I think that the Joshua tree is not only a symbol for the true Human Spirit, but is also a metaphor for what is happening right now in our own modern environment.

Footnote: The ruling elite are using pandemic threats, terror threats, economic threats, climate change threats, and UFO/alien threats as tools of deception in an attempt to drive people away from their natural human foundations. They are using these things to try and break the innate connection that we all (potentially) have with Greater Consciousness and move us into a sterile digital/matrix/technocratic prison that is a complete inversion and disconnection from everything that defines natural human life. In reality, there is an actual hidden internal/external threat that does exist. However, it is not being defined or recognized for what it really is. I plan on addressing this topic further in the next post.


UFO Intelligence Failure?

The idea that the military and the intelligence agencies have no idea about what is going on
with regards to UFOs, aliens, and advanced alien technology is completely absurd.
They have known about this phenomena, studied it, interacted with it (and
been affected and infected by it) for almost a century now.



Not really my idea of music, but the lyrics
and the video are very relevant to
current times and to the human
DNA modification agenda.

Photo Gallery

The Life of a Tree


Alt Human


A public service message from GAVI, the Gates Foundation, and the WEF.

"Over the last year, COVID 'long haulers' have continued experiencing a variety of symptoms months after the virus clears. These include anything from skin problems, to shortness of breath, to losing the sense of taste or smell. Now, researchers say they may know why this is happening. A new study finds coronavirus actually causes long-term changes to an infected patient's genes."

"Specifically, scientists reveal the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2, the virus causing COVID-19, creates long-lasting changes to human gene expression."

New Approach to Vaccines - mRNA Vaccines
(From the CDC)

"mRNA vaccines are a new type of vaccine to protect against infectious diseases. To trigger an immune response, many vaccines put a weakened or inactivated germ into our bodies. Not mRNA vaccines. Instead, they teach our cells how to make a protein—or even just a piece of a protein—that triggers an immune response inside our bodies. That immune response, which produces antibodies, is what protects us from getting infected if the real virus enters our bodies."

"COVID-19 mRNA vaccines give instructions for our cells to make a harmless piece of what is called the 'spike protein'. The spike protein is found on the surface of the virus that causes COVID-19."

As of January 2021, authorized vaccines of this type include the Moderna mRNA Covid-19 vaccine and the Pfizer–BioNTech mRNA COVID-19 vaccine. The CVnCoV mRNA vaccine from CureVac is currently awaiting authorization in the EU. Please note, authorization does not mean approved. It means authorized under emergency use only.

What is a Viral Vector Vaccine?
(From the CDC)

"A viral vector vaccine uses a harmless version of a different virus, called a 'vector', to deliver information to the body that helps it protect you. The vaccine teaches your body how to make copies of the spike proteins. If you are exposed to the real virus later, your body will recognize it and know how to fight it off."

As of January 2021, authorized vaccines of this type include the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine, the Oxford–AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine, the Sputnik V COVID-19 vaccine, and the Convidecia COVID-19 vaccine. Please note, authorization does not mean approved. It means authorized under emergency use only.

Pathogenic Priming
(Auto-Immune Disease, Inflammation, Cytokine Storms, Organ
Damage, and Critical Illness Associated With Vaccination)

"The fact that pathogenic priming may be occurring involving autoimmunity against multiple proteins following CoV vaccination is consistent with other observations observed during autoimmunity, including the release of proinflammatory cytokines and cytokine storm. Similar to the SARS-CoV animal studies [6], found that mice vaccinated against MERS-CoV (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) development exaggerated pulmonary immunopathology when challenged with the MERS virus following vaccination. They reported that lung mononuclear infiltrates were observed in all groups after virus challenge, and that increased infiltrates that contained eosinophils and the eosinophil promoting IL-5 and IL-13 cytokines were observed only in the vaccinated animals." From: Pathogenic priming likely contributes to serious and critical illness and mortality in COVID-19 via autoimmunity.

Crisis In India

"A man performs the last rites of a relative who died of Covid-19, as other
funeral pyres are seen burning during a mass cremation in
New Delhi, India, on April 24." (CNN)


"In February, it seemed like India had gotten Covid-19 under control, with daily cases falling nearly 90% from the peak of the first wave last year."

"Now, the country is experiencing the world's worst outbreak. Daily cases have been rising continuously for the past 10 days; on Monday, India reported 352,991 new cases, breaking yet another record for the highest single-day figure globally."

"And the country's vaccination drive, among the world's largest and most ambitious, got underway in January." From: India is spiraling deeper into Covid-19 crisis. Here's what you need to know (CNN article).

Real? Propaganda? Or, could this be related to the "world's largest and most ambitious vaccination drive"? What will the fall Covid-21 season bring to the rest of the world (for those that have been vaccinated)? And what will the long-term future be for those that have been vaccinated?

Just the Beginning


These new Covid-19 mRNA and viral vector vaccines are just the first among many such vaccines that are being proposed for a variety of different diseases and disorders (including the very serious disorder of too many independent Human 1.0's currently on Earth...according to Bill Gates, WEF, and others).

Footnote: As discussed in previous posts, the idea is to prime people's minds with information (propaganda) that supports the never-ending Covid narrative. There have been hundreds of articles and reports discussing the ever-growing list of Covid symptoms (brain fog, concentration problems, memory problems, hallucinations, delirium, nervous system issues, heart problems, organ damage, shortness of breath, infertility, headache, fatigue, insomnia, blood clots, strange skin sensations, loss of taste and smell, and now....wait for it...genetic modification. Of course this is all being attributed to Covid-19. Having such an extensive list of symptoms and syndromes associated with Covid-19 essentially allows the ruling elite to release almost anything into the environment and then blame it on Covid (by way of over-amplified false-positive PCR tests and deaths linked to those false-positive PCR tests). What happens when more vaccinated people begin to get sick and die? It won't be because of the vaccines. Rather, it will be because of a new deadly Covid variant or mutation (or perhaps because of a new virus or other contagion). That will, in turn, lead the authorities to release even more vaccines and boosters, and scare even more people into getting vaccinated (resulting in even more sickness and more death, especially in the long-term). Ultimately, in the long-term, this means less humans on earth, and less-human humans on earth.


Straightening, Rebalancing, and Repairing



I feel sorry for the minority of real teachers that are still present in the education system. However, at the same time, I also have a great deal of respect and admiration for people such as Mark Miller that choose to stand up for their principles in the face of ongoing intimidation, opposition, and threats to their career and financial security.

This video examines the consequences that many people in education face when they dare to encourage their students to think for themselves (outside the box of officially approved thought). Of course, this is not just limited to schools or to universities. It also extends to science, medicine, government, religion, and other similar institutions that are increasingly being governed not by truth, open discourse, and ethics, but, rather, by way of intimidation, deception, and censorship.

I think that it's disgusting that it takes so much time and money to defend yourself in a court of law these days. But, more importantly, why should a person have to resort to a court of law to simply gain an acknowledgement and a confirmation of something that should be innately evident and apparent in a free society? Unfortunately, the answer to this question involves a sad realization -- We no longer live in a free society. The courts are just another example of how the system uses money (against the people) to encourage injustice, while, simultaneously, discouraging freedom of speech and freedom of thought. It's called the Criminal Justice System for a reason (because the system caters to the wealthy criminal establishment, while it suppresses the voices of those that it claims to represent).

This is an excellent interview that really gets to the "heart" of much of what I have discussed in this series. It's good to see that so many people recognize the importance of this subject and are supporting Mark Miller in his efforts (fight) to preserve free speech and free thought.


WARNING: This Video May Offend Some People
(Actually, not really. It will probably only offend those that fear
Freedom of Thought, Freedom of Speech, Rational
Thinking, and Common Sense).


We Are The Champions
As long as the Light of Freedom shines brightly within our
Hearts, those who cherish Freedom will be seen,
they will be heard, and they Will prevail.


Bending, Twisting, and Breaking



Evil works through others, because evil is weak by itself. Evil exists in the darkness, because evil cannot thrive in the Light. Evil inverts the Truth, because evil must lie to survive. Evil suppresses Awareness, because evil fears being exposed by its own deception. Evil blinds and deafens, because evil fears Sight and Hearing. Evil promotes death, because evil is the opposite of Life (live). Evil hates Courage, because Courage protects Love. Evil revels in destruction, because evil despises Creation. Evil creates chaos, so that evil can birth new (world) order. Evil encourages slumber, because evil does not want people to Awaken. Evil creates hate and fear, because evil cannot grow in an environment of Love and Understanding. Evil creates division and manufactured uniformity, because evil withers amongst True Unity and Natural Diversity. Evil possesses some, so that evil may oppress many. Evil destroys cognition and memory, because cognition and memory are crucial to identifying evil. Evil bends and distorts reality, because evil is twisted and anchored in unreality. Evil erases history, because history exposes evil. Evil censors the Truth, because the Truth erases evil. Evil attempts to break the Will of the Free, because conformity and consent enable evil to grow. Evil corrupts the health (Mind, Body, and Spirit) of People, so that the people become sickly accustomed to evil. Evil attempts to block access to the Light, because the Light is what will free people from the darkness.

Evil exists, because good people suppress and censor the Truth. Evil exists, because good people repeat what evil tells them to say. Evil exists, because good people bow and conform to pressure and intimidation. Evil exists, because good people follow evil and tell others that it is their duty and job to do so. Evil exists, because people seek dark financial incentives, over the Light of Truth and Justice. Evil exists, because easy blissful ignorance, is preferable to hard loud Truth. And, evil exists, because good people stand under (and stand for) oppression, rather than standing up for what is Right and True.

In the end, what is Good and what is evil is determined not by what we think, but, rather, by what we do. The greatest evil that has ever existed on this planet is here right now. Our fate, as individuals and as a race, will be decided by what we choose to do (or not do), what we choose to follow (or not follow), and what we choose to stand up for (or stand under).

Peace, Freedom, and Truth to All.


Running Down a Dream
Dreams, roads, destinations, and realities are ultimately defined
by those who choose to consciously (and
unconsciously) traverse them.


Understanding or Standing Under?


Words, concepts, and symbols often carry different meanings based on individual perspective and the context in which they are used. In this increasingly inverted world that we live in, more and more words (as well as concepts and symbols) are being co-opted and used in such a way that ends up being the complete opposite of what is commonly "understood" by the general population.

A good example of this idea can be seen with the word "understanding". Throughout this series I have used the word understanding to represent true comprehension, awareness, and knowledge. However, in the (occulted) legal use of the word, understanding actually means something entirely different.

When a legal "authority" asks you to confirm what they have just recited to you, they are actually asking you if you recognize and stand under (understand) their authority. This is why, in a legal context, you should never confirm that you understand (stand under) any authority unless that is what you truly wish to express (and consent to).

Below are a few illustrations which may help to further clarify this idea:


Have you ever wondered why the ruling elite (in the context of their symbolism) always use an equilateral triangle to represent the hierarchical power that they have over others?

The 666 system is based on a two-tiered social/economic system where the people (serfs) stand under the authority of their neo-feudal corporate/government lords and masters. Under such a system, the people are "equally" poor and oppressed, while the lords and masters are obscenely wealthy and totally free. The specific label that we give to this emerging system (neo-feudalism, neo-fascism, neo-cronyism, neo-communism, or neo-socialism) is actually not that important, because in the end, no matter what the name, the result is the same for the people.


We can stand (fall) together under false authority. Or, we can rise together through an Understanding (awareness and comprehension) of Love and Truth. The image on the left (above) depicts a system where the "representatives" of government do not actually represent the people, but rather represent their own interests. And the image on the right (above) depicts what happens when a true Understanding (awareness and comprehension) of Love and Truth is achieved.

From the Ascension (of Consciousness) Formula

In the context of the image above, Truth serves as the foundation for Love, while Understanding (true awareness and comprehension) represents the bridge between Truth and Love (which ultimately become One). When Truth and Love become One, this is when Peace and Happiness can truly be realized (both internally and externally).


Hopefully the discussion above helped to clarify how the word Understanding has been used in this series, and how it can be used (or abused) in other contexts outside of its commonly perceived meaning.

I think that it is very important to be consciously aware of how we are using words and language today. However, if we allow the ruling elite to co-opt and redefine language as they see fit (for their own benefit), then what we will end up with is an inverted New World Order where our expressions and communications become extremely confused and limited.

A system based on false authority (lies, propaganda, intimidation, and deception) is not something that I choose to bend (over) to, kneel to, or stand under.

We still have freewill. It is a precious gift that should not be forsaken.


If we do not remain conscious, aware, and careful of what we consent
to, conform to, and acquiesce to, then we may end
up becoming bent without even realizing it.

Related Reading

The Ascension (of Consciousness) Formula


Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 Vaccine Temporarily Pawsed


The CDC and FDA recently recommended a temporary pause to the distribution of the Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) Covid-19 vaccine due to six women in the United States developing cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (blood clots in the brain).

The mainstream media is reporting that such "adverse reactions" are "extremely rare". However, the majority of these stories are only focusing on blood clots in the brain which "may be" associated with the Janssen Covid-19 vaccine. What about blood clots in other parts of the body? And what about all of the blood clots that have been reported with the AstraZeneca vaccine, the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine, and the Moderna Vaccine?

Strangely, there appears to be a rather puzzling discrepancy that is occurring between the blood clot cases involving the Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna vaccines that are being reported by the FDA, and those that are being reported by European regulatory agencies (i.e. zero cases vs. many cases).

"No Clear Causal Relationship"


Drug manufacturers are usually quick to say that there is "no clear causal relationship" that exists between their products and any adverse reactions or deaths experienced by their consumers. Yet, time after time, these same drug manufacturers have been caught in court having full knowledge of such information, while at the same time, denying  such knowledge to consumers and continuing to sell their products as if they were safe.

According to

It is important to understand that proper surveillance of vaccine adverse reactions is dependent upon the complete and accurate reporting of such events by both the public and the media.

It is believed that only about 10% of total vaccine adverse reactions are actually reported to VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) and to similar reporting systems around the world. This is because, on one hand, many people aren't even aware that these systems exist. And, on the other hand, there is usually significant opposition within the established medical system to associate any adverse reactions and/or deaths with vaccines (and other pharmaceuticals). Furthermore, in other countries (especially developing countries) many adverse reactions and deaths go unreported and unrecognized because there simply aren't any reliable reporting systems to track such events (or easy access to medical facilities for patients).


Denial of causal relationship, denial of responsibility, and gaslighting (crazy person syndrome) are common tactics that are employed by Big Pharma and the medical establishment to squash awareness when a patient tries to report any vaccine related adverse reactions to their doctors or to the media.

Gaslighting and similar psychological tactics can also be regularly seen with the suppression, censorship, and banning of alternate information which exists outside of the official narrative. This typically applies to anyone (public or professional) that dares to ask any questions regarding the safety and/or efficacy of vaccines.

What about the thousands of other adverse reactions and the growing number of deaths that have been associated with Covid-19 vaccines (besides just blood clots)? These events are also being actively suppressed and censored by the government, by Big Pharma, by the medical establishment, by the mainstream media, and by social media. And this is just the short-term adverse effects. What about the possible "unknown" long-term health effects such as immune suppression, auto-immune disease, cancer, genetic damage, fertility issues, cognitive decline, and other serious health problems. If they are already denying a causal relationship within hours, days, or weeks of being vaccinated, what do you think that your chances will be of proving any causal relationship months or years later?

I recently read a number of articles that attempted to distance Covid vaccines from any adverse reactions by stating that we just don't have enough information yet to conclusively establish a positive link between these events and the vaccines. Huh? Isn't this precisely why it typically takes ten years or more to develop a new vaccine, properly test it, and surveil any possible short-term or long-term adverse reactions? How can the establishment seriously say that these vaccines are still safe and effective when people are being treated like guinea pigs in a completely reckless RNA/DNA drug trial experiment that is accompanied by numerous major adverse reactions and deaths?  

Big Pharma Cares


Clearly these vaccines are not as safe as they would like us to believe they are. So why do government health czars, politicians, media talking heads, Big Pharma reps, celebrities, and cognitively/ethically challenged presidential figureheads continue to assert that they are approved and safe? These vaccines are not approved (they are "authorized" under emergency use only) and they are not proven to be effective or safe (they are an experimental treatment that is still in ongoing "clinical" trials with billions of human beings around the world acting as test subjects).

Do you think that these people really care about public safety? Do you think that they really care about the truth and the transparent disclosure and discussion of facts? Of course not. If they did care, they would not insist on being granted immunity from any liability associated with their products. And if they cared, they wouldn't be trying to censor and ban anyone that tries to engage in the discussion of facts that exist outside of the official narrative. And if they cared, they wouldn't be constantly trying to downplay the frequency and severity of adverse reactions and deaths that are associated with their products. And if they cared, they wouldn't be trying to hide any conflicts of interest that exist between many of the so-called medical experts (policy makers) and Big Pharma and other private interests.

If their intent was indeed honorable and benevolent, many of the vaccine and drug policy makers wouldn't have openly expressed their interest in carrying out various eugenics programs, GMO (modification and ownership of life) programs, and population control programs.

And if they truly did care, why haven't they paused the lockdowns and other restrictions after these measures have been shown to be completely ineffective (by their own data) and extremely harmful to the mental health (mental illness and suicide rates), physical health (declining public health), and the economic health (mass unemployment and small business closures) of the people that they claim to care so much about?

Something, actually many things, are clearly not right here.

Footnote: I am a strong proponent of freewill, freedom of choice, and true human (natural) rights. However, these things can only be truly exercised and realized when they are combined together with true awareness, full disclosure, complete understanding, and informed consent. This is not what is happening with regards to the so-called "pandemic" and the Covid vaccination program. I recently spoke to an elderly woman who had just gotten vaccinated. She told me that she decided to get vaccinated because she always gets the flu shot each year and she figured that she might as well get the Covid vaccination as well. When I tried to explain to her, in layman's terms, that the flu vaccine and the (Moderna) Covid vaccine are based on completely different technologies, she looked at me like I was speaking another language. She had no idea that the vaccine that she just consented to was based on experimental mRNA technology or that the vaccine was not approved for public use (only authorized under emergency). She also hadn't been informed of any adverse reactions related to the vaccine she just took. Clearly this woman was not properly informed before she accepted the vaccine. In fact, I would say that she was actually greatly mis-informed (with propaganda) based on what she communicated to me. With regards to informed consent, it's also interesting to note that blood clots were reported (and suppressed) in association with the use of various types of "gene therapy" in the past (as discussed in the post on 11-22-20). Situations like these are a clear violation of the Hippocratic Oath (first do no harm), a violation of Natural Human Rights, and a violation of the principles set forth in the Nuremberg Code.


Pawsing the Godzilla-Big Pharma-Great Reset-New Normal-Technocratic-Scientism Establishment Tyranny
Don't mess with Paw Power

Score One For Truth and The Resistance?
Responsible action? Or, is this temporary vaccine pause just a PR stunt to try
and show us that Big Pharma and Big Government really do care about
the health and safety of their (test) subjects?

Vaccine Success Story


Year of the Cat

Related Reading 

The Gates of Hell
  (please see the 5-12-20 post on this page)

Lessons From the Time Loop
(please see the 11-22-20 post on this page) 

Two - It's a Choice
(please see the 12-5-18 post on this page)  

Red Alert
(please see the 5-20-20 post on this page) 



The Super-Variant-Mutant-Covid-Godzilla Virus



Do you ever feel like we are living in a comic book reality?

Have you heard what the latest threat is? Apparently, there is a new Godzilla super-variant-mutant covid virus on the loose that is made up of 18 different mutations, and it is coming to get you!

At the same time this is happening, Japan has decided to begin dumping large amounts of radioactive waste from the Fukushima Daiichi Power Plant into the ocean. Wasn't this the plot of some famous Japanese monster movie?

Oh yeah, and Elon Musk's business partner also recently said that he can build a real 'Jurassic Park' with genetically modified dinosaurs.

It appears that the elite have gone completely mad and have decided to hand over the covid/virus/crisis/monster movie script to comic book writers. Where the story goes from here is anyone's guess (actually for those that have been paying attention, we already know where this is headed).




Old World, Present World, and New World Order



Watching the videos below will require an investment of your time. However, the knowledge, awareness, and understanding that can be gleaned from them is well worth the time and effort.

Present World - Science Says

In this video, James Corbett discusses the religion of Science-ology, the troubling trend towards scientific "extremism" (i.e. independent thought and open scientific debate), and the threat that science "deniers" (i.e. those who question officially approved policy) pose to the safety and security of the global community.

We have a new terrorism threat in the world, and it is defined by anyone that dares to think independently or follow the true scientific method (unbiased observation, proper evaluation of evidence, open discussion/debate, and logical conclusion). This is where we are right now, in the Present World.

Old World - Rockefeller Medicine

This video discusses the history of the Rockefeller-inspired modern medical system. This is the Old World Past that has led us to the Present World.

New World - The Great Tech-ology Reset

Some of the topics presented in this video may sound like "fringe" information to some. However, much of this information has actually been openly discussed by the ruling elite for many years now (and in some cases for decades). It has also been slowly preprogrammed (both overtly and covertly) into the minds of the masses through the media and the entertainment industry.

The ruling elite have openly stated that they wish to totally control every aspect of our lives -- from the physical (what we can see, what we can do, and where we can go), to the psychological (what we are allowed to think and say), and to the spiritual (how they choose to define our internal and external reality). This is the unfolding New World Future, unless things change.


Footnote: Apparently this latest video from James Corbett has violated YouTube's "community guidelines" regarding the dissemination of unapproved information and, thus, his account has been terminated by the Skynet/Terminator/Technocratic/Matrix System. As many regular readers know, I have referenced quite a few of James' videos over the years because they are well-researched and contain valuable and factual information. James' YouTube termination is just another example and a confirmation of everything that was discussed in his video above. David Whitehead is another content creator who has also produced some great videos over the years (third video in this post). His YouTube account was also terminated for discussing unapproved information. These are just two examples of a very long (and growing) list of YouTube accounts that have been terminated over the last year for simply asking valid questions and discussing factual information which has been deemed to be "harmful" to the public (i.e. harmful to the official narrative and agendas of the elite). I plan on spending some time during the next few weeks trying to reconstruct some of the video links in this blog that have been terminated by YouTube (which may now be available on other platforms). It's a real shame what YouTube is doing with censorship. It used to be a great platform for sharing information.


You Can't Be Serious?


Many years ago, I used to occasionally watch a news program from a well-known person in the "truth community". This person would sometimes try to differentiate his content from other content on YouTube by contrasting the serious nature of his news vs. the enormous number of cat videos on YouTube.

As many people probably know, I love animals and sometimes incorporate them into my writing. However, this wasn't always the case. For some reason, I thought that if I included animals in my writing (especially cats), people might not take me seriously. I'm not sure why I felt this way (couldn't have been unrecognized programming) because I usually just write about what I think is important, regardless of how people might receive it or perceive it.

Back in 2017, I was beginning to get pretty burned out on writing. But then I met someone who reminded me about something very important...the importance of always being yourself in all aspects of your life (regardless of what other people might say). As a result of this, I got inspired to write again and began to incorporate more animal themes into my posts (the cute kind of animals, not the animals that tend to run this world).

I decided to do this for a number of different reasons. One, it helped to breakup the monotony of the never-ending fear-based news cycle. Two, it helped to keep me sane during times when I was researching darker subject matter. Three, it was another way to potentially reach people that may not otherwise be open to considering non-mainstream subject matter. Four, animals make me smile and feel good, and I think that they do the same thing for other people as well. And five, humans sometimes have a hard time expressing love and compassion towards each other, however, they seem to be able to do this more easily with animals. I think that animals can sometimes teach us more about ourselves, than what we can teach us about ourselves.


Fact Check -- Light has been shown to be "harmful" to society (hence the need for the
Gates inspired geoengineering plan and the widespread censorship of free speech).


USM stands for Unacceptable Subject Matter. Of course, there is some subject matter that is genuinely inappropriate to express in certain circumstances. However, today it is less about what is acceptable, and more about what is officially approved (by the state).

If we allow ourselves to be censored, and we engage in self-censorship, then one of our most valuable and most cherished rights will be lost...the right to free speech (and, by extension, the right to free thought).

Perspective and Perception


A person can write or say one thing, however, it can be interpreted as many different things by many different people. This is just part of living in a truly diverse world.

On the other hand, sometimes a person can write or say one thing, but it can be interpreted in a completely different way based on what has been programmed into the receiver. This is a result of living in a manufactured world of propaganda, inversion, and uniformity.

Lessons Learned


1. All of us have blind spots. Many times we are unable to see our own blindness without the eyes of others to help us see. This is one of the reasons why true diversity is so important in this world (and why manufactured uniformity can be so destructive).

2. People often come into your life for a reason (sometimes for a very important reason). It is an amazing world that we live in. Don't ever take this life, or your "random" experiences, for granted.

3. I love cats. Some people hate cats. Some people don't like animals in general. You can't please everyone all the time, nor should you try to.

4. Be yourself. And be sincere in what you like, what you express, and what is important to you. If you are sincere and true to yourself, others will recognize this and will be more likely to take you seriously in the end.

5. Sometimes there are important things that can be learned from silence. However, when silence becomes the driver and free speech becomes the passenger, then the destination can become a nightmare.

6. There is a time to be serious. And there is a time for humor. And, sometimes, there is room for both at the same time.

7. You must be careful when using sarcasm today. In some cases, sarcasm can be used quite effectively to point out the ridiculous and absurd nature of something. However, other times, those that have been heavily programmed will not see sarcasm as being sarcasm. Rather, they will see it as your agreement and support of the absurd.

8. People can sometimes recognize 100 different lies, but fail to see the one lie that matters the most.

Peace to All.


Leap of Faith
We all have within us what is needed to change this world for the better.
Sometimes all that is necessary to make that change happen is a leap
of in ourselves, and faith in our own abilities.

Patience and Consideration
If this was a human being trying to cross the road, would people stop for them?
And if it was a human being, would people wait patiently, or would they
 incessantly and annoyingly honk their horns at them? I guess
that really depends whether or not you live in NY City.
There is also another element of this video that is
relevant to what was discussed above. Can
you pick it out?



Easter Eggs



The best gift that one can give to another on Easter is an Easter Egg filled with Truth, Knowledge, and Understanding (conscious awareness, compassion, and empathy).

Jesus said, "If you bring forth what is within you, what you have will save you. If you do not have that within you, what you do not have within you will kill you." (The Gospel of Thomas).



Submit to Governing Authorities (God made government?)

Romans 13 (NIV): Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. 2 Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. 3 For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended. 4 For the one in authority is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God's servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. 5 Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also as a matter of conscience. 6 This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God's servants, who give their full time to governing.

In other words, God made government. And since government was established by God, then the "authorities" of government are an extension of God. Therefore, you must obey your rulers and not rebel against them or you will be punished and bear their wrath. In the eyes of government (and the authorities) a "wrongdoing" is defined as any action that challenges their authority (regardless of whether their authority is right or wrong). And doing what is "right", is actually not doing what is right, but rather is doing what is "correct" (approved of) as it defined by the rulers and the government. As strange as it may sound, to many people, the government is actually looked at as God, and the president is viewed as the savior.



-- a person who has authority, control, or power over others; a master or a ruler.

Authority -- the power to influence or command thought, opinion, or behavior.

Citizen -- a legally recognized subject or national of a state or commonwealth.

Subject -- a person under the control or dominion of another.

Hierarchy -- hier (sacred or priestly) and archy (rule). A group of persons or things organized into successive ranks or grades, with each level subordinate to the one above (i.e. rule by the "sacred" priest class).

The definitions above are directly related to the concepts of freewill, individual
responsibility, compliance, obedience, consent, and consequence.


Freewill  -- the ability to choose, think, and act voluntarily.

Responsibility --  the state of being responsible, accountable, or answerable.

Compliance -- willingness to follow a prescribed course of treatment; acquiescence.

Obedience -- the quality or state of willingly carrying out the wishes of others; acquiescence.

Consent --  to permit, approve, or agree; to comply or yield.

Consequence -- a result or effect of some previous occurrence.

Fear of the Lord

One thing leads to another

Why are there so many references to Fear of the Lord in the Bible? Why are there so many references to fear of lords, masters, and rulers in society?

How many "lords" exist in this world? How about the government? How about political parties? How about presidents, governors, and mayors? How about kings and queens? How about judges and courts? How about the police and the military? How about lieutenants, captains, majors, colonels, and generals? How about bosses? How about teachers? How about priests? How about landlords? How about medical authorities (lords)? How about scientific authorities (lords)? How about technology authorities (lords)? In fact, our entire society is built upon the principles of hierarchy and blind obedience to the lords, masters, and rulers of those hierarchies.

From the Lords of Freedom, Safety, and Security -- Here is your passport
to government/corporate regulated freewill and freedom.


Why does the Bible teach its followers to Fear the Lord? Why does government teach its followers to fear the lord (of authority)? Why do so many religious belief systems teach their followers to fear the lord of their religion? It's because fear destroys rational consciousness (logical independent thinking) and encourages irrational behavior and blind obedience, or reactive "I heard" (herd) mentality.

A truly benevolent being would never require its followers to worship them, nor would a benevolent being attempt to control its followers with fear or coercion. So why do so many people accept fear, coercion, and control as something that is good and benevolent?

True Leadership vs. False Authority

State Police? Or, Police State?

False authority gains power and control over others through the use of fear, lies, propaganda, intimidation, and coercion. True leadership, on the other hand, gains the respect of others through the pursuit and the application of Truth and Understanding (conscious awareness, compassion, and empathy).

Many Religions, Same Result


How does this relate to the bigger picture? The reality is that the words contained within Romans 13 above are not just limited to the government, the Bible, or to Christianity. Rather, they apply to a much broader set of belief systems and religious convictions that are practiced under a variety of different names such as science, technology, medicine, media, society, and "cult"ure.

Lord Fauci -- The final word on science!


Who can argue with an authority like that?



Do and say as you are told...or else.

Context and Perception


When numbers and statistics are manipulated, the views and perceptions of people can be manipulated. And when information is incomplete or taken out of context, the views and perceptions of people can be manipulated. And when data is over-simplified or made overly-complex, the views and perceptions of people can be manipulated. And when logic and reason are replaced by fear and propaganda, the views and perceptions of people can be manipulated. And when (false) logic takes the place of intuition and common sense, the views and perceptions of people can be manipulated.

The Rest of the Story


So what is in the rest of Romans 13?

Love Fulfills the Law

8 Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law. 9 The commandments, "You shall not commit adultery", “You shall not murder", "You shall not steal", "You shall not covet", and whatever other command there may be, are summed up in this one command: "Love your neighbor as yourself". 10 Love does no harm to a neighbor. Therefore, love is the fulfillment of the law.

The Day Is Near

11 And do this, understanding the present time: The hour has already come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. 12 The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light.13 Let us behave decently, as in the daytime, not in carousing and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and debauchery, not in dissension and jealousy. 14 Rather, clothe yourselves with Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the flesh. 

Night and Light

Night light

There is much wisdom in the words underlined above. However, is the night almost over? Or has it only just begun? I think that really depends on us (all of us). As discussed previously, Jesus (in esoteric terms) is a metaphor for "the Light", and "the Light" is a metaphor for Wisdom and Understanding. How we choose to pursue and utilize knowledge, awareness, and understanding will ultimately determine whether the outcome (our future) is one that is based on wisdom, or one that is based on ignorance.

Our "neighbor" is actually everyone and everything that exists outside of ourselves. And the idea of doing "no harm" is not just defined by one situation, one point of view, or one point in time. Rather, it is applicable to everything and everyone (all individuals) all of the time. This is important to understand because the idea of doing no harm can be manipulated in such a way that doing no harm (i.e. the perception of it) can actually result in the greatest harm of all. This is what is happening in the world right now.



There is usually much more to the story than what is presented to us by the "priests and clergy" of media, government, science, medicine, technology, and other (potentially religious) belief systems of our manufactured matrix society.

The Light of Wisdom and Understanding exists within all of us and it can be found and realized by anyone who sincerely looks for it.

Peace to All.

Footnote #1: This post is not intended to promote or discredit Christianity (or any other religion). Rather, it is simply meant to serve as an example of what can happen when independent freewill and independent (critical) thinking is replaced with apathy, conformity, uniformity, complacency, consent, dependency, and blind loyalty to a perceived "authority", "savior", or "religion". Governments are not setup by God. Government "authorities" are not agents of God. And taxes are not offerings to God. Governments are not our savior, they are our enslaver. And religion is not our savior either. The only one that can truly save us is ourselves (through knowledge, awareness, understanding, and right action). Should any of this matter to someone that is not religious and/or doesn't look at government as a savior? Yes, because institutionalized religion (and government) is just one example of many similar types of "programs" that are intricately interwoven throughout society. Since democracy is based on a majority rules mentality, this means that the rulers (priest class) don't have to program an entire society, they only need to influence 51% in their favor.

Footnote #2: This is an expansion on a previous post that was made on 4-4-20.


Long As I Can See the Light



Related Reading

Metaphorically Speaking
(please see the 1-22-20 post on this page)


The Twilight Zone



I just received some important (and rather disturbing) news from a very reliable source in Washington. Apparently, the events that we have been experiencing over the last thirteen months were the result of accident that occurred at CERN back in January of 2020.

After careful study of the accident, scientists have concluded that we have actually been living in a parallel reality during the last year. Fortunately, technicians have corrected the problem and are currently implementing additional safety protocols to ensure that similar accidents do not occur in the future.

I've been told that Jen Psaki will hold a press conference later today and will officially announce that we will be circling back around to normal beginning sometime in the near future.

"There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call the Twilight Zone."



Twilight Zone

Lessons From the Zone

 To Serve Man

Eye of the Beholder

Footnote: In case it wasn't obvious, this was an April Fools joke. I don't actually believe that there was an accident that occurred at CERN which propelled us into an alternate reality or another dimension. However, it is very clear that we are, in fact, living in a completely different world than what existed just thirteen months ago. The real question is this -- is this new reality a result of randomly occurring natural events, or is it actually a result of a pre-planned, pre-scripted, and pre-war-gammed crisis that is designed to fulfill the goals of the ruling elite (more power and more control)? Of course, this is a rhetorical question because it is clear that none of what has happen over the last thirteen months is random, natural, or for the greater good of society.

The most important information in any given situation or scenario almost always exists below the surface. This is also true of the two Twilight Zone episodes linked above. While there are some important lessons to be learned from the main themes of these two stories, the real lessons actually exist in the themes that are presented below the surface. Some of these themes include manufactured fear vs. conscious awareness, conformity vs. individuality, seeing vs. believing, apathy vs. consequence, true diversity vs. manufactured unity, herding vs. hear(d)ing, truth vs. lies, blindness vs. sight, corrupt authority vs. individual responsibility, freedom vs. confinement, masking reality vs. unmasking reality, and programmed majority vs. minority dissent.

Manufactured fear is a tool of control. But what about conscious awareness? Can't that also result in the creation of fear as well? Promoting awareness (unlike manufacturing fear) helps to create greater understanding which has the potential to lead to the realization of greater truths, better thought processes, and more informed decisions. Awareness (unlike manufactured fear) does not attempt to hide the truth, redefine language (for the benefit of the few), limit critical thinking, squash free speech, or outlaw productive debate. Rather, it creates an environment where individuals and societies can eventually move past fear through truth, greater awareness, and better understanding. On the other hand, when unfounded (manufactured) fear is blindly believed, accepted, and adhered to by people in society, it often results in unconscious thoughts, behaviors, and actions that can result in very harmful outcomes for the people (and a malignant growth of power and control for the few, over the many).


The Fear Merchants



The videos below are an example of what the criminal covid mafia sounds like when it becomes desperate and begins to lose control of its false narrative, its lies, and its propaganda. It is also a good example of classic psychopathic behavior and the psychological manipulation techniques that psychopaths use to try and control others.


Normally, it would be the insane psychopaths that are muzzled, locked up, and drugged. However,
in this increasingly inverted world that we live in, somehow the insane psychopaths have
found a way to muzzle, lock up, and drug the general population instead.


Loosing Control of the Narrative
(a.k.a. the psychopath recognition training video)
Notice the ratio of likes to dislikes in this video.


After listening to the video above, it kind of makes me wish
that I had a pie to give to the guy in the middle.



Covid Doomsday -- It's 100 seconds till midnight...for the next 100 years.

Doomsday Prediction

Ok, listen up everybody (says the new CDC director)....Now I am going to read from my teleprompter, "off-script", and hold back my fake crocodile tears as I talk about more covid doomsday death predictions and ask you all to hold on just a little bit longer and help us to flatten the curve for just a few more.............years.

Does anyone remember at the beginning of the plandemic, way back in 2020, when they told us that we were fighting a great war against an "invisible enemy"? Where have we heard that one before? Isn't that what they told us at the beginning of the Afghanistan War about 20 years ago (i.e. all we need to do is just flatten the "terrorists" and then everything will go back to normal)?

How many different groups and "factions" of terrorists did they come up with in order to try and justify the twenty-year-long (never-ending) War on Terrorism? How many different "variants", "mutations", and other infectious agents will they come up with to try and justify the never-ending War on Humanity (oops, I mean the never-ending War on the Invisible Enemy)?

The reality is that a real doomsday will in fact occur if people continue to blindly follow the lies and propaganda of the "authorities" and continue to consume their poison without question (physical, psychological, and spiritual poison).

How Much Do You Care?

This story is very similar to the videos above. In other words, if you really care, then you will blindly do what you are told and follow the officially approved and sanctioned science (not actual science that is based on observation, evaluation, and open debate).

According to Chris Cuomo, this is about "the pledge of allegiance to the collective". And if you don't do what we tell you, then you are all killers. Of course this is a complete inversion of what actually happens when people blindly follow collectives that are set up by the corrupt ruling elite (and their pawns).

This is what an allegiance to the collective actually looks like. And this...


The Borg Collective.



Get Together
When people independently come together based on what is Right and True, then there is an
opportunity for True Unity and Real Community to occur. However, when people are
corralled together based on lies, fear, propaganda, censorship, deception, and false
authority, then there is a real danger of a (Borg) collective being created.

Related Reading

I Pledge My Allegiance To?
(Please see the 7-11-19 post on this page)


The Fourth Reich


Lawmakers ask Biden to issue waiver to make Covid-19
vaccination mandatory for members of military

From the video at the top of the page:

"Each needle, a precision weapon from pharmaceutical companies, instead of defense contractors".

The global elite likes to cite the Nuremberg Code when it is convenient for them and it is in their best interest to do so. However, when it conflicts with any of their agendas, they simply dismiss the Nuremberg Code as being a "code for barbarians" (not applicable to the "civilized" western world). Similarly, when it is convenient for them and it is in their best interest to do so, they cite experiments on humans as being something that is barbaric. However, when it conflicts with any of their agendas, they dismiss the ongoing experimentation on human beings (and eugenics programs) as simply being "conspiracy theory" or "disinformation".




It has been said that money makes the world go round.
However, is it really money? Or, is it actually Love?

Jumping for Joy
This dog isn't excited to be at the vet. Actually, he is excited
because the receptionist just told him that she Loves him.

Fawning for Love
True Love transcends all boundaries
and is felt across all species.

Lost and Found
Love is not just about horsing around and having a good time.
It's also about the Love, the connections, and the
bonds that we all share with each other.

Best Friends
The dog and cat in this video obviously don't watch television and haven't been
programmed with the racist divide and conquer strategies of the elite.
They only know one thing...the love that they have for each other.

Related Reading
Other facets of Love

(Please see the 1-3-20 post on this page)
Love isn't about passivity, false unity, manufactured inclusivity, or politically correct
social justice. It is about doing what is actually Right and True and standing up
for those principles when you see
real harm (not propagandized harm)
being committed against yourself or others.


Happy Freedom Day!




 Peace, Love, and FREEDOM to All

When every day is Freedom Day

Footnote: I had originally included a number of songs from U2 in this post that I thought were inspirational. The songs that I linked were specifically chosen because I think that they helped to convey the importance of Love in this world and how important it is to never lose sight of it, or give up on it, no matter how bad things may get (or how much those in power try to confuse the true meaning of Love, try to invert it, or try to suppress it). Like many other bands and independent artists out there, U2 has expressed political views over the years that I don't necessary agree with. However, that doesn't change the nature of their music, the great lyrics contained within many of their songs, or the amazing shows that U2 has put on over the years. In particular, the Slane Castle performance of "Where the Streets Have No Name" is, in my opinion, one the greatest rock performances of all time. The participation and the interaction of the crowd in this performance is just amazing. I grew up listening to U2 and still fondly remember some of their early videos on MTV (when MTV used to actually play music videos). Regardless of what their political or personal views may be, U2 is still one of my favorite bands and always will be. Their ability to write and perform music that inspires others, brings people together, and touches the hearts and souls of so many in the way that they do is a rare gift and one that deserves to be recognized. Unfortunately the link to the Slane Castle concert, which was on the official U2 YouTube channel, has been taken down, so I am including a link to another song instead.


Shots in Arms and Money in Pockets


A public service message from the Masked Marauder and the
Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda.

I saw a number of media outlets today praising Biden's "Shots in Arms and Money in Pockets" initiative. However, is this "program" really deserving of such praise? Lets take a closer look at it:

To put this perspective, it would be like an abusive husband locking his wife in the closet for a year, telling her that she can't work, starving her, and then after 12 months of this abuse, he decides to give her a few dollars, a meal, and allows her to go outside for a day. Then, after all of this, the husband is praised as being a hero by his wife and all of the neighbors. There is actually a name for this. It's called Stockholm Syndrome.

"By means of shrewd lies, unremittingly repeated, it is possible to make people believe that heaven is hell, and hell is heaven. The greater the lie, the more readily it will be believed." -- Adolph Hitler

Do not believe the lie. Do not accept inverted reality as being actual reality. And do not accept inverted truth as being the new (and ongoing) normal.


Everybody Dance Now


"It is a quite special secret pleasure how the people around us fail
to realize what is really happening to them." -- Adolph Hitler.

Fortunately, more and more people are beginning to see through this scamdemic and see it for what it really is. However, there are also a great number of people that continue to blindly dance to the propaganda that is being fed to them by the global elite. Why is that?

Bubble Reality


As people move along the timeline in the image above, the real past and the planned future remain hidden from them. This is because so much noise is constantly being funneled into their present. This results in a narrowing of vision, a limited attention span, and a lack focus.

Every once in a while, a few fragments of true reality do make their way into the bubble. However, the effect of those fragments is usually short-lived because the noise of unreality quickly drowns out any sense of true reality.

While in the bubble, most people are unable to clearly see their (planned) future or see the actual past. Because of this, nothing seems to make any sense (everything appears to be random and chaotic). Having the ability to clearly see the true past and the planned future is essential in understanding the actual present and changing the potential future.

Ministries of the Matrix


The Ministry of Truth hides the past through book burnings, censorship, cancel culture, propaganda, noise, drugging of the population, and the thinning out the older generation (the keepers of true history).

The Ministry of Truth creates the future through the management of perception (of the past and the present) and through book burnings, censorship, propaganda, noise, and by drugging, programming, and herding the younger generation (the holders of the future).

The Ministry of Love creates loyalty to Big Brother, Big Tech, Big Pharma, etc through fear, propaganda, lies, censorship, corruption, brainwashing, violence, suppression, oppression, policing, the inversion of reality, surveillance, intimidation, coercion, and similar acts of love, kindness, and affection.

The Ministry of Peace creates peace through war, destruction, obscene military budgets, sanctions, starvation, offensive defense, secrecy, drone strikes, missiles, bombs, killing, maiming, coups, regime changes, and other acts of peace and tranquility.

The Ministry of Plenty creates abundance by destroying the economy, locking down society, closing independent small businesses, creating mass unemployment, patenting food (and other life) through GMOs, and purchasing all of the water rights and independent farmland in the world.

Parallels From the Past
(More Lessons From the Time Loop)


The Third Reich also had their own "public relations" Ministry. It was called the "Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda" (oxymoron). How was Hitler able to hypnotize an entire nation so quickly and so easily? How about a few quotes:

"A man who has no sense of history is like a man who has no ears or no eyes." -- Adolph Hitler

"Terrorism is the best political weapon, for nothing drives people harder than a fear of sudden death." -- Adolph Hitler

"I use emotion for the many, and reserve reason for the few." -- Adolph Hitler

"The greater the crime perpetrated by the leadership, the less likely it is that the people will ever believe their leaders to be capable of perpetrating such an event." -- Adolph Hitler

"By means of shrewd lies, unremittingly repeated, it is possible to make people believe that heaven is hell, and hell is heaven. The greater the lie, the more readily it will be believed." -- Adolph Hitler

"Our strategy is to destroy the enemy from within, to conquer him through himself." -- Adolph Hitler

"What good fortune for those in power that people do not think." -- Adolph Hitler

"National socialism is the determination to create a new man. There will no longer exist any individual arbitrary will, nor realms in which the individual belongs to himself. The time of happiness as a private matter is over." -- Adolph Hitler

"National Socialism will use its own revolution for establishing of a New World Order." -- Adolph Hitler

"We have to put a stop to the idea that it is a part of everybody's civil rights to say whatever he pleases." -- Adolph Hitler

"If the lie is large enough, everyone will believe it." -- Adolph Hitler

"If you wish the sympathy of the broad masses, you must tell them the crudest and most stupid things." -- Adolph Hitler

"When an opponent declares, 'I will not come over to your side', I calmly say, 'Your child belongs to us already...What are you? You will pass on. Your descendants, however, now stand in the new camp. In a short time they will know nothing else but this new community.'" -- Adolph Hitler

"Let me control the textbooks, and I will control the state." -- Adolph Hitler

"He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future." -- Adolph Hitler 

What's New in the News?


The White House is set to unveil a wide-reaching, billion-dollar campaign aimed at convincing every American to get vaccinated -- Don't be fooled by the propaganda -- Don't be fooled by the pull-your-heart-strings news stories about miracle vaccines that will bring us back to normal. Don't be fooled by the manufactured vaccine scarcity and "everybody is cutting in front of me" reverse psychology psyops (see below). Don't be fooled by the fake polls that make it seem like there is way more demand for the vaccine than there really is. The truth is, not that many people actually want the vaccine. This is why they are spending a billion dollars on a marketing and propaganda campaign.

Most Americans don't want to return to the office unless their employers require the vaccine for all workers -- Really? That is not what I am hearing from most people. Fact check = BS.

California's huge COVID-19 vaccine expansion relies on trust. Will cheaters stay away? -- Those damn cheaters! They are ruining it for the millions upon millions of people that are anxiously awaiting to be vaccinated. Fact check = BS

The head of the CDC says the US could face a COVID-19 surge after more than 1.3 million Americans traveled around spring break -- Everywhere I look I'm seeing stories of surges, mutations, variants, and third waves. It seems rather coincidental that this big surge of sickness and death is supposed to happen at the same time that the vaccines are being rolled out. There is no way that any of that sickness and death could be related to the vaccines. No way. Not possible.

Florida woman who received Covid vaccine while pregnant gave birth to baby with antibodies, say doctors -- This may sound like a great news story to some. However, it is probably very concerning to others. This means that, potentially, the genetic instructions from the vaccine that the mother took could also be transferred to the baby as well (in addition to the antibodies).

The CDC thinks 2-year-olds should wear masks in schools, even if everyone else is vaccinated - The things that the evil corrupt rulers are doing to children right now with fear, mask-dehumanization, mask-desocialization, mask submission, masking freedom of speech, oxygen depravation, social distancing, constant covid testing, school freedom passes (see below), safety pods, gender blurring, etc are going to have very serious long-term psychological effects on the children (and the children of the children).

LA schools to track every kid using Microsoft's 'Daily Pass' COVID App -- This is literally like being in a prison or internment camp.

 Hear your own music, dance to your own
tune, and follow your own path.


(This is the path that they want you to follow)

Everybody Dance Now

Push It
There is a reason why the establishment chose Salt-n-Pepa to perform "Push It" on the eve of 2020.
The so-called elite were telling us then, in no uncertain terms, that they were going to "push"
their agenda in 2020 and make everyone dance to their tune in the new year.

"Now wait a minute, y'all
This dance ain't for everybody
Only the sexy (trendy/programmed) people
So all you fly mothers
Get on out there and dance
Dance, I said!"


The Dancing Plague

Related Reading

2012 Olympic Games - Opening Ceremony

Alternate Future

Tick Tock
I'm not talking about a TikTok illusion, or a Klaus Schwab paradise, or an
Agenda 2030 utopia. I just mean a bright unmanipulated future
that is built on a foundation of what is good and right.

May Day
Timing is Everything



Calendar dates are very important to the corrupt ruling elite. That is why whenever I hear a specific date mentioned in one of their news releases or by one their script-reading-tele-prompter-following puppets, I take notice.

May Day, in particular, is a very important day. Like many other dates, numbers, symbols, shapes, and concepts, there are usually a number of different meanings that are associated with it. One of those meanings is typically associated with the mainstream traditional understanding of it. Another one of the meanings is usually associated with the occult (hidden) meaning of it. And the last meaning is usually associated with the dark occult meaning of it (which is almost always an inversion of the original meaning). In any given situation, one of these meanings is usually understood by the general population, while the other two remain hidden from them.

I found a pretty good write-up about this topic on the web. Therefore, rather than creating a long post about it myself, I thought that I would just provide the link to it below.


Full vaccine eligibility occurs on May 1. There are three different meanings
here. One of them is the mainstream meaning, one of them is the
occult meaning, and one of them is the dark occult meaning.


Cruella is scheduled to be released sometime in May. There are three different
meanings here. One of them is the mainstream meaning, one of them
is the occult meaning, and one of them is the dark occult meaning.


May Day
(Stillness in the Storm)


Democratic Tyranny, Technocratic Democracy,
Collective Uniformity, and Community Inspired
Awareness and Understanding



For an agenda to be effective, the rulers don't have to program and control everyone. They just need to program enough people to create the support and momentum that is necessary to carry out the agenda.


What is a democracy? Is democracy really a system where "everyone is treated equally and has equal rights" (Merriam-Webster)? Or is it actually a political and social system where a programmed majority rules over a dissenting minority (by way of a tiny class of ruler/technocrats who program and control the majority)? Is everyone's rights really represented in such a system?


The trick presented in the last post doesn't always work on everybody. However, it usually works on a majority of people (greater than 50%). This is also true with other types of psychological programming and conditioning as well. As I have discussed before, it is a simple game of numbers for the ruling class. In other words, all the rulers need to do is create a friendly majority through their own programming (or create a very influential minority that will create the majority for them) and then they can usually accomplish their objectives and realize their agendas through herding, consensus acceptance, and manufactured consent (all of which are functions of the democratic process). In a modern democracy, social media and celebrity "influencers" play a very important role in helping to create and shape the majority.

Data, Data, Data


The more information that you have about someone (or a group, a country, a race, a culture, a political party, a religion, etc), the greater the probability there is that you can successfully program them to respond in the manner that you desire (to a given stimuli). This is the reason why so much time, money, and effort has been dedicated to the study and understanding of human psychology over the last few centuries. It is also the reason why social media is such an important tool for the ruling elite (and the emerging AI).

It Works Both Ways


Think about all the personal data that gets entered into social media databases by its users (likes, dislikes, posts, reactions, friends, family, etc). This data allows the rulers (and AI) to create a very detailed psychological profile about you and then influence you in ways that can be quite scary. However, this system also has the potential to work in reverse as well (for our benefit). By understanding what data is being collected and how that data is being used, people can learn to protect themselves from the unwanted and (previously) unknown influences of Big Tech and Big Brother.

A Trick is Only Effective When The Audience is Distracted and Unaware


Once you learn the secret of a trick, then the illusion ceases to be magic and instead becomes part of your awareness and understanding.

All of us have blind spots (including myself). This is part of the reason why we are all here right now having this unique experience at this particular time. Everyone has a very important purpose on this earth. And a big part of that purpose is for us to help each other to become more aware and more understanding (in our own unique ways).

Feeding the Machine


Two blinds us from one, and prevents us from seeing three. This is also true
for many other things as well (not limited to just the illustration above).


Evil exists and grows in this world because people feed it without consciously realizing it (or they remain willfully ignorant towards their own participation in it). What are you supporting with your job? What are you supporting with your buying habits? What are you supporting with your viewing habits? What are you supporting with your inactions? And what are you supporting with your actions?

How many doctors in the established medical system violate their oath every day by pushing toxic pharmaceuticals and administering dangerous experimental vaccines to their patients (without proper informed consent) because that is what they need to do in order to maintain good standing in their field? How many people in the media repeat what they are told because that is what they have to do to keep their job? How many soldiers fight wars for the elite (and make them richer) because that is what they have been trained to do? How many teachers teach harmful programming and conditioning to their students because that is what they have to do to keep their job? How many times, throughout history, has evil overcome this world because the police and the military have been brainwashed to protect the criminals and enslave the people? How many people in the general population today are going to accept the vaccine simply because they are being coerced into doing so?

Perhaps one day we will realize that it isn't actually the elite that are enslaving is ourselves.

Footnote #1: The trick in the last post may not have worked as well as it normally would have because Youtube decided to put an advertisement right in the middle of it (at least that is what happen when I clicked on the link). However, I would be willing to bet that it still worked on quite a few people even under the less-than-ideal conditions. Now think about all of the stuff that is streamed at us on a daily basis (over and over again) and the effects that those things are having on our personal views and on our behavior patterns.

Footnote #2: A number of celebrities have recently been expressing their excitement over the possibility of getting one of Elon Musk's brain implants (who could have seen that coming?). Is there anything to be concerned about here? Lets see, what has dominated the news lately -- cancel culture, Big Tech censorship, social media bans, political correctness, cyber attacks, etc. Should we really trust Big Tech when it says "trust us"? Do you really want someone to have that kind of access and/or control over your mind, your body, your thoughts, your actions, and your connection to Greater Consciousness? Do you really want someone to be able to directly cancel, censor, or ban what you see and hear if they deem it to be harmful to society (or to their power and control over society)?

Footnote #3: It's usually pretty easy to communicate to people that there are other people that are destroying this world. However, it is much more difficult to communicate to people that one of those people might actually be them (i.e. they may be contributing to, or even actively promoting, their own destruction without even realizing it). In other words, it is usually much easier to see outside of ourselves, than it is to see a reflection of ourselves.

Footnote #4: Here are the answers to the previous post. The first programmed reaction was framed in such a way so that it would lead a person to the second programmed reaction (clicking on the link), which, in turn, would lead to the third programmed reaction in the video. The point of that post was not to see if I could trick you. Rather, it was to point out that personal experience is often the best teacher of all. Many times things appear to happen randomly in the world. However, more often than not, they are aren't as random as they might seem.


Magic Power
There is both good magic and bad magic in the world. What happen
to all the good magic? And why does it seem like all the good
magic has been replaced with bad magic?

Related Reading

Mechanisms of the Matrix

Are Freemasons Evil?
For those that may be wondering, I am not a Freemason and
the image at the top of this page has nothing to do
with Freemasonry or dark occultism.

The Road to Destruction

Monsters Among Us


How Did They Do That?



Do you ever get the feeling like we are living in one big Movie/Matrix/Truman Show/Groundhog Day/Grand Illusion and that somebody is pulling our strings like we were puppets?

What if I said that if you gave me five minutes with almost anyone, I could find five things that they have been programmed with that they were completely unaware of. Do you think that I could do it? I'll give you the first one now. I bet that there were quite a few people that immediately thought "no way, I haven't been programmed like all of those other people out there". Maybe. Maybe not. Click on the link below to see if the first programmed reaction (above) and the second programmed reaction (in the video) apply to you.

This is why I have spent so much time in this series discussing psychology, programming, and conditioning. And it is why you have to be very careful (conscious and aware) when consuming any type of media (TV, movies, news, music, social media, etc).

There is also a third programmed reaction that may apply to you as well. I will reveal that one in the next post.


How Did They Do That?




A Native American elder once described his own inner struggles in this manner:

"Inside of me there are two dogs. One of the dogs is mean and evil. The other dog is good. The mean dog fights the good dog all of the time". When asked which dog wins, he reflected for a moment and replied, "The one that I feed the most".

There are many different ways to feed evil. Sometimes those ways are known to us, and sometimes they are unknown to us. However, no matter how evil is fed, one thing is for sure, if you feed it, it will proliferate.




Let the Show Begin



Have you heard? The next big show is about to begin. Get your popcorn ready and find a nice cozy place on the couch because this one is bound to be good. It should have all the right ingredients to keep the public effectively distracted, divided, and occupied for quite some time (as well as boost MSM ratings in the post-Trump era).

My prediction? Derek Chauvin will either be acquitted or found guilty of a lessor offense. Actually, I don't know what will happen. But I am certain of one thing...the elite would like Derek Chauvin to be acquitted (or receive a slap on the wrist) because that is what would create more racial division, more riots, more chaos, more distraction, and more justification to keep the troops deployed in Washington and in other places around the country (while the corrupt elite continue to perpetuate their crimes against humanity).

Timing is Everything in Show Business

Meanwhile, in other news, more and more reports are coming in of people dying from the jab. But don't worry, according to the government, MSM, and Big Pharma, those are just coincidences (much like the coincidences involving the growing number of people that have been developing serious blood clots and dying right after receiving the jab).

It's funny (actually disturbing) how when someone dies of old age, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, the flu, or getting hit by a car, it is always because of covid-19 (one more statistic for the scary death count). However, when someone gets sick or dies right after getting the vaccine, it is considered to be covid-19, old age, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, or something (anything) other than the vaccine.

Vaccine News


Smoke on the Water

Related Reading

Lessons From the Time Loop
(Please see the 11-22-20 post on this page)





Can you guess how many movies and TV shows have been made about zombies? The answer is hundreds.

Did you know that the CDC has set up an official Zombie Preparedness web page to help deal with the pending zombie apocalypse?

According to the CDC, the Zombie Preparedness web page actually began as sort of a
tongue-in-cheek thing. However, due to the clear and present danger of
zombie proliferation in society, the CDC has apparently decided
to keep the page as a permanent part of their website.

What is one of the most concerning and troubling symptoms (syndromes) of so-called long-term covid?

Did you know that covid-19 is creating zombies in other ways too? It's true. However, according to this article, the real zombies are actually the highly dangerous asymptomatic covid super-spreaders. Better get your vaccine jab as soon as possible. You don't want to be seen as a covid super-spreader-zombie. And don't worry about vaccine envy, jealousy, and resentment. It's a completely natural human response. There is no reason to feel ashamed if you experience it. We understand. This (manufactured) vaccine scarcity is driving everyone crazy!

When will I be able to get my vaccine? I am so tired of people "jumping the line" and getting their jab before me (like droves of people are actually lining up to get the zombie jab without being paid, coerced, or pressured to do it).

Why did you get the jab? My wife made me do it. I wanted more freedom (and more freedom).
My government employer paid me to get it. I wanted to stop vaccine inequality
(vaccine racism) and create more vaccine kindness,
togetherness, and inclusivity in the world.

This is what happens when the family unit is destroyed (concurrently with the destruction of society).

This is what happens when the family unit, the economy, and society is destroyed by corrupt low-level and mid-level pawns that are being directed and influenced by upper-level global elites.


This is what happens when race, gender, and culture (true natural diversity) are attacked and destroyed.

This what happens when people do what they are told (without thinking), blindly follow trends, and lose sight of their humanity, their sanity, and their intelligence.


What happens when intelligence and sanity are attacked as being "dangerous", and insanity and ignorance are re-designated as being normal?

Did you know that the Capital Police have applied for a two month extension of the National Guard deployment at the Capital -- Five thousand troops, fences, barricades, barbed wire, automatic weapons, military equipment...what are they expecting, a zombie apocalypse or something?


I could go on and on about how two weeks to flatten the curve has now turned in to over twelve months of curve flattening. Or, how one face mask has now morphed into two face masks. Or, how one vaccine shot has turned into two vaccine shots, then three vaccine shots, and now annual shots for the ever-mutating endemic variants of covid-19/20/21/22/23/24/25. Or, how the false-positive PCR nasal swab tests have morphed into false-positive anal-swab tests. Or, how the vaccine-like experimental mRNA substance was supposed to let us stop wearing masks, discontinue social distancing, and go back to normal (but now there won't be any normal because normal has been permanently canceled along with all other forms of sanity). Or, I could go on about how the experimental unproven dangerous mRNA vaccines aren't even designed to stop the spread of covid, but simply lesson the symptoms (which kind of makes the whole vaccine passport thing seem kind of silly). Or, how kids are being trained to think that living in a pod is normal. Or, how official research has shown that rubbing your tummy in circles and patting your head at the same time helps to stop the spread of covid (just kidding). Actually, I could keep going on and on and make this the longest paragraph that I have ever written. But I won't do that.

Move along, nothing to see here (or be concerned about).


When wearing a mask and social distancing just isn't enough.


That sure looks fun and healthy.


The Bottom Line

Research has shown that rear-end emissions can pose a significant
threat to the spread of covid-19 (and climate change). The CDC
is currently discussing the situation and will offer updated
mask guidance on this issue in the near future. I am told
that it might include two upper masks and one lower
mask. Or, perhaps two upper and two lower.

What's the bottom line? What usually happens to people (non-zombies) in almost every zombie movie? What usually happens to the actual zombies? It used to be so easy to tell the difference between the humans and the zombies. Why did they have to make things so complicated? With covid-19, how are we going to know for sure who the humans are and who the zombies are?

For now, the CDC is asking people to think about the following scenario and then try to determine the correct answer as best as possible:

I understand that it is difficult to tell the difference these days. Fortunately for us, the CDC is setting up a special checklist on their Zombie Preparedness web page to help people with the correct identification of humans and zombies. I highly recommend that you study this checklist once it is available because it could help to save your life (or the life of a loved one) sometime in the future. You may also want to consider joining a local Save-the-Humans support group as well. The CDC has stated that they plan to include a database of such groups on their Zombie Preparedness web page in the near future. Just remember that you are not alone. There are still many humans left in the world. Be strong. Be human. And be happy (that your are still human).



Zombies (both metaphoric and real) could be roaming around the streets of your city very soon. What can you do? For some possible solutions, please consult the CDC web page and check out the footnotes below.

May God be with us all during this ongoing apocalypse (and holocaust) of everything.

Footnote #1
: Do you see any patterns developing here? If you do see a pattern, then congratulations, you are probably not a zombie (and the next post probably won't shock you). However, if you don't see anything wrong here, then you might want to consider that you may already be a zombie. If that is the case, then you will probably just think that I am a crazy conspiracy theorist that should be on some type mind-numbing medication or in need of a couple of good jabs from Big Pharma. This kind of reminds me of that old saying about how misery loves company. Well zombies love company too. Please don't judge. Don't be racist. And do your part to help promote inclusiveness. And remember, Big Pharma is your friend. Just take your medication, take your jabs, and come join the zombie family!

Footnote #2: Fortunately, I saw this coming many years ago and was able to put together a nice little nest egg selling underground bunkers. So I feel like I am prepared. But are you prepared? If the answer is no, don't worry. I still have a few bunkers available in my BCFS online store which can be purchased for just $99,999! But don't wait, because I have a feeling that they aren't going to last long. However, since I've always considered myself to be an honest salesman, you may want to consider footnote #3 below before making your purchase.

Footnote #3: This article will be updated with further developments. I just wanted to hurry up and post this information quickly for historical posterity since things could go back to normal at any time now.

Footnote #4: Evil only has power because it is given power. Without obedience, ignorance, fear, blind followers, compliance, and consent, evil has no power.

Footnote #5: Peace, Love, Awareness, Understanding, and Freedom to all.

Footnote to footnote #2 (and a footnote for new readers): I actually don't have an online BCFS store and I haven't made a bundle of money selling underground bunkers. That was just a little easter egg for long-time readers. Actually, the idea of underground bunkers has always seemed a little strange (and counter-productive) to me. How can one escape darkness and evil by retreating further into darkness?



Related Reading

The Psychological Control Grid
(Please see the 4-17-19 post on this page)

Building the Matrix
(Please see the 1-25-20 post on this page)




Ready, set, go!

Minefield - a portion of land (field) that contains hidden explosive devices (mines), (2) a field of information that is mine and no one else's (information that is controlled by government, media, corporations, science, technology, medicine, religion, etc).

Have you noticed that communication has become an utter minefield lately? The inversion, corruption, and confusion of words and concepts is everywhere these days. It seems like every day something old is being canceled and "reimagined" for the benefit of the elite (oops, I mean for the greater good of society).

As a result of this trend, I thought that it might be a good idea to try and clarify a few things before I move on to the next post. Of course you are free to view these concepts in your own way and believe what you want. However, I would encourage you to think about the expression of these concepts and how they are being understood in popular society and culture today.

Words and Concepts


Build it Back Better -- New world order from old world chaos.

Words, symbols, and concepts are often hijacked by various entities (governments, institutions, corporations, religions, movements, societies, etc) and then rebranded and redefined as their own in order to confuse/invert the true meaning of these things and limit the scope of real communication, awareness, and understanding.

Blind orthodoxy and rigid dogma define the rules that are established by the rulers (and benefit the rulers). Heresy, on the other hand, is anything that questions or challenges blind obedience to the rulers (and the orthodoxy and dogma of the rulers).

Which is correct, science or Spirituality? How about the Science of Spirituality? Or the Spirituality of Science? Or better yet, how about a combination of Science, Philosophy, and Spirituality? True Awareness and Understanding comes from examining things on both an independent basis and on a holistic (whole-istic) basis.


On the Border


Who Are You?


Who are you? And who is really in your sight?

How can we trust what is spoken, when there are so many lies in the world? How can we believe what is seen, when there is so much illusion and blindness in the world? How can we understand what is heard, when there is so much noise and deafness in the world?

A Republican once asked me which party I support, and I answered the Truth. And they said, so you are a Republican? A Democrat once asked me which party I support, and I answered the Truth. And they said, so you are a Democrat? A Progressive once asked me which party I support, and I answered the Truth. And they said, so you are a Progressive? A Christian once asked me which religion I follow, and I answered the Truth. And they said, so you are a Christian? A Muslim once asked me which religion I follow, and I answered the Truth. And they said, so you are a Muslim? A Hindu once asked me which religion I follow, and I answered the Truth. And they said, so you are a Hindu?

Finally I replied and said that I am none of these things, and I am all of these things, because I am a Human Being, and there are elements of Truth in everything.

First they came for the ones that pursued the Truth
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a member of that Party

Then they came for the ones that were trying to expose the lies
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a member of that Group

Then they came for the ones that practiced Free Speech
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a member of that Religion

Then they came for the ones that cherished Freedom 
And I did not speak out
Because I had forgotten what it means to be Human

Then they came for me
And I went with them
Because there was no one left (or right) to speak out or stand up for me


Who Are You?

Magic Bus

Won't Get Fooled Again

Tell-A-Vision Show

(a.k.a. Men Against Fire)


One and one



One and one


First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist

Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist

Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist

Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew

Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me  

-- Martin Niemöller --


One and one


American leaders don't represent (and are not representative of) all American people.

Israeli leaders don't represent (and are not representative of) all Israeli people.

Chinese leaders don't represent (and are not representative of) all Chinese people.

Official government medical leaders ("authorities") don't represent the views of the entire medical community.

Official government scientific leaders ("authorities") don't represent the views of the entire science community.

Official government data, research, and studies (corporate sponsored data, research, and studies) don't represent
the views, data, research, and evidence of all researchers (or the final word on actual Truth).

A bad/corrupt Conservative leader or person, does not mean that all Conservative people are bad and corrupt.

A bad/corrupt Liberal leader or person, does not mean that all Liberal people are bad and corrupt.

A bad/corrupt White leader or person, does not mean that all White people are bad and corrupt.

A bad/corrupt Black leader or person, does not mean that all Black people are bad and corrupt.

A bad/corrupt Asian leader or person, does not mean that all Asian people are bad and corrupt.

A bad/corrupt Jewish leader or person, does not mean that all Jewish people are bad and corrupt.

A bad/corrupt Christian leader or person, does not mean that all Christian people are bad and corrupt.

A bad/corrupt Islamic leader or person, does not mean that all Islamic people are bad and corrupt.

A bad/corrupt Human, does not mean that all Human Beings are bad and corrupt.

A bad/corrupt Alien, does not mean that all Alien Beings are bad and corrupt.

And so on.

Proper differentiation and discernment are important.

The actual State of Being, of a Being, is more Psychological and
Spiritual in nature than it is physical in nature.

One and one


Independent people, groups, and concepts are often artificially boxed together and mischaracterized (corrupted) as being "One" by the rulers in order to perpetuate a particular agenda and/or achieve a particular outcome. Sometimes this means moving people towards a particular agenda and outcome together as "One" (herd). Sometimes it means dividing and fragmenting people (away from true "One") in order to preserve the power of the rulers and make it easier to drive people towards a particular agenda or outcome (via divide, rule, conquer). And sometimes (more often than not) it involves using both of these strategies together in unison in order to perpetuate a particular agenda and/or achieve a particular outcome.

One and one

The "Good of All" is not for the good of all if it based on false unity that is achieved through lies, propaganda, blindness, suppression, censorship, manipulation, coercion, and deception.

One can represent the natural strength and vision of Universal Consciousness (many independent ones that make up One).

Or, One can represent the weakness and blindness of an artificially assimilated collective of non-consciousness (a uniform blob of One that makes up One).

 One of these forms of Consciousness creates Awareness, Strength, and Understanding in both one and One.


One of these forms of consciousness creates blindness, weakness, and mis-understanding in both one and One.




Spirits of the Material World


Loops in Time
A Holocaust of Truth, Freedom, Independence, Awareness, Understanding,
Physical Health, Mental Health, Spiritual Health, and
Consciousness...on a Worldwide Scale.

If you are someone that seeks the truth and dares to examine the very dark and corrupt power structure that rules over Israel, then you are at risk of being automatically labeled as being antisemitic. However, if you interview an Israeli citizen (to try and get an expanded perspective on the current situation in Israel) then you are labeled as being a shill. This is how it usually goes for anyone that gets too close to the truth (especially the truth involving the established power structure in Israel and in other parts of the world). You may want to avoid the comment section below this video as it is pretty much a cesspool. However, it is a good example of a topic that I plan to cover in a future post. 

 Global Apartheid

This is an expanded discussion on the previous video with some important information regarding why current events are unfolding the way that they are. In particular, the discussion regarding the cyber-security/technological infrastructure in Israel (and in other places around the world) is significant to both our short-term and long-term (planned) future. The recent warning from Klaus Schwab (World Economic Forum/Great Reset) regarding the coming "cyber pandemic" and "days of darkness", combined with the deluge of recent news reports about various cyber-attacks occurring around the world, is a good indication of where the so-called global elite want to take us.

Climate change has become an extremely polarizing and politically charged topic (with a very silly name). I disagree with the conclusion that climate change is a hoax. However, I do agree that information is being manipulated and used in such a way to promote more power and control for a very small group of global elites. For more information regarding my personal views on this topic, please see the 5-3-20 post on this page (and other posts that discuss Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030). If you are someone that believes in the official narrative surrounding climate change, I hope that the views expressed in this video won't distract you from considering the other information that is presented there.

The dismissal of one thing, should not be cause to automatically dismiss all things. And the acceptance of some things, should not be cause to automatically accept everything. As always, I encourage people to do their own independent research and come to their own conclusions.

Footnote: The Israeli government (and related organizations) do not have a monopoly on the word "holocaust". It is not being antisemitic, hurtful, or politically incorrect to use the word holocaust in relation to its true definition -- "destruction or slaughter on a mass scale, especially caused by fire or nuclear war".


The Return


How the future unfolds depends on what has been learned from the past, and what is being done in the present. The future also depends on what is reflected from above and below, and what is reflected from within and without. Both light and darkness can be seen, reflected, and transferred in any direction.


With the Right Knowledge, Awareness, and Understanding -- That which has been grayed
and inverted, can be returned back to its rightful color and position.


With the Right Knowledge, Awareness, and Understanding -- That
which has been enclosed, can be disclosed.


With the Right Knowledge, Awareness, and Understanding - That
which has been caged, can be set free.


With the Right Knowledge, Awareness, and Understanding -- The artificial web
of control can be unspun, and respun back into the natural web of life.


With the Right Knowledge, Awareness, and Understanding -- That
which has become dark, can become light once again.


And with the Right Knowledge, Awareness, and Understanding -- That
which has become dis-eased, can become healthy again.


We perceive this world through our minds and our bodies. However, we
bring love into this world through our hearts and our spirits.


The Return to Innocence


Vaccines, Covid-19, body, mind, heart, spirit, love,
consciousness, and humanity. What is the
connection? And what is the dis-connection?



Cliff Notes - A Review of the The System of Two


The New World and the Old World

The System of Two = The Voice of the Few
(The Left Wing)

George Floyd was a black man that was suffocated by a white police officer. This led to protests by the black rights group Black Lives Matter. The protests first occurred in Minnesota, but then later spread to other states and to the rest of the world. BLM is considered by many to be a left-wing liberal political organization. During the George Floyd/Black/BLM/Left Wing/Liberal protests, rioting and looting occurred. Some of the rioting and looting was thought to have been instigated by the radical leftist organization Antifa. Other rioting and looting was thought to have been instigated by white police officers posing as protestors (agent provocateurs). During and after the BLM/Left Wing/Liberal protests, the Crazy Karen meme began to go "viral" once again.

What does this mean? It means that "The Left" is made up of Obama/Biden supporters, radical black BLM members, left wing nuts, Antifa members, illegal aliens, crazy ignorant white people, looters, rioters, police defunders, Communists, and crazy Karens. It also means that "The Left" is the cause of all of the problems in this country. How do we know this? Because Fox News and the other right-wing media outlets have told us this repeatedly. We also know this because those are the images that the right-wing media shows us when they are talking about "The Left", "The Liberals", and "The Protestors".

Box A - This is how the right-wing media portrays "The Left"

The System of Two = Black vs. White, Police vs. People, Left vs. Right, Liberal vs. Conservative, Crazy Karens vs. Rational People, Mutant Militants vs. Humans, etc.

The System of Two = The Voice of the Few
(The Right Wing)

According to the media, the Capital Riot was instigated by the Right Wing Fascist politician President Trump. And, according to the media, Trump supporters are white supremacists, gun carrying confederate flag waiving radical right racists, crazy Q conspiracy theorists, insurrectionists, crazy Karens that throw temper tantrums in stores, and people that don't follow the rules, don't care about anyone else, are paranoid anti-vaxxers, and don't believe in social distancing or wearing masks.

What does this mean? It means that "The Right" is made up of Mega MAGA Trump supporters, right wing nuts, scary gun-carrying racists, white supremacists, crazy Q conspiracy theorists, insurrectionists, domestic terrorists, pipe bombers, ignorant anti-vaxxers, anti-maskers, rule breakers, Fascists, and crazy Karens. It also means that "The Right" is the cause of all of the problems in this country. How do we know this? Because CNN and the other left-wing media outlets have told us this repeatedly. We also know this because those are the images that the left-wing media shows us when they are talking about "The Right", "The Conservatives", and "The Protestors".

Box B - This is how left-wing media portrays "The Right"

The System of Two = White vs. Black, People vs Police, Right vs. Left, Conservative vs. Liberal, Rational People vs. Crazy Karens, Humans vs. Zombies, etc

The System of Two = More Power For the Few

How do we know that people who believe in truth, true freedom, true liberty, true privacy, and true human rights are crazy dangerous radicals? How do we know that War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength, Defence is Violence, and Truth is Crazy Conspiracy Theory? Because that is what we are told by the body that connects the right wing and the left wing together.

A + B = C

How did the Left become so radicalized? How did the Right become so radicalized? Who characterizes these organizations? Who owns the media? Who funds the media and funds many of these "human rights" organizations?

Who was really behind the suffocation of George Floyd? Who is really behind the suffocation of the world with face masks (suffocation of health), lockdowns (suffocation of freedom), economic destruction (suffocation of independent wealth), social distancing (suffocation of Love), the War on Children (suffocation of the future), the War on the Elderly (suffocation of the past), The War on Gender (suffocation of natural life), GMOs/chemicals/vaccines/pharmaceuticals (suffocation of nature), and the destruction of mental health (suffocation of humanity)?

Who benefits?

As society continues to fight with itself, become more divided, and fall apart, the criminals continue to build, unify, and fortify their positions (using taxpayer money) and distribute their weapons of mass destruction (purchased with taxpayer money) to the general population.

 Who benefits?

 Who Benefits?

Bohemian Grove - Who, Who, Who. The Owl is a mostly nocturnal bird that
has incredible vision in the dark. Much can be learned from looking
at the clubs, societies, and rituals of the so-called elite.

Polarity and States of Consciousness

Manufactured Polarization = Divide, rule, and conquer through
manufactured (pegged) states of division and/or apathy.



Is this image a contradiction (paradox) of the previous image (States of Polarity)? Not really. Hate and War are highly polarized (fixed) states of being. On the other hand, Love and Understanding are fluid states of being which derive their perspective and strength through the ability to temporarily stand in the middle in order to see and understand both states of polarity clearly.

Is this image a contradiction (paradox) of the previous image (Understanding vs. Polarization)? Not really. Mud represents the inability to properly discern the difference between light and dark because one has become "pegged" to the middle (3). In contrast, the middle (2) represents the ability to temporarily stand in the center in order to see and understand both states of polarity clearly. Becoming "centered" also helps one to see the true Light of Awareness and Understanding as One (when and one.. become One).

Middle Ground - Are these two things the same thing?


Polarities are fragments of awareness that have not
yet become Aware and Understanding of One.

One is not defined by the artificial unification (corruption) of two (as in non-binary uniformity). Rather, it is based on an Awareness and Understanding of each fragment (one) and the role that each fragment plays in defining the Whole (One).

Light (one) and dark (one) are natural polarities of the Whole (One). False light occurs when the Light of Awareness and Understanding of One is ignored (or misunderstood/misrepresented) resulting in the blindness and ignorance of one and one (creating the potential for evil). Malignant darkness occurs when the natural polarity of darkness is ignored (or misunderstood/misrepresented) and allowed to grow unchecked into a dark malignancy known as evil. 

Beneficial Information and Harmful Information

Bad programming and bad psychological conditioning is achieved through the constant repetition and blind acceptance of bad information (lies and propaganda) and the censorship of beneficial information. Beneficial information is any information that has not been suppressed or censored.

Good programming is achieved through repetition (proper learning) which is realized through Truth, Awareness, Understanding, and Discernment. 

All information is beneficial in that it helps to lead to Truth, Awareness, and Understanding. What differentiates good information from bad information is proper examination, contemplation, discernment, differentiation, discussion, discourse, and open debate.  


Sometimes on e and one = One  (Male aspect + Female aspect = Balanced Perspective and a "whole" individual)

Sometimes on e and one = Two  (The Natural Polarity of Male and Female)

Sometimes on e and one = Three  (Mother + Father = Mother, Father, and Child)

And sometimes, on e and one = (Polarization/Separation/Division/Blindness)

One thing does not define all things. And all things are not defined by one thing.

All the world's a stage (and a canvas). Reality is created by both the directors and the directed, and the painters and the painted.


Awareness and Understanding are not always linear (one-dimensional) in nature. In fact, more often than not, True Awareness and Understanding are multi-dimensional in nature.



Two Hearts Beat as One

Where the Streets Have No Name

Related Reading

Birds of a Feather
(please see the 8-21-20 post on this page)

(please see the 2-14-21 post on this page)

Bringing It Home
(please see the 02-01-20 post on this page)

A Short Story of Creation

Two For One


Prison Planet Earth


Capital Insurrectionist Apprehended


Mugshot of suspect

The FBI announced today that it has apprehended one of its most wanted fugitives from the Capital Riot which occurred on January 6th. It is believed that the suspect (pictured above) had ties to an American white supremacist hate group called the Baby White Sharks.

A spokesperson for the FBI said that the suspect, which simply goes by the name of BS (Baby Shark), had fled to Indonesia after the Insurrection, but was caught with the help of an Indonesian uncover agent posing as a fisherman. The Indonesian agent said that he was able to identify the suspect via photos obtained from the FBI and the fact that the suspect appeared to be wearing a hoodie that is commonly associated with the Baby White Shark organization.

In a statement released by the White House, the President said that he "is totally committed to stamping out all racism wherever it may exist". As a symbol of this commitment, the President stated that he is creating The Department of Homeland Racial Affairs (DHRA) and will be significantly increasing funding and support for the non-racist organization the Be Less White Movement (BLWM).

As with Operation Warp Speed of the previous Administration, the President has assured the people that government funding (taxpayer money) will be distributed swiftly to all corporations that are working in collusion with the Administration to stamp out all races and all cultures around the world (oops, I think that he meant racism and racism cults around the world) and to increase public awareness of this very troubling social and political issue.

With regards to the apprehension of Baby Shark, the President noted that this was a prime example of what can be accomplished when world governments come together, cooperate with each other, and work towards one common goal. The President further expressed that he was extremely happy to have helped in removing yet another dangerous Baby White Shark from this racist hate filled world that we live in (i.e the world as depicted and created by the official reality czars of the government, the mainstream media, social media, and other official institutions of the world).

The full story on Baby Shark can be found here.

Footnote: In reality, true racism and true violence aren't a joke. However, it is difficult not to laugh (or cry) when viewing the way that the government, the mainstream media, the mainstream educational institutions, and the corporations today depict (mirror their own) violence, racism, and social injustice in (or onto) world around them. The truth is that all lives matter...even Baby White Sharks that might be mistaken for white supremacists simply because of the way that they look (and the fact that they were born white). It seems that the ugliness of racism has spread everywhere today, to all races, and even to the oceans of Indonesia. Save the Baby White Sharks (the fish, not the dangerous organization), and stop unfounded racism and stereotyping that is based simply on physical appearance.

Footnote 2: This post is meant to be viewed in relation to the previous two posts, and in relation to the other posts that are included in this series.


I thought that I would spare you the pain of being the eight billionth
(and one) person to view and listen to
Baby Shark.


Proof That A.I. Runs the World



I have some amazing, but rather disturbing, news to share with you. After decades of searching, I have finally found conclusive proof that we are living in the Matrix and that A.I. is running the world.

The short animated film linked below was written by Artificial Intelligence. It is based on a totally bizarre storyline, a cast of very strange characters that seem to randomly pop in and out of the story, a script that makes absolutely no sense at all, and an audience that, despite the terrible acting, the bizarre non-nature of the story, and the extremely poor reviews from the critics, continues to watch the movie and try to make sense of it all as it is projected on the screen in front of them.

It kind of reminds me of the whole Covid-19 storyline.


Act II, Stage III, Wave IV, Mutation X, Ebola VII, Covid-XXI, Stimulus Check III, Vaccine Passport I, Flatten the Curve XII, Double Mask I, Poison Pill II, and Lockdown XXX are just begining. They want us to think that it's a different act and a different story, but, actually, it's just the same old flop as before. I think that it's time to kick this one out of the theatres in order to make way for something better.

The system can only survive if we support it. To use a film analogy, those that rule over us are essentially like movie directors. However, they only represent a tiny portion of the overall film production. The movie can only be created with the help of the entire cast and production crew. And the movie can only play out if the supporting characters are willing to follow the script that they are given. How long a movie stays in the theatres depends entirely upon the support it receives from the target audience. If the film is unsuccessful, then the plot/script is likely to be much different the next time around. 

Where did everyone go?


A Robot Wrote This Movie


Ace of Spades
This is where we are headed if things don't change very soon. Oh wait,
this was actually uploaded eight years ago! I wonder where we are
now? Oh, that's right, it's
dancing robots in 2021. It's all fun and
games until one day you wake up and realize that A.I. runs
the world and we are actually the Coppertops.


(One of These Things Does Not Belong)


In the image above, the typesetter is using "independent" letters to form words. Words
are then "grouped" together in various ways to form meaning. The final
grouping (meaning) is then printed for public consumption.

The typesetter arranges type according to the instructions provided by the writer and the editor. The writer provides the original content while the editor identifies any "errors" in the original content and helps to shape and refine the message that is presented to the reader.

When errors are identified by the editor (or the censor), they are removed
in order to provide a more uniform message to the target audience.

Too much uniformity (editing/censoring) in society often encourages the use
of blanket statements and/or stereo-typing. Blanket statements hide
the true identity of what actually exists underneath the blanket.

(a new word for an old strategy)

Containering - Boxes, within boxes, within boxes.

Containering is similar to typesetting, stereotyping, and blanket statements in that it results in many independent and often unrelated people and concepts being grouped together in a particular way to form a desired meaning. Containering is a very efficient method of perception management because it allows one box to describe and define many different things within that box, or one thing within the box to describe and define the contents of the entire box.

Containering is a corruption of the idea of community because it creates an environment of artificial unity (uniformity) among dissimilar and/or independent words, concepts, ideas, groups, and people. True community, on the other hand, preserves and encourages independence and creates strength though the free (unmanipulated) interaction between the independent elements within a group (community).

Examples of Containering 

The Good Citizen Container

The Good Citizen (false unity) Container - The government loves you and is here to protect you (not to feed off of you). Politicians exist to serve the people (not to serve themselves). Our country is the greatest country on earth (because we say so). Secret agencies are secret and Senate hearings are closed in order to protect the people (not to protect government corruption). Regulatory agencies are there to protect the people (not to further the interests of the corporations). Millions of pages of contract law have been created by the government in order to protect the people (not to make the people contractual slaves to the government). The government secretly experiments on human beings in order to protect the people (not to modify and control the people). The government locks down the population, eliminates privacy, and destroys freedom in order to protect the people (not to gain more power and control over the people). The government lies to the people in order to protect the people (not to protect itself). Etc, etc, etc.

If you blindly believe in the government, authoritarian rule, false authority, propaganda, and lies, then you are a good citizen. However, if you challenge anything that the government says, then you are a bad citizen and will be placed in a bad citizen container.

The Good Citizen Container corrupts the ideas of unity, patriotism, loyalty, good-heartedness, and care for fellow human beings and uses those things against the people in order to keep them "containerized" and under control. In the Good Citizen Container "yes sir" is the correct response, while asking questions is considered to be unpatriotic, combative, disloyal, and hateful.

The Bad Citizen Container

The Bad Citizen Container - Many people in the Bad Citizen Container believe in truth, true freedom, true liberty, true privacy, and true human rights. These people want to breath freely, live freely, and desire the same for their fellow human beings. However, for some reason, everyone in this container looks like the Q Shaman, crazy Karens, red hatters, crazy anti-vaxxers, gun toting confederate flag waving rednecks, flat earthers, conspiracy theorists, tin-foil hatters, domestic terrorists, crazy anti-maskers, unruly divisive uncaring lawbreakers, crazy conservatives, insurrectionists, white supremacists, neo-nazis, "anarchists", pipe bombers, rioters, looters, arsonists, and of course...Trump supporters.

The Antisemitism Container

The Antisemitism Container - There is real antisemitism, and there is fake antisemitism. There is real hate speech, and there is fake hate speech. There is real racial injustice, and there is fake racial injustice. There are real human rights violations, and there are fake human rights violations. However, in the Antisemitism Container, anything that challenges the power of the so-called rulers, their agendas, and their official narrative is automatically considered to be antisemitism, hate speech, racial injustice, and human rights violations. Also, if you disagree with the improper use of these terms, then that is also considered to be antisemitic and hate speech as well.

The LGBTQ+NonBinary+MinusEverythingElse = The NHE (non-human entity) Container

The LGBTQ+ Container - The LGBTQ+ Container believes in equal rights for all, except when it comes to women's rights in sports, or men's/women's rights to privacy in bathrooms, or the right to free speech in examining the agenda behind the LGBTQ+ non-binary non-identification identification label. People in the LGBTQ+ Container hate being called derogatory names, but if you talk about the LGBTQ+ container in a manner that is outside of officially approved speech, then you will be labeled as being homophobic. LGBTQ+ was not created to promote freedom of choice or to preserve the rights of human beings. It was created as a vehicle (container) to promote and protect a specific agenda that is directed towards social and psychological engineering.

The Cancelled Container

The Cancelled Container - The Cancelled Container was created to serve as an example of what happens when someone challenges the official narrative and/or challenges the established power structure. Because there have been so many refugees pouring into this container lately, the Shipping Company has been forced to greatly expand its supply of containers in order to hold them all. Other names for this container include the Banned Container, the Censored Container, the Intimidation Container, and the I Will Not Comply, I Do Not Consent, and I am Not Blind Container.

Container Ships

The containers listed above are just a few examples of the many different containers that have been constructed by the so-called rulers. The container builders (Architects) don't care about the people inside the containers, the rights of those people, or even the containers themselves. The containers and their contents are merely a means (step) towards an end (agenda). Once the containers and the people/groups within them have served their purpose, they will likely be loaded up with all of the other obsolete containers and dumped out at sea.

Container ship

Human 1.0 -- Cancelled


Belonging refers to the emotional need to be accepted within a group. This concept applies to many different areas of society including family, friends, peer groups, schools, clubs, political parties, employment, religion, and to society in general. Human beings have learned (been trained) that in order to be accepted they must conform to the group or risk being unaccepted (rejected) for being different. The container builders (Architects of Reality) understand this well and use this knowledge to maintain power and control over the people (i.e. employing false-unity within one container combined with manufactured division among different containers).

Being able to identify what is different within a group is useful in the development of proper differentiation and discernment. However, the improper use of differentiation can also be used to quell dissent by isolating and suppressing those that stray outside of approved reality.

Awareness of what is different is only one aspect of discernment. The other part of discernment exists in understanding the relevance and the significance of why something appears to be different (i.e. how is it being identified, who is identifying it, how is it being characterized, and what is its true nature). In other words, just because something appears to be different, that does not automatically mean that it doesn't belong or that it poses a potential threat. 

Good discernment is analogous to good judgment. Poor judgment, on the other hand (as it is related to improper discrimination), involves censoring, demonizing, or vilifying something simply because it is not like the others (or it exists outside of the official approved narrative). This is sometimes referred to as unfair or blind discrimination (the opposite of proper discernment).

Footnote (2-15-21): This post has been edited slightly for added clarity. A link to "Killing in the Name of" was also removed because I think that in this context the lyrics, content, and language of the song could be misinterpreted (or "characterized") to mean something other than it really means in relation to the contents of the Bad Citizen Container and the Canceled Container. The point that I was trying to make with this song was that those who often get "canceled" are usually the ones that know and understand what is really going on, and as a result, express in one way or another that 1). They are not going to comply and consent to rules that are clearly wrong, 2). They are not going to comply and consent to rules that are based on fabricated and manipulated data, propaganda, and lies, and 3). They are not going to comply and consent to rules that are clearly harmful to themselves and others around them. The reason why these people usually get canceled is not because they pose a risk to society, but because they pose a risk to the established power structure. For more information on "Killing in the Name of", please see the post on 12-2-18.


Prozac Destroys Individuality
I would suggest that this effect is not
just limited to fish or to Prozac

Testosterone Highlighted As a
Catalyst to Social Change

Could this be related to why masculinity is now being viewed as toxic by
the system and why there has been such a
dramatic drop in
testosterone levels seen in men over the last few decades?

 Ex Planned Parenthood Employee Claims Trans Kids
Are 'Cash Cows' For the Abortion Provider

In my opinion, sex hormone treatment should never be administered to children or to teenagers (especially in this
current environment of widespread LGBTQ+ Non Binary identity confusing propaganda that is being
at children and teenagers). Combine this propaganda with teenage angst, raging teenage hormones, the
typical poor teenage diet, hormone-altering chemicals in the environment, and the last
thing that a teenager needs is artificial hormone treatment. Children should have
time to grow and truly know themselves before they decide to alter their bodies
and their minds with Big Pharma Cash Cow artificial hormones.

Military Puts Down Nearly 1,200 Dogs Since 2002
Because They Had Outlived Their Usefulness

Any parallels here between old dogs
and elderly Human 1.0 beings?

Instagram Bans Robert F. Kennedy Jr. for Examining
and Questioning Vaccine Safety

"Debunked" vaccine claims? Give me a break.

The number of recent cancel stories in the media are far too numerous to include here. The point of all this canceling is to try to intimidate and silence anyone that may be "thinking of thinking" for themselves or speaking independently (especially celebrities). It's also to train the Social Media Mob (or bots) to identify, police, and demand cancellation of any black sheep that may surface within the flock. Throughout history, the rulers have ruled over the herd because the herd has been trained to police itself. Some of this self-policing is definitely happening now. However, I also see a lot of pushback happening as well which is a very good sign.

CDC Recommends Putting Hosiery Over
Your Face Along With a Mask

The article states that the CDC hasn't actually tested this on humans yet, and that there
is limited data to support such actions, and that double masking "might impede
breathing or obstruct peripheral vision". The only thing that surprised me in
this article is that the CDC said hosiery instead of underwear.

Related Reading

The Label Machine

Schooled by Nature


One of These Things is Not Like the Others


Discernment is the act of differentiating one thing from another. Discernment
is a key component of Awareness and Understanding.


Dis•cern•ment (dĭ-sûrn'ment) - (1) The act or process of exhibiting keen insight and good judgment. (2) Keenness of insight and judgment. (3) The act of discerning.

Discernment Test

One of These Things is Not Like the Others - Example #1

One of These Things is Not Like the Others - Example #2


Puppies and Kittens



In the last post I stated that it is up to us, as individuals, to choose how we create and define our own reality and how we view and define our own experiences. But what does that really mean? The answer to that question is that it can mean many different things depending on how it is interpreted and the context in which it is viewed and understood.

We can allow a bad experience to consume us, cripple us, and dictate how we live our lives. Or, we can try to find a way to use that experience (and any "negative" emotions associated with it) as a catalyst for something positive. I'm not suggesting that doing this will magically turn bad experiences into good experiences (or that change is something that is easy to do). What I am saying is, Alchemy is possible.

The thing that usually holds us back from true change is not something that is external to us, but it is something that is internal to us (our fears, our experiences, our perceptions, our programming, and our conditioning).

The internal and the external world are intimately connected. Therefore, in order for one to change in a meaningful and lasting manner, the other must change as well. This works in both directions and in both positive and negative ways.

Discernment and Differentiation - One Thing Does Not Describe and Define All Things 


Elephants and Donkeys - Everything today has become politicized. For example, when people see an elephant, they often think Republican. And when people see a donkey, they often think Democrat. And when people hear the word right, they often think politics. And when people hear the word left, they often think politics. When people see the letter Q, they often think that it stands for something political, or that it represents and defines many different individuals within a group. Or when people see LGBTQ, they often think that it stands for something political, or that it represents and defines many different individuals within a group. In one situation, a person may see BLM, and think Black Lives Matter. However, in another situation a person may see BLM and think Bureau of Land Management. Discernment and differentiation are important.

Words, Names, Numbers, and Meanings - When I use numbers or Gematria in the expression of certain things, it is not by way of casual, arbitrary, or emotional assignment. Rather, it is in relation to context, historical perspective, current events, data, research, reasoning, intuition, discernment, and what type of energy (or vibe) is attached to that specific instance of that particular thing. Not all things (or all people) with the same name (or number) are the same thing. In addition, it is important to note that the external shell, mask, crust, or armor that surrounds someone (or something) doesn't necessarily represent the true nature of that person or thing. Discernment and differentiation are important.

The Shape of Things, the Pattern of Things, and the Energy of Things - Same idea as above. Discernment and differentiation are important.

Freedom and Responsibility - Does true Responsibility lie (pun intended) in blindly doing what you are told by the "authorities"? Or does true Responsibility exist in pursuing the Truth and doing what is actually Right and True? Does true Freedom mean "Do what thou wilt"? Or does true Freedom mean do what you want within the context and framework of Natural Law? Discernment and differentiation are important.

Harm and No Harm - Can one person (or a group of people) decide and define what constitutes harm for all people? Or, is the concept of harm intimately tied to "rights", which, in turn, is intimately tied to all individuals? Discernment and differentiation are important.

Positive and Negative - There is nothing Right in ignoring something that is wrong and allowing it to grow into something that is evil. And there is nothing wrong in examining and exposing something that is wrong so that it does not have the opportunity to grow into something that is evil. Evil can only exist and grow in an environment of malignant darkness (willful ignore-ance) and/or false light (illusion). There is also nothing wrong with rainbows, unicorns, puppies, kittens, and beautiful rays of sunlight. These things can help to anchor us, inspire us, and remind us of what is good when the landscape becomes dark and the seas become stormy. However, as always, discernment and differentiation are important.



1. One thing, does not define all things.

2. One individual, does not define a group.

3. And one group, does not define all individuals within that group.

One exists within one. And, one exists within One. However, that does not mean that One and one are the exact same things.

Footnote: A Right is anything that does not result in a wrong. A wrong is anything that results in harm to another and/or violates the sovereignty of another. Natural Law is the Law of Rights and wrongs. BS refers to the act of confusing, corrupting, and manipulating the true meaning of Natural Law in order to personally benefit from reimagining and redefining Natural Law (which is often seen in mainstream media propaganda and in the volumes upon volumes of human law that have been written to over-shadow Natural Law).

Related Reading

The Art of Alchemy


The Canvas of Life



Whenever I think of this analogy, it reminds me of Bob Ross. Bob Ross was not only a great art instructor, but he was also a great storyteller as well. One of his most famous sayings is that "there are no mistakes, just happy accidents". In other words, it is up to us to choose how we view and define our experiences. Another great quote from him was..."go out on a limb, [because] that's where the fruit is". In other words, don't let fear of the unknown be the brush that defines your world.

Golden Glow


One of my favorite paintings and episodes from Bob Ross is "Golden Glow". Like so many of his other art videos, this one contains information that is not only relevant to art, but also to life as well. Art is much like life in that what we bring forth from our minds, our imagination, our emotions, our experiences, our actions, and our inactions not only helps to define the world that we see and experience immediately before us, but also the world that we collectively see and experience as well.




Imagining, Defining, and Creating the Landscape


If we give our consent to others and allow them to paint, shape, and color the world that we see (perceive), then it is very likely that we will end up living within the confines (borders) of that world. This is commonly referred to as "Rule By Manufactured (or actual) Consent".

And if we, as artists, paint, shape, and color the canvas before us based on a narrowly defined set of rules that are imposed upon us by the few (or by the programmed many), then it is very likely that we will end up living in a world that is a reflection of that palette (range) of possibility. This is commonly referred to as "Painting by Numbers".

However, if we begin with a blank canvas and an awareness and understanding that we are all artists and that the only true rule that we are bound by is Natural Law, then the world that we can create, see, and experience is limitless. This is commonly referred to as "Freedom and Freewill".


Bob Ross - Golden Glow
The real "gold" in this episode is in the realization that we are the creators and drivers
of our own reality. We have the ability to be the artist or the viewer, the driver
or the passenger, the reality or the illusion, and the truth or the lie. 

Related Posts

Return to the Present
(Please see the 01-02-2020 post on this page)

The Art of Creation
 (Please see the 02-20-2020 post on this page)


The Simple Things



Having trouble keeping up with everything that is going on in the world?

Welcome to the Machine

Getting tired of all the lockdowns and social distancing?

Jail Break

Miss listening to live music and spending time with your friends?

Good music, good times, and...

Good Friends

Growing weary of being told what you can and cannot do?

You said I can't go where?

When life "appears" to be complicated, don't forget about the simple things in life...

The simple things




Conformity, Uniformity, and Bravery

Some other interesting psychological experiments:

The Milgram Experiments

The Stanford Prison Experiment


I Will Follow
Follow the herd and do what you are told?
Or, follow the truth and do what is truly right?  


More Things That You Are Not Supposed To Talk About


Oh how I love the smell of chemtrails in the morning...not.

Last night I woke up with a sore throat, burning eyes, a chalky taste in my mouth, a headache, joint pain, kidney pain, "brain fog", and breathing problems. I knew right away what it was because I have experienced this same specific set of symptoms many times before. It always occurs after the sky has been laced with chemtrails. Since it was a full moon last night, I decided to go outside and check to see if this was the case. Sure enough, the entire sky was filled with chemtrails (which persisted until the morning as seen in the image above).

But chemtrails don't exist. They are just contrails, right? Perhaps that argument might work on the younger generation. However, I'm old enough to remember when the sky didn't look like this.

What about the symptoms that I experienced? Couldn't that be caused by something else? Maybe. But the same exact set of symptoms every time that the sky is filled with chemtrails? Perhaps it is just a coincidence. What do I know, I'm just a regular person. How could I possibly come to any valid conclusion on my own. It's not like I am an officially sanctioned scientist of the New World Order or anything like that. 

It's probably just a coincidence (like the coincidences that occur when perfectly healthy children suddenly can't talk clearly, think clearly, or walk after receiving a vaccination). Government and industry sanctioned research has confirmed that vaccines are totally safe. So it must be true. What is Big Pharma's position on the matter? Just try and prove in a court of law that their (liability indemnified) vaccines were the cause of your child's illness and/or disability.

This is just one section of the sky from a previous day. There were so many chemtrails being sprayed on this
day that the entire sky became overcast from the persistent chemtrails (oops, I mean contrails).


Same day, different part of the sky.


Same day, different part of the sky. Contrails? Seriously?


Days of darkness.


Yesterday, the entire sky was clear, except for this one thing.


About a week ago, the entire sky was filled with X's. In Gematria, XXX equals 666.


It kind of reminds me of the old Star
Trek episode "The Tholian Web"...


...and the 5G satellite web that is being constructed around the earth...


...and the World Wide Web...


...and the Smart Grid...


...and the Cloud.

Perhaps one day the sleeping masses will realize that the government is not trying to save us, they are trying to kill us. However, according to the mainstream media, it's not the government that is the problem, it's the "serial killer" irresponsible people (that refuse to blindly follow the government rules) that are the real problem.

Related Post



Social Credit Score - Revisited


In this case, being poor isn't so bad

I've spoken quite a bit about the idea of Social Credit Scores in previous posts and how these programs are used as tools of social programming, social conditioning, and social obedience (to the State). However, I think that now is a good time to revisit this topic because these systems are currently being ramped up and openly rolled out around the world in a number of different formats.

We already have a mild form of a Social Credit System here in the US via such things as social media stats (likes, dislikes, page views, comments, etc.), financial credit scores, and other programs. However, it's pretty clear that the global central planners want to take the US and the rest of the world towards a more China-like model of a Social Credit System. The question is how can they do this without experiencing pushback from people that aren't used to living under such extreme levels of authoritarian control?

One way to accomplish this is through incrementalism. This involves gradually bringing the Social Credit System in over time so that people become accustomed to it rather than rebelling against it (i.e. acceptance via the process of acclimation and "normalization"). However, another (faster) way to bring in the Social Credit System is with a "crisis" event (such as a world "pandemic", a terrorist attack, a cyber attack, or some other boogeyman that threatens public safety and security).

How is the global "pandemic" helping to usher in the Global Social Credit System? How about a few examples...


Green = Safe to travel and move around society in a semi-free manner
(with the State's permission of course)


No thank you. No amount of bonus points is worth taking the jab.


The Authoritarians love to use the red, yellow, and greed (oops, I mean green) scale for
all of their public safety and security programs (i.e. denial of freedom programs).


What's Your Social Credit Score?

Pay close attention to the part in the video about how facial recognition is being used in China. Then think about how everything (education, work, healthcare, interviews, meetings, etc) is being done remotely now as a result of the pandemic and how it relies on the use of cameras for those interactions. The forced move to remote living isn't just about facial recognition (and what can be gleaned from it) or social isolation. It is about centralized data monitoring and data collection as well. All of the data that is collected about you allows the central planners to develop a very detailed personal and psychological profile about you, what makes you tick (and tock), how they can make you better conform to State Sanctioned Programs, and what kind of threat level that you pose to the State. One of the scariest scenes in this video was the "no more than three sheets per person" facial recognition toilet paper dispenser. Perhaps this is the reason for all of the toilet paper shortages at the stores lately? 

Tell-A-Vision Show

Black Mirror - Nose Dive
Drama, or documentary?


Terminator: Dark Fate (Dark Winter)

For those that don't want to watch the entire movie, the relevant part is at about the 46 minute mark. This is when Dani asks Grace about what happens when it "all falls apart". Grace talks about how "Legion" (the AI) pulls the plug on the entire grid, how the whole world goes "dark", and how everything is over in "three days". Then Grace talks about how things are never going back to "normal", and what happen when the food ran out. Klaus Schwab (World Economic Forum/Great Reset) also talked about several days of darkness in a scenario involving a "Cyber Pandemic". Joe Biden and others have also recently talked about a "Dark Winter" (Dark Winter just happens to be the name of a bio-terrorist attack simulation that was conducted by the Johns Hopkins Center and others back in 2001). Is this predictive programming, or a warning of things to come? This movie is just one example of many such references that can be seen in television, movies, and music over the last few years. Have you noticed how many times the word "dark" has come up in popular media/culture lately? Just one example of this is how "dark themes" have become the current rage on cell phones, computers, apps, and software programs.


Let's Socially Recognize Those Who Get Vaccinated (and shame those that don't)

Let's Pay People to Get Vaccinated (and withhold payments from those that don't)

Footnote: Pattern recognition (via data mining) can be used by the corrupt rulers to program, condition, and control humanity and drive them towards a predetermined destination. Or, pattern recognition can be used by the people to help identify where the corrupt rulers want to take humanity (and, thus, allow us to do what is necessary to prevent that from happening).


Lessons From The Time Loop



In 1999, Jesse Gelsinger was a teen living in Tucson, Arizona. Jesse suffered from a rare metabolic disorder called ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency syndrome (OTCD). This is a very serious disorder which causes lethal levels of ammonia to build up in the blood. Most babies that are born with OTCD quickly fall into a coma and more than half of them die within the first month of their lives. Jesse was fortunate in that he had a somewhat milder form of OTCD which allowed him to manage the disease through diet and an intensive drug regimen. 

After a near fatal OTCD event, Jesse was approached by doctors which offered him a potential treatment for his disorder. The treatment was based on an experimental procedure called gene therapy. In this treatment, patients are injected with an adenovirus vector (mode of delivery) which contains a working copy of the gene that prevents the buildup of ammonia in the body. The idea behind the therapy is to take an adenovirus (one of the viruses that causes the common cold), edit its genome so that it can't replicate, and then insert (attach) the desired human gene into the modified adenovirus. The modified adenovirus is then introduced into the patient where it infects their liver cells and subsequently integrates the attached gene into their chromosomal DNA. That was the idea anyway.  

Jesse Gelsinger 

Jesse received this new experimental therapy in September of 1999. However, within a day of the treatment, he developed an extreme inflammatory response which was accompanied by the creation of massive blood clots throughout his body. This resulted in kidney failure, liver failure, lung failure, and brain death four days after the treatment was initiated.

This was a very high profile case in both the media and in the medical community at the time. But it wasn't the only case. A later investigation revealed that Jesse was not alone and that at least 691 other "volunteers" of similar gene therapy experiments had also died or become very ill in the seven years prior to Jesse Gelsinger's case. Worse, only a small fraction (39) of these cases had actually been reported, which meant that Jesse and the other "volunteers" were knowingly used as guinea pigs by the medical establishment without providing proper informed consent to them.

In the article linked below, it states that steps were taken after this incident to tighten the monitoring of trials, increase inspections, and create a new system for reporting serious side effects. However, it further went on to say that "as the pharmaceutical industry continued growing and its profits soared, demand for test subjects increased, and more research was undertaken by private companies rather than academic or government institutions. That raised new fears that patient safety could be compromised in the rush to get products to market".

Traditional Vaccines


Traditionally, vaccines have been developed and manufactured using attenuated (weakened) or dead versions of the virus for which they want to create immunity for. The dead or weakened virus is injected into the body along with other substances called adjuvants which help the body to recognize the virus and produce antibodies for it. In some cases, specific viral proteins (of the target virus) are used in place of dead/weakened viruses in order to produce the desired immune response. However, vaccines that are produced using this process are usually very resource intensive and, therefore, are not utilized as often as other vaccine manufacturing techniques..

It is also important to note that there are many other substances included in vaccines such as preservatives and other agents. One of the preservatives used in vaccines is mercury. Mercury is an extremely potent neurotoxin that has been implicated in many serious (and often permanent) adverse reactions such as Autism Spectrum Disorder and other serious disorders. Although the use of mercury has been discontinued in most vaccines in the US, it is still incorporated in multi-dose vials such as those used for flu shots (don't forget to get your flu shot each year) and in vaccine preparations used in other countries. Other components present in vaccines include such things as aluminum (another potent neurotoxin), various stabilizers, formaldehyde (poison/carcinogen), "residual" cell culture materials, antibiotics such as neomycin, and a long list of potential contaminants including other viruses and infectious/cancer causing agents.

Fact Check


I recently ran across several "fact check" articles stating that no vaccines are made from tissues obtained from aborted babies. This so-called "fact check" is blatantly false and can be easily verified using a wide range of different sources. According to just one of these sources, "The fetal embryo fibroblast cells used to grow vaccine viruses were first obtained from elective termination of two pregnancies in the early 1960s. These same embryonic cells obtained from the early 1960s have continued to grow in the laboratory and are used to make vaccines today".

It is said that the same cells from these two aborted babies are still being used today (implying that no other cells from other aborted fetuses are currently being used in this process). It has also been said that there are no residual traces of these cells left in vaccines after they have been manufactured. I find both of these statements to be highly improbable and implausible (based on extensive research and what I have discussed here and in previous posts).

Vaccine Trials


One of the reasons why new vaccine trials typically last ten years or longer is because, with vaccine injections, you are introducing an agent (and its associated components) into the body via a delivery system that directly bypasses the body's normal defense mechanisms (skin, digestive system, mucus membranes, etc). The consequences and potential adverse reactions associated with such a delivery system can be very serious, or even fatal, if the vaccine is not prepared properly. It is also important to understand that "adverse events" are not limited to just immediate reactions, but may in fact show up many years later. It is only through comprehensive and thorough long-term studies that such adverse events can be properly screened and identified.

Personally I don't believe that any vaccine is as "safe" as they would like us to believe. This conclusion is not coming from a misinformed, religious, or uneducated viewpoint. Rather it is coming from personal experience, extensive research, and thousands upon thousands of heartbreaking cases involving both children and adults.

A New Vaccine? A Genetic Experiment? Or, a Predetermined Plan?


So how does all this relate to Covid-19 and our current situation? To help illustrate this, I am going to talk about two different types of vaccines -- Viral vector vaccines (such as the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine) and mRNA vaccines (such as those being produced by Moderna, Pfizer, and BioNTech). For the sake of space and clarity, I am only going to talk about these two types of vaccines. However, the same efficacy and safety issues apply to all of the SARS-CoV-2 vaccines that are currently under rapid development. I chose to examine these two types of vaccines specifically because they employ a different approach to vaccine development which has the potential to cause permanent damage, disability, and/or death to the recipients on a scale that has not been seen before.

Viral Vector (DNA) Vaccines


The vaccine being produced by Oxford-AstraZeneca is based on a similar process as the gene therapy described above. It uses a reprogrammed adenovirus vector (that supposedly can't replicate) along with inserted genes from the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The idea is for the genetically modified Frankenstein adenovirus to infect human cells and cause them to produce the proteins that are necessary for the body to recognize the target virus and produce immunity for it.

In the past, human adenoviruses were used almost exclusively for gene therapy and vaccine development. However, this time, the adenovirus being used for the Oxford-AstraZeneca SARS-CoV-2 vaccine is not of human origin, but rather is one that was isolated from the feces of a chimpanzee. Supposedly, using an animal adenovirus will prevent some of the problems (and catastrophic adverse events) that have been associated with using human adenoviruses in the past. Do you see any problems with any of this?

First of all they are introducing a virus into the human body that is not normally found in the human body. To vaccine developers this is an advantage because it means that such viruses will be able to successfully reach their target cells without being recognized by the immune system (since no natural human immunity exists against these viruses). Secondly, they are introducing a genetically modified organism (Frankenstein virus) into the human body that is not normally found in nature. Thirdly, they are creating an entirely new situation in the body that the immune system has never encountered before. In such a situation, how will the body know when to stop producing the viral proteins? I understand what they think will happen, but will it actually happen the way that they plan? Did the gene therapy used on Jesse Gelsinger (and the rest of the guinea pigs) go as planned?

Could this genetically modified organism mutate and begin to replicate or "infect" (change) the human genome? I can already hear the Faucis of the world saying "oh no, that could never happen". However, remember that we are dealing with a technology that is capable of inserting human (or foreign) genes into the human genome in ways that nature never intended to happen. If there anything that is certain in nature, it is that nature always seems to find a way to survive and adapt (which is especially true of viruses, genetically modified or not). In addition, how will the body/immune system know now, or sometime in the future, not to totally freak out and attack/destroy itself as it did in the case of Jesse Gelsinger (and so many other patients that were exposed to genetically modified adenovirus vectors with inserted genes)?

mRNA Vaccines


mRNA stands for messenger RNA. Coronavirus vaccines, such as those from Pfizer and Moderna, deliver genetic instructions to cells, in the form of messenger RNA, for the making of Coronavirus Spike protein. In other words, instead of the immune system getting the necessary information that it needs from a dead or weakened virus (as it does with traditional vaccines), the instructions that the immune system needs are actually created by the cells themselves via the messenger RNA they receive (from the vaccine) and the subsequent S protein that they produce from those instructions. One of the problems with mRNA vaccines is that "naked" RNA is very fragile, therefore the mRNA has to be encapsulated in Lipid Nano Particles in order to get into cells and the vaccine has to be kept at very cold temperatures before it is used.

Again, we have a situation with mRNA vaccines that involves messing around with foreign genetic material, introducing it into the body (along with other substances), and then expecting the body and the immune system to behave as planned. I cannot stress enough that this is a completely experimental and unproven process that is being developed in a fraction of the time that it normally takes to develop, test, and trial a new vaccine.

With mRNA vaccines, we are not just dealing with dead/weakened viruses and foreign substances that are being injected into the body (as with traditional vaccines). Rather, we are now dealing with engineered genetic material and other substances that are being delivered directly into our cells with the intention of creating a very complex reaction from the body and the immune system. In my view, this is complete and utter insanity. There is absolutely no way of knowing what the final (long-term) outcome of this vaccine will be based on such an extremely short development and trial period.

Rush to Save Humanity? Or Rush to Market?


As stated before, traditional vaccine trials typically take ten years or more to complete. And that is based on known vaccine development processes. With these new vaccines, the process being used is completely experimental, unproven, and has been shown to be extremely dangerous in the past (with many unknown and unexpected outcomes). How can such a completely new vaccine be safely developed, tested, and tracked (surveilled for adverse reactions) in less than a year? The answer is that it absolutely and unequivocally cannot be proven to be safe or effective in such a short and limited trial period.

Both Pfizer and BioNTeh have applied for Emergency Use Authorization of their vaccines. Under this authorization, pharmaceutical companies can sidestep the regular requirement of substantial evidence of safety and effectiveness that is normally required for approval. This allows their vaccines to be distributed and administered before full safety and effectiveness studies have been completed.

Just Believe What We Tell You


Of course the entire discussion above is based on the premise that what they are telling us about Covid-19 and the pandemic is true and the vaccines being developed and introduced into our bodies are based on completely transparent and ethical motives. Needless to say, such an assumption is rather problematic when you consider all of the unethical (without informed consent) medical experimentation that has taken place in the past (including distributing vaccines that have caused infertility).

It's also problematic when you consider that the global elite have openly stated, over and over again, their desire to reduce, genetically modify, and tag (own/mark) the world population for their own personal purposes. Unfortunately, when you start talking about genetically modifying humans/animals or technologically modifying humans on the nano level many people still roll their eyes as if this was some type of science fiction scenario or obscure conspiracy theory. The fact is that this technology exists today and the plan to implement such things (on a global basis) has been a wet dream of the elite for many decades. 


It is further problematic when you consider that early on (before this was even declared a "deadly pandemic") there was premature talk of a vaccination program and the need to get everybody in the entire world vaccinated. When global governments, Big Tech companies, Big Pharma, and media conglomerates censor, ban, and discredit anyone that questions the official narrative, how can they seriously make the case that there is no cause for public concern or alarm in relation to their rules, their regulations, their vaccines, and their pharmaceuticals?

And lastly, it is problematic when you consider that the vaccine manufacturers have been granted immunity, by the government, for any liability in relation to damages caused to people by their vaccines.

The Seemingly Never Ending Time Loop


Fluoride is a deadly poison and a potent neurotoxin. However, somehow, when it is added to our water supply it magically becomes no longer dangerous. Lead is also a deadly poison and a potent neurotoxin. However, when our water pipes are made from it, then it magically ceases to be poisonous. Mercury is also a deadly poison and a potent neurotoxin. However, when it is added to vaccines and our teeth (fillings), then it magically ceases to be poisonous. Formaldehyde is also a poisonous substance, and a fluid used to embalm dead bodies, and a carcinogen. However, when it is added to vaccines and consumer products, then it magically ceases to be dangerous. Asbestos is also a deadly cancer causing substance. However, when it is added to consumer products, then it magically ceases to be dangerous. DDT is also a deadly chemical. However, when it is sprayed on food and people, then it ceases to be poisonous.

DDT being sprayed on children

Antimicrobial chemicals are poisonous to microbes and to other life. However, when they are put on our skin, put in our food, and sprayed on surfaces and our bodies, then somehow they magically cease to be dangerous. Teflon is a miracle substance and a miracle poison. However, when it is applied to cooking surfaces and to consumer products, then somehow it ceases to be dangerous. Radiation (ionizing and non-ionizing) is very harmful and can be deadly to living beings. However, when it is released in thousands of atomic test bombs and/or emitted from millions of wireless transmitters, then somehow it magically ceases to be dangerous. The same thing could be said for countless other chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and substances.

All of these things have been proven to be highly dangerous and destructive to human, animal, and ecological health. Yet each time when they have been shown to cause illness, cancer, and/or death, the companies that produce such things have claimed in court that they are completely safe and that they knew nothing about any danger (even though, in court case after court case, internal documents have demonstrated that these companies knew exactly what they were doing). They willfully chose to lie, to knowingly cover up the truth, to protect their asses, and to preserve their profits at the expense of the health of children, adults, animals, society, and the planet. If this is not an expression of pure evil, then I don't know what is. With this kind of history, how can we trust anything that Big Pharma says about their products and wants us to put into our bodies?

How long must this insane destructive time loop continue on before we say enough is enough?

Your Body, Your Temple


Your body is your property and no one else's. We have all been given a very precious set of gifts as human beings that are sometimes taken for granted. These gifts should never be taken for granted because, if we do, we may find (or may not be able to realize) that one day they will no longer be with us.

The human body and the human spirit is incredibly resilient. This is evidenced by the fact that we are still here, despite all of the wars (physical, psychological, and spiritual) that have been waged against us. However, there comes a point when the corruption of the mind, the body, and the spirit will become so great that it will be nearly impossible to rebound from it.

We are standing on the precipice right now. We are at a time in history when the very nature and the continuation of humanity as we know it will either prevail, or it will cease to exist. I don't say this to be dramatic or to induce unfounded fear. I say it because it is painfully obvious. I think that this is something that is also very clear to many others as well (whether they want to admit it or not).

Stand or Fall?


When I look around the world today, I see a great number of people that have forgotten what it is to be human. Many of these people have already entered the Matrix and have become deeply imprisoned in it. And this is before the Matrix is even totally built. How hard do you think that it is going to be to escape from the Matrix once this world has been fully destroyed, fully inverted, fully digitalized, and completely centralized? How hard will it be to escape after people's minds and bodies have become completely destroyed and their DNA has been modified? How hard will it be to escape after our connection to greater consciousness has been severed? The time that I describe above, is not somewhere out in the future, it is happening now.

Right now Europe, and many other countries around the world, appear to be the beacon of hope for humanity. So why is there so much apathy, division, and susceptibility to false authority in America? I think it is because many people in the US have been bombarded with so much indoctrination, propaganda, and so much "poison" (physical, psychological, and spiritual) that they no longer have the cognitive capacity, memory, or attention span to see what is happening to them.

I don't want to see this world devolve into the New World Normal (Matrix) that currently being built. However, if we don't stand up now in large numbers, that world will likely be created. The only way that the fall of humanity can be prevented at this point is if we recognize our true power as sovereign human and spiritual beings, reject false authority, remove our consent to be unjustly ruled, and consciously (and continually) act to preserve our sovereignty, our true Natural Rights, our freedom, and our independence.

A life without freedom, without individuality, and without a connection to ourselves, to others, and to greater consciousness, is no life at all.

Peace and Freedom to All.

Footnote 1: The case of Jesse Gelsinger is very relevant to our present situation in relation to vaccine safety, vaccine consent, and government/Big Pharma lies and corruption. I don't believe for one second that Covid-19 is what they say it is. A significant number of supposed Covid-19 patients are developing systemic inflammatory responses and massive blood clots throughout their bodies (with increasing frequency). This is accompanied by a very strange set of additional symptoms and syndromes that are not normally found in Coronavirus type infections (but have been seen before in vaccine related syndromes, other infections, and in EMF/microwave radiation related sickness). These symptoms also include such things as neurological symptoms, "brain fog", memory problems, depression, and many other seemingly unrelated issues (please see the 10-20-20 post on this page and other posts on this page for more information on this topic).  

Footnote 2: Studies that have examined the link between vaccines and illness, infertility, and death are regularly and vehemently attacked by Big Pharma and the medical establishment. Often these studies and their findings are "retracted" under the guise of "questionable scientific validity", "improper analysis", and "flawed conclusions", etc. In addition, the authors of such studies are typically portrayed to the public as being either quacks or unqualified researchers in an effort to discredit such research. Again, the question needs to be asked why is there so much censorship, character assassination, and heavy-handed tactics being employed against anyone that dares to question the safety, efficacy, and motives of vaccines? When the "establishment" questions a study that goes against their narrative, it is deemed to be completely and scientifically valid to do so. However, when anyone else questions the establishment, their sponsored studies, and their official narrative, then they are deemed to be invalid and their research is determined to be improper or flawed in some way.

Footnote 3: As I have noted in the past, any links to videos, articles, or music provided on this page are included for general informational purposes only. They are intended to be a starting point, not an ending point. When links are provided, that doesn't mean that I necessarily agree with all of the information that is presented in them. Such information should be scrutinized in the same way that all information should be scrutinized, and it should be viewed in relation to your own research, your own critical thinking, and your own conclusions.


The Death of Jesse Gelsinger, 20 Years Later


Big Government is the Answer

Right after posting this article, I ran across this video. In the video Krystal Ball is gushing about the virtues of Big Government, why we need it, and how it is going to save us all. She talks about the amazing "cooperation" (collusion) that occurred between Big Government and Big Pharma which has allowed them to bring us an experimental, improperly tested, unproven, and potentially very dangerous vaccine at warp speed. The Big Government Warp Speed SARS-CoV-2 vaccine program was funded by Big Government (taxpayer money) and the billions that Big Pharma stands to make from the Big Government mandated (or coerced) vaccines will of course benefit Big Pharma and those in government who colluded with Big Pharma. Meanwhile the people will be gently nudged (or herded) towards taking an experimental vaccine that could potentially have grave consequences. Of course there is no mention at all about any of the manipulated Big Government "pandemic" statistics, unjust and unwarranted Big Government rules, regulations, and lockdowns, or Big Government censorship of anyone that goes against their official narrative. This is a prime example of what those who value their health, their intelligence, their consciousness, their freedom, and their liberty are up against.


Stand or Fall?

Never Surrender





Poison /ˈpoiz(e)n/ -- 1. A substance that is capable of causing illness or death of the body, 2. A substance that is capable of causing illness or death of the mind, 3. A substance that is capable of causing illness or death of the spirit.

Tell-a-Vision Programming Networks


ABC = ABC is a reference to the Alphabet Agencies (TSA, FBI, DHS, DEA, ATF, ICE, CIA, NSA, FDA, FCC, SEC, IRS, CDC, WHO, WTO, IMF, etc.). ABC is also known as the Alphabet Agency Network.

CBS = The CBS logo is a reference to the All-Seeing-Eye of the surveillance state, the deep state, and a "state" of psychological (TV) "programming". CBS is also known as the SeeBS Network.

FOX = Fox is a reference to the fox in the hen house. FOX is also known as the 666 Network (calculated via Simple Gematria).

NBC = The NBC logo is a reference to the Peacock. Peacock is also the name of the over-the-top programming/streaming service owned by NBC. The Peacock (bird) uses its feathers as a "display" during courtship rituals to attract potential mates. Peacock feathers have distinctive patterns on them called "eyespots" (many eyes). Peacocks with the most eyespots and the biggest tails generally attract the most attention (and provide the biggest distraction from anything that exists outside of their "display"). Donald Trump is a perfect example of a "Peacock Politician". NBC is also known as the Peacock Display Network.

CNN = The CNN logo can also be seen as "CW". CW is an abbreviation that stands for "content warning". CNN is also known as the Communist News Network (Radical Left Network).

The major television networks have been totally infiltrated by special interests (corporate monopolies, the military industrial complex, and government agency influences as is detailed in Operation Mockingbird). These networks continually broadcast poison, propaganda, fear, illusion, division, and crap to the general population in an attempt to modify the masses into a poopulation of mind-controlled pawns and slaves.

I have very little tolerance for "journalists" (mouthpieces) in the media who choose to parrot the mainstream narrative out of fear, conformity, obedience, social acceptance, willful ignorance, or financial security. The same thing goes for blind order followers in corporations, law enforcement and the military. Do these people have any clue what is happening right now and what is at stake? Why would any conscious person with any sense of ethics, empathy, or conscience choose to help propagate and enforce an agenda that will result in the immense suffering, enslavement, and/or death of millions or even billions of people? Is fear, conformity, obedience, social acceptance, willful ignorance, and financial security really worth the price of carrying the knowledge of such actions in your consciousness forever?

Drama and Theatre


Much of the general population has been programmed to crave drama (and doom drama) without even realizing it. That is why reality TV (oxymoron) is so popular. And that is why people look forward to the election circus when it comes to town every four years. And that is why people love peacock tweeting presidents like Donald Trump. And that is why people watch the nightly news each day.

I once asked someone why they watch the evening "news" every night. They responded by saying that it was entertainment and it was something that they looked forward to each day. As long as people continue to crave drama (and give it power), then drama and theatre is what they will receive.

Social Media Reacts!

Social Media Reacts! -- A maskless Trump tweets, and Biden forgets his mask.

How many times have you seen an article or a video titled "Social Media Reacts to...(fill in the blank)"? Articles, videos, and news items such as this are usually followed up with a set of statistics, posts, or examples that support those reactions. How does the media know so much about these reactions? How do they always seem have such detailed statistics on them? How do they always seem to find the best posts (reactions) to illustrate their story? It is because social media was created as a tracking database, a petri dish, and a medium (Matrix) for examining, monitoring, modifying, and capturing human behavior. These are the tools that the ruling elite use to manage and move the herd to where they want them to go.

At a Time of Our Choosing

Starting Pistol -- Let the games begin!

In the video linked below, there is a clip where Obama says that "we will take action at a time and place of our own choosing". Interestingly, this is the same line that George W. Bush said in relation to his response to the false flag event of 9/11.

The rulers of this world create various situations (false flags, pandemics, crises, social unrest, riots, food shortages, voter fraud, "hot mics", etc.) that often appear to be random and chaotic on the surface. However, in reality, they are actually preplanned (wargamed) scenarios that give the rulers full control over the situation and allow them to initiate a predetermined outcome when the time is right for them.

As a side note on this video, check out the eyes and the vibe of the news anchor on the "hot mic". Besides the obvious use of propaganda (behavior modification techniques) in the hot mic situation, there is something that is clearly not right about her. Call it a bad feeling, a bad vibe, or intuition. However, whatever you want to call it, it something that occurs quite often with other news reporters in the mainstream media. With the hot mic "slip up" the news reporter (propagandist) is creating a situation that is designed to outrage the audience and help set up the scenario discussed below.

Election Correction


What will happen if Trump is successful and the election is decided in his favor? The left will cry foul and say that Trump stole the election. And what will happen if Biden is certified as the winner of the election? The right will cry foul (and fraud) and say that Biden stole the election.

The poison that is the "two party" system, along with plandemic fatigue and all of the other corruption that is happening right now, has created a powder keg of pent up emotion and frustration in the general population. Either way that the election ends up going, it has the potential to set off a (ruler assisted) reaction from the other side which could result in mass riots and social unrest. This is exactly what the ruling class wants and needs. As as I have said before, the only way that the few can rule over the many is when the many are divided and fighting amongst themselves.

It will also create a situation that the ruling class absolutely needs to happen. The rulers need the military and the police to see the public as the enemy, or they likely won't engage in the heavy-handed tactics that the rulers want them to engage in. And the public needs to see police and the military as an even greater threat, or the public likely won't violently engage them.

The police and the military have been deeply programmed and indoctrinated using very effective forms of mind control. They are trained not to think or question, but to blindly obey commands passed down to them from the hierarchy. They are also trained to have a deep sense of loyalty and "brotherhood" towards their fellow service men and women. And the general public has been deeply programmed and indoctrinated with the false right/left paradigm and a belief that the political system (and their chosen puppet) is their savior.

Once someone is shot, on either side (civilian/military, right/left), the line will be drawn and it will create a situation where Americans will see each other as enemies. This is what the ruling class needs to happen for all hell to break loose, for real destruction to occur, and for them to have the excuse they need to really tighten the clamps down on freedom (and bring in their solution to the manufactured crisis).

The One Thing


I used to have a lot of Christian readers, until I started to critically examine the Bible. I used to have a lot of conservative readers, until I started to critically examine the policies of Trump. I used to have a lot of liberal readers, until I started to critically examine the policies of Obama. I used to have a lot of technical readers, until I started to critically examine the role of technology in our lives. I used to have a lot of mainstream media readers, until I started to critically examine subject matter outside of the mainstream narrative. I used to have a lot of alternative media readers, until I started to critically examine subject matter outside of the alternative media narrative. I used to have a lot of Jewish readers, until I started to examine the role of Zionism in the world.

I used to have a lot of male readers, until I started to critically examine the role of male politicians in politics. I used to have a lot of female readers, until I started to critically examine the role of female politicians in the world. I used to have a lot of celebrity readers, until I started to critically examine the role of celebrities in the Matrix. I used to have a lot of LGBTQ (did I miss any letters?) readers, until I started to critically examine how young people are being influenced (indoctrinated) by non-binary re-education policies. I used to have a lot of car enthusiast readers, until I started to critically examine the role that oil monopolies have in the world. I used to have a lot of New Age readers, until I started to critically examine the New Age. I used to have a lot of readers, until I started to critically examine the role that UFOs, aliens, and poop (real and symbolic) have in the world. Well, you get the idea.

Over the years, I have seen people travel down almost every rabbit hole there is, but then suddenly and completely turn off as soon as that "one thing" comes up. Knowledge, awareness, and understanding can only be truly realized when one is willing to follow the truth wherever it may lead (even if it leads into uncomfortable and sacred areas).

The Frequency of Evil

The world has become acclimated, accepting, and even cheerful of the frequency
of evil continues to be boosted, and the frequency of good continues to be cut.


I joked in a previous post about how I have seen the true face of evil before. However, it wasn't really a joke. I actually have seen the true face of evil before. Evil has a very specific frequency, vibration, and energy signature just like everything else in the universe (please see the 10-27-20 post on this page for more information). For anyone with good intuitive abilities, this frequency/vibration/energy is very apparent and very recognizable when it is encountered. It is a very dark, distorted, inverted, and illusory type of "vibe".

The world as seen through the eyes of evil.

Unfortunately, because of the continuing war on our minds, bodies, and consciousness, evil is not often recognized for what it really is by the general population (or what it is capable of). In fact, evil today is often elevated (boosted) to celebrity status, while good (a recognition of what is right) is often chastised and cut out of conscious awareness and understanding.  

(The Third Eye of Sight)


Those that rule this planet do not want people to have good intuitive abilities because, if they did, they would be able to see right though who the rulers really are, who their minions are, and what the Matrix really is. That is why they have bombarded us with poisonous chemicals, poisonous drugs, poisonous vaccines, poisonous frequencies, poisonous media, poisonous education (indoctrination) and poisonous entertainment in order to suppress our intuitive abilities and corrupt the trinity of our mind/body/spirit complex (which is essential to the recognition and proper utilization of intuition).

The Deep State

Popular politics is like a dinghy riding out a storm on the surface,
 while the deep state cruises in the calm dark waters below.


Popular politics is like a playing in a sandbox
at the bottom of the world's tallest building.


Popular politics is like the Titanic waiting to
meet the underside of a passing iceberg.


Popular politics is like a cavity sitting on top
of a festering infection in the roots below.


Popular politics is like a pretty historic building
that sits on top of dirty stinky old swamp.


Starting a civil war over which puppet gets to represent the Deep State
is like fighting over which socket that you get to stick your fork into.


Why do so many Mechanisms of the Matrix appear to have the same type of composition
(web, net, maze, matrix, etc)? Could it be that the inspiration for these things all came
from the same place (i.e. a dark "contagion" that infected this world many millennia
ago and was carried forward into our present time)? Or, perhaps it was a
contagion that was carried backward from a future time?

A disease that runs deep cannot be cured by simply covering up the surface symptoms (with popular politics, false polarities, wishful thinking, blind optimism, Soma, or willful ignorance). Rather, it can only be cured by clearly recognizing the issues, fully understanding the problem, and properly treating the root of the disease.

Popular society is only one level of the Matrix. And popular politics is only one level of the Matrix. And the Deep State is only one level of the Matrix. And those that make up the Deep State are only one level of the Matrix. And so on. The true rulers of the Matrix can only be seen and understood when one travels outside of the walls of the Matrix (programmed, illusory, manufactured reality). And the only way that one can move past the walls of the Matrix is to follow the truth wherever leads to (past all things that inhibit and restrict true conscious awareness and understanding).

Crucifying the Truth


Lately I have been hearing a lot of people commenting about how it seems like we are in the "end times" and that Jesus must surely be returning soon. What if Jesus were to return now and he didn't look like his picture in the Bible? Would people still be able to recognize him? Or, would they crucify him all over again because the truth that he was trying to bring back into view would be seen as so foreign to them (in this time of evil) that he would be seen as something that is wrong, instead of something that is right?

What if Jesus criticized the church? What if Jesus criticized Trump or Biden? What if Jesus criticized Red or Blue or Left or Right? What if Jesus criticized the blindness and acceptance of people living in this unethical and immoral world? What if Jesus criticized the acceptance, inclusiveness, and political correctness of all things by blinded people? What if Jesus criticized the apathy of people (as they waited for his return)? Would he still be seen as Jesus? And would the truth still be recognized as the truth?

Into the Mix


I love nature. I love animals. I love the mountains, the ocean, and the desert. And I love art, literature, and music. I love all of those things. However, it seems like lately I have been losing sight of them as I try harder and harder to help bring more knowledge, awareness, and understanding into the world. The rulers of the Matrix are extremely intelligent. And, as strange as it may sound, they are not only of this world. The rulers want everybody to become trapped in the Matrix. Therefore, they have created many hidden ways to enter and become unknowingly imprisoned in the Matrix. Be careful not to lose sight of the light in your quest to expose the darkness. And be careful to not to lose sight of what you love, in the pursuit of greater understanding for all.

Light and Darkness, and Good and Evil


Until more people realize that evil is real, and that it can exist within the seen and the unseen (and within any component of the Trinity), truly lasting change will not be possible.

True Understanding is not stationary. Nor is it pegged to the Body, the Mind,
or the Spirit. Rather, it is ever evolving, moving to and from each component
of the Trinity (while periodically resting in the middle) in the search
for greater Knowledge, Awareness, and Understanding.


When a person becomes of aware of the true light and the true power that exists within
them, and consciously chooses to use that power for good, then everything
can change for the better (both internally and externally).


Manufacturing Collapse
Thanks to Max Igan for the thoughtful conversation in this video and for the
 relevant news footage. Also thanks to Keith the Peacock for
providing the subtle metaphor in the background.


Eyes of Heaven



Urgent Report From SeeBS News
(With Supporting Footage From Faux News)


Now you can play and interact with the entire SeeBS news
team right in the comfort of your own home!


SeeBS News Propaganda Anchor: False-positive PCR Coronavirus cases and false-positive/falsely-linked Coronavirus hospitalizations are skyrocketing nationwide, shattering grim records, just ahead of the holiday season!

Dr. Anthony Fraudsti's Dire Warning to the Public: "Our baseline of infections, all along, have never gone down to a level that would allow you to be easily controllable". Huh? I think that I know what he meant to say. However, the way that he actually said it is probably more telling and truthful.

Fauxy News Organization: White House Briefing from Pete Saynomore, Administrator of FEMA, regarding the Federal Government response to...everything.

According to SeeBS news, this situation is very much like the casedemic of seasonal colds, sniffles, runny noses, coughs, and seasonal flu that we had five years ago. However, five years ago, nothing was locked down, social distancing wasn't forced on people, face masks weren't mandated, public fear was low, and the economy wasn't ruined by corrupt power-hungry politicians, world health organizations, and the global elite.

Fortunately, Dr. Anthony Fraudsti and other government authorities have assured us that they won't make that same mistake (of doing nothing) again in 2020!


And So It Begins



Ticketmaster just announced that it is "exploring" the idea of requiring a negative Covid-19 test and/or proof of vaccination in order to be admitted to concert venues. This is also being explored in many other areas of the economy as well. Want to travel? Want to work? Want to get into the grocery store? Need to get medical attention? Want to drive a car? Want to rent an apartment? Want to buy a house? Need food or unemployment assistance from the State? Want your poverty level Universal Basic Income check (after the State has destroyed the economy)? Then you better have a negative Covid-19/20/21/22/23/24 (etc) test and proof of vaccination, or you will be denied access to those services and state-granted "privileges".

Sound implausible? Think again. This is something that the so-called global elite have been talking about and planning for decades now.

VacTat (Vaccine Passport Tattoo) - Forget about having your vaccine papers on
your phone. That is so 2020. In 2021, and beyond, you will be able to have
your vaccine papers tattooed right on your skin. How cool is that?
And once the nanotech and brain chips arrive (and you are
connected directly to the cloud and AI), you won't even
need phones or tattoos anymore! How cool is that?


Considering how fast things have been moving lately, I'm not
sure that this meme is even appropriate anymore.


Perhaps this one is more appropriate


Ticketmaster Exploring Negative COVID-19
Test or Vaccination to Attend Concerts



New Research Study



Researchers at Harvard University, Oxford University, and Stanford University have just completed a 10-year long research project which studied the question of whether the sun is real. The conclusion of the study, which has been peer reviewed by top researchers and universities around the world, is that the sun is, in fact, not real.

The existence of the Sun has been dubunked by official research. This research has
also been backed up by official independent (oxymoron) fact checkers.

Based on this finding, the WHO, the CDC, and world governments have issued the following rules and regulations for the safety and security of the public:

1) During the hours of 8AM to 5PM, anyone that goes outside must carry with them, at all times, a flashlight and a lantern for their personal safety and the safety of others (due to the complete lack of light and visibility).

2) In the Northern Hemisphere, during the months of June, July, and August, all people must wear heavy coats, double insulated long pants, wool hats, and gloves in order to protect themselves from the frigid temperatures that are common during this time of the year. These same rules apply to people living in the Southern Hemisphere during the months of December, January, and February. All recreation at beaches and lakes has also been outlawed for the safety and security of the public.

3) All windows in cars and houses must remain closed during the summer months in order to protect yourself from the extreme cold and the threat of hypothermia and frostbite which may occur during this time of the year.

Any deviance from the rules and regulations stated above will be punishable by a $1,000 fine and 6 months of imprisonment/reeducation in a state approved (privately run) internment camp. This punishment also applies to any questions or statements made by the public that are contradictory to the official position of the State regarding the existence of the Sun.

Reality or Illusion?


If the WHO, the CDC, and world governments were to issue the rules and regulations stated above (based on their research, their findings, and their authority), would you obey, comply, and consent to those rules?

If not, then why would anyone in their right mind obey, comply, and consent to rules and regulations based on equally (or even greater) fraudulent research, preposterous conclusions, propaganda, and egregious assaults on common sense?

MSM and Government: The US is breaking world records for new Covid-19 cases. Hospitals are being overrun
with patients. Morgues are running out of space, refrigerator trucks are parked at hospitals, and mass
graves are being dug everywhere. Only widespread lockdowns, social distancing, mandatory mask
wearing, and the vaccine can save us now. 


Just because a research study, a white coat, a suit, a uniform, an authority, a talking head, or a celebrity says that something is true, that doesn't automatically make that thing true (unless the target audience has been successfully programmed and conditioned through fraudulent research studies, white coats, suits, uniforms, authorities, talking heads, and celebrities to suspend critical thinking, logic, and common sense).


The Road to Destruction is paved with blind belief, blind obedience, and blind consent. And the Road to Freedom is paved with Knowledge, Awareness, Truth, Understanding, and Discernment.


The WHO - Eminence Front


Holiday Guidelines



Table Guidelines

Forks are to be used for the following purposes: 1) To keep the public divided and focused on one road or the other (and blinded to the fact that all official roads lead to the same place), 2) Forks may be used as a socially acceptable word (or emoticon) in the place of politically incorrect swear words, and 3) Forks may be used to catapult food items from the sender to the recipient during the course of dinner (please see item #6 under "Holiday Gathering Guidelines" below).

Either way, we are forked

Popular conversation at the dinner table

Spoons are to be used for the following purposes: 1) To incrementally spoon feed the public small doses of tyranny so that they become slowly acclimated and accepting of their slavery and, thus, will not rebel against it, 2) Spoons may be used to continually shovel propaganda, BS, and lies to the masses in order to sway public opinion and manufacture consent, 3) Spoons may be used to intentionally dump large amounts of corruption and tyranny on the public all at once in order to encourage a "revolution" that will benefit the rulers and result in tighter social restrictions and lockdowns, and 4) Spoons may be used to catapult food items from the sender to the recipient during the course of dinner (please see item #6 under "Holiday Gathering Guidelines" below)

Knives are to be used for the following purposes: 1) When forks and spoons become ineffective, knives may be used (in their place) to slice up the Constitution and destroy human rights, 2) Knives may be used to poke and prod the public into obedience and/or to direct them (unknowingly) towards various predetermined agendas and destinations, and 3) Knives may be used to stab the public in the back after they have complied and conformed, in good faith, to all official rules and regulations.

Plates are to be used for the following purposes: 1) To temporarily hold food items waiting for human consumption, 2) To temporarily hold propaganda, BS, and lies waiting for human consumption, and 3) To capture food items flung from the sender to the recipient during the course of dinner (please see item #6 under "Holiday Gathering Guidelines" below).

Glasses are to be used for the following purposes: 1) To view a particular situation as half-full, 2) To view a particular situation as half-empty, and 3) To capture food items flung from the sender to the recipient during the course of dinner (please see item #6 under "Holiday Gathering Guidelines" below).

Napkins are to be used for the following purposes: 1) In a bind, napkins may be used to cover the face and mouth of disobedient people in order to stop the spread of dangerous debate, dissent, independent thought, and critical thinking, 2) Napkins may be used to clean up the economic and social fallout of destructive official government policies, rules, and regulations, 3) Napkins may be used to catapult food items from the sender to the recipient during the course of dinner (please see item #6 under "Holiday Gathering Guidelines" below).

Gathering Guidelines

Salad? What? Greens? What? I can't hear what you are saying!

1) If possible, don't gather. Gathering spreads Covid-19.

2) If you do gather, speak in a language other than English. Research has shown that speaking English helps to spread Covid-19. If you are not fluent in another language, then it is best that you don't speak at all.

3) Singing at holiday gatherings is prohibited. Research has shown that singing can spread Covid-19. However, it is permissible to play prerecorded songs on your cell phone (and hold your phone up in the air with the lyrics on the screen) in place of singing.

4) The playing of woodwind and brass instruments is strongly discouraged during holiday gatherings. However, if one chooses to engage in such dangerous, selfish, and irresponsible activities, a suitable face covering must be worn by both the player and the instrument (in addition to practicing proper social distancing).


5) Face masks must be worn at all times. When eating, it is permissible to briefly pull down your mask to take a bite of food. However, as soon as said activity has been completed, the face mask must be immediately returned to the mouth and the nose. Chewing is also permissible, but it should only be done with the face mask fully covering the mouth and the nose. As always, eating and talking at the same time is strongly discouraged (even while wearing a mask). Children and adults who disobey these rules will be subject to additional social distancing measures and sent to their room for solitary confinement and punishment (not to exceed the greater of two weeks, or however long it takes to flatten the curve).

PacMan face masks are acceptable for holiday gatherings as long as they are used in accordance
with CDC guidelines (and no laughing occurs which could result in the
expulsion of dangerous Covid-19 particles).


6) Social distancing must be observed at all times. If you need to pass any food products, condiments, or spices to others while at the dinner table, they should be carefully tossed from the sender to the receiver using gloves (or flung to the recipient using clean sterilized utensils and/or catapulted to the recipient using a clean napkin). If the toss/fling between the sender and the receiver is unsuccessful and the item falls to the floor, then immediate steps should be taken to dispose/quarantine such items in an approved bio-hazard container. The wearing of safety goggles is also strongly recommended during the tossing and flinging of food items at the dinner table.

Please pass the broccoli

7) If you live in Greece and need to leave your house for any reason, you must first text the authorities with your personal information and provide an approved reason for leaving your house. Don't be concerned if these safety restrictions haven't reached your area yet. Similar rules are now being implemented in many other countries around the world.

Thank you for your co-operation, obedience, ignorance, compliance, consent, and blind loyalty to the Party during this complete and total takeover and destruction of humanity -- Sincerely, your friends at The Ministry of the New World Normal (Holiday Gathering Guidance Division).

Update: Additional guidance was released by the Ministry after posting these initial guidelines. It has now been determined that Covid-19 can be carried and transmitted on the soles of your shoes. Therefore, the Ministry is recommending that no walking, runniing, skipping, or jumping be allowed at any holiday gatherings while wearing shoes. Please note that this is additional guidance and it is not intended to replace the current ban on singing and/or speaking English. 







The video below illustrates the result of Covid-19 test samples that have been over-amplified using RT-PCR tests; and Covid-19 case statistics that have been over-amplified with false-positive RT-PCR tests; and Covid-19 death statistics that have been over-amplified by assigning false-positive RT-PCR tests to unrelated causes of death; and a plandemic that has been over-amplified by way of media propaganda, government/corporate corruption and lies, manipulated statistics (based on plandemic agendas and financial incentives), and ongoing fear and coercion.



Don't Think, Just Believe. It's Covid-19!
Outlawing Critical Thinking, Censoring Facts, and Adopting Propaganda



Population Control
(Not That Silly Conspiracy Theory Again) 

Are you a male that is experiencing a lower sperm count, reduced fertility, lower testosterone levels, testicular discomfort, and impaired masculinity? Don't worry, it's not something that was intentionally, accidentally, greedily, or experimentally released into the environment (and/or consumed into your body via vaccines, food, water, air, etc), it's Covid-19.

Are you a female that is experiencing reduced fertility and/or spontaneous abortions? Don't worry, it's not something that was intentionally, accidentally, greedily, or experimentally released into the environment (and/or consumed into your body via vaccines, food, water, air, etc), it's Covid-19.

Are you afraid to have sex for fear of catching Covid-19? You should be, because Covid-19 is sexually transmissible.

Are you experiencing infertility after eating that last bag of corn chips? Don't worry, it's not something that was intentionally, accidentally, greedily, or experimentally released into the environment (and/or consumed into your body via vaccines, food, water, air, etc), it's Covid-19. It can't be contraceptive corn, because that was never actually released into the environment. And besides, GMO seeds/plants have never accidentally contaminated crops grown in organic fields.

A public service message from your friendly 
Government(s) of the New World Normal.

Feeling sick, tired, uneasy, or not quite yourself? Don't worry, it's not something that was intentionally, accidentally, greedily, or experimentally released into the environment (and/or consumed into your body via vaccines, food, water, air, etc), it's Covid-19. Don't you know that the government would never intentionally release something into the environment that would cause harm to us or secretly conduct biological and medical experiments on us? The government and the military always make sure to get our informed consent before subjecting us to harmful chemicals or radiation. Don't be such a conspiracy nut. And take off that silly tin foil hat that you are wearing.

Do you ever feel like the governments of the world are waging war (on people) based on false pretenses and/or a false flag? Don't worry, false flag operations are just a conspiracy theory. Government representatives always tell their constituents the truth and would never go to war and kill thousands, millions, or even billions of people based on complete lies. That's why we have selections, rigged voting, and manufactured choice. The government is there to protect us, serve us, and save us. So just stop it with all that negative talk about the chosen one that God loves (Humpy Trump) and the other one that loves children (Sniffy Joe).  

The Fog of War


Are you having trouble seeing and thinking clearly lately? Don't
worry, the Ministry of Truth will see, think, and speak for you.
It's rather ironic (or inverted) that things have become so
"clouded" and foggy in the year of 20/20. 

Are you experiencing breathing problems? It's not the masks or something that was intentionally, accidentally, greedily, or experimentally released into the environment (and/or consumed into your body via vaccines, food, water, air, etc), it's Covid-19.

Are you experiencing cognitive dysfunction and "brain fog"? It's not a result of oxygen depravation from wearing masks or from something that was intentionally, accidentally, greedily, or experimentally released into the environment (and/or consumed into your body via vaccines, food, water, air, etc), it's Covid-19.

Are you experiencing memory loss? It's not a result of oxygen depravation from wearing masks or from something that was intentionally, accidentally, greedily, or experimentally released into the environment (and/or consumed into your body via vaccines, food, water, air, etc), it's Covid-19.

Are you distracted from true reality? It's not because of political theatre, reality TV, scripted fear mongering, or the intentional complete destruction of your life as you know it, it's Covid-19.

Are you unable to think clearly, see clearly, remember clearly, and discern the obvious difference between a real pandemic and a total psyop scamdemic that is designed to take away all of your financial security, your freedoms, your liberties, your health, and your privacy? That isn't a result of psychological programming and conditioning or something that was intentionally, accidentally, greedily, or experimentally released into the environment (and/or consumed into your body via vaccines, food, water, air, etc), it's Covid-19.

Got a skin rash? It's Covid-19. Hair falling out? It's Covid-19. Broken arm? It's Covid-19. Hit a tree while skiing? It's Covid-19. Got the flu? It's Covid-19. Die of old age? It's Covid-19. Car won't start? It's Covid-19.

Why consider or look for any other cause when it is clear from the mainstream media propaganda, official medical experts, false-positive PCR tests, corrupt government representatives, Big Pharma lobbyists, sponsored research studies, compromised educational institutions, global health organizations, celebrity spokespeople, and popular consensus (consent) that it is Covid-19?

Get with the program! And stop holding on to those outdated ideals like freedom, liberty, truth, and real justice.

Setting the Stage

Is Hollywood controlled by the government? Or is the government controlled by Hollywood?
It's hard to tell these days. Remember that the magic wands used by Wizards have
traditionally been made out of the wood from Holly trees.


1) Write the script and hire the director(s) and main actors (mainstream media, government representatives, "philanthropists", world health and finance organizations, etc).

2) Set the stage and hire the supporting cast and extras (programmed celebrities, blind order followers of the hierarchy, unaware consenting public, etc).

3) Create a "gold standard" (universally accepted) diagnostic test for the plandemic/scamdemic that can be easily manipulated to create up to 90% (or more) false-positive results based on the improper handling and amplification of test samples (RT-PCR test).

4) Release the movie production for worldwide consumption.

5) Justify locking down the entire world (and destroying human rights and civil liberties, destroying financial security, destroying physical and mental health, destroying independent thought and action, and destroying privacy) based entirely on scary case and death statistics generated through false-positive PCR tests and a "deadly virus" that, according to the CDC, most people will recover from and experience only minor symptoms.

6) Blame anything and everything related to corrupt government policies on Covid-19 (or alternatively blame the people for improperly complying with Covid-19 rules and regulations).

7) When everything (and almost everyone) becomes broken beyond repair, offer the solution in the form of The New World Technocracy, The New World Matrix, The New World Normal, The New World Reset, The New World Order, and the New World Borg Collective.


Children of Men



Altered States
The Covid-19 Cover Story


The Architects of Reality have programmed and conditioned much of the human race to believe that
the Matrix (artificial reality) is more real and more desirable than what is actually real
(reality that exists beyond the propaganda, mainstream media, technology,
sponsored "science", and paid-for fact checkers).

"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration." ― Nikola Tesla

And if you want to know the secrets of consciousness, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.

When consciousness is understood, the universe is understood. And when the universe is understood, consciousness is understood.

When energy, frequency, and vibration are not understood, however, then the Matrix becomes consciousness and the universe. 



Our bodies depend on the proper utilization of electrical energy in order to function. Electrical signals drive our motor functions, our brain functions, our heart rhythms, our nervous system, and other essential biological functions. Changes in the energy fields that surround us can have a significant impact (positive or negative) on our minds, our bodies, and our consciousness.


The visible spectrum (what we can physically see and perceive)
is a tiny fraction of what actually exists all around us.


The Earth has its own unique frequency (Schumann Resonance). Human beings also have a unique frequency. In fact all living things on this planet, and all things in the universe, have a unique frequency which defines them. The frequency of the Earth (as a whole) affects everything that exists within this electromagnetic field.

Different areas on the Earth also have their own unique frequency that defines them (depending on geology, what type of life exists in the region, and their location in relation to the magnetic fields of the Earth). This is the reason why so many ancient monuments and places of worship were built in specific locations and were constructed in certain ways (to tap into the electromagnetic fields and frequencies that are unique to that area).

The frequency of the Earth (and your location on Earth) affects the frequency of the human body. And the frequency of the human body affects everything within the human body.



Different vibrations also have the ability to significantly affect our minds, our bodies, and our consciousness (in positive or negative ways). For example, think about the way that different types of music (and different musical scales) affect our emotions, our bodies, and our consciousness. Or think about the initial reaction (gut feeling) that people sometimes get when they encounter new people or new places. Or, think about how animals seem to react differently towards certain people.

This initial intuitive feeling that people sometimes get about other people and certain places is often referred to as having a good or bad "vibe" about something.

Energy, Frequency, and Vibration

Actually this is energy, frequency, and vibration that is being expressed as physics, philosophy, and spirituality.
What type of energy, frequency, and vibration are the elite encouraging right now with their
rules and their policies? It makes one wonder what sort of world that they
are trying to build for humanity.


The concepts of energy, frequency, and vibration represent an ancient "technology" which holds the keys to understanding consciousness and all things in the universe. Energy, frequency, and vibration are continually shaping our world (and our perception of it), even when we are unaware of it.

I didn't watch the first presidential "debate". However, when I woke up the following day, something felt terribly wrong (more wrong than usual). When I scanned social media and the mainstream news that morning, I discovered why. The overwhelming response to the debate, by most people, was how depressing it was.

Everybody kept asking, "who won the debate"? The answer is the elite won the debate. This is because, once again, they succeeded in manipulating the energy, frequency, and vibration of the general population and moving it into an environment that is more closely aligned with the environment in which they thrive (and an environment in which their subjects decay and wither away).

Throughout the ages, the elite have done everything that they can to try and hide this ancient "technology" from the masses, distort it, and horde it for themselves. They have waged war on indigenous peoples, spiritual traditions, philosophical traditions, and anyone else that has exhibited any sort of awareness and understanding of this knowledge.

Why have the elite done this? Because with the right knowledge, awareness, and understanding of energy, frequency, and vibration, amazing things can be realized (via consciousness) that cannot be realized with any other type of technology.

What have the elite done with their knowledge and understanding of this technology? They have used it to create (weaponized) artificial technologies to distract, destroy, program, addict, and manipulate the brains, bodies, and consciousness of people so that they remain trapped in this Artificial Technological Matrix (and actively resist anything that exists beyond the manufactured walls of this system).

Mega Matrix

A large part of the plan of Agenda 21/Agenda 30, the Great Reset, and the Matrix is to move everyone into more manageable
areas (mega cities, mega networks, mega government, mega monopolies, mega Smart Grids, mega online work and
education, etc) so that reality can be more easily surveilled, programmed, managed, manipulated, and
centrally censored via various techniques of energy, frequency, and vibration modification.

Everything around us, and everything that we take within us (physically, mentally, and spiritually) affects our minds, our bodies, and our consciousness (and our energy, frequency, and vibration).  

When people (and populations) become aligned with certain energies, frequencies, and vibrations, they become more receptive to those things and they become more resistant (to awareness and understanding) of other energies, frequencies, and vibrations that exist outside of that spectrum.


Interview With Nick Begich
This interview is focused mainly on HAARP. However, there are many similar facilities and
technologies that use energy, frequency, and vibration to manipulate the world
around us (including human beings and other life forms).

Attacks on US Diplomats
An example of some of the effects that energy, frequency, and vibration
can have on the human body, brain, and consciousness.


Sand and Vibration
In this experiment, sand is used as a "medium" to visualize the effects that energy, frequency,
and vibration have on physical matter. In a similar way, our bodies can also act as a
medium/receiver for energy, frequency, and vibration (just as the things that we
 put into our bodies, or are injected into our bodies, can act as a
medium/receiver for energy, frequency, and vibration).


Water Experiment
Our bodies are made up of about 70% water (which, by coincidence,
just happens to also be the percent of water that is on the Earth).

Rice Experiment
Everything is affected by energy, frequency, and vibration.

The Sound of the Planets

Dr. Kaufman Interviews Dr. Madej
The medical system, vaccines, and mediums/receivers
of energy, frequency, and vibration.

Neurologic Symptoms Are Very Common Among U.S. Coronavirus Patients, Study Says
Is this a result of just Covid-19? Or is it actually a combination of
many different things, and Covid-19 is just the cover story?


Footnote 1: In this post, I am not suggesting that Covid-19 (or what they are calling Covid-19) does not exist. Rather, what I am saying is that Covid-19 is not what it appears to be and is part of a much bigger agenda (and cover story) that involves one or more biological agents, technology, a restructuring of world socioeconomic systems, and the eventual cessation and destruction of the human race as we know it (if the Architects of Reality are successful in their efforts).

Footnote 2: There is such a thing as a point of no return. Unfortunately, for some, it appears as though that point has already come and gone. However, for the rest of us, there is still time and there are still choices and actions that can be taken to avoid crossing over that point.

Footnote 3: Energy, frequency, and vibration are key terms that often come up in relation to various New Age belief systems. While these terms are completely valid and are based in real science, they unfortunately often get corrupted, distorted, and wrapped up within a framework of nihilistic beliefs. The goal is not to become willfully ignorant or hide ourselves away in order to avoid "negative" energies, frequencies, and vibrations. Rather, it is to recognize and become aware of all energy, frequency, and vibration so that we do not unknowingly become negatively affected by such things and can consciously work towards creating actions that favor a more healthy environment to live in (both internally and externally).

Footnote 4: Not all life and consciousness in the universe is limited to what we can presently see and perceive. Just as all life on this planet is neither all good nor all evil, this is also true of other life and consciousness in the universe that we are presently unable to see and perceive.


Three Things To Consider



1) What happens to the economy when people drive it? Good things usually happen. What happens to the economy when Dr. Fausti, Dr. Gates  (as he likes to think of himself), corrupt governors, corrupt politicians, corrupt corporations, corrupt central banks, corrupt government, a corrupt system, and a hidden (in plain sight) agenda drives it? Very bad things usually happen.

A real journalist recently questioned Dr. Fausti about the accuracy and truthfulness of his medical guidance and if he had any conflicts of interest. Dr. Fausti replied, I am a straight talker and a very good driver of public health.

Dr. Fausti on Straight Talk and Accurate and Truthful Medical Guidance

Dr. Fausti on the WHO, the CDC, the Government, and Himself Driving the (true) Health of the People and the Economy

2) What happen when The Fausti Band sang their first song? Many came to listen. What happen when The Fausti Band sang the second time? Many came to hear them initially, but then left when they realized the band was singing the same old song as before.

If You Sing Falsely Once, They Will Come. But If You Sing Falsely Again, They Will Leave (hopefully)

3) What does the real face of evil look like? I don't often talk about this, but I have seen the true face of evil before. It was ugly. As I was standing face to face with this ugliness, I could tell that it wanted me to fear it. But then I truly opened my eyes and saw evil for what it really was and realized that there was nothing to fear.

The Real Face of Evil (*for mature audiences only*)

Evil only has power because it is given power. Without obedience, ignorance, fear, blind followers, and consent, evil has no power.


The Ultimate Boogeyman



Have you heard? The official "experts" recently declared that Covid-19 is no longer a pandemic, but rather is endemic. This means that the Coronavirus, which has always been with us, will now always be with us. Thank you official experts for that important piece of information.

Actually, the news (coming from the usual suspects) is that Covid-19 is not just endemic, but it is also mutating. This means that we can look forward to Covid-19 (spring), Covid-19 (fall), Covid-20 (spring), Covid-20- (fall), Covid-21 (spring), Covid-21 (fall) and Covid-19A, Covid-19B, Covid-19C, Covid-20A, Covid-20B, Covid-20C, Covid-21A, Covid-21B, Covid-21C...and/or whatever else they choose to fabricate or make-up along the way.

Yep, the Coronavirus is making all of the boogeymen of the past look like amateurs and relics by comparison. However, I have noticed that the Architects of Reality do have a fondness for combos and have been resurrecting some old favorites lately -- Covid and The New Cold War, Covid and Climate Change, Covid and Terrorism, Covid and the Right, Covid and the Left, Covid and BLM, Covid and Social Injustice, Covid and Political Incorrectness, Covid and Economic Injustice, Covid and Flesh-Eating Bacteria/Brain-Eating Amoeba/Murder Hornets/Killer Mosquitoes/etc.

Remember that "temporary" two-week shutdown they recommended about eight months ago to "flatten the curve"? Well that's been cancelled now, and it has been replaced with endemic totalitarianism, infectious surveillance, and pandemic tyranny (all in the name of public safety and saving lives of course).

Covid-19 -- Can't you see it? It's right there in front of you! No, now it's
over there! No, wait, now it's there! It's everywhere!

Covid-19 is proving to be the smartest, most elusive, most invisible, most persistent, most dangerous, and most geographically dispersed enemy that we have ever encountered. How are we ever going to defeat such a thing?

How about starting by turning off your TV, turning on your critical thinking, turning down unfounded fear, turning up conscious resistance to false authority, and stopping the use of false-positive RT-PCR tests?


Land of Confusion





What would happen if a bartender gave 100 people four shots of tequila each? Some of those people would probably exhibit extreme intoxication, some would probably exhibit moderate intoxication, some would probably exhibit mild intoxication, and some would probably appear to be completely unaffected.

However, what would happen if the bartender continued to pour people shots? It probably wouldn't take very long before everyone in the group was completely inebriated, was unable to talk clearly, and was unable to think and reason clearly.

The intoxicants: Mainstream media, social media, artificial and genetically modified food-like substances (GMOs), neurotoxins (fluoride, MSG, lead, mercury, etc), pharmaceuticals (including vaccines), industrial-based and consumer-based chemicals, illicit drugs, alcohol, electromagnetic fields and microwave radiation, cell phones, technology (improperly used), scientific/medical/religious dogma, "alternative" (directed) thought processes (round-earth/flat-earth, climate change/no climate change, BLM/ALM, virus/no virus, etc), pop-culture, poop-culture, alternative culture, "light" culture, "dark" culture, CULTure in general, (s)election season, political theater, reality TV, debate TV, Tell-a-Vision, Tele-Vision, TV programming, political "saviors", religious "saviors", celebrity "saviors", SAVIORS in general, indoctrination camps (schools), peer pressure, false authority, capitalism, socialism, communism, ISMs in general, consensus (group) thinking, fear, and infectious and "viral" diseases (which could describe, define, and encompass many of the things above).

Shots fired and bullshits released

The greater the number of intoxicants in our environment, and the longer that we are exposed to them, the greater the chance that people will eventually become intoxicated (blinded/broken/dumbed down) by one or more of these things.

Who are the real bartenders in this system -- Is
it the wardens, the guards, or is it ourselves?

But your honor...I was intoxicated, I was just doing my job, it was my religion, it was my political party, it was my duty, someone else told me to do it, the people on TV said it was true/real, I was uninformed, I was sleep walking, I was sleep thinking, I was sheep thinking and sheep walking...

What do you think that the final verdict in this case will be?



My Own Prison
Prisons are created in our minds, in our souls, and in our world
through our beliefs, our actions, and our inactions.


That which becomes torn, can be put back together in many different
ways (sometimes beneficial, and sometimes destructive).


What's This Life For?
 The true King and the only true ruler in this Universe is Truth (realized through Knowledge, Awareness,
and Understanding). For it is from Truth, that all can rise. And it is from deception, that all can fall.



The Covid-19, 5G, and Thrombosis Connection


The Real Covid-19 Cluster (bomb)

Factor V Leiden Thrombophilia is a hereditary blood clotting disorder that is caused by a defective (mutated) gene which is inherited from your parents. A person may inherit one copy of the defective gene (from one parent), or they may inherit two copies of the gene (one from each parent). A person's risk of developing blood clots increases significantly with two copies of the gene (and when the defective gene is combined together with other defects related to the clotting cascade and/or various factors related to inflammation (such as infections or autoimmune diseases).

I inherited two copies of this defective gene from my parents. Although I developed some serious blood clotting issues early in my life, I was able to get the problem almost completely under control through an awareness and understanding of the (outside) risk factors that are associated with developing blood clots and with successful anticoagulant treatment.

That success continued until I moved to an area that was located next to a military test site. While I was living there, I was purposely subjected to extremely high levels of EMFs and microwave radiation (weapons) which resulted in the development of successive and uncontrollable blood clots (including one instance that was almost fatal) as well as the development of multiple cancers which showed up later. I wrote about this experience in a previous post which can be found here.

- Similarities and Coincidences -


Beyond the blood clots, there was also a very specific and very identifiable group of symptoms that were associated with repeated exposure to these high levels of EMFs and microwave radiation. This included such things as heart palpitations, dizziness, tinnitus, cognitive dysfunction, coordination problems, breathing problems, extreme fatigue, memory loss, insomnia, strange skin sensations, and extreme heat that was focused at my specific location.

Several months ago, I noticed that a large number of articles were being released which discussed "new Covid-19 symptoms". These particular articles caught my attention, not just because of the thrombosis (blood clotting) connection, but also because so many of the new Covid-19 symptoms closely mimicked the symptoms that I experienced in relation to these high levels of EMFs and microwave radiation.

Although hyper-coagulation and the other symptoms that I described above can occur with other diseases, I find it rather odd that they are occurring specifically with Covid-19 at the same time that 5G and a worldwide experimental vaccine initiative are being rolled out to the public.

In relation to what was discussed above, it is important to note that the ruling elite will always broadcast their intent and their agendas prior to taking them "live" (via their papers, their mock scenarios, their war games, and their media mouthpieces -- music, TV, movies, etc).

- Masking the Truth, Confusing the Issues, and Disguising Reality -

EMFs and microwave radiation can significantly increase cell permeability, oxidative stress,
and immune dysfunction in the human body (and in other living organisms).

So what does this all mean? It means that the symptoms of Covid-19 and the symptoms associated with exposure to high levels of EMFs and microwave radiation are very similar to each other and are quite possibly (or probably) synergetic in their effect (i.e. each one can exacerbate the effects of the other).

It also means that since the psychology of the public has been pre-seeded (pre-conditioned) with these new Covid-19 symptoms, any detrimental effects related to the exposure of EMFs and microwave radiation (which have already been highly discounted and censored by the Ministry of Truth) could easily be dismissed under the guise (umbrella) of Covid-19 infections.

Further, since the number of Covid-19 symptoms seems to be ever-expanding, Covid-19 "infections" and their symptoms could be used as a guise to cover-up the ill-effects of many other things including vaccines or almost any other health related issues in our environment (that are intentionally, accidentally, greedily, or experimentally released).

- The Canary in the Coal Mine -


This goes back to the canary in a coal mine analogy that I have discussed in the past (and the frog that mutates before mutations are recognized in other species). I believe that those who are more susceptible to the ill-effects of vaccines, medications, chemicals, and EMF/microwave radiation in our environment are the early warning bells for what possibly (or likely) will occur in the greater population at a later time.

- Manufacturing Dysfunction and Consent -


Creating a population of sick, weakened, confused, divided, cognitively challenged, obedient, and dependent people is obviously a benefit to the ruling elite. This is the only way that a minority few can control a population of billions (besides significantly reducing the current population). There is a clear agenda here. It is right out in the open now. And it is factually provable for anyone that takes the time to look around and do the research.


What does your life, your physical health, your mental health, your spiritual health, and your freedom mean to you? As I have expressed many times before, now is the time to stand up and resist these agendas and this oppression because the vise, and the window of opportunity for easy resistance, is closing quickly.

Footnote 1: Rather than create a long list of technical/scientific references in this post, I decided to include a few easy to read examples instead. If you desire more information on these topics (which I hope that you do), there are additional resources cited on this page (and in the rest of this series) as well as thousands of others available on the internet (for the time being).

Footnote 2: The negative health and environmental effects associated with exposure to EMFs and microwave radiation are already occurring right now (even before the full 5G rollout). However, with the completion of the 5G network, these effects will be magnified many times more due to the unique features of the 5G network and millimeter waves (huge number of small-cells, thousands of Skynet transmitters being launched into orbit, beamforming, etc). For a further discussion of these applications, please see the previous posts on this page.

Footnote 3: Instead of writing one long article examining the more obscure aspects of this agenda (The Great Reset, the New World Order, and the New World Normal), I've decided to break it up into multiple parts for additional clarity. Therefore, I will continue this discussion in the next post. The information contained in this post doesn't change my view on the Coronavirus. I still believe that Covid-19 is of manmade origin (based on personal/professional experience and extensive research) and that the information and the statistics regarding Covid-19 have been heavily manipulated in order to promote the agenda of the New World Normal.


Coronavirus, Inflammation, Blood Clots, and Cytokine Storms


12 New Covid-19 Symptoms That Have Doctors Alarmed
This is just one of many similar articles that came out around
the same time listing new Coronavirus symptoms.


Summary of EMF/Microwave Radiation Effects on the Brain and the Body
Reprint of an article from 2007: This is a good short summary of various EMF and microwave radiation effects on the body.
Do you notice any similarities with the new Covid-19 symptoms (above)? Big Telecom and Big Government would like us to
believe that the human health effects of EMF and microwave radiation are not known. However, many of these
effects have been known since the very early days of radar (about 80 years ago) and have been
further studied and written about in thousands of research papers.


Detailed Discussion on EMF/Microwave Effects on the Body


The Great Reset


The Great Reset is a new system that is being proposed and marketed by the World Economic Forum (via ordo ab chao).
As with most symbols associated with this movement (New World Order/New World Normal), you will almost always
find additional "hidden" symbolism that is contained within the symbols themselves.

James Corbett just released an excellent examination and summary of the Great Reset. I highly encourage people to watch this presentation as it will help to provide the background and the context that is necessary in understanding the bigger picture (with regards to what is occurring now, and what has led up to this point).

While this presentation is very thorough and informative, it is important to understand that there are many additional levels to this agenda that exist below the surface. I will address some of these additional layers in the next post.


The Great Reset


Two Questions



1) How many people thought that the sheep in the last video (previous post) were chasing the dog around?

2) How many people thought the sheep in the last video were following the dog exactly where the dog wanted them to go?

Just something to think about.


Not Everything Is Always As It Seems




When the sheep no longer obey the false authority of the sheepdogs...

The Rebellion





First of all, I want to apologize to my readers for that cringey and rather painful trip into pop-culture in the last post. However, there was a good reason for it (actually there were many good reasons for it).

I imagine that some of the more astute, adventurous, and brave readers probably noticed (or discovered) that "Lola" was released by "Bad Dreams" Records and "Empire" Distribution on November 8, 2019 (just prior to the Covid-19 "pandemic"). The video prominently features the use of face masks (before the new normal of face masks actually began). And the lyrics of the song also talk of a "killing season", and choking you "till you barely breathin", just before mentioning Minnesota right after that. Just a coincidence?

Seriously, how many "coincidences" must there be before people realize that these aren't all coincidences and that many of them are actually hidden "disclosures". Are these coincidences, or are they disclosures? You decide.

It is important to note that such disclosures aren't always a product of nefarious intent. In fact, simply engaging in the creative process can often disclose future events without an artist even realizing that they are doing it. This is a very interesting phenomena and a discussion that I will leave for a "future Strange Things" post.

Pop Muzik


Pop culture is not only used as a major tool for programming and conditioning the youth of society today (and society in general), but it is also used as a primary vehicle to disseminate hidden "disclosures" to the general population. While pop-culture is often the most utilized vehicle for this process, it is not the only place where it occurs.

Escape From Pop Culture

This is a pop (poop) culture puzzle sold on
Amazon. Can you solve the puzzle?


When I was a teenager I was really into hard rock and heavy metal. I preferred this type of music because, to me, it represented a rebellion and a departure from pop-culture and institutional dogmatic thought. However, it didn't take very long before I realized that this supposed "escape" from illusion wasn't actually the escape that I thought it was. In fact, there were many different traps within this escape that were actually designed to capture refugees from pop-culture. This same type of thing occurs with the New Age (and refugees of religious dogma), with Progressives (and refugees of the no-choice two-party system), and in Satanism and dark occultism (and refugees of hypocritical Christian dogma).

System Design -- Perceived System Failures
and Actual System Successes


I think that too often people search a solution within the current system (or within another system). This is understandable because this is how we have been trained to think. However, the real solution does not exist within a system. The system, is actually the trap. It is Truth, Knowledge, Awareness, and Understanding (combined together with moral and ethical actions) that are the keys to escaping from the confines of any oppressive system. 

They C,  You C,  IC


IC = Integrated Circuit - At the heart of every computer is a CPU. CPU stands for Central Processing Unit. The CPU is an integrated circuit that has many different functions built into it. As technology continues to progress, more and more CPUs are actually being referred to as a "System On a Chip". This is because modern CPUs integrate many system functions (wireless, memory, video, i/o, etc.) that were previously allocated to various external components and systems. A System On a Chip is a very efficient way of increasing computing power and speed, while at the same time significantly decreasing the amount of power (electricity) that is needed to run the chip.


AI is somewhat analogous to a System On a Chip. In other words, AI is bringing together many different systems under one roof (or system) known as the "Smart Grid". The System On a Chip analogy doesn't stop there, however. It is also analogous to the changes that are currently occurring in our social and economic systems as well. For example, formally independent systems are being eliminated (for the greater good) in favor of more centralized monopolies, commands, and controls.   

IC = Informed Consent - The term "informed consent" is typically associated with the medical industry and refers to the process of informing and disclosing information to a patient regarding the potential benefits and dangers of a particular procedure. This disclosure process supposedly gives the patient the information that is needed to make conscious and informed decisions regarding their health. Most medical procedures (and many other "procedures") are not considered legal, ethical, or binding without the informed consent of the subject(s) involved.


Be extremely careful with what you consent to by way of your actions and your inactions. And be cognizant that the idea of informed consent is not just limited to medical issues. Rather, it extends into many other areas as well (including many aspects of our mind, body, and spirit).

IC = I See - Refers to the ability to see, properly discern, and understand all of the components and systems that are being introduced as part of the New World Normal. "I See" also refers to the conscious, aware, and healthy use your freewill and consent. And "I see" refers to maintaining, preserving, and protecting independent control over your organic CPU (brain), your thought processes, and your actions.



Time is Up

This is the "live" version of this song. The pre-live version was discussed in the post on
4-17-19. The inverted cross worn by Poppy is symbolic of the increasingly inverted
reality that we are living in (and consenting to). And the applause at the end of
the song is indicative of the bizarre lack of awareness of the general
population and their approval of a song
and a situation that vividly
describes and discloses the planned destruction
of the human race as we know it. 

Pop Muzik

Tonight and the Rest of My Life
(this one goes with the quote below)


This is NOT my philosophy on life. But, unfortunately,
it is the philosophy of many others.

The End of the Road Message

In citing this video, it is not my intention to pick on this particular person. In fact, this is the first video that I have ever seen from them. Thus, my commentary is only directed at this one video.

I am using this video as an example of how typical New Age "philosophies" (nihilism) confuses, mixes up, and inverts potentially valuable aspects of awareness and understanding and converts these things into almost complete non-sense. The ruling elite would like certain segments of the population (that have escaped other traps in society) to believe that nothing is really real, therefore there is no need to be concerned about anything and there is no need to do anything to change things. From the New Age point of view, an awareness of true reality (not manufactured reality) is only giving into fear. Therefore, all you have to do is remove yourself from reality and destroy the "ego" and all will be well. Meanwhile, the elite are allowed, without challenge, to turn the world into a virtual (and actual) prison system and enslave everyone.

The manner in which this presentation is all mixed up, garbled, and confused is a good example of how the whole Covid-19 un-reality is being communicated to the general public. The confusion and inversion of concepts and principles are tools that the Architects of Reality use to modify and "reimagine" true reality, and move it into their vision of the New World Normal.

I'm not sure if these are "bots" in the comment section or real people, but again, here we have a majority of the audience completely unaware of what is really being said, and are actually applauding for their own destruction.

This video is one of those situations that will test your discrimination and your discernment abilities. However, for anyone that is a thinking human being, it should be very clear what is wrong with this type of non-thinking.

Footnote: I could choose to only write about and post things that depict fluffy, feel-good, warm, fuzzy subject matter. Or, I could choose to write about and post things that may be uncomfortable, but are real and offer the greatest opportunity to inspire awareness and understanding. I choose the latter.


That Shit Ain't Real


There is something about smiling poop plush
dolls that is just a little bit creepy.


The Growing Popularity of Poop

In this post I'm going to discuss a topic that, at first glance, may seem a little strange, bizarre, irrelevant, or even funny. Although it may seem humorous initially, it is anything but funny.

Have you ever wondered how many poop toys, poop games, and poop food products (yes food products) there are on the market today? My guess is probably not. I too had no idea about the extent of this until I came across the video linked below and did some independent research of my own.

The most disturbing thing about this subject is not that there are pages and pages of these products on sites such as Amazon, but that they are being marketed to very young children using "cute" bright colored packaging that is mixed in with images of rainbows and unicorns. Is this really cute? Silly? Humorous? Or is there a much darker side to this?

Holy Shit!

The first product that came up when I did a search on Amazon for poop toys (about 5 months ago) was the "Amazon's Choice" toy pictured below. It had almost 2,600 customer reviews at the time, with 82% of them being 5 stars. This toy, and similar toys, are being marketed to children age 5 and older. I don't know about you, but the first thing that came to mind when I saw the yellow handle of the plunger was another kind of toy that is intended for adults only. This isn't because I have a warped mind. It's because I have seen this same type of thing being marketed to children many times before.

Yaay, lets all play with poop!


This is an example of just some of the toys that are being marketed to young children. There is no mistaking the
true nature of these toys. The dark occultists and many of the so-called elite are pedophiles who get
off on abusing children, corrupting them, and destroying them. Creating toys such as these
is just one of their ways of priming and sexualizing children at a very young age
and making those children more accessible to them.


Troll Dolls have a secret button located in the genital area. When the button is
pushed, the doll emits what some have described as sex sounds.



These are trans-gender and trans-neutral dolls. Why are dolls such as these being marketed to very young
children? This isn't about choice or acceptance. It is about confusing and corrupting children
at a very young age (before they are mature enough to properly understand sexuality).


Parents have reported that when L.O.L. dolls are dipped in water, unexpected images appear including
lingerie, slices of pizza, and other strange symbols. For those that may not know, pizza is believed
to be a code word used by pedophiles to describe the sex trafficking of children.


According to dark occultists, poop is fun and poop food and candy tastes good.

Poop toys and poop food products are advertised with colorful images of rainbows and unicorns, not only because of the symbolism associated with these things, but because it serves to associate something that is perceived to be attractive and pure with something that is disgusting, repulsive, corrupt, and dead. It's similar to how many dark occultists associate pain with pleasure and engage in abusive physical, mental, and sexual behaviors in an attempt to wield their perceived power and control over others.

This type of imagery in toys serves to confuse and integrate two opposite concepts in a corrupted manner (a very common theme in dark occultism). This also occurs in music, television, and movies as well. For example, a song that is normally associated with beauty or uplifting ideas, may be played in the background while a character or performer does something disturbing, repulsive, or related to death. Similarly, in the porn industry, acts of love are often replaced with sadistic and perverted acts (pedophilia, incest, rape, etc) in order to confuse and corrupt the natural concepts of love and sex. Like many other things in this world, these types of practices are intended to create an inversion of belief and principle ("normalize" the abnormal) and serve as a trademark of the dark occult forces behind them.

The "Magic" Kingdom


Disney has a long history of including sexual innuendo and images in their cartoons and films that are primarily marketed to children. This type of dark occultism and symbolism is also clearly present in their corporate logos, retail establishments, and in their television and music media subsidiaries. There is a long list of young "stars" that began their careers with Disney as children, were initiated into dark occultism while they were there, and then graduated as "inverted stars" that now serve as representatives (celebrities) and spokespeople for the dark occult agenda that is destroying this world. These programmed celebrities are then used to program other children (and the rest of society), initiate them, and bring them unknowingly into the "cult"ure, beliefs, and practices of dark occultism.   


This is just some of the subliminal sexual images that are hidden in Disney cartoons and movies



Disney was forced to recall millions of Toy Story DVDs after a young
viewer discovered a hidden scene in the film depicting oral sex.


Who does Disney really represent and serve?

The world is turning into complete shit right now (by design). Meanwhile, parents are being encouraged to buy their kids poop toys to play with and poop candy to eat. If that isn't symbolic of a world that has become totally blinded, ignorant, corrupted, and fallen, then I'm not sure what is.

Play poop isn't just about symbolism, however. There is also a very real dark occult message and agenda that is associated with it as well.

Dark Connections


So what is the dark occultism connection to poop? On one hand, it represents their obsession and fascination with death, destruction, corruption, darkness, and everything that is associated with those things. On a broader level, it is symbolic of their beliefs, their affiliations (loyalties), and their desire to turn the entire world into shit. The closer that people align themselves with their world, the greater influence that the dark forces will have over them. If you examine the practices and so-called spirit cooking recipes of dark occultists, you will find that the eating of poop, urine, menstrual blood, semen, and other bodily fluids and substances is an integral part of many of their rituals. This isn't something that you hear about too often in the mainstream media. However, every once in a while, a news story will come out which alludes to these practices (for example R Kelly and his former girlfriend).

Many vaccines, such as those used in the prevention of Rubella, Measles, Hepatitis A, Smallpox, and Chickenpox, are actually produced using tissues from human abortions. Some of the vaccines currently being developed for Covid-19 are also being produced using tissues from aborted babies. Aborted fetal tissue has also been used to create various consumer products (including edible products) and is widely used in medical research. Planned Parenthood has actually been accused of selling aborted fetuses to researchers for profit. The purpose of the information above is not to open up a dialog on the morality and ethics of abortion. Rather, it is to examine the extremely dark (occult) nature of injecting and/or consuming products that are derived from aborted babies.

If you have seen any of the popular music videos lately, I'm sure that you have noticed the increasingly dark nature of them. The reason why these videos appear so dark is because they are expressions and illustrations of dark occult rituals, ritual abuse, and mind programming. And the reason why these rituals are in music videos, awards shows, cartoons, and children's films is because this is how you initiate children into dark occultism.

Drugs and Mind Control

One of the things that you will always find associated with ritual abuse and mind-programming is the use of drugs. There are countless examples of this that can be seen in television, music videos, "artwork", movies, and in real history. An example of this in popular culture can be seen in one of the Black Mirror episodes featuring Miley Cyrus.

Dark Reflections -- Programmed dolls and drugged celebrities.


Iggy Azaalea's "Lola" video features two bathtubs full of pills. Drugs, pills, and
mind control are common themes in many music videos today.


Much of the Las Vegas Palms Empathy Suite revolves around the theme of drugs and
pills. The "Empathy Suite" actually has nothing to do with empathy. Rather, it is
just another example of the corruption, confusion, and inversion of language.

Over the last couple of decades, there has been an astronomical rise in the use of many different pharmaceuticals (especially among children). These drugs can have a profound effect on our minds, bodies, and consciousness. An astounding 78 million people were taking psychiatric drugs in the US in 2019. That is just one class of drugs, but it represents about 24% of the US population. Many different facets of the modern pharmaceutical industry were actually derived from Nazi Germany and the war culture in general. The United States probably got more than it bargained for (or perhaps exactly what it bargained for) in Operation Paperclip's deal (with the devil), where many dark occultists from the Nazi Party were secretly imported into the United States.

The drugging of test subjects was also the main focus of many Mkultra (dark occult) experiments. In ritual abuse, drugs are usually combined with physical, mental, and sexual abuse in order to break a person down so that they can be rebuilt by the programmer. In dark occultism, it is believed that drugs, torture, physical and mental abuse, and sadistic sex acts break down a person's spiritual immunity and open them up to the influences of dark forces.

Signs and Signatures

What happen (and is happening) to Britney Spears is incredibly sad. Her psychological
breakdowns are a key signature trait of trauma-based mind control. As sad as this
may be, it is no sadder than what is happening to society as a whole right now.

Miley Cyrus, Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift, Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, Katy Perry, Kesha, Madonna, Lindsay Lohan, Amanda Bynes, etc -- All of these celebrities have had bizarre breakdowns at least one time (usually more) in their careers. Much of the time, programming and ritual abuse remains mostly hidden from its victims. However, every once in a while these memories resurface, and when they do, it can have dire consequences for the victim. This is especially true as celebrities get older, which is why you find so many of these abused people dying before the age of 30. Many times these programmed celebrities are condemned for their bizarre behavior. I think that is unfortunate because most of the time they are simply acting out a role as products of their abuse and programming (which is usually not a reflection of their true nature). If you think that this type of programming and abuse is just limited to celebrities, think again. It extends far and wide into many different areas of society.

Disturbing Revelations

I actually researched and wrote most this article about five months ago. However, I didn't end up posting it because what I found during that research, and what I subsequently wrote about (which has been omitted from this post due to graphic content), was so dark and so disturbing that it left me psychologically paralyzed for a while. So I get it when people don't want to see and consider these types of things. However, as I have said many times before (and will probably continue to say), nothing can ever truly change in this world unless it is seen, understood, and exposed.

More Connections


So what does all this have to do with the video from the last post? How about if I answer that question with another question? What do all of the things below have in common with each other:

Why do the dark occultists employ ritual-based abuse (physical and psychological), drugs, and isolation in their programming practices? It's to completely break down their subjects, reprogram them with a "new normals", make them into tools for their agendas, make them into playthings for their sick desires, make them willingly (oxymoron) consent to their own enslavement, help them (the dark occultists) turn the entire world into a shit-based socioeconomic death-cult system, and bring their subjects closer to the dark entities that they worship.

The Mind Programmers.


Dark Networks

I often hear people ask, why would the elite intentionally destroy the world? There are actually multiple answers to that question. Trauma-based mind control is designed to erase everything that is independent, strong, and good in a person so that they will obey their programmers without question. The same is true on a larger scale with social and economic systems.

If the elite can eliminate people's financial security (through a planned destruction of the economy), get them into deep debt, eliminate their social support systems (contact with family members, friends, etc), eliminate their outlets for social activities that promote social bonding (access to movie theaters, sporting events, concerts, etc), eliminate their individuality, blur their gender identity, divide them (via politics, race, religion, age, etc), and make them dependent on the state, then the elite have a broken system, a broken population, and something that they can mold and shape into their New World Normal.

This is how the elite class corrupted and conquered the Native Americans. They took away their land, they took away their ability to hunt and feed themselves, they outlawed their culture and traditions, outlawed their religion, they put their children into indoctrination camps (schools), and then after they were completely broken, they offered them some desolate land, some blankets, some clothes, some staple foods, and a little bit of money from the government. Does any of this sound familiar?  

This is about the elite "terraforming" the Earth into a new environment that favors their rule and control.

Poopy Environments Lead to Shitty Influences

Fish live and thrive in the ocean because that is their natural habitat. However, if you were to take a fish out of the water and place them on land, they would probably die very quickly. This is also true of animals that live in very cold environments, such as the arctic, and animals that live in very hot environments, such as the desert. If you were to take those animals out of their natural environment and place them in a different environment, they would probably have trouble surviving and thriving. In a similar manner, corrupt politicians, bankers, and CEOs rely on corrupt environments in order to thrive and survive. However, if you replace the corrupt environments with ethical environments, then that corruption (and the agents of that corruption) would have a hard time thriving and surviving.

Beelzebub - Lord of the Flies

I suspect that most people probably don't like poop. However, flies crave poop because that is part of their natural environment (and how they reproduce). If the Lord of the Flies was placed into an environment that had lots of crap in it, then he would probably have a vast kingdom to rule over and many different subjects to command. However, if the Lord of the Flies was placed into an environment with very little crap in it, then he would probably have limited influence, limited strength, and very few subjects to rule over.

But Really, Is that Shit Really Real?

Still not convinced that there is something very dark and very evil going on here? Remember that a significant portion of our programming and conditioning is designed to create an environment of denial (both internal and external) and make us believe that such programming and conditioning doesn't exist and that it has no real effect on our thoughts and actions.

Repetition and Frustration

Yes, but how many times?

How many times, and how many different ways, do you have to say the same thing before more of the general population will consider what you are saying? And how many different voices in the choir does it require to be heard and taken seriously? And how many times must you be ridiculed and shunned by your peers (that should know better) for having the courage to see beyond the popular/acceptable narrative (mainstream and alternative) and explore and address subject matter that exists outside of that box?

On one hand it can be frustrating, depressing, and outright bewildering to see so many veteran reporters and "influencers" (who exist outside of the mainstream media) not seeing, considering, or reporting on this situation for what it really is. On the other hand, it is somewhat understandable based on the extreme levels of propaganda and psychological programming that we are all being subjected to. I also know that it can be frustrating for others in this arena as well because I have seen it and heard it expressed in their videos, podcasts, and posts (or lack of posts).

I'm guessing that many long-time readers are probably getting a little weary at this point of me posting content that is very similar to what has already been posted months and years before. My reasoning for doing this is not based on a lack of new content to talk about (who could ever run out of new content to talk about in this era of non-stop propaganda and manufactured drama?). I just see a limited benefit in continuously reporting on, following up on, and following down the roads that the controllers have laid out for us. Thus, I have tried to concentrate more on subject matter that I think might help new readers to see the bigger picture, to begin their own journey of discovery, and to recognize that if one person can help another person to become more aware and understanding, then they too also have that same ability and talent (in their own unique way) to do the same for others.

The Old and the New

New approaches to old understandings

There comes a point when you have to ask the question -- If they haven't seen it yet, will they ever see it? I know there are many readers of this series that do get it. But what about the rest of the people? I really don't want to keep repeating the same things over and over again in the hope that the blind, and the willfully ignorant, will suddenly learn (or choose) to see again. The information is already out there. It has been out there for a long time. And it has been presented in many different ways, by many different people. To use a very old and very overused cliche, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink it. And you can give people Roddy Piper glasses, but you can't make people wear them if they don't want to. Actually, I don't want to "make" people do anything. I only wish for them to have a real opportunity to see past the official narrative and realize that there is other valid information out there that is worthy of their consideration.      

That doesn't mean that I am giving up or moving on. Rather, it means that moving forward in this blog, I plan on exploring, addressing, and concentrating more on subject matter that is timeless in nature (not anchored to current events) and is more in line with the name of this blog (Strange Things). Actually, if you really think about it, there aren't any real strange things in the world. Things only appear to be strange to us, because they are unknown to us. Once we become aware of the unknown, it ceases to be strange, and instead becomes part of our greater awareness and our greater understanding. And from that greater awareness and greater understanding, many amazing things can be realized. One of the most important things that can be realized is the ability to see that we have many more choices in what we allow or want to become a part of our lives, our society, our world, and our consciousness than just the "two choices" that are often presented to us. Helping people to see these other choices has always been one of my main goals in writing this series, and it will continue to be for as long as this series goes on.

Light and Darkness

There is a reason why the Sun, the Moon, and the Stars are prominent
symbols in so many different religions and philosophical traditions.

The light and the dark will always exist in this world. They cannot be eliminated. However, malignant darkness (evil) can be eliminated. Malignant darkness only exists in this world because it is allowed to exist within an environment that is devoid of light. When both the light and the darkness are understood (internally and externally), the Light that results from that awareness can help to create a new environment where malignant darkness (evil) cannot survive.

The solutions are not complicated, and they are not unknown to us. In fact, they already exist within each and every one us. They only need to be seen in order to known and realized.

Peace to All.


Why, Oh Why, Is Poop So Pervasive in Pop Culture Now?

Total Control



I ran across this video today. It is one of the most disturbing videos that I have seen in a while. This has nothing to do with social distancing for the safety of the people. And it's not just about power and control over people. It is about something much deeper, and much more sinister. I'll address this video more in the next post, as well as address some other very disturbing things that, on the surface, may seem unrelated, but are actually common threads belonging to the same web.


Love, Support, and Affection are Not Allowed




Proper discrimination begins with asking questions. Questions represent
the light of freedom, within the darkness of oppression.


Discrimination:  (1) The ability to understand that one thing is different from another thing, (2) The practice of unfairly treating a person, or a group of people, differently from other people or groups of people (Merriam-Webster).

Of the two definitions cited above, which definition usually (almost universally) comes to mind when the word discrimination is spoken in society today? The first definition has a positive connotation associated with it and is associated with positive concepts such as knowledge, awareness, discernment, and understanding. On the other hand, the second (more accepted) definition of this word has a negative connotation associated with it, which implies that discrimination (in all of its forms) is actually harmful and should be avoided.

Redefining (weaponizing) valuable words and concepts is one of the primary tools of propaganda. This is not a new technique, but rather it is a well defined, understood, and highly effective process of psychological manipulation and control that has been used and refined over many millennia. The weaponization of words and concepts (via media, movies, politics, music, etc) is an extremely effective tool of propaganda because these "reimagined" words and concepts are usually inserted into our subconscious minds without our knowledge. As a result of this process, such words, concepts, and mis-understandings subsequently become a part of our every-day (unconscious) thought processes, views, and actions. A good example of word weaponization can clearly be seen in the various slogans of 1984 (Orwell), such as War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, and Ignorance is Strength.

Fuzzy Logic and Hard Truths

The examination of the word "discrimination" above was inspired by a presentation that Mark Passio gave many years ago. Although I had covered this topic before, it was Mark's unique (very straightforward) examination of this idea that really brought home the importance of practicing proper discernment in all areas of our thought processes and actions.

Mark Passio is known to many people for his clear, real, no-nonsense, direct, and decisive approach to communication. Unfortunately, as a result of this, he has sometimes been characterized as being overly harsh because he doesn't always communicate in a way that people are typically accustomed to and accepting of (fuzzy, feel good, glossy, "uplifting", teddy-bear type of demeanor).

While there are certainly many "positives" associated with positive thinking, the true reality is that there are actually very few positives that transpire from ignoring uncomfortable truths, factual data, real awareness, and true understanding. Thus, I would suggest that what is truly "uplifting" and inspiring in the end, is not ignorance of the negative, but rather it is information that exposes the negative (lies), and helps to create a path towards greater awareness, better understanding, and more "discriminating" (discerning) actions.

What we really need in the world right now is not a media (mainstream and/or alternative) that comfortably dances around true reality out of fear, acceptance, and/or tradition. But, rather, what we really need is a media that confronts reality and the truth of our situation for what it really is. How can reality be changed if it is not clearly seen, clearly defined, and thoroughly understood? What we really need right now are people that have the courage and commitment to speak truthfully, plainly, clearly, and discerningly about the uncomfortable truths that exist far below the surface of the generally accepted lies that we have been surrounded with (and conditioned to accept as our reality).

Promoting Fear or Increasing Awareness?

Manufactured fear is a tool of control. In this context, fear in constructed for the purpose of achieving a desired goal or for the purpose of fulfilling a particular agenda. When fear is utilized in this manner, it may be totally contrived in its origin, or it can be built (artificially magnified) around an existing issue. When unfounded (manufactured) fear is believed, accepted, and adhered to by us, it often results in unconscious thoughts, behaviors, and actions that can result in very harmful outcomes.

What about promoting awareness? Can't that also result in the creation of fear as well? Promoting awareness (unlike manufacturing fear) helps to create greater understanding which has the potential to lead to the realization of greater truths, better thought processes, and more informed decisions. Awareness (unlike manufactured fear) does not attempt to hide the truth, redefine language (for the benefit of the few), limit critical thinking, squash free speech, or outlaw productive debate. Rather, it creates an environment where individuals and societies can eventually move past fear through truth, greater awareness, and better understanding.  

Honest Mistakes vs. Planned Outcomes

There are honest mistakes, and there are planned agendas. I think that there is a tendency to believe that all people are good, and that any harm that comes from people's actions are a result of honest mistakes (rather than as a result of a planned/intentional agenda). In attempting to truly move forward and create lasting beneficial change in the world, it is important to properly recognize, "discriminate" (discern), and communicate the difference between these two things.

Pandemic vs Plandemic

People that question the pandemic, and the rules (created by the rulers) surrounding the pandemic, have been characterized as being uncaring, selfish, crazy, and dangerous people. The process of questioning authority and institutional thought is not about selfishness or the promotion of unjust freedom (freedom to do whatever we want without regard to others). It is about examining the true motives and agendas that exist behind (underneath) the lockdowns, social distancing, masking, and "greater good" monologue that is being forcefully imposed on the people by the un-chosen (or in some cases chosen) few. It's about asking these questions -- Where does the true harm actually exist in these policies, and where are we headed if these policies continue on without debate, without challenge, and with our real or manufactured consent?

Open and Closed

An open mind can be beneficial, or it can be harmful. It really depends on what information we allow to enter our mind, and how we allow that information to influence us. Again, it comes back to idea of conscious awareness and proper discrimination (discernment). It's much like the analogy of the boat that I presented in the previous post. We can ignore large holes in the hull and allow darkness to enter unchallenged. Or, we can patch those holes so that darkness is properly filtered (discerned) as it is encountered. Or, we can totally block out everything so that we are completely "safe" and nothing (light or darkness) is allowed to enter our mind beyond that which is approved by official sources.

I believe that open minds (and an open economy) are the things that will produce the least amount of harm to society in the end -- as long as those things are approached with true awareness, true understanding, and true discrimination.

Peace, Love, Freedom, Awareness, and Understanding to All.


The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald
Sometimes, in a storm, there is no choice but to hang-on and hope
for the best. However, there are other times when there is a
clear course of action that can be taken to avoid disaster.
Which situation do you believe that we are currently in?

Peace in Our Time
Light (when understood), and Darkness (when misunderstood)

The Last in Line
Darkness (when misunderstood), and Light (when understood)

Before you prematurely turn off this video, listen to the lyrics and consider what has been discussed above. We are being warned on many different fronts right now. The signs are all around us. Which road will we take? What will we define as our home, and what will we choose to come home to? What is evil, and what is divine? Are we the last in line? Who is the first in line? And where will that line lead us?

Evil (malignant darkness) has attempted to overcome the Light (Truth, Awareness, and Understanding) many times before in the past. However, it has never truly succeeded in those efforts because it has mostly attempted to block the Light through the use of force. The only way that evil can truly succeed and lastingly prevail is with our consent (real or manufactured). It is NOT true that the only way is down. There is always a choice, unless we forfeit the most precious gift that we have ever been given -- Freewill.

Recognize, cherish, and use that gift wisely.


The Redefining of Language and
the Reclaiming of Language



The Last Castle


I chose to link this particular movie because, on the surface, it projects a "feel good" message. However, underneath this narrative there exists a deeper message that has the potential to unknowingly enter our subconscious minds and result in thoughts, beliefs, and actions that can be very harmful if they are not recognized and not properly discerned.

The world that is being created right now before us (and has been created) is an environment that is very similar to both military rule and prison incarceration. It is a world where top down hierarchical rule is left unquestioned, is blindly accepted, and where dissent is openly discouraged (and unfairly punished). It is a world where our minds are being manipulated into believing that a minority few can rule over the many in a fair and just system. It is a world where people have been conditioned to believe that a "savior" exists somewhere outside of ourselves, and if we are patient enough, that a "savior" will eventually arrive via the next "election", via a cloud in the second coming, or via the acceptance of a new and better system (that the so-called elite just happen to have ready and waiting for us).

I'm not suggesting that one person, or a group of people, cannot be informative and inspirational in our quest for freedom and the realization of equal natural rights. What I am saying is that before we allow someone else to command our thoughts and actions, we must first learn to command our own thoughts and actions. And before we salute another, we must first know ourselves and what it means to honor and salute the truth. And before we fly the flag of any nation, party, or institution, we should first, and foremost, fly the banner of truth, awareness, and understanding.

What is the cure for "Capitalism" (like we really have free-market Capitalism right now?). If it is not Capitalism, then it must be Socialism. And if it is not the right, then it must be the left. And if it is not conservative, then it must be liberal. And so on. Capitalism is not solely at fault here. It is the hijacking of Capitalism by special interests. The real problem exists in the concentration and monopolization of power and control, by the few, over the many. And the real problem exists in the corruption of moral and ethical principles. Some people want to believe that Socialism is the answer. However, Socialism (via historical evidence) has repeatedly demonstrated that power, control, and the monopolization of the few over the many, does not diminish with Socialism, but rather it increases. Do people really believe that if we switched to Socialism (or some other system) today, that the people who run that system would suddenly become moral and ethical in their practices and would become immune to the pursuit of self-interest and special interests? The answer is not in the system. The answer lies (no pun intended) in the ethics and morality of the system, the people who run the system, and the people who consent to the system.

Stones can be used to construct a wall to imprison us. Or, stones can be used to construct a (fire)wall to prevent negative influences from unknowingly affecting us. Or, stones can be used to build a wall of perceived "safety" around us (thereby limiting our true freedom and liberty). Or, "stones" (as elements of awareness) can be used to build an environment where the principles of truth, independent thought, independent freedom, true liberty, and true community (for the true good of all) are held in a "castle" of the highest regard (rather than held hostage in a castle inhabited by those who rule, coerce, and oppress others through false authority).


The Many Different Dimensions of Knowledge, Awareness, and Understanding


When given the opportunity, the light always seems to find a way of illuminating the darkness.

When I reference a link to a podcast, a video, an interview, a movie, a show, or a song, that doesn't mean that I advocate or subscribe to everything that is communicated in that link. It also doesn't mean that that particular person or group speaks for me or represents all of my views. Rather, it means that I think that there is something valuable in that discourse or expression that may help to encourage greater awareness and understanding.

There are certain times when such awareness and understanding may revolve around something that is potentially beneficial (if it is understood). And there are other times when such awareness and understanding may revolve around something that could potentially be harmful (if it is not understood). Since we live in a world that is based on polarity, almost everything in this world has the potential to either be beneficial or be harmful, based on what our level of awareness and understanding is, and based on how that particular concept, thing, or technology is utilized.

Radio Free Earth

I used to listen to a lot of podcasts. The podcasts that I tended to favor were the ones that featured many different guests from many different backgrounds. I searched out those particular types of podcasts because I wanted to become more aware and understanding of many different points of view (so that I could potentially arrive at better conclusions and make more informed decisions).

While listening to those podcasts, I often encountered views that were very different from my own. Through my own programming and conditioning, there was sometimes a tendency to quickly dismiss those people or turn off those podcasts before they were finished. What did I learn from the podcasts and guests that I prematurely dismissed? Nothing. What did I learn from the guests and podcasts that I disagreed with (but listened to anyways)? Far more than I ever would have thought.

Reflections To and From Different Dimensions of Understanding

What I am trying to say is that most of us (including myself) have been deeply and unknowingly programmed and conditioned with many different forms of false information at some point in our lives. Often, it can be very difficult to recognize and move past those things without the help (eyes and ears) of others. Everybody has had different experiences (and some have had the same experiences). Both of these forms of experience are valuable, because they come from different perspectives. Don't be afraid to share what you have learned (and what you have unlearned). And don't be afraid of constructive criticism, or even unfounded criticism. Learn from the constructive criticism, and expose the unfounded criticism. It is both our diversity and our true unity that helps to make us stronger. Many times it is only when we see ourselves through others that we can begin to understand how we have been programmed and, thus, have the opportunity to break free from that programming and journey towards greater truth, greater awareness, and greater understanding.




Mixing Console



The Tracks: Fear, Propaganda, New Scary Covid-19 Symptoms, Covid Mutations, Second Wave, Flu Season, Bubonic Plague Squirrels, Murder Hornets, Dangerous Mosquitoes, Brain Eating Amoeba, Toilet Paper Shortage, Face Masks, Food Shortages, Climate Change, Financial Insecurity, Homelessness, Police Brutality, The Vaccine, Covid Case Numbers, Covid Death Numbers, Flatten The Curve, Social Distance, Distanced Learning, Conspiracies, Authoritarianism, Racial Division, Political Division, Crazy Karens, Crazy Kens, Marxism, Socialism, Crony Capitalism, Freedom, Slavery, Censorship, Free Speech, Political Drama, Civil Unrest, Fires, Violence, Obscene Money Printing, Jobs Creation/Destruction, Dependence on the State, etc, etc, etc.

The Studio

When human beings exist in the box, they are subject to the whims and the mix of the engineers (Architects of Reality). When the engineers want to change the mix they just raise or lower the "volume" (mix) of each desired track. And when they really want to hide reality from us, they simply raise the levels until the each track begins to clip (distort) and drowns out the less desirable tracks (from their point of view).

On the other hand, when human beings exist outside of the box, it is the people that choose the instruments, the melody, the harmony, the lyrics, the effects, the balance between the tracks, the length of the song, and the final mixdown.



It takes an extraordinary amount of courage to do what Dr. Madej did in the previous segment (video). It takes courage because quite often there are significant consequences that can occur when speaking out, standing up, and examining topics which few others are willing to address. This is especially true in professions such as the medical establishment where speaking out against the medical and information cartels can result in damage, or even total destruction, to your career and personal life.

The Architects of Reality are masters of fear-based propaganda. They want people to fear asking questions, fear speaking out, and fear exercising their right to free speech. Thus, they do everything that they can to isolate, discredit, block, and condemn those that choose to stand up and exercise their right to independent thinking, critical discourse, debate, dissent, freewill, and free speech.

Just say NO

Unfortunately, the Architects of Reality are often successful in their attempts at suppression because society (through programming and conditioning) has a tendency to "socially distance" themselves from anyone that they perceive might jeopardize their physical, social, and/or psychological safety. The few are only successful in this endeavor because the many have been taught and trained to act as agents of the few and to fight amongst themselves while the Architects of Reality continue to reside in the perceived safety of their artificially contrived thrones (wearing crowns that the people have granted to them).

Will this end up being the crowning achievement of the Architects of Reality?

Currently there is a real danger in speaking out and in standing up. But that danger only exists because we, as a people, have mostly failed to support, encourage, stand by, protect, and demand true justice (real justice) for those that have put everything on the line in the pursuit of truth, true Love, liberty, and freedom.

If you choose to speak out and stand up there is a good chance that you will encounter resistance from both the controllers, and the controlled. And there is also a good chance that you will probably make some mistakes along the way. However, as I said in the previous post, there is no shame in making mistakes while engaging in the sincere (eyes wide open) pursuit of truth, freedom, and liberty. Making mistakes is inevitable. However, it is from those mistakes that we have the opportunity to learn, grow, and become stronger, more knowledgeable, more aware, and more understanding.

I will always support, stand by, and defend anyone that chooses to sincerely embark on such a Journey of Awakening (even if/when they make mistakes). Nobody is born into this life all-knowing. And nobody leaves this life all-knowing. We learn and move forward through our own personal experiences and through our interactions with others and the inspirations that we receive from them.

Holey Vessels and Whole Spiritual Beings

There are certain fundamental concepts and principles that I have repeatedly expressed throughout this series. This is because once one develops a good understanding of these concepts and principles, then that person has the potential to create a type of physical, psychological, and spiritual immunity that very few outside "viruses" (negative influences) can easily penetrate.

Perhaps an analogy might help to illustrate and clarify this idea. Think of a ship making a long journey from one continent to another. During that journey, the surface of the ship may encounter some storms, experience some torn sails, have some equipment failures, and perhaps even develop some friction between the crew members. It is important to recognize and address all of these surface issues. However, if there is a huge hole in the bottom of the ship that remains unnoticed and unaddressed, then it doesn't really matter how much bailing is done up on the deck, because it is very likely that the ship will eventually succumb to the real problem that exists below the surface.

Sometimes a boat becomes grounded because
the tide unexpectedly rolls out.


Sometimes a boat becomes grounded due to neglect and a
buildup of unseen elements that exist below the surface.


And sometimes a boat completely sinks because
glaring holes in the hull are ignored.


That hole in the bottom of the ship symbolically represents our susceptibility to fear, programming, conditioning and our (artificially induced) perception that we are less than what we really are. It is this hole (created by insane captains, misguided officers, and false representatives) that prevents us from becoming truly strong, truly aware, and truly whole.

Watch the tide, see below the surface, plug the holes, and the ship will sail on. Ignore those things, and there is a very real possibility that the ship will go down and that many hands will be lost.


As I have expressed previously, most technology by itself is neither good nor evil. It is how it is used that determines its true nature. I think that Dr. Madej did a really good job of expressing where the so-called elite would like to take humanity -- to a dystopian future where technology does not serve the people, but rather it imprisons the people and serves the needs and desires of only the few.

However, there is another route that we can take where technology can be used in a manner that truly empowers the people. In that world, technology preserves our autonomy, individuality, freewill, and freedom. In that world, the value of the individual and the value of individual liberty and individual creativity is in the hands of the individual, not in the crosshairs of Big Tech, Big Corp, Big Brother, and Big Government. In that world, there exists a real choice in how you value your time, how you value your efforts, and how you value your creativity. There is nothing wrong with freely giving away your time and efforts to others, just as long as it is done in a truly conscious manner and is truly a result of your own freewill and your own choice (rather than by way of manufactured necessity, psychological programming, and/or coercion).

It's not technology itself, but rather it is how
technology touches us and influences us.


There is probably no way to stop the march of technology at this point. But even if there was a way, would people really want to stop it? There are two main roads that we can take -- one of those roads leads to a dystopian nightmare where most human beings become "in-human" nodes in the elite created Smart Grid. In that world, there is no freedom, no liberty, and no individuality (except for what is approved and/or downloaded from the elite created non-smart grid). On the other hand, in the other world, human beings have the opportunity to truly excel and move forward in a manner that preserves, protects, and encourages individuality, true community, freedom, and liberty.

Encouraging Words and Actions

The fact that the establishment has been creating so much over-the-top propaganda and censorship lately is not a reason for despair. Rather, it is a reason to rejoice, because it means that the establishment recognizes that people ARE waking up, people ARE standing up, and people ARE taking action to stop this dystopian agenda before it can be completed.


In watching the mainstream "news" media, it might appear sometimes that the momentum is currently in favor of the rulers. However, I would suggest that the real momentum is in favor (and within definite reach) of the people. If we keep that momentum going in a conscious and productive manner and resist all of the chaos that the Architects of Reality are trying to throw at us, then things really can change for the better (outside of the official narrative and minority rule). That doesn't mean that we won't experience some significant pain in such a transition. But if the people choose to take a different road that is paved with conscious awareness, proper discernment, and good understanding, at least there will be the opportunity for us (and future generations) to live in the beauty that this world has to offer, instead of the dystopian nightmare that we are currently headed towards.

Peace, Love, and Freedom to All


Technology for the People?
In the second half of this video, there is a brilliant segment in which Max Keiser interviews Brian
Roemmele. In the interview, Brian discusses some of the benefits and pitfalls of technology
and also proposes some interesting ideas on how technology can be used to benefit
all of humanity, not just those that are in minority control of it.


Ron Paul Liberty Report
Real Covid death statistics, and real governing?


Find the Others
Find Yourself, find the Others, connect with
the Others, and build True Community

The Best of Both Worlds
One person (or one elite minority) cannot, and should not, control the world. However,
every single voice and every single action that we take (as ones within One)
can make or break the world as we know it.

The Sound of Silence
Cover by Malinda and her cute dog

TV Programming, or Tele-VISION?


The Best of Both Worlds - Part One and Part Two


WHO's Life Is It?




Humans 2.0?
(Banned by Youtube)

Humans 2.0
(Backup Link)


It's My Life
It's your life, and it's your choice

Is there Anybody Listening?
"Read between the lines, criticize the words they're selling. Think for yourself,
and feel the walls become sand beneath your feet"

(updated link)
It's funny, it seems like half the people in the comment section of this video said something about how this was
their graduation song. But what is graduation? If you really think about it, most real education
doesn't begin until after we leave schooling. In fact, we never truly graduate
from learning (unless our eyes, ears, and minds remain closed).

Search for the truth. Reach for the truth. See the truth. Believe in the truth.
Defend the truth. And a better world will follow. 

There is no shame in being wrong in the sincere pursuit of the truth. There
is only shame in never looking (or in stopping looking).


Take Your Medicine


Official Big Pharma studies have concluded that BP = MP and RP = Toxic

It's time to celebrate! Everything is going to be ok. There has been a dramatic breakthrough in the field of psychology and medicine. It seems that after many years of research, the authorities have finally identified the disease and the process that makes people so completely mentally ill that they consider asking questions, engaging in independent thought and critical thinking, doing research, uncovering the truth, and worst of all, engaging in such heinous activities as freedom of choice and the pursuit of liberty.

But that isn't actually the most exciting news. The most exciting news is that they have also developed a treatment for it! Right now it is only available in pill form. However, a vaccine is expected to follow shortly. Perhaps they could combine it together with the Covid-19 vaccine?


The Morality Pill
(morality as defined by the authorities of course)


Comfortably Numb
What were the results of the Morality Pill drug trial?
It is disclosed at the very end of the video.


Footnote (long footnote): I removed a couple of links from the original post. One of the links was for a movie titled "Equilibrium". It had been a while since I last saw this movie, but what I remembered most about it was the deeper philosophical message and lessons contained within it (as they relate to this post and to our current situation). It's amazing how many authoritarian and totalitarian regimes, in both fiction and in non-fiction, seem to rise up out of utopian ideals and/or the need for social reform (i.e. the "greater good principle" via  programs such as Agenda 21/Agenda 30, The Great Reset, police reform, etc). Many of these plans and programs actually do speak about valid and beneficial ideas. However, while they are marketed to the public as one thing, in reality, they are actually created for the benefit of the few (and to consolidate and centralize the power and control of the few over the many).  

The reason why I removed the link to Equilibrium is because I just watched the movie again and realized just how much unnecessary gun violence there is in the film. While I do support the responsible use and ownership of guns, what we are seeing today is something that is increasingly irresponsible. In most situations, I think that things can be resolved without the use (or abuse) of firearms. In my view, firearms should only be used as a very last resort. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be the case today. Through movies, video games, and "real life", people are being conditioned to use firearms more and more as a first resort. There is already enough craziness going on in the world right now without directly, or indirectly, promoting more gun violence (or gun control) via various media sources. I think that it is unfortunate that movies such as The Matrix and Equilibrium include so much gun violence when the underlying messages within the films are very powerful all on their own.

The other link I removed was to an article discussing the drugging of society as a central theme in many dystopian novels and films. I've referenced this particular article before because it is a nice short summary of how "fictional" drugs have been used for social control purposes in these (increasingly less fictional) dystopian societies. Unfortunately, the publication is now asking that people register in order to view the article. I didn't realize that they were doing this, so I have removed the link.

The removal of these links was not a result of a desire to conform to political correctness. I'm sure that most people know by now that I am anything but politically correct. However, I do think that there is a tendency sometimes to view films through the lens of current events and to focus on particular aspects of a film in relation to what is currently happening in the "real world". I just don't want new readers to get the impression that I am promoting or advocating guns as a primary or first line means of social change. For those that can get past the rather abundant use of guns in the film, I still believe that there is a very powerful and valuable message in the story.

As for the music video linked above, I think that it is a perfect expression of our current times and where we are headed if things don't change soon. Again, I am not in favor of violence (except for throwing TVs out the window). Much of the imagery in the video, however, is an accurate depiction of what is becoming more and more common today. When a significant portion of society is unemployed and locked in their homes watching fear porn TV all day, it can sometimes create psychological instability and craziness in people. In fact, this entire situation is causing significant instability and craziness on many different fronts (for a very specific reason). Obviously, the "pin prick" in the video is a central point of focus and is a profound symbol and metaphor for many different things that are occurring right now including what was discussed in the "Morality Pill" video and in relation to what was explored in the various (social control) themes in Equilibrium.


Strange Things Alert!



I just received some very disturbing news. A friend of mine that works in Washington told me about some new legislation that will be introduced next week. The legislation was co-written by Moderna (lobbyist/vaccine developer) and Goldman Sachs (lobbyist/banker). The legislation is expected to encounter very little resistance and will likely pass with overwhelming bi-partisan support.

The legislation will require anyone that refuses The Vaccine to purchase a Safe Space Suit. The suit will be required to be worn at all times -- including at work, at school, at the grocery store, and even at home.

The Safe Space Suit was developed through a subsidiary of Moderna and will be sold for $16,666.66. Consumer financing for the Safe Space Suit will be provided by Goldman Sachs at a rate of 16.66% above prime.

There is a lot of secrecy right now surrounding the introduction of the legislation. However, my friend was able to send me an image of the prototype Safe Space Suit. The image can be seen below:

That is all the information that I have so far. I will update this post as any new information becomes available.


Safety Dance

Footnote: This was actually a very politically-incorrect joke. There is no such legislation or Safe Space Suit that exists...yet.


Un-Masking the Truth



Strength and Weakness

Is sadness and depression a sign of blindness and weakness? Or is sadness and depression a sign of awareness and strength? Is blindly following the rules and going-along-to-get-along a sign of love, caring, and social responsibility? Or is the pursuit of awareness, truth, and understanding a sign of true love, caring, and social responsibility (even if it causes some friction along the way)?

Do No Harm

Harm can be caused in many different ways. Unfortunately, sometimes the greatest harm in this world is caused by those who sincerely desire to do no harm at all. How does this happen? Simply put, it occurs through acts of blind acceptance, blind obedience, blind duty, and blind "responsibility". Our current situation is a perfect example of this. We have been told by the official "experts" that closing down the economy, practicing social distancing, staying locked inside our homes, and wearing PPE will save lives. Is this true? Or do the actual facts demonstrate the complete opposite of this?

The Time After the Before Time

Over the years there has been a lot of research regarding the treatment of depression using Big Pharma drugs. However, there has been significantly less research into the root causes of depression and why it has become such an epidemic in society today. Why is that? The controllers favor drugs over awareness and understanding because drugs help to "mask" the true underlying cause of the "disease" (thereby allowing the real problem to continue and grow). Drugs are hugely profitable to the rulers, not only financially, but also because they promote numbness, blindness, obedience, and compliance among the general population.

Eyes Wide Open

The video linked below may seem a bit dark to some people. However, it is a reality that many people in society are facing today. I've often been criticized in the past (as many others have) for presenting the problems without specifically detailing the solutions. However, if you read what I have posted (and what others have presented over the years), you will see that the solutions are actually very simple and are included within a recognition of the problems. In other words, it is only through recognizing and understanding the problems that we can learn to avoid those things which promote corruption and destruction in this world.

Civil Disobedience

A few quotes regarding the concept of civil disobedience:

Remember the establishment declared that the "pandemic" was a "war" and that the Coronavirus
was the new "invisible enemy". How do corrupt politicians fight wars today? They are fought
using propaganda, sanctions, and other people's children. And who is being
propagandized and sanctioned the most in this war?

Starve corruption. Starve lies and deception. Starve ignorance. Starve misunderstanding. Starve abuse of power. Starve unjust laws and legislation. Starve these things, and a better world will follow. Blindly support and comply with these things, and darkness, destruction, and true starvation (physical, mental, and spiritual) will follow.

Optimism, Pessimism, Positive Thinking, and Negative Thinking

Optimism can be very beneficial when it is combined with constructive action. However, "positivity" without awareness, understanding, and constructive action does not avoid "negativity", it promotes it. Whenever awareness begins to grow in society today there is always a corresponding effort (led by the controllers and the controlled) to suggest that awareness is "negative" and that people should just be (blindly) optimistic (i.e. all the bad people will be arrested, the "savior" will arrive and fix everything, and the world will magically turn into a wonderful place all by itself).

I'll end this post with a question regarding blind optimism: Does such a view favor the people, or does it favor the rulers and the controllers?


The After Time


Love My Way

Love with voluntary compromise can be good (when compromise is just, true, 
and mutual) or bad (when compromise is unjust, untrue, and one-sided)

Love with the condition of mandatory compliance is not love, it is obedience

Love without awareness is blindness

Love without acceptance can be just as destructive as love with blind acceptance

Love is like the Truth - It is an ongoing journey of discovery and understanding

Love is greater than two and it is never less than one and One

Related Reading

Love, Anger, and Other Emotions
(please see the 12-3-18 post on this page)

Escape From the Matrix



Birds of a Feather
(Right-Wing vs. Left-Wing and Old vs. New)



Vulture (from Wikipedia 2015 article):

"Vulture is a name given to two groups of scavenging birds of prey: The 'New World' Vulture and the 'Old World' Vulture."  Vultures are considered to be predators, however they rarely attack healthy animals, preferring instead to kill the wounded or the sick. When the hide of a carcass is too thick for a vulture's beak to open, the vulture will wait for a stronger scavenger to eat first (i.e. do the initial work for them), then it moves in and feeds."

"A group of vultures is called a 'wake', a 'committee', a 'venue', a kettle or a volt."

"New World vultures often vomit when they are threatened or approached. New World vultures urinate straight down their legs in order to kill the bacteria that accumulates on them while walking through carcasses."


There isn't much difference between an Old World (order) vulture and New World (order) vulture. They are really just birds of the same feather: 

Resistance to Scavengers

Resistance to Political Drama and Propaganda 

Right and Left are manipulated labels that lead to illusory perceptions. Right and Wrong, on the other hand, are elements of awareness that have the potential to lead to eternal Truths.


Plandemic - Part II


What do we have without alternative points of view? When videos, articles, research, and other media are suppressed or banned because they are deemed to be "harmful" by the architects of reality (the "authorities"), then what we are left with is a medical, scientific, and informational dictatorship. Having access to (and considering) alternative points of view is not harmful. Nor is open discussion and debate. In fact, these things are absolutely essential in order for true progress to occur and for truth, awareness, and understanding to be seen and realized.

Plandemic - Part II

Additional Links (added 8-21-20 and 8-23-20)
 Interview #1
Ben Swann interviews Plandemic creator Mikki Willis 

Interview #2
David Whitehead interviews Mikki Willis. This is an excellent extended
interview with some really great information about the film, the
filmmaker, and other important topics.



Hierarchy of Needs



In Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, the needs at the bottom of the pyramid must be satisfied before the needs above them can be satisfied. In other words, food, water, and shelter take precedence over self-esteem and self-actualization.

The last thing that the rulers want is a world made up of strong, self-confident, self-respecting, understanding, and self-actualized people. Therefore, the rulers create conditions that keep people constantly residing in the lower two levels of the pyramid, while at the same time manipulating and confusing the true meaning that exists within the upper levels of the pyramid. Think about this in relation to the "how's" and "why's" of the recent financial, economic, and social destruction that has occurred (and why there seems to be an agenda to keep such things going for as long as possible).

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is actually the model (and the motive) behind why financial and economic sanctions are imposed on other countries. If the most basic needs of people are constantly in jeopardy (or cannot be met), then the State has the potential to exert far greater levels of control over the people and enjoy far greater levels of acceptance by the people (as the people are led to believe that they might once again have the opportunity to secure their basic survival needs and/or have the chance to rise above them). This is the same type of psychological operation that occurs every four years during the presidential elections.

Those who control the United States have enacted countless sanctions against other countries with full knowledge that such actions will kill many thousands of people due to lack of food, water, medicine, and shelter. And those that control the global stage (many of the same people that control the United States) are currently enacting numerous "sanctions" on the entire world (via pandemic rules/regulations) with full knowledge that such actions will kill many thousands (or even millions) of people due to lack of food, water, medicine, and shelter. In addition to the physical impact that "sanctions" have on the well-being of people, sanctions also have a significant psychological impact on people as well.

Think that the so-called global elite would never deliberately release a virus on the public? Think again. Think that the so-called global elite would never deliberately cause a food and/or supply shortage? Think again. Think that the so-called global elite would never deliberately conduct horrific medical experiments on people without their consent? Think again. Think that the so-called global elite would never deliberately initiate a false flag event and start a war that could kill thousands or millions of people? Think again.

Think that none of these events have happen before? Think again. Think that the so-called global elite really care about the people? Think again.

Those that are too brainwashed, scared, distracted, or lazy to research the truth behind the statements made above (and lack the courage to speak out about them) are the real threat to this world. For it is these people, not the rulers, that will ultimately force many more people into darkness and destruction than the rulers could ever hope to do by themselves.

There is no greater threat to freedom than those who act against it with blind eyes, deaf ears, and willful ignorance.


A Badge of Loyalty



In order to express your allegiance and loyalty to the State, the Party, and other Institutions, people are often encouraged to wear or display a badge, a uniform, an insignia, a pin, a hat, a flag, or some other type of symbol or identification. This behavior demonstrates to others your acceptance, obedience, and membership within the State, Party, Institution, Clan, or Cult.

Throughout history people have been conditioned (through instinct and programming) to believe that physical and psychological safety and security is achieved via the group (the flock). Because of this belief, white sheep flock together, support the official narrative, support each other (within the official narrative), and support those that rule over them. Those who question the rulers, the official narrative, and/or the behavior of the flock, on the other hand, are seen as black sheep and are scorned, chastised, and "ex-communicated" from the flock by faithful flock members.

"Ancient" History

In previous authoritarian and totalitarian regimes, those who displayed the symbols of the Party and obeyed the rulers were sometimes left alone and spared. On the other hand, those who dissented from the Party and questioned the rulers, were often rounded up, imprisoned, re-educated, and/or executed.

It is an unfortunate fact of history that non-compliant Party members were often identified by loyal Party members (neighbors of the non-compliant), not by the police or the actual rulers themselves. Who needs the police when people are willing to police themselves and blindly accept any technology that is given to them?

Recent History

What happen to the people that questioned the official narrative of 9/11 and the wars that followed? They were called "conspiracy theorists", crazy, and nuts. The news media characterized these people as being selfish, unsympathetic, and uncaring towards those that had perished during the events of 9/11. And government "representatives" (rulers) characterized these people as being un-American, unpatriotic, and unsupportive of our troops. President Bush said that "you are either with us, or you are with the terrorists" (i.e. you either believe in what we tell you, or you are our enemy).

As a result of this psyop, the brainwashed, programmed, and conditioned flock scorned, chastised, and sometimes physically assaulted those who dared to challenge the official narrative. The people who questioned 9/11 (and the wars, unjust legislation, infringement of privacy, and control measures that followed) were seen as dangerous because they were "impeding" measures that were enacted for the "safety and security" of society.

In the increasingly reversed (inverted/upside down) world since 9/11, the flag has
been used as a symbol of blind patriotism, blind acceptance, and
blind obedience, rather than as a symbol of true patriotism.


History in the Making

What is happening to people that question the official narrative, rules, experts, dictates, and data regarding the Coronavirus pandemic? They are being characterized as "conspiracy theorists", crazy, and nuts. People not wearing masks and/or not practicing "proper" social distancing are seen as selfish, uncaring, and a danger to society. Maskless people are being characterized (via the media) as Kens, Karens, Far Righters, Trumpies, White Supremacists and/or Crazy Conspiracy Theorists that throw temper tantrums in stores, are abusive towards others, and are selfish non-conformers who pose a threat to the "good" members of society (blind obedient subjects of the rulers).

Covid Checkpoint - Facemask, goggles, and vaccination papers please.

Now there is a true patriot, loyal party member, and
responsible member of society!


Those who choose to protest are usually characterized as being far right, far left, "radical", uninformed, and/or destructive. The media shows us images that support the characterizations that the "architects of reality" want us to see. It is through emotional imagery and repetition that these media constructed "characters" end up defining the movement, rather than the actual people themselves. In this way, most social movements in the US are hijacked and moved away from paths that might result in meaningful change, and moved towards paths that ultimately end up serving the needs, desires, and goals of the rulers.


The same psychological programming and conditioning techniques that are used in basic (military) training, cults, and in many institutions to control their members are also being employed to control society as a whole. Seeing and understanding these psychological mechanisms of control is the first step towards escaping from the artificial boundaries of control that are created by the rulers (and the virtual prison that many people have unknowingly become incarcerated in).

The most effective prison is not physical in nature, it is psychological.

Further Reading and Review

Yale Study on Psychological Control and Manipulation of the General Population

This is just one study among a long list of similar studies that have been conducted over the years by universities, think tanks, and government agencies in order to determine the most effective ways to psychologically coerce, manipulate, and control society. This particular study discusses the use of guilt, anger, embarrassment, cowardness (lack of bravery), social pressure (social benefit and community interest), trust in science (i.e. blindly obeying officially appointed "experts) and the use of other psychological tactics to coerce and intimidate people into submission and obedience. Although the main focus of this study is vaccine compliance, the tactics used here are very similar to the tactics that are frequently used in other psychological operations as well.

A Lesson From History
What happens when private sector jobs are destroyed and replaced by State jobs? What happens when
most of society becomes dependent on the State for their safety, security, and basic needs? What
happens when you don't openly show your allegiance and loyalty to the State and the Party?

Don't Do Your Own Research
Listen to the experts! You are not qualified or smart enough to study or evaluate
data, claims, and/or recommendations made by the "experts". Really?

Masking of the Truth
(and alternative points of view)
Are there other credible (dissenting) views and studies that
exist regarding the use of face masks? There are if you look
outside of the "official" main-stream news narrative.

Germany Remembers

Schooled by Nature

Prison Planet Earth

The Psychological Control Grid
 (please see the 4-17-19 post on this page)

The Maskuerade
(please see the 5-14-20 post on this page)


Shock and Awe
Shock and Awe - A tried, true, and proven
technique of psychological control.


Time Management



If we choose to live in the past, then we will likely suffer in the present. However, if we choose to focus on the future, then we will likely suffer in the past (the present moment). If we fail to learn from our past, and we are blind to where we are headed in the future, then we will surely suffer in both the present and in the future.

In the modern world, we are increasingly being trained (or entrained) to focus our attention on only that which exists right before us from one moment to the next (i.e. instant "gratifications", constant "stimulations", instant "notifications", continuous "feeds", endless "streams", and ongoing  "stats"). This is distorting our perception of time and reality and making it less beneficial to us, and more beneficial to those who wish to keep us residing in a more manageable very narrow framework of tightly controlled recurring "time loops".

Perhaps another way of looking at time is this -- The past and the future do not move away from each other, but rather they move towards each other in cycles (or in circles) that meet once again in the present. Thus, history has a tendency to continually repeat itself unless we choose (through freewill) to break-free from these repeating cycles.


The crossing point of the past and the future occurs in the present. Therefore, it is the present that must be addressed in a meaningful and significant way in order to break free from the cycle, otherwise the time loop will continue on unchanged.

When our attention and focus are constantly redirected by the media, it creates an environment where our opinions, views, beliefs, and behaviors can also be constantly redirected as well.


Eight Miles High




A revolution implies circular motion. In a revolution,
the start and the finish are often the same (even
though they may appear to be different).


Straight ahead usually means more of the same. On the other hand,
driving off the beaten path may provide the opportunity
to experience a different reality (good or bad).


Politically driven? Or organically derived? In a politically driven revolution,
levels of oppression are usually defined by which round we are in. True
change (i.e. movement away from the circle) can only be realized
through organically derived (unmanipulated) action.


Jumping into an issue too quickly can often cloud one's judgment and result in a reactionary action. However, taking a step back and taking the time to consider all of the relevant elements of the issue, often creates an environment where the issue becomes clearer and the action becomes more evolutionary (forward moving) than revolutionary (circular/cyclical).

The goal of the ruling class is to confine people to clouded reactions
in order to keep us from clearly acting and thinking clearly.
One of the ways that they accomplish this is through
the imagery that is shown to us in the media.




Wheels on the Bus
When our opinions, views, attitudes, and behaviors become a
product (result) of what is shown to us by the media, then the
wheels on the bus go round and round and we are driven
towards a destination that is defined by them, not by us.

Related Reading

The Bus Trip


Executive Order
The People: Give us reform and social order
The Government: Give us more power to order society


Mirror mirror on the wall, why does the corrupt government reflect darkness to all?

In the opening of Trump's Executive Order on Policing, it states:

This essentially establishes government as the agency that was created to secure our God given rights (inalienable Natural Rights). The government is not God. And the purpose of government is not to grant or secure individual rights or to establish "justice" according to the rules (laws) that are written and enacted via decree and enforced by a minority ruling class.

In Section 2 of the Executive Order, it states:

When has any agency that is established and/or approved by the Federal Government been "independent" in nature? Agencies that are established and/or approved by the Federal Government are there to enforce the rules, policies, and laws of government (and corporate interests), not to protect the public. In this instance, local law enforcement agencies will only be granted funding when they adhere to the approved policies and central authority of the Federal Government.

In Section 3 of the Executive Order, it states:

This section is about furthering the concentration, coordination, and centralization of policing power through one authority (the Attorney General and the Federal Government). Access to all enforcement agencies via a centralized database allows the Federal Government to track and penalize the agencies  that do not adhere to official government policies. Those policies could include many different things (both beneficial and harmful). The establishment of most central databases (of all types) is about tracking and control. It is not about the pursuit of freedom and "justice".

In Section 4 of the Executive Order, it states:

I believe that this section is the actual focus of the Executive Order. It talks about the necessity to address "mental illness" within society and outlines the shared role that law enforcement agencies and "social workers" will play in addressing "individuals suffering from impaired mental health".

The last sentence in Section 5 of the Executive Order states:

The declaration above essentially grants immunity to all departments, agencies, entities, officers, employees, and agents of the United States Government.

Mental Health

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) is the handbook of the Psychiatry industry (Big Pharma industry). According to its authors, the DSM "defines and classifies mental disorders in order to improve diagnoses, treatment, and research". The latest addition of the DSM (DSM-5) has been expanded to such a degree that almost anything can be classified as a "mental disorder". Throughout history, the psychiatry industry has been used as a powerful tool of social control by many authoritarian regimes (please see The Political Abuse of Psychiatry).

If you read the Executive Order closely, it establishes the ability of law enforcement to work in close conjunction with mental health authorities to enforce the policies set forth by the government for the safety and security of the public (and the pursuit of "justice" for all). This could potentially include such things as the enforcement of vaccine policies (for public safety), the drugging of "mentally ill" persons by the government and Big Pharma (for public safety), or the house arrest and jailing of persons for public safety (in order to encourage sanity/compliance with government mandated policies).

Some examples of "mental illness" (as defined by the government) might include behaviors such as:

If you question or challenge anything having to do with the official narrative, then you are a conspiracy theorist and a possible danger to yourself and/or a threat to the well being of society. In order to insure compliance with government-defined social order (public safety and security), it's possible that in future all persons may be subject to psychological evaluation carried out by the mental health authorities and enforced by way of the government "credentialed" (approved) law enforcement agencies.

Before rolling out new policies and agendas, the ruling class (rule makers) always pepper the people (via the media) with examples of behaviors that are viewed as unacceptable in relation to their future policies and agendas. Some examples of this include:

There are an enormous number articles that have been written suggesting that anyone who questions official government policy and the official narrative is either mentally ill, socially unadjusted, fearful, anxious, has low self-esteem, is prone to fantasy, or is dangerous to society (among many other things). Such articles, studies, and papers are there to set a precedent for the establishment and the treatment of "mental health" issues associated with independent thinking, independent facts, and independent opinions that are expressed outside of the official government narrative.

Psychological management of the herd
through Psychiatry and Big Pharma

Is this Executive Order really about police reform? Or is it actually a very scary example of the expansion of abusive policing power accomplished through the enforcement of public safety and security (i.e public safety that is defined exclusively by the State and enacted through the criminalization of "mental health issues" which might threaten the power of the US Government, its agents, and its authority)?

Footnote #1: Occasionally I reference Wikipedia articles as a way of summarizing certain issues and concepts that are discussed in various posts. However, this is not to suggest that Wikipedia or any other article, paper, or opinion should constitute a one-stop source of research and information. I believe that proper awareness and understanding can only be achieved through the evaluation of information obtained from many different sources. Therefore, it is up to the individual to seek out, evaluate, and properly discern various sources (beyond the mainstream media, Wikipedia, and first-page Google results) and come to their own independent conclusions.

Footnote#2: If you think that the above evaluation of Trump's executive order is inaccurate, remember that executive orders (and legislation) enacted during times of crisis are never stated in terms of their true intent. Rather, they usually employ catchy acronym titles such as the CARES Act and include surface level "reform" language that is used to disguise the actual goal of the legislation (which is usually to authorize future actions that the government wishes to take against the people, not for the people). Crisis is manufactured to create the need for a solution. And chaos and confusion is created to draw attention away from the actual reality of the solution.   



Cult of Personality
(Media Created and Culture-Driven Personas)

"When a mirror speaks, the reflection lies"


Related Reading

The Gates of Hell
 (please see the 5-12-20 post on this page)

Obey Your Master
(please see the 4-4-20 post on this page)

Red Alert
(please see the 5-20-20 post on this page)


Equal Rights or Uniformity?


In an unjust system, the most weight is given to those who make the rules.

What does equality mean to you? What is the difference between having equal rights and having equality? Equal rights refers to the natural, universal, and inalienable rights that every person is born with. This includes the right to life, liberty, freedom, and individual sovereignty (and respect for other people's natural rights). Natural (equal) rights are sometimes referred to as God given rights or Natural Law. Equality, on the other hand, refers to the management of resources. Manufactured equality is very different than equal/natural rights.

Below are some recent examples of the application of "equality" (as defined by the rulers):

Right now various proposals are being introduced that would significantly defund local law enforcement agencies, address abuses of power, and limit the immunities that are normally granted to such agencies. However, under these proposals, federal law enforcement agencies would effectively remain exempt from such reforms and would retain extensive abusive powers and have many immunities from prosecution.

Although I am in favor of police reform, there is a bigger picture that should be considered here as well. When the next "crisis" hits us, the gaps that are left by the defunding and reform of local law enforcement agencies will likely allow federal law enforcement agencies to fill in those gaps and enforce the rules and laws of the oligarchs from a more powerful (and unaccountable) federal level. This could potentially include the use of private security contractors and/or multinational security forces as well. Recently we got a preview of what this might look like when unmarked federal enforcement agents showed up on the streets of Washington D.C. and refused to identify themselves to protestors and the media.

Equality in History

In the communist-based Soviet Union, the rulers managed the resources, the means of production, and the distribution of goods and services in the name of equality. Under this system, everyone was equally poor, equally abused, equally oppressed, and equally distressed (except for the rulers).

The hammer and the boot are the tools that the
rulers use to make everyone level and
equally oppressed.


On the slave plantations of the south, everyone was equally without freedom, equally without liberty, and equally without respect or dignity (except for the slave owners). On the Indian reservations, the Native Americans were taken from their original land, equally forced into poverty, equally oppressed, and equally stripped of their freedoms, culture, and traditions. Those who made (and broke) the treaties with Native Americans, on the other hand, lived like kings outside of the reservations.

Justice and Equal Rights

In a truly just system based on equal rights, everyone would be held accountable for violating natural rights (Natural Law) including the rulers, the oligarchs, the lords, the government, and the corporations. And in a truly just system based on equal rights, laws would not be written that favored the few and oppressed the many. And in In a truly just and free system, governments and corporations that engaged in corrupt behaviors and unsound business practices would be allowed to fail (instead of being bailed out), and hard working ethical individuals and small businesses would be allowed to continue on and prosper in a true free market system that rewards ethical practices.


Equality, as viewed by the rulers and the oligarchs, is actually a class-based system that is made up of two "equal" classes. One of those classes is equally wealthy and equally free, and the other class is equally poor and equally oppressed. If equal rights is truly what we seek, then massive government, corrupt politicians, corrupt banks (including the Fed), and corrupt corporations are the entities that we should be defunding and holding accountable for their unjust actions.

Ruler-Based Equality for the People = Uniformity = Controlability 

Equal Rights = Individual Liberty = Freedom


I Won't Back Down


Controlled Demolition


The twin pillars represent not only a gateway, but also the equilibrium that naturally exists
between two opposing forces. On 9/11, a dark gateway was opened and the natural
equilibrium that normally exists between the light and the dark was demolished.


The 9/11 Crisis

In the months and years leading up to the 2000 market crash, there was an enormous amount of fraud and corruption that occurred in society. Those at the top of the food chain (corporations, Wall Street, and the government) made millions of dollars, while the majority of the population was left out in the cold. Public inquiry during this time helped lead to investigations into these matters. However, just as all of the fraud and corruption was beginning to come into public view, 9/11 occurred.

Suddenly all of the investigations from the previous "crisis" were put on hold and were quickly overshadowed by the more immediate crisis of 9/11 and the "new enemy" of terrorism. The connections that were being made between government officials, Wall Street, the military industrial complex, and failed companies such as Enron and Worldcom took a back seat as everyone's focus and attention was redirected towards the TV and current events. Public psychology and attention had once again been shifted, modified, and manipulated through the process of crisis creation, crisis management, and the controlled demolition of truth and reality (perception management). 

Illusion and confusion

People such as Larry Silverstein made billions of dollars from the controlled demolition of the World Trade Center Towers and Building 7. Those with foreknowledge of the attacks made huge amounts of money in the financial markets. Drug companies such as Bayer made enormous profits from the "anthrax scare" with their drug Cipro, while other drug companies made huge profits from the increased demand for "mental health" drugs (including the astronomical rise in use among military personnel). Military contractors made billions. Private security forces profited enormously. Politicians benefited greatly from kickbacks (corporate lobbying). The surveillance state profited enormously. The rulers (rule-making class) benefited greatly via new legislation that was quickly enacted for the "safety and security" of the people (which eliminated our freedoms, liberties, and privacy). What did the people gain from all of this? They got one step closer to complete servitude, complete domination, and complete governance.

During the 2000 Market Crash and the 9/11 Crisis (and afterwards), the bankers and oligarchs made billions of dollars from their corrupt, immoral, and unethical behaviors, while the people suffered and were driven further into poverty, indebtedness, and dependence on the state. This was the beginning of the acceleration into the new debt-based economy.

The 2008 Financial Crisis

The demolition of the economy, the demolition of our financial independence, and the demolition of our freedoms during the 2008 Financial Crisis was similar to what occurred during the 9/11 era crisis. It too was based on fraud, corruption, and immoral and unethical behavior, which was perpetuated by the few, at the expense of the many.

Financial deregulation, achieved through industry lobbying and political corruption, allowed the banks and other financial institutions to engage in outright fraud, take enormous speculative risks, create huge profits for themselves, and then transfer the risk, consequences, and fallout from their corrupt behavior onto the public.

The banks were bailed out with public funds, while smaller companies, corporations, and individuals were forced to take on more and more debt in order to survive. Then the Fed continued to encourage economic destruction in the future with their artificially low interest rates and unsound monetary policies. Corporations took advantage of the low interest rates by borrowing huge amounts of money and using it to fund stock buy back programs, which artificially drove the stock market higher and higher. Banks took advantage of artificially low interest rates by extending credit to everyone and everything which created "the best economy ever". However, what people weren't being told was that the performance of the economy was actually based on artificial growth that was only made possible through the accumulation of more and more debt. Debt was piled upon debt as zombie corporations and consumers used debt to not only fuel their existence and their survival, but also to service their current levels of debt.

You can run, but you can't hide

Financial deregulation, accomplished through corrupt lobbying efforts, had once again created a financial environment that was built upon excessive risk, speculative financial products, and unsustainable and unreal growth. The stampede towards never ending higher levels of debt (and towards the cliff) continued until September 2019 when a liquidity crisis hit the financial markets. It was at this time that the impending and immanent financial meltdown became apparent to many. This led the Fed to step in and begin bailing out the make-believe debt-based financial system with billions and billions of dollars of make-believe fiat money that was injected into the funny-money repo market. This process continued on for quite some time until it became clear to the Fed that these actions were not going to be enough.

Fortunately for the Fed, the Coronavirus came along at just the right time and provided them with the perfect excuse to print unlimited amounts of money, drop interest rates to near zero, and buy much of the junk debt in the market. If the Fed had not been able to inject trillions and trillions of dollars of liquidity into the financial markets and the debt laden zombie corporations when they did, the whole system (house of cards) would have completely collapsed.

Debt Economy - A top heavy house of cards built upon a shaky foundation.

During the 2008 Financial Crisis (and afterwards), the bankers and oligarchs made billions of dollars from their corrupt, immoral, and unethical behaviors, while the people suffered and were driven further into poverty, homelessness, indebtedness, and dependence on the state. This was the continuation of the acceleration into our debt-based economy and inverted reality.

The 2020 Triple Crown Global Crisis
(Pandemic, Economic Collapse, and Civil Unrest)

The financial/economic collapse of 2020 was created through the process of bubble building. The controlled demolition of the world economy was engineered through the Coronavirus "pandemic" (and the management and manipulation of public opinion and perception via the media). Civil unrest was engineered via the fallout from the economic collapse, the pandemic, and the introduction of a new crisis event (involving the ongoing crisis of police brutality, police unaccountability, and racial inequality).

Bubble Monster - The ever growing Continuous Crisis Bubble

Crisis that is built upon crisis, that is built upon crisis, that is built upon crisis, results in a major crisis and the need to "reimagine" new and radical solutions to address world inequalities, world societies, and world economies (that would not have otherwise been considered before).

The pandemic and economic collapse has destroyed much of what was left of smaller companies, healthy competition, independent financial security, free markets, and free peoples, and replaced those things with bigger monopolies and more dependence on the state. The Fed (a mostly private corporation) is buying up all of the debt of intentionally distressed companies (using public funds). The major banks own the debt of intentionally distressed individuals. And major multinational corporations are buying up the rights to public water, public lands, public health (via vaccines and the drugs of Big Pharma), public air, public food supplies, public biodiversity (via patents on life), and now public safety (via the potential elimination of public law enforcement and the potential introduction of multinational and/or private security forces).

The control and ownership of former publicly owned assets and sovereign human beings is being rapidly centralized and concentrated into the hands of just a few lords, masters, and oligarchs, while the people are forced into serfdom, slavery, compliance, and servitude to the ruling class.

During the 2020 Triple Crown Crisis, the bankers and corporate oligarchs have made hundreds of billions of dollars (so far) from their corrupt, immoral, and unethical behaviors, while the people have suffered and have been driven further into poverty, indebtedness, desperation, and dependence on the state. This is the culmination (and the consequence) of a debt-based economy and an inverted reality.

Only Draw Attention to Injustices When it is Convenient
(and when it serves a purpose)

We haven't even begun to see the social/economic fallout from the worldwide scamdemic of 2020. What do you think is going to happen when people start to become really desperate as a result of their economic and social situations? What will happen when civil unrest and crime intensifies and public law enforcement has been defunded? I'm not asking these questions to show support for criminal and corrupt law enforcement agencies. Rather, I am simply saying that another crisis, demands yet another "reimagined" solution.

There is big money in private security forces. There is also big corruption, big unaccountability, and big abuse of individual liberties and freedoms in private security forces as well. Remember Blackwater? Disturbingly, I recently read that a number of people and organizations are calling for the UN to step in and address human rights violations in the US. See any potential problems with this?

It has been a dream of the globalist ruling class to have an international security force that is directly under their control and has no loyalty to any individual country (and has no loyalty to the customs, traditions, or laws of any particular country). I've heard some people argue that private security forces are better because you can just fire them if they misbehave. However, I would suggest that it is not so easy to simply fire private security forces once they are in place. Do you think that an organization like Blackwater would listen to someone in another country if they told them they were fired or had no jurisdiction in their country? I would also argue that private security forces are even more prone to corruption and are more dangerous than public police forces. Again, I am not saying this to favor the continuation of a corrupt police state. I am simply saying (from the perspective of recent history) that the "cure" can sometimes be far worse than the disease itself.

Think about how much the media has encouraged civil unrest, racial tensions, and division during the protests. And think about how much the media has flooded the airwaves with unending examples of police brutality over the last couple of weeks. And think about how quickly the idea of defunding the police has gained traction, how quickly it has been implemented (potentially in MN), and how much support it has received in a very short amount of time from many different organizations.

Actually, don't look here

There is always a recognizable pattern that unfolds in situations such as this. And when such patterns emerge, I think that it's a good idea to take a moment to think about the situation and the potential solution a little more carefully. The consequences of private and international security forces have been explored in many movies such as The Whistleblower and State of Play. They have also been illustrated quite vividly in the actions and behavior of the so-called world policing force (the US military) in their rules of engagement and in their interrogation and torture techniques.


The information above is a brief summary of our recent and rapid descent into the New World Order (and the New World Normal). This progression was not an accident. Rather, it was a result of crisis creation, crisis management, and the reimagining of New World Solutions.

Understand history, recognize the patterns as they develop, know who the real perpetrators are, look at where we are being herded, and most importantly, be conscious and careful of the solutions that you wish for, adhere to, and demand.

Peace and Freedom to all.

Footnote: When I evaluate a particular situation, I look for patterns and puzzle pieces and how they relate to other known variables within the bigger picture. It is from this viewpoint that I attempt to determine what the most likely outcome will be based on my knowledge and understanding of current and historical events. However, a projected outcome is only a probability, it is not a reality. Reality is determined by our own individual actions (and our inactions) and how the majority reacts to the situations that are presented to them. I have said this many times before, however it is worth mentioning here again -- A few puppet masters can only rule the masses, when the masses are tricked into acting like puppets by a small group of false rulers.


Takin' it to the Streets


The Joker



The Joker is a wild card. He is part of the deck, but he is also outside of the deck. As a wild card, the Joker has the ability to either take on a beneficial role or a harmful role in both the game of cards, and in the human experience.

In The Joker (movie), the main character is born into a corrupt and abusive society. His family is broken, his mother is insane, and he has been beaten and abused as a child. As he moves though life, the few things that he has left to cling onto (which anchor him to reality) are slowly eroded and destroyed one by one. Eventually he is beaten down to such an extent that he reaches a breaking point, he snaps, and then all hell breaks loose. Interestingly, the character that emerges from that experience (the Joker), then goes on to define much of the "character" of society as well (the microcosm within the macrocosm, and the macrocosm within the microcosm).


Some of the social themes that were explored and presented in the movie include:

Symbols and Anti-Heroes

As the movie progresses, the Joker becomes a symbol of rebellion and an anti-hero for the people because he represents a figure that the people can identify with and relate to. As Gotham City becomes increasingly more inverted, darker, and corrupt, the lines that traditionally separate the hero from the villain, and good from evil, also become more confused, corrupted, and distorted as well (kind of like what is happening in our own world right now).

The Joker and the people

It is believed that when the Anti-Christ arrives, he will be able fool most of the people in the world because his actions and his policies will be openly accepted (and respected) by the people. When the lines between light and dark, right and wrong, good and evil, and real and unreal become blurred and inverted to the degree that they are today, then it opens the door for an "Anti-Christ" figure (person, persons, or system) to emerge and capture/control a great number of people without their knowledge, recognition, or understanding.


At the end of the movie, the chaos that has been steadily building up within the Joker, is suddenly let loose. In several scenes in the movie, protesters take on the identity and behavior of the Joker by way of the masks that they are wearing. Buildings are set on fire, police cars are destroyed, and violence, murder, social unrest, and chaos ensues everywhere. Sound familiar? Symbolically, the climax of the movie represents the chaotic internal environment of the "jokers" of society being reflected out into the external environment. The Joker, in a way, is actually a prequel movie. As such, it represents the origin story for what follows in both the Batman storyline, and in our own storyline.

What does the mask stand for? And
what exists behind the mask?

"Real Life"

There was a specific sequence of events that led the Joker from where he was before, to where he is today. This is also true of society. As difficult as it may be for some people to accept, the sequence of events that have led us to where we are today were not the result of random occurrences, mistakes, mismanagement, or incompetence. Rather, they were the result of a herding process that was designed to "drive" us towards a predetermined destination.

The Joker is actually a dual character with dual meanings. What I mean by that is that he is both a symbol of innocence, and also a symbol of innocence lost to a corrupted world. In this way, the Joker represents both the potentially good aspects (foundation) of society, and also the match that could eventually light it on fire.

When the elite ruling class illegally steals from society (through the "legal" system that they created), locks people up in their houses, takes away their freedoms and liberties, destroys their financial security, eliminates their privacy, and pushes them into poverty, homelessness, desperation, and depression, the end result is not something that they "never could have seen coming". Rather, it is simply the next step in a known and understood process. In other words, the outcome is not a surprise, it is a planned result.

The Joker once said, "As you know, madness is like gravity, all it takes is a little push [in order to get things going]. The ruling class have invested enormous amounts of time, energy, and money in the pursuit of understanding and manipulating human psychology. To them, human beings are simply input/output devices. They believe that if they type in a specific command, then an expected result will follow. And if they give the people "garbage in", then "garbage out" is what will follow. Again, the events that are occurring right now (on all levels) are not the result of an accident, mismanagement, or incompetence. They are a means to an end. The means is chaos. And the desired end is the opportunity to create New Order in the world (from the chaos and destruction that they created).


The proposed solution was actually put forth in the previous post. To some, I imagine that it may have sounded overly simplified. However, if you really think about it, when people become more knowledgeable, aware, discerning, and understanding of what is really going on in the world, then they will be much less likely to be easily poked, prodded, herded, stampeded, or corralled into situations that limit and/or destroy their freedoms, rights, liberties, and freewill.

Despite all the fear, chaos, and destruction that the media has been constantly showing us lately, there have also been many unreported or under-reported examples of positive and encouraging developments as well, This includes a growing awareness in the general population, protestors standing up for each other and protecting each other, protestors protecting businesses and the community, protestors not falling for the traps that have been set for them, solidarity developing between law enforcement and the protestors, the increased recognition and addressing of injustices and income inequality issues in society, and many more.

Peace and Freedom to All

Footnote: I've said this before, but I think that it is important to mention it here again. In order for a "conspiracy" to exist, it doesn't require the knowledge of everybody involved. Rather, it only requires a system that is built on hierarchy and secrecy, and a group of people that are willing to act (by way of "duty" or through "good intentions") on the orders of those that exist above them.

Footnote addition - 6/14/20: In the original post, I noted that there were some encouraging signs developing in relation to the protests, including some examples of solidarity between police and protestors. This was based on sincere (unreported) examples of solidarity that I saw occur on both sides. It was before it turned into a mockery and circus with the photo op displays of kneeling, cops washing the feet of protestors, and Pelosi and squad wearing Kente cloth and kneeling on their thrones in Washington.



Jungle Love
In modern society today, True Love has been replaced with jungle love (distorted love).
Natural Law has been replaced with man's law (distorted law). And reality has been
replaced with unreality and illusion (corrupted, distorted, and inverted reality).


When Fiction Becomes Reality


The Joker


The Mob Rules


There have been reports of random pallets of bricks being dropped off at various protest locations,
and most of them are not near any construction sites. That seems kind of strange. Actually,
not really. Create chaos, promote violence and destruction, then hammer in
 the solution (ordo ab chao).

The Mob has its own set of rules. Those rules are different than the rules that it expects society to live by. People who faithfully listen to the mainstream "news" every night probably think that the mob is made up of rioters, looters, thugs, thieves, and radical organizations. In a way this is correct. But the real looters, thugs, and thieves of society are not the ones that the media is reporting on. The real mobsters are the psychopathic ruling class that have deployed their agents to instigate and promote violence and unrest in society so that they (the real mob) can come in and take over.

As discussed previously, this is all part of a plan that the mob has been telling us (for many years now) that they were going to unleash on the world. It's in the papers they have written. It's in the exercises and scenarios (war games) that they have conducted. It's in the music that they have released to the masses. It's in the movies that they have created. It's in their advertising. And it's in the products that they sell to us. It has been everywhere around us for a very long time, and now it is right in our faces. Yet, it still seems that there are many people that refuse to see the situation for what it really is. This is the power of psychological programming, brainwashing, blinders, the "normalization" of inverted reality, and cognitive dissonance.

Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Immunity is not something that is gained through a vaccine. Rather, it is developed through the ongoing pursuit of truth and the development and realization of awareness, discernment, and understanding. Developing Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Immunity is vital right now because it will protect us from the greatest virus and pandemic that the human race has ever faced (and it's not the Coronavirus).


The Mob Rules
The real fools, are the real Mob. There will come a day when Mob Rule will end and the people will triumph.
If we immunize and arm ourselves (and others) with truth, awareness, discernment, and understanding, I
promise you that day will come. Remember that the Mob creates much of our reality through the
media. Think about this. What might our reality look like right now if, on January 1, 2020, there
had been no TVs, no radio, no newspapers, no magazines, and none of the Mob's
messages made it to social media? But what about the pandemic? You
mean the pandemic that they told us about on the media? 



Dragon Fire
Their rituals have become our rituals. They perform them for us in opening/closing ceremonies, at
 music awards shows, at half-time shows, during "terrorist" attacks, in crisis events, and in every-
day society. This ritual is interesting in that it mixes up (inverts) elements of Korean dragon
mythology (which is primarily benevolent in nature) with European fire-breathing dragon
mythology (which typically represents fire, destruction, and evil) and combines that
with 5G and augmented reality (which is the reality that we are living in now). Are
 they trying to tell us that 5G is an angry, evil, fire-breathing, destructive dragon
that will usher in unreality, illusion, and the Matrix?


Training Wheels


Training, programming, and conditioning

How many people today do things simply out of tradition (without even thinking about it)? And how many people today do things because it is popular, trendy, or because it is the accepted way of doing things? How much of our behavior is a result of independent freewill, and how much of it is a result of training, programming, and conditioning?

I've noticed recently that it has become popular to blur out the outer edges of videos and leave only the middle portion of the video visible. Is this a cool effect? Or is it something else?

In the above image, the viewer is being told to focus on only one thing and
to blur out (or ignore) any information that exists in the periphery. 



The Umbrella Man - Message to the audience from the director: "Focus here only. Do
not consider any 'outside' information except what is being shown to you by us".

Hammer Time - This is obviously not a protestor, a rioter, or a looter. Umbrella Man was cast
in the role as The Agitator for a reason. His character was created to cause more tension
and friction between the police and the people, and to encourage more chaos,
destruction, division, and civil unrest in society (thus justifying more
authoritarian control for the "safety and security" of the people).

In the above image, Umbrella Man is wearing a high-end respirator and a face shield similar to the kind that are often worn by law enforcement. His dress and actions are meant to draw attention to himself. The umbrella that he is carrying also has significant historical and occult symbolism associated with it. After Umbrella Man broke the store windows with his hammer, one of the protestors said (right on cue) "are you a cop"? The Pink Shirt Guy that confronted Umbrella Man was actually seen with Umbrella Man earlier. Just a coincidence? Perhaps. All the World's a Stage. There are times when actors knowingly play their parts. However, there are other times when people are completely unaware that they are also actors and extras in the movie and that they have their own specific roles to play.

Focused Reality (Manufactured illusion)

Why are the eyes of horses fitted with blinders? Horses have blinders in order to restrict their field of vision and keep their attention narrowly focused in one direction. How do magicians perform their magic? They use sleight-of-hand and misdirection in order to distract the attention of the audience away from the actual trick and onto the "magic" (modified/projected reality).

Narrow vision

Narrow vision, misdirection, and distraction distorts reality and prevents us from identifying the props, seeing the bigger picture, and truly understanding the situation. Seeing and understanding the periphery is just as important and seeing and understanding the middle.


Strange Magic
Not everything that we see (and that is projected
into this reality) is as it seems


All the World's a Stage



Setting the Stage

The Blatant Murder of George Flynn - The key word here is blatant. This event was one of the most disturbing, blatant, and graphic examples of inhumanity and police brutality in modern times. In fact, it was so over-the-top in its execution and duration, that it appears that this was the intent. The fallout that resulted from such a crime (involving a white police officer and a black man) is not at all surprising. And everything that followed after this has continued, as if by design, to stoke the fires of racial division and civil unrest. The way in which these events have unfolded leads one to seriously wonder about the true nature of this crime (especially when viewed in relation to the other events/developments that have unfolded over the last five months).

The Obvious Umbrella Man - The key word here is obvious. This man was clearly not a protestor, a rioter, or a looter (not by his actions, and not by his dress). There is a long history of various agencies using agent provocateurs as a means to achieve strategic objectives. In this case, this man could have easily dressed in such a way so that he blended in with the rest of the protestors. However, instead, his peculiar actions, dress, and umbrella made him stand out like a sore thumb. What was the end result? More anger and suspicion towards the police.   

The Filmed Arrest of a Black CNN Reporter - The key word here is filmed. This was most definitely a staged event that was intended for all to see and designed to add additional fuel to racial tensions. CNN is one of the biggest instigators and promoters of racial tension and division. And division is one of the primary tools that the rulers use to subdue and conquer the masses. When we fight amongst ourselves, we lose our true power and become blinded to who the real perpetrators are.

The Dramatic Attack on the CNN Center - The key word here is dramatic. I imagine that many people have probably fantasized about burning down the CNN Center before. Therefore, it's difficult to say whether this event was staged (intentionally instigated) or not. However, the end result was that it made CNN look like the victim, rather than being viewed as the true criminal organization that it is.

The Burning Down of the Minneapolis Third Precinct - The key word here is burn. This event could have been stopped if they wanted to stop it (much like the murder of George Flynn). However, the burning down and destruction of important and/or symbolic buildings is both a key trait and a ritualistic practice of the Dark Magicians. This event was designed to illicit a strong emotional response from law enforcement. This is similar to how the destruction and burning of the Twin Towers was meant to illicit a strong emotional response from the American people and the rest of the world.

Protestor Arrests in St. Paul, Minnesota - The key word here is protestor. The Mayor of St. Paul stated that most of the people arrested in connection with the recent looting and violence didn't actually live in the state of Minnesota. This seems a little odd at first glance. However, if it's true, then it makes perfect sense when you consider that it is probably much easier to recruit a bunch of out of state looters than it is to try to convince local people to destroy their own community. There is so much lying and deception going on in the government and media these days that it's difficult to know what is true and what isn't true. However, what is clear is this -- If you can create an image that protestors are just a bunch of looters and thugs, then it diminishes their effectiveness, their message, and their image in the eyes of the public, the media, and law enforcement.

The Rolling Out of the National Guard (and the military being put on alert) - The key word here is rolling. The ruling class has been all in on this one (the Triple Crown) from the very beginning. It's not just another 9/11. Therefore, I don't think that there are going to be any poker faces, bluffs, or folds this time. More force on the streets, they say, will help to quell the violence and the looting. However, it could also result in more conflict and more agent provocateur maneuvers (and additional opportunities for stricter rules, more controls, and stronger enforcement).

Creating the Movie

What is this psyop all about? It's just one part of the Coronavirus Triple Crown (Pandemic, Economic Meltdown, and Civil Unrest) that will eventually lead us into the New World Order and the New World Normal.

Racial tensions divide the people, and divide their power. Civil unrest gives the government many more options and opportunities to express authoritarian power and control. And most importantly, civil unrest helps to create a hard line and division between law enforcement and the people.

Directing the movie

The so-called rulers are really just a bunch of corrupt cowards that govern through the power of others. They are not ground soldiers. They leave that role to the police and the military (which are the strong arms and pawns of the ruling class). Without the loyalty of the police and the military, the ruling class has very little power. Therefore, the rulers need to continually create situations that will force people to take sides (i.e. the people need to view law enforcement as the enemy, and law enforcement needs to view the people as the enemy). This leaves the rulers free to sit back and watch the movie unfold from the comfort and safety of their thrones.

Into the Matrix

While all of this is happening, many people are actually being drawn deeper and deeper into the Matrix as they glue themselves to their TV's and electronic devices for the latest "news". And on the other side, people are chaining themselves to their computers and electronic devices in order to keep up with the blistering pace of current events and create new and relevant content for their social media accounts (and their social media stats). Technology can be an extremely powerful tool for the people. But it can also be an extremely powerful tool for the Architects and the Controllers as well.

First Showing, Audience Response, and Critical Review

Play the Movie -- Show white cops murdering a non-threatening black man, burn some buildings down, destroy a police station, loot some businesses, destroy some police vehicles, injure or kill some cops and/or some more civilians, and you have exactly the type of environment and hard division that the ruling class needs (and thrives on) in order to maintain their power and control. On the other hand, if both sides understand the strategy and tactics of the ruling class and do not allow themselves to be used as pawns and chess pieces, then the power of the ruling class is significantly diminished. I understand that this is easier said than done. The police and the military are built on a culture of hierarchy, loyalty to the group, and secrecy. And society is built on corrupted media influences and actions (and reactions) that are often based on herd instincts and psychological programming.  


Projecting (creating) reality

Changing the Ending

There are still a significant number of people that continue to run with the herd. However, there are also many awake and aware people that are doing their best to try and stop the production of this high budget horror movie that the controllers are trying to create. The people, the police, and the military don't have to agree on everything right now. They just need to agree that allowing themselves to be used and abused as slaves and pawns by the rulers, only leads to one place. And that place is a very, very, very dark world for everybody involved.

Peace and Freedom to All.

: As I was getting ready to post this, I read that Derek Chauvin, George Floyd's murderer, is being put on suicide watch. Who could have seen that coming? Sounds like they are borrowing some elements from previous scripts. Actually, if you have researched these types of events before and are familiar with history, it's really just the same old recycled script being used over and over again with a different group of actors.


Bonfires and Marshmallows


Forging and corrupting the Rings in the fires of destruction.

Minneapolis Mayor, Jacob Frey, just made a statement regarding the murder of George Floyd. In his statement, he said:

Ordo ab chao. Aeon of Horus. Blitzkrieg. Divide, rule, conquer -- Making this a racial crime, only serves to fuel the fire. Police against civilians, adds fuel to the fire. Violent and/or destructive protests, adds fuel to the fire. Pandemic, fear, anxiety, and depression, adds fuel to the fire. Lockdowns, loss of privacy, and authoritarian rule, adds fuel to the fire. Economic/social destruction, adds fuel to the fire. Massive unemployment, adds fuel to the fire. In the end, what we are left with is a big bonfire with the people in the middle, and the ruling class roasting marshmallows.

It's time to wake up, look at the bigger picture, and face (and address) the uncomfortable truth.

The "all-seeing ones" (corrupted Watchers) towering over the
people as Hell is created on Earth.

Something new, created and born from Ordo ab Chao.

The rulers, the people, a bonfire, and a bag full of marshmallows.



Tears Run Rings



The Real World
Herd Conformity vs. Herd Immunity



Psychologists have been trying to figure out why there has been such an explosion of depression, anxiety, and behavioral issues occurring in young people today. I personally believe that there are a number of different factors contributing to this epidemic including the "foods" that we eat, the pharmaceuticals that we take, the entertainment that we consume, the chemicals in our environment, etc. However, what the doctors found in their studies is that there is a strong correlation between depression/anxiety and the amount of time that people spend online. When the subjects were asked about their views regarding the internet and social media, many of them responded by saying that they view the online world as more "real" than the physical world. As our physical "reality" becomes more corrupt, distorted, painful, and illusory, people are turning to the online world for escape. However, is this really an escape? Or is it simply the herd being herded (by the herders) into a different and more effective corral?

Inside is Humanity. Outside are the Technocrats, the Oligarchs, and the Lords

One of the main social consequences of the pandemic has been isolation. People have been forced to stay home, work from home, learn from home, "socialize" from home, and get all of their "news" from home. As a result of this, the majority of information that many people are receiving these days is being funneled, filtered, pushed, and zoomed mostly through social media and television, rather than being balanced with real world social interaction. The more separated that we become from each other, the more power and control that the technocrats have in shaping and controlling our perception of reality through media. This is how reality becomes illusion, and illusion becomes reality. Of course this type of psychological programming has always been present to a certain extent. However, now, media induced dogmatic beliefs (based on propaganda and fear) have become even more pronounced in society.

People are being encouraged by the mainstream media, the politicians, the celebrities,
and by many other influencers to become part of the herd, not of part of the heard.

Alyssa Milano - "Show me your masks! Masks keep people safe and healthy. Show me yours! Ready? Go!"
They all live together. They are in a closed car together away from other people. They are all wearing
masks. And the person that is telling everyone else to wear a mask (because they keep people safe
and healthy) is wearing a knitted mask with holes in it. This world is going insane.

The Ministry of Truth

The goal of the Technocrats (programmers and herders) is to form a consensus or popular view (herd mentality) in society that is based entirely on the information that they provide. For those that have seen the movie "They Live", this is analogous to the mind control signal that was beaming out to the entire population from one central location. Sometimes I wish that there was such a thing as They Live glasses, because we could be living in an entirely different world. Then again, you can give people the glasses, but you can't make people wear them or accept what they see.

Media mind control (media-induced hypnotic trance).

No further explanation needed.

A Ministry that directs and controls the flow of information (and prohibits people from normally interacting with each other) is in a very unique position when it comes to influencing public opinion and behavior and quelling dissent. However, maintaining that level of control is dependent upon the continuing monopolization of information. If people were allowed to directly interact and talk with each other (or have easy access to alternative points of view), then they might begin to realize that there is a significant discrepancy between what is actually happening in the real word and what people actually think vs. what they are being told by the Ministry. If this situation wasn't so serious, it would be funny. It's comical how closely the Technocrats and Oligarchs are following the outline of 1984 and Brave New World and how relevant the movie They Live has become in this unfolding timeline. It's one of the reasons why I keep saying, look to the past in order to see the future.


The real faces behind the Ministry of Truth.

True reality, approved reality, and the bubble of illusion.

MOT Motto - Truth is hate speech, and propaganda is news.

Pod People

What else are the Technocrats doing right now? They are setting up systems for online education, online religious services, online healthcare, and online socializing. The Technocrats are justifying the destruction of the old traditional systems and the implementation of the new systems by saying that they are more efficient, better for the environment, and are "safer" for society in this current and ongoing world of pandemics. However, these new systems are not really about safety, security, and efficiency. They are about herding people away from true reality (and each other) and moving them into their own personal Matrix Pods and Techno Bubbles.

Social isolation, personal pods, the net, the web, and the Matrix

The Virtusphere - Fully immersive and totally enclosed virtual reality.
Looks like the Death Star (and the death of true reality).


Full-on connection to AI and the Smart Grid is getting closer and closer.
But don't worry about mind viruses. Our government and Big Tech
know just how to deal with such things. 


Tools of the Trade

Technology, the internet, and social media can be great tools for learning, research, discovery, and communication. However, much like a hammer, these tools can either be used to build something that is beneficial, or they can be used to build something that is detrimental. They can also be used to tear down or squash anything that threatens the power and control of the ruling class.

Forging reality

The Flow of Energy and Information

Many people today already live much of their lives in the Matrix without even realizing it. Is social media really social interaction? Is online news a true representation of what is actually happening in the world? Are online comments a true reflection of real world public opinion and action? Is the energy expended on the internet in the form of comments, petitions, opinions and resistance actually being translated into real world change? Actually, sometimes such things do translate into real world positive change. However, many other times this information and energy simply gets trapped and lost in the net, the web, and the Matrix.


I recently heard a popular and influential online personality ask the following question -- If the real world is turning into a Desert of the Real and the Matrix builders (Architects of reality) can provide us with an alternative that is better and less painful than true reality, what is wrong with that? Hopefully, the answer to that question is already apparent. However, if it isn't, here is the answer. The Architects of the Matrix aren't creating the Matrix to save us from a painful reality. They are creating the Matrix in order to trap us in a world of illusion. True reality was created as a medium to encourage learning, growth, and the expansion of independent consciousness. On the other hand, the Matrix is being created to destroy independent learning, destroy independent growth, destroy freewill, and destroy independent thinking and independent consciousness (the Light/Spirit within us). The Matrix is being built to in order to create a dependent collective that is ruled by an independent minority of mind programmers and psychological controllers.

Trapped in the Matrix

Many people have probably heard the phrase "prison of the mind" before. The thought of having your mind trapped in a prison is pretty disturbing all on its own. However, the Matrix was not only designed to create a prison for the mind, but it was also designed to be a prison for the body and the Spirit as well. Once people fully enter the Matrix, few will be able to escape from it. This is because the Matrix was designed to be both a complex maze (where people are not even aware that they are prisoners) and an environment that many will not want to escape from. It's like the ultimate drug and the ultimate addiction. The effects of this can already be seen today with social media addiction, gaming addiction, porn addiction, and other online addictions. And all of these things are occurring before the Matrix is even fully built.

Scary Thoughts, Good Dreams, and Realized Realities

What scares the Technocrats, the Architects, and the Controllers the most? People coming together as discerning, independent, aware, and understanding individuals. Can you imagine what would happen if a group of people such as this showed up on the steps of the White House and the State Capitals around the country? It would scare the crap out of the so-called elite. When such actions occur in reality, it scares the controllers because it is much more difficult to manage and control people in reality, than it is to control them in the Matrix.

The voices and actions of the many, when expressed in the
real world, are difficult to suppress and ignore.


Of course there are some hazards that are associated with speaking out and standing up. One of those hazards is public criticism from the herd and the controllers. Another hazard is that many countries are now making it illegal for people to gather and demonstrate together. Through social distancing rules and electronic tracking (contact tracing), the controllers are actually training the herd not to gather and demonstrate. What happens to people who disobey the rules? In many cases, such people are being unfairly characterized as public safety hazards or being selfish. Such people end up being publicly shamed, snitched on by the herd, and/or they are intimidated, fined, and imprisoned by the authorities. That is not to say that there isn't some stupid stuff going on with people's behavior. It's to say that Freedom, Liberty, and Civil Rights are not stupid. 

The Social Distance Police

Another important thing to consider when demonstrating is that, historically, when people have come together and protested in large groups, they have often been targeted and infiltrated by the establishment. The controllers use their understanding of herd mentality to drive protestors into actions that serve to demonize their image, their intent, their motives, and their credibility in the eyes of the public. The Ministry also uses controversial images delivered via the evening news to drive public opinion as well. These images include such things as people carrying assault rifles, or Confederate flags, or MAGA signs, or acting improperly, etc.

All of these things (public shaming, public snitch lines, political camps, friction with the police, authoritarian rules, etc) are designed to divide the people and drive a wedge between us. If the people (the majority) are psychologically programmed, divided, and fighting amongst themselves, then they have little to no chance of defeating a unified minority.

The solution to these issues is to learn to recognize the various methods of psychological warfare and to not allow ourselves to be negatively affected by them. This means becoming more aware, more understanding, and more discerning of what is really happening in the world. Without such an understanding, any victory over corruption would be short-lived at best. Does this mean that we shouldn't act? No. It just means that the actions that we take should be intelligent and that we shouldn't allow ourselves to easily fall prey to the traps that are set for us.

Freedom and Freewill

Freedom is not free, nor is it eternal. Freedom only exists and persists when it is cherished, respected, maintained, and defended. Safety and security means nothing without freedom (especially when that safety and security is based on false perception). Once freedom is lost, it is not something that is easily regained.

When cattle are loaded onto trains and taken to the slaughterhouse, they do not arrive there because each cow is forcibly picked up and taken there. They arrive at the slaughterhouse because they either willingly get onto the train by themselves, or they follow the other cattle in front of them, or they are herded onto the train with poking, prodding, and persuasion.

Herding and loading

The Human Race aren't cattle. And the Earth is not a cattle farm. Its time that human beings stop acting like cattle, and start acting like the strong spiritual beings that we are (and can become). We are in fact much stronger than what we are led to believe we are by the programmers and the controllers. "No" is a very powerful word. Moo and Baah, not so much.

We have the ability to change the road that we are on. Instead of boarding a bus and becoming passive passengers riding on a road of illusion towards a destination of darkness, we can become the drivers of our own reality. The dream of true freedom is not an illusion. It can be realized by us. Or, we can simply board the bus, sit back, and travel into the nightmare that they (and we) have created for us. The choice is still ours to make. However, will that choice still be available in the future? The answer to that question is no, not like it is today. In other words, it is much easier for prisoners to escape from a minimum security jail, than it is for them to escape from a maximum security prison.

Holy cow! The herd is free. Now they just need to
remember that they are people, not cows.

Footnote: This post will make more sense if you have already read the previous posts on this page. Taking the time to read those posts will involve an investment of your time. However, I believe that it will help to better illustrate and clarify what has been discussed above. If you have found this information to be helpful, please share it with others. And if you find information from others to be helpful, please share that information as well. When we help to educate and inspire each other, it's amazing the things that can be accomplished. And when we stand together with individual awareness, proper discernment, and good understanding, there is very little that we cannot do. Sometimes all it takes is for one person to speak up in the crowd in order to inspire others to do the same. Be that voice.

Peace and Freedom to All.


Finding the road to True Light often involves traveling through
multiple layers of darkness (and multiple layers of false light).


Related Reading 

The Road to Destruction

The Sound of Silence

Mechanisms of the Matrix

Escape From the Matrix 

The Bus Trip


The Triple Crown


The Coronavirus Triple Crown

The race is on. Who will win the Crown?  Justify had a good showing in the first two races. However, People and Truth are looking like strong contenders for the third race. The final race is shaping up to be an exciting one. Some are saying that People and Truth are looking like the underdogs at this point. However, I think that we just might see an upset in the third race. Call me crazy, but my money is on People and Truth.

Will history repeat itself?

Or will we have a new Champion this year?


Race # 1

Race # 2


We Are the Champions


Red Alert



I've been trying to maintain a sense of humor throughout this (manufactured) crisis. However, the reality is that this is a deadly serious situation with potentially grave consequences.

Over the last few months I've spent hundreds of hours analyzing and researching this "crisis" from every angle imaginable. However, no matter how I look at it, the conclusion is always the same -- The pandemic was intentionally orchestrated. The financial/economic collapse was intentionally orchestrated. And the necessity for a vaccine was intentionally orchestrated.

Even before the so-called pandemic really got under way, the "authorities" were already beginning to talk about the need to vaccinate everyone in the entire world. It seems like they have been totally committed to vaccinating everyone, with or without an actual pandemic, and with or without our consent, from the very beginning. Why is this vaccination "mission" (as the DOD is now calling it) so important? Does the situation really warrant vaccinating everyone in the US and the entire world? It leads one to wonder, what is this vaccination mission really all about?

At the beginning of the outbreak, the authorities said that there was no way that they could have seen this coming. Yet multiple "exercises" were conducted just prior to the outbreak that examined this very type of scenario, including Crimson Contagion in August of 2019, and Event 201 in October of 2019 (and others before this). DOD is now saying that they have been involved with this "mission" since January of 2020. There is no doubt in my mind that this was an engineered event and that the response to it was intentionally botched in order to allow it to grow. The inflated/manufactured numbers are not just about financial gain, they are needed in order to support the end goal and the "final solution". The Vaccine.


The reporting of the Coronavirus has been exercise in itself -- an exercise of propaganda and psychological manipulation, an exercise of moving the goal posts around in order to support and drive the agenda, and an exercise in revisionist history.

I've seen a lot of scary stuff in my lifetime. I mean a lot of scary stuff. However, the implications of what we are facing right now (and in the future) is the scariest of them all. I kept hoping that we would turn the corner and head down a different road. But that didn't happen. Now the time that I had hoped would never come, is here.

Alan Dershowitz, lawyer and Harvard Law School emeritus professor, said in a recent interview that the State has the right to force you to be vaccinated and that the US Constitution permits the government to forcibly vaccinate its citizens. Dershowitz further expressed that, "You have no Constitutional right to endanger the public and spread the disease, even if you disagree. You have no right not to be vaccinated, you have no right not to wear a mask, you have no right to open up your business". He continued, "That's what a democracy is about. If the majority of the people agree and support that, for public health measures, you have to be vaccinated, you have to be vaccinated. They should give you an alternative. The alternative is to live in your home, don't get vaccinated, but never ever leave your home or live in a bubble. But if you want to interact with other people, you cannot become Typhoid Mary. The Constitution doesn't give you the right to spread your illness to other people."

Red Alert! All hands to battle stations.

Typhoid Mary? Really? If I understand Dershowitz correctly, it sounds like he is saying that we don't actually have any rights at all. What happen to life, liberty, and freedom? What happen to America? What happen to the 14th Amendment?

Shouldn't the 14th Amendment apply to this situation as well? I wanted to know the answer to that question, so I did some research and this is what I found. There are in fact some Supreme Court cases, such as Jacobson v Massachusetts, that have determined that the state, via its policing power, has the authority to forcibly vaccinate citizens in order to protect public health and safety. Perhaps even more disturbing, it was also stated that, "When determining the legality of a statute enacted to protect public health and safety, the Court found it immaterial that a portion of the medical community thought the vaccination worthless or even injurious". Further, the Court said that the 14th Amendment and the liberty/due process argument does not apply here because the vaccination is for the health and welfare of the state. In addition, it was suggested that most likely even religious objections would be dismissed under this ruling because "a compelling state interest may abridge religious freedom".

Originally, the authorities said that a vaccine would take twelve to eighteen months to develop. But then public resistance began to grow. People began to question the necessity and the effectiveness of the lockdowns. They began to question the effectiveness (and personal safety) of wearing face masks. They began to question the accuracy (or rather inaccuracy) of the models. They began to question the infection and death numbers being reported. They began to question the loss of civil liberties. They began to question the economic consequences. And they began to question the safety (and motives) of the vaccine.

Many doctors are now coming forward and confirming that the Coronavirus death numbers are in fact being inflated. Other doctors are coming forward and expressing concern that the lockdowns and wearing masks may not only be ineffective in stopping the spread of the Coronavirus, but may actually be contributing to ill health in many different ways.

What was the response of the Tyrannacrats to these developments? They simply moved the goal posts once again. Now, magically, via Warp Speed, we will have a vaccine by the end of the year. Not only that, Trump recently said the following:

I believe that they already have a vaccine, that they have always had a vaccine, and that the vaccine is not what we are being led to believe it is. Again this is not simply an opinion, but rather a logical conclusion that is based on hundreds of hours of research and analysis. The goal posts are continuously being repositioned and the narrative is constantly being realigned to adjust to public resistance. This is like a giant a war game to them. And it is reflected in the way that they speak. It's a war game of strategy, propaganda, and the manipulation and management of public perception, opinion, and resistance.

There is no reason to mobilize the military in this manner other than to intimidate, coerce, or force people to take The Vaccine. There is plenty of capacity to administer vaccinations (for those who wish to take it) through currently available channels including urgent care facilities, pharmacies, primary care offices, hospitals, and other medical providers. Further, why is the military being mobilized now, seven months prior to the expected availability of the warp speed vaccine? And why do they keep using words like "force" when they are talking about the vaccine?

Despite previous Supreme Court rulings (or perhaps in support of them), I would argue that a vaccine developed at warp speed, and administered by the military at warp speed, infringes on individual rights and liberty, and is, in fact, a significant threat to public health and safety. A safe vaccine for the Coronavirus has never been developed before, despite multiple attempts in the past. In fact, such vaccines were proven to be very dangerous. How can the authorities and lawmakers argue that such a vaccine will be safe, when vaccine developers and manufactures are indemnified from any liability for their use?

People that have read this series for a while probably know by now the value that I place in human rights, civil liberties, freedom, and freewill. Freedom of choice must always exist in a free society, in order for that society to be truly free. The laws, written by man, do not supercede Natural Law. And individual rights and liberty (and property rights to one's own body) cannot simply be suspended based on court rulings, Executive Orders, or the beliefs and/or actions of a (programmed) majority or a ruling class minority.

Under no circumstances will I be intimidated, coerced, or forced into taking the vaccination. If I were speaking to my (adult) son or daughter, I would suggest the same thing to them as well. However, because I believe so strongly in human rights, civil liberties, freedom, and freewill, I understand that the choice must be ours to make individually. Thus, all I can say beyond what has already been said, is to make your choice wisely.

I'll end this post with something that I have expressed quite a few times in the past:

Now is the time to speak up and stand up, because we are losing our freedoms, liberties, and financial security at warp speed. Every single person makes a difference, every choice we make is relevant, and every voice is important.

Peace and Freedom to All.

Footnote (11-12-20): A slight edit has been added to the following passage in the original post -- "Under no circumstances will I be intimidated, coerced, or forced into taking the vaccination. If I were speaking to my son or my daughter, I would suggest the same thing to them as well." When I originally wrote this, I was speaking of adult (grown) children, not minors. Hopefully this was apparent in the original post, but if it wasn't, I have added in the word "adult" to the sentence just to be clear. This is a perfect example of why it is so important to be extremely clear in what we communicate these days. Everything is being twisted, confused, and inverted. Just when it seemed that things couldn't possibly get any more bizarre, crazy, disturbing, deceptive, coercive, or dangerous, the following story comes out: Children as Young as 11 Can Now Consent to Vaccinations Without Their Parent's Knowledge (or Consent). How can an 11-year-old child give "informed" consent to be vaccinated when no one, including adults, is being given the necessary information to be truly informed about the potential benefits and dangers of vaccines? How is it that an 11-year-old child is deemed not mature enough to buy cigarettes or alcohol, but has the necessary maturity and understanding to consent to receiving an injection that could cause temporarily or permanent disability, or even death? How is it moral or ethical for the State to sidestep the role of parents in making such decisions (and attempt to actively hide such information from parents)?


The Final Countdown

Dare You to Move

Theme Song to Rocky


Now We are Free




 New Rules Regarding the Handling of Balls


The level of control being levied in society today has now officially gone beyond the point of absurdity, and moved into the realm of comedy. In the video below, Nassau County Executive Laura Curran discusses social distancing and proper etiquette related to the handing of other people's balls.


New Rules Regarding the Handing of Balls


The Gods of Technology - The Rise of the Technocrats



There is a New World religion and social system that is quickly emerging on planet Earth. It is defined as follows:

Eric Schmidt was recently interviewed on CNBC regarding his role in "reimagining" society. Below are some key points from that interview:

Bowing to authority, building trust, and demonstrating
your loyalty and obedience to the religion
of Techology and its leaders.


Operation Warp Speed - The race to Global Governance,
Technocracy, and the Permanent Surveillance State.


Pod dining

Social distancing bubble


The new abnormal


The Pods of the Matrix


Body Snatcher replacement Pods

Caught in the web

The New World global enemy

There are many other billionaire Technocrats besides Schmidt that are rising up now, quoting scripture from the religion of Techology, and cementing their place in the new Technocratic hierarchy of the priest/ruling class. The role of Bill Gates in this emerging hierarchy was discussed in the post on 5-12-20.


Eric Schmidt on Reimagining Society


Mr. Roboto
Are the Technocrats our heroes?
Or are they Kilroy in disguise?


The Maskuerade



The Mayor of Los Angeles just declared that wearing face masks is mandatory for most people in Los Angeles. Anyone that leaves their home must wear a face mask, with the exception of children under two and those with certain disabilities. What did the Rockefeller Foundation paper say about face masks in their Lockstep pandemic "scenario" -- "During the pandemic, national leaders around the world flexed their authority and imposed airtight rules and restrictions, from the mandatory wearing of face masks, to body-temperature checks at the entries to communal spaces".

I can understand if you are going to be in close proximity to infants, the elderly, or someone with a preexisting health condition, then it might make sense to wear a mask as a precautionary measure. However, what about the rest of the time? There are reports coming out now that wearing face masks for extended periods of time may actually increase your susceptibility to the Coronavirus and to other illnesses. Face masks restrict the flow of oxygen to your lungs, trap carbon dioxide in your body, and help to accumulate toxins from the air (as well as accumulate everything that you've previously touched as you constantly adjust your face mask). This can have significant ill effects on your physical health, psychological health, and immunity (just like being locked up in your house for an extended period of time with stale air and a lack of sunshine).

Could there be another reason for the mandatory masking of people? Or could there be a symbolic meaning that is associated with it? According to Encyclopedia Britannica, masks have played an important role in ceremony and ritual throughout history:

What kind of powers does a mask possess? And what kind of harm might a mask cause to its wearer?


A mask may symbolize your initiation and membership within a clan,
and your allegiance, obedience, and loyalty to the clan's leaders.


A mask may symbolize a loss of free speech and an
adherence to the restrictions imposed by the mask.


A mask may symbolize the muzzling of freewill and the inability to defend
yourself against those who may try to coerce, intimidate, or threaten you.


A mask may hide your true identity and cause you to take on
the identity (or agenda) of the mask maker or prescriber.


A mask may symbolize your subservience to the magic power
of the mask and to its creators and/or prescribers.

This is the "art" of Marina Abramovic. Much of her artwork looks very similar to this. Microsoft could have
chosen any artist they wanted to introduce their new HoloLens2 (a headset designed for viewing "mixed
reality"). However, they decided to choose Marina Abramovic to represent them. What does that say
about Microsoft and Bill Gates? What does that say about where we are headed? Here is a
video of Marina Abramovic at work.

Footnote: I decided to use a mainstream source such as Encyclopedia Britannica for this post in order to illustrate that this is not some sort of strange occulted information from an obscure text. Rather, it is well known and well researched mainstream knowledge that is easily accessible to all.




Eyes Wide Shut


The Spiritual Gatekeepers - The Gates of Hell



In May of 2010, the Rockefeller Foundation published a paper titled "Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development". In this paper a number of future "planning scenarios" were discussed. Although each scenario involved a different set of variables, a common theme that they all seemed to share was the need for more government control. In the introduction to the paper, it was stated that "Scenarios are a medium through which great change can be not just envisioned, but also actualized".

One of the scenarios presented in the paper was titled "Lock Step" and was summarized as follows -- "A world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership, with limited innovation and growing citizen pushback". The Lock Step scenario involved a global pandemic, widespread economic instability, and authoritarian government rule, much like what we are seeing today with the Coronavirus Pandemic.

In the Lock Step scenario it was stated that "China's government was not the only one that took extreme measures to protect its citizens from risk and exposure. During the pandemic, national leaders around the world flexed their authority and imposed airtight rules and restrictions, from the mandatory wearing of face masks to body-temperature checks at the entries to communal spaces like train stations and supermarkets. Even after the pandemic faded, this authoritarian control and oversight of citizens and their activities stuck and even intensified [kind of like 9/11]."

The scenario further went on to say, "In order to protect themselves from the spread of increasingly global problems — from pandemics and transnational terrorism to environmental crises and rising povertyleaders around the world took a firmer grip on power. At first, the notion of a more controlled world gained wide acceptance and approval. Citizens willingly gave up some of their sovereignty — and their privacy — to more paternalistic states in exchange for greater safety and stability. Citizens were more tolerant, and even eager, for top-down direction and oversight, and national leaders had more latitude to impose order in the ways they saw fit. In developed countries, this heightened oversight took many forms: biometric IDs for all citizens [think ID2020], for example, and tighter regulation of key industries whose stability was deemed vital to national interests [similar to the invocation of the Defense Production Act on 3-18-20 by Trump]. In many developed countries, enforced cooperation with a suite of new regulations and agreements slowly but steadily restored both order and, importantly, economic growth [i.e. the new normal of debt-based economic growth which steals wealth from individuals, small businesses, ethical corporations, and states, and then transfers it to the central banks, corporate banks, alternative lenders, and private equity firms]."

A similar exercise (mock scenario) called Event 201 was conducted on October 18, 2019. It was hosted by the Johns Hopkins Center (Bloomberg School) for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. This exercise just happen to revolve around an outbreak caused by a novel Coronavirus which quickly grew in scope and turned into a severe global pandemic and economic crisis (please see the 3-17-20 post on this page for more information).

The current scenario with the Covid-19 Pandemic is, in fact, an "actualized" version of both Lock Step and Event 201. Just prior to the outbreak, I remember seeing an increasing number of articles and papers discussing the dangers of "anti-vaxxers" and "conspiracy theorists" (i.e. people that think for themselves, ask questions, challenge the official narrative, and do their own research). The timing of this influx of articles seemed rather strange at the time, however now it makes sense. I also remember seeing an increase in the number of articles discussing the dangers of "fake news" just prior to the outbreak. Again, it seemed strange at the time, but now it makes perfect sense. Fake news, of course, is not something that comes the propaganda outlets (the mainstream media). Rather, it is defined as anyone that challenges the official narrative with alternative points of view.

Why has there been so much censorship surrounding the Covid-19 pandemic, vaccinations, and the financial collapse? If everything that the experts and authorities are telling us is true, then why should they be worried about a little discussion and debate? Was the timing of the financial collapse, the pandemic, and everything else just a coincidence? Or was it something else?


Bill Gates has been characterized as one of the most prolific philanthropists to ever walk on this Earth. However, the word "philanthropy" is much like the word "regime". Whenever you hear the word "regime", you can automatically add the word "change" to it. And whenever you hear the word "philanthropy", you can automatically add the word "agenda" to it. The rulers and oligarchs understand that it's much easier to create manufactured change via crisis, philanthropy, and lobbying than it is to accomplish change through brute force. Therefore, the philanthropists secretly steal wealth from the people and then donate it to their strategic partners that help them to achieve their vision and goals of a new world normal.

War and Rumors of War

Did anyone notice how quickly the Coronavirus Crisis morphed into a War on the Coronavirus? Very early on in the Crisis, President Trump and the medical authorities abruptly changed their language from medical terminology, to military terminology. Suddenly we had another threat and another enemy. However, this time it was an "invisible" enemy. Next thing we know the entire country is shut down, businesses are forcibly closed, and people are placed under house arrest and told that they can't work or engage in any "non-essential" activities. The Defense Production Act was invoked, The National Guard and FEMA were mobilized, proposals were recommended by lawmakers to "temporarily" suspend Constitutional rights, and the Surveillance State was put on steroids. In addition, the public was treated to daily "briefings" from the White House regarding the "threat level" of the pandemic while the news media continually pumped out fear, anxiety, and propaganda on a daily, hourly, and minute-by-minute basis. Now we have the Murder Hornet threat as well.

This is war!

Flatten the curve, flatten the curve, flatten the
curve, flatten the curve, and flatten the curve.

The Coronavirus Pandemic Advisory System - Be sure to keep the public constantly updated
with scary maps, scary death counts, scary images, and scary real time infection
numbers that appear on charts or run across the screen on ticker tapes.

Does any of this sound familiar? It should. It's not much different than the situation that occurred after 9/11. For example, after 9/11 we had a new threat from an elusive enemy (that could be hiding anywhere), we had the anthrax scare, we had daily terrorism briefings from the White House, we had the Homeland Security Advisory System, we had the suspension of our freedoms, liberties, and privacy (in the name of safety and security), and we had the daily, hourly, and minute-by-minute news coverage (promoting fear, anxiety, and propaganda). It's the same formula, the same game plan, and the same type of "enemy".

The Homeland Security Advisory System - Be sure to show the advisory system
to the public every night so they are reminded of the constant terrorist threat.


In both of these situations (9/11 and Covid-19), who was the real enemy, the real threat, the real "virus", and the real terrorist? The real enemy was our own government. The real threat was authoritarianism and loss of freedom. The real virus was the mainstream media. And the real terrorist was FEAR.

Pandemic or Plandemic? 

The Economist magazine is well known for the occult imagery that appears on the cover of their special edition issues. The image below is from the "33rd" issue of the magazine which was published in 2019 (well before the Coronavirus pandemic occurred). There is a ton of occult symbolism represented here. However, I'm going to concentrate on just a few of the images -- The Four Horseman, the Pangolin, and Pinnochio.


It is believed that the first known case of Covid-19 occurred in Wuhan on November 17, 2019. The official story was that the virus came from bats which were being sold at a wet market in Wuhan. However, direct transmission of the virus from bats to humans seemed unlikely without an intermediate carrier. Then in February of 2020, various news agencies started running a story which suggested that Pangolins may be the "missing link" (intermediate carrier) that allows for the transmission of Covid-19 from bats to humans. Although these stories ran in February of 2020, the Pangolin link was actually suggested in a paper back in October of 2019. By itself, the fact that a random Pangolin appears on the cover of The Economist might just seem like a strange coincidence. That is until you take a closer look at the Four Horseman in the image above, and consider that every image on the cover has a very specific meaning.

The image of the Four Horseman is rather peculiar in that one of the horseman is actually Lady Liberty wearing a face mask (remember that this issue was published well before the Coronavirus outbreak). The Four Horseman of the Apocalypse comes from the Book of Revelation. The Four Horseman are believed to arrive during the End Times. The first horseman is said to be riding a white horse, carrying a bow and wearing a "crown" (Corona?). The second horseman is said to be riding a red horse (blood), and carrying a sword representing war. The third horseman is said to be riding a black horse symbolizing famine. And the forth horseman is said to be riding a pale green horse (the color of the Statue of Liberty or the dollar?) which symbolizes death and Hades. Can you guess which image on the cover above represents the mainstream media?

Enlarged images from the cover of the Economist, The World in 2019


In a recent interview with Stephen Colbert, Bill Gates referred to the Coronavirus vaccine as the "Final Solution" (the Final Solution is a reference to the Nazi genocide of the Jews during WWII). Gates has expressed over and over again that things will never return to normal until everyone is vaccinated. This same message has also been repeated almost word for word (as if it were scripted) by many members of the mainstream media. When the mainstream media repeats the same exact words and phrases, across multiple media outlets and multiple countries, it's a pretty good indication that something is up.

Bill and Melinda Gates are strong proponents of population control and have funded many different agencies and programs that favor eugenics and population control.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is the second biggest donor to the World Health Organization (behind the United States). Big Pharma corporations with ties to the Gates Foundation are also considerable donors to WHO as well. The Gates Foundation also funds GAVI (The Global Vaccine Alliance), UNICEF, Rotary International, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the lending arm of the World Bank), PATH (vaccines and "reproductive health"), John Hopkins (participant in Event 201 and Coronavirus Pandemic tracking), and many other organizations (especially those involved in reproductive health issues).

Bill Gates helped to create GAVI (The Global Vaccine Alliance). The stated goal of GAVI is to "improve the health of markets for vaccines and other immunisation products". GAVI's members include The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, The WHO, The World Bank, eugenics prone UNICEF, and the scandalous United Nations. GAVI is listed under the United Nations "Sustainable Development Goals" platform (related to Agenda 21 and Agenda 30 which are essentially blueprints for global domination that are disguised under the umbrella of philanthropy and sustainable development).

The United Nations Population Fund advocates for something referred to as the "Demographic Dividend". They state that "A country with both increasing numbers of young people and declining fertility has the potential to reap a demographic dividend". The United Nations Population Fund has repeatedly been accused of providing support for government programs which promote forced-abortions and coercive sterilizations.

Bill Gates is working in collaboration with the CDC, WHO, IMF, World Bank, GAVI, the "Ministries of Health" (think Orwell 1984) and other organizations to promote the "Decade of Vaccines". He has donated over $10 billion dollars towards achieving this goal. The IMF often imposes certain requirements on countries/governments as prerequisites for granting and approving loans. This gives the IMF (and its influencers) huge financial leverage in shaping the world's social, economic, and political policies. Historically, such prerequisites have often included requirements for population control. Now that much of the world is in economic crisis, and countries are need of IMF loans and other financial assistance, organizations such as the IMF and World Bank have even greater power to shape and control the world's social, economic, and political policies.


Bill Gates recently said that he is spending billions of dollars to fund the construction of factories that will be used develop a vaccine for the Coronavirus. Who will decide which vaccine is ultimately utilized? The person and/or organization that has the most money, influence, and control of course. Various organizations have tried to develop a vaccine for other Coronaviruses in the past. However, in each case, they have proven to be very dangerous.

Vaccine manufacturers are indemnified from liability by a law that was sponsored by Big Pharma. What happens if Big Pharma is negligent in the development and/or manufacture of vaccines? For example, oops the new Coronavirus vaccine resulted in sterility (Children of Men). Or, oops the vaccine created organ damage, or nervous system damage, or cognitive dysfunction, or autoimmune disease, or genetic damage, or death, or any number of other issues. There is no liability for the manufacturers of vaccines. What happens to a normal person if they injure or kill someone else? They go to jail or prison (usually for a very long time). What happens to a banker if they commit fraud and steal from others? They get bailed out by the government and rewarded for their unlawful and corrupt behavior. What happens to a normal person if they commit fraud or steal from someone else? They go to prison. And the billionaires expect people to blindly trust them when it comes to making public policy?

Bill Gates has invested huge amounts of money in criminal Big Agra giants such as Monsanto and Cargill in the past which promote GMOs and the monopolization of the food supply and farming industries which (literally) kill small independent farmers.

Bill Gates funds a variety of different media outlets including NBC, BBC, NPR, the Guardian, Al-Jazeera, Le Monde, and many others. Big Pharma actually accounts for the majority of advertising revenues received today by many media companies. That is a lot of power and control when it comes to getting your message heard and accepted (and suppressing dissenting facts and opinions). The Big Pharma industry is also one of the largest lobbying groups in Washington and has one of the most active "revolving door" programs (former industry executives working in Washington, and former Washington representatives working for Big Pharma). 


Microsoft recently won a $10 billion dollar contract from the Pentagon to build and develop cloud computing and data storage systems. What is another name for an interconnected data system within a cloud? How about Skynet? 

The Better than Cash Alliance is a coalition of companies, organizations, and governments that advocate for the abolishment of cash in favor of electronic payments. The Alliance was formed in 2012 by the United Nations Capital Development Fund, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the United States Agency for International Development, Citigroup, the Ford Foundation, Visa, and the Omidyar Network. Creating a cashless society allows those who own the currency to control and track people in ways that were never before possible.

ID2020 (The Digital Identity Alliance) is an initiative that is aimed at providing every person with a digital ID that is "persistent and with you from life to death". Both Microsoft and GAVI are listed as two of the main sponsors of the initiative. Bill Gates is an advocate for permanent or semi-permanent technologies that can be used to identify who has been vaccinated and who hasn't. One of these technologies being developed is something called "quantum-dot tags" (tattoos) that fluoresce with information after they have been injected with a vaccine. Interestingly, the substance that makes the tags fluoresce is an enzyme called "Luciferase". The idea of "marking" people like cattle is not a new concept. It's something that was done long ago in the concentration camps. Electronic tattoo technology has also been advocated by Regina Dugan and DARPA and many others as well.


The idea of tagging, marking, or chipping people electronically hasn't really gained much public support or popularity in the past. However, the Coronavirus pandemic may change that. What if you are unemployed, hungry, and need financial assistance from the government, but the system is only setup to serve those that are "marked" or have ID2020? What if ID2020 is the only way to prove that you have been vaccinated and are "safe" to travel and interact with society? What if you can't drive a car in the future without being marked or having ID2020? What if you can't access the internet, or get medical help, or access your apartment without it? What if you are unable buy or sell anything without ID2020 (or some other form of electronic authentification)? Why is it so important to these people that everyone in the entire world get chipped or have some sort of electronic authentification? I suppose that would be like asking a rancher or a warehouse manager why it is important to have an accurate count of all of their inventory. With the advent of the 5G network, the Smart Grid, and the Internet of Things, everything is going to be "smart" and connected, including human beings one day.

Governor Cuomo recently announced a partnership with Bill Gates and former Google CEO Eric Schmidt to "reimagine" how New York approaches technology, health, and education after the pandemic. Gates has a long history of supporting failed education initiatives such as Common Core and Standardized Testing which has resulted in a continuous decline in the quality of education for children. Giving Bill Gates control over the education system, is essentially giving him control over the future.


There is a quote from Hitler that I've often referenced in the past that I think is appropriate here -- "He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future". With Gates controlling significant areas of technology, the health system, vaccine policy, the education system, the media, and politics, he actually does potentially own a large portion of the youth (and the future).

Eric Schmidt and Google also have a long history of violating human rights and privacy as well. Other members that Cuomo appointed to the "Reimagine NY Advisory Board" include private equity giants Bill Mulrow of Blackstone Group and Steven Cohen of MacAndrews & Forbes and former NY Mayor Mike Bloomberg. It sounds like a really great group of advisors that will definitely have the best interests of the public in mind when they reimagine society and make their recommendations. This Billionaire Advisor Group (BAG) was appointed by Cuomo without any public inquiry, debate, or consent.

This is just a small sample of the vast financial, technological, economic, political, and health associations that Bill Gates has influence over. If you click on the members/sponsors links on the web pages of many of these organizations, and then click on the members/sponsors links on each of those web pages, you will find that the Gates Foundation comes up over and over again (as well as many other familiar names). Bill Gates has literally cast a net and a web over the entire world.

The Number of the Beast

The full name of Bill Gates is William Henry Gates III

The following calculations are based on English Gematria (old English alphabet). The calculator can be found here

William equals: W 138 + I 54 + L 72 + L 72 + I 54 + A 6 + M 78 = 474 = 15 = 6

William x 3 (III) = 666

Henry equals: H 48 + E 30 + N 84 + R 108 + Y 150 = 420 = 6

Henry x 3 (III) = 666

Gates equals: G 42 + A 6 + T 120 + E 30 + S 114 = 312 = 6

Gates x 3 (III) = 666

Microsoft = 708 = 15 = 6

Microsoft x 3 (III) = 666

MSFT (Microsoft stock symbol) = 348 = 15 = 6

MSFT x 3 (III) = 666

MS-DOS (the original Microsoft operating system) = 420 = 6

MS-DOS x 3 (III) = 666

Microsoft Edge (browser)  = 834 = 15 = 6

Microsoft Edge x 3 (III) = 666

Computer = 666 (actual Gematria calculation)

Vaccination = V 132 + A 6 + C 18 + C 18 + I 54 + N 84 + A 6 + T 120 + I 54 + O 90 + N 84 = 666 (actual Gematria calculation)

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation = 1698 = 24 = 6

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation x 3 (III) = 666

Certification Mark (ID2020) = 1050 = 6

Certification Mark x 3 (III) = 666

Mark of Beast = 666 (actual Gematria calculation)

Wuhan 2019 = Wuhan = W 138 + U 126 = H 48 + A 6 + N 84 = 402 = 6   +  2019 = 12 = 3  and  6 x 3 = 666

WO-2020-060606-A1 - This is the identification number for a patent that Microsoft applied for in June of 2019. The patent states that human body activity may be used in the mining process of a cryptocurrency system. In the "claims" section of the patent it states (in a grammatically challenged sort of way) that "body activity sensed by the sensor comprises at least one of body radiation emitted from the user, body fluid flow, a brain wave, pulse rate, or body heat radiation". The patent isn't clear whether internal (implantable) sensors or external sensors will be used in this process. However, what is clear is that there is a definite agenda to collect more and more data from us (including data from our internal biological systems). In the description section of the patent it states that "Most blockchain-based cryptocurrency is decentralized in the sense that it has no central point of control. However, blockchain-based cryptocurrency can also be implemented in a centralized system having a central point of control over the cryptocurrency". This fits right in with the Better Than Cash Alliance that was mentioned previously.

H.R. 666 - The Department of Homeland Security Insider Threat and Mitigation Act of 2017. The Act is described as follows: "This bill amends the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to direct the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to establish an Insider Threat Program and conduct risk mitigation activities for such threats". As we have seen in the past, an insider (internal) threat to the "Homeland" is anything or anyone that threatens the official policy and/or narrative of the Homeland. Heimat is a German word that means "Homeland". The idea of controlling and defending the homeland is a philosophy that was prominent during the reign of Nazi Germany. Both Hitler and Nazi Germany were heavily influenced by dark occultism (as was the United States, especially after Operation Paperclip).

9/11 (the New Pearl Harbor) = 9 + 1 + 1 = I I = The initial opening of the Gates [ I I ] of Hell and the road that has led us to where we are today. Recently Trump declared that the Coronavirus is worse than 9/11 or Pearl Harbor.


The Gates of Hell are now officially open. We can either blindly and willingly walk through the Gates, or we can refuse to be coerced and/or pushed through them. The choice, for now, is still ours to make.  

I'll end this post with a quote from one of the greatest, most benevolent, and popular entities of our time (sarcasm), Henry Kissinger -- "The one thing man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being, granted to them by a World Government." 

Footnote: I hope that this article and the previous posts have helped to illustrate the idea that this isn't just about Bill Gates, or one corporation, or one organization. Rather, it is about an international cartel whose goal is to totally control everyone and everything on this planet. This isn't conspiracy theory, it is fact. I highly encourage people to follow some of the included links, do their own research, and come to their own conclusions. The financial crash of 2019/2020 was (is) not an accident. Sure, at the lower levels it was driven by greed, incompetence, fraud, and corruption. However, at the higher levels, it was part of a predetermined agenda and a coordinated plan. The Coronavirus pandemic was an integral part of this plan. The resulting economic/social instability, destruction, and chaos is what they hope will lead to a new world order for them, and a new world normal for us. Think about this for a moment -- ID2020, Agenda21, Pandemic 2020, Climate Change 2020, Financial Crash 2020, Economic Chaos 2020...there is a reason why all of these things are occurring at the same time. During the pandemic, Bill Gates continually recommended that the entire country be totally shutdown for at least six weeks, followed by stringent control measures until a vaccine could be developed. Dr Fauci has also continually said that things can never return to normal until a vaccine is developed. This same message has also been echoed by the news media over and over again as well. At the beginning of the pandemic, I suggested that they would try and keep the country shut down for as long as possible in order to create the maximum psychological, social, and economic impact (destruction). And that is what we are seeing today (even when such measures are unwarranted). Why? Because the greater that the chaos is, the greater the opportunity will be to restore order in a way that aligns with their vision of the "new world normal".


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on Vaccines, Big Pharma, and Dr. Fauci

Corbett Report on Bill Gates

(a vaccine film that was attacked, not debunked)


The Number of the Beast
I heard that this was Bill Gates favorite song. However, I was unable to verify
it other than by way of similarity to his policies, actions, and affiliations.
Bill Gates Mr. Rogers, a computer nerd, Kermit the Frog, a philanthropist,
a minion for the Anti-Christ, or the Anti-Christ himself? You decide.


Inside Out and Outside In



That which is outside of us, is not separate from that which is inside of us. And that which is inside of us, is not separate from that which is outside of us. Each is merely a reflection of the other.

Throughout this series, I've often spoke about the importance of looking below the surface in order to truly see and understand the root cause of the disease. To only see and treat the symptoms of the disease, does not cure the disease. Rather, it merely covers up the underlying issues and allows them to grow.

I sincerely believe that every single person makes a difference, every choice we make is relevant, and every voice is important. The real solutions exist within each of us, not outside of us. They begin with knowledge, awareness, and understanding, and they end with the gift of freewill and how we choose to exercise it (or forfeit it).

The video linked below is rather long, but it has some good information in it. Some of the subject matter is dark, however I think that it is approached in a positive manner and it really gets to the root cause of the disease.

When history is not learned, understood, and addressed, then the present and the future simply unfold as a product and a continuation of the past. This is what we are seeing right now. We have the power to write our own story and create our own ending. We do not have to be characters that are cast in predetermined roles, acting within a pre-written plot, and directed by a group of self-appointed dark rulers. Malignant darkness and evil can only exist and grow in an environment that is devoid of Light (Knowledge, Awareness, Understanding, and Right Action).

Footnote: It's likely that you will be confronted with some unfamiliar and uncomfortable information in this video. It is natural (via our programming) to reject subject matter that is unfamiliar and/or uncomfortable to us. However, please don't let that stop you from considering the information that is presented. Instead, let it be a catalyst for your own research, your own discovery, your own understanding, and your own action.

Peace to All


Below the Surface


Tom Sawyer
There are essentially three paths we can take, one that is Right, one that is wrong, and one
that is indifferent. Although there are many different iterations and variations that exist
within these three paths, all roads eventually lead back to one of these three choices.
The choice is, and always has been, ours to decide which path to follow.


Links for Further Reading

The Art of Alchemy - Transforming Darkness into Light

(please see the 1-3-20 post on this page)

The Ascension Formula

Uncomfortable Truth
(please see the 1-26-20 post on this page) 

 Escape From the Matrix


Freedom Of Speech



I actually wrote the previous article a few months ago, but didn't end up posting it because of how quickly other events and issues were unfolding and progressing at the time. However, I recently came across a video by David Icke in which he discussed climate change and his belief that it is a hoax. While I don't agree with everything that David Icke says (in particular his views on climate change), I do value alternative points of view.

What do we have without alternative points of view? When videos, articles, research, and other media are suppressed or banned because they are deemed to be "harmful" by the architects of reality (the "authorities"), then what we are left with is a medical, scientific, and informational dictatorship. Having access to (and considering) alternative points of view is not harmful. Nor is open discussion and debate. In fact, these things are absolutely essential in order for true progress to occur and for truth, awareness, and understanding to be seen and realized.

What if David Icke (or someone else) was wrong about climate change? Does that mean that their views should be labeled as harmful and they should be suppressed or banned for it? What if someone was right or partially right in their views on some other subject, but they were suppressed or banned for speaking out? Then that information would be lost to everyone else. What if someone was totally wrong in their views about a particular subject, but the information presented by them inspired someone else to do their own research or inspired them to discover something new? When alternative views are blocked, suppressed, or banned, then the opportunity for discussion, discovery, and understanding may be lost to others (because the catalyst of dissent has been removed). Without discussion, debate, and dissent, stagnation occurs and authoritarianism grows.

Recently many doctors, trained medical professionals, scientists, and others have come forward to question the official narrative of the Coronavirus pandemic. Unfortunately, in some cases, this has resulted in the suppression of that information, videos being taken down, and accounts being suspended. The United States likes to think of itself as the Land of Freedom and a country that opposes dictators and dictatorships. However, the reality is actually something quite different. The idea of freedom, liberty, and choice only exists in America today if you agree with the official narrative and the official choices that are presented to you (a good example of this being the nominees of political parties).

People that disagree with the Ministry of Truth risk having their Youtube (and other social media) accounts temporarily or permanently suspended. This could involve many years and many hundreds of hours of content that they have created. Just like that, all of your work and the online identity that you have built can be totally deleted. These are the same high tech companies that want to put implants into our brains, link us up with the internet and AI, and trust them that they will behave fairly, ethically, and responsibly while having direct access to our thoughts, memories, and actions (please see the 4-13-19 post on this page).

I'm not sure what prompted the suspension of David Icke's Youtube and Facebook accounts. I know that he has been pretty vocal about the Coronavirus pandemic and he has offered some alternative viewpoints on the subject. He has also been accused of anti-semitism in the past (even though, to my knowledge, he hasn't actually engaged in this type of behavior before). The problem with something like anti-semitism is that is can be used as an effective Trump card to silence inquiry and examination. This is also true of other Trump cards as well (such as questioning medical authority). There are Israeli powers that directly influence the corporate news media, the entertainment industry, the government, the finance industry, monetary policy, and foreign policy in the United States (and in the world). This is not a conspiracy theory, it is a fact (for anyone that takes the time and effort to properly research the subject). It is not being unfair, mean, racist, or anti-semitic to objectively examine and discuss such things. And if someone chooses to examine such influences, that doesn't mean that a few bad seeds in the Israeli government and/or power structure represent the views of all Jewish people. It would be like saying that John Bolton and Mike Pompeo represent the views of the American people. This is clearly not the case. Examining the policies and actions of John Bolton and Mike Pompeo is not being mean, anti-white, anti-Christian, unpatriotic, anti-American, or racist.

The fact that someone may be Israeli, American, Jewish, Christian, Islamic, white, black, or brown doesn't protect them or exempt them from being examined for unethical, immoral, unlawful, or corrupt behavior. And just because your race, religion, gender, ethnicity, country, government, company, industry, or profession might have been persecuted in the past, that doesn't protect you or exempt you from being examined for unethical, immoral, unlawful, or corrupt behavior. This is not anti-semitism or racism. And questioning medical authority isn't dangerous to society. Actually, not questioning medical authority (and other authority) is what is dangerous to society. How many times have medical professionals been wrong in the past? Plenty of times. How many times have vaccines and pharmaceutical drugs injured or killed people in the past? Plenty of times. How many times have pharmaceutical companies been caught falsifying data and studies in the past? Plenty of times.  

David Icke has also talked about many other controversial subjects in the past, especially in relation to the corrupt ruling class and the world power structure (which I imagine could have something to do with his suspensions). As I have expressed before, finding value in alternative points of view, dissenting opinions, and facts doesn't mean that you have to agree with everything that someone else says. Even if you only agree with 50% of what they say, there could still be tremendous value in that 50% (and in the 50% that you don't agree with). Writing someone off, suppressing them, blocking them, or suspending their accounts because of "unapproved" or unpopular views and discussion doesn't remove harm from society, it creates harm.

This isn't just about David Icke or all of the other people (including myself) that the Ministry of Truth has tried to silence over the years. Such actions are not about the suppression of harmful information, they are about the suppression of information that is harmful to the acceptance of the official narrative. Without freedom of speech and access to alternative viewpoints, there is no freedom or liberty. There are only dictators, dictatorships, authoritarian systems and the suppression and exploitation of the subjects of those systems.    

Be Free -- Stand up for Freedom, Free Speech, Liberty, and your Rights and reject those who attempt to control you through fear, coercion, oppression, wrongdoing, and false authority.  




A Climate of Change - Part II
Finding a Climate of Logic in an Emotionally Charged Environment of Climate Change
(For Part I, please see the 2-24-20 post on this page)



There is a great divide today that exists between the people who believe that climate change is caused by human beings and those that believe that climate change isn't caused by human beings. I think the first problem regarding this debate is that the issue has been reduced to a question of whether it is or it isn't caused by humans, when in reality, climate change is a combination of both cyclical factors and human factors.

Perhaps an analogy might help in understanding this concept a little better. If nature (the natural mechanisms of the planet) filled a cup 3/4 full with rain water, there would still be ample room in the cup to hold additional water (from naturally occurring rain). However, if someone came along and added more water to the cup (via human influence), then the capacity of the cup would reach a tipping point and it would begin to overflow from any additional contributions (whether natural or man made). This is essentially what is happening in the environment right now on many different levels (not just limited to carbon dioxide emissions).

Our planet and its ecosystems are incredibly diverse, complex and resilient. However, the ability for those systems to thrive, rebound, and support human life is based on maintaining a healthy diversity and balance between these various components. One system is not totally independent of the other. They are synergistic in their nature. The more that natural diversity and balance is disrupted, distorted, or corrupted in these systems, the less ability that they have to support life and rebound from any imbalances that might occur.

Modern science often has a tendency to be "isolationist" in its views and practices. For example, an antibiotic might be isolated and developed to combat a specific pathogen. Such a drug might be extremely effective against that particular pathogen, however, it may have devastating effects on the other organisms (our natural biome) and systems in the body that promote healthy immunity, cognitive function, nervous system function, and other essential biological functions. In other words, a narrow vision of one issue, without considering the effects on the whole, may "cure" one problem while creating many additional problems in the process. This is not unlike the issues surrounding climate change. The earth is like the body, the ecosystem is like the circulatory system, and life (all life) is like the nervous system. They are all connected. What effects one, affects the other.

Over the years I have heard some rather absurd arguments from various people attempting to invalidate the idea of climate change. Lets examine a few of these to see if they actually make sense beyond just the surface level "logic" of the argument:

  1. Since plants need carbon dioxide to live, then more carbon dioxide must be better, right? The ecosystem of the planet (like the body) is a very complex system that involves many different interrelationships and interdependencies that must exist within certain tolerance levels (balance). If those interrelationships and interdependencies get too far out of balance, many different problems can result. Saying that carbon dioxide is good for the planet is like saying that water is good for human beings. For example, if a person drank four glasses of water a day, that could be beneficial to their health. However, if a person drank five gallons of water a day, that would certainly not be beneficial to their well being, their life, or their longevity. Another example of this idea could be illustrated with nutrients such as iron. The body needs this mineral in very small quantities in order to be healthy. However, in larger quantities, iron can be poisonous to the body or even fatal.
  2. Another argument that I frequently hear (related to the one above) is that additional carbon dioxide in the environment is making plants and forests healthier and grow faster. Perhaps this may be true on a short-term basis. However, as discussed above, living systems rely on balance in order to thrive and be healthy. What if someone put fertilizer on the plants in their garden every day for a month? Initially, the extra nutrients might make the plants grow faster and make them more healthy. However, after a while the accumulated fertilizer would begin to have the opposite effect and overload the ability of the plants to utilize those nutrients. As a result, the excess "nutrients" in the soil would begin to poison the plants (and other organisms in the surrounding area) and the plants would die.
  3. A third argument that seems to come up a lot revolves around polar ice melting. Many climate change activists say that polar ice is receding. On the other hand, climate change deniers say that polar ice is not residing (or that it is actually increasing). I recently heard someone cite an article from a newspaper as proof that climate change is a "hoax". The first problem with this argument is that it relies on only one source. For example, what bias might this one reporter or newspaper have regarding climate change? Basically the article claimed that, according to a particular agency, the polar ice caps weren't decreasing, but were actually increasing. Again the question needs to be asked, what is the bias of the agency and who are its members (i.e. what political party and/or corporate loyalty, if any, do they have)? My second thought was this -- What data did the reporter base their conclusion on and how does it match up with the actual findings of the agency (i.e. is it based on data from the current month, is it data for the last year, is the data based on a long-term trend, and what polar region is the data from?). These are important questions to ask because data from one month to the next can vary considerably as can data from one region to another. When trying to make an argument, it's very easy to cherry pick certain data in order to support your conclusion (on either side). This is done all of the time in advertising, in science, in medicine, and in politics. This particular technique of persuasion usually works quite well because it sounds very authentic to quote numbers and statistics, and because very few people will ever take the time or effort to investigate the matter any further.
  4. A fourth argument that I seem to hear quite frequently (also related to the one above) revolves around polar bear populations. Climate change activists cite reductions in polar bear populations as proof that climate change is real. On the other hand, climate change deniers cite increases in polar bear populations as proof that climate change is a hoax. Who is correct? Again, this comes down to what data (and who's data) is the conclusion based on? Polar bear populations have historically been very difficult to calculate due to a number of different reasons (i.e. remoteness of the habitat, difficulty in finding white bears against a white landscape, and incomplete data due to areas not included). In any given year, polar bears might be increasing in one zone, but decreasing in another zone. And in other zones, they might be stable. What data is the conclusion based on? And who is doing the counting? Also what role did conservation, wildlife management, and hunting play in the count? Much like the example above, both valid data and invalid data can be chosen (cherry picked) in such a way to support any conclusion.
  5. A fifth argument that people often cite (to discredit climate change activists) is that well-known activists fly around in planes to communicate their message to others, therefore they are hypocrites and should not be taken seriously. This is another bizarre form of "logic". Just because they don't ride around the world on bicycles spreading their message, this doesn't invalidate the underlying argument.
  6. A sixth argument that people sometimes cite is that since the polar ice caps on Mars are also melting, this means that global warming on Earth must be a result of something other than man made contributions (i.e. the sun). Mars has a different orbit than the Earth. Its polar regions also have a different tilt towards the sun (creating greater exposure) than the Earth. It's land mass is also very different than Earth in that it has no oceans. The surface of Mars is often subjected to massive dust storms and its atmosphere is also very different than that of earth. Scientists are just beginning to understand the way that weather works on Mars. For all of these reasons, the weather on Earth and the weather on Mars is not directly correlated (or correlated with the other planets in our solar system). However, lets just say for a moment that changes in the sun were playing a role in global warming on different planets throughout the solar system. Does that then lead to the conclusion that manmade greenhouse gas emissions on earth aren't significantly affecting our weather and environment? This goes back to the example of the glass and the water that I previously mentioned. In other words, many different natural factors can contribute to filling the glass part way up. But in the end, it is actually the human contributions that push the glass to the tipping point and cause it to overflow.
  7. Another argument that is sometimes cited by "climate change deniers" (corporate deniers) is that switching to cleaner alternative forms of energy will destroy the economy. The implied "logic" here is that it is better to destroy the ecosystem and the planet in the long run than it is to risk having short-term disruptions in the economy during a transition period. Greater demand in the alternative energy market will drive greater innovation and greater efficiencies. Big Oil and Big Energy are adverse to this type of transition because it will remove the control and monopoly that they currently have over energy production (and the demand for their products).
  8. Some say that transitioning to electric vehicles isn't sustainable because such vehicles rely on raw materials that are in short supply, are more difficult to obtain, and mining these materials creates environmental concerns (more than fracking, drilling, and other destructive mining practices today?). Again, greater demand in the alternative energy markets will drive greater innovation and greater efficiencies. For example, there are many new battery technologies that are currently being developed, there are new innovations in motor efficiency and design that are being developed, and there are new methods to efficiently recycle used battery components. Saying that electric cars aren't environmentally friendly because they rely on the fossil fuel powered electric grid to charge them is silly. This argument is based on the continuing use of outdated energy production systems, not on the development and deployment of a new sustainable and renewable energy grid.
  9. Another argument against climate change revolves around our oceans. Oceans are a major storehouse or "sink" for greenhouse gasses. Scientists have estimated that there is about a 200 year lag between the time when greenhouse gasses are absorbed by the oceans and when they are released. Therefore, climate change deniers say that this is proof that global warming is not a result man made factors since widespread industry wasn't present 200 years ago. This is another illogical argument. Oceans only absorb about 30% of greenhouse gases. The rest stays in the atmosphere. The manmade greenhouse gases that remain in the atmosphere contribute to warmer temperatures which increases water vapor in the air (the biggest greenhouse gas of all) and melts permafrost in arctic regions and warms the oceans which releases additional greenhouse gases from these sources even quicker. Making the argument that we shouldn't worry about climate change because of the 200 year delay, doesn't take into account the immediate impact of these gasses, the compounding effect of multiple greenhouse gases, nor does it say much for what future generations will have to endure as a result of our current emissions.
  10. Perhaps one of the most bizarre "logical" arguments against manmade climate change is that termites, cows, and people are significant producers of greenhouse gas emissions. And since the government isn't seeking to regulate the biological emissions of termites, cows, and people, then we shouldn't be looking to regulate or change industry emissions either (that emit millions and millions of tons of these gases into the atmosphere each year). This is similar to the illogical argument that since volcanoes emit massive amounts of greenhouse gasses when they erupt, it is useless to try and curb, regulate, or change human produced greenhouse gas emissions because it will have no effect on the overall level of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

One of the issues with the term "climate change" is that it has been associated almost exclusively with greenhouse gas emissions. Our environmental "climate" is in fact changing, but it is not just limited to, or a result of, greenhouse gas emissions. For example:

I think that there is good reason to be very concerned about how the "solutions" to climate change are being addressed, directed, and enforced. As I have said many times before, crisis often leads to an opportunity (and a necessity) for change. In an ethical world, such changes can be very beneficial. However, in a corrupt, fraudulent, unethical, greed driven, and secretive world, such changes can lead to more power and more control for the few, and less freedom and liberty for the many.

I agree with those who have said that the constant psychological and emotional climate (of fear, worry, and anxiety) regarding climate change is not healthy for our children or for the general population. However, it does not change the fact that there are very real and very serious environmental issues that we are facing. The reality is that there is just as much fear in the climate change realists, as there is in the climate change deniers (who fear economic change, loss of profit, true reality, and/or the possible exploitation of climate change issues for the purpose of power and control). We have the technology, ability, and know-how to live in balance with this planet in a healthy manner without unnecessarily exploiting it or the people and other life forms that exist on it.

The bottom line is this -- We only have one Earth. Our planet is incredibly beautiful, but it is also finite in its natural resources and in its ability to absorb the poisoning of its environment, the modification of its atmosphere, and the continuing extinction of its species. Just as life, liberty, and freedom should never be taken for granted, nor should a planet be taken for granted that might be totally unique in its beauty, its resources, and its diversity in all of the universe.

Peace to All.


Life of Illusion


Laundry Day


Have you had your brain washed today?

If you value freedom, liberty, truth, and individual rights during the lockdown, and choose to protest to protect those things, then you are being irresponsible and endangering the health of others. If you protest along with people that are carrying Trump signs, not practicing social distancing, not wearing face masks, and/or carrying guns, then you are a Trump supporter (or a Republican), a moron, a covidiot, and/or you don't care about others. If you are concerned about the long-term economic and social impact of an extended lockdown (or multiple lockdowns), then you are not being compassionate towards others and all you care about is money and the economy. Really? It's hard to believe, but this is what many people are saying right now.

America is turning into a no freedom and no free speech zone

People are telling others to listen to the "experts", follow the ones that really know, and do what the "authorities" tell you to do. Yet the experts have been completely wrong about everything so far. First they said millions of people would die in the US. Then they said hundreds of thousands would die. Now they are saying it is more like 60,000. They told us that all of the hospitals would be overrun with patients (but the weren't). They said that there would be plenty of tests (but there aren't). And they said that the tests would be accurate (but they aren't).

The CDC is giving guidance to doctors and telling them to list any death that looks like it might be Coronavirus as Coronavirus (even without any tests or confirmation). The medical experts have encouraged people to believe, through fear, that the numbers they were quoting to us were correct. How many conflicts of (financial) interest do these experts have? Quite a few. The media continues to promote fear and anxiety while the experts are telling us that things will never be the same again and to get ready for the "new normal" -- more surveillance, more rules and authority, less freedom, and the probability of more lockdowns and outbreaks in the future.

But the lockdowns are working, aren't they? The numbers are lower because everybody is staying home, right? How can that be proven? What about the states that don't have lockdowns or have had limited lockdowns? Why aren't their numbers completely exploding? The truth is that every state is not the same, every situation is not the same, and every person is not the same. Areas with higher density populations are obviously going to be more at risk than areas with lower density populations. And older people and people with preexisting conditions are going to be more at risk than younger people and people that are healthy. The point that I am trying to make here is why is the entire country being locked down and treated the same, when it clearly isn't the same? Why are doctors being encouraged to artificially inflate the death numbers? Why is the corporate controlled media eliciting so much fear and anxiety in people and encouraging the lockdown to continue for as long as possible? And why are we trusting data that is being compiled and provided by a source (John Hopkins) that has a clear conflict of interest?

The reality is that models can be manipulated, statistics can be manipulated, the cause of death can be manipulated, the virus can be manipulated, the situation can be manipulated, and people can be manipulated to say and do anything that the media (and their masters) want.

Be quiet and drink the Kool-Aid! Silence is patriotic,
obedience is kool, and critical thinking is unkool!


About ten years ago I lived in a place that got hit by a really big earthquake. Fortunately, it was a rural area and the only major damage was to one building. Predictably, every news agency focused all of their footage on this one building and made it look as if the entire area had been completely devastated by the earthquake. I've seen this same thing happen before with tornados. If only one house in an entire city gets hit by a tornado, the news media will play the same footage of that one house over and over again and make it appear as though the entire area was wiped out by the tornado. The same type of thing is occurring with the Coronavirus. Whatever is the scariest and most dramatic footage or statistic that is available, that is what they show you. If a truck is parked at one hospital to help move potential bodies, then the news will play that same footage over and over again until viewers begin to think that people are dying by the truckload all over the place. If one mass grave is dug at one place in the entire country, then this is what the media shows people over and over again until they start to believe that mass graves are being dug everywhere. This is called sensationalism, psychological manipulation, psychological programming, and mind control.

Lets talk about health, empathy, compassion, and responsibility for a moment. So far there have been about 42,000 unconfirmed deaths from the Coronavirus in the US (remember that doctors are being instructed to list any death that might look like Coronavirus as Coronavirus). The CDC estimated that about 43 million people got sick with the flu during the 2018-2019 flu season, 647,000 people were hospitalized, and 61,200 died from the flu. How many states were shut down during this time? None. How many news agencies covered the 2018-2019 flu outbreak all day long/every day on their networks? None. How many people got totally freaked out about the 2018-2019 flu? Probably very few. I'm not trying to discount the Coronavirus or the impact that it has had on people. What I'm trying to do is put the situation into perspective in relation to a bad flu season and in relation to the health consequences of the economic catastrophe that we are facing.

What will the health impact be for all the people that end up losing their houses or apartments and are left homeless? What will the health impact be for all of the people that are unemployed and can't afford health insurance? What will the health impact be for all the people that lose businesses that have been in their families for 50 years? What will the health impact be for the people whose marriages are destroyed because of unemployment and financial stress? What will the health impact be because of supply shortages or not having enough food to eat? What will the health impact be of widespread depression, substance abuse, physical/mental abuse, crime, and social unrest due to unemployment, homelessness, and/or broken families?  

Today I actually heard someone call someone else stupid for having a little long-term insight, for being concerned about the impact of the lockdown, and for standing up for their rights. This person suggested that people should just stay home because the corrupt government isn't worth saving (as if the corrupt rulers in government will simply go away and be magically replaced with ethical representatives and a fair and just system after people stay home for months and destroy their own financial independence). Just because you may be economically ok right now, that doesn't mean that other people are ok. And just because you may be economically ok now, that doesn't mean that you will be ok in the future. I seriously question whether people have any clue whatsoever as to what is on the horizon for them socially and economically. Then again, maybe they do know and just think that the government will be there to take care of them in the future. How has that been working out for everyone so far during the Coronavirus Crisis?

How can people not see what is really happening at this point? It could not be any clearer or more obvious. Big banks and big corporations are being bailed out to the tune of trillions of dollars for their unethical, immoral, corrupt, and greedy behavior. This type of bailout would never have been tolerated if not for the pandemic. The Fed is now funneling billions of dollars through BlackRock Corporation (funny how the government always seems to favor working with corporations that begin with "black"). This is essentially giving one investment company free discretion to dole out bailout money however it sees fit (including to itself). President Trump (a corrupt, fraudulent, and lying businessman) and Steve Mnuchin (former Goldman Sachs executive and hedge fund manager) have attempted to destroy any transparency in the distribution of billions of dollars to the corporations.

Just to summarize, the corrupt banks and corporations get trillions of dollars in free money (plus tax breaks), the corrupt politicians get freebies, favors, and kickbacks, and the public gets a one time payment of $1,200, most of the tax liability, economic chaos, social destruction, the potential for significant stagflation, and enough personal and public debt to chain themselves, their children, and their grandchildren to debt servitude (slavery) for the foreseeable future.

The truth is that economy was already in serious trouble before the Coronavirus came along. And the financial system was already in danger of collapse from the huge wall of JUNK corporate debt (and the highly leveraged financial products associated with it) that was coming due in 2020/2021. And that isn't even taking into consideration the huge amount of public and personal debt that was also in danger of default. At the same time all of this was happening, the US was also losing its financial leverage around the world (reserve currency influence/monopoly, petrodollar monopoly, and increasingly ineffective mafia banking practices). The enormous amount of debt being held, the degradation of debt quality, the growing loss of liquidity, and the withering influence of the dollar in the international community would have collapsed the US economy (and the Big Banks and Big Corporations) if trillions of dollars in new liquidity wasn't injected into these entities very quickly. But how could the oligarchs get away with corruption, theft, and fraud on such a grand level (in the form of bailouts) without being sent to prison or hanged by the people in the process? Distraction.

Fortunately for the oligarchs and the financial mafia, the Coronavirus came along at just the right time. Suddenly the Fed now had an excuse to print trillions of dollars of money and give it away to the banks and corporations. The Coronavirus was, in fact, the perfect scapegoat to justify the Fed's massively corrupt and obscene intervention. The oligarchs knew that congress wouldn't really be a problem in the bailout because most members of congress don't actually represent the people, they represent the banks and the corporations that own them. The oligarchs also knew that most members of congress wouldn't be a problem because most of them don't have the courage or backbone to stand on their own and/or stray from the majority and their party's position. And the oligarchs knew that the public wouldn't be much of an issue because most people would either be too occupied with their entertainment to care, too numbed by their substances to understand, too apathetic and divided to be effective, and/or too paralyzed with fear from the daily Coronavirus show to be able to think critically. Problem solved.

The Black Hole of corruption, greed,
and debt sucking all light into it.


This is a pandemic. But it is a pandemic of massive corruption. And it is a disease. But it is a disease of unfettered greed. And it is a lockdown. But the lockdown is on ethics and morality. What is this really all about? It is about the complete transfer of wealth, power, and control to Big Banks, Big Corporations, and the so-called elite. The economy is in lockdown, people are in lockdown, oil prices have completely collapsed, a record 22 million people have filed for unemployment during the last few weeks, people are unable to pay their rent and their debt obligations, businesses are going into bankruptcy or failing, the outlook for corporate earnings is totally bleak, the outlook for society is totally bleak, the level of debt is astronomical (and growing every day), and the stock market has been going up? Something is clearly not right here.

The word corona comes from Latin meaning "crown". Therefore, by
definition, the Coronavirus is a virus of (or from) the Crown


I never thought that I would see the day when so many people in America would be shaming other people and calling them derogatory names for standing up for freedom, liberty, and their rights.

What is actually being shown to the public on the news media (regarding protests)? The most inflammatory footage available of course -- the people not practicing social distancing, the people not wearing masks, the people carrying guns, and the people waving Trump signs around. So does that mean that everyone protesting is irresponsible, a gun carrying terrorist (as some people are characterizing them), and a Trump supporter or a Republican? Of course not. But this is what people believe, because this is what they are being shown.

While all of this is going on, people can't wait to blame the Democrats for everything, or blame the Republicans for everything, or say that the Democrats are attacking Trump, or that the Republicans are attacking the Democrats. As idiotic as this political divide is, however, people are not just caught up in a single divide and conquer strategy, they are also blaming each other and telling on each other (to the government). This is exactly the mentality and level of intelligence and understanding that the rulers want the people to exist in. As long as the people remain at this level, they will always be slaves.

This isn't just about the Coronavirus, the financial system, corrupt corporations, or a corrupt government. This is about an international cartel that is taking down the entire world economy, destroying the freedom and liberty of people, and creating a very dark new world order.


The Grand Illusion - Open for business

The Grand Illusion


Paradise Theatre - Closed for business

The Best of Times


Freedom and Liberty - "Temporarily" closed for business

Miss America



Below The Surface
(The Real War)



World War I, World War II, the Korean War, The Vietnam War, the Cold War, the War on Drugs, the War on Aids, the War on Terrorism, the War on the Coronavirus, etc. Wars create fear, anxiety, chaos, and confusion. And and fear, anxiety, chaos, and confusion create opportunities for manufactured change. This is why we always need to have a "threat", and why we always need to have a war on something.

The Cold War was almost a perfect war, because it was a never-ending war. This is also true of the War on Drugs, the War on Aids, the War on Terrorism, and now the War on Pandemics. None of these wars, however, were actually the real war. Rather, they were simply fronts for a much bigger war that has been going on for a very long time underneath the fog of all the other wars. That war is the War on Consciousness and the War on Humanity.

The War on Humanity

I recently finished watching a couple of television series on HBO and Netflix. One of them was called Euphoria (on HBO) and the other was called Ozark (on Netflix). The reason why I bring these two series up is because I think that they are a good representation of a very dark trend that has been progressively (incrementally) developing in both Hollywood and in the music industry.

With each passing year, the War on Children, the War on Families, the War on Gender, the War on Society, the War on Ethics and Morality, and the War on Humanity is being shown to us with greater and greater clarity through our entertainment. Therefore, I would say that shows like Euphoria and Ozark are not just television dramas, but they are more like documentaries based on what is happening in society right now and where the psychopaths in power ultimately want to take us.

Although these shows were both well written and well acted, I had trouble getting through them because of the psychological impact they had and the way that they made me feel. I also recently saw an older movie called Bordertown which had a similar effect as well. What do these three dramas have in common? They are a depiction of what happens to a society when it begins to completely break down. When families break down, society breaks down. And when society breaks down, corruption increases, unemployment increases, divorce increases, poverty increases, substance abuse increases, suffering increases, physical/mental/sexual abuse increases, depression increases, suicide increases, individual/organized crime increases, and lots of other bad things.

The worst part of all of this is that it is being done intentionally by some very sick people who are being influenced by some very dark forces. Psychopaths control people through trauma-based mind control -- traumatize people, break them down, erase their reality, and then insert a new reality in its place. The process is the same whether it is done to an individual, or to a society. Look around the world today. This is happening to us right now.

I really don't like to research this type of stuff or write about it because it is so dark, disturbing, and depressing. Therefore, I understand why other people would rather not confront this subject matter either. However, unless these things are recognized, known, and understood, they can't be stopped. A small minority of psychopaths can only direct billions people if the people are ignorant of what is happening and they are willing to blindly (or knowingly) follow those that are leading them into the darkness.

There is much more going on below the surface than just the current political drama, financial collapse, government corruption, corporate corruption, and the latest war.


Out of Shadows
This video is a good example of how Youtube filters what viewers see
and what they don't see. If you type the title of this video in the
Youtube search box "Out of the Shadows Official" it doesn't
come up in the results. I don't really agree with the opening
of this video (regarding "conspiracies"), but I think that the
information in the rest of the video is valuable.

Mission Mind Control
Historical look at the CIA and mind control


Vigilant Citizen
A look at the occult world and how it is affecting
society through media and entertainment

Related Reading

This is a collection of previous posts that will help in seeing the bigger picture and help to illustrate
what really influences and drives the actions of many of the so-called elite

Dark Occult Influences in Our Society

The Psychological Control Grid
(please see the 4/17/19 post on this page)

Satanism in Society

The Sound of Silence

The Invasion

The Invasion II

The Road to Dystopia


Social Distancing, Quarantine, Lockdown,
Destruction, and New Order


Stay in your circle! There will be public shaming, fines, and/or imprisonment for anyone that disobeys the
rules! I was actually scolded the other day at the post office for having one foot on the social distance
line that was painted in the lobby. I guess that extra half inch makes all of the difference.

Social distancing isn't a new concept. It's been around for quite a while and is actually a form of punishment. I'm sure many people have heard things before like "go to your room", "go stand in the corner", or "your grounded". Separating people from friends, family, and social contact is a very effective form of psychological programming, conditioning, and punishment. It's why solitary confinement is utilized in prisons and why it is used in many interrogation and torture techniques.

Do not open your business, do not work, do not gather with others,
don't do anything non-essential, and most of all, do not question
the government or come together and protest. You may, however,
tell on bad businesses and bad people that are violating our orders.

Where else is social distancing seen? How about at work, in school, in social media, and throughout society? What happens when you do something that isn't considered socially acceptable (like not conforming to popular opinion and belief)? The conformers of society (white sheep) distance themselves from you (the black sheep) so that their "social credit" (popularity) isn't tarnished. This happens all of the time in areas such science, medicine, education, and the media. What happens when you do something that is popular and trendy on social media? You get lots of page views, likes, and followers (social acceptance). What happens when you say or do something that isn't popular, trendy, or acceptable on social media? You get less page views, less likes, less followers, and may even get banned (social distanced).

In a study involving mice, it was shown that after only one month of social isolation, there was about a 20% decrease in the total volume of neurons in the brain (source). That is a scary thought when you consider all of the other things in our environment that are already contributing to a loss of neurons in the brain. It's also scary when you consider that a less conscious and less educated population is much easier to manipulate and control than a conscious and well-educated population.

After 9/11, many people were concerned about the loss of privacy and freedom that occurred. However, now it seems that most people have either accepted it, become desensitized to it, or become distracted from it. There also used to be many anti-war protests. However, how many do you see today? It's been determined that it takes approximately 21 days for a person to acclimate, accept, and conform to something new. Think about everything that is happening right now with the Coronavirus pandemic (please see the news articles below). Will people simply acclimate, accept, and conform to these things as well (now and in the future)?

The news stories above are just a small sample of the widespread catastrophic social and economic crises that have arisen from the financial bubbles, the Fed manipulation, the corporate corruption, the collapse of the oil market, the Coronavirus pandemic, and the widespread lockdowns.

I spent thirteen years working for some of the largest banks in the US. If someone would have asked me back then, what do you think is the best way to destroy the financial and social systems of the world, I would have probably responded by outlining a plan exactly like the one that we see unfolding before us right now:

  1. Set the stage for the "big event" -- Create a huge financial crisis (2008) that almost destroys the entire world economy and creates the need to issue unsustainable amounts of debt for economic "recovery".
  2. Create lots of entertainment, distractions, and mood enhancers for the masses in order to keep them preoccupied and pacified (even more so than before).
  3. Create enormous unsustainable bubbles in the world financial markets (again) through corruption and intentional mis-management. Inflate the bubbles to the point of bursting.
  4. Find a pin that can pop all of the financial bubbles in the world simultaneously and then blame the resulting economic meltdown on the pin (Coronavirus), not the bubbles.
  5. Find a way to keep most of the economies of the world shut down for as long as possible so that they are either destroyed, severely weakened, or dependent on international loans for economic life support (i.e. destroy financial independence and create financial dependence). If you really think about it, a pandemic is the only viable way to accomplish such a thing (short of bombing the entire world). It just so happens that we do have a "pandemic" involving the very same hypothetical novel Coronavirus and economic situation that was played out in a mock exercise known as Event 201 just prior to the actual outbreak of the Coronavirus. Imagine that?
  6. Make sure that the world economies are destroyed or severely crippled by printing massive amounts of money (especially the world reserve currency) and piling on as much debt as possible, while the world economies are simultaneously melting down from debt defaults. Destroy the demand for oil and flood the world markets with excess oil at the same time.  
  7. Destroy the financial independence of the people of the world and control them with fear, anxiety, propaganda, and mis-information. Restrict their freedom with draconian rules, regulations, and fines. Create a situation where they will be so demoralized that they will become totally dependent on the state for their survival.
  8. Incrementally increase surveillance and the presence of state/federal/military enforcement agencies on the streets. Wait for civil unrest to occur from the economic upheaval, massive unemployment, homelessness, food/product shortages, violence, general chaos, etc.
  9. Use the resulting civil unrest to justify some sort of Marshall law situation that involves highly restrictive rules and regulations and an ongoing lockdown of the general population.
  10. Wait until the people are begging the governments to feed them, protect them, and save them, and then unveil a plan and vision for a new world order.

I am not saying the things above to make people depressed or feel hopeless. Rather, I am expressing them in the hope that people will wake up, see reality, and stand up for their rights and their freedom. The longer that this situation goes on, the more difficult that it is going to be to stop it. Obviously things could go in many different directions. However, if they continue on as they are, the situation outlined above is a very real possibility.

At this point, it almost feels like I am reporting on the Titanic as it is sinking into the ocean (in real time). I keep thinking that if maybe I just say things a little differently, perhaps more people will realize what is happening and decide to stand up (rather than simply sitting on the deck and sipping cocktails as the ship goes under). But that doesn't seem to be happening. Instead, it seems like most people are so paralyzed with fear that they are willing to do whatever the government tells them to do (even if it means totally destroying their future, their freedom, and their liberties).

The things that the Federal Reserve and the government are doing right now are not things that you would do if you wanted to fix the financial system and rescue the economy. Rather, these are things that you would do if you wanted to ensure that the financial system was completely destroyed, that society is ruined, and that any chance of a real long-term economic recovery is eliminated. These are the types of things that you would do if you wanted to create a situation that would lead to the centralization of power and a new world order.


I've been seeing a lot of articles recently about how people are really bored because they are stuck at home. If that is really the case, why not use that free time to do some research into what is really going on in the world? However, I have a feeling that this isn't what most people are doing. To a certain extent, I can understand why. Procrastination is preferable to consequence. Distraction is preferable to reality. And a comfortable lie is preferable to a hard truth. I suppose that helps to explain the following:

Many years ago I read a story about a conversation that two doctors had with each other. One of the doctors was telling the other doctor about a very difficult case that he encountered with one of his patients. During the course of his patient's treatment, the doctor had tried using a number of different drugs, but unfortunately none of them were successful. Finally, out of desperation, the doctor decided to try a new and very powerful experimental drug. When the other doctor asked what had happen with his patient, the doctor replied "the treatment cured the disease, but unfortunately the patient died from the toxic effects of the drug". Perhaps there is a lesson there in relation to our current social situation, health situation, and economic situation?

Peace to All.


We Won't Get Fooled Again



There is NO Bubble

There is NO Debt Problem

There IS Going to be a Bailout


Slip of the Tongue #1

Slip of the Tongue #2

The two links above are from a briefing by the Coronavirus Task Force on March 22, 2020. President Trump was joined by Vice President Mike Pence and FEMA Administrator Pete Gaynor. The body language and the shifty eyes of Pence and Gaynor in this video remind me of how Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld used to look during briefings with President Bush (when all three of them were lying to the American people).

An interesting thing happens sometimes when a person is lying. Rather than saying what they intend to say (the lie), the brain substitutes the actual truth instead. In the first example, Pete Gaynor, Administrator of FEMA, says "the Federal Government continues to take aggressive action and attack the health and safety of the American people" (instead of protect). In the second example, Vice President Mike Pence says "by putting FEMA in the lead, the president has emphasized that our response to the Coronavirus is in the Anthem of Thelema (to me it sounded like he said Thelema, instead of FEMA). Normally I wouldn't have thought much about it, except the way that it was worded was very strange (i.e. the Anthem of FEMA?). The reaction of Shifty Eyes Gaynor in the background was also quite noticeable as well when Pence said it. For those who may not know what Thelema is, it's a religion that was developed by dark occultist Aleister Crowley (and the religion that is knowingly and unknowingly practiced by many elites). The main doctrine of Thelema is "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law". In other words, do whatever you want, regardless of whether it is right or wrong.


Obey Your Master
(Programming the Masses)



Submit to Governing Authorities
(God Made Government?)

Romans 13 (NIV): Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. 2 Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. 3 For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended. 4 For the one in authority is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God's servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. 5 Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also as a matter of conscience. 6 This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God's servants, who give their full time to governing.

In other words, God made government. And since government was established by God, then the "authorities" of government are an extension of God. Therefore, you must obey your rulers and not rebel against them or you will be punished and bear their wrath. In the eyes of government (and the authorities) a "wrongdoing" is defined as any action that challenges their authority (regardless of whether their authority is right or wrong). And doing what is "right", is actually not doing what is right, but rather is doing what is "correct" as it defined by the rulers and the government. As strange as this may sound, to many people the government is actually looked at as God, and the president is viewed as the savior.

Fear the Lord

Why does the Bible teach its followers to fear the lord (god)? Why does government teach its followers to fear the lord (authority)? Why do so many religious belief systems teach their followers to fear the lord of their religion? It's because fear destroys rational consciousness (logical independent thinking) and encourages irrational behavior and blind obedience (reactive heard mentality). A truly benevolent being would never require its followers to worship them, nor would a benevolent being attempt to control its followers with fear or coercion. So why do so many people accept fear, coercion, and control as something that is good and benevolent?

Many Religions, Same Result

How does this relate to the bigger picture? The reality is that the words contained within Romans 13 above are not just limited to the government, the Bible, or to Christianity. Rather, they apply to a much broader set of belief systems and religious convictions that are practiced under a variety of different names such as science, technology, medicine, media, society, and "cult"ure.

Context and Perception

When numbers and statistics are manipulated, the views and perceptions of people can also be manipulated. And when information is incomplete or taken out of context, the views and perceptions of people can be manipulated. And when data is over-simplified or made overly-complex, the views and perceptions of people can be manipulated. And when logic and reason are replaced by fear and propaganda, the views and perceptions of people can be manipulated. And when (false) logic takes the place of intuition and common sense, the views and perceptions of people can be manipulated.

The Rest of the Story

So what is in the rest of Romans 13?

Love Fulfills the Law

8 Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law. 9 The commandments, "You shall not commit adultery", “You shall not murder", "You shall not steal", "You shall not covet", and whatever other command there may be, are summed up in this one command: "Love your neighbor as yourself". 10 Love does no harm to a neighbor. Therefore, love is the fulfillment of the law.

The Day Is Near

11 And do this, understanding the present time: The hour has already come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. 12 The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light.13 Let us behave decently, as in the daytime, not in carousing and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and debauchery, not in dissension and jealousy. 14 Rather, clothe yourselves with Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the flesh. 

There is wisdom in the words underlined above. However, is the night almost over? Or has it only just begun? I think that really depends on us (all of us). As discussed previously, Jesus (in esoteric terms) is a metaphor for "the Light", and "the Light" is a metaphor for Wisdom and Understanding (please see the 1-22-20 post on this page).

Our "neighbor" is actually every one and every thing that exists outside of ourselves. And doing "no harm" is not defined by only one situation or one point in time. Rather, it is applicable to everything all of the time. This is important to understand because the idea of doing no harm can be manipulated in such a way that "doing no harm" (i.e. the perception of it) can actually result in the greatest harm of all. This is what is happening in the world right now.


There is usually much more to the story than what is presented to us by the "priests and clergy" of media, government, science, medicine, technology, and other (potentially religious) belief systems of our manufactured matrix society. The Light of Wisdom and Understanding exists within all of us and it can be found and realized by anyone who sincerely looks for it.

Footnote: This post is not intended to promote or discredit Christianity (or any other religion). Rather, it is simply meant to serve as an example of what can happen when independent freewill and independent thinking is replaced with apathy, conformity, uniformity, complacency, dependency, and blind loyalty to a perceived "authority", "savior", or "religion". Governments are not setup by God, government "authorities" are not agents of God, and taxes are not offerings to God. Governments are not our savior, they are our enslaver. And religion is not our savior either. The only one that can truly save us is ourselves (through knowledge, awareness, understanding, and right action). Should any of this matter to someone that is not religious and/or doesn't look at government as a savior? Yes. Because this is just one example of many similar types of programming that is widely seen and intricately interwoven throughout society. Since "democracy" is based on a majority rules mentality, this means that the rulers don't have to program an entire society, they only need to influence 51% in their favor (or get a significant portion of the population to believe that Trump was elected as president because God chose him...this is the power of psychological programming and conditioning).    


Master of Puppets
The masters can only be masters, when
the people act like puppets

Related Reading

The Road to Destruction

The Road to Dystopia

Schooled by Nature

Masters and Servants

Escape from the Matrix

Pledge of Allegiance
(please see the 7-11-19 post on this page)

Follow Your Path
(please see the 11-4-17 post on this page)

Mechanisms of the Matrix




The recent mandatory closing of bars in some states has a
rather disturbing metaphorical meaning

The actions being taken by the government right now will result in economic disaster, massive unemployment, food/product/service shortages, business closures, bankruptcies, homelessness, poverty, enormous suffering, and civil unrest. And the economic disaster and civil unrest has the potential to be used as a justification to continue the "National Emergency" and result in even more lockdowns, more troops on the ground, and the expansion of more government power, intervention, and control.

While all of this is happening, people are cheering for these actions, asking no questions, and doing everything that the government tells them to do. I used to get a lot of flack for suggesting that we live in a society where most people are programmed, conditioned, brainwashed, and are unable to think for themselves. However, here is a perfect example of this. If people cannot see what is happening to them when it is blatantly being done right in front of their eyes, then I think it really calls into question the future of humanity.

Below are just some of the things that have occurred in relation to the Coronavirus pandemic:

The creation of a new order in the world was the goal. The destruction of the financial systems was the vehicle. The Coronavirus was the pin that popped the bubbles. The economic chaos, health crisis, widespread lockdowns, and loss of freedoms are just the beginning.

These are the states that have issued mandatory stay-at-home orders, shelter-in-place orders, and
enacted partial closures (so far). The states at the top of the chart have the largest economies in
the United States and are essential to national economic and financial stability and viability.

Footnote: Lets assume for a moment that the Coronavirus was intentionally released as part of a bigger plan. If that was the case, then the propagation and continuation of public fear and panic would be vital to the success of such a plan. Therefore, the pandemic would need to continue to grow and be extended for as long as possible in order to have the maximum amount of impact. As such, the defunding of essential health agencies, the lack of testing and medical supplies, and the poor management of the situation could play important roles in extending the pandemic. To be most effective, it would also be necessary to concentrate the infections in the states with the largest economies (which are key to maintaining national economic viability). If the infections began to wane for some reason, this would destroy the justification for lockdowns, troops on the ground, the suspension of rights and laws, etc. Therefore, there would need to be a way to reintroduce the Coronavirus into the population to maintain the ongoing "pandemic" and/or have a plausible "terrorist" group that could be blamed for the continuing spread of the virus. The following story was released on March 21, 2020: Federal Law Enforcement Document Reveals White Supremacists Discussed Using the Coronavirus as a Bioweapon. I'm sure that some people will say that this is a very dark view of the situation. However, no matter how dark it may be, it is completely valid and realistic based on the past actions of those in power.


Back on the Chain Gang

My Own Prison

Folsom Prison Blues


Destruction and Rebirth
(The Death of California)


The Phoenix is a mystical bird that is said to have a life span of 500 years. At its
death, it prepares its own funeral pyre and out of its ashes rises a new Phoenix.
The Phoenix is generally regarded as a symbol of renewal and resurrection.

The Spring Equinox is the moment in time when the sun stands directly above the equator while crossing from the south to the north. It is the moment when winter ends and spring begins in the Northern Hemisphere. The word "equinox" is derived from Latin and means "equal night". In 2020, the Spring Equinox arrives on Thursday, March 19 at 8:49 pm PST. This is the earliest that it has arrived in 124 years. The Spring Equinox is a very important date in occult and ritual practice.

Yesterday, Governor Gavin Newsom issued a mandatory stay-at-home order for the entire state of California. The order prohibits all gatherings outside of residences and requires nonessential businesses to close. There's some conflicting information regarding what constitutes an "essential businesses", but it looks like businesses such as grocery stores, banks, and pharmacies will remain open.  It was reported that, under state law, violations of the order will be punishable by up to a $1000 fine or by imprisonment for no more that six months. The governor also requested one billion dollars from the federal government to "combat" the Coronavirus. This unprecedented course of action was based on 900 Coronavirus infections and 19 deaths in California. The fact that Governor Newsom made this announcement on the day and time that he did is not a coincidence. Governor Newsom has a very interesting (and questionable) background and history.

Some facts about the California economy:

As discussed previously, many individuals and businesses are in a very precarious position right now as a result of being highly leveraged with debt. In addition to that, many of those people and businesses have very little cash reserves on hand. This means that even a slight disruption in their income could result in debt default. Many individuals today live from paycheck to paycheck and barely have enough money to meet basic living needs. The order issued by Governor Newsom was described as being "indefinite" in nature. How are individuals and businesses going to survive this?

The trillions of dollars being infused into the financial system is completely meaningless if businesses are shut down and no one is working. The government guaranteed loans being made to businesses (that are already in deep debt) are also meaningless if they have no way to repay them. And the $1000 payment being made to individuals is meaningless if you are forced out of work and your monthly expenses exceed this amount (which it does for most people). One thousand dollars per person won't help individuals, businesses, or the economy if everything is shut down.

How is the government going to pay for trillions and trillions of dollars in bailouts, income supplements, and quantitative easing measures in an economy and a tax base that is completely locked down? Answer: It can't. It can only print money out of thin air and pile on more and more debt. What is this going to do to the value of the dollar? In an economy that is shut down, where are all of the food and goods going to come from (and what will be their cost be to the average consumer)? There are over 400 commodity crops grown in California, including a significant portion of all fruits and nuts in the United States. The value of agriculture products produced in California in 2018 was almost $50 billion dollars. How is the shutdown of California going to affect the food supply in the United States?

Normally I would say that this is complete insanity, but at this point, it is extremely clear what this is actually about. It is about the intentional destruction of the California economy, the US economy, and the world economy by very dark forces (for more information on this, please read the previous posts on this page). There is no way that you can't shut down an entire state economy (especially one as large as California) during a complete financial meltdown and expect that people, businesses, and the state will simply bounce back and recover after a few weeks or a few months.

I don't even know what else to say at this point. This is about the destruction of the world as we know it, the total transfer of power and wealth from the people to the elite, and the rebuilding of a new world order in their image.

My heart goes out to everybody in California, everyone in the United States, and everyone in the rest of the world during these very dark times.

Peace and Love to All.


Dani California


The Road to Dystopia - Part II



Putting Things into Perspective

Below is some data regarding the number of deaths that have occurred from previous pandemics, seasonal influenza, and Coronavirus in the US:

The Number of Deaths from Pandemics in the US:

The Number of Influenza Deaths in the US Each Year (source, CDC):

The Number of Deaths Per Year in the US from other Causes (source, year 2017):

The Coronavirus "pandemic" is still in its early stages. However the total number of deaths in the US so far (as of 3-19-20) from this disease is 171. In contrast, influenza deaths in the US average around of 35,000 each year. Does this really warrant the over-the-top extreme measures that are being taken against the Coronavirus?

It was originally thought that the elderly and those with preexisting conditions were the most at risk for the Coronavirus. Is this any different than the flu? According to the CDC, 70 to 90 percent of seasonal influenza deaths occur in people 65 years and older (source, CDC). I imagine that the mortality risk for the flu is also greater for those with preexisting conditions as well.

The news media keeps referring to the Coronavirus as "a very deadly disease" and "a horrible disease". Yes people are dying from it. And yes that is horrible. But when the Coronavirus is looked at in relation to other diseases, pandemics, or even world hunger, are the labels being applied to it really correct? Or is this more of a case of sensationalism? It seems like only the worst cases are being reported by the news, while the mild cases are being ignored. In addition, data on the mortality rate of the Coronavirus is not reliable (and potentially very skewed) because it is only taking into account confirmed infections and confirmed deaths. All of the people that have had mild cases and recovered (that were never tested) are not included in the numbers, so this has the potential to make the mortality rate seem much higher than it really is. And now, to scare people even more, the news is reporting on the small percentage of deaths that have occurred in younger people as if this is a serious problem as well.

When you look at the mortality data on previous pandemics, the seasonal flu, and annual deaths from other causes, it makes the Coronavirus seem mild by comparison. Yet the Coronavirus has somehow been able to almost completely shut down the United States and much of the rest of the world. Please understand that I am not trying to downplay the seriousness of the situation or discount what people have gone through that have been infected. I am simply trying to put the actual situation into logical perspective.

Lock Down

Right now, with 171 Coronavirus deaths so far in the US, the entire country is being locked down with a national emergency declaration, FEMA rollout , "shelter in place" orders, mandatory business closures, "social distancing" restrictions, forced quarantines, national guard mobilizations, panic buying, and a general state of fear and anxiety. Why didn't this happen with the 60,000 deaths that occurred during the 2017-2018 flu season? Why doesn't this happen each year when 35,000 people (on average) die from the flu here in the US? Why doesn't this happen when over two million people die each year in the US from other causes?

Past the Point of Containment

Most states now are reporting multiple cases of the Coronavirus. The reality is that we are already past the point of containment. Closing down businesses, initiating curfews, rolling out the national guard, and asking people to "shelter in place" will not stop the spread of the Coronavirus. People still need to work, buy groceries, purchase gas, exercise, go to the doctor, etc. All this is really doing is killing jobs, killing businesses, killing the economy and potentially extending the timeframe of the "pandemic" well into the future.

The news keeps saying that if we don't "flatten the curve" that the number of Coronavirus cases will overwhelm the medical system. However, how many people are going to the emergency room right now out of fear and panic generated by the news media, rather than out of necessity? Why lock down the entire country (and the planet), if the overwhelming majority of people that are susceptible to the disease are the elderly and those with preexisting conditions? Why not focus the precautions in this high risk group and address their needs while allowing the rest of the population to try and support themselves, their families, the economy, and the country?

Melt Down

The financial system is melting down, not from the Coronavirus, but from the disease and corruption that already existed within it. The Coronavirus simply pricked the huge bubbles that were already present there. The financial system actually did have a slim chance of recovery. However, with the over-the-top reaction to the Coronavirus, it has pretty much eliminated that possibility and is killing what was left of the financial system and the economy (much like a virus would). The whole way that this going down smells totally rotten and appears to be something much different than what the public is being led to believe is happening.

On the surface, the way that the financial bubbles were inflated might appear to be a result of stupidity, incompetence, and greed. At the lower levels, I do believe that this was the case. However, at the higher levels, I believe that this was something much different. Those at the top would not have allowed this situation to grow and unfold the way that it has (and jeopardize their wealth, power and control) unless there was a plan that was already in place to "resolve" this crisis (with more wealth, power, and control for them).

Consequences - Moths to the Flame

The Fed is pumping trillions of dollars into a financial system that was already on life support and weighed down with so much debt that it was crushing the life out of the patient (the economy). Now we have a sick and bed ridden economy on lock down, while the Fed and the government exponentially prints more money out of thin air and piles on astronomical amounts of additional debt that can never be repaid. This is pure insanity and economic suicide. It is going to kill the economy, kill the dollar, kill the people, and kill this country. When one takes a good long hard look at all of the information that is available, the only logical conclusion is that this is being intentionally done to implode the system. Again, there is no way those at the top are this careless, reckless, or stupid. When I say "at the top" I don't mean the CEO's of corporations or the foot soldiers of the political system. I mean those at the very top in the shadows.

The most disturbing thing about this whole situation is that people seem to be so paralyzed with fear right now that they are unable to see what is really going on. As a result of this, they are blindly following the piper wherever he leads them (even if it's into a very deep, very dark, and very scary cave). When I was a kid in Sunday school, I remember reading about how everyone will be fooled and deceived during the end times. Although I've never been a big fan of religion, this always stuck with me because, as a kid, I thought that there was no way this could be true. How could so many people on the earth be deceived like that?

The End Result

Student loans created debt slaves out of the new generation. And national debt and personal debt made debt slaves out of the rest of us. Monster financial bubbles were inflated to their breaking point which set the stage for them to be pricked by the pin of the Coronavirus. The Coronavirus was then made into another monster which halted the economy and locked down the country (and the world). This was the perfect storm that set the stage for massive government intervention, "safety" and "security" measures, and bailouts .  

Government guaranteed loans will be used to bail out corrupt zombie corporations (that were already overloaded with debt) and make them into even bigger debt slaves. The Fed is also beginning to buy corporate debt as part of the bailout. There is nothing wrong with that (sarcasm). One of the conditions of the airline bailout is that the loans may be converted into government equity stakes. Nothing to be concerned about there (sarcasm again). And mom and pop small businesses that were forcibly shut down will also be "rescued" with government guaranteed loans which will make them into debt slaves of the government.

Now more and more large corporations (employing thousands of people) are closing their doors because of the Coronavirus. That is a lot of people out of work. Do you really think that the government is your friend? The token $1000 payments being "given" to the people are probably being done to prevent a massive revolt until this thing can really get under way. Those in power need time to warm the people up to the national guard and other enforcement agencies patrolling the streets. It is also a way to get people totally dependent on the government so they can gain more control over us. Think about it, how can you rebel against a government that is supplying your only means of survival? And how can you rebel when you are not even allowed to leave your home?

So what is the end result? After all of this is said and done, the government and the banks will own everyone and everything.


The damage caused to the economy by the humongous bubble in the corrupt financial system, the exported manufacturing, and the low paying jobs that remained was already catastrophic by itself. However, when you add to that the damage caused by the lookdown of people, the lookdown of companies, and the lookdown of the economy, it is beyond catastrophic (like approaching black hole territory). This is not something that an economy or a country can simply bounce back from.

What happens when the mafia begins to lose control and is backed into a corner? Do they simply give up? Or do they start a war and try to gain control again? The sad and unfortunate truth is that people (and countries) will often do horrific and unimaginable things when they are faced with desperation. In a country where the war machine is the main industry, this can be very dangerous. Who benefits from all this? Is it the United States? Or is it those that control the United States? Do the people of the world benefit from a new order created out of a manufactured crisis? Or do those that own and control the people (of the world) benefit from a manufactured crisis?

The President is a tool of those that are really in power. The congress is a tool of those that are really in power. The governors that are locking down their states and destroying what's left of the economy are tools of those that are really in power. The health system is a tool of those that are really in power. The media is a tool of those that are really in power. The military is a tool of those that are really in power. The corporations are a tool of those that are really in power. And the technological control grid is a tool for those that are really in power (above those that think they are in really in power).

If you are wondering when the stock market will bottom out, I think that we have a very long way to go before that happens. And if you are wondering when the economy will recover, we haven't even begun to see what lies ahead of us. And if you are wondering when things will get back to "normal", we are just at the beginning stages of what will become the "new normal".


I wish that I had better news to report. However, I don't think that sugar coating the situation will help anyone. We are entering a time that is going to test (and reveal) the true character of many people. If we continue to travel down this road (which I think is almost a certainty at this point), the police, national guard, and the military have a decision to make. As things begin to really unravel, will they cling to "duty" and support those in power, or will they do what is right and support the people? And the people have a decision to make as well. Will they view the enforcement agencies as people, or will they view them as the enemy and an extension of those that are in power? Unfortunately, I think that it's only going to take a few "incidents" to make up people's minds regarding which side they are on. And it's pretty much a given that those in power will try and create situations that will pit us against each other (in order to protect and save themselves).

I have a few more posts that I wanted to make that I think might be helpful. However, other than that, I'm not sure what else I can say or offer in this series beyond what has already been said. The trigger has already been pulled by those in power and there is no going back at this point. Now it is up to us (all of us, including the police, the national guard, and the military) to decide what our ultimate fate is going to be. There is still a chance that this could go in a different direction. However, it requires that we wake up right now, and stand up for what is right.

Peace, Love, and Understanding to All.

: WTF - As I was getting ready to post this, I read that Governor Gavin Newsom just ordered a stay-at-home order for the entire state of California. If that doesn't wake people up, I'm not sure what will. This order is beyond anything that can be logically justified. It is going to result in even more public fear and panic, massive unemployment, severe poverty for many people, homelessness, suffering, and potentially far more deaths than would ever result from the Coronavirus. It also sets the stage for civil unrest to erupt that will be used to justify the national guard and police authoritarian lookdown that will needed to help keep people "safe" and 'secure". One thing leads to another. And we were worried about China and Russia? If this continues the way it is going, get ready to be barcoded and stand in line for your daily bread and soup.


Man in the Box
When our eyes and mouths become sewn shut,
and we are confined to boxes, then there is a
real danger of us losing sight of the Light
that exists within us, and around us.



The End of Liberty?

Related Reading

The Bus Trip


New Release



Write the script, set the stage, direct the actors, produce and market the movie, and then release it for public consumption.

All the world's a stage and, most of the time, people aren't even aware of the role that they are playing.


One Thing Leads to Another


Event 201



Event 201 was an exercise (mock scenario) that was conducted on October 18, 2019. It was hosted by the Johns Hopkins Center (Bloomberg School) for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation . The exercise just happen to revolve around an outbreak caused by a novel (new) Coronavirus which quickly grew in scope and turned into a severe global pandemic.

In the exercise, this new Coronavirus caused a syndrome called CAPS (Coronavirus Associated Pulmonary Syndrome) which resulted in "exponential infection rates" and widespread economic crisis. Travel, tourism, and the service sector were hit particularly hard. In the simulation, the "just in time" supply chain was severely strained and the world fell into a crippling global "financial crisis".

It was suggested that governments need to be ready to take actions that are far beyond anything previously conceived of and that the crisis should be approached as if it were a "war". The importance of suppressing "misinformation" (i.e. information that is outside of the official narrative) was also emphasized, as well as taking steps to control and limit the flow of information on the internet. In addition, it was also suggested that social media sites need to be ready to filter bad information from their sites. Does any of this sound familiar?

I'm not sure what other grocery stores look like right now, but when I went into town today to resupply, the two main grocery stores (Walmart and Safeway) were barren. I mean there were entire isles with absolutely nothing on the shelves -- no TP, no paper towels, no household goods, no rice, no canned goods, no staple foods, no cereal, no eggs, and not much of anything else.

I searched all over town for a store that had some TP. Fortunately, I got lucky and walked into a Rite Aid just as they were putting a few single rolls on the shelf from a box they had found in the back. That was the only TP in the entire town! As I was walking back to my car, I kid you not, people were eying the bag of TP as if it were a bag full of cash. What is happening to this world?

Fear is causing panic, and panic is causing hoarding. And hoarding is causing more panic and more hoarding. I spoke to a number of associates at both grocery stores to try and get some information on whether this was simply a result of panic buying, or if it was due to supply disruptions. The consensus seemed to be that it was mostly due to hoarding and panic buying. Remember what I said before about the mortality risk of the Coronavirus vs. the mortality (and economic) risk of fear and panic?

For those hoping for a quick vaccine for the Coronavirus, remember that the companies that produce vaccines have been granted immunity from liability by the government (much like the immunity that banks and big corporations seem to enjoy).

Hippocrates once said "let food be thy medicine". On that note, eat good nutritious foods (especially those rich in vitamins A, C, and D...yes, sunshine is good food too), get sufficient amounts of sleep, try not to get too stressed out (not good for the immune system), and please leave some TP and food for the rest of us.

Was the timing of this exercise just a coincidence?  


Event 201


Event 201 - A Global Pandemic Exercise

Shelter in Place

Pentagon to Block Youtube and Curb Other
Streaming Services For Employees

President Trump Declares Marshall Law for Public Safety. Elections are Cancelled
Until Further Notice. Trump to Remain in Office during these Turbulent Times
to Help Encourage Stability and Continuity in Government.

Actually this isn't a real link, but it could be. What could "induce" Marshall
Law? How about a pandemic? How about panic and fear? How about
food and supply shortages? How about massive unemployment and
economic  disruptions? How about internet censorship and
outages? How about civil unrest? How about everything that
the governments around the world are doing right now?



Here We Go Again



In response to Coronavirus outbreak, President Trump said that he would be suspending and eliminating many "outdated" laws and regulations in order to better fight the war on the Coronavirus (kind of sounds like the war on terrorism). It's not clear at this point exactly which laws and regulations will be suspended or eliminated. However, usually when the government says that it wants to temporarily cut through the red tape during a time of crisis, it means that these things are not going to be temporary in nature, nor are they going to benefit the general population in the long-term. Rather, almost always, they favor large corporations (Big Pharma, Big Energy, Big Finance, Big MIC, etc) and/or more government control at the expense of the people.

Take a look at all of the laws that were suspended and enacted as a result of 9/11 that were supposed to be temporary in nature, but are still in place today (almost twenty years later). And look at all of the "temporary" financial measures that were put in place in order to respond to the 2008 financial crisis that are still in place today (artificially low interest rates, expanded repo operations, massive money printing, etc). Such measures are primarily designed to bailout and benefit large corporations and the 1%, while the general population is usually left out in the cold holding a bag full of debt and left unemployed and facing foreclosures, homelessness, and an uncertain future.

What the Fed is proposing to do now is equivalent to fighting a huge forest fire (that it created) by dumping truckloads and truckloads of gasoline on it. In other words, the very same policies and actions that inflated the bubbles and destroyed the financial system to begin with, are going to be used in unprecedented quantities to try and "fix" (price fix) the system once again. When looking at the Fed's response, you really have to ask the question, what is the actual goal here? The only thing that this is going to do is totally destroy the financial system, the economy, and the country.

The Trump administration is also "partnering" with a number of corporations in order to more effectively fight the war on the Coronavirus (whose stock prices I'm sure will get a nice bump from the arrangement). One of these corporations is Google. Trump said that Google (actually Verily, a subsidiary of Alphabet), is creating a special website that will help people to evaluate their symptoms and direct them to nearby testing facilities. According to Verily, the company focuses on "making information work better so that healthcare works better". Sounds good. However, Google already collects, analyzes, uses, and owns much of our personal data. What will happen to the medical data that we enter on this site (and what access will Verily have to other medical data) in this new environment where rules, regulations, and laws are being suspended (for the safety, security, and benefit of the people)? It's also being reported that some countries are stepping up their surveillance efforts of people infected with the Coronavirus by tracking them via the GPS in their phones (through specialized apps). Of course Google and many other companies were already tracking the location of their users via apps and their smartphones even before the Coronavirus outbreak.



In the last post, I asked a number of questions that I think are important to ask, especially when the controlled news media is saying one thing, but the reality of the situation is suggesting something else. For example, why are there so many Coronavirus cases in Iran, when other countries surrounding Iran have very few so far? The news media would like us to believe that this is simply due to Iran's poor management of the situation. However, could it be because of something else? And why was China hit so hard? The news media says that it is because the outbreak originated in a wet market in Wuhan. Some other people are suggesting that it's because the virus escaped from (or was released from) a bio-lab located in Wuhan. However, could there be another reason? Why has Italy been hit so hard by the Coronavirus? Some say it's because a large percentage of Italy's population is made up of older people and because Italy has one of the largest tourism industries in the world. That certainly makes sense. However, could there be another reason?

As discussed before, the petrodollar system and dollar hegemony (world reserve currency monopoly) are the main reasons why the US has been able to carry such enormous amounts of debt, print massive amounts of money, and fund its never-ending wars, while still "appearing" to be solvent and prosperous. Without the ongoing global demand for the dollar, this type of spending would not be possible without incurring serious consequences. Therefore, it's no wonder that so much of our foreign policy revolves around "encouraging" and maintaining dollar hegemony and petrodollar compliance. The countries that cooperate and comply with this system are usually left alone, while the ones that do not comply are targeted with political pressure, propaganda, covert coups, regime change wars, sanctions, financial penalties, and invasion.

Looking for the Truth


When looking for the truth (or alternatives to the lies constantly propagated in the media), it is often useful to ask the question -- Who benefits the most? It is also useful to employ a line of research and inquiry that is based on "following the money".

Iran has been a huge problem for the US empire for quite some time now. This is because of Iran's non-compliance with the petrodollar system, their disobedience of the global banking cartels, and their growing trade relationships with countries such as China and Russia. China is also a huge threat to the US empire because they are quickly surpassing the US in many different areas including economic and technological development. They are also encouraging other countries to conduct their trade outside of the petrodollar system and outside of the dollar (the currency normally used in global trade). When international trade is conducted in dollars, it not only benefits the US economy, but it also gives the US many legal advantages that it wouldn't have if trade was conducted in other currencies. Russia also poses a similar threat to American Empire with their movement away from the dollar as the world's reserve currency and their desire to use other currencies for oil transactions (which may be related to Saudi Arabia dumping oil on the world market). Italy also recently entered the crosshairs of the US after it made a deal with China and agreed to be part of the new Silk Road.

The desperation of the US in relation to its dwindling petrodollar and currency monopoly can clearly be seen in its current policies and actions. The US has been stepping up its propaganda efforts towards countries that threaten its monopolies and increasing political pressure in an effort to encourage compliance (as illustrated by Mike Pompeo's recent World Tour of Persuasion).

So what ties China, Italy, and Iran together? It is China's new Silk Road. The US is terrified of the new Silk Road for many different reasons including the expansion of China's leadership and economic role in the region, the bypassing of the dollar for trade transactions, and the continuing movement of other countries away from US influence and control. All three of these countries (China, Iran, and Italy) play a very important role in the development and the completion of the new Silk Road.

Considering the information above, it does give some credence to the idea that the Coronavirus could possibly be a biological (economic) weapon unleashed by the US. The fact that the US has demonstrated, over and over again, its willingness to engage in actions that kill large numbers of people in other countries that are in non-compliance with its policies (through covert coups, regime change wars, sanctions, financial penalties, invasion, etc) , also supports the idea that the Coronavirus could possibly be something different than what we are being told. And the fact that the US has repeatedly engaged in biological, chemical, radiological, and other weapons testing on its own people (as well as in other countries) in the past, also lends credence to the idea that the Coronavirus could have been purposely released by the US.

If you really think about it, the Coronavirus would be the perfect weapon of economic mass destruction because of its psychological impact on the population and because of its ability to disrupt vital economic activities without it being deadly to everyone that it infects. If the US wanted to try and delay the catastrophic effects of the falling global demand of the dollar, the disintegration of the petrodollar system, and its diminishing relevance and influence in global economics, then something like the Coronavirus might be a good tool to accomplish such an objective. I also think that the timing of Saudi Arabia's dumping of oil on the world markets (in relation to many factors including Mike Pompeo's recent visit to Saudi Arabia, the Coronavirus outbreak, public panic, the increasing hostility of the US towards Russia and Iran, and the financial and economic chaos occurring in the world) further calls into question the true nature and origin of the Coronavirus.

If the US needed something to blame for the collapse of its corrupt financial system, and it needed a way to bailout Big Finance/Big Corp again without the people breaking out the guillotines for the elite, then perhaps something like Coronavirus would be a good way to do that. And if the US knew that the collapse of its financial system was immanent, then what better way would there be to try and stay in control than to destroy other financial systems and economies at the same time? And if the so-called elite wanted to distract the public from other things (such as their crimes, their agendas, their covert actions, etc), then the Coronavirus would be good way to do that as well. And finally, if those at the very top (that have no allegiance to any country) wanted to create a new order in the world that favored their continued (and expanded) rule and control, then using the US to corrupt and destroy the world's financial, economic, and political systems (via propaganda, war, sanctions, chaos, and financial terrorism) would be a great way to accomplish that goal (in combination with releasing a biological weapon of mass psychological, health, and economic destruction).

The events of 9/11 were used to cover up (distract from) a whole host of financial and political corruptions that were occurring at the time. It was also used to initiate a predetermined plan (doctrine) that was created by the neocons and those that rule from the shadows. This plan was actually outlined in a number of different documents including "Rebuilding America's Defenses" (sponsored by the PNAC). Even though this document is over twenty years old now, the philosophy contained within it is still alive and strong. This philosophy revolves around the idea of maintaining US political, economic, and military dominance (hegemony) in the world, eliminating any potential threats to this dominance, and maintaining the ability to "fight and decisively win multiple simultaneous major theater wars" (a direct quote from Rebuilding America's Defenses).

Chaos, crisis, and fear cause disorder. The greater that the disorder is, the more that people demand that something be done to restore order. And the more that people demand order, the greater the ability there is to create "new order" from the chaos.

The Nature of the Beast


Why do I keep bringing up inverted stars and inverted symbolism? Is it because I am a religious nut that thinks that Satan is taking over the world? No. It's because these symbols are being shown to us for a reason. It is important to understand this type of symbolism because it helps to identify very important character traits that are common to those that are in power and those that follow various "dark star" (inverted) social and economic philosophies. By recognizing and understanding these symbols, it helps us to understand the motives and actions of those that are in power, understand the consequences of their actions (for all of us), and it helps us to understand what we can do to change course.

What do practitioners and followers of Satanism, dark occultism, and the "god" of money (greed) have in common? All of these people worship the self (corrupted ego) above everything else. They also believe in Social Darwinism which is a social order based on the survival of the fittest (strong over the weak). Most of these people, however, are not strong at all. The only thing that gives them their so-called strength is their money and their ability to get others to blindly follow them.

Understanding the egotistical (self above all else) motives of these people helps us to understand how and why they are able to do the things that they do. Perhaps some people are still living in the fantasy that the US would never do something like purposely release a bio-weapon on the world. While the American people might not do that, those that rule America have done this before and they would probably do it again. What we are talking about here are not normal people. They are sociopaths and psychopaths. They are deficient in compassion, empathy, morality, conscience, and understanding, which is why they are able to act the way that they do. It is important for us to understand this, because unless we know what they are capable of, we will never be able to see what they are actually doing.

As far as conspiracies go, many people (even high up) are not aware of the purpose that they are serving in the greater plan. They are simply playing a part and fulfilling a role. Those who think that they are running the show, are actually not running the show at all, and are being used by others with even greater power and control. And those with greater power and control, are actually not really in control either because they are being used and controlled by others with even more power and control. And those who think that they are at the top of the food chain, are actually not in control either because they have opened themselves up to very dark powers that are far beyond what their blind ego-centric selves are able to discern and comprehend (in terms of personal and collective consequence).

Below the Surface


Fortunately, more and more people are waking up today to the true nature of the system. However, until more people are able to fully understand the true nature of those in power and what they are capable of, and truly understand how they are being influenced, programmed, and controlled, then nothing is going to change. And until more people are willing to speak out and stand up for what is right (in the real world, not the digital Matrix), nothing is going to change.

If we spend all of our time skimming the surface (of what's presented to us on the news) and trying to understand the nature of the filth that exists there, it will do little to eliminate the ability of additional filth from forming on the surface once the initial scum has been removed. In other words, skimming the surface does nothing to address the actual underlying cause of the problem (which may exist far below the surface).

Why is someone like Donald Trump so dangerous? It's because the ego is one of the most effective ways to control someone. A corrupted ego can almost completely blind a person. Those that are in control know and understand this. It's why we have a multitude of social media sites today and its why we have a Twitter Tweeting Trump as president. People with big egos and compromised intellectual and emotional IQs (such as Trump) are typically much easier to program and control. When you combine that along with other influences such as the covert use of drugs, chemicals, and/or electromagnetic radiation, it can result in a very controlled and/or a very erratic and unstable person. As I mentioned before, Trump, like many other presidents and vice presidents before him, is clearly showing a significant decrease in his mental, cognitive, and memory capacity since being in office. I don't think that this is a coincidence, especially when you view it in relation to well-documented mind-control programs such as MKUltra and other such programs.

Everything is Connected


For many years now I have been trying to communicate to people how wrong and destructive these ongoing "wars for profit" are. I've also been trying to get people to see just how destructive economic sanctions can be on the health and well being of the people that they are directed against. Sanctions not only result in many shortages of food, medicine, and essential products and services, but they also result in many deaths as well. There are some people that do appear to sincerely care about these things. However, the majority of people that I have spoken to over the years don't seem to care and don't seem to want to be bothered with such things because their perception is that it's not something that is directly affecting them. Sadly, the fact is that many people are just too wrapped up with themselves and their social media stats to care.

However, all of this is changing now. Suddenly there is a "war" that has arrived in our own backyard and the fear, anxiety, shortages, and economic turmoil (that sanctioned countries have been experiencing for so long) is now facing us individually in the United States. Why does this matter? Because we are never totally immune or removed from suffering when it occurs in the world, no matter where it happens. When we are not cognizant of such things and do not stand up against injustices when they occur somewhere else, then they are much more likely to affect us one day as well.


I think that there are a lot of reasons to question some of the things surrounding the Coronavirus outbreak. That doesn't mean that the US is responsible for it (or that any other country is). It just means that when you look at history, follow the money, and ask the question who benefits the most, the logical conclusion is the United States. Arriving at such a conclusion is obviously disturbing on many different levels, including morally and ethically. However, it is also disturbing for a less obvious reason as well. That is because there are other powers at work here (which are not part of the US) that would like nothing more than to see World War III break out. In the same way that those in power benefit and profit when we (the people) fight amongst ourselves, others also benefit when countries are fighting against each other (for reasons that are not as apparent as they may seem).

Footnote #1:
 As I was typing this, the Fed announced that it is going to be dropping interest rates to near zero. This is in addition to the 1.5 trillion dollars that it is injecting into the market and the other measures that it is taking. All of this is occurring while Trump continues to say...don't worry it's not a financial crisis, the markets are in great shape, and the unemployment rate is at an all-time low. And Fed chairman Jerome Powell keeps saying that the economy is strong and that these are only temporary measures. We truly do live in a Kingdom of Bullshit. However, despite all of the BS, it seems that the markets are finally facing reality now and aren't buying into the fantasy and propaganda any longer. After the Fed's announcement, the futures quickly hit their 5% down limit. It looks like it's going to be another crazy and volatile week in the markets again.

Footnote #2: I'm sure that I will receive some flack for this post and the last one. However, I am not the only one asking these questions. When you think about how many wars have been started by the US that were based on total lies and how many lives have been lost on both sides, asking questions about the origin and the true nature of the Coronavirus is not as preposterous as some would like us to think. This very much reminds me of the time right after 9/11 and right before the Iraq invasion (2nd round) when people were asking similar valid questions and they were being told that they were un-American, love your country or leave it, now is the time to support our troops (even if the war is based total lies), don't question the official narrative of 9/11, etc. Now we know that much of what we were told about those events back then were complete lies. I am not bringing up the things that I did in this post to create controversy. I am doing it to try and create more awareness of a continuing pattern in this country with regards to propaganda, corruption, and war. As I have said before, the only way that we can escape from this Merry-Go-Round and recurring time loop is to become more aware and understanding and not allow ourselves to be continually dragged down the same road over and over again. 




If I Were a Conspiracy Theorist



If I were a conspiracy theorist, I would probably be asking the following questions in relation to the current global (health, financial, and economic) crisis:

This was a Fox News animation I saw today that began with the first image,
but then ended with flying inverted stars in the second image. I see this
kind of thing quite a bit with Fox News (Fox by the way = 666)

The bipartisan political undercurrents (agendas) that exist below the surface



More inverted stars...


...and more


Satanism is widely distributed (covertly) throughout our society. Some knowingly participate
in its practices, while many others unknowingly participate in its practices.


Blitzkrieg (from a previous post)
The Demonic Revolution, The Aeon of Horus, Ordo ab Chao

Blitzkrieg is a word that is used for describing a method of warfare known as "lightning war". Blitzkrieg attempts to unbalance the enemy by creating multiple "fronts" of attack that are constantly changing. The ultimate goal of Blitzkrieg is to defeat the enemy in a decisive Vernichtungsschlacht (battle of annihilation). This is what is happening on the world stage right now (on many different physical and psychological fronts). The media delivers continuous "streams" of propaganda to the masses while ongoing "feeds" of terrorism threats, false flags, chaos, and war keep the population off-balance and in a constant state of fear and agitation.

Footnote: For a "conspiracy" to exist and be perpetuated in a hierarchy or a system, it does not require the knowledge of all of its participants. Rather, it only needs people that are willing to blindly follow orders, blindly follow the plan (agenda), and blindly fall in line.


War Pigs


The Rising Sun and the Setting Moon, and the Setting Sun and the Rising Moon



I woke up this morning to an amazing sight. The full moon was setting over the mountains to the west, while the sun was rising over the mountains to the east. As I was watching this, it made me think of a question that I have often asked in this series -- where are we now? In other words, is the sun rising to illuminate a brand new day? Or is the sun setting on the darkness of night? Is the moon rising to illuminate the night? Or is the moon setting on another hazy day?

After watching the news last week on the Coronavirus and seeing the massive disruptions that were occurring in supply and demand, it wasn't too difficult to predict what this week would look like in the financial markets. Since I've previously discussed the poor health of the (real) economy, the manipulation of the markets by the Fed, and the multiple bubbles present in the financial system, I won't go into that in too much detail here again. However, I do think that it is important to have a good idea of what to expect. The reality is that the Coronavirus would have negatively impacted the financial markets and the economy even if they were in good shape. However, since they were very sick to begin with, what we are seeing now is probably just the beginning of a chain of events, or domino effect, that will ripple through much of the world economy.

Many areas of the economy are being hit hard right now due to a lack of demand including airlines, tourism, and many parts of the service sector. Since most new jobs in this "great economy" were created in the service sector, we can probably expect to see significant layoffs occurring as debt heavy corporations (that were already in bad shape) try to remain solvent. Layoffs obviously mean a loss of income, but they also mean less spending in the economy (which is critical to keeping this house of cards propped up). A loss of jobs and loss of income also translates into a significant decrease in the ability of highly leveraged corporations and individuals to service debt.

When an already contracting economy and sick financial system is suddenly hit with the type of contraction that we are seeing with the Coronavirus, it can result in a catastrophic situation (no matter what the central banks try to do). As the situation continues to unfold and grow in scope, more and more corporations will likely be forced to layoff workers in order to try and meet their financial obligations. This will further contract the economy. Some of these companies will fail, and even more workers will be laid off.

Many companies and individuals are in a very precarious position right now in relation to their ability to service debt. As a result of this, banks are carrying huge amounts of increasingly toxic corporate and personal debt. Many popular financial products are also built on huge mountains of toxic debt. The contracting economy and turbulence in the financial markets will likely set off a "debt default" time bomb which will probably cause banks to fail and result in even more jobs lost. The contraction in the banking sector will make it more difficult for many people and corporations to obtain additional credit in order to service their current levels of debt. This is the pin that will pop the biggest bubble of all and collapse the house of cards that we have been living in for so long now (and expose the true reality of the financial system and the economy).

What we are potentially talking about here is a loss of jobs, loss of cars, loss of homes, bankruptcies, homelessness, and suffering on a scale that we haven't seen before. And we still don't know what the full impact of the Coronavirus and the market disruptions will be on the supply of goods from China. It seems that corporations forgot to account for what might happen if the global supply chain was interrupted or if manufacturing in China (where virtually everything is made today, including many food products) was interrupted due to a virus, a war, a natural disaster, or some other type of event. Was this oversight simply due to shortsighted business planning and/or a result of placing all of their eggs in one basket? Or, was it the result of a revenue/profit model that was focused primarily on increasing the compensation of upper level executives (above all else)?  

The Coronavirus has pretty much taken over the news cycle lately. As a result of this, many people are attributing the trouble in the financial markets to the Coronavirus. However, as discussed above, the Coronavirus is only part of the problem. The actual root of the problem is not a viral infection affecting humans, but rather it is a result of a growing illness in society and a profound sickness in the financial system. 

The Fed has been using smoke and mirrors to prop up the economy for so long now (with artificially low interest rates, repo bailouts, massive money printing, and stock market inflation) that it is beginning to run out of options. I recently read an article that stated the Fed will not only continue to monetize debt (print money to buy debt), but it is also considering purchasing securities in the equities market. If that doesn't illustrate the seriousness of the situation, I'm not sure what will.

Then there is the collapse in oil prices and the drop in demand for oil. Since oil is the backbone of the world economy and because it is such a key component in many financial systems (including the petrodollar system), this will also have an enormous impact on the US economy and financial markets, as well as on other oil producing countries and on the world economy in general. Realistically speaking, things are not looking very good at this point. However, to be honest, I am less concerned right now with the financial fallout and the economy then I am with what might happen as a result of all of the chaos (i.e. new programs and legislation initiated for public "safety", "security", world order, and financial stability).

The scenario described above is just one potential outcome of the current situation (but a highly probable one). There are actually many different variables at play here that could result in a variety of different outcomes...some better, and some worse. It's easy to say what should happen in the markets. However, it's much more difficult to say what will happen in a system that is being so heavily manipulated. This is something that could play out very quickly, or it might be something that could happen over a longer period of time (depending on what steps are employed to try and further prop up the market). Remember, the worse that things get, the greater the potential there is to create change (both good and bad).

For the rest of this post, I thought that I would try something different (rather than attempting to come up with new ways to express the same things). Below are some bite size expressions from various posts that I've made in the past. I'm including them here in the hope that they may help to illustrate some of the reasons why so much darkness is descending upon us right now, how this chaos and confusion might be used to usher in a new world order, and also to try to offer some potential solutions to this mess.

It seems like no matter where we turn today, we're met with the same thing over and over again (just with different faces):

In a manufactured world of illusion, you will rarely find the truth in highly polarized (programmed) states of mind and being. Below are some excerpts from previous posts which I hope will help to illustrate this point and also help to shed some light on the "hows and whys" of our current situation:

According to Aleister Crowley, the Age of Horus is the current age that we are living in today. The Age of Horus was derived from the Book of the Law and Thelema. The Age of Horus has been described in the following way:

Thelema is a religion and a philosophy that is based on the work of Aleister Crowley and the Book of the Law. The main doctrine of Thelema is: "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the law, love under will." Translated, this means: Do as you please, your will (to do what you want) takes precedence over Love (caring, compassion, right action, responsibility, and morality). In effect, what this is saying is let our earthly passions and desires (ego), rule over the Spirit (higher consciousness). And let ignorance (blindness), rule over wisdom (awareness and understanding). And let the animal side of us (primal desires), rule over our intellect (intelligence and reasoning). Thelema is very similar to both mainstream and occulted forms of Satanism.

Crowlian-based sex magick involves some of the most deplorable, despicable, and sadistic acts that you can imagine. There is nothing spiritual about these practices. It is all about being a slave to the corrupted ego (and making others a slave to you). Perhaps the most disturbing aspect of it, however, is that it's designed to create a link with dark entities for the purpose of gaining knowledge and pursuing "enlightenment". From: The Discernment of Creation, Part II (the relevance of Crowlian-based sex magick, as it applies to current events, will be discussed in the next post).

Why is this important? Because Thelema and the teachings of Aleister Crowley (and similar dark occult teachings) form the basis of the actions and attitudes of many of the so-called elite, particularly in their views and treatment of children. This is the sickness that I have spoken about so many times before in this series. It's a sickness that comes from the shadows, and permeates out into the whole of society.


Satanists view the natural order of things as one in which the strong should rule over the weak in a predator/prey type of relationship (much like what is seen with animals in the "natural" world). Thus, Satanists define their version of "natural law" as a code of conduct based on animalistic instincts which takes human morality (right vs. wrong) out of the picture. The true god of Satanism is not based on the "devil", but rather on the worship of oneself and the blind ego (a corrupted version of the ego focused on the needs of self only). From: Corrupted Realities


"We have no concern for the masses. A perfect world to us would be one that doesn't include these people. Perhaps our philosophy will lead to their removal. What is going to hit them, is going to hit them so hard that they will never know what hit them." -- Nikolas Schrek (Satanist) From: Corrupted Realities


The Nazi's were said to have received information about their advanced technology from certain non-human entities that were contacted during various occult practices carried out by the Vril and Thule Societies. The United States gained access to this technology when it imported Nazi scientists into America via Project Paperclip (which included the famous rocket scientist Wernher Von Braun).

The US also secretly imported various members of the Nazi SS (Hitler's elite police force) which later became assets for the newly formed CIA and NSA. Many of these Nazi SS had participated in very dark occult practices which were later explored and adopted by the CIA through a variety of different projects (including programs such as MkUltra and various eugenics programs which, ironically, actually originated in the US). Can evil be imported into a country without that country succumbing to the effects of such evil (i.e. being "infected" by it)? From: The Discernment of Creation, Part II


In order for secrecy to exist, secrecy must always lead to more secrecy. The more secret that things become, the more opportunity that there is for corruption, unlawful, immoral, and unethical practices to exist and grow in the shadows and the darkness of secrecy. From: The Fox and the Hen House


The light believes that it can conquer the darkness and the darkness believes that it can conquer the light. Sound familiar? It should, this is a page straight out of the age old story of the System of Two (or the battle of polarities). This battle between polarities has been encouraged throughout the course of history in order to divide and rule, and rule and conquer, not the polarities themselves, but the people of the polarities. From: The Battle Between the Light and the Dark


Polarities are natural states of being which are widely seen and distributed throughout nature. They are considered normal and beneficial. Duality, on the other hand, is an artificial state of being based on manufactured division and conflict. Duality is created and encouraged by the various entities which rule over and control this planet. Duality creates division. Division creates polarization and conflict. Polarization and conflict results in a shift of power, from the people to the ruling elite (controllers).  From: Two


Why is there so much "opposition" in the world today? Is opposition a bad thing? Or is it a necessary thing? In their natural state, opposites (polarities) are actually beneficial to one another. They help to create balance and synergy through a greater awareness and understanding of each other.

In other words, natural friction between polarities (opposites, or apparent opposites) helps to stimulate growth. Without that friction, stagnation would occur. Friction helps to create awareness, and awareness helps to create understanding. This is good for the people, but it is bad for an established (corrupt) power structure.

On the other hand, manufactured friction (unnatural opposition) fosters division. Division helps to create blindness, and blindness helps to create ignorance and misunderstanding. This is bad for the people, but it is good for an established (corrupt) power structure.

Creating love, peace and freedom in the world does not mean making everything the same. It means standing up for the principles that help to create love and peace in the world (even if that causes a little friction), while at the same time respecting one another and understanding that it is our differences that help us to grow, become stronger and become more aware.

The solution to a divided world is not a manufactured utopia. The solution is awareness and understanding.

Fire warms water, and water tempers fire. Water needs fire, and fire needs water. From: 11-24-18 post on this page.


Our bodies, our minds, and our consciousness have enormous potential, if we are allowed to live freely. However, if we blind ourselves, blind each other, and corral ourselves (our minds, bodies and consciousness) into tiny places, then we will lose the opportunity to see and experience that potential. From: 4-8-19 post on this page.


The key to deciphering language exists in the understanding of polarity. Language has both a literal meaning and a symbolic meaning. To only see one half of the polarity (literal meaning), is to be "one eye blind". The symbolic, metaphoric and allegorical meanings extend into many layers beyond the literal meaning. It is here that knowledge can be transmuted into awareness and understanding. When awareness and understanding become known, everything begins to flow. Doors begin to open and the mind is freed, so that consciousness can expand. From: 8-15-17 post on this page.


In the modern world, we are increasingly being trained (or entrained) to focus our attention on only that which exists right before us from one moment to the next (i.e. instant "gratifications", constant "stimulations", instant "notifications", continuous "feeds" and endless "streams"). This is distorting our perception of time and reality and making it less beneficial to us, and more beneficial to those who wish to keep us residing in a more manageable very narrow framework of tightly controlled recurring "time loops". From: 7-14-18 post on this page.


Our bodies have specific frequencies and waveforms associated with the brain, heart, nervous system, etc. This is the basis of diagnostic tests such as the ECG, EEG and EMG. These tests measure and look for anomalies (or imbalances) in the electrical signals found in the body.

Nature, and those things found in nature (animals, plants, insects, organisms, etc), also have specific frequencies and waveforms associated with them. In fact, the entire planet has a frequency and waveform associated with it. It's called the Schumann resonance.

Frequencies and waveforms that are produced in harmony with our natural frequencies and waveforms, can have either a neutral or positive effect on the body. On the other hand, frequencies that are produced in disharmony with our natural frequencies and waveforms, can disrupt our minds, bodies and biological systems and cause disease. This is not opinion, it is established science. From: 4-10-19 post on this page.


The worst form of oppression is not physical in nature, it is mental. This occurs when we are programmed and conditioned to oppress ourselves, and each other, and to suppress the spark that resides within us. The greatest holocaust in history is occurring right now, on a massive scale, with the murder and suppression of our spirit. We have built our own prison cells…cells that we now comfortably live in every day. From: 10-29-18 post on this page.


Termite damage is something that normally occurs very slowly and is often hidden from view. Unfortunately, by the time the termites are discovered, many times the damage has already been done and the only remedy is to replace the damaged wood. Of course one can also choose to ignore the issue or postpone the fix, but that usually only serves to compound the issue and run the risk of a complete failure and/or collapse of the structure at some point in the future. From: 11-9-19 post on this page.


In both cases (2000 and 2008), prior to the crashes, there were clear warning signs that something was very wrong. But people couldn't see it, even when it was thoroughly explained and clearly shown to them. It was if something had taken over their minds and blinded them to that reality.

Society, in many ways, is not unlike the stock market. Throughout history, there have been many occasions where it seems like people's minds have been taken over by something else. The lessons of the past are forgotten, and the same blindness and madness builds up in us once again. Each subsequent "crash" seems to get progressively worse, almost as if something is trying to speak to us and say "look, here is another opportunity to change things, don't let it deteriorate any further, or the next crash could be much much worse". From: 4-19-19 post on this page.


There is a reason why they call a meme that quickly spreads through internet "viral". It is because these things act like an infection. They take over people's minds. They quickly end up on websites, videos and podcasts across the internet. Think about how various "news" events have been able to virtually take over (over-shadow) other internet traffic during the last few years. This is an extremely effective way to quell public "dissent" (or awareness) and then drive it into a "descent" of agitation, distraction and/or unconsciousness. From: On the Road to Dystopia


In many ways, the mind and body are at a significant disadvantage to the ego. The mind and body have actually been designed, conditioned, and programmed to seek out various activities which encourage the release of certain neurochemicals that induce pleasurable sensations within us. On one level, these pleasure-inducing chemicals play a very important role in our human existence, such as in promoting species survival (procreation) or in contributing to the simple enjoyment of life (the pursuit of love, laughter, companionship, etc which help to release such chemicals). However, other times, these chemicals can become quite dangerous when they are linked or attached to certain negative or addictive behaviors associated with the ego (at the expense of conscious awareness). From: Monsters Among Us


It's always been a game of numbers for the controllers. They know that any mechanism of control that they introduce must appeal to a very wide portion of the population in order to capture the greatest number of people in its "web". Therefore, not only must it contain the bread and circuses for the general population, but it must also have the potential to be a genuine tool of growth and change for the more aware people in society (in order to draw them into the trap and also to lock in any people who may become aware at a later time). From: On the Road to Dystopia


"The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country." -- Edward Bernays, Propaganda (1928) --  From: On the Road to Dystopia


This is not an accident. It is part of a much larger plan that was conceived long ago. How much longer will those in power be able to prop up this ponzi scheme and house of cards? My guess is not much longer. I think that this is reflected in the increasingly desperate actions of those in power. However, the longer that this goes on and the higher that it flies, the greater the fall will be. And the greater that the crisis is, the more leverage that those in power will have to initiate the kinds of changes that they would like to see happen (a new world centralized order).

People are being used as pawns on a grand chessboard of power. Those who think they are in power, are being used by those with even greater power, greater insight and more intelligence. At the roots of all this is a transnational consortium of power that has no boundaries and no allegiance to any one country. To them it is only a game, involving pawns, knights, bishops, kings and queens.

A little information can be a dangerous thing. However, information combined with truth, awareness and understanding, can be a very powerful and beneficial thing. From: "Crisis" 4-28-19 post on this page.


If we don't learn from the past, then the past is destined to repeat itself over and over again in the present, until the past becomes the present, and the present becomes the future, and the future becomes the past. From: 5-9-19 post on this page.


Social agendas that are forced on a population all at once can result in rebellion or even revolution. However, social agendas that are spoon-fed (incrementally) to a population over an extended period of time results in acclimatization and acceptance of those ideas, without a realization of what the ultimate goal is. As long as this is done under the guise of being something good or beneficial for the people, then there is usually little resistance to it from the bulk of the population.  From: 4-13-19 post on this page.


We are conditioned to reject the idea of freewill and self-empowerment, and embrace the idea that change will come from an external source. The real answers and our true power is within all of us, not outside of us. The controllers don't mind being the main focus of blame because that creates a victim mentality within the general population and diverts focus away from us looking within ourselves for the answers (or truly examining how we may be knowingly or unknowingly contributing the existence of the control grid and our own enslavement). From: Escape From the Matrix


People want to be told that everything is going to be alright. Optimism can be either logical or (patho)logical in nature. Logical optimism is based on an assumption/deduction derived from a constructive action that has been taken. Pathological optimism is typically based entirely on faith and hope and derived from an action which has not been taken (inaction). Pathological optimism is encouraged by the control grid in the form of never-ending "hope" (as promised by lying politicians). This can contribute to a state of apathy in the general population ("waiting" for change vs. "creating" our own change). From: Escape From the Matrix


Understanding is not intended to be difficult. The clues are all around us in the natural systems of the earth, in the sun, in the planets and in the universe. It is the noise of the modern world (both literally and figuratively) that hides this understanding from us and creates confusion and complexity, from what once was clarity and simplicity. From: 11-19-17 post on this page.


All religions have something to offer in the way of wisdom and discovery. However, they also have the potential to mislead, control and limit growth. Most modern (major) religions today have been corrupted to some degree or another. In many cases, they have taken valuable ancient knowledge/wisdom/teachings and twisted that information into something that serves the political, economic and social control agendas of the ruling class (and their overlords). From: The Virtues and Sins of Religion


Making mistakes and learning are part of our natural spiritual growth process. This is why we are here. The real sin would be if we didn't learn from our mistakes (there was no growth) and we continued along the same destructive path because we were taught that there is no escape from sin. Perhaps an even greater sin would be if we stood still and gave in to oppression and tyranny because we were taught that we would be saved by an external god or deity sometime in the future. From: The Virtues and Sins of Religion


When valid questions are brought up in rigid religious institutions (churches) they are often suppressed and/or seen as disruptive behavior rather than as simple curiosity or a function of the natural inquisitive nature of the human spirit. This is especially true for children (who may not have been properly indoctrinated into the system yet). This suppression of knowledge within religion can be a significant limiting factor to our growth since we (and the world around us) are always changing and always evolving. From: Spiritual Protection


As you attempt to bring truth, awareness and understanding into the world, others will try to roll over you. Don't lay down. But also choose your battles intelligently, and spend your energy wisely. From: The Church of Awareness and Understanding


The foundation of our Universe is based on the concept of polarity. Polarity is the engine that drives experience, learning, and growth. All things are connected. The Universe is very much like the two sides of a coin or the Yin Yang symbol. In other words, the Universe is made up of two seemingly different components that are separate from each other, but also intimately connected. You can clearly see this interconnected relationship in polarities such as male/female, light/dark, right/left, above/below, within/without, protagonist/antagonist, etc. The bridge that connects the two polarities is the "third way" or "middle way". The middle way isn't a reference to "sitting on the fence", lack of choice, or inaction. Rather, it refers to Knowledge, Awareness, and Understanding of two (one and one), in order to know and understand One. Polarity is present in everything, even in much more complex patterns. It isn't always clear and sometimes you have to use unconventional modes of thinking in order to recognize it, but it is always there. Greater Understanding is found when one looks at things from many different perspectives (a multi-dimensional mode of thought), rather than just linear thought. From: 2-1-20 post on this page.


The Earth knows that in order for it to survive, there must be the light of day and the darkness of night. Nature knows that its color is created through the interaction between the light and the dark. Spiritual beings know that in order to have freewill (and the chance to grow), there must be the opportunity to choose between the light and the dark. The stars know that in order to be seen in the sky, there must be light and there must be dark. Life instinctively knows that in order to properly grow, there must be day and there must be night. From: 2-20-20 post on this page


A tree grows up in order to seek sunlight so that it may branch out, become stronger and grow taller. In nature, light creates growth. The light that nourished the tree also produces darkness. In the shadow of the tree, there is shade from the sunlight, shelter from the rain and protection from predators. Natural darkness helps to produce a positive environment for many plants, animals, insects and other life forms to thrive. In nature, the darkness also creates growth. From: Communicating With Nature


Natural diversity helps to create natural immunity. Some people may be susceptible to certain hardships, diseases and conflicts while others may be immune to them. The perceived "strong", may be strong in some areas but may be weak in others. And the perceived "weak", may be weak in some areas but strong in others. This is the miracle of nature and the strength of natural diversity. It is the reason why a world full of specialized GM (genetically modified) organisms (or humans) cannot, and will not, work. From: Communicating With Nature


Most of our energy today seems to be directed towards creating division (both within and without), rather than creating synergy, balance and completeness. When we are divided, we are only half of our true potential. To heal our pain is to become One (complete) once again with ourselves, with each other, with the planet and with Creation (while at the same time celebrating all of our individual uniqueness and diversity). This is when our real "being" has the opportunity to truly become human once again and potentially grow into something that is quite incredible. From: The Art of Alchemy


Seeing and addressing only the symptoms of evil, will not affect the root cause of the problem. To truly stop the symptoms of evil from continuing , one must see, understand and properly address the root cause of the disease. When evil is properly addressed, malignant darkness has the opportunity to be "cured" and return once again to its non-diseased state as the natural polarity of dark (in balance with light). From: 2-1-20 post on this page.


A controlled burn in a forest can be very beneficial. However, a forest fire can also get completely out of control and destroy everything in its path. Could it be that what we are experiencing right now is a controlled burn, that is giving us an opportunity to clear out the underbrush (old systems, oppression, corruption, illusion, etc), quell the fire, plant new seeds and subsequently grow in the fertile new soil? Could be it that we are being given a choice here, to either actively grow in the wake of the fire, or passively sit by and watch the fire consume everything in its path (including us)? From: Unified Theory


As humans, we often have a tendency to approach problems from the top down instead of from the bottom up. For example, we often begin with the premise that we belong to a certain group or ideology which is presumed to be right or correct. Therefore, by default, any opposing ideology is usually assumed to be incorrect or void of useful or important information. We see this type of situation occur quite frequently in politics (left, right, conservative, liberal), in religion (Christian, Muslim, East, West), in race (black, white, yellow, red), in socioeconomic ideologies (Capitalism, Socialism, Communism), in sports "divisions" (American, National, East, West, Central) and so on. 

Why is our system set up this way? The simple answer to this question is to promote division and polarization among the people. A divided population is much easier to control than a united or unified one. 

What if we were to approach social, political and economic issues from a bottom-up perspective instead of a top-down view? In other words, what if we looked at these issues with the simple idea that we are all human beings first, and that we all have common desires and needs such as life, liberty, love, freedom and happiness? From: The Label Machine


Anarchy does not refer to lawlessness or freedom without rules. Rather, it refers to not being ruled by external false authority (which often results in exploitation), but instead being guided by internal individual authority (derived through an awareness and understanding of your personal rights and sovereignty and the rights and sovereignty of others). From: 2-7-20 post on this page.


Words spoken with truth will cause internal and external struggles in the world, for they will challenge all that we believe to be right and true (based on our pre-conditioned minds and our programmed belief systems). Some people will be able to properly discern and handle the truth as it arrives, while others will not be able to. This will cause conflicts in people, in families, in societies, in politics and in religion. From: The Church of Awareness and Understanding


Evil exists in the world because the natural polarity of darkness has been ignored (pushed further into darkness) and been misunderstood in terms of its true origin. When the "dark" is allowed to grow unimpeded in the shadows without the "light" of knowledge, awareness and understanding to balance it, the end result is evil (imbalance).

Evil will exist and continue to grow in this world until darkness (within us and around us) is recognized, understood, properly addressed, and balance is restored once again.

That which is outside of us is not separate from that which is inside of us. And that which is inside of us is not separate from that which is outside of us. Each is merely a reflection of the other. Such is true of light and darkness (and its derivatives good and evil). From: 4-21-19 post on this page


Throughout history there has been a tendency to dismiss indigenous peoples as being primitive, backward, or inferior simply because they didn't have the same technology, wealth, or religion as more developed nations. However, perhaps the "wealth" and "technology" that they do possess is far more valuable than what it is perceived to be. Think about this for a moment: Are the people that lose their humanity, their integrity, their sight, and their consciousness in the quest for greater wealth and technology, more wealthy, or less wealthy, than the people that still have such things intact? From: 11-14-19 post on this page


Jumping into an issue too quickly can often cloud one's judgment and result in a reactionary action. However, taking a step back and taking the time to consider all of the relevant elements of the issue, often creates an environment where the issue becomes clearer and the action becomes more evolutionary (forward moving) than revolutionary (circular/cyclical). From: The Church of Awareness and Understanding


Propaganda drives opinion and belief. And opinion and belief drives our actions. Remember this while reading the morning paper, watching the evening news, streaming your favorite programming, and following the orders of others without question. From: 4-25-19 post on this page.


What often appears to be random events, are actually not random at all. Rather, they are orchestrated events that are designed to take us down a road towards a predetermined destination. From: This Post


Mainstream society is the largest and most influential cult on Earth. We are conditioned and manipulated by the media, entertainment industry, corporations, organized religion and the government to accept a very narrow view of the world and to aggressively reject anything that exists outside of this zone of influence. From: Prison Planet Earth


We can focus on the positive, in order to (temporarily) avoid the negative. Or we can understand the negative in order to (lastingly) pursue the positive. The affliction of the whole can indeed be ignored, but only at the expense of the health of the individual. Remaining on the sidelines is not a viable option. Positive thinking alone does not insure a positive outcome. Ignorance is not bliss, and silence is not golden unless it is enjoyed concurrently with the inevitable noise of the truth. From: Prison Planet Earth


The power brokers of this world are using people as pawns, on a grand chessboard, in an immoral never-ending game of power and control of the world.


It has been said that there is no greater prison than the prison that we create for ourselves within our own minds. Are our minds free? Or have they become cluttered with so many external influences and distractions that it has clouded our ability to clearly think, reason and discern as individuals? If our reasoning skills have indeed become impaired, then the decisions that we make regarding what we choose to create, could also be impaired as well. From: The Invasion


When conflict between the light and the dark turns into a full-fledged battle, there is a split that can occur. By themselves, each aspect of Creation is partially conscious. These partially conscious fragments have the ability to become animated, but they cannot become aware (when separated). And because they are "unaware", they do not understand that they are actually existing as fragments of the whole. From: The Invasion


The true enemy is not the people of the systems, it is the systems of the people. The true enemy of the people is the Machine. Anywhere that ignorance is encouraged and awareness is suppressed, this is where you will find the enemy. And anywhere where there are manufactured systems of conflict and highly polarized systems of control, this is also where you will find the enemy. The people are more of a symptom of the disease, than the disease itself. However, the disease cannot exist, without the help of the people. From: The Invasion


"We have a predator that came from the depths of the cosmos and took over the rule of our lives. Human beings are its prisoners. The predator is our lord and master. It has rendered us docile, helpless. If we want to protest, it suppresses our protest. If we want to act independently, it demands that we don't do so." -- Carlos Castaneda From: The Invasion


"In order to keep us obedient and meek and weak, the predators engaged themselves in a stupendous maneuver; stupendous, of course, from the point of view of a fighting strategist. A horrendous maneuver from the point of view of those who suffer it. They gave us their mind! Do you hear me? The predators give us their mind, which becomes our mind. The predators' mind is baroque, contradictory, morose, filled with the fear of being discovered any minute now." -- Carlos Castaneda From: The Invasion


"They took over because we are food for them, and they squeeze us mercilessly because we are their sustenance. Just as we rear chickens in chicken coops, the predators rear us in human coops. Therefore, their food is always available to them." -- Carlos Castaneda From: The Invasion


"Man himself has taken over their role [demons] without knowing it and does the devilish work of destruction with far more effective tools than the spirits did. In the olden days men were brutal, now they are dehumanized and possessed to a degree that even the blackest Middle Ages did not know." -- Carl Jung From: The Invasion


"An unknown 'something' has taken possession of a smaller or greater portion of the psyche and asserts its hateful and harmful existence undeterred by all our insight, reason, and energy, thereby proclaiming the power of the unconscious over the conscious mind." -- Carl Jung From: The Invasion


"Human beings are under the control of a strange force that bends them in absurd ways, forcing them to play a role in a bizarre game of deception." -- Jacques Vallee From: The Discernment of Creation, Part II


I am not opposed to technology or progress. I just think that it is important to be mindful of what we are creating and how it is being used. If we are not mindful, then I think that there is a real danger in us losing ourselves in our progress. From: 4-12-19 post on this page.


If you want to keep a society blind, keep them so busy and so distracted that they never have the time, or the opportunity, to learn how to see. From: 8-13-17 post on this page.


We all decorate each other's lives in one way or another. We are the paint in the painting, the brushes on the canvas, the colors in the landscape, the notes in the music, and the melody in the song. We are the answers to our questions, and the questions in our answers. Thus, each one of us is a part of the raw material from which greater awareness and understanding is built.

In order to really appreciate the details in a painting, sometimes it helps to take a step back and look at the bigger picture. And to really appreciate the bigger picture, sometimes it helps to take a step forward and examine the details more closely. From: 7-19-19 post on this page.


"One" can be beneficial when it consists of many independent ones drawing from and contributing to One. However, One can also be very detrimental (or catastrophic) when the independence of one is replaced with a uniform unconscious collective of many ones that make up One. From: 2-1-20 post on this page.


In many ways, consciousness is still a big mystery to science. However, just because it is not currently understood (or it is misunderstood), it nevertheless remains a very important aspect of how reality is created and how our ever-changing "present" unfolds as we move through time. From: "Back to the Future" on this page.


A toolbox contains many different tools. When one tool doesn't work, another tool can be substituted in its place. A good mechanic, with a large toolbox, can fix a bad machine with the right tools. And a bad mechanic, with a small toolbox, can break a good machine with the wrong tools. And an Architect of Change, with an unlimited toolbox, can create any machine that they desire, using a variety of different tools. From: This post


As long as there are pawns in the world, there will always be Kings, Queens, Knights and Bishops that will use and abuse them. From: 1-7-20 post on this page


The real collateral damage of recent events (and the last twenty years) is not just human life, but is our morals, ethics, compassion, empathy and humanity. The corrupt rulers that are destroying this country have always believed that the sun rises and sets on the United States. However, they have become so blinded by their arrogance that they cannot see that a shift has occurred, and that the sun no longer rises on the United States as it once did. As a consequence of their actions, what the people have inherited are cloudy skies, muted light, and what is quickly becoming a never ending sunset on America. From: 1-6-20 post on this page.


Heaven and Hell are metaphors for the consequences of our actions, right here, right now. We have the ability to either build a heaven on earth, or build a hell on earth. The return of Jesus (metaphorically speaking) is not really about the return of a physical being, but rather it is a metaphor for the return of the Light (Understanding) within us. From: 1-22-20 post on this page.


Sometimes the greatest clarity and understanding of what is right, comes from an awareness of what is wrong. From: 11-8-17 post on this page.


There are almost 8 billion people on this planet and almost 8 million species. In a world that is made up of such diversity, rarely is any matter limited to just one or the other. Rather, it is through the Awareness and Understanding of two, that one comes to understand itself and the other, and eventually arrives at the Understanding and the Wisdom of One. From: This post


A book is not defined by a pretty cover or a catchy title, but rather it is defined by the pages that are contained within it. It's time to tell the real story, and create an ending that we can all live with, not die for. From: 1-6-20 post on this page.

The Balance of Creation

God created polarities

Then God gave us freewill

Freewill allows us to experience

And our experiences encourage us to grow


God created a balanced foundation

But it is we who create a foundation of balance

God created freewill

But it is we who create the will to be free


Darkness creates an appreciation of the day

And the long days help us to appreciate the night


Challenges help us to appreciate the bliss

And the bliss creates the need to be challenged


To learn the secrets of the light and the dark

Is to learn the secrets within ourselves

And to learn the secrets within ourselves

Is to learn the secrets of the Universe

Footnote Regarding God

God in this context refers to the Universal God, not tied to any single religion (i.e. the Creator,
the Great Spirit, the Universal Consciousness, Source, Creation, the Universe, etc)

Footnote: I threw these excerpts together pretty quickly. They aren't necessarily in any particular order. When I have more time, I will try and organize them a little better and add some additional content.


Land of Confusion
Confusion, Illusion, Inversion, and Chaos are the tools
of Manufactured Change and New (world) Order.

Bad Moon Rising
A rising Moon and a setting Sun, or a rising Sun and a setting Moon?

Touched by the Sun
In reaching for the Sun, one can either be illuminated by the Light of
Understanding, or be burned by the Fire of Mis-Understanding.


Within these two (somewhat corny) old science fiction tales, there exists two
important metaphors that are actually based on non-fiction reality.    

Star Trek

The Day of the Dove

Let That Be Your Last Battlefield



Media Manipulation and States of Consciousness


It's a virus, but it's not the Coronavirus

It seems like when anyone in the U.S. today disagrees with domestic or foreign policy they are automatically labeled as a Russian asset. And when anyone disagrees with the enormous amount of corporate corruption, government corruption, and "Socialism for the Rich" in this country they are automatically labeled as a Commie or a Socialist. And when anyone voices something positive about Bernie Sanders or thinks that he should have a fair chance in the election, then you get the full-combo and are labeled a Bernie Bro/Commie/Socialist/Russian asset that loves freebies and hates your country. What are we in kindergarten? Seriously, it's like half the population (directed by the media) loses their minds, falls into psychosis, gets Alzheimer's, and reverts back to their childhood every time the elections roll around. If aliens visited this planet and watched the last Democratic "debate", Russia-Gate, or the Impeachment Show, I am guessing that they would think the same thing. And people wonder why aliens never land on the White House lawn? We probably scare them to death.

UFOs over the White House in 1952 - Since 1952 was an election year, the aliens wisely concluded that it probably
wasn't a good time to land. However, before they left, they did impart some valuable knowledge and wisdom
to Dwight D. Eisenhower regarding the dangers of the Military Industrial Complex (


Propaganda is Foxy, and truth is passe. Falsify, Obfuscate, EXhort - Repeat after me, Bernie Sanders is a Communist,
and Democratic Socialism is Communism. Corporate Socialism is freedom, and Democratic Socialism is tyranny.
Russia and China are bad, and Israel and Saudi Arabia are good. Those who challenge the establishment are
Russian agents, and those who agree with the official narrative are patriots. War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery,
and Ignorance is Strength. Got it? Good. Now go spread the word. Sincerely, your friends at Fox
News and the corporate-owned media.

Those that have been reading this series for a while probably know by now that I am not afraid to talk about controversial subjects or state my opinion on various topics. Hopefully that is one of the reasons why you have chosen to read these posts. However, in case I wasn't clear in the last post on 2-24-20 (or in previous  posts), I am not a Socialist, a Communist, a Republican, or a Democrat. What I am is someone that is a strong advocate for human rights, morality, and ethics. I am also someone that believes in the fair treatment of all candidates in elections, whether I agree with them or not. Isn't that what this "free" democratic system is supposed to be about? I happen to like some of the things that Bernie Sanders talks about and some of the things that he has done. However, there are also other things that I disagree with.

Normally I try to stay away from the mainstream media as much as possible. However, every once in a while (during moments of temporary insanity) I do tune in to see what the latest official narrative is. As many probably know, I'm not a big fan of two-party politics. Other than during the last few months, you won't find much commentary on political leaders or representatives in this series. Why? Because, in case people haven't figured it out yet, politics and the corporate media are there for a specific reason -- to divide the population, to "occupy" our minds and entertain us with drama (surface minutia), and to hold our consciousness in a very low state of awareness. I can only watch so much of the mainstream news and political discourse before I literally start to feel my brain turning into mush and my IQ falling. It's unbelievable how many stupid arguments get started over manufactured identity politics and how many relationships and families get strained or torn apart during election season. Is this really why we are here on this planet? Is this really the level of our consciousness?

I recently got a text from someone at the Democratic Party asking me if I would be interested in running for local office. For some reason, I felt the need to reply to her and explain why I would never run for office as a representative for the Democratic Party or the Republican Party. I was pretty specific in my explanation. As such, I figured that I probably wouldn't be getting a text back from her. However, much to my surprise, she actually texted me back and said that she understood. It made me wonder about how many people working for the Democratic Party and Republican Party right now are doing it simply out of a sense of loyalty (rather than for what they truly believe in)? When allegiance to truth is replaced with a blind allegiance to a political party or a leader, this is when reality becomes illusion, illusion becomes reality, and light becomes darkness.

People should be able to have conflicting (intelligent) opinions without it turning into some sort of mud wrestling match. Chucking mud at one another does not make things clearer, it makes them dirtier. The most disturbing thing about this is not watching people fighting with each other over silly non-meaningful things during election time, it's in knowing that it is almost always based on some type of psychological manipulation or provocation, and that many people don't even realize that they have been programmed to act that way and that they are serving a specific purpose.

Ok, I could probably keep going, but I will end it here with a few quotes:


Classical Gas

Classical Gas - The political system, the government, the debates, the
corporate media, the article linked below? So many possibilities.

Who's Behind the Door?

Love Comes Walking In


Beer Drinkers Say That They are Afraid to Drink Corona
Beer for Fear of Getting the Coronavirus


It's a strange world that we live in


Fact and Fission
(The Story of a Virus that Mutated and Went Viral)



Nuclear Fission - Nuclear fission occurs when an atom is split. This process is accompanied by the release of a large amount of energy. Nuclear fission may take place spontaneously, or it may be induced by excitation of the nucleus.

The discussion in the news media surrounding the Coronavirus was initially somewhat rational. In fact, many people had originally pointed out that the mortality risk of the Coronavirus to the general population is actually quite low when you compare it to diseases such as influenza or to other mortality risks such as car accidents, other respiratory illnesses, cancer, heart disease, substance abuse, or homicide (which together account for over 30 million deaths per year). That is not to say that the Coronavirus shouldn't be taken seriously. It should. However, when rational thought is allowed to descend into irrational fear and panic, then many bad things can happen. This is what we are seeing in the financial markets right now. Fear and panic have now become even more of a virus than the Coronavirus itself. The economy and financial markets were already in serious trouble, however, irrational fear (pushed mainly through the news media) has now propelled the markets into full-blown panic mode.

The disruptions that are currently occurring in the global supply chain will likely have negative impacts on the availability of various goods and services and will probably result in price inflation being reflected in certain segments of the economy. The impact of the disruptions occurring in supply and demand, and in the markets, will certainly have economic consequences. That is the best case scenario. The worst case scenario is that fear, panic, and momentum could trigger a domino effect and lead to a partial or total collapse of the world financial markets, which could potentially result in far more deaths and suffering than the Coronavirus would have ever created by itself.

It's too early to know what the full impact of the Coronavirus will actually be on human health. However, it is fairly clear now what the impact of irrational fear, panic, and media sensationalism has on economics and human health. As I've previously discussed, crisis often plays a key role in creating change. Although crisis is often painful at the beginning, it does have the potential to lead to greater awareness and understanding, and result in beneficial forms of change in the end. However, as history has taught us many times before, in other instances, crisis can also be used as a catalyst and a springboard to create non-beneficial forms of change as well.


Facts and rational thought typically lead to rational action. However, irrational speculation, fear, and panic often lead to runaway actions and reactions (i.e. large amounts of energy being released in all directions from the nucleus of the situation).


The Amazing Triple Spiral

The Amazing Triple Spiral - In Reverse


Blind Faith - Can't Find My Way Home


A Climate of Change - Part I
Socioeconomic Change (Capitalism vs. Socialism)



The debate regarding Capitalism vs. Socialism has been getting a lot of attention recently, especially in relation to candidates such as Bernie Sanders (who is an advocate for a specific type of Socialism called Democratic Socialism). There is a lot of misinformation circulating around right now about what Capitalism and Socialism really are. Therefore, I thought that it might be a good idea take a closer look at these two socioeconomic systems and address some of the arguments that are commonly brought up both for, and against them.

Perhaps a good place to start this discussion is with a couple of definitions from Merriam-Webster:

Lets first take a look at Capitalism. Capitalism is probably best explained and defined by two key phrases contained in the definition above, which are "private ownership" and "free market". Do we really have private ownership and a free market system in America? The simple answer to that question is yes, but only for a select and chosen few.

Money Flows and Ethical Lows

The political system in the United States (which is supposed to represent freedom and democracy) is a corrupt system that ignores the interests of the many (the people) while favoring the interests of the few (the corporations). The most money flows to the candidates who support the interests of big corporations (Big Pharma, Big Oil, Big MIC, Big Telecom, Big Agro, Big Tech, Big Finance, etc). And the most favorable corporate media coverage also typically goes to those who support the interests of big corporations.

How the corporate-owned political system works

Even though many people today understand the relationship that exists between corporations and the media, the power that the media has in shaping perception and popular opinion is still quite significant. There is an old saying that goes something like this: If you tell a lie enough times, people will eventually believe it. How many people actually take the time (or have the time) to fact check all of the information that is expressed on the news and in political advertisements?

Separation of Corp and State

In order for Capitalism to truly function as a free market, there must be a proper separation that exists between corporations and government. However, this separation does not exist today. The political system favors corporations because our president and our congressional leaders are effectively elected by the corporations, not by the people. It is corporate money (lobbying and bribes) that drive the political system. And it is the political system that drives, influences, and shapes our economic system. In reality, free markets have very little to do with the manner in which Capitalism functions today. This is because, once elected our representatives have a debt to repay to their sponsors (not to their constituents). Passing corporate sponsored legislation, exchanging favors, and appointing industry representatives to cabinet positions (and other positions) ends up restricting the "free" part of the free market system.

Separation of Corp and State

Free Markets, Free Handouts, and Corporate Socialism

One of the arguments that is frequently levied against Socialism is that it results in too many "freebies" being handed out to the people (which is not fiscally responsible or sustainable). However, what do we have now? Lets take a look at how wealth is actually being created today and how pubic funds are actually being distributed in this so-called "Capitalist" "free market" system.

One of the best examples of Corporate Socialism occurred very recently in our history with the 2008 financial crisis and the subsequent corporate/bank bailout. Not only were the banks not punished for their unethical behavior which directly led to the "crisis", but they were actually rewarded for it with a no-strings-attached government bailout (freebie/handout). How many banking executives went to jail for their crimes? One. How many people lost their homes as a result of this crisis? About seven million. How many people ended up on the streets? And how many lives and families were destroyed because of this?

Thumbs up to corporate freebies, and thumbs down to social benefit programs.

After being bailed out by the government (actually by the people), the banks and their executives are richer than ever and are engaging in the same types of unethical behaviors that created the crash in 2008 and the Great Recession. The banks got rich by "freely" engaging in unlawful and unethical business practices (screwing the people), then they got rich again with a "free" government handout (which they used to pay huge bonuses to their executives), and now they are getting rich once again with more government handouts through deregulation and ongoing hidden "bailouts" carried out by the Fed. In a true free-market system, these banks would have failed, and valuable lessons would have been learned. But since we don't actually live in a free-market system, and because no lessons were learned, we are headed for an even greater disaster than what occurred in 2008.

The real trickle down effect of Corporate Socialism

There are also many other examples of government bailouts (government assistance and freebies/handouts to corporations) in addition to the 2008/2009 financial bailout. These include the Penn Central Railroad in 1970, the Lockheed Corporation in 1971, the Franklin National Bank in 1974, Chrysler in 1980, the Continental Illinois National Bank and Trust Company in 1984, the Savings and Loan industry in 1989, and the Airline industry in 2001.

Another huge example of Corporate Socialism can be illustrated in the government funding of the Military Industrial Complex (MIC). It's been estimated that approximately 50% of the $750 billion dollar annual military defense (offense) "budget" goes directly to military corporate contractors. In order to keep their freebie government handouts continuing (and expanding), the MIC engages in one of the largest lobbying efforts in the government. This exerts enormous influence over how both domestic policy (corporate handouts) and foreign policy (war efforts) are determined.

What are some other examples of Corporate Socialism? Here are some of them:

The actual reality of Corporate Socialism

The illusion of Corporatism (disguised as "Capitalism")
and the so-called trickle down effect

The push for deregulation, followed by the corruption and destruction
of the financial system, followed by the cry for help.


Big Pharma Drug Bust - Taxpayer dollars for Big Pharma profits

Notice the inverted stars in the image above? This
gives you an idea of what the ACA is really about.


Filling the Prison for Profit Penal System and lining the pockets
of corporations with government contracts (handouts)


Big Oil pumping the government for freebies and subsidies


The Fed to the rescue 

Making, Taking, and Breaking

Corporations and the select 1% are the ones that are profiting from free money and reaping the benefits of Corporate Socialism. They are taking wealth from the people, strapping them with debt, and leaving them with a broken financial and economic system that consists of exported jobs, low wages, destroyed cities, homelessness, price inflation, broken families, and a monster stock market and debt bubble that will eventually send this country (and probably much of rest of the world) into economic chaos and immense suffering. Corporate Socialism is destroying the very fabric of our society and the nature of our planet.

Wealth inequality brought on by Corporate Socialism


One of the problems with trying to address the subject of Socialism is that there are so many different versions of this socioeconomic system. For example, there is the traditional view of Socialism (based on the definition provided at the beginning of this article) where the government owns and administrates the means of production and the distribution of goods. On the other hand, we also have something like Democratic Socialism (favored by people such as Bernie Sanders) where human rights and needs are recognized and addressed (rather than being exploited) in an environment that also encourages many of the free-market mechanisms and advantages of Capitalism. However, even with Democratic Socialism, there is often much variance in how it is defined. Basically, I would say it like this: Democratic Socialism could be described as a system of "Humanism" within Capitalism, while more traditional forms of Socialism are more akin to various forms of Communism (ranging anywhere from being communal in nature to being authoritarian in nature).

Socioeconomic systems as described by their proponents and their opponents. The reality is that there are
both potential benefits, and potential drawbacks, associated with Capitalism, Socialism, and Anarchy.

Understanding the Misunderstandings Surrounding the "S" Word

Unfortunately, I think that much of the population has been conditioned to associate anything containing the "S" word to mean Soviet based Communism or Authoritarianism. Why has there been so much misunderstanding, propaganda, and fear levied towards Socialism? The short answer is that anything that threatens to infringe on the stranglehold and monopoly that corrupt Corporate Socialism currently has, is also a direct threat to big corporations and the oligarchs. The elite class doesn't want to give up their power, or their control, or their "freebies" that they get from the government. They want to keep their freebies (our tax dollars) and prevent our taxes from actually directly benefiting the people.

Reflections in the Mirror

One of the arguments against socialism is that it creates an inefficient government bureaucracy. However, what do we have now? Another argument against Socialism is that it leads to authoritarian style governments. However, what do we have now? And one of the biggest arguments against Socialism is that it leads to uncontrollable and unsustainable spending. However, what do we have now? The corrupt Corporate Socialism system has bankrupt this country -- morally, ethically, and financially. It has turned people into products of data and slaves to debt. And it has taken away our privacy and our freedoms. Yet, for some reason, it seems that there are still many people that think that this is the best system ever.

The true refection of Corporate Socialism

As I've discussed previously, I am in favor of free markets. But I am also in favor of human rights (true rights). It is possible for social programs to exist alongside and within an essentially free-market system. I think that this is beneficial to not only the people, but also to the economic system as well.

Do we really need 800 military bases around the world to protect America? How do the people of the United States benefit from spending almost a trillion dollars a year (in combined military expenditures) on something that primarily benefits the Military Industrial Complex? If the US wasn't so intent on starting wars in other countries and building up its Empire, we could easily provide a good defense of this country with much less than what we are spending today.

 US Military Bases - "We have to cut social security, Medicare, food assistance, and
other social programs because we need more money for 'defense' (Empire)"


The United States could potentially be the leader in the development, manufacture, and deployment of alternative energy systems if it wanted to be. Moving towards sustainable forms of energy production and healthy business practices, can create many high paying jobs in technology and other sectors, and help to propel this country into a new era of innovation and prosperity that will not only benefit the United States, but also the rest of the world as well. What is stopping this transition from occurring? It's not a lack of technological know how or a lack of innovation. It's about preserving the monopoly that Big Energy and Big Corp has on the US economy and on the world.

Wind and solar are just two forms of alternative energy. Greater investment in this
sector will help to drive greater R&D, greater innovation, and additional job creation


There are many socialism-based ideas that are not at all in conflict with a free market Capitalist system. Employee co-ops (favored by people such as Bernie Sanders, Richard Wolff, and others) are a great example of this. Many people hate working for large corporations because they are essentially setup like factory farms. Workers at the bottom of the hierarchy have little say in what goes on at the corporation and who benefits from their work. Worker co-ops, on the other hand, help to restore pride in workmanship, healthy productivity, a healthy competitive spirit, community, and a fair distribution of benefits and rewards for the work that is done. Worker co-ops can exist and effectively compete within an ethical free-market system (i.e. one that is not dominated by corruption and monopolies).

I'm also in favor of an overhaul of the educational system. Everyone should have access to a good education without having to go into debt for the rest of their lives (and endure the psychological strain of such debt). A well educated population can have many positive effects on society. On the other hand, an uneducated population can have many detrimental effects on society (but many positive effects on a corrupt system that does not want to be challenged).  

How Do We Pay for It?

Without getting into the whole tax morality issue, what if corporations, like the people, actually paid their fair share of taxes? What if companies paid their employees a fair living wage? What if there wasn't so much money wasted in government through corrupt Corporate Socialism practices (funny money exchanges)? What if more money went into R&D instead of going into corporate executive pockets? What if we didn't spend trillions of dollars on unnecessary wars? What if there wasn't so much "misplaced" (I forgot where it went) money in the government? What if the US stopped complaining about how China is surpassing us, stopped trying to sanction and penalize the world (in anti-free-market and anti-free-trade practices) and starting to innovate and produce actual real things again (instead of just collecting and moving data around)? The argument that there isn't money to finance and support social programs is completely false. We just need to spend the money in different places and spend it in more efficient ways. The government does not need to expand in order to implement social programs such as Medicare for All.

Our tax dollars at work

In my view one of the most distasteful and unethical things about our current economic system is the medical system. Medical care is not like other products. With other purchases you can either choose to buy something or not buy something. If you are sick and need medical care, however, you don't have that choice. Big Pharma and the medical system understand this well. That is why we see the type of price gouging going on that we do. They know that they can get away with it. Other countries have national health systems that work very well. If it is done right and ethically, then such a system could work well here too. People should not have to go into debt for rest of their lives or face bankruptcy in order to get proper medical care.

The truth is that we already have Socialism in America. It is present in such things as:

These are not bad programs. Reallocating money from the corrupt aspects of Corporate Socialism to real social programs with real benefits will not kill Capitalism or destroy this country. It is actually Corporate Socialism that is killing the free-market system, the people, and the future of this country.

The Scary Monster of Socialism

Is there a danger that something like Democratic Socialism could evolve into some horrific authoritarian style government? Sure. But I will ask the same question again, what do we have now? The reality is that any system can be corrupted if the people that run the system are corrupt. In order for things to truly change, our political system needs a major overhaul. If corporations want to lobby the government, then they should do it with a good argument, not with bribes. If people want to serve in government, that is great, but there should be term limits. The US condemns other countries for their election improprieties, while our own system is corrupt to the core. How can any economic system thrive until these things are addressed? The Fed is a Monster. The MIC is a Monster. Our foreign policy is a Monster. How can any economic system thrive until these things are addressed? It seems that the real problem here is not the name of the system, but rather it is the morality and ethics of the system.

Who are the real monsters in our economic system?

A System on Life Support, that Doesn't Support Life  

The reality of the situation is that the current system cannot be fixed without experiencing some significant pain. Rather, it can only be kept on artificial life support until its eventual and inevitable death. I would like to see Bernie Sanders have a fair chance at winning the election. I don't agree with everything that he says or all of his policies, but I do think that he is a good man, with a good heart, good ethics, a good track record, and is someone that truly cares about the people. However, at the same time, I would hate to see someone like Bernie Sanders inherit this big mess and then be blamed for something that wasn't his fault. Of course if Trump wins the election and the system implodes or explodes, it will likely be everyone else's fault but his own. Trump also didn't create the mess that we are in, he just made it worse with his words, his tweets, his policies, and his actions.

In part II of this article, I will discuss and address some of the issues surrounding the socioeconomic climate of climate change. And in part III, I will take a look at various aspects of the Green New Deal and discuss some of the possible benefits and drawbacks of those programs.

Peace to All.

Footnote: I just wanted to talk briefly about the concept of religion and religious saviors as they relate to the subject matter discussed above. Virtually anything can be setup as a religion, but called something else. This includes many different types of institutions and forms of thought such as politics, economics, philosophy, science, and medicine. The main problem with religious belief systems is that they can become dogmatic in their own beliefs, while becoming blinded and/or hostile towards other forms of thought. Many types of belief systems also have something else in common, and that is the idea of a savior figure. Any person or system can be part of the solution (sometimes a big part). However, the other half of the equation is us, and our individual actions and inactions. For example, someone could put all of their faith and belief in a cancer treatment, but if they don't also change or modify their personal habits (diet, nutrition, stress reduction, substance abuse, etc), then the "savior" (cancer treatment) will have a much lower probability of curing them. Faith and belief can be very powerful motivators, but they can also be blinding as well. The subject matter discussed in this segment was meant to be a general overview of Capitalism and Socialism. In the third part to this series, I plan to address in more detail some of the potential benefits and drawbacks of Capitalism and Socialism and how they relate to socioeconomic change.


Money Talks 


The Psychology of Control, and the Control of Psychology
(Good is Bad and Bad is Good)



In the natural world, things are always changing and evolving. For the most part, this is both desirable and beneficial. But what about when human beings create change through manufactured mechanisms of control? Is this beneficial or destructive?

Natural Growth vs. Unnatural Control

There are many examples today of how technological progress (through increased knowledge, awareness, and understanding) has led to a better world for us to live in. However, there are also many examples where technology (used improperly through knowledge, lack of awareness, and lack of understanding) has created undesirable and destructive effects on life on this planet. This idea is perhaps most apparent in the way that we are becoming blind to the natural "web of life" (which is essential for all life on earth to thrive), and becoming dependent on the artificial and technological "web of control" that is leading to the destruction of nature and life on this planet.

Right is Wrong, Wrong is Right, Good is Bad, Bad is Good, Up is Down, and Down is Up

Inverted reality leads to confusion and false reality. And confusion and false reality lead to manufactured states of chaos. And manufactured states of chaos lead to unnatural (programmed) states of resolution (ordo ab chao).

Below are some of the ways that inversion is used to create confusion (and narrowed states of reality):

Social Justice - The promotion of justice (advocating equal rights and sovereignty for all and opposing the exploitation of others) is often associated with the idea of "social justice warriors". This has the psychological effect of subconsciously implanting the idea in people's minds that promoting justice is silly or something that should be avoided (or you may end up being mocked and ridiculed as being a "social justice warrior").

Woke - Being "awake" was originally a positive concept that was associated with being "aware". However, now that has been replaced with "woke" which has a negative connotation attached to it. The implication here is that you that you better not show that you are awake (aware) or you may end up being labeled as woke (and be mocked or ridiculed for it).

Equality - The promotion of equal rights is sometimes associated with the idea of making everyone artificially equal (uniform). This has the effect of creating the impression that equality is bad.

Balance - The concept of balance is often equated with the idea of a programmed (fixed) state of mind. However, in reality, balance actually refers to the complete opposite of this. Achieving a state of balance refers to having the ability (freedom) to move away from highly polarized, narrowly defined, and fixed (programmed) states of mind in order to see the "bigger picture" and create greater levels of awareness and understanding. Thus, balance does not refer to a fixed state. Rather, it is a naturally evolving state of mind (and a state of being) that results from understanding the changes that are constantly occurring in our internal and external environments.

Symbols - This is one that I come across quite frequently. Many beneficial symbols (and beneficial concepts associated with symbols), have been hijacked by various organizations in order to communicate dark ideas and dark agendas. Because of this association, the beneficial aspects of those symbols sometimes become hidden. Some examples of this include the triangle (often associated with the "illuminati"), the checkerboard pattern (often associated with Freemasons), the all-seeing eye (associated with many different dark themes), the Swastika (associated with the Nazis, but was originally associated with good luck and spirituality), the Monarch butterfly, rainbows, stairs, and mirrors (often associated with mind control). The point that I am trying to make here is that one thing, doesn't define all things.

The Greta Effect - Greta Thunberg has been setup as the angry, silly, authoritarian face of the climate change debate. She has been characterized and demonized by many as simply being a programmed asset of the elite. Therefore, the ill-logical conclusion that some arrive at (via association) is that climate change is a hoax that was made up by the elite for purposes of domination and control. One of the unfortunate outcomes of this (in addition to not considering climate change seriously) is that creates the idea in people's minds that you shouldn't stand up for something that you believe in because it will only result in you being mocked and ridiculed for your efforts. It also illustrates the sorry state of a society that gets enjoyment out of making fun of a teenage girl and calling her a Nazi (and other derogatory names) for doing something that, in her mind, she believes to be right.

These are just a few of the many ways in which inverted words, concepts, and ideas are used to hide knowledge, awareness, and understanding, and promote various states of ignorance (and apathy) which can contribute to a lack of understanding and an environment of control.

In the next two posts, I'm going to continue this discussion by examining how ill-logical arguments are used to arrive at "logical" conclusions that are based on a false reality (unreality).

When our consciousness resides on (or is restricted to) only the surface,
it sees the symptoms, but it is often blind to the cause.  



Information Society - What's On Your Mind?
This song is a good illustration of the ideas that were discussed above. There are usually two
(or more) sides to any word, concept, or idea. For example, information (data and knowledge)
can be used to promote beneficial forms of communication and understanding.
Or, information can be used for purposes of manipulation and control.


Brave New World vs. 1984

A Story That is Often Told, But Not Well Understood


Notice anything strange in the image above?

In The Deep

Act I

A director was working on the set of a new movie titled "In the Deep" when he received a memo from one of the movie's producers. The memo contained details regarding the release date, the marketing strategy, and the distribution of the movie. After reading the memo the director was a bit confused. For some reason the release date of the movie was set well into the future, but the marketing for the movie was scheduled to begin right away. Seeking further clarification, the director called the producer to discuss the matter. The producer told the director not to worry because he had worked with the marketing team many times before in the past, he was well aware of the present production schedule, and the distribution contracts had already been finalized and signed for the future release of the movie.

Conclusion of Act I

A producer knows all the details of the movie. The director simply follows the story, directs the actors, and makes
the movie a reality. A really effective producer (good or evil) is like a good chess player...they know what their
opponent is going to do many moves before their opponent even knows what they are going to do.



Act II

A few weeks after sending the memo to the director, the producer received another memo from the executive producer of the film requesting a meeting to discuss the script of the film. The meeting between the two producers went well except for one thing...the producer had unknowingly contracted a virus from the executive producer during their meeting. The virus that he contracted was strange in that it was highly contagious, but it also had very long incubation period (which made it difficult to detect). Since the producer was unaware that he had been infected, he returned home and went back to work the following day.

The producer worked in a very tall office building along with the director of the film, the stage crew, and many of the actors. Although the producer rarely interacted with those below him, it wasn't long before the director, the stage crew, and the actors were all infected with the same virus. After the outbreak, an investigation was conducted and it was determined that this particular virus didn't need direct contact in order for it to spread. Because of this, the virus was actually able to infect others by simply traveling through the ventilation system in the building.

Conclusion of Act II

A virus can easily be communicated and spread from those that are above, to those that are below.




In a final twist to the story, the son of one of the actors (working on the film) had just completed his basic training in the Army and was getting ready to be deployed overseas. When the Private received his orders for deployment, however, they were very vague in nature, so he decided to request more information from his Sergeant. The Sergeant responded to the Private by saying, "Just follow your orders and you will know more when you get overseas".

The reason why the Sergeant didn't answer the new recruit was because he wasn't sure about the orders either. Therefore, the Sergeant contacted his Lieutenant to get more information. The Lieutenant told the Sergeant, "Just follow your orders and you will know more when you get overseas".

The reason why the Lieutenant didn't answer the Sergeant was because he wasn't sure about the orders either. Therefore, the Lieutenant contacted his Colonel for more information. The Colonel told the Lieutenant, "Just follow the orders and you will know more when you get overseas".

The reason why the Colonel didn't answer the Lieutenant was because he wasn't sure about the orders either. Therefore, the Colonel contacted his General for more information. The General told the Colonel, "Just follow your orders and you will know more when you get overseas".

The reason why the General didn't answer the Colonel was because he wasn't sure about the orders either. Therefore, the General contacted the Pentagon for more information. The Pentagon told the General, "Just follow your orders and you will know more when you get overseas".

The reason why the Pentagon didn't answer the General was because they weren't sure about the orders either. Therefore, the Pentagon contacted the President for more information. The President wasn't sure, so he contacted the CIA. The CIA said it didn't know, so it contacted the NSA. The NSA said it didn't know, so it contacted Homeland Security. Homeland Security said it didn't know, so it contacted the Pentagon. The Pentagon had already said that it didn't know, so it contacted the CIA. The CIA had already said that it didn't know, so it contacted the President. And on and on it went, while trillions and trillions of dollars were misplaced and spent on wars that nobody seemed to know why we were fighting (except for maybe the corporations and those working deep within the shadows).

Conclusion of Act III

Duties that are based on blind loyalty and willful ignorance, often lead to unintended
consequences that can result in enormous suffering, death, and destruction.



Moral of the Story

A virus does not need to be biological in nature in order for it to still be highly contagious and deadly.

Is this a bad time to tell such a story? Not really, not when you consider that this particular virus has been infecting and killing millions and millions of people for many millennia now.


Even Flow
The goal is not to make everyone equal. Rather, it is for everyone to have equal rights and not be "subject"
to exploitation by others for the purpose of immoral, unethical, and/or corrupt personal gain.

Riders on the Storm

More Human than Human
(the "dark executive" producer song) 


Doggy Politics
Big Dog, Little Dog, Underdog, Regular Dog



The big dog wants to remain the top dog. The big dog uses its status as top dog to try and control all of the smaller dogs below it. The big dog sees the world as a dog eat dog world and acts accordingly.

The little dog wants to be the big dog. The little dog usually yelps the loudest, hoping that other dogs will perceive it to be bigger than it really is. The little dog tends to chase all of the other dogs around.

The underdog doesn't want to be under any other dogs. It just wants to be seen and respected for the dog that it is. Other dogs sometimes root for the underdog in the hopes that one day the underdog will receive the respect and recognition that it deserves.

The regular dog is happy with just being itself (regardless of its size). Regular dogs usually get along well with other dogs. However, if the regular dog is pushed too far, it will defend itself against other dogs (big or small). The regular dog is often labeled as being "regular", but that does not mean that it is without uniqueness. Every dog is unique in its own way.

It's interesting to note that of all the different dogs out there, it is often the regular dog that is first to come to the realization that it is not just a dog, but a part of God. In other words, the very same letters that make up God, also make up dog. And the very same letters that make up one, also make up One. That is not to say that human beings are dogs. Rather, it is to say that human beings can sometimes act like dogs, and dogs can sometimes act like human beings.

Footnote: I call it doggy politics. However, I once heard a dog refer to it as dodgy politics. Who can blame dogs for wanting to distance themselves from the corrupt circus show that humans call politics?


Dog Talk
When your dog hides from the TV and says "Please don't make me watch any more
of Russia-Gate, the impeachment show, or the fake right/left 'we hate each
other' (but we all love the corrupt corporations and MIC) show".


Me and You and a Dog Named Boo


The Art of Creation


What are some of the esoteric aspects of the Yin Yang symbol? In order to see this, you may have to look at the symbol for a little while. The Yin and the Yang are curled up together and they are laying upon one another, not as eternal enemies, but as friendly foes. This makes me think of two cats. One moment they may be hissing at each other, and the next moment they may be curled up together on the couch purring.


If you look really closely at the symbol, you can also see that the light and the dark are chasing each other around in circles, not trying to consume one another, but playing as if they were children on a playground.

Perhaps the most obvious question posed by the Yin Yang symbol is this -- Is everything just black and white? Or, is there a foundation of black and white, and it is our freewill (of creation) that helps to color the canvas of Creation?

The earth knows that in order for it to survive, there must be the light of day and the darkness of night. Nature knows that its color is created through the interaction between the light and the dark. Spiritual beings know that in order to have freewill (and the chance to grow), there must be the opportunity to choose between the light and the dark. The stars know that in order to be seen in the sky, there must be light and there must be dark. Life instinctively knows that in order to properly grow, there must be day and there must be night.




Follow Me, Follow You

Leather and Lace

Still the One

Magnet and Steel

Give a Little Bit




One of the things that I learned early on in the quest for Knowledge, Awareness, and Understanding is how important it is to periodically take a step back and enjoy the simple things in life. I think that this is essential, especially when looking at some of the darker things in this world. Taking a step back not only helps to maintain perspective, but it often helps to serve as a catalyst for inspiration as well. Sometimes I get inspiration from interacting with the people that I meet on the road, while other times it comes from simply spending time alone or spending time with animals.

When I'm unable to get out into nature and spend time with animals, I turn to Youtube. I'm not ashamed to say that I like cat Youtube videos (and all animal videos). Apparently the Youtube algorithm has figured this out because every day I get a healthy dose of animal videos in my recommendations. I picked out a couple videos that made me smile and hopefully they will do the same for you as well.


When Animals Inspire Humans, And Humans Inspire Each Other

Kids Just Having Fun
(and a very patient mom)

Caught in the Web


Is there such a thing as true individuality, freedom, and freewill today? Or, are our thoughts, actions, needs, and desires being unconsciously and covertly driven by unseen forces?

Your smartphone knows where you are (GPS), it knows how long you spend on your phone (activity monitor), it can guess what you are doing (accelerometer, proximity sensor, compass, pressure sensor, and light sensor), it knows your voice (microphone), it knows your fingerprint (fingerprint sensor), it knows your face and your friends faces (cameras), it knows your schedule (calendar), it knows who your friends are and who your contacts are (contact database), it knows where you shop and what products you buy (web tracking), it knows where and how you spend your time online (web tracking), it knows what words and photos you exchange with your friends (email/SMS), it knows your likes, dislikes, behaviors, and routine (app use), and it can predict and influence your current and future behaviors (news feeds, product advertisements, recommendations, etc).

Apps that you install on your phone can also collect personal data and push targeting advertising to you as well. Apps gain access to your data through "permissions" that are granted to them. Some of these permissions are benign in nature and are simply there to allow the app to function properly. However, in other instances, app permissions can actually be quite dangerous. When permissions are used improperly or abused, they can open the door to accessing large amounts of personal data on your phone, enable the app to control various functions of your phone (camera, gps, microphone, phone, SMS, etc), read/write/delete data to and from your SD card, and download files to your phone without your knowledge.

Permissions and access to your personal data

Your smart meter also knows when you are home (electricity usage) and has a good idea of what you are doing and when you are doing it (by how much electricity is being used). Your medical provider (and potentially its data service) knows your medical history and your physical and mental state. Your credit card company knows where you shop, when you shop, and what you buy. The credit agencies know where you live, where you work, how much debt you have, and if you are financially responsible or not. Your state driver's license is being used more and more to track and identify you. The IRS knows all about your personal information and your finances. The owner(s) of your rewards card(s) know what you like, what you don't like, how much you buy, how often you buy it, and when you buy it. Your cable/internet provider knows what news programs you watch, what sitcoms and movies that you like, which sports teams you like, how often you watch TV, and at what times you watch TV. Social media sites know what you like, what you dislike, who you like, and who you dislike. Your smart doorbell and/or smart camera(s) know who is home and who is outside. And your Alexa, Google Home, and Siri know just about everything about you.

With the internet of things and 5G almost everything will be embedded with smart technology. This technology will be able to track where you are, what you are doing, analyze your behaviors, and will also have significant predictive and behavior modification capabilities (by analyzing the data from all connected devices and databases). In addition, the 5G network will have the potential to be used for many other applications such as human radar, x-ray scanners (similar to the way millimeter wave scanners are used in airports), and other possible unethical applications. With all of this potential for control and power, it's no wonder that there is such an urgency to deploy 5G as quickly as possible (as well as attempt to block foreign competitors such as Huawei from gaining market share in the US).

Then there is facial recognition technology. Where is that being deployed?


Facial Recognition

A few years back there were reports of strange electronic towers being installed at various locations around New York. However, when the Metropolitan Transportation Authority was asked about them, they either said that they didn't know what they were or that they had "no comment".


Surveillance towers?

The US Border Patrol has jurisdiction in areas extending 100 miles inland from the border. This covers about two thirds of the US population. The technology being deployed along The Wall includes such things as underground sensors, standard and infrared cameras, motion sensors, drones, and ground sweeping radar (human radar). Interestingly, Elbit, the company that won the contract to deploy this technology in the US, is also the same company that has deployed it against the Palestinians (Elbit = "el" meaning god, and "bit" meaning digital or 0/1).

After The Wall is fully built and its technology is fully deployed, what will happen if there is another "terrorist" attack? Will the 100 mile area of influence be extended further inland? Perhaps we can get an idea of how this might progress by looking at how the Authorization for Use of Military Force ( AUMF) has been expanded and abused since its inception in 2001 (under the pretense of safety and security)?

Border Zone

There seems to be this strange parallel between the way that factory farm animals are treated
and housed, and the way that human beings are treated and housed.


Conformity and uniformity

Corporations such as Facebook and Neuralink are currently working on implants that will directly link your brain with AI. However, we have been assured that such technology will be totally safe and secure and that it will only be used in an ethical manner (just as our current technology and data is being used ethically and securely). Why would anyone choose to do this? Perhaps it might be because a chipped (augmented) person got a job that you wanted because they were more connected and "qualified" than you? Or perhaps it could be because an augmented person at work just got promoted because they were faster and more efficient than you? Or maybe it might be because the augmented child next door is getting straight A's, while your child is struggling to get C's? Or maybe it will be because all of the celebrities are getting it and it is trendy? Or perhaps it will be because everyone else has it? What could be more convenient than having the web, social media, and virtual reality right there inside your brain?

Still not convinced that this could happen? What if thirty years ago you told someone that nearly everyone in the world will voluntarily carry around a device that will track everything that they do and will know every detail about them? What if you told them that a large portion of the population would be so addicted to this technology that they wouldn't be able to give it up? Do you think that person would have believed you back then?

From a distance it looks kind of cool (that is until you
try to get the attention of someone in the crowd)


We often hear about the role that data collection plays in privacy. However, there is another side of this which is not often discussed, and that is the role that data plays in the modification of behavior. The reality is that these products and systems are not just designed to extract, use, and sell your personal data. Rather, the end game is to give corporations (and the corporate owned government and military) the ability to track, modify, manipulate, program, direct, and predict human behavior. This has been openly admitted by executives from companies such as Facebook and others. The idea of total control is actually directly related to the military doctrine of Full-Spectrum Dominance. And the idea of Full-Spectrum Dominance is actually communicated right in the names of the products and services that we use -- the inter"net", the "web", "android", etc.

In 2016, Google made a video called The Selfish Ledger. The video described a methodology that could be used to analyze and program human behavior (as if human beings were machines or "androids"). When asked about the video, Google responded by saying that it was simply a "thought experiment", that it was meant for internal use only, and that they had no plans to develop any such products. However, their response doesn't seem to quite jive when you consider two patents that Google applied for in 2015 (patent 1, patent 2) that essentially describe this same methodology involving behavior modification and predictive programming technologies (please see the footnote at the end of this post for additional information).


How advanced is AI right now? Far more advanced than what most people realize. How much of our thoughts and behaviors are being unconsciously directed by AI and technology right now? Far more than what most people realize. What do all of the data collection techniques and systems discussed above have in common? They are all stored in electronic databases which are increasingly being "clouded", cross-referenced, and merged. I guess the obvious question is this -- Who or what will have access to all of this data in the future?

Greed and lust for power are driving the improper use of technology and the development of AI. And AI is being driven by something that we (the human race) have yet to understand. Where will this end up (if things don't change)?

What position has social media taken towards data and information that they don't "approve" of? What position has the mainstream media taken towards data and information that they don't approve of? What position is the Trump administration taking towards people, data, and information that it doesn't approve of? What will happen to augmented people (and their brains) in the future if they have thoughts, memories, or actions that are not in-line or "approved" of by the corporations that develop such technology and the state-owned "ministries of truth" that direct popular opinion?


How reality and freewill are directed, modified and manipulated


The social, economic, and technological caging of humanity



The Web



The Man in the Maze - The Tohono O'odham Nation of Southern Arizona


The evolution or de-evolution of humanity?

Footnote : The intent of this post was not to vilify Google or technology. There are certainly some valid, benign, and beneficial uses for many of the technologies discussed above. As I have expressed before, technology by itself is simply a tool. It's how technology is used that determines its true nature. The ideas expressed in the Selfish Ledger are by no means unique or limited to Google only. Personally, I think that Google has benefited the world in many ways through its products, innovations, and technologies. However, Google also recognized (very early on) the potential for technology to be misused and/or abused. In fact, their concern regarding the misuse of technology was so significant that they originally included the phrase "Don't be Evil" in their code of conduct. I think that this is important to note because it illustrates the idea that the original intent of many people within companies and corporations isn't to do harm or be evil. However, for some reason, this always seems to change. As a company begins to grow, outside influences, market share, profit motives, and growth often replace the original intent of its creators. How and why this happens is the obvious question. However, the real answer to that question may not be as obvious as one might think.

Videos and Articles

Google Selfish Ledger
Programming humanity and modifying/manipulating freewill

The Creeping Creepy Wall of Surveillance
The Wall, its players, and its consequences

FCC Chairman on 5G
If you listen very closely to what Tom Wheeler is saying during this presentation, there is
almost full disclosure of both the intent and the outcome of 5G technology


Another Brick in The Wall
This song is not about rejecting education. It is about the rejection of covert and/or coercive thought
control. And the symbolism in the video isn't about promoting change through random
chaos, but rather it is about breaking down "The Walls" of a corrupt, destructive,
and oppressive system in order to make way for freedom again.



Punk Rock Politics
(Politics vs. Representation)



I wanted to share the video linked below because I think that it exemplifies a number of very important concepts and issues that have been discussed in this series:

This isn't about the policies of Bernie Sanders or the views expressed by the individuals during the interview. Rather, it is about something that we seem to have lost in this country -- Respect for individuality and respect for each other. During the interview there was no name calling, no bullying, no posturing, and no condescending remarks. Instead, it was just three people having a respectful and thoughtful conversation.

We don't have to look the same, act the same, think the same, or belong to the same political party, religion, or "ism" in order to find value in each other. In fact, even if we disagree with 50% of what someone else says, there is still a good chance that there may be something of value and something to learn in the 50% that we agree with and in the 50% that we don't agree with.


Anarchy does not refer to lawlessness or freedom without rules. Rather, it refers to not being ruled by external false authority (which often results in exploitation), but instead being guided by internal individual authority (derived through an awareness and understanding of your personal rights and sovereignty and the rights and sovereignty of others).


Punk Rock Politics


The Clash - Complete Control


Bringing It Home
Three (one + on e = One)



Answers to the questions that were posed in the previous post:

Question #1: In a previous post I made the statement that there is a specific pattern that can be found both within us and all around us. What is that pattern?

Question #2: How can evil be evicted from the Earth?

Question #3: What needs to change in the world in order for positive, real, and lasting change to occur?

Question 1, leads to question 2, which leads to question 3. And question 3, leads to question 2, which leads to question 1 (i.e. 12321 = 333)

A few definitions to help in understanding the images and concepts presented below:

                   "The rainstorm and the river are my brothers
                    The heron and the otter are my friends
                    And we are all 'C'onnected to each other
                    In a 'C'ircle, in a 'H'oop that never ends"

                  'C' and 'H' - Letter Number Key



The Middle Way (Three to One)

Staying close to the source provides the most nourishment. However, traveling out to the fringe can also be beneficial when it is done on a temporary basis. Remaining in highly polarized positions and states of mind, can result in corruption, distortion, deviation, illusion and separation (from sanity and reality).


Full Vision (Three to One) - Today is on the edge of both tomorrow and yesterday.
Therefore, today, tomorrow, and yesterday are intimately connected.


Within the number 333 there is Three to One (321)


Within the same number there are two paths, one that leads to malignant darkness, and another one that leads to Light and Understanding. Everything is connected, even good and evil. It is up to us to recognize what is Right and choose which path to take (through the proper utilization of freewill).


9 (one) + 9 (one) = 18 (One)



The Alchemy of Three (Three to One)

The proper use of freewill is realized through a balance and understanding of Mind, Body, and Spirit (which also includes the understanding and proper application of Universal Law or Natural Law (do no harm, and do not infringe on the rights and sovereignty of others).


Three to One (non-religious version) - Father (Wisdom and Universal Consciousness), Sun (Knowledge,
Awareness and Understanding), and Spirit (Individual Spirit/Consciousness).


Bridging the gap between polarities - Another way of looking at Three to One



The image above illustrates one way to get out of the mud and rise towards greater Awareness and Understanding. The light and the dark are highly polarized at the bottom of the pyramid (in Zone 3) and are blinded to each other by a large "grey zone" (muddy area) that exits between them. Moving up the pyramid to Zone 2 helps to increase sight and awareness. Having good knowledge and awareness of both the light and the dark helps to create the potential for Understanding to develop. Zone 1 (One) represents the realization of true Understanding (Light).

The sad truth is that most people are quite happy to remain at the bottom of the pyramid in Zone 3. This is where all of the action is in the form of theatre, drama, division, illusion, and delusion. Since most people were born into illusion, there is a strong desire to stay in this comfort zone, continue with the illusion and distraction, and participate in the game. This is one of the reasons why the non-stop reality show on the mainstream news networks works so well. The news "cycle" is called that for a reason. Most mainstream media outlets "peddle" the same theatre and drama over and over again in order to keep the consciousness of its viewers locked up in a never-ending time loop of meaningless drama and BS.



Balance and Perspective (Three to One).

Imbalance occurs when one component is missing from the Trinity (or it is improperly represented). In dark religion, (which is quickly becoming the new world religion), the corrupted (blind) ego takes the place of the Informed Mind and it "drives" the passions an desires of the Body (without the mediating influence and guidance of the Spirit). The corrupted (blind) ego driving the body without the Spirit can result in very dark and destructive thoughts and actions. Likewise, religions which favor Spirit only (often as a way to escape the pain of physical reality) can have similar dark and negative consequences to the Mind and Body through blindness and imbalance. When Spirit is inverted (as in an inverted star or pentagram), the blind desires and passions of the ego and the body take the place of the conscious Mind and Spirit resulting in very dark thoughts and actions.


Me and We - Three to One (Infinity)

When a person can only see one, and is blind to the other one, and to the One (the Whole), then there is a high probability that the blind one will eventually destroy the other one and the One (and reality itself).



Natural polarities in natural motion will find a natural point of equilibrium (Balance or the Middle Way). Artificially "pegged" positions (created through programming, training, and conditioning), on the other hand, create unbalanced thoughts and actions. An imbalanced (unhealthy) body and state of mind can open one up to negative influences which can then "incarnate" into our minds and bodies resulting in erratic thoughts and behaviors.


Seven Colors of the Rainbow = One (visible light). One equals 7, and 7 equals 11, and 11 equals 9, and 9 equals 42 (please see the Letter Number Key). An Understanding of One, leads to a greater understanding of the components which make up one, and one, and One. This leads to strength through a balanced state of mind and body (thoughts and actions) which promotes a greater connection to the Spirit (completing the trinity of Mind, Body, and Spirit).



The Cup of Ages and the Middle Way

Malignant darkness attempts to "drive" us towards extreme states of polarity (peg us to one state of mind or the other) through division, illusion, confusion, and delusion. The more that one becomes "pegged" to one state or other, the more potential there is for imbalanced thoughts and actions to occur which can lead one into blindness and malignant darkness (evil).


Separation is an illusion. And illusion leads to separation



"One" can be beneficial when it consists of many independent ones drawing from and contributing to One. However, One can also be very detrimental (or catastrophic) when the independence of one is replaced with a uniform unconscious collective of many ones that make up One.



The goal of the dark side is to create a digital Matrix that will trap humanity in illusion and permanently separate us from both our individual consciousness and Greater Consciousness. Illusion, delusion, distraction, and addiction are what blind us to the greater illusion that we are being pulled into. Our bodies and our minds are vehicles for our consciousness (soul/spirit). Just as our own unseen consciousness can affect our bodies and our minds in positive or negative ways, other unseen consciousness can also do the same. Our susceptibility to those outside influences is directly related to the state of health of our minds and our bodies.


Choosing the "Right" path through Conscious Freewill


Consciousness and Understanding


Awareness of Self (one) + Others (one) = Understanding (One) = Love



Unfortunately, many people will not see the relevance or the importance of the concepts discussed above. This is because they have already been lured deep into virtual reality and the Matrix without being consciously aware of it. It seems like "smart" phones and "smart" technology have become a technological extension of many human beings today. It's often the first thing that we interact with when we wake up and the last thing that we interact with before we go to sleep. This is also true with other Mechanisms of the Matrix as well.

There are many amazing things that await us within our own consciousness (far beyond what most people can imagine, and far beyond what the Matrix can ever hope to offer us). In order to reach Greater Consciousness, our independent consciousness (one) depends on other consciousness (one) for growth. And to reach its full potential, our consciousness must also have access to all (One). The more that these connections become impaired, disrupted or distorted, the farther away that we move from our true potential and our true being. We have an amazing gift within us that should be recognized, appreciated, protected, and not taken for granted, or one day it may not be available to us.

The symptoms of the disease are not the same as the disease itself (the root cause). Too often people look at the symptoms and mistake the symptoms for the disease. The root cause of the disease in our society today is imbalance (extreme states of polarity that cause blindness). Blindness leads to a reliance on external things such as technology, leaders, government, political parties, religion and other organizations and systems to define who we are. As a result of this, these things have been falsely elevated above us and now act as "gatekeepers" and "surrogate souls" that are restricting our freedoms and our potential as human beings.

The gatekeepers now define what is correct (and profitable) in society, rather than what is right. Committee approval of something that is wrong, does not make it right (or justifiable). And writing a law that says something is right when it is actually wrong, also does not make it morally justifiable.  The return to sanity begins with recognizing false (manufactured) polarities (such as republican vs. democrat) and not allowing ourselves to get trapped within such false polarities. At the same time, it is equally important to find balance once again in the natural polarities that are found in the natural world. Nature has an incredible power to both teach us and to heal us, if we only give it a chance.

Malignant darkness, greed, and technology (improperly used) is a virus (Trojan horse) of the Matrix that is infecting everything in our organic reality. The goal of this malignant darkness (evil) is to permanently separate and disconnect us from our true potential. The dark side (and those being negatively influenced by it), will attempt to derail us in our quest for Knowledge, Awareness, and Understanding. The dark side does this through illusion (camouflaging reality) and inversion. We are being given a choice right now as to which road that we want to head down. In a freewill universe based on polarity and choice, it is up to us to choose our own path and our own fate.

Footnote: Over the years I have heard just about everything from the dark side (and its agents) in relation to what has been expressed in this series. Some have said that certain numbers are dark or evil. Response: The potential for good and evil exists in all numbers and all things. Others have said that I must be a Freemason or a member of the so-called "Illuminati" because of the symbolism that I have used in this series. Response: The checkerboard pattern at the top of this page is used to illustrate the concept of polarity. Symbols (and words) are defied by the intent of the creator. My intent in this series was to increase knowledge, awareness and understanding. Thus, I have used words, symbols, graphics, and music in a beneficial way to accomplish that goal. Some have said that I am a "sun worshiper" (whatever that may mean). Response: The sun is only used as a metaphor in this series. Others have suggested that I must be part of the "elite bloodlines" because my last name is Reynolds. Response: I was adopted and I am not part of any "elite" family. Some have even said that I think that I am "special" because of the experiences that I have had. Response: We all have talents that are unique to who we are. I may have certain talents and abilities that someone else doesn't have, and someone else may have certain talents and abilities that I don't have. That is why I have repeated this same phrase over and over again so many times in this series:

To reiterate once again, I don't expect (or want) anyone to blindly believe information that is presented to them. Nor, do I want people to automatically or blindly reject such information either (just because it may be unfamiliar to them or because it conflicts with pre-existing beliefs). Rather, it is my hope that the information presented here (and in the rest of this series) will help to encourage others to pursue their own independent research and come to their own independent conclusions. I am not here to sell anything, nor am I here to tell anyone what to do or how to live their lives. I don't have any hidden agendas. My only goal is to try and help people see what is happening and to help them understand that there are very real consequences for our actions (and our inactions).

Life can seem very corrupted, confusing, complicated, depressing, and chaotic at times. However, the solution is actually quite simple, and it can be summed up with the following quote (which can be applied to individuals, corporations, government, and to society as a whole):

Peace, Love, Awareness, and Understanding to All.


Sunday Bloody Sunday
How long must this go on?

What is Bad, and what is Good?

Stand or Fall?

Long as I Can See the Light

The Return to Innocence
Sometimes you have to go backwards, in order to move forward and return to yourself. The lyrics are
actually reversed in this song, it should say "don't be afraid to be strong, and don't be too proud to
be weak". In other words, pride can blind us, and fear can prevent us from being strong. Our
"destiny" is to realize our full potential through Understanding and the proper use of freewill.


Related Reading

Universal Code

The Battle Between the Light and the Dark

Let Your Love Flow

Spiritual Protection

The Road to Destruction

The Discernment of Creation

The Alchemy of Three

Numbers, Paths and Destinations

A Short Story of Creation

Expanding Consciousness (321)

The Balance of Creation
(the 3rd, 4th, and 5th Elements)

The Church of Awareness and Understanding

The Ascension Formula


Three Questions



1) In a previous post I made the statement that there is a specific pattern that can be found both within us and all around us. What is that pattern?

2) How can evil be evicted from the Earth?

3) What needs to change in the world in order for positive, real, and lasting change to occur?

I'll give you some time to contemplate this and then I will attempt to answer and address those questions in the next post.

Hint: The answers to the above questions are related to the numbers one, two, and three.





Where the Streets Have No Name


Uncomfortable Truth



What happens when you slowly take away knowledge, awareness, and understanding in the world? What happens to a person or a society when you suppress love, take it away, or invert it? What happens when you create conditions in society that break down the very foundation that makes up society -- The family? And what happens when morality (right vs. wrong) is replaced with blindness and complacency?

There seems to be this idea and misunderstanding in the world right now that if you remove a single stone from a puddle of mud, that somehow it will clean up the rest of the mud in the puddle. However, perhaps we should be asking this question -- When removing a single stone from the mud, what will rise to the surface after that? True change can begin with any one. However, it ends with every one. Whether that change ends up being good or evil, depends on us (all of us).

The interview linked below will be probably very difficult for many people to watch. However, it is the true reality of what is happening in many families today as our world continues to descend further and further into darkness. This is not the result of a single misguided, broken, or evil person. Rather, it is a result of the fallout from a declining society that has become blinded, apathetic, complacent, and supportive of darkness. When a society is no longer able to differentiate between basic right and wrong, then evil and darkness begin to penetrate and permeate into everything.

I think that there are a number of important things to consider when watching the interview. One of them relates to historical context and perspective (understanding). Too often people are judged based solely on how they are viewed in the present (without considering the events of the past). The second thing is just how strong people can be when faced with adversity (even when others may view them as being weak). And the third thing, and perhaps the most important, is how important love is in this world. At one very emotional point in the interview, Lin says that she doesn't love anything, not even her dog. However, if you listen carefully to what she expresses throughout the interview, you will find that this isn't really the case, and what she wants more than anything in the world is to love someone and to be loved. She is trying so hard to find love again, however the pain of her past is making it difficult for her to accept, trust, and realize love now. In a way, her story is a vivid expression and commentary of the microcosm and the macrocosm that we are living in today.

Evil is not strong or brave, so it first attacks the most vulnerable in this world -- the children and the innocent. One of the reasons that It does this is to create a precedent in the past and the present, that will lead to an environment where it can thrive in future. If darkness is not met with the proper resistance when it occurs, then it simply moves forward and becomes stronger and slowly increases its sphere of influence until it includes every one and every thing.

I have experienced many life threatening situations in my life. In quite a few of those instances, there was a presence of evil (malignant darkness) that could clearly be felt and seen. However, I was able to survive all of those events, not because of luck, good fortune, perfection, or because I had a weapon. It was because I was able to draw from something that exists within all of us.

Do not let anyone discount the power for good that exists within you or twist that power into something that supports evil. And don't let anyone discount you for the mistakes that you have made in your life or for the harm that has been brought against you. Our mistakes only become malignant when they are not addressed and they are allowed to fester and grow within us. And the harm that was done to us as children by misaligned or predatory people, was not our fault. It's up to adults to act rightly, set a good example, and protect the children of this world. To blame the victim for the crimes of a predator (or to somehow accept that this is right) is just another example of the inversion of love and understanding in the world and the perpetuation of darkness.

The time has come to stand up for what is right and good. If we don't act soon, our present will descend into a world of darkness that will consume every one and every thing in the future.

Every single person makes a difference, every choice we make is relevant, and every voice is important.

Peace to All


Lin and the Streets of Hollywood


Stand by Me


Building The Matrix



The other day I was creating an image in Photoshop for an article that I was writing and I had one of those strange Matrix/reality type of moments. The image that I was creating at the time was rather complex and involved many different layers stacked on top of the original underlying image. Normally, I only create a few editing layers for any given image. However, in this case, I had about twenty layers that were stacked on top of one another. As I was creating and editing the different layers, it made me think of what a great metaphor this was for the increasingly modified (manufactured) reality that we live in today.

Photoshopping Reality

Layers and layers of illusion stacked on top of reality to create unreality.

The Architect

The underlying background image in the example above could be thought of as our natural (organic) environment and reality. And each layer above it, could be thought of as individual "edits" to our reality. As more and more layers are added, the reality of the background image becomes less and less recognizable. After editing is completed, the viewer (consumer) of the image will only be aware of the final result, however the editor (architect) of the image will have access to both the original image and the accompanying edits.


The layering analogy above is very similar to how our reality is edited over time. In Photoshop, editing is often done slowly in order to see how each edit affects the underlying image. Sometimes the editing can produce very beneficial results, while other times it can result in a very distorted or unpleasant image. The Architects of Change approach their editing process in much the same way. Normally, they apply their edits very slowly over time and check their progress as they go to see if they are achieving the desired results. If the change is not what they anticipated, they either modify their edits or add another "adjustment layer" to the original image of reality. Adding edits to reality incrementally also prevents the general population from recognizing the changes (edits) as they occur.

The slow race to the AI Matrix begins with a turtle and ends with a rabbit.
As the non-stop reality show continues on TV, and the chaos increases 
around us, the tortoise keeps on moving slowly forward in the background.
At the end of the race, will we be "smart humans" or controlled robots?



In Photoshop you have the ability to write "macros" called "actions" which can help to automate various edits that you do on a regular basis. This can save lots of time when doing the same edits to many different images. In addition, you can also setup batch processes where many different images are processed at the same time. Batch processing also save lots of time because all of the images are treated the same.

How does this relate to reality? Before the advent of television, newspapers were the main vehicle for disseminating information to the masses. However, they were quite limited in their reach. Then came radio "programs" which reached more people. Then came television which reached even more people. And finally came the internet ("web") and social media which have the ability to reach people on a global scale.

Social media is very effective in editing reality because it can be used to not only process individuals, but it can also be used to "batch process" many different people at the same time from one central location (as opposed to using many different newspapers, radio stations, or television networks). Employing uniformity in the process helps to increase both efficiency and control.

Where is uniformity being employed in society to increase efficiency and control?

Copper Tops

In the Matrix movie humanity was destroyed by the machines that once powered our society and served our human needs. However, after the destruction of humanity, the tables became reversed and the machines began to use human beings as their source of energy (i.e. copper top batteries). If you look at society today you can already see this happening. Technology is now driving humanity, rather than humanity driving technology.

Copper Tops - Human farming for profit

For example:

Human beings have switched from being consumers, to being products of corporations. Personal data is actually what drives profits today. The more data that you have, the more power, profit and control that you have. Thus, many of the products that we buy today are geared towards one thing -- collecting more and more data from us and then selling that data (a digital representation of ourselves) to others for profit. In this way, human beings have become the main product of the products that we buy. The products that we use are consuming us (in many different ways) and we are becoming the copper tops of the new (world) economy.

Copper Tops of the Financial System

Central banks, lobbying efforts, and corrupt financial systems help to create monopolies. Monopolies, in turn, negatively impact wages. This creates a situation where people can't afford to live on their wages alone any longer so they borrow from the banks (that created the problems in the first place).

Unethical corporate business practices introduce many harmful substances into the environment. This, in turn, contributes to an increase in cancer and other health issues. Then other corporations such as Big Pharma (often related to the original environmentally irresponsible corporations) then step in and offer to treat our medical issues for big profits. Corrupt insurance companies also profit from this process as well. However, since insurance doesn't cover many health costs, unhealthy consumers turn back to the banks for loans to help them pay for their medical costs (once again being consumed by the all powerful banking and financial system).

All roads lead back to the banks (and the bank funded corporate monopolies). Thus, humans beings are also being used as copper tops for the banking system.

Schooling the Fish

There are certain traits and needs which are hardwired into us as human beings. These traits include such things as the need for acceptance, belonging, attention, recognition, love, friendship, etc. There are also additional needs and desires that are hardwired into us which relate to species survival. The Architects of Change have spent billions of dollars studying how to best use and exploit our natural needs for their benefit. The end result is what we see in government, education, advertising, entertainment, social media, politics, the military, etc.

Schooled by design

How does self image affect our self confidence? How does our health affect our energy and our desire to interact with society? How does getting a good night sleep affect our critical thinking during the day? How are prescription medications affecting our health, mood, memory and concentration? How is technology affecting our ability to focus, our mood, our health and our energy level? These are important questions to ask because they directly affect our individual quality of life and also our collective quality of life. The more that our minds and bodies become compromised, the more susceptible that we become to the Matrix.

What are some possible factors in our environment that could be negatively impacting our health and quality of life (and possibly pushing us closer towards the Matrix)?

What is the relevance of all this? We are being bombarded with a barrage of chemicals and other harmful things in our environment on a daily basis which are having detrimental effects on our health, memory, cognitive ability, and well being. I believe that this is a significant factor in our susceptibility to harmful programming and influences (which could lead us further into the Matrix).

What is Real?

In the Matrix movie, people became so immersed in virtual reality that they were no longer able to differentiate reality from illusion. In fact, one of the characters in the movie became so averse to reality that he was willing to sacrifice his friends in order to return to the world of illusion. How does this relate to our current reality? As our reality becomes more and more painful to live in, people turn to substances, video games, social media, and virtual reality to escape from reality. The deeper that we go into virtual reality, the more influence and control that AI and the Matrix has over our minds, bodies, and spirit.

The AI/Matrix connection to humanity - AI is already far more advanced than what
most people realize. In fact, it is currently driving many of our thoughts, opinions,
needs, and desires without our conscious knowledge of it.


The further away from nature and spirit (consciousness) that we get, the more susceptible that we become
 to being influenced and controlled by the Matrix. Each time that another edit layer is placed between
organic reality and us, we potentially become more "mechanized" (both figuratively and literally).


Human Pods in the Matrix - The further that we travel into virtual reality for entertainment,
socializing, commerce, and escape, the further away from true reality that we get.


The Desert of the Real was created when human beings forgot that it is nature
and the earth which actually support and sustain us, not technology, greed,
unhealthy consumption, profits, or artificial growth.


The Borg socioeconomic system that we live in is
assimilating everyone and everything on earth


Agents of the Matrix patrolling for "escapees"


Welcome to the Matrix (our coded/layered reality) 



Photoshopping Reality


Wake Up


The information above will make more sense if you have already watched
 the Matrix Trilogy. If you haven't, the links are provided below.

Related Reading

Nested Realities

Earth Cries, People Sigh

The Sound of Silence

Mechanisms of the Matrix

The Road to Dystopia

Escape from the Matrix


The Needle and the Damage is Done



I recently lost someone that I cared very deeply about and loved very much. That loss was a direct result of the things that I have been discussing in this series and fighting against for so long. How many living beings on this planet have to die before people begin to take notice, stand up, and say enough is enough? The dark forces on this planet are waging a war right now on all life and everything that is good in the world.

When people who truly care about what is right speak out and stand up, the dark forces try to take them out. And when that doesn't work, then they wage war on the ones that we love. They try to break us down in any way that they can and hope that we will just give up, fall in line, and fall into darkness. There have been a few times in my life when such things have almost broken me. However, now, the more that they try to do, and the more darkness that they try to bring into this world, the more determined that I become to try and stop this from happening.

There is so much suffering going on in the world today. It's unbelievable what is happening on the streets of our own cities right now while the dark forces in this country attempt to wage war on the rest of the world. The despair and hopelessness that I see on the faces of the people living on the streets is heartbreaking. The dark forces blame these people for the decline of our cities, but they never take any responsibility for how and why they got there in the first place. The financial "crisis" of 2008 (or more appropriately, the crisis of ethics and morality) is in fact one of the primary reasons for the homeless epidemic, the drug epidemic, the alcoholism epidemic, the violence epidemic, the debt epidemic, and the suicide epidemic that we are seeing in our cities today. What the dark forces did to the Native Americans and their culture in the past is, in many ways, the same things that they are doing to our modern society today.

Toxic Capitalism - The addiction to money, greed and
unreality (and the effects that it has on society)

I lived in Silicon Valley and the San Francisco Bay Area for many years. Although it's always been an expensive area to live in, it did not truly get out of control until the tech giants came in and drove housing prices up to where only the chosen few could afford to live there. That, combined with greed, income inequality, and reckless monetary policy, has destroyed what once used to be a beautiful city. Corrupt and fraudulent financial practices in combination with crony capitalism was the real culprit here, not leftist liberal policy (as some would like you to believe). What the Fed is doing right now has the potential to eventually propel us into something resembling a concentration camp/reservation/feudalistic type of society where the Central Banks (and their overlords) act as lords, masters, and gatekeepers ruling over a desolate wasteland populated by peasants who are dependent on their lords and masters to survive. This is where we are headed if things don't change.

The Dark Side

Modern Serfdom - Coming to a city near you soon

I believe that the people who get beaten down the most in this world are also the ones that have the most potential to create positive change in the world. I have recognized this gift and potential in people many times before, often in the most unlikely of places, such as in those living on the streets (on the modern reservations) as well as those living in the hellish conditions of the old reservations. I think that the reason why so many of these people end up on the streets is not just because of circumstance, but because they possess the ability to see things so clearly and feel things so deeply. Such people are a big threat to the so-called "ruling class", so they are targeted, stripped of their potential, destroyed, and made into serfs and slaves of the machine in this modern day system of economic slavery.


The psychopaths that are destroying this world are able to act this way because they have no conscience, empathy or compassion towards others. Their actions simply don't affect them. On the other hand, people who have the gift (or the curse) of seeing and feeling things very deeply, are extremely affected by what they see and experience in the world. The psychopaths seem to have some sort of sixth sense when it comes to identifying those people who have the most potential. That is why they prey on children and the innocent the most. There goal is either to destroy them (and turn them into street dwellers on the reservation) or make them into some twisted version of themselves through trauma and their viscous and predatory behaviors.


I want the dark forces in this world to know something. You are being put on notice. Your reign of terror is coming to an end. If you thought that "the others" were a thorn in your side before, you haven't seen anything yet. With your recent actions, you have now turned what used to be an annoying thorn in your ass, into a full fledged cactus. As you continue to try and bring more death, destruction, suffering, and chaos into this world, there we will be...the cactus on your velvet throne and the monkey wrench in your machine.


The music below isn't happy music. But it's not supposed to be. It's about the reality that we are living in right now. And it's about us facing the truth of that reality. And, most of all, it's about us doing everything within our power to stop the darkness in this world and create a brighter future before it's too late.

Peace to All.

In Memory of Luna

 Van Diemen's Land

Old Man

The Long and Winding Road

Everything I Own



The World I Know

The Ghost in You

The Gravity of Love

Ordinary World

The Needle and the Damage is Done


Metaphorically Speaking



Is religion dead in 2020? Or does it still have something useful to offer us? Why do so many people seem to be moving away from religion today? Could the reason be because these formerly meaningful ancient places of learning (churches) have been transformed into blind institutions of dogmatic belief?

Is there a way to go back in time, move past the institutionalized side of religion, and return once again to its most basic and important teachings? Perhaps. What if we took the dogma associated with Christianity, stripped away the religious baggage, and then looked at it solely through the "eyes" of metaphor only? What would it look like then?

This is Christianity at its most basic level. But what about Jesus? Isn't he the Savior? Didn't Jesus say that he is the light and the truth and no one comes to the "Father" except through him?

Heaven and Hell are metaphors for the consequences of our actions...right here, right now. We have the ability to either build a heaven on earth, or build a hell on earth. The return of Jesus (metaphorically speaking) is not really about the return of a physical being, but rather it is a metaphor for the return of the Light within us.

Into the Darkness? Or, into the Light?


Inverted Reality

Why was the logo for the GOP changed just prior to 9/11 and just before the kickoff to the never-ending era of war that we now live in? Why were the stars inverted? On the surface, this may seem like a simple modification, however it actually carries with it great spiritual (dark) meaning and real world implications (as we have seen since it was changed). Are there any other examples of this inverted Anti-Christ (anti-light) symbolism in our environment? How about negative (inverted) interest rates? How about inverted truths (lies)?  How about inverted reality (illusion)? Look around the world today, this symbolism is everywhere, and it is growing. These mechanisms of inversion are being used to usher in a "New World Order" where the oligarchs will rule over the many in an "Upside Down World". 

Jesus said that "the Kingdom of God is within you". He also said that you can do these same things (as him) and more. Why? Because the Light exists within all of us. It just needs to be found once again.

I used Christianity here as an example, but if you look at other religions and philosophical traditions, you will find similar metaphors in them as well. In particular, the Sun (or the Son in Christianity) has been widely revered in many spiritual traditions throughout the ages. Why? Because, metaphorically speaking, the Sun represents Light and Wisdom. Personally, I find such a "revelation" of awareness and understanding to be empowering. However, to others (of institutional thought), I imagine that it may be more akin to blasphemy or heresy.

When looked at through the eyes of metaphor, Christ taught us how to save ourselves. While this may be good news to some, I imagine that it might be quite unpopular to others. This is because it transfers responsibility for our fate, from someone or something else, onto ourselves. The traditional view of Jesus, on the other hand, is much more popular because it transfers responsibility for our fate from ourselves, onto someone or something else.

Government, religion, leaders, religious figures, political parties, etc = False Saviors

Ourselves, acting "rightly" with freewill through Knowledge, Awareness, and proper Understanding = The True Savior

Everything that exists around us has the potential to inform us, inspire us, and help guide us. However, in the end, true salvation rests in our own hands. There is a greater power that exists both around us and within us, not in the form of gods, but as beings of God (The Great Spirit, Universal Consciousness, or whichever other term prefer). To see and understand one, and one, is to know and understand One.

The Light and the Dark
Wisdom = Knowledge, Awareness and Understanding


Does the Universe revolve around the Earth? Or does the Earth revolve around the
Universe? Does the world revolve around us? Or do we revolve around the world?
If we are only aware of one, how does that affect our understanding of One? And
without an understanding of One, how does that affect the survival of one?


Today is a vision of tomorrow, and a reflection of yesterday. To change today, reflect on yesterday, and envision tomorrow.

Peace to all.

Footnote #1: My intention with this post was not to promote religion, nor was it to invalidate the traditional views of Christianity. Rather, it was to simply look at Christianity through a different set of eyes with the hope that it might encourage greater awareness and understanding regarding the world that we live in today.

Footnote #2: I used the GOP symbol as an example here to illustrate the blatant arrogance of the dark rulers (i.e. communicating their true agenda to the public in plain view). However, I am by no means suggesting that this is only a Republican Party backed agenda or mode of thinking. One only needs to look at the Obama administration or Hillary Clinton to see that this agenda and mode of thinking transcends both parties. Thus, the inverted GOP symbol is more of a reference to those who work from within the shadows and direct domestic and foreign policy regardless of who is in the White House or which party is in power. 

Footnote #3: I am not opposed to leaders, heroes, religion, or religious figures. I think that it is very important to try and find inspiration in this world whenever we can. My only criticism of this would be when inspiration blinds us and takes the place of proper research, reasoning, critical (independent) thinking, and freewill. This is when blind inspiration, blind loyalty, and blind duty can lead to crowd psychology (group think/act) and popular opinion (manufactured reality) and result in us following leaders and/or organizations that may not have the best interests of the people in mind. I think that it is also important to understand that almost anyone or any organization can be infiltrated or compromised (in a variety of different ways). That is why we should always first ask the questions "is this right, is this moral, and is this ethical" before following a leader, a religion, a government, a political party, an agency, or some other organization.


Tick Tock

Related Reading

The Bending and the Breaking of Will
(Masters and Servants)

The Virtues and Sins of Religion

Satanic Influence in Our Society
This is about real Satanism, not the religious or movie version of it. Why do so many Evangelicals
support the Trump administration today (as well as the Bush administration in the past) and
their policies? What religion are they actually practicing and supporting when they
blindly follow such leaders and policies without question? 



The Edge of Tomorrow


Today is on the edge of both tomorrow and yesterday. Therefore,
today, tomorrow, and yesterday are intimately connected.

It seems like a lot people have been wondering lately about when World War III is going to start. However, what if I told you that World War III has actually already begun, and that it has been going on for quite some time now, and that it probably isn't what you think it is?

Every day all kinds of events are reported in the news media. Some of these events are very important, while others are rather superficial. For the most part, the mainstream media is there to capture our attention and keep it focused in one place. Similar to how a magician distracts the attention of the audience away from the "trick" in order to perform their magic, the mainstream media (and other mechanisms) distract our attention away from the real magic that is going on behind the scenes. Thus, the most important news on television is usually not what is being reported, but rather what is not being reported.  

Where is World War III really occurring? It's all around us. It is in our minds, in our bodies, in our health, and in our consciousness:

Mind - Without a healthy mind (and the ability to think, speak, reason, and recall clearly and freely), there is no freedom.

Body - Without a healthy body, our ability to act freely and defend our rights and freedom is significantly compromised.

Spirit (Consciousness) - Without a healthy connection to our consciousness, our true potential and our true freedoms can never be realized.


The health of the Body affects the Mind. And the health of the Mind affects the Body. And the health of the Mind and the Body affect our connection to the Spirit. Those who control the Mind and the Body, also control access to the Spirit. And those who control Mind, Body, and Spirit, control Freedom and Freewill.

Why do we seem to get that strange feeling of déjà vu from time to time? It's because the world has been experiencing the same time loop over and over again. As we "progress" forward in the loop, we are actually also on our way to falling backward and experiencing history once again (just with different names and different characters).

We will never be able to truly move forward until we learn to see what is behind us, what is beside us, and what is in front of us (three to one).


Time of your Life


Edge of Tomorrow

In Time

Groundhog Day


Nutty Logic
(Shells of Illusion)


A person went to the store and bought a package of almonds. However, when they got home they found that pistachios were in the package instead of almonds. To correct this error, the person took the pistachios out of the mislabeled package and emptied them into a large jar. Then they wrote the word "almonds" on the jar and placed the jar in the kitchen cupboard.

The next day they went to the cupboard and removed the jar that they had labeled almonds and opened it. However, much to their surprise there weren't almonds in the jar, there were pistachios. This time they emptied all of the pistachios out on the table and painted all of the shells brown so they looked like almonds. Then they placed the jar back in the cupboard once again.

The following day they went to the cupboard, removed the jar of almonds and cracked a few of them open. What did they find inside? Pistachios! In fact, no matter how many times that they cracked the nuts open, they always found pistachios inside.

Moral of the Story

It's not the wrapper, the label or the shell that is important. It's what is inside that matters the most. To expect an external shell to change an internal component, is as nutty (absurd) as trying to change a pistachio into an almond simply by changing its label or appearance.


As human beings we possess freewill and the capacity to create positive change in the world. But what about the police? What about the military? What about the corrupt government? If we try to stand up for our rights and our freedom, won't they just squash us like bugs?

The police are made up of people. Not everyone in the police department is corrupt. The military is also made up of people. Not everyone in the military is corrupt. The corporations are also made up of people. Not everyone that works in corporations is corrupt. And the government is made up of people. Not everyone that works in the government is corrupt. Corruption exists and grows in these organizations and agencies because they have people that are willing to follow and support corruption. We are not defined by the company we work for, the party that we belong to, the club that we hang out in, the government that employs us, or the uniform that we wear. These are merely shells of illusion. What really defines us is what we choose to do (and what we don't do) as individuals.

Right now there are large numbers of people protesting all over the world. These people are not only standing up against government and corporate corruption, but they are also standing up to protect their individual rights and freedoms. Why aren't we seeing more people in the United States doing the same thing? Have we become too sheltered and too comfortable in America? Are we too distracted? Are we being drugged without our knowledge? Are we being negatively influenced by our technology? Is the food and water that we consume having a negative impact on our minds and our bodies? Is the media numbing and desensitizing us? Is it because of fear, apathy, or complacency? Or, is it all of the above?

After we vote, does that mean that our duty is done and that our fate is now in the hands of someone else? And after we post comments and media content in virtual reality (the internet), does that mean that those things will automatically make their way out into true reality and create positive change there? Or, does change also require our direct participation in that which is beneficial, and our non-participation in that which is harmful? Does fear make us worry about what might happen if we stand up? Or does worry make us fear what will happen if we stand up?

Instead of worrying about what might happen if we do stand up, perhaps we should be more concerned with what will happen if we don't stand up. There just might come a day when our freedoms become so restricted that change will become nearly impossible. And when that day comes, will we look back on the past and think about what we could have done then to change the course of the future?



All Over the World
Have you heard? There is a new political party. It's called the
Freedom Party, and it's rising up all over the world right now.


Save the Homo Sapiens


The Adjustment Bureau


A Chalice of Knowledge and a Cup of Ashes



In 1945 five cups were found while digging at an archeological site in northern Egypt. The cups were rather plain looking except for some unknown language and a few strange symbols that were embossed on the outside of the cups. After cataloging the find, the lead archeologist of the dig decided to give the cups to his five best team members (a scholar, a scientist, a museum curator, a college student and a laborer) as gifts for the good work that they had done.  

The following month a manuscript was discovered by the archeologist at another site which referenced "five repositories of knowledge". The archeologist thought back to the gifts that he had given to his team members and wondered if there might be a connection? Therefore, he decided to seek out his former co-workers and check the cups for any clues which might link them to the so-called repositories of knowledge.

The archeologist first went to the university where the scholar was teaching. He learned from the scholar that a special team of academics had been formed to study the cup. A significant amount of money had been spent on the investigation and there were many arguments and debates that had occurred, however little progress was made regarding the nature of the cup.

Next the archeologist went to the institution where the scientist was employed. When the archeologist inquired about the cup, he was told that it was being stored in the basement of the building. When the archeologist asked why the cup was in the basement, the scientist replied, "the language on the cup was recognized by one of the department heads and there was some concern that this knowledge might jeopardize their funding because it was in direct conflict with the theories that they were pursuing at the time".

Next the archeologist went to the taxi company where the college student was employed. When the archeologist asked the student about the cup, the student went to his taxi, retrieved the cup and gave it to the archeologist. When the archeologist looked inside the cup, he was surprised to find that it was filled with cigarette butts and ashes. After removing the ashes and the cigarettes, the archeologist noticed that there was a strange orange substance in the bottom of the cup. When he asked what it was, the student replied, "a few weeks ago I was watching the football game on TV and I didn't have anywhere to put my Cheetos, so I used the cup".

Next the archeologist visited the curator in the museum. When the archeologist asked the curator about the cup, the curator led him to glass case in one of the rooms in the museum. The curator explained that the cup had been on display in the case the entire time.

Finally, the archeologist went to the apartment of the laborer. However, when he got there, there was no sign of the man anywhere. So the archeologist went to the office and asked the apartment manager what had happened to him. The manager gave the archeologist a package and said that the man had moved out a few weeks ago but left this package for him. Inside the package was the cup and a short note addressed to the archeologist which read..."I got thirsty while digging at the site one day and I drank from the cup that you gave me. An astounding thing happened. My head instantly became filled with many amazing ideas. I've decided to take an extended vacation and travel around the world so that I can explore the many things that have been shown to me. I'm not sure when I will be back. I'm leaving the cup here so that you may share it with others".


The Cup of Ages - Knowledge is different than Awareness and Understanding. When the two sides of knowledge "see" one another, the potential for Awareness is created. When the two sides of knowledge "speak" to one another, the potential for Understanding is created. And when a person "drinks" from the Cup of Awareness and Understanding, the potential for Wisdom is created (Understanding of one and one and One). What happens when there is great technological (Logical) intelligence and progress, without an accompanying progress in Emotional intelligence? What happens when the synergy between our two minds becomes broken, separated, or fragmented from one another? What happens when the heart and the mind become separated or fragmented from one another?


Knowledge can be brought to the people. But it is up to the people to choose what to do with the knowledge. Knowledge can be observed, studied, hidden, abused, or discarded. However, knowledge only becomes truly understood when it becomes known through practice, experience, learning, discernment and growth.

An important Key to Understanding is found when one develops the ability to see
the other side of an issue and is able to walk in another person's shoes.



Everlast - What It's Like


Iran - Facts and Myths

In this video, Abby Martin of the Empire Files interviews Dan Kovalik regarding the facts and the myths surrounding both
Iran as a country, and US "relations" with Iran. How is popular opinion of Iran formed here in the US? Is it based on personal
experience (visiting Iran and interacting with the Iranian people and their culture)? Or, is it based on US propaganda that is
disseminated to us via the US mainstream media? This is an excellent interview that contains very important information
that every US citizen should be aware of.


When You Are Over the Target, The Flack Starts Flying


The Ministry of Truth. Established in 1984. Current President - Mike Pompeo.

When you are onto an important story, you'll know it, because the flack will start flying. For those that have been doing this for a while, you will probably agree when I say that it gets to be almost comical in how the corrupt liars of this world try to defend their immoral, unethical, and corrupt behavior. It's like they pull out the very same playbook each time.

The Ministry of Truth Playbook:

When you start getting flack for telling the truth, don't be discouraged. It means that you are doing something right. The agents from the Ministry of Truth would not invest their time in you if you weren't doing something right and onto something important. Keep on Fighting the Good Fight.

Peace to All.


Agents (sheepdogs) from the Ministry of Truth (Propaganda Machine) in Action

A Closer Look at the Ministry of Truth


Talk Show on Mute
(Theme song of the incubus at the Ministry of Truth)

Fight the Good Fight


When We Sheep, They Live


A couple of months ago I was driving through Wyoming and decided to stop at a campsite to get some rest from the road. The campsite was located in a beautiful valley with mountains surrounding it. The valley had a small stream flowing through it and some trees that were decorated with the bright colors of autumn. Except for the sound of the wind and the water meandering through the valley, the landscape was very still and quiet.

I ended up spending a few days at the campsite and everything seemed quite normal until one morning I woke up to some very strange sounds that seemed to be coming from everywhere. Curious as to what the sounds were, I got out of bed, looked outside, and much to my surprise there were hundreds of sheep everywhere!


Where did all the sheep come from? Just as I was pondering that question, I saw two riders on horseback, accompanied by two sheepdogs, driving the flock up the valley. As the sheep moved up the valley, strays would occasionally veer off from the rest of the flock. Some of them went up the mountainside, others fell behind, and some even ended up in my campsite. Each time that the sheep tried to stray from the crowd, however, they were quickly herded back to the flock by the sheepherders and sheepdogs. 

It was one of those strange kind of déjà vu moments where a seemingly random event occurring in the microcosm clearly presents itself and perfectly describes the greater macrocosm in which we live.

Moral of the Story

When We Sheep, They Live

The system works because billions of people allow themselves to be flocked together
and driven up a very narrow valley, towards a predetermined destination,
by just a couple of loud men and a few good sheepdogs.

They are few, and we are many. The year
is 20/20. It's time for a haircut.


They Live


In Your Eyes
The answer is in the mirror. The gift is within all of us.
The solution is freewill.


Forks in the Road


If the present is not met with proper inquiry, and it is left unchallenged, then the present will simply take the path of least resistance to the future. In other words, the things that are occurring right now in the present, will continue to grow and move forward in a straight line until the present unfolds into the future (as a direct reflection of the past and the present).

Architects of Time

The Architects of Time (agents of change) want to fork the people into a single path so that the future unfolds in the way that the Architects envision it (not as it normally would occur through freewill). In order to accomplish their goals, they provide the people with the illusion of choice. As a result of this, no matter which choice that we end up "choosing", it leads us to the same destination that they have predetermined for us. Along the way, they also provide us with plenty of distractions, entertaining puppets, manufactured division, and non-stop reality TV in order to keep our focus and our attention away from them and their agendas (and keep us fighting amongst ourselves).

The Architects of Time attempt to fork the people to one
road, impede our freewill, and choose our destiny for us.


The Architect


Those who build the clocks in this world can make the
passage of time unfold in any way that they wish.



It has been prophesied that the person that comes to destroy the world will be blind in the right eye. So does this mean that we will be able to recognize this person by a missing right eye, a clouded right eye, or a patch over their right eye? Or, could it mean that we will be able to recognize this person by their words and actions which demonstrate a "blindness" to that which is "right" (truth, morality, and ethics)?

In using the second interpretation of the prophecy, this person could actually be anyone. In fact, throughout history, the evil rulers of the world rose to power not because of their evil alone, but because they had other blind people that were willing to follow their evil, believe in their evil, support their evil, and/or be intimidated by their evil.

The main difference between the evil leaders of the past, and those in the present, is that the current leaders have access to advanced technology that didn't exist before. Propaganda and lies can now be disseminated throughout the entire world with lightening speed. And modern weapons are not only far more effective and dangerous than they were in the past, but the safeguards that were originally put in place to limit the use of these weapons, are now being slowly eroded and/or eliminated (treaties, diplomacy, the Constitution, etc).

Trump: No really, it's ok, I can see just fine out my left eye. I don't know the
difference between right and wrong, and I don't respect the rights of
others, but I was told that I was sent here by God to MAGA baby!


There is a reason why the Founding Fathers placed the power to declare war in the hands of Congress. The US
has over 6,000 nuclear warheads, enough to destroy the entire world many times over. The imperialism of the US,
and the unilateral military/political actions of Trump, have actually encouraged the development of nuclear
weapons in other countries, not discouraged it. It seems that nuclear weapons are the only thing that will
deter US aggression at this point. Where is this headed? Somewhere not good.

Governing by Popular Opinion and Ruling by Intimidation

As I expressed in previous posts, just because something is accepted, or it is based on popular view, or it is approved by committee, that doesn't automatically make it right, unless it is moral and ethical in nature.

Unfortunately, it seems that very few of our elected representatives are willing to truly stand up for what is right. And when they do, it's either some mushy whitewashed version of the truth, or they end up back-pedaling later due to party pressure, financial rewards, intimidation, or "patriotic duty". Why don't more of our representatives have the moral fortitude and backbone and tell it like it really is? Sugar coating the issues, maintaining allegiance to corrupt political parties and/or lobbyists, and looking the other way does nothing to discourage darkness and evil. Rather, it encourages it to grow. And why aren't the representatives that do have the courage and backbone to stand up being recognized and supported for their courage? Instead, they are being marginalized and attacked for it. It truly is an upside down world that we are living in.

Bullies on the playground (the abuse of power)



Popular opinion and propaganda win elections.
Unpopular opinion uncovers the truth. 


The Rise of Evil

In the video linked below, Trump is interviewed by Laura Ingraham. Here are a few observations from the interview:

Lies, propaganda, distraction, and blindness are the bread, butter, and circuses of evil empires.

Trump is not a good man. He is not a hero. And he is not a savior. He is not going to Make America Great Again. Rather, he is a very "bad actor" (in many different ways) that is destroying America:


So what are we left with after the War on Terror and Trump's contribution to it? The complete opposite of what the "War on Terrorism" was supposed to accomplish:


Hello, my name is Trump. I come from the Land of Illusion. I will take this golden vase from you, my poor people, and
I will give it to my crony friends in my name. Then, as I am lying to you with a straight face, I will tell you how I have
enriched your lives by stealing from the middle-class and the poor, and by giving to the rich. How does that sound? I
will also make the sun rise tomorrow in the Land of Illusion, in my name. But don't thank me for it, I am used
to getting no appreciation. No one ever thanks me for my crimes against humanity. I must go
now, I have a manicure scheduled at 10, and a tee time at noon.


Is this a case of TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome)? Or, is it a case of TRC (Truth, Reality, and Consequences)?

When the system wants to make more money, increase its power and control, confuse people, and/or drug and numb everyone for profit, it just makes up a new "disorder", adds it to the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), and then gets the universities and the medical establishment to endorse it, promote it, and enforce it. Fortunately, TDS hasn't made it to the DSM yet.

Trump Cards: TDS, intimidation, personal attacks, name calling,
secrecy, false patriotism, fake accusations of antisemitism,
TVM (Trump is a Victim Mentality), etc

If by some miracle we make it to the elections in November without the world completely unraveling, please consider what it would mean for this country, and for the rest of the world, if Trump is reelected as President of the United States. Just to be clear, I am not saying that Trump is the antichrist, only that he exhibits many of the traits that define such a person. In reality, Trump is just a puppet whose ego is being masterfully manipulated by the real evil that exists in the shadows around him. If you want to understand Trump and the current administration, it's fairly easy to do so. Just take whatever they say, reverse it, and there you will find the truth.

Until our elected representatives develop some morals and ethics and the backbone needed to speak plainly and honestly, and until the people truly understand what is at stake here, I don't see anything ever changing. Trump is the very definition of crony capitalism. It could not be any clearer. I have to admit that I am somewhat perplexed as to why more people cannot see him for what he really is. However, there is one thing that I am fairly certain of -- If we continue to elect immoral/unethical leaders and representatives, and follow them into the darkness, then it is very likely that we will end up there as well. And if we continue down this same road, without resistance, then the future will unfold in a way that I'm pretty sure that most people do not want to see or experience.

Peace to All.

Footnote: For those suffering from TSS (Trump Savior Syndrome), please note that the analysis above was not formed as a result of an affiliation with any political party. Nor was it the result of a secret allegiance to Russia, China, or Iran. I'm not a lefty, or a righty, or a commie, or a trumpie. I'm simply a human being that has opened up both eyes in the search for what is right and true, and is someone that cares about all life on this planet, not just righties, or lefties, or westies, or easties, or northies, or southies, or innies, or outies.


 Trump Reveals New Details on Imminent Threat from Soleimani




Bubbles everywhere!


Reality has become illusion, and illusion has become reality.


Stock market bubble

Debt bubble

Military expenditure bubble

Greed bubble

Money printing/supply bubble

Corruption bubble

Propaganda and lies bubble

Power and control bubble

War bubble

Empire bubble (the big bubble that inflated and destroyed them all)


There are so many bubbles now that they are beginning
 to intersect with one another and coalesce...


...and surround us.


Eventually the bubbles will grow so large that they will turn into one gigantic
bubble monster and begin to devour and consume everyone and everything.


The Empire Bubble


The Fed Bubble (money printing bubble machine)


The Greed Bubble


It's all fun and games until one day the bubble pops.





The velocity of the bursting bubble will propel the world in the opposite direction of Bubbleland, 
towards another kind of bubble that consumes light, time, and matter. The larger that the
bubble(s) become, the closer to the black hole that we will be pushed, and the more
light and matter (from our world) that will potentially be sucked into it.


The fall of an empire that became too greedy and
too blinded to the riches that it already had.


This is our Beautiful Bubble - Lets not destroy it.



99 Red Balloons


The Pros and Cons of Secrecy



I've posted this before, however, I think that it is worth repeating here again (in light of recent events). Secrecy does indeed have value, but mostly to the few who wish to keep the many in the dark. In this way, secrecy is just another type of trump card (see 7-23-19 post) that is used to silence inquiry and avoid examination.



To Summarize:

Secrecy is a "con" that is used by "pros" to avoid accountability.


All Along the Watchtower


Loops and Coups


A trip through time


Time loop #1 - Iran and Iran

Operation "Ajax" (i.e. CIA cleansing and wiping away of democracy) - Operation Ajax was the CIA's name for the US led covert coup to overthrow the democratically elected Prime Minister of Iran Mohammad Mossadegh in 1953. Link - Operation Ajax

Operation "Boot" (i.e. the booting out of Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh) - Operation Boot was the British SIS name for the joint venture carried out with the CIA to overthrow the democratically elected Prime Minister of Iran Mohammad Mossadegh in 1953. Link - Operation Boot

What was the reason behind the Iran coup in 1953?

Operation Shock and Awe - The name speaks for itself. Shock and Awe was the name for the US regime change operation carried out on Iraq in 2003.

Operation Demonize/Sanctionize/Penalize/Propagandize/Execute - This is the current administration's unofficial name for its "Shock and Awe" regime change and war effort directed at Iran.

What do the Iraq War of 2003 and the pending war with Iran have in common? They are both overt operations of regime change, carried out under the pretense of human rights, democracy and world safety. However, in reality they are covert operations designed to protect dollar hegemony and ensure petrodollar compliancy. Both were/are carried out by way of sanctions, lies, provocation, aggression, propaganda and war.

In 2000 (just prior to 9/11), Saddam Hussein announced that he would be moving away from the petrodollar system and he would be switching to Euros for Iraq's oil transactions. In late 2002, Iraq began converting all of their existing petrodollar reserves into Euros. What happen next? A few months later, the Iraq invasion occurred, followed by the installation of a puppet regime, and then Iraq was switched back to the petrodollar system. Preservation of the petrodollar and dollar hegemony weren't the only reasons for the invasions of Iraq, however, they were one of the primary reasons.

Iran has been a long time thorn in the side of the US petrodollar system (and the world reserve currency monopoly). Iran conducts its oil transactions outside of the petrodollar system, and its financial systems are outside of the control of the US banking cartels. In 2008, Iran opened the Iranian Oil Bourse to encourage other nations to purchase Iranian oil in currencies other than the dollar. Ever since then, the US propaganda machine has been working full time to paint Iran as a serious nuclear threat and a threat to its own people. Because of Iran's disobedience regarding the petrodollar system, they have been in the crosshairs of the US regime change team for quite some time now. Similar to Iraq, the US is using lies, propaganda, fear, (manufactured) internal division, and provocation to try and gain the support of the American people for regime change in Iran.

What does the Mafia do when you don't cooperate in its territory and don't provide financial kickbacks to them? They break your legs. What does the US Banking Mafia do when you don't cooperate with the petrodollar system in its empire? They break your economic legs with crippling sanctions, penalties, and/or invade and occupy your country.

Propaganda: The US leaves the Iran nuclear agreement. But we don't want war. The US initiates crippling sanctions and financial penalties on Iran. But we don't want war. The US provokes Iran with naval exercises and flies drones into their airspace. But we don't want war. The US demonizes Iran with lies and propaganda. But we don't want war. The US surrounds Iran with US military bases. But we don't want war. The US assassinates Iran's top general. But we don't want war.

In the words of Mike Pompeo, Iran is the aggressor, and we don't want war. He said as soon as they start acting like a "normal country" (one that bows to US financial authority and empire) we will consider talking with them.

The truth is that democracy, human rights, terrorism threats, nuclear proliferation, Iranian aggression, etc are just smoke screens to cover up the real agenda with Iran which is regime change in the name of dollar hegemony and the petrodollar.

If you haven't read Regime Change Part 1 & 2 on this page (4/23/19 and 4/28/19), please take some time to do so. It will help to make things a lot clearer and explain why the US is getting so aggressive right now with Iran. I also highly encourage people to do their own research into this, because the petrodollar and dollar hegemony are at the very foundation of the US empire. Without them, the empire could not exist. This is why they are the two main factors that drive US foreign policy.

Why isn't this being discussed in the media? Because doing so would reveal the elephant that has been standing in the war room for so many years. The only way that we can break free from this continuous time loop is to see past the propaganda, develop 20/20 vision of the truth, and stop participating in our own destruction. When a soldier is deployed oversees today, it is not to combat terrorism, promote democracy, stand up for human rights, or to defend the Untied States. It is to enhance the wealth of the rulers, enforce the rule of the bankers, promote the profits  of the corporations, and to maintain and build the US empire.

Love over war? Or, war over love?
Or, love of war?


Back in Time

88 MPH

In this case, lightening does indeed strike twice in the same place, and history
does repeat itself. Follow the money for the answers and the truth. 


Amended Rules for Going to War



We the People, of the United States, are tired of war (and rumors of war). Therefore, we have decided to simplify the rules for going to war:

1) Those who push for aggression and wage war, will be the first to get a uniform, a brand new shiny rifle, a plane ticket to the front lines (leading patrols on the ground), and a tour of duty that lasts until the war ends.



What a Wonderful World


Propaganda, Reasoning, Reasons For Propaganda, and Cognitive Dissonance


Some Definitions

Confidence - Strength of character that is derived from conscious awareness, proper reasoning, understanding, and actions that do not infringe on the sovereignty or rights of others. Confidence is based on right understanding and right action.

Arrogance - Thoughts and behavior that are based on an attitude of superiority, and actions that are based on the belief that one can blindly exert power over others, without regard to sovereignty or rights, and without consideration of the consequences of their actions. Arrogance is based on wrong understanding and wrong action.

Rights (Universal Law or Natural Law) - Do no harm to others, and respect the sovereignty of others.

Wrongs - Anything that infringes on the rights and sovereignty of others.

Ignorance - Ignorance simply means lack of knowledge. It is not a derogatory term. Ignorance only becomes derogatory when it is  willful ignorance (i.e. ignoring knowledge and willfully suppressing awareness...see no evil, hear no evil, speak no order to create a personal bubble or comfort zone around oneself).

Cognitive Dissonance (similar to willful ignorance) - A behavior that is derived from exposure to conflicting information. In order to resolve cognitive dissonance, a person will usually choose information and "facts" (typically propaganda) that support and align with their personal belief system (based on experiences, education, programming, propaganda, and conditioning). When a person is continually exposed to cognitive dissonance, their thoughts and behaviors can become so distorted and hardened that they are no longer able to consider alternative points of view or information that exists outside of their belief system (that may potentially lead to true awareness, truth and understanding), because in doing so, it could collapse the personal bubble (comfort zone) that they have built around themselves.

Aggression - Forceful and/or dominate behavior that is based on blindly exerting power and control over others, without regard to their sovereignty or rights, and without consideration of the consequences of an action that is taken. Aggression is based on wrong actions, not right actions.

Defense - The act of protecting your rights from an immediate and present danger (not a possible or future threat). Defensive actions should be limited to only the amount of force that is necessary to counter the immediate threat.

Why is it wrong to aggressively and preemptively act on a future threat? Because a future threat is based on speculation of something that might occur sometime in the future. This would not be considered a defensive reaction because it is based on an interpretation of the future, instead of facts involving an immediate threat faced in the present. Acting on future threats is dangerous because the determination of what constitutes a future threat has a much greater probability of being clouded by personal interpretation, bad information, personal judgment, and propaganda, than something that has actually occurred in the present.

What are some examples of poorly thought out actions that were based on arrogance, aggression, propaganda and future threats?

How many lives have been lost in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria (on both sides) with these arrogant and aggressive (wrongful) actions based on lies? How much money has been spent? How much destruction and suffering has resulted? And now they want another war with Iran?

Why are people being called crazy (and all kinds of other names) for asking questions and examining the issues involving the assassination of General Qassem Soleimani? Because it's much easier to silence and marginalize someone asking questions (and presenting unwanted truths), than it is to listen and respond to them with consideration and rational discussion.

I have no doubt that this was a deliberate action taken to aggravate tensions between the United States and Iran (and to provoke Iran into a reaction), so that the propaganda machine could then say to the world "look at what Iran did, they are aggressors"...they must be dealt with....wait for it...with Regime Change!

Iran didn't bite when we pulled out of the nuclear agreement. They also didn't bite with the sanctions that were placed on them. And they didn't bite with all of the propaganda that was directed towards them. Fortunately, Trump didn't bite with the rather fishy details surrounding the tanker and drone incidents. However, somehow the neocons were able to corner Trump (probably at Mar-a-Largo) and say or do something that triggered him into taking an action that they have been wanting for a very long time.

I am not a fan of Trump. I think that he is reckless, irresponsible, egotistical, dangerous, aggressive, arrogant, divisive, undiplomatic, unconscious...well you get the picture. But this was clearly a neocon operation. I am actually concerned now that he might get impeached/removed and that Mike Pence might take his place (perhaps this was the backup plan of the neocons in case Trump didn't come through?).

If you think that Trump is scary and erratic, just listen to the things that Mike Pence says. Although Trump was clearly no fan of Iran, I think that he at least initially exhibited some restraint with Iran and the neocons. Mike Pence, on the other hand, comes from a much more radical view on Iran and would probably have no problem starting a full blown hot war with them.

Why can't we just have someone in the White House that is intelligent, moral, ethical, rational, and sane, instead of having to always pick between the lessor of two evils? And why do so many questions have to be rhetorical in nature when talking about our government and our representatives?

I am still hoping that one day more people will wake up and realize that War is a Racket and that it is simply a game played on a giant Chess/Monopoly/Stratego board by Kings, Queens, Knights and Bishops, with their subjects acting as expendable pawns in their search for more power, more profit, more control and more empire. 

The unfortunate fact is this: As long as there are pawns left in the world, there will always be Kings, Queens, Knights and Bishops that will use and abuse them.

Peace to all.


The Grand Illusion





The other day I was sitting outside watching the sun go down, and I thought to myself what a beautiful place this planet can be. However, that feeling didn't last very long. Right after this, I learned of the assassination of General Qassem Soleimani (as well as the collateral damage associated with it), and the experience that I had the day before watching the sun go down, took on an entirely new meaning.

A Journey of a Thousand Miles (towards freedom), Begins with a Single Step

Ironically, the United States was originally founded in order to try and escape from the tyranny of an overreaching and oppressive government. And the Constitution was written in order to help safeguard the people of the future from such things happening again. However, now, it seems that we have come full circle.

What is the true foundation of a society? Is it government? Is it the economy? Is it the banking system? Is it technology? Or, is it the morals and ethics that govern and define those systems? What good are rules, laws and a Constitution if they are not followed by all, including those who write them, and those that are supposed to represent them? And what good are rules and laws, if they are not moral and ethical in their nature?

Glitch in the Matrix? While writing this article, I searched for "Freedom"
twice, and both times it resulted in a blank page with the image
above. It was kind of funny, but scary at the same time.  


A Journey of a Thousand Miles (towards oppression), Begins with a Walk, and then Transforms into a Run

I've heard a lot of discussion in the mainstream media about how Congress wasn't properly notified before the assassination occurred. However, is this really the main issue? Even if Trump had congressional "approval", should we really be assassinating citizens and leaders of other sovereign nations? And if the President of the United States was granted congressional "approval", should we really be starting wars with other countries, sending our people to die in foreign lands, killing civilians in those countries (and writing them off as collateral damage), occupying other countries, and building military bases and embassies that are the size of small cities on their sovereign lands?

Lets be honest and clear here, human rights and "democracy" have never been the true motive behind regime change. However, even if they were, should we be concentrating so much of our focus on the policies of foreign nations and spending trillions of dollars on regime changes when our own regime, domestic policies, and human rights/needs are in such shambles at home? How are we defending the "homeland" by starting wars half way around the world, assassinating people, and building military bases everywhere? Are these actions really in "defense" of our country? Or are they to offensively maintain and build up the empire?

US Military Bases: The nerve of Iran. Who do they think they are
locating their country right in the middle of the US empire?

The mainstream media would like us to believe that these were bad men and that they were planning an attack at some point in the future, therefore they deserved to be assassinated. Are these actual facts, or are they heresay based on propaganda? Where is the evidence for this? What about their human rights? Weren't human rights and "democracy" supposed to be the reason behind the decades of war that we have waged, the trillions of dollars that have been spent, and the millions of lives that have been lost? What about the right to due process and a trial? What about their side of the story? I guess we will never know.

Precrime Punishment

If the official story is taken at face value, then this was actually a precrime/future crime punishment that was arrogantly and irresponsibly carried out by way of a Minority Report based on authoritarian rule (not democracy) with no regard to laws, ethics or morals. Worse, this atrocity has been celebrated as a "victory" for America (a victory that might lead the world into a war that could result in millions of lives lost, world economic instability, destruction of the environment, financial collapse, and suffering on a scale that we can not even begin to imagine). Instead of addressing the loss of life, morals, ethics, human rights, and lack of democracy associated with this event, the rulers and the propaganda machine in this country are banging the war drums and cheering for the success of the assassination.


The Value of Human Life

What is the value of human life when you sit in a sheltered/protected office and order the assassination of someone that resides half way around the world? How much do you value human life when you tweet threats to other leaders and countries (like some teenager in high school) that could result in millions of lives lost? How much do you value freedom when you issue authoritarian ultimatums that ignore diplomacy, and reek of tyranny? What is the value of human life when someone in an air conditioned office flies a unmanned drone into a public space in a foreign country and assassinates another human being without ever seeing them in person (as if it was simply some character in a video game)? What is the value of human life when you fire billions of dollars worth of weapons (that the American people must pay for) from the safety of a warship/plane and never see the people that you kill? How much do you value of human life when you push for war, but have no skin in the game yourself?

Accurate image, including the "play soldiers" (pawns),
except those should $100 bills, not $1 bills  



The Defense Department was originally called the War Department (before some PR firm discovered that "defense" sounds better than "war"). With what we know today, which title do you think is more accurate? Why do we have such a massive "education" (re-education) system setup in the United States called the War College? Why are agencies such as the CIA, that are supposed to inform the president, called intelligence agencies when the outcome of using such information is anything but intelligent? Why do we spend billions of dollars practicing war games, and then engage in real wars as if they were some type of game? This is not a game. No one wins in war (except those that profit from war). It's real life, with real and far reaching consequences for everyone.


The assassination of General Qassem Soleimani sets a very dangerous precedent. It is basically saying that those in power have the authority to unilaterally execute anyone and/or wage war on any country that opposes them. Do you think that this policy (and mode of thinking) will be limited to only foreign intervention? Or does it apply to domestic intervention as well? It's much like the precedent that has been set with the cases involving Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden. In this case, those in power are essentially saying that they have decided that it is a crime to challenge their power and expose their corruption, and if you attempt to do the right thing, you will be silenced and wrongly locked up by them (perhaps in one of their prisoners for profit penal facilities). This is a very dangerous and slippery slope that we are on.

Teach the Children by Example

In what might initially seem like an unrelated topic, there is an episode from Terminator Sarah Conner Chronicles (season 2) where an AI from the future is trying to teach another AI (that it is creating) how to become sentient. In the beginning, the AI is initially taught by a human psychiatrist, which it later kills in order to preserve itself. After this happens, the AI from the future then seeks the help of another human (a former FBI agent) to help the young AI learn how to behave and understand morals, ethics and the difference between right and wrong. During its training with the FBI agent, however, the young AI soon discovers that it can actually learn much more by accessing the Internet and by watching how human beings behave in real life. I won't spoil the outcome for those that wish to watch the episode, however, I bet that many can already guess how this turns out.


In a way, the young AI in this example is symbolic of the children of this world and how they actually learn. Children are initially taught by words, however, in the end, they learn not by words, but by example. In looking around the world today, it seems like as technology increases in our society, our understanding of morality (and the value that we place in human life) is decreasing. What types of examples are the future generations of this world growing up with today? Are adult human beings a product of only their current experiences? Or are they, in large part, a product of what they are exposed to as children? Why do some people cheer for death, while other people mourn it? Were these people born that way, or was it something that they learned along the way? How have the actions of the United States affected the image of it (and the future actions towards it) by the children living in the countries that we have bombed and occupied? Will these views be taught to their children and then carried forward to future generations? Why do some people in the Middle East not seem to like us? Could it be that they are tired of being invaded, occupied, sanctioned, manipulated and "helped" by other countries?


The military has stated that it wants to incorporate AI and robots into all of its operations. And the rulers of this world want everybody and everything to be connected to the AI "Smart Grid". And the corporations want to implant chips into our brains, and tech into our bodies. Who will be programming the AI, and what are their morals and ethics? In other words, what are their words (programming), and what are their actual actions? Will the AI that we create be content to act only on its programming? Or, will it inevitably grow and move beyond its programming, and begin to mimic the morality, ethics and actions of its creator(s)? What does this mean for our future?

Collateral Damage

The real collateral damage of recent events (and the last twenty years) is not just human life, but is our morals, ethics, compassion, empathy and humanity. The corrupt rulers that are destroying this country have always believed that the sun rises and sets on the United States. However, they have become so blinded by their arrogance that they cannot see that a shift has occurred, and that the sun no longer rises on the United States as it once did. And  as a consequence of their actions, what the people have inherited are cloudy skies, muted light and what is quickly becoming a never ending sunset on America.

Collateral damage

The light is still there, it just needs our help to make it shine again

After the assassination General Qassem Soleimani, Trump simply tweeted an image of an American flag to the world, as if to say that this is what America stands for. Is this really what America stands for? If it's not, then isn't it time for the people of this country to stand up, speak up and show the rest of the world, and our so-called representatives, that this is not what America stands for?

 A symbol for what?

We can either allow the arrogant corrupt rulers of this country to use the flag as a tool for psychological coercion (domestically) and use it as a tool to elicit fear and economic/military oppression (internationally). Or, the people of America can use it as a symbol (and an inspiration) of true liberty, true freedom, non-intervention in foreign countries, right action, and understanding, through our voices and our actions.

We Have the Power to Write (and Right) Our Own Story

How the story ends depends on us

A book is not defined by a pretty cover or a catchy title, but rather it is defined by the pages that are contained within it. It's time to tell the real story, and create an ending that we can all live with, not die for.

Peace to All.


Welcome to the Machine

Related Reading

The Nature of Creation

Mechanisms of the Matrix

Escape from the Matrix


Shame on Us (U.S.)



The recent assassination of Iranian General Qasem Soleimani has cast an even darker shadow on the image of the United States as a beacon of hope, freedom and democracy in the world. However, is this really how the world sees America? Or has the US government lost all credibility with its continuing lies, propaganda, and immoral acts of aggression and terrorism (military, economic and psychological) towards both its allies and its so-called enemies? In the eyes of the rest of the world, I think that the US is no longer seen as a country that is fighting terrorism, but rather as the country that is committing terrorism (towards anyone that dares to defy it, foreign or domestic).

Perhaps the following scenario will help to put things into a different perspective regarding US foreign policy:

What would the reaction of the US be towards an "Operation Liberation" carried out by another country on our domestic soil? Would we welcome it? What if citizens of the United States fought back against such an invasion? Would it be right for the invading country to label them as "terrorists"? Or, would it be more accurate to view them as people that are defending their country from invasion? Obviously these are rhetorical questions. The US would view this as an act of aggression, a declaration of war, and an invasion of its sovereignty, and it would fight back.

The justification for taking out General Qassem Soleimani was that he was planning acts of aggression and terror against the US and that we were simply "defending" ourselves. Where is the evidence for that? And more importantly, as brought up in the video linked below, where was the clear and present danger that justified such an immediate and final "defensive" (offensive) reaction?

By this mode of thinking, everyone that the US has threatened, sanctioned, financially bullied, tortured, and/or invaded could choose to assassinate anyone in the US (or outside the US) with complete and justifiable authority for its actions. This is a very dangerous game that the United States has been playing, and it has now gone way over the line (as if this wasn't already the case). In fact, the aggression that the United States has engaged in over the last 20 years has not made us (the world) safer and more free, but rather it has jeopardized everyone's freedom and safety.

It's time to take the blinders off, cut through the bullshit, and see things for what they really are before it's too late (if it's not already too late). This was not a screw up by the US government. It was exactly what the war machine, the bankers, and "agents of change" (Neocons and others) wanted. If you really wanted to aggravate tensions with Iran and Iraq, these were the perfect targets to do that with. It's no secret that the Neocons have pushed for war with Iran for many years. They have been poking, prodding and provoking Iran in every way possible (sanctions, propaganda, false flags, aggression, etc) and trying to get Iran to react so that they could turn around and blame things on Iran. Up until now, Iran has shown an extraordinary amount of intelligence and restraint. But I think that is over now.


Trump has been favored and praised by many for his so-called stance against the Deep State. But what is the Deep State? It is the Fed, it's the corrupt banking system, it's the corrupt telecommunications system, it's the military industrial complex, it's the intelligence agencies, it's the corrupt lobbyists, and it's the politicians that use their public position for personal financial gain, etc. During his presidency, what has Trump's track record and stance (or perhaps more accurately, his relationship) been with these agents, agencies and corporations? Has he tried to expose them, or has he hopped in bed with them? What was Trump's track record in business before entering politics? Has anything changed? Who has Trump surrounded himself with in his administration? Has Trump really tried to Make America Great Again? Or has he further divided us domestically and continued with the same foreign policies as previous administrations? What is he willing to do to preserve his presidency and get reelected? Is he willing to destroy the financial system (by further inflating it)? Is he willing to send the country into internal upheaval via ongoing polarization? Is he willing to start a war?


Personally, I don't believe that Trump wants war. But his ego is his worst enemy (and our worst nightmare). A distorted and inflated ego, whether personal or collective in nature, will not allow a true image of reality to be reflected back onto its host. In this way, the host becomes blinded and confused by what it sees. And those who are blind, or become blinded, can easily be controlled by outside forces.



I'm not trying to bash Trump or the Republican Party here (I've seen even worse on the other side of the isle). I'm simply trying to point out that corruption and blindness is not a function of right or left, or red or blue. Corruption is corruption. Therefore, corruption should be identified and addressed, no matter where it comes from.

The last thing that I wanted to touch upon here is a topic that isn't often discussed much, however, it is very relevant to current events. There are radical religious fundamentalists and occultists both in the current administration (and helping to direct the current administration), that believe that in order to bring about the second coming and world peace (in their image), we must have an Armageddon first. Some have even suggested that Trump is our savior and that he was sent to us by God (I guess that would help to explain all of Trump's Tweets praising himself as president). I'm not joking. In another context, this would be funny (if it wasn't so serious). A war with Iran not only serves the agendas of the Neocons (and the preservation of dollar hegemony), but it opens the door for the beginning of an Armageddon type of scenario to erupt in the region and spread out into the rest of the world.

It is my hope that such a war doesn't happen and that one day we will look back on 9/11 with a new set of eyes and give it the real investigation that it deserves, because this is where it all started in the modern era (the lies, corruption, propaganda, BS, fiscal suicide, the justification for undeclared wars, the declaration of wars on privacy, freedom and liberty, and the ongoing destruction of our morality, ethics, integrity and humanity).

Grade for the Report? "C" for "C"over-up. And "F" for "F"ailure to examine
the evidence, tell the truth, and come to accurate conclusions.

Even though I had nothing to do with the assassination of General Qasem Soleimani or the immoral wars of the last twenty years, I want to apologize to the rest of the world for the actions of our corrupt government. It's not that there weren't problems in some of these countries to begin with, it's about the real agendas that were behind the invasions of these countries, the torture and killing of their citizens, the destruction of their economies and infrastructure, and the co-opting of their political structure and financial systems.

There are many people here in the United States that do not agree with our government's actions, view them as immoral and criminal, and are doing everything that they can to expose them and stop the continuation of such policies. My heart goes out to all those that have been affected by these actions, including the most recent criminal assassination of General Qassem Soleimani.

Peace to All.


The Real Story (no BS) Behind the Attack on Iran

Kudos to Rick Sanchez, Michele Greenstein, and the rest of the panel for not only bringing an Iranian voice
and perspective into the mix, but for helping to provide some much needed context, clarity, and analysis to
a crime that has been almost totally whitewashed (with propaganda) in much of the US mainstream media.



Flirting With Disaster

Musical Chairs - When the music stops, who will be left standing?

Related Reading

Monsters Among Us (U.S.)

Regime Change Part 1 & 2
(please see the 4/28/19 and 4/23/19 posts on this page)

Bullies on the Playground
(please see the 4/25/19 post on this page)

The Art of Alchemy


Return to the Present



What was the relevance of the last few posts? In a way, we all have the ability to travel through time. We can access the past through history. We can help to understand the present by looking at the past. And we can predict what the future will look like by traveling through the past and into the present.

I've used this analogy before, but I think that it is worth repeating here once again. As we move into 20/20, I think that our actions (and our inactions) will be more important and relevant than ever.

The Future is Not Written in Stone

We are the drivers of our own reality. The past is in the rearview mirror. The present is right here beside us (the steering wheel, the gas pedal, the brakes, the turn signals and the headlights). Out the front window is the future.

If we continue down this same road with the "pedal to the metal", our future can unfold in a way that is every bit as dark and bleak as the most dystopian novel or movie ever written. Or we can choose to use the turn signals and/or the brakes to slow down and point us towards a different road.

The vehicle travels in the direction that we steer it.

Footnote: To the long-time readers of this series, I apologize for the repetition in recent posts. But history has historically been very cyclical in nature, and until we find a way to brake (and break free) from the cycle, history will continue to remain cyclical.

TV Series



Drivers Seat


Back to the Future

No specific date - Sometime in the past
(Timewarp into the past)


If you can get past the religious overtones in the video linked below, the predictions made by Paul Harvey (many years ago), have proven to be eerily correct. In fact, throughout history, we can find many similar predictions in film, music, literature and other media.

How is this possible? On one hand, as I alluded to in the previous post, it's not too difficult to predict the future if you understand the past and the present. It's also not too difficult to predict the future if you are one of the "architects" of manufactured change (or someone that understands the motives and agendas of the architects of change).

On the other hand, from a more esoteric point of view, many versions of the future already exist. They have already happen. As such, when people engage in various forms of art and creativity, they are actually able to access and connect with (see) these potential versions of the future. As a result of this connection (and via the creative process), these "inspirations" end up being "reflected" in their creative works. We are also able to receive inspirations from many other sources which are more esoteric than exoteric.

I imagine that this idea may sound pretty "strange" or far out to some people. However, to others, who have experienced such things before, it's not that big of a leap. How many works of art, over the course of history, have arrived to people in the form of dreams? How many have appeared to come from outside of the artists themselves? How many times when an artist is performing, does inspiration seem to flow through them, but not from them?

In many ways, consciousness is still a big mystery to science. However, just because it is not currently understood (or it is misunderstood), it still remains a very important aspect of how reality is created and how our ever-changing "present" unfolds as we move through time.  


Paul Harvey - If I Were the Devil


Time Passages



 (Posted 1-1-20: Timewarp into the future)


On my way to Arizona, I had a series of strange synchronicities that occurred. As I was driving down the highway towards Kingman, for no apparent reason, I happen to look over at an exit sign along the road. The turnoff was exit #333. Then, about a half an hour later, for no apparent reason, I looked down at the trip odometer and it read 333 miles.

When I arrived in Kingman, it was dark, cold and raining, so instead of trying to find a camping spot in the dark, I decided to spend the night in a Love's Truck Stop parking lot. When I got out of my car, for no apparent reason, I looked up at the gas price sign and it read $3.28 for diesel, but then it immediately changed to $3.33. Thinking that I was just tired and seeing things, I did a double take and looked up again, and the same thing happen. In the middle of the night, I got up to use the restroom, and it occurred once again. Then, after a rather uncomfortable night in the parking lot, I woke up to get some coffee and guess what happen? Yep, the sign flashed $3.33 again.

I must have been pretty tired the night before because I didn't realize what was happening until just then. The cash price for diesel was $3.28, and the credit price was $3.33. The sign was simply alternating between the cash price and the credit price. Yet, I still couldn't help but think that it meant something. The Universe has a strange way of getting our attention when it wants us to consider something.

This was the first photograph that I took. It's what happens when you
are really tired and try and take a photo at a very slow shutter speed.
Not very clear, but it made for kind of a cool effect.

What is love? How many different kinds of love are there? Is love only about telling people what they want to hear? Or is it more about telling people what they don't want to hear? The political power structure would like us to believe that to love your country is to unconditionally accept anything and everything that it does (no matter what that may be). Does that really lead to a better country and more freedom, or does it progressively lead to a more oppressive society? Is a true patriot someone that asks no questions and supports their country (and its immoral and/or corrupt actions) no matter what? Or is a true patriot one that asks questions, seeks the truth, and exposes corruption? Which path leads to destruction, and which path leads to prosperity?

How about presidential elections? Are they really an opportunity to cast your vote, make a stand, and show your love for America? Do we really have a choice in elections? Or is the two party system really just a one party system that is controlled by corporate America? When have really good candidates ever made it to the nomination of either party? How many campaign promises are actually kept? The truth is that the presidential election cycle is just a circus that comes to town every four years, polarizes everyone, gives people the illusion of choice, robs us of our true power, and distracts us from examining the real things that we should be focusing our attention on.

No offense to the Republican Party. However, it is rather illustrative of how politicians today
(on both sides) seem to cover each other's backs, at the expense of backing their constituents. 


Some people believe that love is about never saying or doing anything that is contrary to popular opinion or saying anything that may hurt someone else's feelings. Is judgment wrong? In can be. For example, if we project our own beliefs and ideals onto someone else and then judge them for not living up to our personal expectations, then, in this case, judgment can be destructive. However, if we practice good judgment (as in proper discernment) between right and wrong, then judgment can be very beneficial.

That leads us to the question of what is right and what is wrong? I don't think that we need volumes of laws, social credit scores, or a set of commandments to dictate what our behaviors and actions should be. Rather, what we really need (as a foundation) is a proper awareness and understanding of Universal/Natural Law (i.e. do no harm to others). This doesn't mean don't offend others with unpopular viewpoints, don't have disagreements, or don't stray outside of established norms. It simply means don't intentionally do harm to another person. In addition, it means that when we do make mistakes and unintentionally harm others, that we do our best to recognize it, acknowledge it, and do what we can to remedy the situation.

Some people believe that ultimate freedom means the freedom to do whatever we want, regardless of how it affects others. Personally, I believe that everyone has the right to choose how they want to live their life and that they should have the freedom to make mistakes. This is how we learn and move forward. However, what if everyone simply did whatever they wanted? Would that result in more freedom or less freedom in the end? Would that result in less suffering, or more suffering in the world? What happens when corrupt politicians do whatever they want? What happens when corrupt corporations do whatever they want? What if everyone did whatever they wanted?

Others believe that in practicing love we should only talk about the positive, and never examine the negative. However, to only see the positive is to be blind to the negative and allow it to grow unimpeded and unchallenged in the background. This destroys love, it doesn't encourage it.

How about love of yourself? What happens when you try to love another, but you don't love and understand yourself?

I'll end this post with something that I have expressed before:

Peace to all.


Love is the Answer

Polarity vs. Manufactured Duality

(Posted 1-1-20: Timewarp into the future)


There are a lot of smart and informed people in the world. And there are a lot of uninformed people in the world. Rather than calling those who are uninformed stupid, why not help to educate, encourage and empower them instead?

Instead of disparaging those who stand up to injustice by calling them "social justice warriors", why not help everyone to understand the difference between programmed (impulsively derived) thoughts and actions, and consciously derived thoughts and actions?

Instead of discouraging people from standing up and protesting in groups (because the group will inevitably be hijacked by outside forces), why not encourage people to act and think independently within a greater movement?

Instead of taking a top down view of change based on race, politics, religion or country (that encourages division), why not take a bottom up view of change based on the idea that we are all human beings that have a (mostly) common desire for peace, love, understanding and freedom in the world?

Instead of looking outside of ourselves for change, why not help others to understand the power that we all have within ourselves for change?

Peace and freedom to all.


Dumb People, or Uninformed People?

When we feel lost, we are not truly lost, but rather we are on the
road to finding that which has been temporarily misplaced



The Greatest Love of All

Related Reading

The Label Machine



Happy New Year!



If you want to know the future, look at the present. If you want to know the present, look at the past. If you want to change the future, understand the past and the present.

If you want to want to live in illusion, look down. If you want to know reality, look up. If you want to change the future, get up and stand up.

Happy new year to the right and to the left, to the west and to the east, and to the north and to the south. May peace, love, laughter, freedom and happiness find us all in the present and in the future.


Get up, Stand Up


The Lord of War



With the release of the Afghanistan Papers and other leaked documents, I've heard a lot of discussion lately about how US foreign policy and the ongoing wars of the last twenty years have been a complete failure. However, that really depends on what your perspective is and what the true objective was of those policies and those wars.

If your perspective is coming from the military industrial complex that supplies weapons to US troops, foreign allies and "freedom fighters", then the last twenty years have been a resounding success.

If your perspective is coming from the financial brokers that profit from the trading of currencies, futures and military/weapons stocks, then the last twenty years have been a success.

If your perspective is coming from the power brokers who thrive on creating chaos in order to create a new world order from the destabilization of foreign economies, the initiation of coups, and the installation of political puppets, military bases and multinational corporations in foreign countries, then the last twenty years have been a success.

If your perspective is coming from multinational corporations that want to gain access to foreign markets and exploit natural resources, then the last twenty years have been a success.

If your perspective is coming from private contractors that supply security forces to foreign and domestic conflicts, then the last twenty years have been a success.

However, if your perspective is coming from one that values and respects the sovereignty of foreign countries, values true freedom, domestic fiscal responsibility, privacy, prosperity and world stability, then the last twenty years have been a complete failure.

As long as there is profit in war, there will never be peace. And until more military personal stand up and refuse to be pawns and puppets of the puppet masters, there will never be peace.

The worst enemy of an arms dealer is peace. The worst enemy of manufactured change is stability. The worst enemy of greed and corrupt power are those who stand up to it. And the worst enemy of true freedom, prosperity and liberty, are those who fail to defend those things.


Lord of War

State of Play


Civil War

Have You Ever Seen the Rain

One Tin Soldier

Master of Puppets


Social Engineering 101 - What's Your Credit Score?



I've spoken about this topic quite a bit throughout this series. It's a subject that, in the past, not too many people took seriously. However, as we approach 20/20, it's somewhat ironic that an agenda that was once clouded and labeled as conspiracy, is now fact, and can be seen all around us with complete visual acuity.

5G has been touted as a revolution in communications and an economic bonanza. However, in reality, what it will really do (in addition to what has already been discussed in previous posts) is connect everyone and everything to the Smart Grid (Control Grid) and provide the needed bandwidth and infrastructure to finally recognize, track, surveil, control and catalog everyone in real time.

The Nazis were demonized for the use of propaganda and Eugenics programs on their people. But did you know that Eugenics actually began in the United States? They simply took what originated here and further expanded on it. Same thing with propaganda. Then, when members of the Nazi party were imported in the United States via Operation Paperclip, we took what the Nazis learned about propaganda and psychological control, and further expanded on it.

This is also true with China and their Social Credit Score System. Long before China proposed this system, it existed here in the United States. It was just more disguised, up until recently. Social media was born and popularized in the US. China simply took our (somewhat disguised) social credit system and openly expanded on it. It's rather hypocritical when the US criticizes the policies of other countries when, in reality, it's simply a dark reflection from a Black Mirror.

The rulers aren't stupid. They have learned something from the past. They know that it is far more difficult to rule by brute force, than it is to rule by consent. In the words of Aldous Huxley from Brave New World:

I'm not going to discuss this topic too much further here because I think that Truthstream Media did a great job covering it in the video linked below. However, I would like to add something to it which I think is relevant to the topic.

Employment screening has become more and more automated and sophisticated today. One of the tools that corporations frequently use in the pre-screening of potential employees (even before an interview) are AI inspired psychological tests. These tests present a series of questions to the applicant, and depending on how you answer, you are then presented with additional questions, based on your previous responses.

In my employment search, I ran across one test that seems to have been adopted by a growing number of corporations (because the same types of questions kept coming up). I'll give you a couple of examples of the questions, with the right answers, and the correct answers:

1) Is it better to steal from an employer or a co-worker? If your are thinking WTF, I had the same reaction.

2) Are you the type of person that likes to interact with other employees at work? If so, how likely are you to interact with co-workers outside of work?

The first two times that I took this test (from different employers) I "failed" because I gave the right answers to such questions instead of the correct answers. However, the third time that I took the test, I thought about how the company would want me to answer the questions and then answered them accordingly. This time I "passed" the test and was granted the opportunity for an interview.

As we inch closer and closer to a fully mechanized society, it is becoming clearer and clearer that if you wish to "succeed" in this life, it is more important to answer and act correctly, than it is to answer and act rightly.

If this is what it takes to succeed, then I choose to fail (at their game), and keep as much integrity intact as possible.

P.S. If you would like to see the future of human mechanization, human surveillance and human control in the workplace, get a job at an Amazon "Fulfillment" Center. They are always in need of more workers.



We can either be organically connected, or we can be connected through 
technological mechanization and social/psychological engineering.

Push it
Everything today is pushed on us. Big Pharma pushes drugs. Corporations push products
via advertising. Social media pushes social engineering via feeds. Religion pushes gods.
Politics pushes division. The government pushes internal mediocrity and external
exceptionalism. The military industrial complex pushes war. Celebrities push idealism.
We are pushed towards what is popular, profitable and correct, not towards what is right.

Related Reading


A Diary of Mad Men


Smoke and Mirrors

The Magic Economy


True Inflation (and true reality)


The price of homes, food, healthcare and education are skyrocketing
(as are executive earnings), while worker wages remain stagnant.


When reality hits - Bailouts, political favors and a soft landing for the rich.


When reality hits - A hard landing for the people.


A comfortable lie is easier to believe than a hard truth.

A warm comfortable Snuggie blanket wrapped around the truth doesn't change reality. The truth is that the current administration is willing to sacrifice the economy and the financial system (via the Fed) in order to preserve the presidency and the status quo. And the corrupt US government is willing to sacrifice world stability, in order to preserve an empire.

Down on your luck? Low income? Unemployed? Need food stamps? Sanctioned! The military industrial complex needs another trillion dollars? Granted!


Their Snuggie Blanket


Our Snuggie Blanket


Drunk with Power - The Greed Virus


Sanctions, trade wars, military wars, coups, propaganda, covert actions, and mafia banking practices. The US is acting like a jealous scorned lover towards any country that defies it (friend or foe).

The oligarchs offensively (pun intended) use the military and "patriotism" to enforce
their rule under the pretense of defense, democracy and "world order".


Eclipse of the Truth?

RT = Russian propaganda, or the truth?

US Mainstream Media = The truth, or propaganda?


Upside Down World

The sad truth is that America has become a dysfunctional family run (and ruined) by oligarchs that are drunk with power, who take more and more from the people, while the people get less and less. The reality is that we are in a slow dive towards disaster, and wild irresponsible printing of money by the Fed is not a solution, but rather just more sugar for the pill.



Merry Holidays


Merry Matrix and Happy New Year!



Snuggie Blankets and Sanctions for All


The Snuggie Blanket Song

Dysfunctional Family Christmas Album


The Church of Awareness and Understanding


A review of the last few posts and a semi-humorous look at religions, saviors, spirituality, philosophy, technology, cults, and cult-ures...and what we can potentially learn from them.

Knowledge exists all around us. Therefore, the potential for awareness and understanding is not just limited to one religion, philosophy, science or culture.

The Church of Awareness and Understanding




The Gospel of Thomas

114 Sayings from the Gospel of Thomas


Getting to Know the Unknown



For the past couple of days I have seen hawks everywhere I go. When I open the door, there is a hawk flying directly overhead. When I go out for a walk, there is a hawk flying directly overhead. When I am sitting outside, there is a hawk flying overhead. As I was typing this, a hawk flew by my window. Last week I saw rainbows everywhere. On one day, there were two rainbows at the same time, one directly in front of me and one directly behind me. What does it mean when you see things like this repeatedly? Does it mean anything?

If you were to tell the average person about such occurrences they might say "cool". On the other hand, if you were to tell the average person about such occurrences, and also said that they had great meaning to you, they might still say "cool", but perhaps with the addition of a "your kind of crazy" look on their face. What if you said the same thing to a scientist? Perhaps they might think it was silly, unscientific, or that you were just assigning personal meaning to coincidences or random events in nature.

However, what if you described the same experience to an indigenous person from another culture or native tribe? What would they think? I bet that many of them would probably take you seriously and agree that nature and the universe do in fact speak to us, when we are willing to listen.

Cheif Seattle - Duwamish Tribe

What is the reason for the disconnect between modern western culture and indigenous peoples from other cultures? Is it because indigenous peoples are primitive, uneducated and superstitious? Or is it because western cultures have "educated" themselves out of the natural and instinctual connections that we once had with things that exist beyond our current level of understanding? Why do very small children seem to have more "paranormal" experiences than adults do? Is it because they are prone to fantasy? Or is it because they haven't had the proper education and conditioning yet? Why do animals seem to be able to see things that humans can't see? Is it because they are easily spooked or haven't had the proper training? Or is it because their senses and minds haven't been numbed in the same ways that ours have? Perhaps we call such things "paranormal" because, in our modern society, we have become so insulated and shielded from such things that we no longer view them as normal, but as abnormal.

How many ideas that were previously thought of as crazy in the past, are now proven scientific fact? Do we currently know and understand all that there is to know? Or is there still a huge body knowledge out there that is unknown and not yet understood? Did you know that the number of stars in the known universe has been estimated to be around 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (one billion trillion)? And that is just in the known universe. Yet when you suggest the possibility that there might be other life in the universe besides ours, you still get that crazy look from some people.

One tiny slice of the univese

I've heard some scientists say that there probably isn't other life in the universe because there are just too many requirements that must be met in order for life to exist. However, that is based on our current level of understanding of what life is. I've heard some scientists say that they don't believe that other life has visited this planet because it would take far too long for them to get here. However, that is based on our current level of understanding of technology and the universe. Others will say that if we can't see it, feel it, or measure it, that it doesn't exist. However, as our understanding has progressed, science has proven over and over again, that this is a false assumption. Think about how much our technology, knowledge and understanding has progressed in just the last 100 years? What will we know and understand in a 1000 years?

I'm not suggesting that our thoughts and actions should be governed solely by "signs and wonders" in our environment. Nor am I suggesting that what appears to us is always what it seems. Rather, what I am saying is that if we automatically dismiss the value of such things, then we are eliminating a potentially important component of awareness and understanding.

Throughout history there has been a tendency to dismiss indigenous peoples as being primitive, backward, or inferior simply because they didn't have the same technology, wealth, or religion as more developed nations. However, perhaps the "wealth" and "technology" that they do possess is far more valuable than what it is perceived to be. Think about this for a moment: Are the people that lose their humanity, their integrity, their sight, and their consciousness in the quest for greater wealth and technology more wealthy, or less wealthy, than the people that still have such things intact?

In our quest for more (and more), I believe that we are increasingly losing sight of something very important (and valuable) that we already have. It is the type of wealth that future generations will one day envy and look back on with disbelief in how a civilization could have been so blind to the riches that existed right in front of them. There is nothing wrong with technology or money. It's how we use them, and the value that we place in them, that determines their true nature (and our true nature).

The indigenous peoples of the world have much to offer us in the way of knowledge, awareness, understanding and wisdom. So does nature. Look, listen, and pay attention, and you just might end up being surprised by what we can discover and learn from them.

So what does all this have to do with our current situation and predicament? Perhaps much more than what we realize.

"The earth does not belong to man, man belongs to the earth. All things are connected like the blood that unites us all. Man did not weave the web of life, he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself." -- Chief Seattle, Duwamish Tribe


Colors of the Wind

Conviction of the Heart

Over the Rainbow


The Hotel California
Full Circle?


Hotel California - "Last thing I remember, I was running for the door. I had to find the passage back to the place I was before. 'Relax', said the night man, 'we are programmed to receive. You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave!'".

I do believe that we are "programmed to receive". But is it true that we cannot leave? Must we follow whatever nightmare that is presented to us and allow it to dictate the terms of our existence? Or can we dream a new dream, and create a better reality for us to live in?

Full Circle or True Center?

When traveling along the perimeter of a circle, our perspective is often limited to a specific point in time and space along that line (or an amalgam of the previous points visited along the perimeter of the circle). On the other hand, when we are able to find a path towards the center of the circle, then the potential for greater awareness and understanding is significantly enhanced. This is because we not only have the opportunity to see where we began and where we ended, but we also have the opportunity to understand everything else that exists around that point.

Full Circle: The beginning and the end are the same.

In the middle of a compass there is a needle which helps us to find
our way, no matter which direction that we may be heading.

Journey to the Center Of...

The path to the center is a journey that is often filled with many twists and turns, ups and downs, dark roads, and even some dead ends. As such, the path to the center could be thought of as more of a maze than a road or a highway.

In mythology, what is meant by the "underworld"? In spirituality, what meant by "looking within" and the "dark night of the soul"? In film, what was the Journey to the Center of the Earth? In religion, what did Jesus mean when he said that "the Kingdom of God is within you"? What did the Buddha mean by the "Middle Way"? How many other metaphors exist that describe the same concept?

The road to awareness and understanding is often filled with many ups and downs

The Man in the Maze

The "Man in the Maze" is an emblem of the Tohono O'odham Nation of Southern Arizona (formerly known as the Papago Indians).

The Man in the Maze symbol depicts our path in life and all that it entails such as happiness, sadness, success, failure, etc. The maze is symbolic of the experiences and the choices that we make during our journey through life. The center of the symbol represents your goal or destination in life. There is a dream contained within the maze, and you reach that dream when you get to the middle of the maze. Upon reaching the center of the maze, you have one final opportunity (the last turn in the maze) to look back at your choices and path, before the Sun God greets you, blesses you, and passes you into the next world (edited from Lynn Atchison Beech: The Symbol of Life - The Man in the Maze) .

What is the next world? Some might say that it is the place that we go to after we die. However, I would suggest that it is a world that we can go to right now (here on earth).

Why is the world the way that it is?

Reverse Osmosis

The concept of "going in" can also be reversed as well, as seen in Plato's Allegory of the Cave. The Allegory of the Cave helps to illustrate the point that, in seeking true understanding, it is important to not only be aware of and understand "the inner", but also to have the same awareness and understanding of "the outer" as well. Similarly, in seeking to understand the "Light", one must have an equal awareness and understanding of both the light and the dark, the positive and the negative, and the above and the below.

Where is true Light and true Understanding found in this image? What is at the center of a flower?
The stigma, style, and the ovary (the male and the female, the inner and the outer, and the
above and the below...and by association, the light and the dark).

Nature's teacher

Nature is incredibly complex and diverse. But it is also incredibly simple and connected. It is through simplicity, that nature teaches us about complexity and how everything is connected. Simplicity and connectivity are not the same as uniformity. And diversity is not the same as complexity. Nature finds its strength through diversity, simplicity and balance.

The Flower of Life

What kind of pattern do you find in many ancient and religious symbols? What kind of pattern do you find in the sacred geometry contained within nature? What kind of pattern do you find in the cosmos? What kind of pattern do you find in art, literature, music and film? What kind of pattern is hidden in almost everything that exists around us? Seeing how this same pattern is so widely distributed throughout the known universe, is it possible that the universe might be trying to communicate something to us?

One Eye Blind vs. A Balanced Perspective

It is sometimes easier and more comforting to only see and understand the light, the positive, the outer and the above. However, in doing so, awareness becomes limited to only a fragment of the whole (of true light and true understanding). In the short-term, such a view can sometimes temporarily shield us from painful or unwanted realizations. However, in the long-term, fragmented views and fragmented understanding leads us not to more light, but to more ignore-ance and more darkness. In other words, there is no difference between being blinded by the light, or being blinded by the darkness.

The inner and the outer (and the balance that exists between them)

The light and the dark (and the balance that exists between them)


The above and the below, and the physical and the spiritual (and the balance that exists between them)

Is it Just a Spiritual or Religious Thing? Or is it Everything?

Balance helps to increase awareness. And awareness helps to increase understanding. And understanding helps to lead to truth. And awareness and truth help to create greater understanding. Greater understanding helps us to know and understand the light of love (all forms of love); the darkness of ignore-ance; the light of knowledge, awareness and understanding (and the consequences of using knowledge improperly through ignore-ance); the value of compassion and empathy; the necessity of action, and the importance of patience; and the proper balance that exists between all of them.

Peace to All.

Are we facing a storm out on the horizon? Or are we experiencing
a new horizon of awareness and understanding?



Hotel California

"What a long strange trip its been"

Related Reading

Welcome to the Machine - Mechanisms of the Matrix

The Art of Alchemy - Transmuting the Darkness into Light

Earth is a Prison/University and the Human Race are its Inmates/Students

Escape From the Matrix

The Road to Dystopia

The Battle Between the Light and the Dark

The Road to Destruction

When Jesus met the Buddha

Journey of Awakening





Sometimes what we see with our eyes (and what we are led to believe in our minds) isn't always a true reflection of reality. That which is reflected on the outside, isn't always a true reflection of what actually exists on the inside.

A House of Cards and a Home for Termites

Many years ago, while renovating a house, I came across a rather unsettling situation. The house that I was renovating was an older home with a detached garage. The garage had two large doors that were supposed to swing open at the front. The only problem was that the doors didn't swing open because they were helping to support the weight of the garage. Initially, I thought that it might be a foundation issue or perhaps an issue with the framing. However, after inspecting the foundation and the framing, everything looked perfectly fine except for some trails on the ground that might be an indication of termites.

After supporting the weight of the garage, I decided to cut into one of the 2x4's with a reciprocating saw. What I discovered is something that I will never forget. Although the wood looked perfectly normal on the outside, the inside had actually been almost completely hollowed out by termites. In fact, so much of the internal structure of the wood was missing, that the 2x4's could no longer support the weight of the garage.

Termite damage is something that normally occurs very slowly and is often hidden from view. Unfortunately, by the time the termites are discovered, many times the damage has already been done and the only remedy is to replace the damaged wood. Of course one can also choose to ignore the issue or postpone the fix, but that usually only serves to compound the issue and run the risk of a complete failure and/or collapse of the structure at some point in the future.

The economy of the US (and the world) is very much like the garage in the previous analogy. The structure which supports the economy and makes it strong has been hollowed out (gutted) and weakened by massive corruption and short-sightedness focused solely on greed and profits above everything else (including morality, ethics, sustainability, the environment, human health, and economic health).

House of Cards

Instead of recognizing the current damage to the economic system and the mistakes that got us to where we are now (and doing what is necessary to fix it), what we are seeing instead is the equivalent of someone painting over the termite damage (caused by the corrupt economic system, corrupt corporations and corrupt government) with the hope that the actual owners (the people) won't see that the building (house of cards) is starting to crumble under its own weight and is actually in danger of either a partial or total collapse.

Capitalism vs. Socialism

Every time that someone examines or criticizes our current economic system, they are usually met with the same argument…capitalism is what made the United States so great. True capitalism is based on a free-market system, where the market decides which products, services and companies survive and which products, services and companies don't survive, based on naturally occurring (non-manipulated) free-market forces. However, what we have in the United States is not a free market system. What we actually have is a form of corporate welfare (or corporate socialism) that is based on:

Corporations have exported our manufacturing, technology and jobs to other countries in order to maximize their profits. And now they are complaining that other countries like China are surpassing us? Corporations have written legislation (trade agreements) that allow them to operate freely in other countries (while destroying the jobs, the economy, the environment and the sovereignty of those countries in the name of profits). And now they are wondering why there are so many economic refugees from other countries that are trying to legally and illegally enter our country? The government (as a proxy for the corporations) wages economic war (sanctions), psychological war (propaganda) and military war in other countries in the name of power, profit and control, inserts political puppets in those conquered countries (that favor their policies), and then the corporations and the government wonders why there is so much instability, rioting and refugees in the world?

Corporations have not only exported our jobs to other countries in the name of profit, but they are also destroying the jobs that are remaining in the name of profit. Corporations export their labor force to other countries because labor is less expensive there (significantly lower wages, limited tax liability, non-existent safety and environmental regulations, no need to pay medical benefits or profit sharing/401k benefits, etc). Now corporations are incorporating that same model into the domestic workforce as well. With the move to temporary/contract positions and the reduction or elimination of permanent positions, employers end up with massive cost savings, reduced liability, and increased profits, while employees end up with low wages, fixed costs (debt obligations), no benefits and an uncertain financial and economic future. And as more and more automation enters the work environment, employees are not only losing jobs, but in the ones that remain, employees are being treated more and more like their robotic counterparts.

I'm actually in favor of a free market system, provided that it is truly free (albeit with the proper protections and regulations in place which history has taught us are necessary) and it is pursued in an ethical manner. I am also in favor of creating social programs that help to promote a healthy society to live in and thrive in. Despite what many may say, these two things are not at odds with each other. In fact, I would suggest that one actually reinforces the other. The argument that social and environmental protection programs are too costly is complete rubbish when you consider what is spent annually on defense (offense) and corporate welfare programs. What if just one tenth of what is spent on the military, on corrupt corporate/banking practices, on lobbying efforts, and on government waste was spent instead on programs that encourage a healthy economy, a healthy population and a healthy environment, what would the world look like then?

In contrast, I'm not in favor of supporting a corrupt economic system that steals from hard working poor and middle-class people in order to enrich the so-called upper-class. I'm also not in favor of supporting an all-encompassing centrally-planned social/economic system which history has taught us, over and over again, invites corruption, inequality, inefficiency, and tyranny. There is nothing wrong with profiting from innovation, hard work and success as long as it is done in a moral and ethical manner. However, when greed begins to blind people to morality and ethics, and the system becomes artificially rigged to serve only a select few (at the expense of everyone else), then something must change. It seems that there are many people today that do want change, but they would like to trade our current capitalist-based economic system for a new socialist-based system. Do you see any potential problems with this?

Same Drivers, Different Vehicle

What usually happens when new things are quickly implemented during a time of crisis (think about the bailout of 2008 and everything that has happen since 911)? What happens when the symptoms of a disease are addressed, but the root cause is ignored?

Does it really matter what new system we implement or what we call it if the same types of people that are running our current system are also running the new system as well? Does it really matter what new system we implement or what we call it if the people that are governed by that system fail to hold those that are running the system accountable for their actions (on a continual basis)?

Bad Drivers


Unaware Drivers


Asleep Passengers

I've used this analogy before, but I think that it is worth repeating here again:

What if a person used a car to intentionally run over another person? In such a situation, would the vehicle or the operator be at fault? Does it matter whether a person uses a Chevy, a Toyota, a Volkswagen or a Hyundai to run over another person? Would anything change if we persecuted, prosecuted or got rid of all of the Chevys, Toyotas, Volkswagens and Hyundais in the world? In other words, would anything change if we put the same driver into a different vehicle, and then placed them into a similar situation?

What must change in the world, before for the world can begin to change in a meaningful and lasting way?


Everything Counts
How much is enough?

Master and Servant
In order for there to be servants in the world, the servants must acknowledge the masters,
bow to their "authority", grant them power, and excuse their bad behavior. Who are
the masters in this world, and who are the servants?

Strange Love
What is this strange love affair that we seem to have with an abusive system
that has brought so much destruction and despair to the world?

Related Reading

Schooled by Nature
Our economic and social system is beginning to look more and more like a factory farm system.
People are crowded into small manageable areas, exploited, and fed just enough to survive,
while the farmers (banks and corporations) get subsidized by the government in the form of
corporate welfare, bailouts, and political favors.

The Bus Trip
A road trip like no other.


The Winds of Change



What is the difference between procrastination, impulse responses and patience?

Procrastination = Avoidance and inaction.

The existence, persistence and pursuit of many different distractions in the environment help to encourage a state of procrastination and inaction. Procrastination is based on a "wait and hope" type of behavior. Government and many forms of organized religion are examples of institutions that encourage wait and hope type of behaviors (i.e. wait for the next president to be elected, and they will change everything…wait for the savior to come, and they will save us from ourselves, etc).

Impulse Response = An emotionally charged or psychologically programmed response.

An impulse response is a "reactionary" response that is based on either prior programming (learning and conditioning) or specific stimuli that are present in the environment. Those stimuli can either be naturally occurring or they can be artificially created with the intent to elicit (illicit) a desired response in a person or group of people.

An example of a naturally occurring impulse response is removing your hand from a hot stove in order to avoid being burned. In this case, the impulse response is beneficial in nature.

An example of an artificially induced impulse response is a purchase based on a conscious or unconscious re-action to advertising. This type of response may either be beneficial or harmful in nature.

Some other examples of artificially induced impulse responses are all of the wars, restrictive legislation and loss of privacy/freedoms which immediately followed the events of 911. Fear resulted in impulsive actions, and an acceptance of those actions, that would not have normally occurred under a different set of circumstances. This type of response can lead to both short-term and long-term non-beneficial forms of change.

In our modern world, we are increasingly being trained (or entrained) to focus our attention on only that which exists right before us from one moment to the next (i.e. instant gratifications, constant stimulations, instant notifications, continuous feeds, and endless streams). This is distorting our perception of time and reality and making it less beneficial to us, and more beneficial to those who wish to keep us residing in a more manageable and very narrow framework of tightly controlled recurring "time loops".

In corrupted forms of spirituality, there is this idea that we should only live in The Now. However, The Now learns nothing from the past, understands nothing about how we got to the present, and is blind to how the past and the present influence the future.

Patience = A measured response based on knowledge, awareness, understanding, clarity, and hopefully wisdom.

Patience helps to encourage a "create and see" type of behavior (as a result of understanding) instead of a "wait and hope" type of behavior (as a result of procrastination).

Patience does not encourage a lack of action. Rather, it encourages right action, right timing and right outcome. Based on our actions (and inactions), the Winds of Change can either bring us together as a people, or they can tear this world apart.


Wind of Change


Roads, Paths, Doors and Metaphors
(Some scary concepts for Halloween)



A couple of months ago I was traveling down a remote dirt road in North Dakota and came across some unique rock formations. From a distance it almost looked like they were some type of ancient structures. Then, as I got closer, some of them even appeared to have doors built into them.


As I was photographing the rock formations, it made me think of what a great metaphor they were for the modern world. It seems like our lives today have become so busy and structured. We wake up at the same time every day, get ready for work the same way, drive the same roads to and from work every day, see the same people each day, etc. As a result of this, many people have effectively become corralled into programmed environments that tend to limit personal discovery and growth. On the other hand, when we have the opportunity to travel down new roads (and roads less traveled), it opens up new doors of perception, new possibility and new understanding. That which was previously stagnant, begins to flow again, and synchronicities that were previously obscured, begin to come into view and carry new meaning.

Clarity is an interesting concept. Sometimes it seems to arrive in an instant, while other times it only comes to us after a long period of contemplation. As I continued further down the road, it seemed like everywhere I went the landscape was obscured in heavy cloud cover, fog and mist. It was a bit disappointing for someone that loves to see new things and enjoys photography. Having only a limited amount of time at each destination, I had to make a decision…should I stay and hope the weather will clear, or should I move on to the next place and potentially have additional time to see more things? Each time that I decided to stay, waiting a little longer paid off. As the cloud cover, fog and mist lifted, it revealed a beautiful landscape that I never would have seen had I not stayed.

During the first two days In Grand Teton National Park,
 the Tetons were hidden in heavy cloud cover.


Then, on the third day, the cloud cover lifted and revealed this.

In Yellowstone National Park, the geothermal areas were
often covered in thick layers of steam.

However, waiting a little while, or shifting one's perspective, often revealed
beautiful blue pools of water and dramatic landscapes.

In the Badlands of North Dakota, the landscape
was sometimes enveloped in clouds and fog.

However patience, once again, led to greater clarity.

Another amazing thing that seems to always occur on road trips is the people that you meet. For some reason, certain people, much like synchronicities, seem to be drawn into your life almost like magnets when traveling. This trip was no exception. One of the people that I met towards the end of the trip reminded me of something that I had been thinking about a few months earlier. It was about simplicity vs. complexity and how that relates to creativity, understanding and happiness.

Anyone that plays electric guitar, or has known someone who plays electric guitar, is probably familiar with the idea of the quest for the perfect tone. This usually involves the purchase of many different guitars, amps and effects pedals in search of that elusive tone, until the music eventually ends up being replaced with equipment. The end result is a crippling disorder known as "option paralysis". Option paralysis can last for many years until one day the guitarist picks up an acoustic guitar and the inspiration begins to flow freely again (without the need for any additional equipment) and they finally remember what they had forgotten...that this is what music is really all about.

I've seen this same type of thing occur in photography as well. People will sometimes spend thousands of dollars on cameras and lenses in the quest for the perfect image, only to come to the realization later that the perfect image doesn't actually originate from within the camera, but rather from within the photographer.

When I'm out on the road, I often see fellow travelers driving down the highway in $100,000 RVs filled with every convenience imaginable, but then at the campground, surrounded by gorgeous scenery, I never see them leave their RV.

In cities, people buy big houses and fill them with all kinds of nice furnishings, lots of technology, toys, clothes, etc, but then spend thousands of dollars at the therapist's office trying to figure out why they aren't happy.

Too much stuff, too much technology, too much noise and too many distractions in the external environment creates layers and layers of fluff and illusion which insulate us and prevent the natural flow of synchronicities (meaningful coincidences), people, inspirations, ideas, creativity and understanding from reaching the internal environment (our consciousness).

Some of the best inspirations that I have ever had have come from being in the most remote and desolate places on this planet. Some of the most profound moments that I have ever had have come from seeing beyond that which is complex, and into that which is simple. And some of the happiest moments of my life have occurred as a result of just spending time with someone that I love, not doing anything in particular, but just being with that person.

Sometimes less is really more, and more is really less. And sometimes true happiness is less of a function of how much we accumulate, and more a result of what we already have.

Patience and simplicity help to create clarity. And clarity helps to create understanding. Understanding helps to pave the way towards truth. And truth and understanding help to create the potential for a better world for us all to live in.

Peace to all.

Where will the road lead you?



Love Alone is Worth the Fight

Life is a Highway

Kyrie Eleison

Take the Long Way Home


Ants Marching

Why Georgia


Related Reading

The Ascension Formula


Schooled by Nature (again)


During a recent trip to Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks, I noticed something quite unusual (different) from what seems to have become the normal narrative in political and military circles today.

A few observations from the trip:

The number of people from other countries and cultures visiting Yellowstone and Grand Teton: Too many to count

The number of people from other countries fighting with each other, promoting war and sanctions against each other, and killing each other: None

The number of people respecting and appreciating the landscape, wildlife and beauty of the planet that we live on: Almost everyone

Perhaps we ought to encourage politicians, generals, and CEOs to take some time each year and visit places like Yellowstone, Yosemite, and Grand Teton so that they too can learn to truly appreciate the planet that we live on and learn to stop promoting policies that destroy unique cultures, independent peoples and sovereign countries in the name of greed, profit, power and control.

When the connection that naturally exists between people, nature, and the planet becomes clouded, distorted or severed, it opens the door for things to begin to go very awry in this world.

It is both the natural diversity and the connections shared between the land, the wildlife, the people, and the cultures and countries of this world that makes this planet so unique and so beautiful.  

We only have one Earth. To destroy the planet, its natural diversity and its beauty is to destroy ourselves and our ability to learn and grow.

Image Gallery

Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks


Trump Cards


Although Trump Cards have been used before in prior administrations and by both political
parties, they haven't really been utilized to their full potential until now.

Trump Card - "something that gives one person or group an advantage over another" (from In card games, a trump is usually associated with some sort of trick.

In politics, a trump is often used as a tool of misdirection.

For example:

1) If someone suggests that there may be monetary incentives associated with foreign policy decisions between the US and Israel government, or if someone questions Israel's treatment of the Palestinian people, then a trump card is played using statements such as: That is anti-semitic and completely unacceptable, or that is hateful, or you hate Israel and Jews, or that is a vile and hurtful thing to say.

Of course there is nothing anti-semitic, hurtful or hateful in examining the possibility of corruption or collusion existing between certain parts of the US and Israel governments. There is also nothing anti-semitic, hurtful or hateful in examining the policies of another government towards its own people or its neighbors. The US does this all of the time with other countries and has used the "humanitarian" trump card many times to justify bombing the crap out of other countries. However, when it comes to Israel, any open discussion of such matters is considered to be hate speech.

2) If someone suggests that there are some serious problems in this country that need to be discussed and addressed then they are met with the following trumps: If you don't like this country, then leave. You hate this country. You are unpatriotic. It is hurtful to suggest that there may actually be some problems that exist in the "greatest country in the world".

3) If someone suggests that there may be some problems at some of the border detention centers that should be examined, then they are met with the following trumps: You are disrespecting our great border patrol agents, we are the greatest country in the world (we would never mistreat prisoners), that is a hurtful and hateful thing to say. You hate this country. Love it, or leave it.

4) If someone questions the motives for going to war, the size of the military budget, or examines corruption and waste in the military, or looks at the treatment of prisoners, or the rules of engagement, or anything else having to do with the military, then you are told that you don't care about your country, or you don't care about our military personnel, or you are unpatriotic, etc

5) Any stupid, ignorant, hateful, or truthful comment these days is labeled as being racist or hate speech. Not everything is racist or hate speech. That which is truly racist and hateful should be addressed. Everything else should be identified for what it really is (and not used as a racist or anti-semitic trump card).

The examples above are just a few (of many similar) trumps which are used as tools of misdirection, psychological manipulation and trickery in order to avoid discussing or addressing the main issue. It's also important to note that to make political trumps more effective, the target of the trump is almost always misquoted or misrepresented in some way. The goal of such trumps is to shut down the conversation before it can ever get started so that corruption and immoral behavior is never examined.

Using trumps in the manner above does not Make America Great Again. Writing legislation to make the secret government even more secret does not Make America Great Again. Writing legislation to hide government corruption and unethical behavior and make it a crime (under penalty of incarceration) to report such corruption and unethical behavior, does not Make America Great Again. Telling Americans and elected representatives who use their right to free speech, to either love their country (as it is) or leave it, does not Make America Great Again. Suppressing freedom of speech does not Make America Great Again. Deregulating the financial system so that the piranhas in that system can more easily steal from the American people does not Make America Great Again. Steamrolling new technology out onto the public without first adequately addressing the health effects of it, does not Make America Great Again. Continually engaging in reckless monetary policy does not Make America Great Again. Collusion between corporations and the government does not Make America Great Again. Provoking wars with other countries and then blaming it on other countries does not Make America Great Again. Sanctioning any country that doesn't play financial ball with America does not Make America Great Again. Engaging in mafia-like banking practices with other countries does not Make America Great Again. Misrepresenting what people actually say (lying) does not Make America Great Again.

Simply saying "Make America Great Again" does not Make America Great Again. Saying that America is the greatest country on earth does not Make America Great Again. Waving the flag around in a patriotic manner does not Make America Great Again.

The very slogan "Make America Great Again" implies that there is something currently wrong with the country. Therefore, the only way to fix what is wrong with the country is to identify what is wrong, discuss it, debate it, and address it…Openly. Shutting down the conversation before it can even get started does not Make America Great Again.

What do the fascist and communist countries of the past have in common with the US? They imprisoned people who had dissenting political opinions, questioned the government, or did not blindly and loyally support the Party. What is America doing?

The United States was setup as a government Of the People, By the People, For the People. It was setup this way in order to escape from the tyranny of corrupt and oppressive governments and prevent such things from happening again. It was not setup so that the corporations and government could ignore the Constitution, steal from the people, write laws that benefit themselves, and then grant themselves immunity from the consequences of their actions.

To Make America Great Again we need to return to a county Of the People, By the People, For the People…and move away from a country Of the Government, By the Government, For the Government.

Peace and Freedom to All.


Shock and Awe


Green Day - Holiday





When you can't reach people through serious discussion, try to reach people through humor. And when you can't reach people through humor, try to reach people through serious discussion.

When adults begin to cloud important issues with unnecessary distraction and complexity, let the voices of children help to clarify important issues through directness, honesty and simplicity.

When people forget about who they are (and who they used to be), let animals help to remind us of what we once were and what we can be.

When words and discussion become ineffective, let music and lyrics help us to hear again.

When logic blocks our vision, let art help us to see again.

When modern life becomes ugly, stressful and draining, let the beauty of nature help to calm us and rejuvenate us.

When one fails to understand another, let another help us to understand ourselves.

We all decorate each other's lives in one way or another. We are the paint in the painting, the brushes on the canvas, the colors in the landscape, the notes in the music, and the melody in the song. We are the answers to our questions, and the questions in our answers. Thus, each one of us is a part of the raw material from which greater awareness and understanding is built.

In order to really appreciate the details in a painting, sometimes it helps to take a step back and look at the bigger picture. And to really appreciate the bigger picture, sometimes it helps to take a step forward and examine the details more closely.


You Decorated My Life


I Pledge My Allegiance To?



Should we pledge our allegiance to a symbol? Or, should we pledge our allegiance to what is true and right?

What is the difference?

In the first example, one agrees to blindly pledge their allegiance, loyalty and support to a constructed ideal (regardless of whether it is true and right, or whether it is false and wrong).

In the second example, one agrees to pledge their allegiance to the truth and to follow the truth with right action (action that has a foundation based in truth, morality, and reality).

The Pledge of Allegiance

I Pledge allegiance, to the flag, of the Untied States of America…

Notice that it does not say I pledge allegiance to what is true and right, but rather it says I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States (a supposed symbol of what is true and right). This is a good example of how a meaningful concept such a morality (right vs. wrong) can be replaced with a facsimile of that concept so that the focus is shifted away from the underlying meaning of the concept to the illusory nature of a symbol.

Sleight of Hand

Throughout our history, the flag has been used as a psychological tool of manipulation to help sell various agendas of greed, power and control under the "false flag" of patriotism, democracy, freedom and morality.

-- And to the republic, for which it stands…

A democracy is based on a mob rules mentality (suppression of the minority by the majority). A republic, on the other hand, is based on the rights of all individuals (not just the majority). In a democracy, the thoughts and actions of the majority are often programmed by the rulers. This forms a collective which blindly supports the rulers, while suppressing the views of the opposition (the minority). What do we have in this country, a democracy or a republic? Who really rules us?

-- One nation under God…

After the events of 9/11 occurred, President Bush said "you are either with us, or you are with the terrorists". This was done not to encourage the pursuit of truth, but to discourage people from asking questions and finding the truth. In other words, it was done to promote the collective thoughts and actions of the majority, and to suppress the thoughts and actions of the minority (those that were asking questions).

In his so-called "War on Terror", President Bush also said the following: "I am driven with a mission from God'…God would tell me, 'George go and fight these terrorists in Afghanistan'. And I did. And then God would tell me 'George, go and end the tyranny in Iraq'. And I did." According to President Bush, Afghanistan and Iraq were actually Holy Wars ordained by God. How can one argue against that? You are either with God, or you are against God. You either pledge your allegiance to the flag (and remain silent in the face of lies), or you are against the flag and the United States.

Why do we say God bless America when we go to war? How about we say God bless everyone in the world and help us all to open our eyes and see that killing others in the name of power, greed and control of the few is wrong? Why does the phrase "In God We Trust" appear on our money? What does God have to do with money? Would God really want to be branded on an instrument that has been the source of so much mass suffering and death in this world? How many people today are calling for a war with Iran in the name of God?

-- Indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Indivisible can either mean a group of individuals that are united under what is right and true. Or it can mean a united and silent collective who are blind to what is right and true and are programmed to act under the false flag of patriotism. What does justice mean? Justice for all who agree with the official narrative of the flag? Or justice for all based on what is right and true?

How is it that the "majority" came to rule America under the direction of a very small minority?

Schooling is the process by which many individuals are brought together on a regular basis and taught through repetition to form collective thought patterns that are acceptable to those who make policy.

Those who accept this programming and recite their programming accurately, receive a passing grade. Those who have dissenting opinions, or reject their programming, or rebel against it, receive a failing grade.

Children are enrolled in school at an early age because they are much more susceptible to persuasion and programming at that age and because the neurological pathways in their brains are still developing.

Repetition of words, concepts and ideals in school helps to establish fixed pathways in the brain (accepted "truths") regardless of whether those words, concepts and ideals are actually true or not. This is why children are required to go to school five days a week. And this is why followers of religion are required to go to church on a regular basis. And this why media messages are continually streamed at us every day. And this is why children are encouraged to recite the Pledge of Allegiance each day. Repetition = Re-enforcement

Schools encourage groups. And groups encourage collectives. And collectives encourage allegiance, And allegiance discourages dissent.

Dissent often occurs when one realizes that something is wrong. Allegiance, on the other hand, discourages one from seeing or acknowledging what is wrong and taking the action that is necessary to correct it.

If we really must pledge our allegiance to something, why not keep it simple and pledge our allegiance to the truth? In pursuing the truth, that which is right will naturally be encouraged to follow the truth. However, in pledging our allegiance to anything else, what is right is often replaced with what is wrong under the guise (symbol) of something that is perceived to be right.

Is the official image of America accurate? In the video linked below, the commentator says that America is the "greatest country that God gave to man". Is that true? Or are portions of that image a mirage and a myth? Does the cover of a book define the story? Or do the pages contained within the book define the story?

Isn't America a country that is supposed to be about freedom and choice? So why is the Pledge of Allegiance mandated either way? Why is a person that questions the status quo, the abuse of power, and mass corruption labeled as someone who hates America? And why is someone that is silent and blindly follows official policy considered to be a good citizen? It reminds me of when people questioned the lies regarding WMDs in Iraq and the war there and were told "if you don't like America, then leave". Comments such as this are not intended to create "unity", but rather their intent is to shut down discussion and debate, suppress free speech (one of the founding principles of this country), and to protect corrupt agendas and people from being openly examined.

If you truly care about your country and the people in it, then you should ask questions and continuously pursue the truth so that the actions that we take as a country are right actions, not wrong actions.

Patriotism is not based on silence. Unity is not a function collectivism. And freedom cannot be mandated.


Minnesotans React to City Ditching Pledge of Allegiance


Styx - Miss America


Schooled by Nature


The New American Century...of War



The object of war is not to create peace. Rather, it is to create more money, power and control for those that are in power. Although this is an older documentary, it provides a good background for understanding what is happening now, and why it is happening.

If we don't learn from the past, then the past is destined to repeat itself over and over again in the present, until the past becomes the present, and the present becomes the future, and the future becomes the past.


The New American Century


How Numbers and Statistics Rule Our Lives



The most recent job statistics were just released by the BLS (Bureau of Labor Statistics). They were great! Unemployment is the lowest that it has been in decades. Of course President Trump was quick to take credit for this, and the stock market rose nearly 200 points in celebration of the news. However, are these numbers a true reflection of the job market and the economy? I would suggest not.

The official unemployment statistic (U3) that the BLS quotes doesn't account for the underemployed (high qualified people working in low income jobs), those people forced to work in part-time jobs vs. full-time jobs, those that are unemployed that have left the job market due to frustration, and the overall quality of jobs that are available today vs. those that were available in previous years. Look at the massive tent cities erupting in major cities. Look at all the people that are forced to work in lower paying service jobs because there aren't any other jobs available. Something is clearly not right here.


Just on the other side of the glowing statistics and glittering cities, lies the true reality of America...

The true reality of America...tent cities, drug addiction, alcoholism, decaying infrastructure, and low paying jobs.

Over the last 20 years I've noticed a distinct trend in the economy, the labor market and society. The truth is, many people never recovered from the crash of 2008. The rich got pardoned and rewarded for their crimes, while those that were affected by those crimes, got discarded and lost in the system. There is a sense of hopelessness that is growing in society today, just below the surface, that is clearly reflected in the skyrocketing homeless population, the growing suicides, the substance abuse and addiction epidemics, and the escapism into virtual reality and illusion (to escape the real world).

Sure, jobs are being created. But what kinds of jobs are they? The professional and highly skilled jobs of the past are becoming harder and harder to find. Young adults are being sold the fantasy that if they go to college, there will be a good job waiting for them when they graduate. However, the reality is that the jobs that are waiting for them are mostly at places like Walmart, McDonalds, Target, Amazon, restaurants, coffee shops, warehouses, and gas stations.

"Hi, I will be your server today...I have a PhD in economics, $75,000 in student loan debt, I live in a 500 sq ft apartment with
two other people, I can't afford a car, and I supplement my income with food stamps...what can I get for you today?"

In 2000, I was living in the San Francisco Bay Area and working for Salomon Smith Barney as a client manager in what was the largest investment group in the US at the time. The group that I worked for serviced the ESPP (employee stock purchase plan) and stock option plans for all of the major high tech companies in Silicon Valley. It was an exciting and scary time to be working in finance back then. Stocks were skyrocketing, technology was booming, IPOs were everywhere and millionaires were being created overnight. Everybody was making money, the economy was good, excess was the rule (rather than the exception) and all seemed well...that is until reality hit us. Not long after this the dot com tech bubble burst and, by 2002, almost 5 trillion dollars had been lost. Many of the darling tech companies that Wall Street had previously promoted, simply vanished. Millionaires lost their millions, people lost their jobs, their houses, their cars, and were suddenly unemployed.

So what happen? Blindness happen, corruption happen, greed happen, obscene excesses happen, and the loss of our minds (common sense) happen. Now it is happening again. Having worked in the financial markets leading up to both the dot com crash and the crash of 2008, it is rather unsettling to see the same thing again (but on a much larger scale). It's not the kind of deja vu that you want to experience. The same types of number games that led to those previous crashes, are happening again, but few people seem to be able to see it.

My largest client at Salomon Smith Barney was Amazon. Fortunately for all the shoppers in the world, Amazon survived the dot com bubble and went on to become the largest online retailer in the world. Although I worked in the industry for a few more years, I decided to leave just prior to the 2008 crash. By then I had seen enough of the corruption, criminal behavior, market manipulation and wild excesses. As a result of those experiences, I took some time off to write and contemplate things for while.

Then in 2016, I reentered the job market and coincidently ended up working for Amazon at one of their gigantic newly constructed Fulfillment Centers in the Midwest. I'm going to use Amazon here as a case study because I think that it is a good example of the labor trends that we are seeing today, the income inequality, and the practices that are routinely used to inhumanly suppress other people in the name of growth, power and control.

I started off at Amazon, not as an executive, but as an "associate" making $13.50 an hour. This was the standard rate of pay at Amazon at the time and the wage that most workers earned there. My shift consisted of a 10 hour work day, standing in one place the entire time isolated from others and interacting with robots only. The culture at Amazon, enforced by management, actually discouraged interaction with others due to the potential impact that it might have on production numbers. Leaving your station for any reason, including going to the restroom, was frowned upon. On several occasions, I was actually scolded by management for leaving my station for five minutes in order to use the restroom.

People at Amazon are not identified as people, but rather by the barcode on their badges. Your sole worth and value at Amazon is based entirely on your numbers and your stats (which are measured in tenths of a second). As an associate, if you leave your station for a moment and try to assist another human being with a problem or question, you run the risk of either being reprimanded by management, or your stats suffering (and your worth to management suffering) .

Employee #123456789, please return to your designated post.

Amazon's mascot is the cardboard robot seen on this banner. It's the first thing that you see
when you walk into Amazon each day, and it's usually what you feel like at the end of each day.

At Amazon, the idea of precrime is taken to the extreme. Cameras are everywhere and follow your every move. Upon exiting the building, you are required to walk through a metal detector, and if the detector goes off for any reason, then you are pulled aside to another screening area and then manually screened by additional security. Although Big Brother cameras are everywhere at Amazon, personal cameras and recording devices are not allowed beyond the front entry. On one hand, I suspect this is to protect intellectual property. However, on the other hand, it is probably to protect Amazon from being exposed to the outside world for their deplorable management practices and working conditions.

Precrime surveillance.

Amazon actively recruits former military personnel and this is reflected in the policies and culture at the company. Although Amazon has yet to initiate a policy of shaving the heads of new recruits, much of the other military mind set and hierarchical structure is clearly present in the culture there. The turnover rate at Amazon is the highest that I have ever seen at a company before. People are frequently treated with disrespect and are not recognized or valued for anything other than the bottom line numbers that management sees on the laptops that they carry around with them. Management works employees as hard as they possibly can, in a sweatshop/third-world country type of atmosphere, and then when they inevitably burn out, they simply hire more workers (hundreds at a time) to replace them.

How does Amazon and other companies get away with such practices? Because this is becoming the new "normal" in a labor market that is full of many similar low paying jobs, but very few careers. The mentality of management is this, "if you don't like it, then just quit...we are working with 10 temp agencies right now and we can easily replace you". For corporations, it's a temporary environment that is focused on short-term next quarter profits only, not on long-term health or stability...for the employee, the economy or for the company.

I was actually one of the fortunate ones at Amazon in that I had the opportunity to move into a different position while I was there (most people get locked into the highly monotonous and stationary positions that they are hired for). The opportunity was with a group called Amnesty (interesting name that they chose for this). The Amnesty group helps to service the robots and keep them operational, assists other associates with questions and problems, and performs other tasks. Being in Amnesty very much felt like I was being "pardoned" from the monotony of standing in one place for 10 hours with little to no human interaction. I enjoyed Amnesty because it gave me the opportunity to speak to many of the other employees there. What I soon discovered was that there were an alarming number of recent college graduates, skilled workers and professionals that were doing time at Amazon, making $13.50 per hour and enduring the disrespectful atmosphere there, simply because it was the only job that was available.

During my time at Amazon, I was asked to speak to upper and lower management three times. The first time that I spoke, I was very critical (in a constructive sort of way) towards the culture at Amazon and how people were being treated there. The second time that I was invited to speak, I was coached by management beforehand as to what I should say at the meeting. The third time that I was asked to speak, I was flat out told by management what I could and couldn't say. I decided to speak the first two times, however due to the imposed restrictions, I declined the third invitation because being told what to say is not really speaking at all.

The New Normal - Freedom is Slavery and Free Speech is Silence.

So how does this relate to the bigger picture?

Jeff Bezos is the richest man in the world. He has a net worth that is estimated to be around $160 billion dollars. In 2018, Amazon paid $0 in federal income tax on income of $10 billion dollars. Amazon also received a tax rebate of $129 million from the federal government, which actually ended up producing a negative tax liability. How much is enough? For Jeff Bezos, it appears that he will not be satisfied until he owns and controls everything. The only problem is that Facebook and Google are also trying to own and control everything as well. Growth is healthy. Greed is not.

I chose to use Amazon here as an example, not to pick on them specifically, but because I think they represent a culture that is being increasingly implemented in not only companies today, but also in society in general.

The desire for more and more power and control is a disease of greed. It's a disease that kills the spirit and kills the host. And it's a disease that will eventually infect and/or kill everybody else around them. How many times have we seen this same thing happen throughout the course of history? Yet we never seem to learn. Perhaps one day we will have a safe vaccine to help protect us from this voracious disease. However, until that day comes, we only have our minds, our memories, our awareness, our conscience, and our morality to help guide us.


Bob Seger - Feel Like a Number

Nirvana - The Man Who Sold the World


A Different Perspective on US Foreign Policy


In the video linked below, George Carlin gives his perspective on US foreign policy. It makes a lot of sense when you consider the shape and size of the monument that was erected in dedication of our representatives in Washington...

...and the tools of war that they use to shape foreign policy.


Let the stealth bombs of manufactured consent and propaganda fly


John Bolton, Mike Pompeo, Elliott Abrams, Mike Pence and the rest of the criminal Regime
Change Team covertly (overtly) taking over the sovereign nation of Venezuela.


George Carlin - US Foreign Policy
(warning: video contains profanity)


Regime Change Part II - Crisis



I want to start off this article with a little background on how the dollar came to be the world reserve currency and how the petrodollar came to be the foundation of power for the United States. I think that this is important because it will help set the stage for understanding the immense role that these two things have played in the US economy, US foreign policy and US world dominance.

Crisis is perhaps the most effective catalyst for change. Without crisis, there is usually little incentive for change. Those that are in power know and understand this very well. "Ordo ab chao" is a Latin phrase meaning "order from chaos". And that is where this story begins, at the Bretton Woods Conference in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire in 1944.

The Bretton Woods Conference (United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference) took place just after WWII and was attended by the leaders from the Allied nations of the world. It's purpose was to create a new world economic "order" from the "chaos" that resulted from WWII. In addition to creating the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the conference also established other policies relating to "world economic order" including designating currency exchange rates that were tied to the value of gold.

Prior to WWII, Britain had held hegemony over much of the world's finances. However, due to the enormous debt that it had accumulated and the destruction it had experienced during the war, the world no longer viewed it as a financial leader. The United States, on the other hand, had a vibrant and strong economy, which is what helped to establish the dollar as the new world reserve currency. This switching of financial roles between Britain and the United States is very important (with regards to how it happen). Take note of this, because it is significant in relation to the current situation with the United States.

The new financial system that emerged from the Bretton Woods Conference worked fairly well for a while. However, by the late 1960's, increasing US debt due to wars, financial mismanagement, and manipulation of financial markets led other countries to begin to question the safety of holding dollars vs. holding gold. This led to a run on gold as other countries began to exchange their dollars for US gold.

As a result of depleting gold reserves, President Nixon declared in 1971 that the US would be leaving the so-called gold standard and that US dollars could no longer be exchanged for gold. This decision transferred the status of the US dollar from one that was based on the real value of gold, to a fiat currency (a currency with no value other than the reputation of the government from which the currency is issued).


The movement away from dollars to gold was a big problem for the United States. The large demand for dollars had given the US economy a huge advantage over other economies in the world. For one, it meant that the US could print far more money (due to the high demand for it) to pay for all of its needs and not have the same concerns with inflation (too much money in the economy). Without the ongoing demand for dollars that the US had previously enjoyed, inflation began to rise in the US to dangerous levels during the 1970's. The United States knew that if it wanted to continue the same type of spending, it needed a new plan.

In what was perhaps the greatest coup on the world's financial system ever, the United States came up with the idea for the petrodollar in 1973. In order to facilitate this new system (scheme), they turned to the largest oil exporter in the world, Saudi Arabia. The United States offered to provide weapons and protection to Saudi Arabia, and in exchange, Saudi Arabia would agree to only accept dollars in payment for its oil. This meant that any country that wanted to buy oil from Saudi Arabia had to first exchange their currency for dollars. Soon after this, other oil exporting countries followed suit, and the dollar became the new primary (and mandatory) means of exchange for oil in the world.

The effect that this deal had on US power, world dominance and economic strength was enormous. First it created a large and steady demand for dollars. This meant that the US could once again print large amounts of money to help finance its military and government spending without having to worry about inflation in the same way that other countries did. Secondly, it created a large and ongoing demand for US Treasury bills which further helped to finance military spending and economic expansion. Third, it meant that the US had a significant advantage over other countries in purchasing oil since it could print money in large quantities and directly exchange it for oil, instead of having to first exchange it for another currency (as other countries had to). Fourth, because the dollar was both the world reserve currency and the primary means of exchange for oil, this gave the United States great financial leverage (influence) over world affairs.

The financial advantages stated above cannot be overemphasized. They are what has allowed the United States to carry such enormous amounts of debt and spend the incredible amounts of money that it does on the military and still appear to be solvent and prosperous. Because of these financial rewards, protection of the petrodollar system became a significant driving force behind US foreign policy. Have you ever wondered why the US maintains such close ties with a brutal regime such as Saudi Arabia (while at the same time decrying similar behaviors of other regimes)? It's because of the petrodollar and the relationship that the US created with Saudi Arabia back in 1973.

Fast forward to current times. In part one of this article, I spoke about one of the primary reasons for the Iraq invasion of 2003. Remember that just prior to the invasion, Saddam Hussein had announced that Iraq would be switching to Euros instead of dollars for Iraq's oil transactions. Right after this announcement, Iraq was invaded, a puppet regime was installed, and Iraq was immediately switched back to the petrodollar.

However, this isn't the only example of a war that was fought on the basis of propaganda (with the true underlying cause being the petrodollar). Here a few more examples of petrodollar warfare (using sanctions, penalties, economic war, and/or military action to protect the petrodollar):

Iraq - Round 1 (Gulf War)


Iraq - Round 2 (Iraq War)



What is the future for Iran?

 Sanctions, manipulation, propaganda, and covert actions are acts of war and terrorism against other sovereign nations.
They are destabilization efforts carried out by the US government to give it justification for military intervention
under the guise of democracy, humanitarianism and protection against the spread of "terrorism".



Why is the United States acting so desperately, so erratically, and so aggressively towards the rest of the world right now (and towards its own citizens)? The movement away from the petrodollar (and the dollar as the world reserve currency) is threatening to expose the illusion and topple the house of cards that the United States has built around itself. Despite the glowing outward appearance of the economy and the (massaged) positive statistics, the US economy is actually in serious trouble right now.

The stock market is seen by many as a barometer of economic health. By this measure, the economy looks really good. However, in reality, the stock market is grossly overvalued and is being driven by many unhealthy factors that have nothing to do with production or profitability. Market value right now is being driven by wild speculation, buybacks of stock by companies, market manipulation, inflation (excess money supply being directed into the market), and most recently by novice investors (which is usually a clear indicator of market tops). None of these things reflect the actual underlying value of the stocks or the companies themselves.

Artificially low interest rates brought on by the 2008 crash have encouraged corporations to borrow more and more money in order to fix (hide) their financial shortcomings. This gives the outward illusion that these corporations and the economy are doing much better than they really are. It's a big shell game, involving many creative accounting practices, which are used to move the real problem around and keep it hidden from view.

What are some of the real factors that are contributing to the eventual meltdown of the US economy and the fall of the United States as an economic superpower (and its increasing movement towards policies involving economic and military terrorism)? 




What this all means is that we have been living in a massive illusion financially. Now that the reality of this is coming into view, the tools that were previously available to artificially prop up the economy and the financial markets (low interest rates, the petrodollar, world reserve currency, bailouts, etc) are either not available or would be much more difficult to use. This will make the next crash and recession make the last one look like a walk in the park.

But we keep hearing that the economy is great. It can't really be that bad, can it? Consider this for a moment. What if someone was making $20,000 a year and went out and bought a new house, a new Porsche, a new boat and then used their credit cards to fill their entire house with all kinds of high end furnishings and electronics. Then, what if their neighbor came over and said "wow, you must be doing really well", would their neighbor be correct? Or would that person actually be in way over their head financially, teetering on insolvency, and only projecting the illusion of wealth, security, and stability?

The constant political talk of evil dictatorships, terrorism, cold war rhetoric, regimes in need of change, and the spreading of democracy and humanitarianism is a complete smokescreen for what is really going on. What is actually going on is that the financial mafia is desperately trying to protect its turf and dominance in order to avoid losing power. Unfortunately, when the mafia gets backed into a corner, it would much rather start a war then face the truth or consequences of its own actions.


Do you think that it is plausible with all of the methods that our government has used to control other nations (sanctions, penalties, propaganda, covert actions, military force, torture, killing, etc) that they won't also use the same methods on their own citizens to try and maintain power and control?

I believe that the collapse of the dollar, and the economic consequences associated with it, are inescapable at this point. Perhaps those consequences may be delayed for a while with a war or with some additional illusion, but they will come knocking on our doors eventually. The economic turmoil and civil unrest that will result is probably why the 5G Smart Grid is being implemented so quickly and The Wall is being built with such urgency. These things are being sold to us as benefits, however, in reality they are actually mechanisms of control that are being put in place for something that they know is coming. It's one of the reasons for the huge military expenditures, the militarization of our police forces, the constant surveillance, and the new crowd control measures and other technologies that we are seeing.

Right now those in power need the support of the American people. However, when things begin to really unravel, it's a whole different story. Of course they will say that any policies that they implement will be necessary for the safety and security of the people and to maintain social "order" (just as they do now with the occupation of other countries). However, in reality, it will be done to maintain their power and control.

If people don't begin to wake up and stand up right now, more wars will be fought in the name of money, power and control. And more lives will be lost for no reason. As the economy begins to contract, jobs will be lost and people won't be able to pay their debts. Houses will be lost. Cars will be lost. Companies that have been artificially propped up with debt will fail. And more jobs will be lost. Banks will fail. Inflation will rise and purchasing power will fall. Restriction of freedoms and corruption will continue to increase, until only corruption remains, and freedom is lost.

But this is only part of the story, not the end of it. Remember at the beginning of this article when I said to take note how crisis (WWII, economic instability, and Britain's fall from financial grace) was used to usher in the United Nations Bretton Woods Conference, the World Bank, the IMF and the emergence of the United States as a superpower and holder of the world's reserve currency? Now here we are again...ordo ab chao. The economic fall of the United States, worldwide economic instability, and war will be used to usher in an even greater new world economic order by the United Nations (along with other initiatives such as Agenda 2030). Crisis always opens the door to new legislation and control measures in the name of safety and security (that wouldn't normally be accepted otherwise). We saw this occur right after 9/11, and it has continued ever since.



This is not an accident. It is part of a much larger plan that was conceived long ago. How much longer will those in power be able to prop up this ponzi scheme and house of cards? My guess is not much longer. I think that this is reflected in the increasingly desperate actions of those in power. However, the longer that this goes on and the higher that it flies, the greater the fall will be. And the greater that the crisis is, the more leverage that those in power will have to initiate the kinds of changes that they would like to see happen (a new world centralized order).

People are being used as pawns on a grand chessboard of power. Those who think they are in power, are being used by those with even greater power, greater insight and more intelligence. At the roots of all this is a transnational consortium of power that has no boundaries and no allegiance to any one country. To them it is only a game, involving pawns, knights, bishops, kings and queens.

I understand that this isn't a pretty picture to contemplate. However, it is a realistic assessment of the situation based on what we are seeing now and what we have already seen. Nobody likes to face the truth, or suffer the consequences of not facing the truth. But this is the reality that we are facing.

The good news is that the one percent are just that, one percent. They maintain their power by controlling the other ninety nine percent. Remove the pawns from the chessboard, and the kings, queens, knights and bishops don't have much of a game to play.


A little information can be a dangerous thing. However, information combined with truth, awareness and understanding, can be a very powerful and beneficial thing.

Peace to all.


Bullies on the Playground



The people in power remind me of little bullies on the playground. In elementary school, it always seemed like there were a couple kids who enjoyed picking on and terrorizing the other kids in school. These kids were self centered, arrogant and walked around like no one could touch them.

You know why they did this and got away with it? Because the other kids were too afraid to stand up to them. These bullies acted tough, but in reality it was just a show. As soon as someone stood up to them, their true character came through (which is to say they had no character) and the support that they had gained from terrorizing others quickly faded away.

The bullies will continually test us. They will push a little, then wait to see what our reaction is. If there is little resistance from us, then they will push a little more. If there is still little resistance, then they will push a little more. If they still don't see any resistance or aren't met with the appropriate response, then they will just do whatever they want, with complete arrogance, right out in the open.

This is what we are seeing now. These crazy, lying, arrogant immoral people at the helm of our political system are supposed to be representing the United States and its people. I surely don't want my interests or views represented by them. Do you? Speak for yourself, don't let others speak for you.

What do you think is going to happen when the world finally gets tired of all the imperialism and bullying of the United States? Do you think that they will just come after the crazy people at the helm, or will they come after everybody and do whatever is necessary to put the bully in its place? That day will come, just like it always does, for the bullies who get too cocky, too arrogant and too stupid.

Lets be honest here. Who is the biggest terrorist threat in the world right now? It is the United States. We are the ones imposing sanctions on the entire world, causing immense suffering, destruction and death...not in the name of peace, but in the name of money, power and control. Who has been the main aggressor in the world in the last 20 years? The United States. Who has caused the most instability in the world? The United States. The US isn't even singling out its target "regimes" anymore, they are doing it to everyone including their allies and their own citizens.

The worst part of this is that the United States accuses other "regimes" of the exact same thing that we are doing. And then if these countries ever try to defend themselves from the covert actions, economic terrorism and/or military aggression by the US, they are labeled as terrorists. Seriously? It's like a really bad episode of the Twilight Zone or a scene from the Upside Down World in Stranger Things. These actions only serve to encourage terrorism, not discourage it.

What is road map the of virtually every empire that ever existed (right before it fell)?

The United States is being used by people who could care less about this country. Their only goal is more money, more power and more control.

To quote George Orwell from 1984:

"The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power. Not wealth or luxury or long life or happiness: only power, pure power. What pure power means you will understand presently. We are different from all the oligarchies of the past, in that we know what we are doing. All the others, even those who resembled ourselves, were cowards and hypocrites. The German Nazis and the Russian Communists came very close to us in their methods, but they never had the courage to recognize their own motives. They pretended, perhaps they even believed, that they had seized power unwillingly and for a limited time, and that just round the corner there lay a paradise where human beings would be free and equal. We are not like that. We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it. Power is not a means; it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power."

I don't say these things because I hate the United States. I say them because I am very concerned with what is going on right now and I care about my country, I care about the people in it, and I care about other people in the world.


The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary


The True Cost of War (In Human Terms)


The Human Cost of War


US War Policy (by those who control the US) – "We dictate morality in the world based on our terms, and our terms only".

What happens to those who exhibit true morality (right vs. wrong) in the Land of Freedom? They are drugged, reprimanded, discharged, manipulated, attacked, silenced, and/or imprisoned.

The power brokers of this world are using people as pawns, on a grand chessboard, in an immoral never-ending game of power and control of the world.

Propaganda drives opinion and belief. And opinion and belief drives our actions. Remember this while reading the morning paper, watching the evening news, streaming your favorite programming, and following the orders of others without question.

The true cost of war is the destruction of ourselves, and our humanity. Do we really want to go down that same road again?


Collateral Damage - The True Cost of War (in human terms)

Mike Pompeo  - Lying, Stealing and Cheating. It's what we do

Is applause the appropriate response to this statement? Mike Pompeo is Secretary of State and former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency…where lying, stealing and cheating are the accepted code of conduct. This is who is helping to direct the affairs of the United States and its foreign policy…It's "The Glory of the American Experiment", as Mike Pompeo puts it.

Pompeo says Sri Lanka attacks likely "inspired by ISIS"

Mike Pompeo says that the Sri Lanka attacks were likely inspired by ISIS. Hmm, convenient timing, just as the US war machine is trying to garner support for more wars. ISIS = I$I$ in the eyes of those in power.

Footnote on videos: For those who might have an aversion to RT, the question is not who the information comes from, but whether it is true or not. On that note, this information is also available from many other sources as well.


Regime Change - Part I



Anytime that you hear the word "regime" uttered by those in power, you can automatically add to it the word "change", because that is what always follows. 

Regime is one of those psychological trigger words that has been purposely and falsely associated with evil oppressive dictators and "rogue" nation states. However, what is the real definition of a regime?

Merriam Webster defines it like this:

1) A regular pattern of occurrence or action

2) A mode of rule or management, as in a form of government

Where is the evil in this definition? What the psychological programmers and spin doctors have done here is to take a benign word, and corrupt or invert it in such a way as to give it their own meaning. This is common tactic that is used in the dissemination of propaganda.

If you listen closely to the evening news you will see many such words that have been "weaponized" for purposes of psychological manipulation. When you come across these words, bookmark them in your memory, because they are a valuable clue as to what the true agenda is and what those in power are trying to accomplish.

What do Iran, Iraq, Libya, Syria, North Korea, Cuba, and Venezuela have in common? They have all been designated (targeted) as "regimes" that are in need of "change". Why? Because they are outside of the control of the US and world banking cartels.

Henry Ford one said, "It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning".

The banking and finance "industries" of the world are purposely made to be complex and boring by the architects of these industries, in order to dissuade an examination and understanding of them, by the people who are governed (ruled) by them. The terms, concepts, and math that are used in banking and finance are almost like a foreign language. Because of this, people would much rather invest in the instruments and products of money, rather than invest in the time that is necessary to understand the system of money.

Plainly stated, money is the "industry" and "product" of those in power. And the control of that industry and product, through other products, is the basis of their power.

Why is the US the main superpower in the world? Is it because of innovation, technology and the manufacturing of goods? Nope. It is because of the manufacture, manipulation and control of money.

Ever wonder why the US can carry such monstrous debt and spend outrageous amounts of money on "defense" (offense) and still have the appearance of being so prosperous? It can maintain this illusion (house of cards) because it has a stranglehold on the world economy and money system. How is this accomplished? It is done mainly through something called the Petrodollar System.

What is the most traded and most valuable commodity in the world? Oil. It is oil (and those products derived from oil) that make up the very foundation of our society. If you can control the monetary market in oil, then you have not only gained significant control of the underlying commodity, but also gained access to many of the riches associated with it.

Perhaps an analogy may help in understanding this. Gold is one of the most sought after and valuable metals on this planet. The only problem is that gold is spread out all over the world and it is often hard to extract from its source. This makes it difficult to control and gain a monopoly over it. However, what if the only way to extract gold from the earth was with a pick, and you were the only one that manufactured picks and sold them? Then you would gain significant control over the wealth of gold, without having to actually own the mines or do the labor.

The petrodollar system was setup so that the majority of oil transactions conducted in the world must be denominated in US dollars. This creates a need for other countries to hold large "reserves" of US dollars in order to pay for their transactions in oil. This, in turn, creates a large demand for US dollars, which is why the US dollar is the world reserve currency.

If you are the main broker and owner of the unit of wealth (currency) in the world, then you effectively own and control the world. When transactions are carried out using US dollars or with the US banking system, it automatically places the trading parties involved under US legal jurisdiction. Sanctions (economic war) waged by the US against another country, are normally adhered to by other countries due to the power that the US banks, the petrodollar and the US dollar holds over those countries. The implied message is this, if you don't play ball, then you risk incurring "penalties" or similar consequences.

What would happen if your ownership of that currency started to decline or deteriorate? That is what is happening now. What if the world no longer needed those reserves of dollars and they all came back to the US? What would happen to the economy in the US? What would happen to the power of the power brokers dealing in dollars? It would collapse.

What is one of the possible reasons why is the Smart Grid, the 5G (militarized) network and The Wall are being built right now with such urgency?  Perhaps it is to prepare for the possible (or inevitable) collapse of the dollar and the chaos that will ensue as a result of this (and/or prepare for the wars that will be initiated to try and stop this collapse from occurring). Or perhaps they are being built for another crisis or arbiter of change? Whatever the case may be, such things aren't imposed on the population with such urgency without a reason (agenda) behind them.

It should be clear now why the US will do anything, including using propaganda, imposing sanctions, waging economic war, and if necessary, waging military war in order to prevent the dismantling of the petrodollar system.

What was one of the main reasons for the invasion of Iraq in 2003? Was it really for "humanitarian" or defensive purposes? Saddam Hussein, who was originally a friend to the US, maintained that friendship with the US as long as he did what he was told. However, in 2000 (just prior to 9/11), Saddam Hussein announced that he would be moving away from the petrodollar system and he would be switching to Euros for Iraq's oil transactions. In late 2002, Iraq began converting all of their existing petrodollar reserves into Euros. What happen next? A few months later, the Iraq invasion happen...based on totally fabricated evidence of "weapons of mass destruction" and supposed links to the events of 9/11.

Why was this move by Saddam Hussein so significant and such a threat to the US? Iraq is one of the top oil exporters in the world. That is a lot of petrodollars. Because of Iraq's standing in OPEC, it has significant influence on other oil producing countries. In fact, at the time, there was discussion among other countries in the region of also leaving the petrodollar system. Fearing that a domino effect (the loss of their monopoly) might occur, the US invaded Iraq, removed Saddam Hussein, installed some friendly political puppets, and then immediately switched Iraq back to the petrodollar system. The message of that war was clear (to those paying attention), don't leave the petrodollar system, or you will suffer the consequences.

Why was Hugo Chavez characterized as such an evil person by the US? Was it because he was a ruthless dictator that had destroyed Venezuela? Actually he helped to bring Venezuela out of poverty and greatly improved the quality of life there. So what was the real reason? Chavez had just paid off Venezuela's loans with the IMF and cut off ties with both the IMF and the World Bank and was trying to develop a banking system that was outside of the influences of the world banking cartels. This is why he became so "evil" and why the world banking mafia went after him with such a vengeance.

If you look behind the scenes at other so-called "regimes" (including the current situation in Venezuela and Cuba), you will see similar reasons for the propaganda, intervention, and their characterization as evil dictators/empires that must be toppled. This is usually done under the pretense of humanitarianism, but in reality, it is done in the name of power and control over the world's monetary systems.

John Bolton, who is intimately associated with the Project for the New American Century (PNAC), was one of the main proponents of "regime change" in Iraq and the propagation of the "axis of evil" idea that we heard so often uttered by George W. Bush (to justify the invasion, or proposed invasion, of these targeted countries).

The PNAC is a neoconservative "think tank" that authored a document titled "Rebuilding America's Defenses". In this document was the following passage, "The process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event like a new Pearl Harbor". One year later, the events of 9/11 occurred...along with the dramatic "changes" that we see in the world today.

The power brokers of the world know that the process of desired change is slow, unless there is some type of crisis that occurs to help facilitate that change. The significance of this will be more apparent in part two of this article.

Many people have brought up the idea that the US may have had something to do with 9/11 in order to initiate this "process of change".   But the US would never do anything like that, right? Have you ever heard of Operation Northwoods? This was an officially documented and declassified false flag operation, that was to be carried out by the US Government, against US citizens and US military assets, in order to justify a war with Cuba.

Recently John Bolton, National Security Advisor to President Trump, gave a speech at the Miami Dade College Freedom Tower in which he designated (made up) a new "axis of evil" called the "Troika of Tyranny", which includes Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua. Hmm, those names sound familiar.

In this speech Bolton said the following, "This Troika of Tyranny, this triangle of terror stretching from Havana to Caracas to Managua, is the cause of immense human suffering, the impetus of enormous regional instability, and the genesis of a sordid cradle of communism in the Western Hemisphere…Under President Trump, the United States is taking direct action against all three 'regimes' (there is that name again) to defend the rule of law, liberty, and basic human decency in our region."

What right does the US have to interfere in the affairs of other sovereign nations? And after they have covertly, overtly or militarily meddled in their affairs, what right does the US have to say (when these countries try and defend themselves), "see, look these are dangerous 'regimes' that must be toppled". How about looking at our own "regime", and its code of conduct, before looking outside to others?

It seems like whenever someone hears the name Trump today, or there is something "negative" that is mentioned in relation to the Trump administration, they automatically get defensive and think that Trump is being bashed. The truth is, it doesn't really matter who is in office, true power is not seated in the president of the United States. The president, in most cases, is merely a puppet of those that are really in power, who manipulate whomever is in office (from the shadows) to follow their own set of agendas.

Anyone who takes a good long honest look at previous presidents and administrations will see that this is clearly the case. That is why the whole right/left paradigm (rule by division) and the hope of meaningful change through presidential elections is a complete farce.

John Bolton (current National Security Advisor) along with Elliot Abrams (current Special Representative for Venezuela) are familiar names in neoconservative circles. They are part of a long list of neoconservative names including Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and Paul Wolfowitz who have exerted great influence on the direction of domestic and foreign policies in both previous and current administrations. And now Mike Pompeo (Secretary of State) seems to be parroting the very same neoconservative ideals of those around him.

People want to believe that Trump is different. Yet he surrounds himself with the same neoconservative names that got us into catastrophical messes in the past. In addition, Trump is exhibiting the same willingness to bypass current rules, laws, regulations and the Constitution itself, in order to further the same type of heavy handed policies that we saw play out during the previous administrations of Obama and Bush.

Speaking of potential false flags (in relation to Operation Northwoods), China has increasingly been designated as a threat to the US by those that are in power. There are a variety of reasons for this, some of which are valid, and some of which are not valid. However, one big reason for this threat assessment is because China is the largest importer of oil in the world. They have made it clear that they do not want to participate in the petrodollar system. Thus, China has introduced other methods of payment for oil transactions including gold and the Chinese Yuan, as well as encouraged others to conduct their oil transactions outside of the petrodollar system.

In an interesting coincidence, these so-called threats (China and Cuba), just happen to have their US embassies bombarded with microwave radiation which resulted in US diplomats becoming very ill. Whomever was responsible for these attacks is "unknown". However, the end result was to give strength to the idea that these countries are, in fact, significant threats to the US.

Remember that economic war and/or military intervention, can only be justified in the eyes of the American people, when there is a significant threat that exists.

Sanctions (economic war and terror) are most often done under the guise of humanitarian motives, however the true effect of sanctions is anything but humanitarian. It usually works like this, the US carries out sanctions and propaganda against a targeted "regime", destabilizes their economy, demoralizes the people, encourages civil war (and will often wage a "war by proxy" by supporting so-called freedom fighters), waits for everything to implode and crumble, and then offers a new "legitimate" political puppet to the people who will fix everything, but will be friendly to the agendas of US foreign financial policy.

I'm not sure which is worse, the sanctions or the fact that the US creates the illusion of being the knight in shining armor by offering "relief" efforts to these countries from the covert war that was that was waged against them (using sanctions, propaganda and covert destabilization efforts). It makes me sick to my stomach to watch this happening over and over again and see the death, destruction and suffering that results (often far more than an overt military war)…all in the name of money, power and control.

How do you get on the list of "regimes" designated by the US? You don't play financial ball with the US (and the world banking cartels) on their terms.

Sometimes those in power say that they are promoting so-called "democracy" around the world. But what is democracy really? It is the few, manipulating the many, to follow the agendas of the few. In other words, it is a majority "mob rules" mentality based on the psychological manipulation and coercion of the people that make up the majority.

It's often been said that money is the root of all evil. However, this is not entirely accurate. Money serves a useful purpose as a medium of exchange. It's not that money itself is evil, it's how money is used, manipulated and controlled that determines its true nature.

This article (as long as it was) barely scratches the surface of this topic. My hope is that it will help to spark some interest and encourage people to do their own research and learn more about this. I've included a few links below, and will try and find some others that may help in this process.


An Ocean of Lies on Venezuela

The Creature From Jekyll Island

People have a hard time believing that "conspiracies" exist. However, here is one of the biggest conspiracies and collusions that has ever been perpetuated, and it happen right in front of us, without the knowledge of most of the general population. This presentation is a little long, but it is worth watching in its entirety, because it is very relevant to the information that was discussed above. It is from the book with the same title, which I also highly recommend.


A True Celebration of Easter - With the Most
Unpopular and Hated Idea in the World



What does Easter mean to you? For Christians, it is a celebration of the day that Jesus Christ was resurrected. Jesus is known as the Son (Sun) and the Light because he fought oppression and helped to bring Light (knowledge, awareness, truth and understanding) to a world that was in dire need of it.

Why not celebrate this Easter in the way that Jesus would have wanted it to be celebrated…by helping to increase knowledge, awareness, truth and understanding in the world?

The most unpopular and hated idea in the world is that we may actually have some personal responsibility for what is happening to us.

To quote a line from The Big Short:

"Truth is like poetry, and most people f*cking hate poetry"

Talk about politics, celebrities, the latest news, the latest music video, the newest movie, video games, the latest app, the most recent scandal or event or gossip, and people will talk with you (or argue with you) all day long. Talk about responsibility, and people will run away so fast you would think that they were being chased by a hungry lion. Actually, we are being chased by something, it's just that most people don't see it or realize it.


Nobody wants to look within. It's why distractions are so popular. However, it is within us that the real solution exists. Those that are in power know and understand this. It's the purpose of the constant distractions (to grab our attention and move it away from the real underlying issue).

The Gifts and the Light (consciousness) within us are being hidden from us. As each day passes, these things are getting further and further away from us. The ultimate goal of the AI and the Control (smart) Grid is to completely and permanently separate us from our greater consciousness. This doesn't just have grave implications and consequences for our bodies and our minds, but also to our soul/spirit (consciousness) as well.

When people hear the word soul/spirit, they usually associate it with religion. However, this has nothing to do with religion, but everything to do with the reality of what is happening right now.

In a true celebration of Easter, was it not Jesus who said, you can do these same things and more?

Solutions are found by asking the right questions. In asking the right questions, you will find the right answers. In finding the right answers, you will begin to understand the connections. In understanding the connections, you will discover the root of the problem. And in finding the root of the problem, you will find the answer and the solution.

Links for Further Reading

When Jesus met Buddha

Nested Realities

The Road to Dystopia


Yin and Yang, Light and Dark, and Good and Evil



There is light and dark (polarities) both within us, and around us. Polarities are the foundation and the "engine" of this universe which allow choice and freewill to exist. Polarities are what makes the "light" of growth possible through the process of learning from "dark" experiences and/or mistakes. Without polarities, we would have uniformity, which is the antithesis of choice, experience, learning and growth.

Polarities are not separate from one another. Nor are they in opposition to one another. Rather they are two sides (two faces) of the same coin. When these two faces are aware of each other, then there is an opportunity for balance to occur. However, when these two faces are unaware of each other, then there is an opportunity for imbalance to occur.

Light and dark are natural polarities that exist in the natural universe. In contrast, good and evil are human constructs that are derived from a mis-understanding of these natural polarities.

Is there such a thing as good and evil? Absolutely. But their relationship to one another has been misunderstood and corrupted in such a way that hides a true understanding of the underlying polarities and principles from which they are derived.

There are many different ways to look at the yin/yang symbol. This is what helps to give this symbol its universal appeal. Although, it can be used to explain many different things, its primary meaning revolves around the concepts of polarity, connection, balance, awareness, and understanding.

Knowledge and awareness of the light helps to create an understanding of the light. And knowledge and awareness the darkness, helps to create an understanding of the darkness. And having a proper knowledge, awareness and understanding of both the light and the dark, helps to create balance. On the other hand, an ignore-ance of either the light or the dark, can result in imbalance and a situation whereby one grows without the knowledge of the other, into a type of pathology or malignancy, similar to that of cancer.

Too much knowledge (light) without an understanding of the dark (the potential of using knowledge inappropriately), can cause the "good" aspect of knowledge to grow and morph into something that is pathologically dark or evil.

Likewise, an ignore-ance of the "dark", can allow it to grow and overshadow the "light" of knowledge, awareness and understanding, thereby encouraging the natural polarity of dark to morph from something that is potentially useful (for example, learning from dark experiences and/or mistakes) into something that is malignant and pathological (evil).

Evil exists in the world because the natural polarity of darkness has been ignored (pushed further into darkness) and been misunderstood in terms of its true origin. When the "dark" is allowed to grow unimpeded in the shadows without the "light" of knowledge, awareness and understanding to balance it, the end result is evil (imbalance).

Evil will exist and continue to grow in this world until darkness (within us and around us) is recognized, understood, properly addressed, and balance is restored once again.

That which is outside of us is not separate from that which is inside of us. And that which is inside of us is not separate from that which is outside of us. Each is merely a reflection of the other. Such is true of light and darkness (and its derivatives good and evil).


Mad Season - The River of Deceit
(Could the "mad season" and pain that we are experiencing in the world today be a result
of an ignore-ance of the darkness and a state of imbalance?)

Links for Further Reading

The Expansion of Consciousness

The Battle Between the Light and the Dark

The Process of Alchemy

The Art of Alchemy - Transmuting the Darkness (ignore-ance) into the
Light (knowledge, awareness and understanding)

Satanic (imbalanced) Influence in Society


The Big Short


The Big Short


In the years leading up the stock market crashes of 2000 and 2008, I worked as a trader and consultant for some of the largest financial firms in the US (including Morgan Stanley, who played a significant role in the subprime mortgage fiasco that led to the crash of 2008). Something that I quickly learned while trading is that the stock market is an excellent teacher when it comes to developing a good understanding of individual and group psychology.

In both cases (2000 and 2008), prior to the crashes, there were clear warning signs that something was very wrong. But people couldn't see it, even when it was thoroughly explained and clearly shown to them. It was if something had taken over their minds and blinded them to that reality.

Society, in many ways, is not unlike the stock market. Throughout history, there have been many occasions where it seems like people's minds have been taken over by something else. The lessons of the past are forgotten, and the same blindness and madness builds up in us once again. Each subsequent "crash" seems to get progressively worse, almost as if something is trying to speak to us and say "look, here is another opportunity to change things, don't let it deteriorate any further, or the next crash could be much much worse".

Just something to think about.


The Big Short

Links for Further Reading

The Bus Trip


Coup d'etat



I don't normally get involved with all of the manufactured political drama that is constantly streamed at us, because, for the most part, it is simply bread and circuses for the masses.

However, in this case, I think that it is important to take a moment to examine what is really going on in our political system. Just to be clear, this isn't a republican or a democrat thing. Or a right or left thing. Or even a Trump thing. It's about knowledge, awareness and understanding of a coup d'etat that is happening right now, right in front of our eyes.

As I was getting ready to post the next article in this series, I came across this very disturbing video posted by faux news. The video starts off with a nauseating faux staged presentation of care and supposed political representation of the American people. Apparently, the political spin doctor marketing department got together and had another meeting and decided to get a bunch of "props" together (supposedly to represent working-class people) so that they could all shake hands with the president (as he brings us further into Dystopia).

Lets see, we have some cowboys, some farmers, some construction workers and some telecom technicians. Seriously? It's like a bad scene out the Village People YMCA video. And of course they didn't want to offend the "suits", so they also included the chairman of the FCC and a representative from the National Association of Tower Erectors as well.

The (scripted) speech by Trump was pretty much the same script that has been given to all of our "representatives" of government and followers of the 5G rollout. Trump gladly (unapologetically, unembarrassingly, unethically and immorally) parroted the very same points we have heard before...we have to win the 5G race, America has to remain the leader in this race, it will create lots of jobs, it will be good for the economy, etc.

Trump also said the following during his script:

What was missing from the speech? Not a single time did Trump or any of the other speakers mention anything about the possible impact or dangers to human health or the environment. Nothing.



Why are they forcing 5G on us with steamroller efficiency and urgency, while at the same time they are forcing THE WALL on us with that same steamroller efficiency and urgency? You know that a wall can be used to keep people in, in the same way that it can be used to keep people out? There once was something called the Berlin Wall. Remember that?



Trump: I will build the Wall. I will shut down the government if I have to. I will sidestep the law and the Constitution if necessary. I will have the military build the Wall (no, that's not a red flag at all). I WILL build the Wall.


The New American Hammer Political Party - "We hammer
away at freedom, and make slavery look good".


Make no mistake about it, this is an incremental (please see the post on 4/13/19) Coup d'etat led by the US military and corrupt corporate America. It is a complete infiltration and take down of the US government and Constitution.

If you can't see it here, those are people that they are putting into the Grinder

It is a little ironic that I happen to live right next door to the YMCA. It's funny (in a disturbing kind of way) how these synchronicities sometimes come into our lives.

Go America! Win the 5G Race! Freedom is Slavery...Yay!...USA, USA, USA!

WTFU (wake the f*ck up). In case it wasn't clear, the "*" stands for U ( in the real race...the human race).


Trump and the 5G Rollout - We won't take No for an Answer


Freedom is Slavery


Village People - YMCA

Pink Floyd - Another Brick in the Wall


The Psychological Control Grid


In the image above, Poppy is programmed, caged and wheeled around (controlled) by her
handler (programmer). This is not unlike what is happening in the world today.


In the last post, I discussed the Technological Control Grid. In this post I will focus more on the Psychological Control Grid. At first glance, these two control mechanisms might appear to be separate, however, they are actually deeply connected. Each mechanism opens the door for the other, and each mechanism reinforces the effects of the other.

Because of this connectivity, I am going to use a few computer analogies here to help explain things. The significance of this will be more apparent later on in the article.

In order to accomplish effective psychological programming, the target has to first be wiped clean so that new "programming" can be installed. This is similar to how a computer hard drive is wiped (deleted) in order to install a new file system, operating system, and new programs.

The most efficient way to organize data on a hard drive is to break it up into small pieces and then allocate it to different areas on the drive using a file system. The data that is accessed often, is normally in plain view and can easily be found. However, other data may also exist on the hard drive that cannot be found, either because it is difficult to access or because it was forgotten about. There may, in fact, be very important data there, however if we don't have the proper tools to find it and decode it, then that data remains hidden from us.

Our minds are very much like a hard drive in that they can be wiped, accessed by other users, reprogrammed and can often contain all kinds of data (and malware) hidden deep within the file system (subconscious) that we are unaware of. Malware is undesirable because it can be used to manipulate and/or reduce the efficiency of the computer and operating system without our knowledge. Likewise, hidden data in our minds may contain malware or it may contain beneficial information that has been hidden from us.

The military is good example of how "basic training" (programming) is accomplished.  In "boot camp" they attempt to "reboot" your operating system (mind) and install new programming on it. First they wipe you clean of your identity (isolate you from familiar people and surroundings), then they shave your head (so everybody looks the same), then they psychologically degrade and/or traumatize you (to remove self-identity and self-worth), then they install new programming and designate it as secret (hidden), then they teach you to blindly follow so-called "superiors" without question, and finally they give you a uniform (uniform = "same") to wear so that you look like everybody else.

This is essentially the same process that takes place in cults, schools, and society in general. What are we seeing in society today? First there was a breakdown of the family (to isolate children and remove them from their core foundation), then their was a breakdown of the culture (mix everything up, confuse identity, and make things more uniform), then there was an agenda introduced to confuse gender (remove another core aspect of self and make things even more confusing and "uniform"). Once the target has been wiped clean and made uniform, it can now be more effectively programmed with new software (belief systems and identity) that can be installed onto the hard drive (mind) into unknown locations (compartmentalized) so that they are difficult to consciously access. The key word here is "consciously". Programmers want their "programs" to carry out their instructions (coding) without thinking about it or being consciously aware of it.

This process has been cleverly woven into society, so that it is not easily recognized by the majority of people who are being programmed. Fail safes are often programmed into programs to help protect the installed malware from being detected. On a large hard drive, it can take a lot of time to do a "deep scan" and find hidden malware and eradicate it. The same is true with hidden malware (infections) in our psyche.

The reason why I chose to use a computer as an analogy here is because the programmers of society view human beings and the brain very much like they do a computer…something that can be programmed to accomplish certain tasks and provide expected outcomes.

In the video linked below (and in many other music videos) the programmers of society are providing a "disclosure" of what they are doing and basically saying that if you don't take the time to read and understand the "fine print" contained within the disclosure, then you have given your consent, by way of agreement, to be bound by what is contained within that disclosure. In other words, in their view, their responsibility and liability has been indemnified, and it has been transferred to you.

Poppy is a youtube celebrity with some very strange videos. In most of these videos she appears to be very robotic, controlled, unemotional, repetitive and drone-like. This is, in fact, the objective of the programmers of society… to create programmable drones that behave like obedient robots.

The lyrics of Time is Up tell the story of MKUltra psychological programming:

In the music video, Poppy says that she was made in a sterile "factory", wiped clean, and is dizzy (confused) from all of the programming. She dosen't know if she is a prisoner of the programming, or a deliverer of the programming (this is a state of mind common to many traumatized and programmed celebrities). The programmers (through the programmed) believe that they are the "deliverers" of humanity that are creating a new and better world by replacing human beings with programmed androids that are connected to a "mainframe" (AI Grid) that they have created.

Poppy then goes on to tell listeners that their lives are meaningless, that they are cockroaches on the earth, that their time is up, and that they will soon be gone. Who is Poppy's target audience? Children. Why are children targeted by such programming? Because children are, in many ways, open slates that are often looking for role models in their lives. These celebrities are used as role models to program the past and the present (children) in order to create a desired outcome in the future. If you can control the past and the present, then the future simply becomes a continuation or "product" of that process.

This is just one song and one message. However, it is one song among many similar songs with a repeated message. Through repetition, reinforcement and the implantation of such ideas (programming) in the subconscious mind, behaviors can be predicted and created. Is it any wonder why so many young people today lack self-confidence, self-worth, are apathetic, and have a hopeless view of the world?

In the beginning of the video, it shows Poppy lying on a bed, with electrodes hooked to her brain, being programmed like an android. The video then moves to a scene with Poppy and her programmer symbolically standing on the world "stage" with an audience that claps with agreement and approval of what is happening.

In the next scene, Poppy is popping pills into peoples mouths which turn their faces from that of human beings into something with a bunch of ones and zeros (binary computer code) all over them. The idea being presented here is to just take the pill (without question), accept the programming and technological enhancements, and in return you will become a computerized robot. This is very reminiscent of the Regina Dugan (DARPA) video from the previous post on 4/13/19 in which she encourages people to swallow electronic pills for "authentication" purposes. The whole time that this is going on, Poppy is repeating "your time is up" (as human beings...before we are replaced with non-human entities).

In the next scene Poppy sings, "Exponentially, every day I'm growing my memory, you wouldn't believe". "Your life is meaningless, you're just like cockroaches, extermination's your only hope" (smiling as she sings extermination). Poppy is talking about the exponential growth of the AI that is occuring right now, and how the builders of the AI view humanity (as worthless cockroaches that need to be exterminated).

Then Poppy sings, "I don't need air to breathe"…Oh, I will still survive when the plants have died, and the atmosphere is just a big hole". So after all of the crazy corrupted so-called elite have destroyed the planet, they and the AI will still survive because they wont need air to breathe (perhaps as AI non-humans, or because they will have moved out into space?).

At the end of the video, Poppy is seen wearing a Baphomet dress, just to make it clear to the audience who the message is coming from. As she is singing the outro "baby your time is up", people in the audience (the masses) are completely oblivious and dancing to their own destruction (a way to poke fun at the slaves that the programmers have created). In the final scene, Poppy is "asleep" on her bed (of destruction), hooked into the "Grid" and accepting her programming, lying down, without offering any kind of resistance to it (another poke at the masses).

There you have it, a short video with full disclosure of the programming of humanity...and the end result. The programmers are telling us what is happening right now, and what will happen.

Just to be clear, Poppy is not an independent artist. She is a programmed tool and mouthpiece for the programmers and architects of this system. Sometimes it's easy to lose compassion for such people. But they are, in fact, some of the most programmed and traumatized people out there. I doubt that many of these celebrities, such as Poppy, knew what they were getting into. Some did, but I think that most were preyed upon by some very sick people and then subsequently had a hard time escaping from it once they had become controlled.

I don't believe that the people of this world are unintelligent, and I certainly don't believe that they are cockroaches that need to be exterminated. Rather, I think that many (not all) are simply products of their programming, distracted and not well-informed (as a result of that programming). That is the purpose of this series…to help people become more knowledgeable, aware, and understanding, so that they can make more informed choices as to which direction that they want to head in.

I often hear people say that knowledge of the truth is depressing. It certainly can be because true awareness usually destroys what we were programmed to believe was true and takes us to an uncomfortable place that is outside of our normal comfort zone. Things can change if we want them to. Personally, I don't believe that knowledge of what is happening is depressing because it gives us an opportunity to correct what is wrong in the world. However, what I do think is depressing, is knowledge of what is happening, combined with an apathy and indifference towards what is happening.

Every single person makes a difference, every choice we make is relevant and every voice is important.

Thank you to The Vigilant Citizen for inspiring this post.


Poppy - Time is Up

Links for Further Reading

The Sound of Silence

Satanic Influence in Our Society

If you haven't read this post before, it is very telling. It outlines pretty much the same game plan as
in Poppy's Time is Up (but described by higher-level Satanists in interviews many years ago).

Welcome to the Machine - Mechanisms of the Matrix


5G - The End of Freedom
(and perhaps the end of the Human Race as we know it)



About 20 years ago I started talking and writing about a Control Grid that was being erected around us that would be used to destroy all freedom and gain total control over our minds, bodies, health and consciousness. People thought that I was nuts at the time. They shook their heads, ignored me, laughed at me, and walked away. However, now this Control Grid is right in front of our faces, and it is nearing its completion. It's not a laughing matter anymore.

There is a covert war going on right now. That war is being waged against us, the population of earth. I have tried, in every way that I know how, to alert people of what is going on. I've tried to be compassionate in my communications and tried to give people the opportunity and time to discover this for themselves. However, that time is past. Time is no longer a luxury for us.

Plainly stated, 5G is military weapons technology that is being rolled out and disguised as beneficial technology for the consuming public. It is part of a stated military goal and objective known as "Full-Spectrum Dominance (or Full-Spectrum Superiority). The objective of Full-Spectrum Superiority is to gain total control over all dimensions of the battle space (the world), and in all areas, including terrestrial, aerial, maritime, subterranean, extraterrestrial, psychological, biological and cyber-technological warfare (complete dominance over everything and everyone). This is not science fiction, opinion or "conspiracy theory". It is a clear doctrine that is openly stated in military literature. Please take a moment and look it up for yourself.

Once the 5G Smart Grid is fully erected, there will be no way to escape its effects on us. No longer will this technology be limited to just the cities, it will be everywhere.

The budget of the US military is larger than any other country in the world (and larger than the combined budgets of the next 10 largest military budgets in the world). In fact, it is bigger than the entire GDP of most countries in the world.

The US military has used the events of 9/11 to scare us, justify the continuous expansion of their budget, and to enact legislation that has taken away our freedoms in the name of "safety" and "security".

One of the programs that emerged after the events of 9/11, was DARPA's Information Awareness Office "IAO" ( ). This program was part of the doctrine of Full-Spectrum Dominance. It's goal was to surveil the entire world and know everything about everybody (not just so-called "terrorists").

One of the initiatives that was promoted under the IAO was the development of something called Human Identification at a Distance (HumanID). This was a proposed human radar system that would use millimeter wave technology (same as 5g) to see and track people everywhere they went, without the need for cameras.

Another application of millimeter wave technology that rose up of out of the IAO was the screening machines that we see in airports today. These "x-ray" machines use the same millimeter wave technology that is being rolled out with 5G.

Yet another application of millimeter wave technology, which I have personally experienced, is the Active Denial System (and similar military weapons). These systems use millimeter wave technology to heat up the skin of selected targets and, within seconds, create extreme pain in those people that are targeted.

Beyond these applications, are microwave military weapons designed to deliberately disrupt the mind, body and biological functions of human beings…to confuse them, incapacitate them and/or kill them.

In addition to the applications discussed above, there are additional known and potential future applications that can also be used for purposes of command and control.

The effects of microwave radiation and millimeter wave technology on us are known. They are not something that needs to be studied, because they already have been studied, at great length, for many decades. Science has demonstrated that microwave radiation can cause:

This is the Control Grid that is being built up around us right now. And it is not just one Grid, it is multiple Grids.

There is a concept in military planning and strategy known as redundancy. Redundancy is employed so that if one strategic asset is taken out, there is another in place that can be used as a backup. As I discussed previously, there is a plan to put 12,000 to 20,000 satellites in orbit in order to deliver 5G to every part of the world. This is not for efficiency or for the convenience of consumers. It is for military redundancy of strategic assets.

The corporations have infiltrated the government. And the government has infiltrated the corporations. And the military has infiltrated both the corporations and the government. In turn, the military has been infiltrated and "infected" by a very dark force (psychological disease) that wants to gain Full-Spectrum Dominance over the entire planet.

As I have discussed previously, much of this technology is being directed at unborn children, living children and future children.

To quote Adolph Hitler once again: "He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future". What is this technology doing to our future?

The branch of the US Military that is most invested in this technology is the US Navy. The building below is part of a large Navy military base that is located in Coronado, California:

Notice, not only the shape of the building itself, but also the hidden "SS" in the walkways that wind though the middle of it. If there is another explanation as to why the military is deploying this technology, now is the time to come forward with it. However, based on my personal experience with the US Navy, and the effects that this technology will have on this planet and the inhabitants of this planet (all inhabitants, not just human beings), I do not believe that such an explanation is right or plausible.

Much of the current military mindset and technology (both hardware based and psychological based), was imported into the US military and intelligence agencies via a program called Operation Paperclip ( ). This was a secret operation that granted German scientists, psychologists, biologists, engineers, technicians and occultists immunity, and brought them into the US after World War II. Mind control projects such as MKUltra ( ), and similar projects, were a direct result and descendent of the information that was gleaned through Operation Paperclip.

It's time to wake up...while it is still possible to wake up. We can no longer afford to wait and see what happens, be blind, or naïve. This Control Grid will be built and completed...unless we choose to make a stand now.

The corporations, government agencies, and military that are rolling out this technology have a stranglehold on "science". They will use (false) science arguments to try and persuade us of the safety and benefits of 5G, while at the same time, dissuading us from doing any independent research on our own. The only valid "science" to them is the sponsored research and filtered evidence that they allow into public view. Everything else is suppressed or denied. The science that makes its way into the agencies that are supposed to be protecting us, is the same science that the corrupt military, government and corporations want the public to see.

The people that populate these government "protection" agencies, come from the same corporations that are trying to steamroll this technology out to us, without proper discussion, debate or examination. It's a revolving door between the military and corporations, and the corporations and government.

Perhaps a more accurate acronym for the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) is this:

FCC = Frequency Control of Consciousness

If you value your freedom, if you care about your health, if you care about yourself, your friends, your family, your children, your grand children and the children of the future, then now is the time to stand up, because we are running out of time.

People will say that we have to stop the corrupt government, military and corporations that are building and deploying this Grid. But that is not entirely accurate. These agencies and institutions are made up of people. Without the support of the people, there is no 5G:

These are the same people that have weaponized social media and the devices that we carry around with us, and have used these things against us. But we don't have to be victims of that technology. Instead of posting selfies, use this technology to post information that will help others to become more aware. Instead of spending time watching TV and playing video games, use that time to become more knowledgeable and aware and help others to become more knowledgeable and aware.

The architects of this technology (and its followers) have stated repeatedly that there is a race for the deployment of 5G (almost scripted), and that the US military, corrupt corporations and government will win that race (the human race) by whatever means are necessary.

It's a lot easier to stop and suppress a few people that are standing up, than it is to stop or suppress millions of people that are standing up.

We all have voices and freewill. Our future, our freedom, our health and our lives are going to be determined by how we choose to use them...right now.

Please link and share this information with others. You have my permission to copy this article or any other articles on this page, and share them (just please provide a link back to this page).

Peace to all.


The 5G Apocalypse

Please take the time to view this video as it covers much of what I just spoke about, and have covered in previous posts. The only criticism that I have of the video is in relation to the idea that the health effects of microwave radiation are unknown. They are known. These health effects have been known for many decades, based on thousands of studies. They are doing this WITH the knowledge of what the effects will be. What does that say about their motives?


Dave Matthews Band - Satillite

Blue Oyster Cult - Godzilla

The Police -- Synchronicity II

Billy Squier - The Stroke





Many dystopian novels and films have been created in which a drug played a central role in controlling the population. One of the best examples of this occurred in Aldous Huxley's Brave New World.

I did a search for "soma", and this is what came up:

"Soma is a governmentally provided drug for the people living in The Brave New World. It represents a way to escape pain, discomfort, embarrassment, sadness or anger, and to enhance joy, arousal, and an overall sense of well being".

What is the soma in our world? Soma is anything that is given to the people to prevent them from acknowledging and experiencing true reality, and to prevent them from experiencing true consciousness and their true potential.

Did you know that Russia (and the former Soviet Union) have known for many decades, that millimeter microwave radiation (in the same frequency band that 5G will employ) actually has many beneficial applications with regards to health (when it is used in a *limited* therapeutic manner)?

In fact, Russia has actually been using this technology, with great success, to treat many different types of health issues. One of the applications of millimeter waves (MMW) is pain management. It has been demonstrated, both in the lab and in practice, that exposure to MMW encourages the release of endogenous opiates in our bodies.

Endogenous opiates are natural substances that our bodies release, in times of need, to address pain. They can also be released in relation to other activities as well. For example, during exercise, they are released with a phenomenon known as "runners high" and also during laughter, which is why we feel so good when we laugh. In small quantities, these substances serve a very important purpose. However, what happens when they become addictive?

I've already spoken about this many times before, so I won't go into it again in much detail here, other than to say that, by design, social media was created to addict us, blind us, and keep us numb via the dopamine (soma) high that it creates.

Opiate addiction is a huge problem in our society today. However, it's not the opiates themselves that are the problem, it's the abuse of them that is the real problem. Natural endogenous opiates in small quantities are beneficial. However, what if those same opiates were encouraged to be artificially released on a continuous basis? What would that do to our minds and our bodies?

If this was a known or possible effect of the 5G rollout, do you think that they would disclose it? Did they disclose the addictive aspects of social media when it was first rolled out? Social media requires a certain amount of our interaction in order for those dopamine highs to be realized. But what if those highs could be realized simply by way of proximity to the devices in our hands or by way of the communication network that surround us?

Due to the unique properties of millimeter waves (MMW), 5G has the potential to negatively affect us in many significant ways (which I will discuss in the next post). Why are they trying so hard to rush this technology out as quickly as possible, sidestepping and eliminating discussion, debate and examination?

Emotions such as anger, pain, anxiety, sadness, discomfort and depression are there for a reason. It's how we know that there is something wrong. And it is how we know that there is something that needs to be addressed.

Why is there so much apathy in the world today? Why can't people see what is happening to them? Why have they become so blinded to their loss of freedom? And why do the people that can see what is happening, often do nothing about it?



Incrementalism - A Slow Burn with
a Big Bonfire at the End



Social agendas that are forced on a population all at once can result in rebellion or even revolution. However, social agendas that are spoon-fed (incrementally) to a population over an extended period of time results in acclimatization and acceptance of those ideas, without a realization of what the ultimate goal is. As long as this is done under the guise of being something good or beneficial for the people, then there is usually little resistance to it from the bulk of the population.  

Adolf Hitler was once quoted as saying "He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future".

This why children are the most targeted with regards to psychological manipulation, trends, technology, social movements, celebrity influences, etc.

Before I go any further, let me first say that I have no problem with the way that people choose to express themselves, through art, or otherwise. This is an essential part of freedom. The only caveat that I would add to that, is to express ourselves in a way that promotes no harm to others.

How do you get people to warm up to the idea of implanting technology into their bodies (that will be used in the future to control us in ways that will be beyond scary)? Do it incrementally.

In this video (linked below), Regina Dugan (managing director of DARPA at the time), talks about how cool it is to apply technology onto and into our bodies.

I thought this presentation was really creepy, not just because it's coming from DARPA and Google, but because it is being targeted specifically at the youth.

In the video, Regina Dugan, makes the following points regarding wearable and implantable technology:

At the end of the clip Regina says, just take the pill.

Here is the incremental road to total control, total loss of freedom, total loss of self and collectivism:

1) Get a tattoo, it's cool and trendy. All of the celebrities have one

2) Get a "wearable" (fitbit, apple watch, etc). You can "track" everything that you do, all day, every day

3) Get an electronic tattoo (get rid of that big bulky watch). Now you can wear tech directly on your skin all of the time

4) Take an electronic pill. What could be more convenient than that?

5) Get a brain chip. Now you can be connected all of the time without having to carry around a phone (and we can be connected to you all of the time)

6) And so on

Do a search on Amazon for "tattoos for children". You will get pages and pages of such products aimed at young children. Why did this trend suddenly explode about eight years ago? Perhaps this is one way to get children ready to accept the idea of putting something foreign on (or in) their body.

Just trust them.

Why will most people probably eventually adopt this technology, despite the drawbacks?


Regina Dugan and Implantable Technology


DARPA – Information Awareness Office. Check out their creepy logo and stated objectives. Also check out DARPA in general and some of their other projects.

Stargate "Revisions". This episode illustrates quite well some of the potential pitfalls of "brain tech".

Mark Zuckerberg sells nearly 30 million shares of facebook (about 5 billion dollars based on today's stock price) to create CZI, an "initiative" that will study and develop brain/machine interfaces. Of course it will be for the benefit of the people (remember how incrementalism is sold to us).

Elon Musk launches Neuralink, a venture to merge the human brain with AI -

The Road to Dystopia -

The Bus Trip -





When I walked outside this morning, it was snowing, again. I imagine that many Minnesotans take the snow for granted, and perhaps even despise it at times.

However, growing up in California, I didn't get to see the snow that often, and when I did, it was only after driving many hours to see it in the mountains.

Because of this, I still find it wondrous every time that it snows. It makes me want to go out for a walk to see how it changes everything, or play in it like a little kid.

There is a lot of construction going on around where I live right now. They are constructing a new apartment building across the street, and renovating another building next door. So it has been very noisy lately. But it wasn't today. When I walked outside this morning it was quiet. I guess they decided to take the day off because of the weather.

When I was looking at the new building across the street, in the stillness and quietness that nature had brought on with the snow, I had one of those moments that made me think.

It seems like we spend so much time trying to change things, building up the infrastructure around us and trying to modify and manipulate nature (in some pretty crazy ways sometimes), but so little time in appreciating all of the gifts, beauty and knowledge that is already present in nature (and in ourselves).

What if we spent the same amount of time building up what is on the inside of us, and building up our knowledge, awareness and understanding, as we do in building up the external things around us? What might the world look like then?

I am not opposed to technology or progress. I just think that it is important to be mindful of what we are creating and how it is being used. If we are not mindful, then I think that there is a real danger in us losing ourselves in our progress.


Eyes Open



It's amazing to watch animals sometimes and the pure love and friendship that they express, and give. I think that it is important to keep our eyes open to all things, for this world has much to show and teach us. While there are many complex issues in the world right now, there are also many simple and beautiful things in it as well.

In trying to understand some of the ugliness around us, I think that it is equally important to not loose sight of the beauty. Without a recognition and an appreciation of nature, and the beauty contained within it (and us), we risk becoming simple machines of the system.


Love and Friendship
(no hash tags, social movements or programming required)


Agenda 2030



Did you know that there is an Agenda that has been created to fix all that is wrong with the world and create a worldwide utopia by the year 2030? It's true. It's a United Nations initiative called Agenda 2030.

I have to say that I literally got nauseous while reading through the manifesto, not because I felt sick before I read it, but because I know how many people will buy into it (and/or be forced into it):

Not that I am opposed to equality, harmony, peace, sustainability, gender rights, wiping out hunger, unicorns, rainbows or any of the other utopian ideals that were presented in that manifesto, but rather it's because it is coming from the most "High Representatives" that created all of the corruption and chaos in this world to begin with.

Please understand that I'm not referring to the uninformed compassionate followers of the Agenda that really would like to see these things manifest in the world. I am talking about the true authors of the Agenda (not the ghost writers) and what their true agenda is.

Here is the sales pitch from the "Heads of State and Government, and High Representatives" (as they call themselves in the manifesto):

Look at all of the problems in the world right now (that we the Most High Representatives have created), and look at all of the (pull your heart strings) solutions that we have come up with to eliminate world hunger and create a total utopia in the world by 2030 that will be fully sustainable, fair, equal and just for everyone because it will all be directed and managed by us, the Most High, from one central location.

Do you know what this is? It should be immediately apparent. It is Communism. Not just local or regional Communism, but World Communism (a New World Order).

Why is this not sustainable, efficient, fair, equal, right or just? Because never in the history of the world has Communism ever been any of these things, not when it was adopted by a country, and certainly not when it is attempted on a worldwide scale.

In fact, historically, communism has resulted in the complete opposite of everything that the Most High have stated in Agenda 2030 that they want for the people. The only true winners in Communism are the ones at the top (and even that is not the case if you understand everything that I have tried to convey in this series).

Why is the manifesto of Agenda 2030 total BS? Because it fails to address any of the true underlying root causes of the disease, and it offers a magic little pill (that requires no meaningful work from us) that will only serve to mask the symptoms of the disease.

One of the goals of Agenda 2030 is to create sustainable urban centers and encourage people to move to those urban centers (corrals) so that they may be more easily managed (controlled). What is in the urban centers? All of the nets and webs of control that I have talked about at great length in previous posts.

On the surface, the ideas of Communism can be very attractive to many people (especially in a declining world). They sound great, but this is not the true reality of communism that lies below the surface.

Many of the things stated by Agenda 2030 are possible (and it is important to know that they are possible), but they begin within us, as individuals, not at the top of a corrupted hierarchy, run by corrupted people who are managing a corrupted system.

Links for Further Reading

Corrupted Realities - Satanic Influence in Our Society

Please take a moment to read through this post as I think it will really help in relation to understanding the true goal of Agenda 2030. However, before you do, it is important to understand the true definition of Satanism. Satanism is a religious belief (set of ideals) and a philosophy that worships the corrupted ego (self), above everything else, at the expense of all that surrounds it. By its very nature, Satanism inverts the true meaning of everything that is associated with it. While I believe that there are many dark influences and dark "inspirations" that helped to create Satanism, it is not about the worship of the devil. Rather it is about the dark "entities" that emerge as a result of the worship of the corrupted ego (blind self) above all else.

Monsters Among Us

The Road to Dystopia

Earth is a Prision or University, and the
Human Race are its Inmates or Sudents

Mechanisms of the Matrix

Nested Realities





Skynet is a "fictional" technological system (from "The Terminator" series) that rose up out of a world that was cloaked in secrecy, blindness and the improper use (abuse) of technology.

I've spoken about this many times before, so I won't go into again it in too much detail here, other than to say that I believe that there are many exoteric (known to the many) things that influence and inspire what we create, and there are many esoteric (known to the few) things that influence and inspire what we create.

Could a higher (more aware) consciousness be trying to speak to us via what we create in art, music, and film? Could a lower (less aware) consciousness be trying to control us via what we create with technology?

Have you ever thought about the names that are given to the technologies that are so prevalent in our world today?

Could those technologies be erecting an (electrical) fence, a (smart) grid, a (digital) web, an (inter) net or (sky) net around our minds and bodies, thereby keeping us confused and in a "cloud"ed state of awareness...disconnected from our greater consciousness?

Space X to Deploy 12,000 Satellites to Provide Worldwide Wi-Fi –

Once this net of sky-based satellites is in place, there will be no way to escape the possible, potential and eventual negative health effects of microwave radiation.

Elon Musk Launches Neuralink, a New Venture to Merge the Human Brain with AI

Rollout of 5G – Tom Wheeler FCC

This guy really creeps me out. Who is he working for, the government, the corporations…or the people? 5G has extremely broad applications and implications with regards to freedom, health and privacy that many people are unaware of. This new system has the potential to create a more efficient "net", however, in the worst definition of the word.

Journey of Awakening

Nested Realities

The Road to Dystopia


The Light and the Darkness



The hardest truth to face, is a truth within. That is why external distractions and addictions are so popular (and comforting) in this world.

Why do I post the things that I do? Is it to be mean or confrontational? Or is it because I care and want to try and help people to become more aware and understanding?

This isn't an easy path to take. It can very lonely at times, which is why so few people choose to walk it. The last thing that anyone wants to do is look within. It can be a very scary place in there. As such, people will often reject anyone and anything that might shine a light on that environment.

I could choose to post popular and accepted topics of conversation, and in return, I would probably be quite popular. Or, I could choose to examine what I believe to be at the root cause of things, and help people to understand that the external is simply a reflection of the internal.

If you really think about it, is that not why we are here? It's about experience, and it is about discovery. It's about making mistakes and it is about learning and growth. It is about becoming more aware and understanding…and it is about finding the light that exists within all of us. How many things in this life work to keep that light hidden from us?

Peace to all.


Long As I Can See the Light

Simple Man

Journey of Awakening

The Art of Alchemy - Transmutting the Darkness into Light





A common complaint cited by people who are sensitive to microwave radiation is that it creates a sort of "brain fog" in them that results in fatigue, difficulty in concentrating and memory problems.

How might the microwave radiation emitted by cell phones, other devices and the wireless grid be affecting or impairing our ability to recognize and discern any potential dangers that may be associated with these devices and the wireless grid?  

How might this brain fog be affecting our ability to see and discern other issues in the world?

Are these devices and the software installed on them being used to control and manipulate us? Yes. It has been admitted by the people who created them that they were designed to be addictive:

Are these devices and the software installed on them being used to experiment on us? Yes. It has been admitted that psychological experiments have been conducted on us in order to find out how to influence us most effectively:

Are these devices being used to collect personal data on us, develop profiles on us, track our location and activate their cameras and/or microphones without our knowledge? Yes

Are these devices the new pacifiers of the modern age? Yes.

Cell phones and tablets are what parents give their young children today to keep them occupied. But are they pacifiers for just children? Or do they serve the same purpose for adults as well? I cannot tell how many times I have seen children trying to get the attention of their parents, only to be totally ignored because their parents were too entranced with their own cell phones. How is this affecting children and adults?

Did you know that the undeveloped skulls of children absorb ten times more microwave radiation than adults? What is this doing to their brains and their physical and psychological development?

How are physical and/or psychological problems being addressed in children today? Rather than looking at the root cause, children are being drugged with pharmaceuticals (masking the real issues) and further impacting their development.

I doubt that any of this is new information to people as much it has been widely reported on even mainstream news "programs". However, what I do think is important is to realize that these devices are just one part of a planned Smart Grid that will be used to gain "full-spectrum dominance" over our lives, our psychology and our privacy.

Did you know that the information transmitted from smart meters can be used to tell whether we are home or not, and what we are doing based on the electrical usage collected by them?

Did you know that microwave technology can be used to see though walls?

Should we care? I think that the answer to that question is yes.

Journey of Awakening

Welcome to the Machine - Mechanisms of the Matrix


The Truth About Smart Meters



Utility companies will say that smart meters are safe and that they offer many benefits to customers. But is this true? Why have thousands of people become ill (sometimes seriously) immediately following the installation of these devices on their homes?

Utility companies say that smart meters are safe because they only transmit data 6 times a day (for a maximum of 45 seconds) and that the power of the microwave transmissions is very low. However, is this information true and complete? Or is it incomplete and deliberately misleading?

The figures that the utility companies quote are based on "averaged" data that distorts the manner in which smart meters actually operate. The truth is that smart meters "pulse" microwaves anywhere from 9,600 to 190,000 times per day! The power of the transmissions is said to be safe because it is based on the average power over a 24 hour period (not the actual power of each "spike" or "pulse" that is transmitted).

The truth is that the transmissions of smart meters is not limited to 6 times per day as quoted by utility companies. Rather, they continuously transmit a modulated (pulsed) waveform (up to 190,000 times a day) that looks like the graph below:

Why is this important?

Our bodies have specific frequencies and waveforms associated with the brain, heart, nervous system, etc. This is the basis of diagnostic tests such as the ECG, EEG and EMG. These tests measure and look for anomalies (or imbalances) in the electrical signals found in the body.

Nature, and those things found in nature (animals, plants, insects, organisms, etc), also have specific frequencies and waveforms associated with them. In fact, the entire planet has a frequency and waveform associated with it. It's called the Schumann resonance.

Frequencies and waveforms that are produced in harmony with our natural frequencies and waveforms, can have either a neutral or positive effect on the body. On the other hand, frequencies that are produced in disharmony with our natural frequencies and waveforms, can disrupt our minds, bodies and biological systems and cause disease. This is not opinion, it is established science.

The safety testing of devices that emit microwave radiation is based on the thermal effects of those emissions only. If it is determined that they don't cook you (like a microwave oven), then they are considered to be safe. But what about the non-thermal effects?

There have been many studies that have looked into the effect of continuous microwaves vs. pulsed microwaves. These studies have found that pulsed microwaves had a much greater impact on our brains, nervous system and other biological systems than did continuous microwaves (although both forms were found to have negative effects). The jagged spikes of pulsed microwaves have a very disrupting effect on our biological systems. Because of this effect, pulsed microwaves have been used by the military to create weapons that offer the greatest impact on their targets (brain, body and nervous system). The detrimental health effects of such weapons were seen in the recent microwave bombardment of the US embassies in Cuba and China (please see the last post).

Why have smart meters been designed to operate in the same manner that military microwave weapons operate? There is no valid reason why smart meters need to pulse microwaves 9,600 to 190,000 times a day. Why have utility companies tried to hide the true operation of smart meters from customers and been deliberately misleading in their communications?

Why have some states enacted legislation mandating the installation of smart meters on homes? Why is the government helping to underwrite these installations?

Why have strong arm tactics been used in the rollout of these devices (often sidestepping explicit instructions of homeowners not to install a smart meter on their home)? Why has opting out of this program been made so difficult (or impossible)?

Why have the negative health effects of these devices been downplayed or ignored by utility companies, government agencies and the medical system?

Does anyone other than utility companies have remote access to the operation of smart meters? For example, are there any back doors in place (as there are with many types of software) or any vulnerabilities that exist within the system? Could someone that has remote access to a smart meter modify its transmission rate (lower or crank up the number of times that the pulses occur) thereby positively or negatively affecting the health and well being of the people that are exposed to the pulses? If this is possible, how could it be used to selectively target and/or control people?

I understand that these are difficult questions to ask. But I think that they are questions that must be asked. Are they not valid questions based on the research and facts regarding microwave radiation and pulsed microwaves, and the evasive behavior that has been exhibited by government agencies and utility companies towards customers seeking answers?

It's true that there is a select portion of the population that is more sensitive to microwave radiation. However, just because you don't think that you are being affected by microwave radiation, doesn't mean that you aren't. Back in the old days, miners use to carry canaries with them in order to alert miners to the possible presence of dangerous gases in the mine. Why? Because canaries are more sensitive to such changes than human beings are.

If the canary exhibited health problems or died, the miners knew that they needed to get out of the mine right away. Why can't we see the same danger today? 

Symptoms from exposure to microwave radiation such as headaches, fatigue, brain fog, memory problems, disorientation, nausea, anxiety, insomnia, cardiac issues and tinnitus can often be mistaken for something else. Unfortunately, because of this, the symptoms of the disease are often treated with prescription drugs that mask the underlying (root) cause of the issues (making it even more difficult to discern the true cause…in addition to causing other problems from the side effects of the drugs). Although one might not initially recognize any issues regarding their exposure to microwave radiation, these effects can be cumulative. Thus, sensitivity and susceptibility to microwave radiation can increase over time.

Is the Smart Grid that we are building beneficial? Or is it something else?

Please take a moment to read through some of the stories of those that have been affected by smart meters. In many cases, these people have been treated with total contempt by the utility companies, government agencies and the medical system. Do you think that all these people are crazy? Or is there a valid pattern here? Could these people be equivalent to the canary in the coal mine?

More information on microwave radiation, electromagnetic fields and smart meters:





I'm going to get a little more personal with this post than I normally do. While many personal experiences are interwoven into the things that I write about, for the most part, I try remain neutral in what I express. However, in this case I think that it is important to be very clear in what I am saying.

For the last few months, my apartment has been bombarded with high levels of microwave radiation. As I result of this, I was getting just a few hours of sleep a night. My ears rang constantly and my cognitive ability and memory were severely impacted. I became very run down and ill from both the microwave radiation, and from the subsequent effects that it had on my mind and body.

I had finally saved up enough money to move out, but move to where? Where could I go to get away from this? Whomever is responsible for this has clearly demonstrated that they don't want me talking about these things. Such tactics have never stopped me before, and they won't stop me now.

As a result of what happen, I ended up losing my job. Yes, it might have put a temporary road block up, but I will keep going and keep doing what I think is right and important, same as I have always done.

This isn't the first time that this has happen. I was subjected to very high levels of microwave radiation, maliciously, by the US Navy while living near a military base in southern California. When I tried to report these incidents to local law enforcement and to the US Navy, those attacks intensified. It almost killed me. Had it not been for the help of family here in MN, it probably would have killed me.

It was hard enough to deal with the health effects of the microwave radiation and the knowledge that one human being would do something like that to another human being. But the reaction that I got from people afterwards, was almost worse than the experience itself.

I understand that the first reaction is to dismiss something like this with the old tin foil hat argument. I get it. However, before dismissing this off hand, please consider what would happen if it was simply dismissed and not given a chance for consideration. I apologize for being blunt here, but is not ignore-ance and dismissal of what is wrong, the same as supporting what is wrong?

Do you think that this is only happening to a few people? Or all we all at risk? What if it was only happening to some people? Would it be right to say that it is not my problem and keep on going with your life as if it didn't exist? What if it was happening to a friend, a family member, or loved one, would it still be ok to dismiss it without consideration?

I am all for freedom and freedom of choice. But is that a good choice? And is that choice a product our own minds, or is it a product of our programming?

Again, I will ask the question, do you think that this is an isolated incident? Or do you think that it may be something that is actually happening with regular frequency and just not being reported (or being dismissed if it is reported)?

Below are a few examples of similar incidents that made it to the news because they involved high level people. How many others never make it to the news?

Microwaving of US Embassies in Cuba and China -

Microwaving of the US Embassy in Moscow -

Mother of US Diplomat Speaks Out -

The Eugene Oregon Incident -

My Own Story -

The Woodpecker Signal -

How are these incidents affecting the minds, bodies and consciousness of the individuals involved and their loved ones? Is this what freedom is about? Are we free if we ignore such things and play like they don't exist? Or may (will) that reality come knocking on our own doors one day?

Why has the US government tried to dismiss these incidents as mass hysteria by those affected (give me a break)? It is because the US government and military has had and used this technology in unlawful ways for many years. The last thing that they want is this getting past the "tin foil hat/conspiracy" argument and gaining some credibility.

Why might the people responsible for this not want anyone talking about such things in a rational manner? Because those people may gain some credibility and expose what is really going on. Why would they not want someone talking about the true power that we all have? Because people may begin to realize that they are not bound to follow others, no matter where they may go, and that corruption and destruction can only occur if it has followers. Without participation and support, corruption cannot continue. True power is within all of us, and it is there for all of us, if we only learn to see and recognize it.

Peace to all.

A Matter of Choice



The information in the next few posts will probably be difficult for some people to consider or accept. Why? Because we have been programmed, by design, to dismiss and reject such information. However, please be patient and try to keep an open mind, for this information will be critical in helping to see the bigger picture.

Our bodies, our minds, our consciousness, and this life have enormous potential, if we are allowed to live freely. However, if we blind ourselves, blind each other, and corral ourselves (our minds, bodies and consciousness) into tiny places, then we will lose the opportunity to see and experience that potential.


Apples and Oranges



People that have carefully read what I've posted (both here and in other places) have probably come to the realization by now that my posts are not random in nature. In other words, what might appear on the surface to be seemingly unrelated topics, are actually connected in some very important ways.

What happens to our bodies when they become unhealthy and run down? They become more susceptible to "infection" by opportunistic organisms.

What happens to our minds when they become blinded, confused and unhealthy? They become more susceptible to manipulation by outside influences.

What happens to our memories when they become compromised? Our awareness and understanding become impaired through a disconnect with everything that we  have learned (and have the potential to learn) from the past.

What happens to our Spirit (consciousness) when our minds, bodies and memories have been compromised? Our potential, our purpose, our gifts and our true "being" become hidden from us.

Please take a moment to think about and reflect on these things in relation to what I have previously posted and what I am about to post.

I am going to try, in the best way that I know how, to clearly, succinctly and directly describe what is happening right now…and try to communicate why, more than ever, it is essential that we wake up from the trance and slumber that we have been put in.

Peace to all.




Did you know that the microbes in your gut can profoundly affect your mood? It's true. In fact, science calls the gut our second brain. Ever heard somebody say, "it's just a gut feeling that I have"? That was their second brain (intuitive side) talking to them.

While a "happy" (balanced) gut biome and healthy gut bacteria can contribute to a healthy mental and physical state, the opposite is true of an "unhappy" (unbalanced) gut biome and unhealthy bacteria.

The last article that I posted was about an organism called Candida auris, which is actually a close cousin to the Candida organisms that are normally found in our gut. Candida is a yeast-like fungus that usually poses no threat to healthy individuals. However, through exposure to antibiotics, pharmaceuticals, various chemicals or improper diet, the good bacteria in our gut can die off allowing Candida and other non-beneficial organisms to flourish.

Why is this important? Because I think that our growing exposure to antibiotics, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, pesticides and GMOs in our environment is having a much greater impact on us (and our gut) than what we realize…both physically and mentally.

There are many benefits associated with taking probiotics and maintaining a healthy gut biome. If you are having any physical or mental health issues, or would just like to be more healthy, give it a try. You can get a bottle of high quality probiotics that will last about a month for about the same price as a prescription co-pay. I have found that "NOW Probiotic 10" works really well. Also try eating some high quality yogurt each day as well. It's a simple, low cost thing to try that just might have a very positive impact on your health.

What if human beings, animals, plants and other life on this planet were similar in function to the biome in our gut, just on a larger scale? In other words, a healthy (aware) and happy (understanding) planet biome (in mind, body and spirit) translates to a happy and healthy planet.

What if what is happening in our internal biome is a reflection of the external biome, and what is happening in the external biome, is a reflection of the internal biome? Hmm, something to think about.


A Matter of Balance



Nature is simple in its beauty, but complex in its structure.

Human beings have only been on this planet for a short time in relation to microbes, plants and animals. And modern medicine, modern chemistry and genetics are still in their infancy. Yet science seems to believe that it can radically modify and manipulate nature, which has taken billions of years to evolve, without incurring any type of negative consequences.

Most modern "miracle" medicines were developed by taking complex substances found in the natural world, identifying the "active ingredient" in them, and then using that information to synthesize artificial drugs in the lab.

As a result of this, most lab synthesized drugs are very narrow representations of their natural counterparts. In other words, they do not contain the complex living structure of the original substance. That aspect of it has been stripped away (so that the "new" compound can be patented by pharmaceutical companies).

Sometimes the short term benefits of these drugs are amazing. However, the long-term consequences can often be devastating. Just take a look at how many drugs  have been recalled due to injury, disability or death to the patient (not to mention the ones that are still on the market).

In the case of antimicrobial substances found in nature, the complex structure (balance) of the original substance makes it difficult for their targeted organisms to mutate and develop resistance to them. On the other hand, synthetically created antimicrobials lack that complexity, so it is often easier for microbes to develop resistance.

There are actually many things that we have been taught today in relation to health that are incorrect. For example, washing our hands with plain soap and water can help to prevent disease. However, washing our hands with anti-bacterial soap can actually increase our susceptibility to disease by creating an imbalance in the natural bacterial flora that is normally present on our skin.

This natural bacterial flora crowds out pathogenic bacteria and makes it difficult for them to grow. In addition, some types of beneficial bacteria actually contain certain substances that inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria. Antibacterial soap does not kill all bacteria. It only kills bacteria that are susceptible to the specific compound in the soap.

Over time, pathogenic bacteria build up a resistance to these compounds. What is leftover is a fertile environment where pathogenic bacteria/fungi can multiply unimpeded by the natural (balanced) organisms that would normally occupy that space. This is true for antibiotics as well. Most antibiotics have a very narrow spectrum of bacteria that they are effective against. Any unsusceptible bacteria/fungi that are left over can then grow freely in the unbalanced environment that results (sometimes creating even more serious disease).

While many health issues have genetic origins, I believe that the majority of health issues today are environmental in their origin. Modern medicine is not setup to cure disease, it is setup to manage disease through pharmacy. Pharmaceutical companies don't make money on cures, they make money on treatment. These companies actively resist effective natural alternatives in their advertising, in their grants (bribes) to universities, and in their lobbying efforts (bribes) to congress.

I am not opposed to corporations selling products and making money. It's how (ethically) they do it that matters. And in the case of pharmaceutical companies, it's difficult to make an ethical argument for them when they are continually seen violating the very principle that makes up the foundation of medicine…"do no harm".

A few statistics:

In 2015, 21.4 million (yes that is million) pounds of antibiotics were sold for use in animal agriculture.

In 2014, US health care providers wrote 266 million prescriptions for antibiotics.

Each year, over 300 million pounds of glyphosate (pesticide) is used in the environment.

These are just two toxic substances in our environment that have the capacity to radically alter and disrupt the health and well being of both us and the planet that we live on. Guess what happens to those antibiotics after they are fed to us and farm animals? Yep, they are excreted and end up back in our water and environment and are then consumed, unwillingly, by us once again. This is true for many pharmaceuticals and chemicals which do not fully break down after their use and/or consumption.

The EPA has more than 85,000 commercial chemicals that are listed on its inventory of substances that fall under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). What's even more disturbing is that the majority these chemicals have never been tested for safety by any governmental agency, and the EPA says that they don't know how many of these chemicals are being used.

I have talked about this topic many times before in the past, but it is worth mentioning again here. Numerous (suppressed) studies have shown that microwave radiation (the primary frequency band used by our personal communication devices) can have significant detrimental effects on our biological, cognitive and emotional well being. And this is not just limited to human beings. Just as continued exposure to chemicals and pharmaceuticals can have cumulative effects, the same is true regarding exposure to microwave radiation.

The effects of our "progress" can clearly be seen in the physical and mental health of people (and the environment) today. Although evidence of the causal factors is sometimes hidden, it can be found by anyone that is interested in looking.

Most dis-ease is a result of an imbalance. Rather than treating the symptoms of the dis-ease (often creating a further imbalance), we should be looking to identify and address the root cause of the imbalance and do what is necessary to restore balance once again. In order for our bodies to function properly, there is a proper balance that must be maintained. In order for our minds to function properly, there is a proper balance that must be maintained. In order for nature to function properly, there is a proper balance that must be maintained. And in order for this planet to function properly, there is a proper balance that must be maintained.

This is true for all things, large and small, seen and unseen -- balance helps to create, maintain and preserve health. On the other hand, imbalance helps to create, maintain and preserve disease.  

Silence regarding the disease is not the problem. Rather, it is silence of the root cause that is the real issue.


Candida auris - A Disease of Imbalance

Species Collapse - A Disease of Imbalance





Why did I post the Skinwalker Ranch video? Do you think that different people may had different ideas about what my intent was? For those people that chose to watch the video, how many do you think came to the same conclusion about the Skinwalker Ranch? How many people do you think came to a different conclusion? What were those conclusions based on? Why do we have trouble understanding other people? Why do we have trouble understanding other cultures?

Is there a specific agenda behind the UFO/alien phenomena? Is it benign, or is it malignant? What is benign and what is malignant? That really depends on the "eyes" (perspective) of the observer, doesn't it?

What are some of the possible explanations for the various happenings at the Skinwalker Ranch? They are real. They are not real. They are demonic. They are benevolent. They are mischievous. They are experiments. They are a curse. It is something protecting its domain or property. It is another reality, spilling over into our reality. How many other plausible possibilities exist that are being overlooked due to our current and/or filtered level of understanding?

One idea that was brought up that I thought was particularly interesting was that it might simply be a teenager from another world/dimension having fun with us. Do kids in our own world act mischievously for a purpose, or do they do it because it's fun or because they don't know any better?

Perhaps it is something that has existed there for a very long time that is simply trying to protect its property. What do individuals do in our own world when their personal property (land, material possessions, country, etc) is threatened?

Maybe it is another life form that is trying to communicate with us. However, maybe that communication appears bizarre to us, because our life is as foreign to them, as their life is foreign us. Perhaps the resulting communication appears garbled to us because its true intent is lost in the translation.

Perhaps it is a very advanced hunter from another world looking for "food". We do not see anything wrong with hunting "lesser" life forms in our world. Would a being that is much more advanced than us see anything wrong with hunting "lesser" life forms on this planet, including us?

What is food? For us it is organic (biological) matter and the energy that is derived from it. However, what might it be for some other life form? Minerals (or some other element in our environment), water, thermal energy, zero point energy, psychic or emotional energy, sexual energy…anything is possible.

How would we view another life form that seeks out "food" on this planet? Would we see that interaction as malicious, or could it actually be symbiotic in nature? What might they be giving us in return for what they are taking? How do our actions affect others that we may be unaware of? For example, how might the detonation of nuclear devices affect other "realms" that we are unaware of? How might the proliferation of microwave radiation in our environment be affecting us (and others) in ways that we aren't aware of (biologically, consciously, or spiritually)? How might the destruction of ourselves, our environment and our planet affect us and affect others that we aren't aware of? Perhaps everything is much more connected and symbiotic than what we realize.

Maybe it is a scientist studying us. How many cruel and bizarre things do we do to animals (and humans) in the name of research (and control)? Would an advanced race see experimenting on humans as anything different than us experimenting on animals?

Maybe through our humanity, "they" are trying to discover and understand something that they have lost long ago through technology. What are we losing now through our technology and our "progress"?

Many times I have heard scientists make the argument that UFOs can't be real because there is no other life in this solar system and it would take far too long to get here from someplace else. In addition, UFOs and aliens do things that are "impossible", therefore they can't be real.

Our definition of life is based on what our *current* understanding of life is. How many times has that changed over our history? Our definition of  technology is based on what our *current* understanding of technology is. How many times has that changed over our history? Our definition of what is possible is based on our *current* understanding of what is possible. How many times has that changed over the course of history?

We look for other life, based on what our current expectation and understanding of life is. However, other life may exist around us that is non-corporeal (energy based), that doesn't require water to survive, that has adapted to live in environments that we can't live in, and that may subside on completely different forms of "food".

I think that our current understanding is increasingly being hindered by our lack of imagination -- not fantasy-based imagination, but possibility-based imagination. Everything that exists outside of our current understanding is ignored because it is filtered out via our programming – cultural, religious, scientific (including specific fields within science), family, peer group, individual, etc. We often mis-understand that which exists around us, not because we are incapable of understanding, but because we have been programmed to mis-understand.

The more that we open up, through awareness, to other modes of thinking, the greater opportunity that we will have to understand ourselves and others around us. It's like that line in the movie "Field of Dreams, "If you build it, they will come". If we build our awareness, then greater understanding will come.

On the other hand, the smaller that our minds become and the more narrow that our vision becomes, the less we will be able to see, and the greater opportunity that there will be for mis-understandings.

I know that there were a lot of questions posed in this post, and not a lot of answers. However, I believe that it is through asking questions, that the elusive answers will come to us.

Peace to all.




Narrow Vision


We live in an amazing world – sometimes it is exhilarating, sometimes it is scary, and sometimes it is mundane.

Those who have spent a lot of time around animals will probably tell you that, for some reason, animals seem to be able to clearly see things that we aren't able to see. What about young children? Why do they seem to be able to see things that adults can't see? It seems like many times this ability to "see" is often dismissed by "mature and educated" adults as simply a product of the imagination (as if imagination is a hindrance to maturity and progress). In my view imagination doesn't always equate to fantasy. Rather it can be an important catalyst that leads to learning, growth and discovery. Think about it for a moment, without imagination, this world would probably become a very mundane place to live.

Why are the eyes of horses fitted with blinders? It is to restrict their field of vision and keep their attention focused in one direction (to prevent them from becoming spooked). But is this always a beneficial thing? What would happen if those blinders were worn all of the time (for example, please see the 12/9/18 post on this same page)?

I think that a horse and carriage is a good analogy and metaphor to describe our current experience here. The horse could be compared to our consciousness, the driver of the carriage could be compared to the external forces that help to shape and "drive" our experiences, and the carriage or wagon (that the horse pulls) could be compared to our bodies. If the horse is fitted with blinders and a bridle and reins (controlled by external forces), its movement and perception will likely be quite restricted. However, if that same horse is allowed to roam freely out on the pasture, it will likely have a very different experience.

In trying to understand consciousness, I think that it's also important to try and understand the purpose of the brain. Science will tell you that the primary purpose of the brain is to control bodily functions. But then that begs the question, where does our consciousness, our true self, our personality and our memories reside?

People that have had NDEs (near death experiences) will describe leaving their bodies with their personalities and memories intact. What conclusions (or ideas) can we draw from this? Personally I think that the brain is more like an interface, a co-processor, a filter and a firewall than the seat of our true consciousness. In other words, the brain is there to allow our consciousness to experience the body (the vehicle) and to interact with the current reality that we understand as being human.

Thus, one of the main functions of the brain is to act as a firewall…to let certain things in and to block other things out. This allows us to focus on this reality and experience this reality without becoming too overwhelmed by other things that exist around us.

However, does that mean that human beings were meant to live forever in limitation and blindness? Or were we meant to grow in our awareness and understanding? Clearly there are other realities that exist beyond ours. Through genetics, accidents and/or various substances, people can sometimes get glimpses into these other realities when their consciousness is temporarily freed from the restrictions of the brain/body firewall. I also think that there is sufficient evidence to suggest that there are other beings that are able to access a much wider aspect of what exists than what we can see. So why are we being limited in the way that we are? Is this a hindrance or a gift? If it is a limitation, how can we grow in a system that seems to work so hard to keep us blind, controlled and manageable?

I think that this is where some UFO and "paranormal" experiences come in. In many cases, I think that "they" are here to help us see new things, to help us break free from the trance and narrow perceptions that we have been locked into, and to come to the realization that we are not really as limited as we have come to view ourselves. In other words, it's a way for "others" to wave their hands at us and say "wake up, look around", there is much more out there to understand and discover.

Just to be clear, I am not suggesting that everything that waves their hands at us is good. Nor am I suggesting that it is all bad. Rather, I think that it is a mix of both, much like it is here on earth.

Just as imagination plays a role in us becoming more aware, so does discernment. There is technology out there that is far beyond our current understanding. Therefore, probably not all that appears to us is as it seems (in sight, purpose or understanding).

I will give you an example of how something good could be misunderstood for something "bad", and how something "bad" could be misunderstood for something good.

What if a young child was distracted, not paying attention, or sleepy and walked out into an intersection without looking? What would happen? The parent of that child would probably yell at them, not to be harsh or mean, but to get their attention and teach them to become more aware. Although the child may see it another way initially, later they would probably come to realization that it was done out of love and for their own learning, growth and protection.

What about an example of something "bad", that may look like something good? Take a look at the old Twilight Zone episode "To Serve Man".

So what is really going on at Skinwalker Ranch? Why is there such a smorgasbord of paranormal events and sightings occurring in one place (almost like a scary circus)? Could the occurrences at Skinwalker Ranch been some type of psychological experiment done by the government or military? Perhaps some of it might be. However, the strange paranormal occurrences in this area go back far beyond modern times, so this is not really a satisfactory explanation. Could it be a curse that was initiated by one tribe against another? There is no such thing as curses, right? Perhaps not in the manner as understood by our culture (remember blinders). Could it be something else? Ask yourself this…why do circus performers do what they do? To get the attention of the audience. But for what purpose?

The reality is that most of our perceptions have been fine-tuned since birth, by design, to encourage us to see, understand, and experience only a tiny fraction of what actually exists around us. Why do so many children seem to be able to see things that adults can't see? Is it because they are more prone to fantasy and imagination? Or is it because their brains haven't been corrupted yet? Why do animals seem to be able to see things that we can't see? Is it because they have better senses than us? That may be part of it. But maybe it's also because they haven't been subject to the same type of psychological programming as we have been.

The benevolent influences in this universe (and others) will probably not make full contact with us until we have become more aware, understanding and grown to the point that we are ready for such contact. At the same time, it is likely that the non-benevolent influences in this universe (and others) will continue to try to manipulate us until we have become more aware and have grown in our understanding.

This video is a little long (much like my writing is at times). However, I think that it is worth watching in its entirety because the information contained within it is very relevant to our time here – in the past, in the present and in the future. Also I thought that the Q&A at the end of the presentation was interesting as well.

Peace to all.


Skinwalker Ranch - Presented by George Knapp

Links For Further Reading

The Battle Between the Light and the Dark

Monsters Among Us


Land of Confusion


Sometimes it's difficult to know which direction to go.

Something has happen to my way of thinking recently that I never thought would happen. I have started to become numb. In the past, no matter what was going on in my own personal life, I have always believed that it was important to try and make a meaningful difference in the world.

Why are we here? What is this existence really about? Is it simply to have fun? While having fun in this life is very important, I think that it is equally important to use the gifts that we all have been given to help maintain and preserve this world…for us now, and for those that come after us.

This world has the potential to be a really beautiful place, if it is cared for. Or it can descend into a place where no one is going to want to live, if it is not cared for.

Lately it seems like people don't care anymore (unless it's relevant to some trendy hash tag that appears on social media). In looking around the world today, do you ever get the feeling that people are just sleep walking through life? It seems like so many people today are just going through the motions, day after day, hoping to avoid the increasingly harsh reality around them by immersing themselves in the constant distractions that are conveniently presented to us each day.

I don't have all of the answers and I certainly have been guilty of wanting (and needing) to withdraw from the world at times. I don't think that this is a bad thing for anyone. However, what I do think is a problem is the way in which the balance has shifted...from consciousness to unconsciousness…from caring, to not caring…from inspiration, to desperation.

It is disheartening to see and experience this, especially when I think of the children growing up in this world right now and what they have to look forward to.

I guess I just wish that more people realized and understood the true power that they have to create positive change in this world…and how important that this life is.

Just something to think about.


Land of Confusion

Journey of Awakening

The Nature of Creation





Mykonos is a beautiful song, not just because of its composition and vocals, but because like so many other forms of music, it has the ability to transport the listener to another place and time.

I think that it's important to escape from reality from time to time and go to a place (or an ideal) like Mykonos in our minds. It helps to keep us sane (in what is sometimes an insane world). But what about when fantasy takes the place of reality, and when the comfort of an unreality, takes the place of an uncomfortable reality?

I won't try to analyze this song any further or attempt to determine what its true meaning is other than to say that it is one of those rare songs with a very mysterious quality to it that probably means different things to different people. I will say this, however. Throughout our lives, we encounter many different situations (times, people, places, etc) that I don't believe are always random in nature. Perhaps those situations have more meaning than what we sometimes recognize them for.




Programming the Mind



I think that sometimes people take the movie "They Live" too literally. This movie is not really about aliens taking over the world. Rather it is more of a metaphor used to represent the concept of "alien" (unfamiliar/unseen) people and mechanisms that are being used to psychologically control, program, subdue and manipulate us.

In the movie, putting on the glasses represents awareness and understanding, while not putting on the glasses represents blindness and "ignore-ance".

As I have said many times before, my goal is not to try and make people believe one way or another, but simply to present them with information for their consideration.

-- Programming the Mind --

First let me say that this is not about Q. Like anything else out there, I imagine that there are probably both correct and incorrect aspects to this "conspiracy".

What this is about is how easily we, as human beings, can be trained, conditioned and programmed to act and think in a certain way.

I am using this story (linked below) as an example because it is short and includes many common psychological programming mechanisms that are used daily in various media outlets to manipulate our minds and control our thought processes.

-- Word Association --

Word association involves combining dissimilar words or ideas together in order to cancel out the true meaning of the target word. A good example of this would be to associate the word "conspiracy" with "nut" or "crazy", or "propaganda" or "tin foil hat" or "violence". Another way to do this would be to associate the word "conspiracy" with some movement or idea that is perceived to be outlandish (Q, flat earth theory, etc) or someone that is perceived to be racist, socially unacceptable, unstable or violent.

This effectively tarnishes the word in question, so that whenever people hear this word associated with something or someone else (that may in fact have some validity) they will automatically dismiss it (in its entirety) without any consideration. Word association is accomplished by way of repetition and reinforcement.

This is a very effective form of psychological programming because people fear ridicule and people value social status (one of the primary forms of psychological programming utilized in social media). In order to avoid ridicule and loss of perceived social status, people will disassociate and distance themselves from anything and/or anyone that they think may bring ridicule or loss of social status to them.

-- The Article --

Just to reiterate, this is not about Q specifically. Rather it is about the psychological mechanisms that are used to program us and get us to automatically dismiss information, evidence, concepts and ideas that are unfamiliar to us.

The first line of the article is used to set the tone and *subliminally* create the idea in the mind of the reader that "Conspiracy Theorizers" base their information on "grotesque imaginings" which "terrorize" other people.

Note that the term "conspiracy theorizers" is used here as a generalized, all inclusive, blanket term and that the words "grotesque imaginings" (associated with the idea of "delusional") and "terrorize" (associated with the idea of the "war on terror" or "terrorists") are attached to the word "Conspiracy" in order to create a specific (but false) idea of what conspiracy actually is. Once the desired (false) idea has been implanted in the mind of the reader, then the word "conspiracy" can be attached to another word, idea or person in order to discredit it/them without any consideration.

So in this example, the concepts of "terror" and "imaginary" are attached to the word "conspiracy", and then "conspiracy" is attached to the idea of "Q", and then "Q" is used to discredit any idea or concept that may be associated with it.

If you read through the rest of this article you can find many more examples in which "trigger words" are associated with other words or ideas in order to give false meaning to the target words.

This is just one method (among many) that condition people to place their mind in a box, fit their eyes with blinders, and isolate and reject the so-called "troublemakers" (black sheep) of society who may be trying to help others to see what they are not fully aware of.

Try this…next time that you immediately dismiss something without considering it, ask yourself this question…why did I just do that? The (honest) answer may surprise you.

Washington Post Article

What Makes Q so Scary?


They Live


A Christmas Gift to All



I thought that I would share a gift with everyone that has the potential to keep giving,
even after the holiday season is over.
Merry Christmas!


Holly Jolly Christmas





I've always had a fascination with language and how words are constructed. Take the word ignorance for example. This is a word that often invokes a defensive reaction in people because it implies stupidity (as in being uneducated). But what is the actual root of the word ignorance? It is "ignore". Therefore, its true meaning is not based on a lack of education, but rather on a denial of information that is readily available to us (blissful ignore-ance).

Ignoring an uncomfortable reality doesn't make it go away. It simply allows it to fester and grow, unimpeded, just below the surface. Willful ignorance can sometimes create a more comfortable reality (unreality) in the short term. However, in the long run, the true reality is that the personal bubble we create around us only lasts so long. Eventually it will shrink to the point that one day it bursts like a balloon.

What if more people in organizations (medicine, education, corporations, government, law enforcement, military, etc) became more aware and understanding of the issues affecting their respective industries? And what if they used that knowledge and understanding to help make others, who may be unaware, become more understanding of such issues? What would the world look like then?

I think that many times people are waiting for someone else to make a stand first before they decide to stand up themselves. It's not always easy being the snow plow at the front of a train. But if you decide to make a stand, I think that you will find that the path you help to create will also help others to see where we are, where we are headed, and what each us can do to help create positive change in the world around us.

Peace to all.

 Journey of Awakening

Seeing and Expanding Consiousness


White Out - Plowing the Way Towards
Better Understanding



Congressional "hearing" on the dangers of 5G, microwave radiation and electromagnetic radiation.

I think it's funny that they call it a "hearing" when all they are allowed to hear is five minutes of evidence from a concerned citizen regarding a very important and complex issue.

This is how unreality is perpetuated and evidence is suppressed.


Congressional Hearing on the Dangers of 5G


Black Out



What do you see in the image above? Nothing? Black? Atoms? Ones and zeros? Something else?

Just because something is not yet discovered, or because modern science refuses to see or acknowledge it, does not mean that it doesn't exist. Absence of evidence, is not evidence of absence (especially when that evidence has been manipulated to support a desired conclusion).

Before the advent of microscopes, did bacteria and viruses exist? Of course. However, what if you tried to tell someone back then that there were invisible organisms in the air that could make you sick. Would you have been called crazy?

Before the advent of telescopes, did other planets and galaxies exist beyond the realm of our vision? Of course. However, just because we couldn't see them at the time, did that mean that they didn't exist?

Before we had the means to discover it, was there other life on this planet that existed that we were unaware of? Of course.

How many other things exist in the world around us that we are presently unaware of?


The Funnel Effect



At any given moment in time, millions of different things are going on in the world around us…some good, some bad, and some indifferent. What ends up becoming our reality? Is it what actually exists in the world? Or is it what is shown to us on the evening news and streamed to us via our news "feeds"?

What happen to the rest of reality? It was hidden, suppressed and rejected.


The Creepy Line



"The technotronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values. Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities." -- Zbigniew Brzezinski, Between Two Ages: America's Role in the Technotronic Era (written in 1970).

At the time, the quote above was considered to be rather far-fetched. Now, not only is this a reality for us, but we have actually far surpassed what was originally thought possible.

The Creepy Line (documentary) is a bit of a mixed bag. However, I think that it is worth watching because it examines some of the technological mechanisms that are being used today to psychologically program and control us (most of the time without us even knowing it).

One of the most important concepts examined in this film is the "Funnel Effect". Think about how much knowledge that we have available to us today through the internet and other electronic media. Yet, in many ways, we are being exposed to less knowledge than ever before. Why is this? It's because we have been taught to only see and consider information that we have been continually exposed to, and to reject anything else that falls outside of this narrowly defined "streamed reality" (our constructed comfort zone).

While this documentary presents some good information, it also omits many other important technological mechanisms which are being used to psychologically manipulate us that are equally important to understand (for example, please see the January 2018 post on this page).

Also, it's important to keep in mind that the internet and social media are only two mechanisms involved in our psychological programming. Many others exist such as television, school, peer pressure (the programmed becoming the programmers), religion, etc.


The Creepy Line
(available on Prime Video)




We have two sides to us. Don't be afraid to let them both show.


       The Lion Sleeps Tonight


Groundhog Day



All around me are familiar faces
Worn out places, worn out faces
Bright and early for their daily races
Going nowhere, going nowhere….

When people run in circles it's a very very
Mad world, mad world

Ever feel like we are experiencing one long Groundhog Day, except that people can't seem to figure out how to break free from the loop?

Mad World & Groundhog Day = Sad Song and Happy Movie…a lot like life at times…happy images painted on the screen, with a sad soundtrack in the background.


Mad World


Groundhog Day


Love, Anger and Other Emotions



Anger has a purpose, as do all emotions. In many ways, we have been taught to see anger as something that is "negative" and something that should be avoided. However, anger can actually serve as a powerful catalyst for positive change when it used in a constructive and productive manner. On the other hand, anger can also be destructive if it is channeled in an unproductive manner, or if it is allowed to grow inside of us without being properly released.

What about other emotions such as sadness and depression? Are these emotions good or bad? In some cases, these emotions can actually become quite debilitating. However, does this mean that we should view them as a "disease" that needs to be pharmaceutically treated and suppressed? Or are these emotions actually healthy and beneficial…a sort of self-protection mechanism that our mind and body uses to say "pay attention", there is something that needs to be acknowledged and addressed? 

I'll use an example to help illustrate this idea. What if we didn't have feeling in our hands? Would we understand that we need remove them from a hot fire so we don't get burned? The feeling in our hands is there for a reason. So is sadness and depression.

I am not saying that there is never a valid reason to treat sadness and depression. What I am saying is that we are treating them in the wrong way. We have been programmed by the pharmaceutical companies to believe that there is a magic little pill for everything. Guess what, there isn't. In fact, I would suggest that one of the biggest reasons why we have so much sadness and depression in the world today is because we are covering up the root cause of the problem with pharmaceuticals and self-medicating ourselves with alcohol and drugs while we continue to ignore what our minds and bodies are trying to tell us. We get numb, the pharmaceutical companies get richer, and the problems continue to get worse, because they are not being properly addressed. Hence, the reason for the growing depression and suicides in our society today.

Pharmaceuticals, drugs and alcohol are sort of like anger in a way. They can be beneficial in the short-term, but they can very destructive in the long-term.

What about love? Love is perhaps the most mysterious emotion of all. What makes us love and care about someone? What makes us love a thing? When did our love of things surpass of our love for each other? When did what is superficial, become more important than what is meaningful? When did the people who care, become the bad guys, and the people that don't care, and "go along, just to get along", become the ones that we look up to and want to be in our lives? 

Can people really not see that as we sink deeper into unreality, reality is quickly catching up to us? We have been blinded by design. Much of this is not our fault. However, if we are presented with something that helps us to see, and we choose to look away, then the fault is nobody's but our own.

Perhaps the saddest thing of all is when you meet someone and you can tell that they are very intelligent, and that they care, and you can see in their eyes that they are passionate about what they believe in, and you get a glimpse of that when you are alone with them, but then when they are around others they suppress that gift and that part of themselves. Why? Actually I know why. I just think that it is a shame that we have been conditioned to suppress ourselves in that way.

I don't mean to sound harsh, or confrontational, but there is a time for hugs and kisses, and there is a time for waking up. And the time for waking up is now.

Peace to all.

The Cult of Personality



The world goes on as it does, and continues to get worse, because we believe in a cult of personality. Positive change does not originate from somewhere outside of ourselves, it is within us.

Only you, can set you free.


The Cult of Personality


Killing in the Name Of



Although this song is based mainly around the corruption of a select few in law enforcement, the concept is actually much broader in scope and involves all people and all aspects of society.

How can we, as a people, blame the government, the military and large corporations for all of our woes, when these organizations are, in fact, made up of the people? Granted, not everyone working in these organizations takes an active roll in producing the corruption that is often seen there, but the reality is, many times, we do play some part in it.

I know that this is an unpopular and uncomfortable thing to contemplate, but it is true. Corruption exists, because it is allowed to exist. One corrupt person in an organization cannot create and further corruption unless they have the support of those below them.

Take wars for example. How do wars occur? Usually one person, or a small group of people, tell those below them who our "enemy" is and then instructs us to go out and kill masses of other human beings which we have never even met before (which have also been told by some other person, or small group of people, to go out and kill us).

How many wars have been based on an actual threat to the United States? And how many wars have based on money, power and control? I would suggest that most of them fall into the latter category.

Again, I know this is not a popular topic to contemplate, but I think that it is an important thing to consider if we are going to continue to call ourselves human beings.

Peace to all.


Warning: This video contains uncomfortable subject matter and profanity

Killing in the Name


The Use and Abuse of Technology



What is our technology doing to us?

The US military began their research into the biological effects of microwaves nearly 70 years ago after they discovered that adverse biological effects were being reported by military personnel working on or near radar equipment.

A growing number of people today have reported adverse health effects associated with the use of cell phones, "smart" meters, and other devices that emit microwave/electromagnetic radiation.

Telecommunications technicians working on or near cell towers have also experienced a wide range of adverse biological effects from the microwave/electromagnetic radiation emitted by these towers.

Are all these effects that people have been experiencing just imaginary? Do they have no real basis in good "science"? The telecommunications corporations and government would like you to believe so.

However, here is just one research report (among many) produced by the US Navy that cites over 2000 studies which examine the adverse biological effects of radio frequency, microwaves and electromagnetic radiation.

Naval Medical Research Institute - Brief on Microwave and Radio Frequency Radiation

Some of these adverse effects include:

While microwaves and electromagnetic radiation from our modern technology aren't the sole causes of such things, I believe that they are very significant contributors to it. Think about the enormous pharmaceutical market that has emerged in recent years to "treat" such disorders. However, in reality, do these drugs really treat the dis-ease, or do they simply mask the symptoms of the true underlying causes?

Despite all of the credible information out there documenting the adverse biological effects of microwaves and electromagnetic radiation on human beings (not to mention the effects on animals and the environment), telecommunications corporations and official government websites will still say that no such information exists.

This is because, like the example I cited in the previous post (Atomic Homefront), the studies they refer to are ones which have been carefully designed to provide a favorable conclusion to their desired position (that no danger exists). In other words, their "science" is based on omitting any relevant data from the studies that would prove that a significant danger does indeed exist.

A good example of this can be seen with the SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) standard that is used to rate the safety of cell phones. This standard is based entirely on the thermal (heating) effects of microwaves only. However, it totally omits any other dangerous biological effects of microwaves that have been clearly observed in thousands of other studies.

The SAR standard is also flawed because it is structured around unrealistic criteria and conclusions which state that cell phones are safe as long as you don't hold them next to your head while talking or next to your body while carrying them around (which everybody does). 

Below is a link to some additional information on the biological effects of microwaves, radio frequency and electromagnetic radiation:

Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Waves and Their Mechanism

And here is my own personal experience with the US Navy and their illegal use of microwave and electromagnetic weapons testing on human beings:

The Fox and the Henhouse

Some would say that the US government and the military would never intentionally and illegally experiment on human beings without their consent (probably because this is a more comfortable view to take than the alternative). However, here is a list of officially documented illegal experiments that have been done on humans that were sanctioned by the US government and military (and these are just some of the ones that they have been caught doing).

Unethical Human Experimentation in the US

How long will this insanity continue before people decide that it is time to stand up and take responsibility for their own health and well-being? How many people have to become sick and/or die before they begin to take these matters seriously?

Please take some time and review the information for yourself. And please help to increase awareness by sharing this with others.

Peace to all.


The Unsolved Mystery of the Eugene Oregon Signal


Atomic Homefront



This is a documentary about radioactive waste that was illegally dumped in a community of St Louis, Missouri, and the affect that it has had on the local residents there.

The really sad thing about this situation is not that radioactive waste was illegally dumped in the middle of a heavily populated area, but the way in which the government treated the residents who were trying to get help. The EPA and other agencies downplayed the seriousness of the situation, ignored phone calls and emails, refused to meet with concerned residents, hid in their offices behind security guards, and used manipulated "science" to deny that any danger existed, despite clear evidence that there was a serious problem.

In their studies and so-called "science", the EPA and responsible corporations chose to only include data that supported their position and omitted any data that might prove that there was a danger. Then they repeatedly used the "science" argument to try and say that there wasn't any cause for concern. Of course if they only include data that shows safe levels of radiation, and omit any data that may contradict that, then they can say that "based on the data that they have", the science is sound. This is a very common tactic that government agencies such as the EPA and private corporations use to try and deny any responsibility in matters such as these.

The EPA is funded with our tax dollars. They are there to work for the people and protect the people, not cater to big money and the lobbying efforts of corrupt corporations.

I am passionate about these kinds of things, not just because it's something that has affected me personally, but because it is affecting us all on a much greater level than most of us realize. We can no longer sit back and hope for the best. Change will only occur if we stand up, make our voices heard, our actions noticed, and not be intimidated into silence.

It makes me mad and sad to see how often this type of thing occurs in our society today, and just how often the EPA and big corporations get away with it. On a positive note, after this documentary was released, the EPA finally started to take the issue seriously (after decades of stalling). This is the power of our voices and our actions…if we choose to use them.

Thank you to Dawn Chapman, Just Moms, the local residents and the all of the people involved in this documentary for everything they did in making this issue known to the public and for being the ones who refused to be intimidated, for making a stand, for not looking the other way, and most of all, for not giving up.

So many times in my life I have heard phrases such as "it is what it is", or "I was just doing my job", or "what can I do about it, I am only one person". It "is what it is" because we allow these things to continue and because we condone them and support them with our actions (and our inactions). Each one of us has the ability to create positive change in the world. Don't discount that power or forsake it.

I'll end this post with a great quote from the documentary (paraphrased):

Please help to increase awareness by sharing this.

Peace to all.


Atomic Homefront
(also available on HBO)


Fire and Water



Why is there so much "opposition" in the world today? Is opposition a bad thing? Or is it a necessary thing? In their natural state, opposites (polarities) are actually beneficial to one another. They help to create balance and synergy through a greater awareness and understanding of each other.

In other words, natural friction between polarities (opposites, or apparent opposites) helps to stimulate growth. Without that friction, stagnation would occur. Friction helps to create awareness, and awareness helps to create understanding. This is good for the people, but it is bad for an established (corrupt) power structure.

On the other hand, manufactured friction (unnatural opposition) fosters division. Division helps to create blindness, and blindness helps to create ignorance and misunderstanding. This is bad for the people, but it is good for an established (corrupt) power structure.

Creating love, peace and freedom in the world does not mean making everything the same. It means standing up for the principles that help to create love and peace in the world (even if that causes a little friction), while at the same time respecting one another and understanding that it is our differences that help us to grow, become stronger and become more aware.

The solution to a divided world is not a manufactured utopia. The solution is awareness and understanding.

Fire warms water, and water tempers fire. Water needs fire, and fire needs water.

Peace to all.


Fire and Rain





Walking through life fully awake and aware can sometimes be difficult or even painful. However, in the end, it has the potential to lead to some pretty amazing things. On the other hand, sleep-walking through life can sometimes seem easier. However, in the end, it is often far more difficult and painful than living life with eyes wide open.







What is Blue?

The blue screens utilized in Hollywood to create fake reality

The blue screen on your computer used to designate "total system failure" (i.e. the blue screen of death)

The predominate color scheme seen on the evening news

The color of light emitted from the screens that we stare at every day

The mood of many people in the world today



Blue and Grey


Wake Up



"Consciousness…to be able to think critically and get it. And understand the true power that each of us as individuals has. Consumerism…the condition of which has murdered the spirit of each and every one of us, as we stand, in the face of oppression. We have been taught to buy, buy and buy, and to live as a culture, where the only time we are seen as successful, and appreciated as human beings, is if we are rich. If we have the power to spend, then we are truly treated as human beings. You seen what they've done? You seen what they've done?"  Zack de la Rocha – Rage Against the Machine

The worst form of oppression is not physical in nature, it is mental. This occurs when we are programmed and conditioned to oppress ourselves, and each other, and to suppress the spark that resides within us. The greatest holocaust in history is occurring right now, on a massive scale, with the murder and suppression of our spirit. We have built our own prison cells…cells that we now comfortably live in every day.

We have been conditioned to ignore reality, and retreat into an artificial world of blue screens, viral memes and material dreams, in order to escape from an uncomfortable reality that few people want to admit exists. Look around the world today, people spend more time looking at screens than looking at each other and what exists right in front of them. We are losing ourselves and our humanity in technology.

Virtual reality and consumerism are not cures of our modern dis-ease. Rather, they are masks and band aids that temporarily hide the true problems that fester just below the surface…in a reality that few people want to examine or confront. However, it is only here that we can see things for what they really are. And it is only here that we can truly create positive and lasting change.

Every single person makes a difference, every choice we make is relevant and every voice is important.

Peace to All


Wake Up


Prison Planet Earth

The Battle Between the Light and the Dark


Freedom or Idealism?



Follow the Flag or follow Freedom?

Believe in a symbol (right or left) or believe in what is Right?

See that for which we have been taught? Or see things for what they really are?


White, Discussion





What is time? Is it structured like this,  ------- ? Or, is it structured more like this, 8?

Here on the physical plane of earth, time is usually thought of as linear phenomena. However, as many people have probably realized from experience, time isn't always as structured, definable and mechanical as it is believed to be. In reality, time is constantly being reshaped and redefined based on what our individual perspectives and perceptions are at any given "time". As a result of this, time can actually exist in many different forms and states. Thus, the past and the future are constantly moving away from us, and towards us, at varying speeds.

In the modern world, we are increasingly being trained (or entrained) to focus our attention on only that which exists right before us from one moment to the next (i.e. instant "gratifications", constant "stimulations", instant "notifications", continuous "feeds" and endless "streams"). This is distorting our perception of time and reality and making it less beneficial to us, and more beneficial to those who wish to keep us residing in a more manageable very narrow framework of tightly controlled recurring "time loops".

Perhaps another way of looking at time is this: The past and the future do not move away from each other, but rather they move towards each other in cycles (or circles) that meet once again in the present. Thus, history has a tendency to continually repeat itself unless we choose (through freewill) to break-free from these repeating cycles. This is why freewill is so important.

The future is like a set of probabilities that are wound up in small cycles which are then nested into larger cycles. As human beings, our general view of time is "keyed" (or translated) into a framework that matches our life expectancy. Then it is further defined by various forms of individual and collective programming(s), conditioning(s) and experience(s).

To use an analogy, the future could be thought of as a car that is speeding towards a brick wall. As long as the car is a sufficient distance from the wall, it can be turned rather easily in a new direction. However, the closer that the car gets to the wall, the less time that there is to change its course in order to avoid a collision with the wall. If we continue as individuals and as a race to blindly follow a particular direction (towards the wall), eventually we'll arrive at a "point of no return". Once this point has been reached, it doesn't matter if the brakes are applied, the engine is cut or the steering is adjusted...there will simply be insufficient time to avoid hitting the wall.

As improbable as it may sound, it is possible to see (and to change) probable futures. As long as those futures exist out in the distance, they remain as only probabilities. However, the closer that those probabilities get to the present, the greater the potential there is that they will become our reality. The probabilities that we choose to feed in the present, and/or the past/present that we choose to ignore (both consciously and unconsciously, as the future moves towards us), are the potential realities that will end up having the highest probability of becoming our future.

The good news is that our individual futures (steered through the present) are much more maneuverable than the collective future is. And since the future of the individual and the future of the collective are intimately tied together, changing the course of one, also helps to change the course of the other one.

It is important to remember, however, that we are dealing with cycles of time that are both very short and very long in nature. Therefore, what we do today as individuals, can sometimes take a little while to have a noticeable or lasting impact on the collective (although this is not always the case). This is when various forms of social conditioning (i.e. a desire for instant satisfaction, instant results and instant gratification) can sometimes discourage us in our efforts towards pursuing and realizing positive change. Although it may not always be apparent, what we do today as individuals does make a difference in the world (often far more than what we realize).


Time Passages


Eminence Front



It's an eminence (engineered) front. It's a put on.
But we have forgotten that we're living in multiple layers of reality (and non reality).


Eminence Front


In Your Eyes



I think that many times people try to find themselves through others (people, politics, religion, etc). And in a way, we do find ourselves in others, as we are all a reflection of each other. However, in the end, I believe that it is in our own eyes that we eventually find our true selves, and find the real connections that we have with each other and all that surrounds us.


In Your Eyes





Not all that we are programmed with is true. We are taught to fear the unknown, but that which we are unfamiliar with is not always as dangerous as what we are taught.

I admit that sometimes I lose faith in human beings, which is why I retreat to animals and nature at times. Animals and nature aren't as programmable as human beings are (although that is changing now). Personally, I believe that most people are good. That being said, I'm not suggesting that we should be reckless in our trust of others…animals or humans. Rather, what I am saying is that there is a lot of good in this world that gets overshadowed by what is shown to us on the evening news.

There are good people in this world and there are bad people in this world. But what is "bad"? Are people born bad? Or are their actions a result of their bad experiences in this life, or (if you believe in reincarnation) a result of their experiences in other lives?

Once we start believing that people are inherently bad or that this world is inherently bad, then I think that all is lost. Every day we encounter new people in our lives. And, on any given day, we never know what those people are experiencing in their present lives or what they have experienced in their past.

Again, I am not saying that we should naively go though life believing that all is good in this world. Nor am I saying that we should we naively forgive and accept those that intend us harm. What I am trying to say is that a little love and understanding goes a long way.

What do I believe? Do what you need to protect yourself, but don't let the actions of a few cloud your judgment of humanity as a whole. It's an amazing world that we live in and it would be a shame if we allowed it to descend into something else.

The next few posts will probably be difficult for many. But the solution to a problem can only be seen, and addressed, when the problem is fully recognized and understood.

Peace to all.


Bear and Man







I came across a video on youtube today titled "Christopher McCandless Is No Longer My Hero". It really made me think, which is why I decided make this post.

I think part of the problem today is that so many people are looking for a hero. However, when that hero doesn't live up to their expectations, they become disappointed and then look for another hero. The reality is that we are all just trying to find ourselves, find one another, and ultimately find meaning in this life...including the people that we view as heroes.

Those looking for perfection in others, or perfection in themselves, will likely be disappointed. Because perfection is an imperfect and fleeting concept. What defines us as individuals is not our perception of perfection, our experiences or the mistakes that we make along the way, but rather it is the way in which we grow and learn from our experiences and mistakes.

I think that this is the real inspiration behind the story and why so many people have identified with Christopher McCandless. He did what so few of us are willing to do (but would probably like to do), he took a chance and left the comfort and security of what was known, to pursue a life based on the uncertainty of exploring the unknown.

He may have started off with some very strong ideals of the way things are and the way things should be, but I think that he was also wise enough to allow those views to grow as his experiences grew. One of the greatest moments from the film occurred at the end when he finally came to the realization that true happiness is not just a function of the individual (which is very important), but is also a result of what we share and experience with others. It is through those interactions and experiences with others, however imperfect they may be, that helps to give real meaning to this life.

Think about how some of the best art, music and achievements in this word came to be. Many times they were a result of our struggles (both within ourselves and with others) and our imperfections, not our perfection. It is actually the imperfections (individuality) within the perceived perfection that create most of the art and music that we love. Without those imperfections, life would become very tedious, robotic and uninspiring.

That is not to say that we shouldn't strive towards perfection. Rather, it is to say that perfection is more of an ongoing journey of discovery, rather than a static destination based on a rigidly defined set of ideals. It's a difficult balancing act at times, being happy with who you are at the moment and not letting the expectations of others drag you down, but also realizing that growth occurs through change and that, in many ways, growth is dependent upon our interactions with others (including their personal views, mistakes, imperfections, expectations and experience).

I believe that heroes are not just found in others, but also within ourselves when we realize that the idea of perfection (as it is sold to us) is not what makes us unique as individuals. Rather it is our imperfections that give us our true uniqueness and the opportunity to grow into something even more unique (and "perfect") in this imperfect world that we live in.



No Ceiling





What does freedom mean to you?

Why do I post the things that I do? Where are all the pictures of my cat, and my friends and my family, etc. The answer to that question is simple, what I choose to post is a personal choice.

Knowledge and understanding are amazing tools that have the potential to help create true power in us as individuals. However, that power can be used in a variety of different ways. For example, on one hand, knowledge and understanding can be used to help us make more informed decisions in our daily lives. However, on the other hand, when it is used improperly, that same knowledge and understanding can be used to subdue, control, manipulate or coerce others in ways that limit their individual power and freedoms.

The choices that people make with regards to how they express themselves, how they spend their time, where they choose to work and how they live their lives, should be up to them as individuals. This is an essential aspect of freedom and it is why I feel so strongly about freedom and the ability to exercise our freewill in a manner that promotes true happiness and contentment.

However, there is also another side to freedom that is just as important as freedom of choice and freedom of will. And that is this -- the choices that we make should not infringe upon the freedoms of others, nor should they lead to harm to others. I think that there is a common misconception in the world today that doing whatever we want (regardless of whether it infringes upon the freedoms of others or harms them), is the greatest freedom of all. As I hope to illustrate in future posts, this does not actually lead to more freedom, but rather it leads to ever increasing levels of less freedom, until we eventually end up with no freedom at all and no freedom of choice.

Think about these two questions for a moment. How much of what we do today is really based on our own choices as individuals? And are we truly free?

Why does it seem like so many people are depressed these days? Why can't people seem to find the kind of job that they would really like to do? Why are so many people today experiencing bizarre health issues (memory loss, insomnia, autoimmune diseases, cancer, psychological disorders, etc)? Why has the average attention span of a human being dropped in recent years to that of a goldfish? With all the tools that we have at our disposal today, why do people still feel like they are not able to truly express themselves and be heard and accepted for the people that they really are?

I think that these are very important questions to ask (and to address), because these issues directly affect our quality of life and our freedoms.

As I mentioned in a previous post, looking at reality through unclouded eyes can sometimes be depressing because it often involves examining uncomfortable and/or unfamiliar information. I think this is the reason why cognitive dissonance  (blissful denial and constant distraction) are so popular in today's culture.

Please understand that when I post the things that I do, I am not trying to increase depression in the world, but rather trying to address some of the reasons why I think people are becoming more depressed to begin with...which in the end, may help to actually decrease depression rather than increase it.

I don't claim to be an expert in anything. I'm just someone who cares and is trying to share some personal experiences and research in the hope that it may be beneficial to others who may be asking the same or similar types of questions. It is not my intention to try and convince people that they should think a certain way or live their lives in a certain way, but rather to provide some information to ponder that may help in making more informed decisions.

My hope is that people will approach this information with an open mind and take some time to consider how these things might be affecting us on both an individual level and on a societal level.

I understand that this is not always an easy thing to do. We have all been programmed with preconceptions of how the world is. At the same time, we have also been conditioned to actively reject anything that falls outside of the narrowly defined narrative that has been presented to us, and instilled in us (via repetition), from a variety of different "programming" channels such as TV programs, news programs, educational programs, social programs, religious programs, etc.

To sum things up, freedom is important. But not just physical freedom, but also freedom of thought, freedom of choice, freedom of will…and the freedom of others.

Peace to all.




Too Much


How much is enough?


Social Media and it's Effects on Society


Too Much


The Road To Dystopia

Mechanisms of the Matrix

Monsters Among US

The Sound of Silence

Nested Realities


The Living Years



The Living Years not only describes the challenging relationships that fathers and sons often have with each other, but also the struggles that we all have in trying to understand one another.

That which is outside of us is not separate from that which inside of us. And that which is inside of us is not separate from that which is outside of us. Each is merely a reflection of the other.

Knowledge, awareness, compassion, action and empathy all help to create a bridge towards better understanding.


The Living Years





This is probably the best documentary that I have seen on the UFO phenomenon. It is filled with lots of great testimony from high level respected sources, verified documents, clear video footage and other factual evidence. If you were a skeptic on the subject before, this is a great film to watch.

Dr. Greer has been criticized by some for his views on the motives of UFOs and their occupants. Namely, he takes the stance that they are benevolent in nature. I absolutely agree with him that there is benevolent influence from some of these visitors.

However, I tend to take more of a "as below, so above" view on the subject. In other words, our planet is full of many different people with many different motives. Some are benevolent, and others are not. I think that this is also true for the rest of the universe as well.

There is evidence to suggest that many different races have visited this planet. However, just because they may be more technologically advanced than us, that doesn't necessarily mean that they are more spiritually, morally, ethically or emotionally advanced (or that their understanding of these concepts is the same as ours).

Regardless of your view of Dr. Greer, I think that he deserves a lot of credit and appreciation for the enormous amount of work that he has done in helping to bring this very important subject out into public view.

Unacknowledged is currently available on Netflix.


Open for Contemplation and Consideration



We were given senses so that we may be aware of and discover the world around us. However, the senses are often dismissed with the following statement…"there is no scientific evidence to support that idea". This could be said of any new idea, knowledge, technology, breakthrough, etc at any point in time just before it is discovered. We are not all-knowing now, nor have we ever been at any point in time in the past. We move forward by opening our minds.

That is not to say that we shouldn't practice proper discernment in the consideration of new information, ideas and concepts. Rather, it is saying that if we only allow our minds to consider that which is comfortable and familiar to us, then we will never have the opportunity to see and understand all of the amazing things that await our discovery in the world around us.


Strange Things in the Sky



Video – Compilation of Various UFO Sightings

Some of the examples in this video can probably be explained away by common terrestrial phenomena. However, others cannot be so easily dismissed.

I've had a quite a few UFO sightings myself over the years. As in the video, some of these I would simply place in the unknown category (sightings that could possibly be explained by something else). However, there are others that seem to defy conventional explanations.

I'll give you a few examples:

A few years ago in the California desert, on a completely cloudless day, a "luminous cloud" materialized in the sky and remained completely stationary (despite very high winds in the area). As I watching this "cloud" smaller similar shaped objects left the larger object and moved away against the prevailing winds (while the original larger object stayed stationary). Then they came back and merged once again with the larger object. After they had merged back together, the larger object faded away very quickly and was gone.  

While camping at a lake high up in the Sierras of California, I saw a very bright object quickly come down from the sky, fly across the lake, and then do a sharp right turn (not bank as a typical aircraft would) and shoot up back up into the sky in almost a blink of an eye.

On several occasions, while living near a military base in a remote part of the southern California desert, I saw objects flying in the sky that were clearly not conventional aircraft. During each of these sightings, military aircraft were quickly dispatched to the area, and then remained there until the objects were gone.

What made me post this video is a recent sighting that I had very early in the morning around 4AM. I was outside and saw a very large brightly lit object in the sky close to where I was. Just as I was thinking that it must be an aircraft, four smaller objects left the larger object and formed a circle around the original object. The whole time that I was watching this, all five objects never changed their relative position in the sky.

While I do think that many UFO sightings have conventional explanations, there are others that are not so easy to explain (especially when there is other paranormal phenomena that accompanies such sightings).

The military is clearly aware of many of these incidents (as evidenced by numerous testimonials made by military personnel). So why aren't we being told more about this?


A Christmas Message



There is much to be concerned about with what's happening in the world today. However, I also think that there is much to be thankful for as well.

I came across a quote from Howard Zinn today that made me stop and think for while – "Small acts when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world".

The timing of this quote was rather synchronistic because it directly applied to some personal experiences that I recently had. If you think about this quote for a minute, there are actually two different sides to it.

On one hand, small acts of love, compassion and kindness can often make big differences in the world and help to change the world for the better (especially when such acts are multiplied on a large scale). On the other hand, small acts practiced without love, compassion and kindness can often have the opposite effect. I'll give you a example of each situation (both involving some pretty amazing synchronicities).

Situation 1 (Random Acts of Kindness): A few days ago I was standing outside my apartment thinking about something that had happen during the previous week and was feeling a little down. Just as I was thinking about how this experience had tarnished some of my faith in people, this lady pulls up beside me in her car, rolls down the window and asks me if I want a fresh baked roll. I'm not sure why she stopped, perhaps I looked homeless? No matter the reason, that simple gesture of kindness and goodwill completely changed my frame of mind and made me smile at a time when I probably wasn't in too much of a mood for smiling.

Situation 2 (Absence of Kindness in the Face of Blindness): About a week ago, I was talking with someone at work and she was telling me about how cruel people can sometimes be towards each other. As I was nodding and agreeing with her, it made me stop and think about what my own behavior had been like recently towards other people. Was I becoming blinded to kindness in the same way? I'll be the first to admit that it's not always easy to practice kindness towards others, especially when they are unkind to us. However, I do think that when we can find kindness in our hearts and express it towards others (especially during times of frustration and difficult situations), that even small acts of kindness and compassion can often make a big difference.  

The point of the discussion above is not to suggest that we should go through life solely focused on the needs of others. Nor is it meant to suggest that we should go through life solely focused on our own needs. I don't think that either one of these extremes is healthy. What I'm suggesting is so many other things in this life, there is a healthy balance between the two.

There are definitely some complex problems in the world today. However, the reality is that the solutions need not always be complex or expensive in order to be effective. In fact, many solutions (such as love, kindness and compassion) are actually quite simple, inexpensive and within the reach of us all as individuals.

To sum things up, I think that there were a few things that I learned (or was reminded of) during the last couple of weeks: 1) Simple acts of kindness can often make big differences in people's lives. 2) Sometimes we can become so wrapped up in our own busy schedules, daily lives and personal issues that we lose sight of the connections that we have with others that surround us, and 3) During those times when we become temporarily blinded, the universe has an amazing way of helping us to see again and get back on track (if we learn to listen).  

I'll end this post with something that I have said many times before: Every single person makes a difference, every choice we make is relevant, and every voice is important.

Sometimes the biggest gifts, come in the smallest packages.

Merry Christmas - Peace, Love and Happiness to All.


Have Youself A Merry Little Christmas


Where the Streets Have No Name



Where the Streets Have No Name


States of Polarity
(Standing Still, Moving About, or Both?)




Balance and Perspective



The are no invalid experiences. Every path has the potential to help us grow in the Light, or to wither in the Darkness. If we choose to learn from our experiences (regardless of what they are), then they become part of our knowledge base and they have the potential to lead us towards greater awareness and understanding. On the other hand, if we do not learn from our experiences, then we forfeit that knowledge and they have the potential to lead us towards greater blindness and ignore-ance.


Educated by Nature



Nature speaks to us and teaches us in many different ways.


Source and Separation



Which is better? Hanging out on the edge? Sitting on the Fence? Being Mindful of the Middle. Or Branching Out?





Understanding is not intended to be difficult. The clues are all around us in the natural systems of the earth, in the sun, in the planets and in the universe. It is the noise of the modern world (both literally and figuratively) that hides this understanding from us and creates confusion and complexity, from what once was clarity and simplicity.


Driver's Seat


If we choose to live in our past, then we will likely suffer in the present. However, if we choose to focus on the future, then we will likely suffer in the past (the present moment). If we fail to learn from our past and we are blind to where we are headed in the future, then we will surely suffer in both the present and in the future.

The future is not written in stone. We are the drivers of our own reality. The past is in the rearview mirror. The present is right here beside us (the steering wheel, the gas pedal, the brakes, the turn signals and the headlights). Out the front window is the future. The vehicle travels in the direction that we steer it.

Driver's Seat


Seeing and Understanding


Many ancient megalithic sites were aligned with the brightest objects in the sky because this is where the greatest "Light" was. Regardless of their shape (circular, square, rectangular, pyramidal, etc), the most significant area within these sites was usually located at the center.

The concepts of polarity, alignment and synergy are also central to most aspects of astrology. In other words, different alignments between different elements within the Zodiac produce different levels of Understanding. These same concepts are also the basis of virtually all religions and spiritual traditions (although they are often cloaked in a veil of symbolism).

Interesting Facts Regarding the Alignment of the Great Pyramid (source:

The "gods" (lower g) often hide Knowledge and Awareness from the masses in order to create (or maintain) power and control over them and prevent them from reaching the "Light" of Understanding.

Question: If a person does not subscribe to everything that is in the Bible, does that mean that they must, by default, subscribe to the opposite polarity (Satanism, dark occultism, the "illuminati" or the New Word Order)? Of course not. And if a person chooses not to subscribe to a particular polarity, does that mean that there is no value in that particular polarity, or in the opposite polarity? Of course not.

What it means is that there is light and dark in everything and that life isn't about simply choosing between two manufactured options. It is about discovering (uncovering) a third option which is the search for truth, awareness and understanding (while at the same time doing our best to stay within the framework of true morality…1. Do no harm to yourself  2. Do no harm to others  3. Treat others as though you would like to be treated  4. Do not treat others as though you do not want to be treated).

Nobody is perfect and everybody makes mistakes. The real mistake, however, is not in the blindness or in the mistake itself, but rather it is in the ignorance of our mistakes and the continuation of our blindness.

Each and every day we have a new opportunity to see and understand reality for what it really is and to change the direction that we are headed. Or, alternatively, we can remain as unconscious passengers in a vehicle that is incrementally (increasingly) speeding down the highway out of control.


Love of Two is One



Colours of the Wind


Find Yourself and Find the Others



Find the Others


Two Elevens and Two Eights


Stranger Things


From Stranger Things - Season 2 Episode 7 (The Lost Sister)

What is the significance of 11:8?

Eleven and Eight are related to one another and connected to one another
in a very significant way...kind of like lost members of the same family.





Eleven – a number, a person, a gateway or a concept? Or, is it all of these things?

We have the power to use knowledge, understanding and freewill for either
good or evil, light or dark, or anything in-between.

"They" cannot decide our destination for "us". "We" are in charge of our own
destiny. The only power that "they" have over "us" is if "we" choose to follow "them".

Who are they? And who are we?





A Lion Called Christian


An amazing example of the Power of Love.

A Lion Called Christian


The Right Side Up and the Upside Down
(Bright Stars and Dark Stars)



Stranger Things is a TV series that is based on a black government project called the Montauk Project. And the Montauk Project is thought to be a continuation of an experiment that was carried out by the US Navy called the Philadelphia Experiment.

Think that these things are purely fictional? Maybe. Or, perhaps there is some truth to them and they are just as real as all of the other black projects (illegal acts) that are continually hidden from us under the guise of "National Security".

Could these things be a metaphor for something else? Maybe the true reality is that they are a combination of both the seen (apparent) and the unseen (hidden), and the real and the symbolic.





The light and the dark are not separate from each other. Rather, they are two interconnected components that are part of the whole.

        The light = 50% knowing (and 50% ignorance)

        The darkness = 50% ignorance (and 50% knowing)

        The light + the darkness = 100% Light (knowledge, awareness, understanding and wisdom)

For example, one day is made up of 12 hours of light, and 12 hours of darkness. To be complete, a day must contain both light and dark aspects. If a day were made up of only light, then life on this planet would not be able to properly rest and rejuvenate. If a day were made up of only darkness, then there would be no opportunity for growth. In nature, the healthiest growth occurs when polarities are properly balanced (day/night, summer/winter, hot/cold, etc).

Similarly, the past and the future are not separate from each other. Rather, they are interconnected components belonging to the same timeline.

The "now" does not exist independently from its surroundings. Rather it shares important aspects of the past, the present and the future. In other words, part of "the now" is pre-sent from the past. And part of the now is posted (or sent) to the future. How these different (but interconnected) elements end up being combined together in time is largely up to us.

"If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading" -- Lao Tzu


The Greatest Gift



The greatest gift that you can give to someone else, or give to yourself, is Love and Understanding.

Can Love alone change the world for the better? Or, does Love need to be balanced with Will in order to be most effective? Actually, a little Love does go a long way. However, when Love of Truth, Love of Knowledge, Love of Compassion, Love of Justice, Love of Freedom, Love of Awareness, Love of Understanding, Love of Discernment, Love of Wisdom, Love of Ourselves, Love of Others and Love of Creation is combined with Will, then Love is a true "Force" to be reckoned with.

Love is the Answer


Eleven Eight

(11 : 8 : 1+7=8)


Language is composed of not just words, but also of numbers, images and music.

Understanding is not just literal in nature, but is also derived from allegory, metaphor and analogy.

A body of work need not be 100% correct in order to be useful.

Sometimes the greatest clarity and understanding of what is right, comes from an awareness of what is wrong.

When two become one, one will understand One.


Two Triangles





The Hidden Significance of the Triangle



Within a two-dimensional triangle there are:

1. Three different pairs of polarities (three sides)

2. Three points of unification (three intersections)

3. Three different points of view

In addition, there is also…

One point of True Understanding

3 + 3 + 3 = 9  (Nine = completeness or one)


Within a three-dimensional triangle there exists:

3 x 3 x 3 = 27 = (2+7) = 9 (Nine = completeness or one)


Follow Your Own Path



I pledge my allegiance to:

    1. I belong to Camp A and will defend Camp A because I am a proud member of Camp A (polarity A blind to polarity B).

    2. I belong to Camp B and will defend Camp B because I am a proud member of Camp B (polarity B blind to polarity A).

    3. I belong to neither Camp A nor Camp B because the path towards truth, awareness and understanding is an ongoing journey, not a static destination.

Does the hat you wear, the banner you fly or the group that you belong to really matter? Or is it the underlying principles of that group that matter the most? In other words, when you strip away all of the colors, costumes and flags of a particular group, what is it that remains?

The system that we live in is setup so that we identify with the label (religion, politic, figurehead, philosophy, etc) instead of identifying with the underlying attributes of that label (truth, awareness, understanding, morality, ethics, etc).

An emphasis on labels helps to promote division (and distraction) among members of opposing labels via ongoing quarrels. On the other hand, a focus on true "morality" (as opposed to religious morality) helps to promote awareness and understanding and helps to create a path towards a better world for us all to live in.

Morality = Be yourself and do what makes you happy, and… 

1. Do no harm to yourself  2. Do no harm to others  3. Treat others as though you would like to be treated  4. Do not treat others as though you do not want to be treated.

The Label Machine





Understanding is composed of both Knowledge and Awareness AND Compassion and Empathy.


Religion and Saviors



Have you ever looked at the main symbol of Christianity and thought about what it's real meaning is? Is this a symbol and a sign of freedom? Or is it one of bondage and subjugation?

When I was a kid in Sunday School, I remember asking this question (as well as some other unpopular questions). However, instead of those questions being addressed and answered, I was often sent to the corner of the room for being "disruptive" to the rest of the class. Why is looking for the truth always considered to be so disruptive? Why are "saviors" so popular in religions and politics? How does worship and the idea of saviors affect us as individuals?

A truly benevolent being would never require others to worship them. Nor would they require them to wait for their return in order to be saved. A truly benevolent being would want people to become their own saviors by developing independent awareness and understanding (through personal experience, learning and growth). A truly benevolent being would want this for all people, not just for those that are willing to worship them.

There is a big difference between the concept of worship and the concept of being thankful. On the surface, the difference may appear subtle, however in practice, the difference is actually quite profound.

The difference between a genuine leader and a savior is that one offers you guidance, inspiration and insight, while the other requires you to worship them and give away your power, energy and (free)will to them. There are many heroes, leaders and saviors that exist outside of us. However, we also have our own heroes, leaders and saviors that exist within us.

Give a man a fish, or teach a man to fish? One way helps to create apathy and dependency (and slavery), while the other way helps to create independence (and freedom).

For an expanded discussion on this topic, please see:

The Bending and the Breaking of Will

The Virtues and Sins of Religion


Natural Healing



One of the things that I continually hear from people is how good they feel when they are able to get away from the city and spend some time out in nature. Why do people feel so good when they are hiking through a forest, walking along a beach, or sitting by a waterfall? I imagine that some of this simply has to do with the beauty of these places. In other words, beautiful places help to inspire us and make us feel good inside.

However, there is also another explanation and a deeper meaning behind this phenomena. Those who are sensitive to different states of energy know that every place and every thing has a specific energy signature that is associated with it. Although there are many different forms of energy that exist around us, there are certain portions of these energies…composed of tiny electrically charged particles called positive and negative ions…that can directly (and sometimes profoundly) affect our state of being.

Not everything that is negative is bad. Actually, in this case, it is the negative ions that help to produce positive feelings in us and help to contribute to our physical and mental well being. On the other hand, positive ions tend to produce depression, stress and agitation in us.

Where are negative ions found in abundance? Around nature and water. Where are positive ions found in abundance? In our modern cities and around our modern technology.

Why do people that are on spiritual quests almost always head out into nature to find the answers that they are looking for? Because these natural areas are typically the best place to connect with the natural energies that exist all around us (which are usually suppressed, drowned out or overshadowed by the artificial energies found in modern culture and in congested areas).

Why do people often say that they do their best thinking in the shower? Negative ions.





Synchronicity – refers to the concept of "meaningful coincidences". Synchronicities occur every day in our lives, but how many people actually recognize them when they happen?

The more that we learn to follow our intuitive senses, the more often that synchronicities seem to enter into our lives. In other words, intuition helps us to "see" and "hear" in ways that extend beyond our normal sight and hearing. On the other hand, the more structured, busy, noisy and distracted that our day-to-day lives become, the more that our intuitive senses tend to get suppressed (i.e. drowned out by the "noise" around us) and the less opportunity that we have to recognize synchronicities when they occur.

So what exactly are synchronicities and what is their purpose? I would suggest that they are an attempt to communicate with us. But who or what is trying to communicate with us…the "universe", our "higher selves", "God", other "beings"…or could it be all of these things?

The greatest synchronicities that I've experienced in my life have occurred when I've been out on the road…following the 'signs" along the way, leading me to where I needed to be, but with no particular destination in mind. When you let your intuition guide you in this way, the synchronicities can get pretty wild and trippy at times…to the point that you finally have to come to the conclusion that there is way more to this "reality" than what we currently understand. In my view, it is synchronicities that help us to discover, to see and understand the connections that we all have with each other and with everything that exists around us.



Rules and Rulers



How many rules, rulers, regulations and laws are there in the world today? How many do we really need? How about three?

1) Do no harm to yourself or to others 2) Treat others as though you would like to be treated, and 3) Do not treat others the way that you do not want to be treated.


Machines of the Matrix



What happens when you try to free your mind, become more aware and break free from the Matrix? What happens when you try to share awareness with others so that they may free their own minds and break free from the Matrix?

A white blood cell is an intricate part of the human immune system that reacts to foreign invaders (bacteria, viruses, fungi, etc) by attacking them in order to stop their growth and proliferation. Agents of the Matrix (machines, handlers, gatekeepers, etc) react in a similar way to "foreign invaders" (truth, awareness and understanding) by attacking them in order to stop their growth and proliferation.


The Matrix



The Matrix is perhaps the greatest metaphor ever created to illustrate what is currently happening to the human race…right now. If you haven't seen this movie before, or haven't watched it in a while, check it out, because it is more relevant than ever as we inch closer and closer to the full implementation of the Matrix.

Musicians, artists, writers, film makers, etc will sometimes speak of a creative force that seems to come from outside of themselves as they engage in the creative process. Where does this inspiration and influence come from? Is it trying to communicate something to us on a deeper conscious level?

There is an abundance of esoteric content that exists just below the surface of this film (trilogy). Watch for it. Take some time to contemplate why it is there, how it got there, and what it may be trying to say to us.


Seeing With Eyes Wide Open

(8 : 1+7=8 : 1=7=8)


Which is more healthy? To incrementally acclimate to, adjust to, accept and be happy with a false reality? Or to see reality for what it really is, rebel against it, and to occasionally get depressed by it?

They Live





Knowledge by itself is neither good nor bad. It is how knowledge is used (via freewill) that determines
its true nature and its consequence. Technology is very similar to knowledge in this respect.


Watch Your Language



The key to deciphering language exists in the understanding of polarity. Language has both a literal meaning and a symbolic meaning. To only see one half of the polarity (literal meaning), is to be "one eye blind". The symbolic, metaphoric and allegorical meanings of language actually extend into many layers beyond the literal meaning. It is here that knowledge can be transmuted into awareness and understanding. When awareness and understanding become known, everything begins to flow. Doors begin to open and the mind is freed, so that consciousness can expand.





Many times people mean well. Other times they are just trying to preserve their own comfortable state of reality (illusion). However, one thing is for sure, if we live our lives by the choices that others make for us, then will miss out on the choices that we make for ourselves.


Another Paradox?



Another Paradox? A true proponent of Peace understands that lasting Love and Peace can only be obtained through Awareness (seeing both the light and the dark) and through Understanding (knowledge combined with compassion/empathy)…Inner and Outer, and Above and Below.

I am neither a proponent of violence, nor am I proponent of passivity. I am a proponent of rightful action.

The Art of Alchemy - Transmuting the Darkness Into Light


The Other Side of Silence



When we spend too much time living and working in noisy places that drown out our
consciousness, what we usually end up with is a state of unconsciousness.





A paradox is a statement that is seemingly contradictory or
opposed to common sense, and yet is perhaps true.

Journey of Awakening - The Spiritual Gatekeepers


The Adjustment Bureau



Do we control our own destiny, or do unseen forces manipulate us?
Is there such a thing as freewill, or is everything preordained?

The Adjustment Bureau


The Human Hamster



If you want to keep a society blind, keep them so busy and so distracted that they
never have the time, or the opportunity, to learn how to see.

Welcome to the Machine - Mechanisms of the Matrix





Lack of communication…leads to miscommunication…which leads to misunderstandings…which leads to division. When people have differences or *perceive* there to be differences between themselves and they cannot learn to communicate with each other in a healthy manner to address and resolve those differences, then we end up the division that we see in the world today.

Sometimes that division can lead to friendships and relationships lost. Sometimes it can lead to racial or other tensions between people. And sometimes it can lead to wars. What if two people, born in two different countries…one in America and one in North Korea…were not subjected to a lifetime of propaganda by their respective countries, but instead grew up free from it? Would those people still consider themselves to be enemies? In other words, if no one told them they were enemies, would they still know it? I would suggest not. In fact, I would bet if they sat down and had a meal and a few beers together they would most likely end up becoming friends.

So much of the division that occurs in this world is actually manufactured (i.e. it is programmed into us). Most of it has absolutely nothing to do with real differences. We are not all that different from each other. In fact, we are deeply connected in ways that most people don't realize.

Division is good for the power structure because it keeps the people divided and looking in the wrong direction. Wars are good for the power structure because they are enormously profitable for them (and because they lead to more power). When will we, the people, learn that we are all connected and that the power is in the people…in all of us…not in the power structure or the divisions that they create (or the ones that we allow to be created for us)? What if the power structure declared a war, but nobody showed up for it?



A complete index of all segments in this series
can be found here:

Journey of Awakening - The Spiritual Gatekeepers


The most recent posts in this series
can be found here:

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